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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by BBX View Post

    Good Reading you BBX

    Narayana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Narayana (Sanskrit: नारायण) is a Vedic Supreme God[1][2] (including his different avataras) in Hinduism religion, venerated as the Supreme Being in the Vaishnavism. He is also known as Vishnu or Hari and is venerated as Purushottama or Supreme Purusha in all of Hindu Vedic sacred texts like Bhagavad Gita[3], Vedas and Puranas.

    Narayana is the name of the Supreme God in his infinite all pervading form. He is the Supreme Purusha of Purusha Suktam. The Puranas present a seemingly divergent, but accurate (as an Enlightened Supreme Being) description of Narayana. The fifth verse of the Narayana Sukta, a hymn in Yajurveda, states that Narayana pervades whatever is seen or heard in this universe from inside and outside alike.
    check out the article some numbers are mentioned .... you might find interesting :

    Wyrd Nine

    thank you for the info
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • what do we know about flowers and bees :

      Bees guided by Flowers’ Electric Fields | Eartheasy Blog

      now add the following :

      IEEE Xplore - Effects of the static magnetic field on stem cells in the vicinity of a 1 Tesla MRI system


      The aim of this preliminary study is to establish a correlation between behavioral aspects of pluripotent stem cells and minimal exposure conditions to static magnetic field generated from a 1 Tesla MRI system of the medical operating staff (occupational exposure). To achieve this goal, cell cultures were placed in spatial positions of interest in the vicinity of the magnet according to the spatial positions of operating staff during the routine scanning activity. Static magnetic field strength and temperature were measured at these positions. The morphological changes, viability and proliferation of the stem cell cultures were investigated following exposure to the magnetic field in the study points. The study shows that there were some changes in these parameters, mainly the proliferation being greater in the static magnetic field around the magnet.
      talking about MONSANTO's GMO : : what happens to a Plant's electric field when you insert some funky DNA into it


      Neural stem cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Neural stem cells (NSCs) are self-renewing, multipotent cells that generate the main phenotypes of the nervous system. Stem cells are characterized by their capability to differentiate into multiple cell types via exogenous stimuli from their environment.[1] They undergo symmetric cell division into two daughter cells, one non-specialized and one specialized. NSCs primarily differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.[2]
      Exogeny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Exogenous (from the Greek words "exo" and "gignomi", meaning "outside" and "to come to be") refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of endogenous, something generated from within the system.

      see also epigenetics :

      don't be too surprised when you hear about the crazy going on around some particular places

      as around you so is within you ( or if you prefer as within so without and vice versa )

      there is some truth to the popular expression about men :

      thinking with their Penises ..... more precisely thoughts get filtered through each chakra

      like 7 prisms ..... the majority uses the Prism in between their legs .... ie the dam , Dr Reich mentions or the Bible with the flood ..... known as a flood of violent thoughts

      you should thank ORGONE for that Prism

      hence the expression : going BERSERK

      actually the true BERSERKER makes ORGONE his shield ..... also Applicable to a Shield Maiden

      ponder on that ..... .... try not to believe too much of what is portrayed on TV .... find the half truth that resonates with you
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 12:38 AM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • what Key would fit?...nice spot to dance...


        In many Sufi sects, the mithrab has the geometric pattern of the Tree of Life, without Malkuth, inscribed in its niche. This is usually coupled with the Light Verse from the Qu'ran - Sura 24, verse 35. To the Sufis, this verse exemplifies the very idea of illumination. Idries Shah called the verse "the essence of Sufism," and goes on to suggests that it "conceals the nature of the cognition of the extra dimensions of the human consciousness which comes beyond the intellect."

        Reading the Green Language of Light - Vincent Bridges


        • red wood tree

          In many Sufi sects, the mithrab has the geometric pattern of the Tree of Life, without Malkuth, inscribed in its niche. This is usually coupled with the Light Verse from the Qu'ran - Sura 24, verse 35. To the Sufis, this verse exemplifies the very idea of illumination. Idries Shah called the verse "the essence of Sufism," and goes on to suggests that it "conceals the nature of the cognition of the extra dimensions of the human consciousness which comes beyond the intellect."
          Nature ..... what a wonder

          know this .... never loose sight of nature ..... we have delved too long over rocks ( and how geometric they are ) and lost sight of nature .... it is just returning now ( the sight that is ) .... think of the Modern term BIOMIMETIC

          also ..... funny how few of the major religions emphasize nature in practice until recently


          what Key would fit?
          depends on the end result

          the game is to cover them all and combine them Plastic Fantastic

          ps find the following in the above enneagramg :

          Mannaz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

          overlap the enneagram to the brain

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 01:28 AM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • again I owe this to my dear friend Z ...... she rocks

            shall we dance :

            The world's oldest companies: The business of survival | The Economist

            ACCORDING to the book of Genesis, Enoch (or Henok), son of Cain and father of Methuselah, walked the Earth for 365 years and then ascended to heaven without dying. Inspired by this feat, a club was formed in France in 1981 that took his name. Les Hιnokiens is a fraternity of companies that are at least 200 years old, have stayed in the control of one family throughout, are financially healthy, “modern” and are still run by a family member.

            Each year representatives of the 33 member companies, from seven countries, gather for three days of fun and discussion. This year's host was Ditta Bortolo Nardini, an Italian grappa distillery founded in 1779. The nine members of Britain's Tercentenarians Club, founded in 1970 for firms at least 300 years old that still have a connection to the founding family, make do with an annual lunch.

            The oldest member of Les Hιnokiens is Hoshi, a Japanese inn founded in Komatsu in 718. Run by Zengoro Hoshi, the 46th generation of the family to be in charge, the firm's motto is unusually practical: “Take care of fire, learn from water, co-operate with nature”. But, according to “Centuries of Success”, published last year by William O'Hara, there is an even older company, also Japanese. Kongo Gumi, founded by a Korean in Osaka in 578, is a builder of Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines and castles—and now also offices, apartment buildings and private houses. Both are family businesses.

            The oldest European family business, according to Mr O'Hara and Peter Mandel in Family Business magazine (see table), is Chβteau de Goulaine, a vineyard in France's Loire valley that dates from 1000—and also boasts a museum and butterfly farm. Britain's oldest family business, founded in Huddersfield in 1541, is John Brooke & Sons, a textile-maker that helped clothe Britain's bravest during the battle of Trafalgar and the second world war, but has now abandoned manufacturing and turned its mills into a business park.

            Not surprisingly, the oldest family firms in the United States are a bit younger. Zildjian Cymbal, of Norwell, Massachusetts, purveyor of cymbals and drumsticks to many of the world's greatest percussionists, was founded in 1623. But that was in Constantinople; the family did not emigrate to America until 1909. A more authentic choice is the Tuttle Farm, which grows strawberries and vegetables in New Hampshire, and runs a small shop. It is currently run by the 11th generation of the family.
            read on

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 01:59 AM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Just a repost IndianaBoys made on Bees

              Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

              Biogenic magnetite as a basis for magnetic field detection in animals.
              Kirschvink JL, Gould JL.

              Biogenic magnetite as a basis for magnetic field ... [Biosystems. 1981] - PubMed - NCBI

              Bacteria, sharks, honey bees, and homing pigeons as well as other organisms seem to detect the direction of the earth's magnetic field. Indirect but reproducible evidence suggests that the bees and birds can also respond to very minute changes in its intensity. The mechanisms behind this sensitivity are not known. Naturally magnetic, biologically precipitated magnetite (Fe3O4) has been found in chitons, magnetotactic bacteria, honey bees, homing pigeons, and dolphins. Its mineralization in localized areas may be associated with the ability of these animals to respond to the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic field. The presence of large numbers (approximately 10(8)) of superparamagnetic magnetite crystals in honey bees and similar numbers of single-domain magnetite grains in pigeons suggests that there may be at least two basic types of ferrimagnetic magnetoreceptive organelles. Theoretical calculations show that ferrimagnetic organs using either type of grain when integrated by the nervous system are capable of accounting for even the most extreme magnetic field sensitivities reported. Indirect evidence suggests that organic magnetite may be a common biological component, and may account for the results of numerous high field and electromagnetic experiments on animals.

              (approximately 10(8)) = 100,000,000

              Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain.
              Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain.

              Does Magnetite Increase Your Psychic Ability?
              Does Magnetite Increase Your Psychic Ability? - Yahoo! Voices -


              ...... and Empathy starts with one self .... then grows towards others ..... Spirare

              same as LOVE .... You cannot fully Love unless you Love and know yourself fully ..... fellow Crystal

              Etta James - Something's Got a Hold on Me - YouTube

              you are your own savior .......

              the Apotheosis
              Of Somebody Elses Self
              Is for suckers.

              “Mediocrity is self inflicted, genius is self bestowed” — Walter Russell

              Sun today — solar flares online

              Solar flares yesterday
              Yesterday, 2 solar flares were observed:
              Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT
              Flare of class C1.6 1719 07:56:00 08:19:00 08:38:00

              Flare of class C6.5 1719 17:56:00 18:23:00 19:04:00
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 12:27 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                I wanted to start this thread, as a repository for all research/example that point toward this simple fact.

                Why do you ask? Because it could just be one step away from proving the possibility of telepathy (receiving and emitting waves).

                here goes nothing:

                If you are still not convinced that that fractals, being a math topic, are very important in real life, your opinion might change after finding out that you yourself are made of fractals!
                GOD Helmet

                God helmet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                So yes I agree 'FRACTALS R US'

                FRACTALS – KEYHOLE – DNA – GOBEKLI TEPE – ANKH – LAPIS EXILLIS | Alternative Thinking 37

                I shared this link elsewhere with you but forgot to tell you to watch the fifth video posted at that link which shows a profound connection between the geometry of the swastika, fractals and a glyph we use to express a repeat pattern in music!

                re: the GOD HELMET

                And I also like the work of Dr. Michael Persinger.
                I call him the archangel mIchaEL.

                Here we have a scientist who in the past has been able to induce epiphanies in his subjects via the God Helmet, who now claims to have a *mind technology* that could unify the world in about 10 minutes.
                I feel archangel mIchaEL is worth listening too at least once.

                Watch the third video called NO MORE SECRETS
                NO MORE SECRETS via TMS | Alternative Thinking 37

                “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

                What is the connection that we can make between Satan - Archangel mIchaEL?


                This is taken from the work of Archangel Michael Persinger:

                The space-time characteristics of the axonal action potential are remarkably similar to the scaled equivalents of lightning.

                The energy and current densities from these transients within their respective volumes or cross-sectional areas are the same order of magnitude.
                Length–velocity ratios and temporal durations are nearly identical. There are similar chemical consequences such as the production of nitric oxide. Careful, quantitative examination of the characteristics of lightning may reveal analogous features of the action potential that could lead to a more accurate understanding of these powerful correlates of neurocognitive processes.

                Keywords: lightning, action potentials, current density, resonance, natural patterns, nitric oxide.

                source for article: Brain electromagnetic activity and lightning: potentially congruent scale-invariant quantitative properties
                LIGHTNING – The GOD Helmet – MagnetoPHOsphenes – Ball Lightning | Alternative Thinking 37

                Last edited by Raphael37; 04-19-2013, 02:34 PM.


                • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                  So yes I agree 'FRACTALS R US'

                  FRACTALS – KEYHOLE – DNA – GOBEKLI TEPE – ANKH – LAPIS EXILLIS | Alternative Thinking 37

                  I shared this link elsewhere with you but forgot to tell you to watch the fifth video posted at that link which shows a profound connection between the geometry of the swastika, fractals and a glyph we use to express a repeat pattern in music!

                  Ron Eglash: The fractals at the heart of African designs - YouTube!


                  The space-time characteristics of the axonal action potential are remarkably similar to the scaled equivalents of lightning.

                  Sowilo – “So-iφlo” – Literally: “Sun” (Sol) – Esoteric: wholeness, success

                  Rune of guidance, goal setting and success.

                  Psi: central nervous system, seat of the soul, revelation, wholeness

                  Energy: sun-wheel, strengthening the hvel/charka, cosmic energies, motivation, life-giving force, action

                  Mundane: sunlight, fire, meeting of goals, confidence, taking action

                  Divinations: Guidance, hope, success, goals, honor, life purpose, faith in outcomes; or false goals, bad advice, false success, gullibility, loss of goals.


                  Transmutation of thought into energy for action
                  Activating highest values
                  Strengthening of psychic centers (hvel aka Chakras)
                  Increase in spiritual will and optimal health
                  Guidance through the pathways, “enlightenment”
                  Victory and success through individual will
                  Sowilo – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets ..... Rodrigo y Gabriela - Diablo Rojo (HQ) - YouTube


                  Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                  It appears that what I have *RECOVERED* thanks to you is a most profound and simple explanation for the word ANKH

                  Ogdoad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  (Irenaeus, i. 30, p. 109) the first archon sent Moses, Joshua, Amos, and Habakkuk; the second Samuel, Nathan, Jonah, and Micah; the third Elijah, Joel, and Zechariah; the fourth Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Daniel; the fifth Book of Tobit and Haggai; the sixth Micah (qu. Malachi?) and Nahum; the seventh Ezra and Zephaniah.
                  Under the boardwalk - The drifters - YouTube

                  1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building.

                  New International Version (©2011)
                  13-9 For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 06:05 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • MonsieurmM,

                    Good work!

                    Check out this magnetite ferrofluid reaction:

                    FerroFLuid Bubbles Part 2
                    FerroFLuid Bubbles Part 2 - YouTube



                    • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                      Good work!

                      Check out this magnetite ferrofluid reaction:

                      FerroFLuid Bubbles Part 2
                      FerroFLuid Bubbles Part 2 - YouTube

                      IndianaBoys , my friend , good reading you and thank you

                      is the set up the same as one previous exp you posted , in between two plates under a light bulb

                      while we are on DOWSING and ORGONE :

                      Red Ice Radio - Maria Wheatley - Hour 1 - Geodetic System of Earth Energies and Ley Lines

                      April 14, 2013
                      Maria Wheatley is a writer, dowser and researcher of earth mysteries specializing in the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. She organizes regular tours of sacred sites and medieval churches and cathedrals in the South West of England to locate and interact with the monument's hidden energies. Her late father Dennis Wheatley was considered a master dowser who discovered the hidden chakra system within Glastonbury Abbey and how it was ritualistically used by the royal bloodline ( hierophants ). For the past ten years Maria has continued researching the many ways in which our prehistoric ancestors harnessed and utilized the Earth force. Wheatley studied landscape archaeology at the University of Bath in Swindon. She is co-author of Avebury Sun Moon and Earth and she recently founded the Avebury School of Esoteric Studies. She will discuss ancient concepts and new findings related to the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. In the second hour we'll talk about the curry grid and the harmful effects of earth energies. Maria explains the basics of dowsing and how to locate both the neutral spaces and those causing geopathic stress. If you're sleeping night after night for an extended period right over one of these crossings, it could mean trouble. Maria, shares what she believes is the real age of Stonehenge. Later, she speaks of a strange metal plate object found near Stonehenge, dating back to the Elizabethan era.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 06:38 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                        re: the GOD HELMET

                        And I also like the work of Dr. Michael Persinger.
                        I call him the archangel mIchaEL.

                        Here we have a scientist who in the past has been able to induce epiphanies in his subjects via the God Helmet, who now claims to have a *mind technology* that could unify the world in about 10 minutes.
                        I feel archangel mIchaEL is worth listening too at least once.

                        Watch the third video called NO MORE SECRETS
                        NO MORE SECRETS via TMS | Alternative Thinking 37

                        again thank you Raphael37 for the link

                        Michael Persinger on No More Secrets - YouTube!

                        1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field, God's building.

                        New International Version (©2011)
                        13-9 For we are co-workers in God's service; you are God's field ( EM field ) , God's building.

                        I think you might find the following interesting ..... As Dr. Michael Persinger. mentions in his vid ..... the events usually occur during dream state

                        Why Are Thousands of People Dreaming About This Man?

                        In fact, it turns out that this theory is the closest to the truth. This website is actually the creation of a sociologist and marketer named Andrea Natella. He runs a company called Guerriglia Marketing which stages "subversive hoaxes" and creates weird art projects that are mostly about pornography, politics, and advertising.
                        also called a spin doctor

                        ---------------------- a repost

                        Scientists probe the source of a pulsing signal in the sleeping brain

                        New findings clarify where and how the brain's "slow waves" originate. These rhythmic signal pulses, which sweep through the brain during deep sleep at the rate of about one cycle per second, are assumed to play a role in processes such as consolidation of memory. For the first time, researchers have shown conclusively that slow waves start in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for cognitive functions . They also found that such a wave can be set in motion by a tiny cluster of neurons.

                        Read more at:

                        cognitive function, cognitive function - definition of cognitive function in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

                        an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It involves all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering. Compare conation.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 09:33 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • If we were to describe today's society ( as Dr Reich called it : the Sexual Chaos ) ..... and look at the most profitable Industries ......

                          I ask you this question ..... to which Chakra would you link it :

                          do you think we are that advanced

                          now picture this ..... imagine the worst battle scene ( let's say from the movie Saving Ryan's Privates ) ..... now replace all those guns and bombs with Silicon Dildo's flying all over the place .... .... that is how we are perceived by our neighbors

                          let me quote from Carl Sagan 's book Contact :

                          from Contact:
                          S.R. Hadden

                          if you think like a Vegan. An alien intelligence is going to be more advanced. That means efficiency functioning on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • interesting name for a Genus :

                            Bonobo ( 'Pygmy Chimpanzee' ) sex and society

                            At a juncture in history during which women are seeking equality with men, science arrives with a belated gift to the feminist movement. Male-biased evolutionary scenarios-- Man the Hunter, Man the Toolmaker and so on--are being challenged by the discovery that females play a central, perhaps even dominant, role in the social life of one of our nearest relatives. In the past few years many strands of knowledge have come together concerning a relatively unknown ape with an unorthodox repertoire of behavior: the bonobo.
                            The bonobo is one of the last large mammals to be found by science. The creature was discovered in 1929 in a Belgian colonial museum, far from its lush African habitat. A German anatomist, Ernst Schwarz, was scrutinizing a skull that had been ascribed to a juvenile chimpanzee because of its small size, when he realized that it belonged to an adult. Schwarz declared that he had stumbled on a new subspecies of chimpanzee. But soon the animal was assigned the status of an entirely distinct species within the same genus as the chimpanzee, Pan.
                            The species is best characterized as female-centered and egalitarian and as one that substitutes sex for aggression. Whereas in most other species sexual behavior is a fairly distinct category, in the bonobo it is part and parcel of social relations--and not just between males and females. Bonobos engage in sex in virtually every partner combination (although such contact among close family members may be suppressed). And sexual interactions occur more often among bonobos than among other primates. Despite the frequency of sex, the bonobo's rate of reproduction in the wild is about the same as that of the chimpanzee. A female gives birth to a single infant at intervals of between five and six years. So bonobos share at least one very important characteristic with our own species, namely, a partial separation between sex and reproduction.
                            bonobos probably see us the same way as our UFO friend ..... think of all the poaching of wild animals and what it is used for .....

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 10:09 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              IndianaBoys , my friend , good reading you and thank you

                              is the set up the same as one previous exp you posted , in between two plates under a light bulb

                              Yes it is. Good recall on your part!

                              Halogen 12 watt microscope light.



                              • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                                Yes it is. Good recall on your part!

                                Halogen 12 watt microscope light.


                                there are benefits to numerology

                                Scientists pinpoint brain's area for numeral recognition

                                April 16, 2013 in Neuroscience

                                Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine have determined the precise anatomical coordinates of a brain "hot spot," measuring only about one-fifth of an inch across, that is preferentially activated when people view the ordinary numerals we learn early on in elementary school, like "6" or "38."

                                Read more at:
                                Activity in this spot relative to neighboring sites drops off substantially when people are presented with numbers that are spelled out ("one" instead of "1"), homophones ("won" instead of "1") or "false fonts," in which a numeral or letter has been altered.

                                Read more at:
                                The cluster Parvizi's group identified consists of perhaps 1 to 2 million nerve cells in the inferior temporal gyrus, a superficial region of the outer cortex on the brain. The inferior temporal gyrus is already generally known to be involved in the processing of visual information.

                                Read more at:


                                Neural stem cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Neural stem cells (NSCs) are self-renewing, multipotent cells that generate the main phenotypes of the nervous system. Stem cells are characterized by their capability to differentiate into multiple cell types via exogenous stimuli from their environment.[1] They undergo symmetric cell division into two daughter cells, one non-specialized and one specialized. NSCs primarily differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.[2]
                                Exogeny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Exogenous (from the Greek words "exo" and "gignomi", meaning "outside" and "to come to be") refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of endogenous, something generated from within the system.

                                just don't obsess too much over numbers .... trust me ..... you don't want to take that path ..... they are natural..... learn sometimes to ignore them .....
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2013, 11:46 PM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

