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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Believing is Seeing

    Experience is made before the law is formulated, both are related like cause and effect. So long as we are clearly conscious of the expectation
    Nikola Tesla
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • info transfer: from

      Originally posted by willy96 View Post
      it is neat in nature the angles amythisit crystals are formed !!


      I do Agree, Amethist has a special something...especially if associates with copper (see Russel's Table )

      Amethyst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz (SiO2), containing an impurity of iron, which gives the violet color to the mineral.[1] The hardness of the mineral is the same as quartz's, thus it is suitable for use in jewelry.

      and according to ancient wisdom

      Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.
      Wisdom Stone

      The amethyst is known as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops. The amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius.
      Healing properties of Amethyst

      Amethyst is a gemstone often worn by healers, as it has the power to focus energy. A healer will usually wear several pieces of jewelry with amethysts set in silver, especially an amethyst necklace. The person to be healed will have an Amethyst to hold while the healing is being done. The healer will place another piece of Amethyst on the area of the body in need of healing, the heart or lungs usually.

      Amethyst is used for problems in the blood and in breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive.

      Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts placed in a window that receives sun most of the day are very beneficial to use in healing and to heal negativity in the home. Place Amethyst clusters, points or several tumbled Amethysts in moonlight and everyone in the home will be feeling calmer. Using an Amethyst as a meditation focus will increase the positive spiritual feelings. Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings. It also helps relieve headaches.

      one more for the road

      Copper mineral inclusions are called "rutilated quartz" or "sagenite", popularly known as Venus-hair stone.

      Rutilated quartz, is a type of quartz with needlelike rutile (a titanium dioxide mineral), embedded in it. The rutile needles can be reddish, which is what rutile means in Latin, or they may be golden, silvery, or on very rare occasions, greenish.

      Rutilated quartz is reputed to be an energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Intuitive sources say that it assists with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships. Rutilated quartz said to be particularly effective for getting things moving energetically. It can help slowed chakras return to normal spin and balance.

      Emotionally, rutilated quartz is said to be very helpful in uncovering the causes of mental issues and hang-ups. It is reputed diminishes fears and be excellent at assisting with decision-making processes. It is said that it can also ease loneliness and relieve guilt thereby bringing happiness happiness. It is used metaphysically to help one get out of a rut with their life as well as for stabilizing emotionals and mental processes, clarifying thought patterns and emotional reactions. Rutilated quartz is also said to increase one's self-reliance and ability to find one's own way.

      In the psychic and spiritual realms, rutilated quartz is used for meditation, spiritual communications, and dream work. It is particularly good for seeking higher spiritual experiences and meditation on feminine ideas. Rutilated quartz is also used metaphysically to deflect negative energies and unwanted energetic, psychic, and magickal interferences.

      Physically, rutilated quartz is said to be beneficial for food disorders, the immune system, regeneration of tissue, fatigue, depression, respiratory illness, stability of all physical systems and general health, and absorption of nutrients from food. It is also reputed by intuitive sources to be helpful for getting energy moving in meridians and areas where the physical energy is sluggish. Rutiliated quartz is also a mystical crystal "diagnostic tool" which can help discover the true cause of an ailment.

      Rutilated quartz is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and is sometimes considered a link between the root and crown chakras.
      I bet you if you follow Walter Russell's Table...using quartz (ie you ) as the base and looking at each element impurities present in quartz and find a relation to Russell's Table

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Just in case you forgot, most of All your electronic devices have quartz in them
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Pure Speculation:

          I wonder what would happen if a Rutilated quartz (copper ) was associated to an Amethyst (iron ) in a yin yang fashion and put under high pulse frequency

          Where does the Chinese Yin Yang symbol come from?

          Sometimes it's called Tai-Chi symbol. The Tai-Chi is from I-Ching. The I-Ching is the greatest foundation of Chinese philosophy. It�s development is from the natural phenomena of our universe. Because I-Ching comes from nature, it should be easy.

          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

          The light color area which indicates more sunlight is called Yang (Sun). The dark color area has less sunlight (more moonlight) and is called Yin (Moon). Yang is like man. Yin is like woman. Yang wouldn't grow without Yin. Yin couldn't give birth without Yang. Yin is born (begins) at Summer Solstice and Yang is born (begins) at Winter Solstice. Therefore one little circle Yin is marked on the Summer Solstice position. Another little circle Yang is marked on the Winter Solstice position. These two little circles look like two fish eyes.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-18-2011, 05:06 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • a little re post to get the point across

            Rules of Harmonics (or if you prefer Principle of Correspondence
            The mathematics of the grid can be called harmonic math, as the entire system is harmonic in nature. The rules to understanding this harmonic system are as follows:

            1. Zeros to the left or right of the decimal point are insignificant.
            2. The system is based on 6 and 10.

            Looking at some examples for each of these rules will illustrate their significance.

            1. Zeros to the left or right of the decimal point are insignificant.

            Example: 144000 nautical miles/grid sec is the maximum speed of light at the equator. Examining 144000, we find the following:

            144000 is harmonically equivalent to 144, 14.4, 1.44, and .000144.

            144 x 1000 = 144000
            14.4 x 10 = 144
            1.44 x 10 = 14.4
            .000144 x 10000 = 1.44

            Example: Let's examine the coordinate 14.4 N, 144 W.
            Both the latitude and longitude are harmonically
            equal to the speed of light 144000.
            14.4 N) 14.4 x 10000 = 144000
            144 W) 144 x 1000 = 144000
            2. The system is based on 6 and 10.

            Example: Let's examine the coordinate 86.4 S, 2.4 E.

            Again both the latitude and longitude are
            harmonically equal to the speed of light 144000.
            86.4 S) 86.4/6 = 14.4, and 14.4 x 10000 = 144000
            2.4 E) 2.4 x 6 = 14.4, and 14.4 x 10000 = 144000

            These examples were chosen for their simplicity. Usually the analysis of a coordinate is not as straightforward.

            ------------- other example posted earlier:

            Principle of correspondence

            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            and probably that is why Tesla used to weight his coils too, it is much easier than finding 5.914441183 feet

            look what i found you too are related to Light speed

            As the concentration of NaCl was increased further in the TIRFM assay the Rad51 filaments shortened more rapidly, with a measured rate of 21.12 ± 7.34 nm/s at 500 mM NaCl.More importantly, at this higher concentration of salt the DNA returned to near its original length with a final measured value of 5.91 ± 1.02 μm, indicating complete dissociation of Rad51.

            side note: from this post:

            Edgar Cayce often recommended animated ash and ultra-violet light therapy for persons suffering from cancer. The readings stated that the animated ash would increase the oxygen in the body and assist the immune system in fighting the cancer.
            "All matter is crystalic in nature" -- W.Russell.
            The qualities of a high-temperature superconductor — a compound in which electrons obey the spooky laws of quantum physics, and flow in perfect synchrony, without friction — appear linked to the fractal arrangements of seemingly random oxygen atoms....
            ...Those atoms weren’t thought to matter, especially not in relation to the behavior of individual electrons, which exist at a scale thousands of times smaller. The findings, published Aug. 12 in Nature, are a physics equivalent of discovering a link between two utterly separate dimensions.


            Principle of correspondence:

            Originally posted by clueless View Post
            That from a 2002 article. Unlike so many other promising breakthroughs this is one that has been widely implemented.
            To further quote from the article: "The innovation, called Fractal Structure Circuit(TM) (FSC), uses fractalized conductor paths to replace the capacitors, inductors, and resistors in "RLC" circuits."
            And another quote: ""Virtually every electronic device uses coils and capacitors to form RLC circuits. These discrete components are arranged by tried and true rules to get the circuit to perform as needed. What we've done is ask: can a fractal pattern, with its self-capacitance and self-inductance, be used to eliminate components and still get the equivalent RLC circuit? We've found that the answer is yes; and in most uses, especially at microwave frequencies, all components can be replaced by conductive fractal patterns or 3D structures."
            And one more blurb from that article: " Looking at the Fractal Structured Circuit(TM) one sees, for example, a beautiful etched copper pattern replacing the usual traces connecting button or canned shaped capacitors and coils (or their SMT counterparts). "
            Here is the link to that article.
            Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.
            Apparently it is in wide use in cell phones, their antennas and some microwave circuits.
            People are making homemade fractal HD antennas using coat hangers as one instance of using a common material.
            I think this feature; fractuals should be used in some builds to take advantage of a wideband of frequencies and resonance. Maybe it will be useful in the Muller/Romerouk build.
            For those that be interested google fractal circuits and fractal antennas.
            I do not have the resources/space/knowledge to do any builds at the moment but I am curious enough to verify if a HD antenna can be made simply using fractals and common materials.
            Any way something to consider.
            -RG signing off
            in other words:

            Fractal Structure Circuit = R L C circuit (works both ways )

            Let's not forget

            fractal property of nature

            Patterns of Visual Math - Fractals in Nature

            Fractal in Human Body

            Applications of Fractals - Human Body

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from: Q's about WATER

              What happens is that as you change, you become more finely tuned. You become a more sensitive instrument. Do you understand? And so it shows you that before what was around you -- you were so dense that it would hit you and effect you and keep you in a more lowly vibration, and you were not even aware of it. Now as you become clear as you change your diet especially as you drink more purified water, because water acts as a conductor of electricity in the body, also as a purifier, everything begins to alter. [pleaidian book -page 24]
              I seem to meet these intelligences (pleaidian see also posts on Fulcanelli ) quite a bit in our research

              from the link provided in the ref post:

              This reminds me of what the Cassiopaeans had once said about transitioning to 4th density:
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-18-2011, 10:30 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • found this here: Messiah in the Torah – Genesis 1:6-8 « Little Guy in the Eye

                It’s all based on frequencies… Everything in the universe is based on math. Language is math because sound is electromagnetic frequencies which is math. Language and sounds are heard because they vibrate at certain rates called Hertz frequencies, or cycles per second. Your brain perceives these energized vibrations and interprets the messages according to your programming or neurology and memory circuits formed from life experiences Letters=numbers=sounds=colors=shapes
                Note: Purple corresponds to 540 hz 5 + 4 = 9

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-18-2011, 11:40 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • sorry i could not help it

                  Southern Cross with lyrics - Crosby, Stills, and Nash - YouTube

                  Got out of town on a boat
                  Goin' to Southern islands.
                  Sailing a reach
                  Before a followin' sea.
                  She was makin' for the trades
                  On the outside,
                  And the downhill run
                  To Papeete.
                  Off the wind on this heading
                  Lie the Marquesas.
                  We got eighty feet of the waterline.
                  Nicely making way.
                  In a noisy bar in Avalon
                  I tried to call you.
                  But on a midnight watch I realized
                  Why twice you ran away.
                  Think about how many times
                  I have fallen
                  Spirits are using me
                  larger voices callin'.

                  What heaven brought you and me
                  Cannot be forgotten.
                  I have been around the world,
                  Lookin' for that woman/girl,
                  Who knows love can endure.
                  And you know it will.
                  And you know it will.

                  When you see the Southern Cross
                  For the first time
                  You understand now
                  Why you came this way
                  'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from
                  Is so small.
                  But it's as big as the promise
                  The promise of a comin' day.

                  So I'm sailing for tomorrow
                  My dreams are a dyin'.
                  And my love is an anchor tied to you
                  Tied with a silver chain.
                  I have my ship
                  And all her flags are a flyin'
                  She is all that I have left
                  And music is her name.
                  Think about how many times
                  I have fallen
                  Spirits are using me
                  larger voices callin'.
                  What heaven brought you and me
                  Cannot be forgotten.

                  I have been around the world,
                  Lookin' for that woma/girl,
                  Who knows love can endure.
                  And you know it will.
                  And you know it will.
                  So we cheated and we lied
                  And we tested
                  And we never failed to fail
                  It was the easiest thing to do.
                  You will survive being bested.

                  Somebody fine
                  Will come along
                  Make me forget about loving you.
                  At the Southern Cross.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-19-2011, 01:17 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Have you ever wondered why early 1900's was the electric revolution and then the in the 60's and 70's the Electric Guitar Revolution...New styles of music were born during that period...most of our modern best groups debuted in that period...think Pink Floyd...Deep Purple...Rolling Stones...Beatles etc....and these are her Spells

                    This important point, where the elements and the principles of the highest knowledge are
                    concentrated, could not be search nor encountered in life, as life is within is, as it radiates
                    around us,
                    as it is familiar to us and as it suffices to know how to observe it in order to
                    grasp its different manifestations
                    . It is in death that we can recognize it, in this invisible
                    domain of pure spirituality, where the soul, liberated from its bonds, takes refuge at the
                    end of its earthy stay; it is in nothingness, this mysterious nothing which contains
                    everything, the absence where all presence reigns, that it is proper to search for the
                    causes, the multiple effects which life is showing us....Fulcanelli

                    Correction: I forgot the Master....Jimmy Hendrix

                    Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze - YouTube

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-19-2011, 01:04 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • and of course Led Zeppelin

                      Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven - YouTube

                      There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
                      And she's buying a stairway to heaven

                      (And) when she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed
                      With a word she can get what she came for

                      Ooh ooh ooh...ooh...ooh ooh ooh
                      And she's buying a stairway to heaven

                      There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
                      'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
                      In the tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings
                      Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven

                      Oooh...It makes me wonder
                      Oooh...It makes me wonder

                      There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
                      And my spirit is crying for leaving
                      In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
                      And the voices of those who stand looking

                      Oooh...It makes me wonder
                      Oooh...And it makes me wonder

                      And it's whispered that soon, if we all called the tune
                      Then the piper will lead us to reason
                      And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
                      And the forest will echo with laughter

                      Woe woe woe woe woe oh
                      If there's a bustle in your hedgerow
                      Don't be alarmed now
                      It's just a spring clean for the May Queen
                      Yes there are two paths you can go by
                      but in the long run
                      There's still time to change the road you're on

                      And it makes me wonder...ohhh ooh woe

                      Your head is humming and it won't go -- in case you don´t know
                      The piper's calling you to join him
                      Dear lady can you hear the wind blow and did you know
                      Your stairway lies on the whispering wind

                      And as we wind on down the road
                      Our shadows taller than our souls
                      There walks a lady we all know

                      Who shines white light and wants to show
                      How everything still turns to gold
                      And if you listen very hard
                      The tune will come to you at last
                      When all are one and one is all,
                      To be a rock and not to roll

                      And she's buying a stairway to heaven
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-19-2011, 01:15 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Meet Ishtar

                        And as we wind on down the road
                        Our shadows taller than our souls
                        There walks a lady we all know

                        Who shines white light and wants to show
                        How everything still turns to gold
                        And if you listen very hard
                        The tune will come to you at last
                        When all are one and one is all,
                        To be a rock and not to roll
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-19-2011, 01:18 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • found the following here: leyman

                          Scientific and Paranormal properties of energy

                          The dowsing brain is sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Passing through these fields with increasing speed increases the voltage in the brain from around 4microvolts @ 1m/sec to 400microvolts @8m/sec.
                          Rotating the head also causes a similar increase in voltages. Are increases in voltages associated with altered states of consciousness?
                          Welsh folklore has it that cup marks and petroglyphs hold the key to all knowledge of the arts and sciences of the ancient world. See also the book “Lost Arts and Sciences of the Stone Age”
                          Apollonius Rhodius (Greek poet) said: “Stones placed at the apex of a tumulus are so sensitive as to be movable by the mind.”
                          Telluric energy may be capable of splitting stones, or causing weaknesses in stone to be exposed to weathering, thus creating unusual gaps along the paths of straight leys.
                          Up until the 1950s it was common for Glasgow women to draw “step charms” in chalk on their doorsteps. These were intricate patterns of sacred gemoetrical shapes. The idea was to give whoever stopped over them the benefits of their benevolent energies. In India they are called “kolams“.
                          Kiva, or magnetic chambers, used by the Native Americans for the purpose of transformation of consciousness. Souterrains like Bryn Celli Ddu, or Lligwy chamber, serve this purpose too. (Confirmed)
                          Chladni patterns produced by sound vibrations shaping sand on a smooth surface – are these designs the format of crop circle designs? Does that mean that crop circles are produced by energy at differing frequencies?
                          Crop circles could form ever more complex patterns through the input of ever stronger electromagnetic forces, producing a pattern much like when sand on a flat plate is vibrated at higher and higher frequencies.
                          Margaret Watts-Hughes used her voice to create patterns (lycopodium grains, sand, powder and a ‘singing tube’) – they are called Eidophone Voice Figures. This was simply done using a pipe with some rubber stretched across the ‘trumpet’ or bowl section. The power and sand are mixed with some water and spread across the membrane. Gentle tonal singing through the tube then produces patterns.

                          Healing with Energy
                          There is an ancient tradition of burying silver bells to ward off malignant energies. As the bell shape is concave it deflects bad earth energies.
                          Lines from a stone can pick up healthy negative IONS by following a stream or river (especially a lively one).
                          Energy lines that follow a stream or river can be attracted and directed around houses to form a shield against unhealthy energies in the area.
                          Drilling a hole in a stone (The Cheesewring, Cornwall, for example) causes it to emit a form of energy that is traditionally associated with healing.
                          Healthy energy waves can pass through glass / (or quartz ), but unhealthy waves cannot, and avoid or go around the glass obstacle.
                          Confirms that electricity pylons attract and act as a conduit or carrier for both healthy and unhealthy energies.
                          Putting a mirror or glass (glass is the key) beneath a bed will deflect harmful energy lines (‘black lines’) and aid a restful sleep.
                          T.C.Lethbridge believed that waterfalls, spring and streams were places where humans could interact best with the natural force field, as they generate negative (good) ions. They certainly have the power to enervate the human spirit.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-19-2011, 11:19 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • The dowsing brain is sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Passing through these fields with increasing speed increases the voltage in the brain from around 4microvolts @ 1m/sec to 400microvolts @8m/sec.
                            so if you have a Dowsing should feel it...she's coming...or if you prefer...look at Shams the next few days

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • From the Secret of Ancient Magic can find it online (full of very interesting infos from the ancien Alchemist...I don't get too hung up on the spells; i look at it as an info ) :

                              The Queen of Heaven and Goddess of Love has for
                              a religious icon a flower and a star. According to
                              mythological renditions, the planet Venus is one
                              of Her symbols and so is the number seven. Seven
                              is the number of primary planets used in ancient
                              Chaldean Magian magic. The Rose of the Life has
                              forty-nine petals or seven by seven. It is no surprise, then, that one of
                              most guarded secrets of ancient magic and names of power deals with
                              the planetary spheres. The seven planetary spheres constitute one of
                              the main pillars of ancient astrology and are used in magical ritual
                              work through history and central to Hermetic correspondences
                              These spheres represent the lenses by which Light fl ows into our
                              lives and shapes many aspects of both our personality and options.
                              Due to its direct infl uence on our personality and circumstances,
                              transformational life magic is the magic of the celestial planets. Celestial
                              magic isn’ t separated from Divine magic, but is one of the layers
                              of its manifestation.

                              The seven ancient planets are not all planets, by modern astronomical
                              defi nition, as they include among them the Sun and Moon.
                              The Arabic word for a planet is Kawkab, which is very similar to the
                              Hebrew word Kokab or Star. The word Kawkab was also used in medieval
                              and ancient Arabic astrological writing when referring to stars.
                              It seems that the ancients viewed these planets and stars simply as
                              heavenly bodies; some were thought of as moving fast and others very
                              slowly. The seven primary stellar bodies or planets are Saturn, Jupiter,
                              Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. This order is known
                              as the Chaldean order. The ancients viewed each planet as alive and
                              emanating a sentient spiritual essence or rouhaniah endowed in it by

                              the Flower

                              The Star

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-20-2011, 03:24 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
                                For now, I can show -- tomorrow I would like to prod a little bit about this recipe MM.

                                the iron wire:

                                Silicon dioxide:

                                Black tourmaline



                                I hope to clairify the purpose of assembly tomorrow.
                                NOW you have the 7 planets.....don't forget water and posted pics of five planets
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

