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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

    I never did answer you regarding the Seal of SoloMON**, or was it on the Hermes thread we were discussing this?

    To my knowledge the Seal of Solomon was first associated with the Pentagram, later the Hexagram.


    p.s. hey **MON is an important clue
    Guardians of Darkness

    Also, from the Egyptian mystery portions: Tem: to name as in to proclaim: Tem is a title of Apep. Oph (again, the "ph" is an "F" sound as in "foe"): winged serpent or dragon. Ab hearing, wisdom, and understanding; intelligence and Will. Again, Baphomet (Bafomet) spelled backwards. In short: Serpent of Wisdom, Serpent Knowledge. The Narjolpa is doing a yoga connected to Kundalini Yoga; Kundalini means Inner Serpent.
    missing a word ..... FA as in :

    TEM OPH PHA AB ( hidden within OPHAB )

    The word Baphomet is semi-Greek: Baphe Metis. It means initiation by origin of water (baptismo) and Wisdom of Measurement as by math (metes - metric). In esoteric literature there is shown the far more ancient Babylonian version of the word: Bahu Mid. ( or Ba HU Mid ) Unfortunately, this is not easy to come by. Bahu is Hebrew for The Waters (not the ocean). Elohim (God) moved over the face of Bahu ( BA HU ) (the waters)
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 12:27 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Interesting article.
      here is the pdf that goes with that article:

      go to page 6 we find this quote:

      Generalized Frequency-of-Use. A vocabulary item’s generalized frequency-of use is calculated as the logarithm of its mean frequency in 17 languages from six language families, plus Basque and the Creole Tok Pisin (16). This measure correlates 0.99 with the first principal component of these same frequencies (16).
      What I find interesting is the FACT that the Basque Lauburu is in fact a swastika that is constructed geometrically using a COMPASS!

      No straight edge or SQUARE necessary.

      And it is this connection to the Basque Lauburu that allows us to illustrate how the swastika gives rise to other geometrical shapes like the Yin Yang and the Flower of Life embraced by the New Age Drunvalo clones.

      “…The Amphora, the Rosetta Fractal, DNA and the Holy Grail” | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

      There is a very good reason my brain defaults to swastika technology:

      p.s. your link lead me to this link!
      The language Isaac Newton invented - The Week

      The language NEWTON invented and the word ATOR highly suggests that Newton knew about TARO, ROTA and TORA too.

      Note how SIN used each of the vowels as a prefix for the word TOR
      PhDUH I was born in TORonto!

      And I already knew that SIN, i.e. Sir Isaac Newton studied the QaBaLaH along with aLchEmI.
      (a + L + ch + E + I)

      All of above brings us to the Wheel of Fortune.
      CARD X and my claim that CARD X is the treasure map leading us to the treasure buried under the X and a solution in physics for X, and probably an explanation for PLANet X.

      The 4 cardinal directions on CARD X contain the letters ATOR spelling many words like ROTA, TORA, TARO, RATO

      Clearly an ANAGRAM.

      What would happen if we replaced LETTERS with NUMBERS, can we still switch them around?

      selah V
      Last edited by Raphael37; 05-10-2013, 09:25 PM.


      • see also :

        Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
        Interesting article.
        here is the pdf that goes with that article:

        go to page 6 we find this quote:

        What I find interesting is the FACT that the Basque Lauburu is in fact a swastika that is constructed geometrically using a COMPASS!

        No straight edge or SQUARE necessary.

        And it is this connection to the Basque Lauburu that allows us to illustrate how the swastika gives rise to other geometrical shapes like the Yin Yang and the Flower of Life embraced by the New Age Drunvalo clones.

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • often times an image is worth a thousand words

          add to it : VI C TOR

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 12:54 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            The BRAIN is connected to the MIND, the CROWN, the KETER and MOVEMENT?
            Have I made my 'POINT'?

            source of image:
            Qabalistic Tarot
            Who is the author Robert Wang?
            He helped create the Golden Dawn Tarot deck with IsraEL Regardie.

            Well like I said, the SWASTIKA can explain everything.

            Swastika and FRACTALS

            go to this link and watch the 5th video I posted...only a few minutes long...full of swastika fractals found in the Mandelbrot set...

            FRACTALS – KEYHOLE – DNA – GOBEKLI TEPE – ANKH – LAPIS EXILLIS | Alternative Thinking 37

            Swastika and ANTENNAs

            NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37
            go to this link, scroll down till you see the following image

            APPLICATION #18

            selah V
            Last edited by Raphael37; 05-10-2013, 01:12 PM.


            • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
              Well like I said, the SWASTIKA can explain everything.

              Swastika and FRACTALS

              selah V
              Wish you good luck on your endeavor .....

              just know that many ( me included ) got lost in this Labyrinth for thinking they had the answer to everything ..... all i can tell you is that the more you learn .... the more you discover how little you know ..... quite a frustrating feeling sometimes

              the flow helps
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                Wish you good luck on your endeavor .....

                just know that many ( me included ) got lost in this Labyrinth for thinking they had the answer to everything ..... all i can tell you is that the more you learn .... the more you discover how little you know ..... quite a frustrating feeling sometimes

                the flow helps
                You can speak for yourself Monsieur sir

                Labyrinth and the GEOMETRIC SWASTIKA, do you know the connections?

                How do we connect the FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT 1/137 to the Labyrinth?
                Can we connect the SWASTIKA and the numbers 1137 to building a Labyrinth?


                The three most common LABYRinthS are the following:

                3 circuit
                7 circuit
                11 circuit

                Is there a connection between the LABYRS, the AX, and the SWASTIKA
                OF course there is, because everything is connected in the 4-fold world we live in.
                Labrys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Can we connect two of the most INFLUENTIAL INVENTIONS of humanity, i.e. the AX and the WHEEL to the SWASTIKA?
                How about the SUN?
                The Buddha's HEART?
                The MIND of the Qabalist?

                btw FLOW is opposite WOLF
                And the WOLF is my totem...tote in German means dead.
                And M is my calling card.

                AM I the WOLF who bit off the RIGHT HAND of TYR?

                Monsieur somebody (why not ME and the SWASTIKA?) needs to step forward and show how simpleton it is.

                I do admit though, you do appear distracted and lost and unable to join the dots.

                (the eye of the bull called Aldebaran?)
                You need to stay focused on the CROSSHAIRS that tend to swirl.

                selah V
                Last edited by Raphael37; 05-10-2013, 01:31 PM.


                • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                  speak for yourself

                  FLOW is opposite WOLF

                  I AM the WOLF who bit off the RIGHT HAND of TYR

                  Dude somebody (why not ME and the SWASTIKA?) needs to step forward and show how simpleton it is.
                  quite a statement .... why not .... be careful what you wish for .....

                  I do admit though, you appear distracted and lost.
                  Stay focused on the CROSSHAIRS that tend to swirl.

                  selah V
                  it is all in the perspective .... you see gibberish .... I see fractal as in all is linked

                  ......... Seeing the forest through the trees

                  Imagine you are walking through a forest. All around you are trees of different species, age, size and height. It looks pretty random, right? Wrong.

                  In research funded by the National Science Foundation, Brian Enquist of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona and his team have discovered a secret in the trees: Hidden among and within the architecture of the branches are fundamental rules that link the size, shape, age and in fact everything about a single tree to all the trees in a forest.
                  This rule or code reoccurs as the tree grows, creating a fractal – a repeating pattern – like a spiral of daughter branches emanating from the mother branch or tree trunk.
                  Dueling Banjos - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 02:41 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    quite a statement .... why not .... be careful what you wish for .....

                    Too late for that.
                    By the way here is the Labyrinth I built in my backyard in conjunction with my theory.

                    My TOE is a walk in the pARK.

                    labyrinth | Search Results | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

                    selah V
                    Last edited by Raphael37; 05-10-2013, 01:41 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                      Too late for that.
                      By the way here is the Labyrinth I built in my backyard in conjunction with my theory.

                      My TOE is a walk in the pARK.

                      labyrinth | Search Results | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

                      selah V
                      beautiful garden

                      you know you can use that symbol to "massage your brain" .... if you know how to project it ( imagination )

                      also check out this post on swastika ..... caduceus .... it all in the perspective

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 02:51 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        beautiful garden

                        nature has been a great teacher and preacher

                        selah V


                        • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                          Is there a connection between the LABYRS, the AX, and the SWASTIKA
                          OF course there is, because everything is connected in the 4-fold world we live in.
                          Labrys - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Can we connect two of the most INFLUENTIAL INVENTIONS of humanity, i.e. the AX and the WHEEL to the SWASTIKA?

                          selah V

                          you bring up a very interesting note .... ax ...... because if you search the legend of giants ..... and artifacts found ..... most were axes ( not swords , or knives or javelin ) ......

                          Rumi – "Truth was a mirror in the hands of God
                          It fell, and broke into pieces
                          Everybody took a piece of it
                          And they looked at it and thought they had the truth
                          Etta James - Something's Got a Hold on Me - YouTube

                          A life without love is a waste. “Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?”, don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center…either you are out, yearning.

                          ~ Shams Tabrizi

                          can an ax cut water ..... but water can sharpen an ax ...... 6 - Love

                          Eros, the power of conjunction, an agent or alter-ego of the Magician, brings about the sacred marriage of the opposites. Here we see the Sun and Moon, representing the masculine and feminine unconscious, greeting each other, stripped of all deception. This is not a conscious decision, for Eros pierces the unconscious of both the man and the woman, so that each is compelled to acknowledge the other. In this way all the opposites are unified: male and female, conscious and unconscious, thought and feeling, intuition and sensation.
                          This is no ordinary marriage, but an alchemical conjunction of brother and sister. Upon its consummation the masculine poles (consciousness, thought, intuition) will be destroyed, dissolved in the subconscious mother sea; this represents the dissolution that must precede the rejuvenation of the masculine elements. The divine child will consume the mother's substance while it grows in her womb, and she will die in birth, thus obliterating the feminine poles (unconsciousness, feeling, sensation). The child, however, will survive, and manifest a well-tempered balance of all oppositions, thus reincarnating both parents (cf. VIII.Temperance .... the watcher ).
                          a well tempered Ax

                          tempered past participle, past tense of tem·per

                          (Verb)VerbImprove the hardness and elasticity of (steel or other metal) by reheating and then cooling it.

                          Improve the consistency or resiliency of (a substance) by heating it or adding particular substances to it
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-14-2013, 10:50 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a little solar update : Sun today — solar flares online

                            Solar flares today

                            Today, 9 solar flares were observed:

                            Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT
                            Flare of class M3.9 0 00:44:00 00:57:00 01:08:00

                            Flare of class C3.1 1744 02:40:00 02:44:00 02:47:00

                            Flare of class C2.1 1744 02:57:00 03:01:00 03:06:00

                            Flare of class C1.9 0 04:01:00 04:07:00 04:14:00

                            Flare of class C1.2 1742 05:06:00 05:09:00 05:15:00

                            Flare of class C1.8 0 09:44:00 09:50:00 09:56:00

                            Flare of class M1.3 0 12:37:00 12:56:00 13:04:00

                            Flare of class C2.5 0 14:30:00 14:37:00 14:42:00

                            Flare of class C2.5 1739 16:30:00 16:43:00 17:25:00
                            Get The Funk Out Ma Face - The Brothers Johnson (1976) - YouTube

                            ---------------- talking about temperance

                            Theta brainwaves reflect ability to beat built-in bias

                            Vertebrates are predisposed to act to gain rewards, and to lay low to avoid punishment. Try to teach chickens to back away from food in order to obtain it, and you'll fail, as researchers did in 1986. But (some) humans are better thinkers than chickens. In the May 8 edition of the Journal of Neuroscience, researchers show that the level of theta brainwave activity in the prefrontal cortex predicts whether people will be able to overcome these ingrained biases when doing so is required to achieve a goal.

                            Read more at:
                            The study helps explain a distinctly human mechanism of cognition, said the lead researchers at Brown University, and could be applied to studying and treating reward-seeking or punishment-avoidance conditions such as addiction or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Despite how we've evolved, life doesn't always encourage acting to gain reward or freezing to avoid punishment. Sometimes we must restrain ourselves to gain a reward (baseball batters can get on base by not swinging at bad pitches), or take action to avoid a penalty (tax cheats can come forward during amnesties). Acting counter to our ingrained "Pavlovian" biases is a matter of the brain recognizing the conflict between the rational course of action and the instinct. "We have suggested that more advanced brain mechanisms in the prefrontal are needed to exert cognitive control over behavior in these circumstances," said Michael Frank, the paper's senior author and an Associate Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences at Brown. "This study provides evidence that temporally-specific brain activity within the prefrontal cortex is related to this ability, both between and within individuals."

                            Read more at:
                            as within so without


                            How individuality develops? Experience leads to the growth of new brain cells

                            How do organisms evolve into individuals that are distinguished from others by their own personal brain structure and behavior? Scientists in Dresden, Berlin, Münster, and Saarbrücken have now taken a decisive step towards clarifying this question. Using mice as an animal model, they were able to show that individual experiences influence the development of new neurons, leading to measurable changes in the brain. The results of this study are published in Science on May 10, 2013.

                            Read more at:
                            be water
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 07:14 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Author: Lu Zhen

                              was enjoying himself as he attentively watched the river rushing towards the east.

                              Zi Gong asked him, “Whenever a gentleman sees water like this, he will surely take pleasure in watching it. Why is that?”

                              Confucius said, “Because great water can continuously move forward without stopping. It is so kind as to irrigate the lands everywhere it goes, yet it does not regard itself as having performed outstanding feats. It’s just like virtue.” ( it just is )


                              “It is always self-leveling. It’s just like the Fa (Law).”

                              “When it flows, although sometimes in low places and sometimes in high places, it certainly follows one principle. It’s just like justice.”

                              “Mighty water flows forever without drying up or stopping. It’s just like the Dao.”

                              “When it should flow into a deep valley of ten thousand zhang (an ancient Chinese unit of measure equal to 10 chi, or 11 feet 9 inches—3.58 meters), it dashes forward without fear. It’s just like courage.”

                              “When water fills something, it naturally flows over without the need to be cut down. It’s just like righteousness.”

                              “It is so considerate that it goes wherever it should. It’s just like discovering the smallest details in everything.”

                              “It starts from the source and immediately rushes towards the east. It’s just like having lofty goals.”

                              “It can go in and come out and no matter where it goes, it can purify everything there. It’s just like a sage who is good at teaching.”

                              “Water has so many virtues, so when people with virtue see it, they will for sure observe it carefully and feel joy.” (From: The Analects of Confucius)

                              I have seen many rivers but never noticed that water has so many great virtues, which could be called neglecting while watching, having eyes yet not seeing, and for this, I truly feel ashamed.


                              A foreign artist said, “There is no lack of beauty in life but there is a lack of eyes that see the beauty in things.”

                              A philosopher in China said, “There is no lack of immortals in the world, but there is a lack of wise eyes that discover immortals.”

                              The Dao School says, “Man follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao follows what is natural.” Today, after reading “Confucius on the Virtue of Water,

                              Hua Hu Jing

                              Many believe the Hua Hu Jing (fourth century BC) was written by Lao Tzu. Although its authorship is contested, the contents of this book are remarkable. Here is a quote:


                              To achieve the highest levels of life, one must continually combine new levels of yin and yang. In nature, the male energy can be found in such sources as the sun and the mountains, and the female in such sources as the earth, the moon, and the lakes. Those who study these things, which are only hinted at here, will benefit immeasurably. Because higher and higher unions of yin and yang are necessary for the conception of higher life, some students may be instructed in the art of dual cultivation, in which yin and yang are directly integrated in the tai chi of sexual intercourse. If the student is not genuinely virtuous and the instruction not that of a true master, dual cultivation can have a destructive effect. If genuine virtue and true mastery come together, however, the practice can bring about a profound balancing of the student's gross and subtle energies. The result of this is improved health, harmonized emotions, the cessation of desires and impulses, and, at the highest level, the transcendent integration of the entire energy body.

                              some quotes from Tesla:

                              Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.”
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2013, 08:02 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make any sense.

                                Funkadelic - Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts - YouTube

                                Chapter 4 - Scientific Temper and Vedic Science

                                In Rig-Veda 1-139-10, various physical sciences are compared to rain water. The progress of mankind is only possible through various physical sciences which are like rain water and extremely useful for the prosperity of entire mankind. Human beings should accept only truth and give up untruth (R.V 1-139-2). Scientists like other learned people should be twice born (Dwi jati). The second birth is by wearing the sacred thread in the presence of Agni deva (holy fire) by taking a pledge to serve the society (R.V 1-140-2). Agni deva is the epithet for holy fire ( or FA ) and he is described as “ lord of vows ” in the Vedas. Since these devas and devis are formless beings of light their description as male or female is only symbolic as some hymns did give the impression that holy fire is both Agni deva and devi. Thus it is futile exercise to examine the epithets given to devas/devis by Vedic rsis in regard to sex as he or she. These 33 devas may be accepted as only “ that ”formless beings.
                                The electricity is hidden in water and when it comes out, it spreads light and provides energy(R.V 1-16-5).

                                knowledge of the Sun and electricity. Indr-agani- power, energy and electricity (R.V 6-60-12, 13 )

                                Funkadelic - Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts Lyrics

                                Travel like a king
                                Listen to the inner voice
                                A higher wisdom is at work for you
                                Conqering the stumbling blocks come easier
                                When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
                                Every ending is a new beginning
                                Life is an endless unfoldment
                                Change your mind, and you change your relation to time

                                You can find the answer
                                The solution lies within the problem
                                The answer is in every question
                                Dig it?
                                An attitude is all you need to rise and walk away
                                Inspire yourself
                                Your life is yours
                                It fits you like your skin

                                The oak sleeps in the acorn
                                The giant sequoia tree sleeps in its tiny seed
                                The bird waits in the egg
                                God waits for his unfoldment in man
                                Fly on, children
                                Play on

                                You gravitate to that which you secretly love most
                                You meet in life the exact reproduction of your own thoughts

                                There is no chance, coincidence or accident
                                In a world ruled by law and divine order
                                You rise as high as your dominant aspiration
                                You descend to the level of your lowest concept of your self
                                Free your mind and your ass will follow

                                The infinite intelligence within you knows the answers
                                Its nature is to respond to your thoughts
                                Be careful of the thought-seeds you plant in the garden of your mind
                                For seeds grow after their kind

                                Play on, children

                                Every thought felt as true
                                Or allowed to be accepted as true by your conscious mind
                                Take roots in your subconscious
                                Blossoms sooner or later into an act
                                And bears its own fruit
                                Good thoughts bring forth good fruit
                                Bull**** thoughts rot your meat
                                Think right, and you can fly
                                The kingdom of heaven is within
                                Free your mind, and your ass will follow

                                Play on, children
                                Sing on, lady
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-10-2013, 10:57 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

