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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • BTw:

    Loud music makes alcohol taste sweeter: studyΒ* - NY Daily News

    According to a British study out of the University of Portsmouth announced Thursday, the volume of music and noise in a drinking environment could alter the taste of alcohol and have a significant impact on consumption.

    In the study, about 80 participants were asked to rate a selection of drinks on the basis of alcohol strength, sweetness and bitterness while subjected to different distractions, including music, listening and repeating a news story, both, or silence.

    The study found that drinks were rated significantly sweeter overall when participants were listening to music alone
    . And when they were exposed to the maximum level of distraction -- music and shadowing the news story -- subjects were less able to detect alcohol strength as the din of noise appeared to impair their judgement.

    “Since humans have an innate preference for sweetness, these findings offer a plausible explanation as to why people consume more alcohol in noisy environments,” said lead researcher and psychologist Lorenzo Stafford in a statement.
    Meanwhile, a study published this fall in the British Journal of Psychology also found that music can influence how wine tastes.

    ps: drink moderately or not at all ....walk the middle path....personally not a fan of loud and crowded places ...too many waves.... (but i like my drink once in a while )
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-21-2011, 06:35 PM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • music makes life taste sweeter.... Principle of Correspondence
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Do you guys know of Voynich manuscript - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        The Voynich manuscript, described as "the world's most mysterious manuscript",[3] is a work which dates to the early 15th century, possibly from northern Italy.[1][2] It is named after the book dealer Wilfrid Voynich, who purchased it in 1912.

        Some pages are missing, but the current version comprises about 240 vellum pages, most with illustrations. Much of the manuscript resembles herbal manuscripts of the time period, seeming to present illustrations and information about plants and their possible uses for medical purposes. However, most of the plants do not match known species, and the manuscript's script and language remain unknown and unreadable. Possibly some form of encrypted ciphertext, the Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional and amateur cryptographers, including American and British codebreakers from both World War I and World War II. As yet, it has defied all decipherment attempts, becoming a cause cιlθbre of historical cryptology. The mystery surrounding it has excited the popular imagination, making the manuscript a subject of both fanciful theories and novels. None of the many speculative solutions proposed over the last hundred years has yet been independently verified
        This book kept popping up in my line of sight for the past few days...just had a look at a few you recognize this

        Note the shape of the crystals (Vogel Cut ) in the following pic

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-21-2011, 11:57 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • and the following is a comparison between a page of the manuscript and :

          from: Voynich Manuscript: was the author left-handed?

          btw: I hope you realize that Da Vinci already knew what we are discovering every day ...which also makes him an Alchemist...Same as Fulcanelli...and probably went through the same Transformation / Transmutation

          from: The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man - The Fulcanelli Phenomenon by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

          One friend of Canseliet, who wished to remain anonymous, said that this meeting was "in another dimension... a point where such meetings are possible." The story was that Canseliet "received a summons," of some sort; perhaps telepathic, and traveled to Seville where he was met and taken by a long, roundabout route, to a large mountain chateau which proved to be an enclave of alchemists - a colony! He said that Fulcanelli appeared to have undergone a curious form of transformation so that he had characteristics of both male and female - he was androgynous. At one point, Canseliet said, Fulcanelli actually had the complete characteristics of a woman. Some of the more obscure alchemical literature does point to this androgyny. The adept going through the transformation supposedly loses all hair, teeth and nails and grows new ones. The skin becomes younger, smoother and the face takes on asexual characteristics.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-22-2011, 12:35 AM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Look left and right of the'll see the seven principles at play

            from: Starship Asterisk* • View topic - APOD: The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript (2010 Jan 31)

            The presence of many women in the pictures of the manuscript looks also as alchimical: for alchimists, women are symbol of the nature ability to generate the fifth element = life. Here's an exemple of typical alchemy manuscript style :

            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Btw: just in case you are wondering never had any direct contact that i can recall with a UFO or PLEIADIANS/ Cassiopaeans....I am merely in the process of polarisation through knowledge

              That does not mean I don't believe...I do even more today than before
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Another interesting info which correlates to " Secret Of Alchemy Cross of Hendaye"

                from: Wayne Herschel - Author - The Hidden Records of star maps showing human star visitor origins, Tikal, Mars, Orion Pleiades Pyramid star map - Metal book codices Jordan

                In deep meditation he kept running through all his clues but then he suddenly realised something obvious.

                In all the depictions of Christ, the sacred cross behind his head is more often inscribed with odd star like patterns and more often depicted as a solid gold plate. He realised the origin of the word Grail originally included chalice or plate. The name probably had dual representation of both lineage and either an eating or drinking vessel.

                Here was the breakthrough… the disc behind The Christ was depicted in this way exactly like the Sun disc of Egyptian tradition where Wayne had found that the Sun–disc also had dual meaning representing either Sun/Sun-like star and a disc of the ‘gods’ that flies.

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-22-2011, 01:19 AM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  and the following is a comparison between a page of the manuscript and :

                  from: Voynich Manuscript: was the author left-handed?

                  btw: I hope you realize that Da Vinci already knew what we are discovering every day ...which also makes him an Alchemist...Same as Fulcanelli...and probably went through the same Transformation / Transmutation

                  from: The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man - The Fulcanelli Phenomenon by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

                  Note the right hand ...three fingers in the light and the left hand four fingers in the light

                  7 fingers in the light ...7 for the 7 Principles

                  zoom on the pattern of the Dress....what do you see
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-22-2011, 01:16 AM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Cherokee Prophecies - Crystalinks

                    Cherokee Prophecies

                    Cherokee Star Constellation - Prophecy of the Rattlesnake

                    The Stars above and its configurations hold TIME UNTIME within its grasp upon all life. As all cultures sustain a Zodiac system written upon Time Untime so also the Chickamaugan Cherokee of the Americas hold also an Ancient Zodiac of the heavens.

                    Within the Zodiac of the Heavens of the Chickamauga Cherokee are etched Ancient designs written upon and within the lines of seeing. The Cherokee Zodiac is alive and moves and spins upon the rings of TIME UNTIME. As the main outline remains its hold and is stationed in the sky of stars its movement within that frozen outline does indeed change with the movements of the other elements. Elements within the rotations planets, stars, and bodies of the heavens. As other cultures station their Zodiac as a permanent fixture the Cherokee Zodiac morphs or changes and becomes as if ALIVE. Always Alive, breaths, lives, and takes upon each constellation its own deeming of things, Time, Untime, and among those things, Prophecy.

                    The Constellations of the Chickamaugan Cherokee are 13 fold which contain the characterizations of mainly animals. Among the many design configurations seen written upon the stars are the designs of animals, objects, and many other elements of TIME UNTIME. The figures of the sky are totally different from other cultures of the Zodiac except for a rare few which seem to be similar. The only one which seems to relative to similarity is found within the Cherokee Constellation Scorpion and Snake and this in relation to others as Scorpio and Serpent.

                    This is the story of only one of those constellations. This is of the Cherokee Constellation Rattlesnake. And within this one Constellation is found a PROPHECY. Within the Rattlesnake of the Heavens is found TIME UNTIME foretold since the dawn of TIME.

                    In the sky is found the figure of a Snake. And upon this snake it is the outline of a Rattlesnake. Sometimes the Serpent and the Rattlesnake take on its bearing of one or the other but the Snake of the Rattlesnake is ITS design.

                    The Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation is not like other cultures of the world. The Cherokee Rattlesnake in the Heavens has a head and winds itself back and forth with its body as in sidewinding itself to its tail. The boundary of the Rattlesnake is unlike the boundaries of other Zodiac cultures. In the Heavens the Pleiades Star System is found as the tip of the Rattlesnake tail.

                    The Rattlesnake of the Cherokee is very sacred and its sacredness is written even in the Heavens. Upon the mouth of the Rattlesnake is found 52 scales. These scales in number of 52 is written upon the Calendar of the Cherokee and upon the wheels and rings of TIME UNTIME. The Calendar of the Cherokee spins upon wheels and rings as a sophisticated dating system. A dating system that not only tells TIME of events, people, places, and things but also a very holy and sacred element within the Cherokee culture itself of ALL THINGS.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • thank you for your input...but i'm not sure it belongs here
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                        Spiral wave?
                        Kind of....

                        how about i show you


                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Alexander - Truth - YouTube

                          The truth is that I never shook my shadow
                          Every day it's trying to trick me into doing battle
                          Calling out "faker" only get me rattled
                          Want to pull me back behind the fence with the cattle
                          Building your lenses
                          Digging your trenches
                          Put me on the front line
                          Leave me with a dumb mind
                          With no defenses

                          But your defense is
                          If you can't stand to feel the pain then you are senseless

                          Since this
                          I've grown up some
                          Different kind of fighter
                          And when the darkness comes, let it inside you
                          And your darkness is shining
                          My darkness is shining
                          Have faith in myself

                          I've seen a million numbered doors on the horizon
                          Now which is the future you're choosing before you gone dyin'?
                          I'll tell you about a secret I've been undermining
                          Every little lie in this world comes from dividing
                          Say you're my lover, say you're my own homie,
                          Tilt my chin back, slit my throat, take a bath in my blood, get to know me
                          All out of my secrets
                          All my enemies are turning into my teachers.
                          Because, lights blinding, no way dividing what's yours or mine
                          When everything's shining
                          You darkness is shining
                          My darkness is shining
                          Have faith in ourselves

                          Yes I'm only loving only trying to only love.
                          Yes I'm only lonely loving trying to only love and feeling lonely only loving.
                          Yes I'm only loving only trying to only love.
                          Yes I'm only lonely loving trying to only love and feeling lonely only loving.
                          Swear to God I'm only loving, you say it ain't loving ain't loving ain't loving my loving
                          But I'm only loving only loving swear to God I'm only loving
                          Only loving only loving only loving only loving
                          I'm only loving only trying to only love
                          You say it ain't loving ain't loving ain't loving my loving
                          But I'm only loving only loving only loving only loving the truth.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                            and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                            I am in the house of mercy,
                            and my heart is a place of prayer.


                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-22-2011, 01:19 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Have you also noticed the following from the painting:

                              the double helix DNA
                              is also a Caduceus Coil

                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Love it when science works for us

                                Landmark discovery has magnetic appeal for scientists

                                A fundamental problem that has puzzled generations of scientists has finally been solved after more than 70 years. An international team of scientists has discovered a subtle electronic effect in magnetite – the most magnetic of all naturally occurring minerals – causes a dramatic change to how this material conducts electricity at very low temperatures.

                                to your casseroles,
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

