HowStuffWorks "Osiris"
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets
see also : The Secret of 14 --Isis and Osiris - Lindaland
HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 70 - 79

..... cute voodoo

Set then cut the body in 14 pieces and distributed them in various places throughout Egypt.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets
Four is it in qualities,
shining in each of the planes of existence,
but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
the mystical number.
Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
each shall channels be of the Great One.
shining in each of the planes of existence,
but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
the mystical number.
Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
each shall channels be of the Great One.
HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 70 - 79
77 > 14 > 5 - 77 - 77 = 7x11
--- (637 w/f); something bound or jointed together; vault, arch, hall.
--- if not, but perhaps; but, nay but.
--- pr.n. "Son of Circumcision" ='s a Hebrew.
--- to bubble, well up, boil; to long for, to seek; to pray; (73).
--- to cut off; to hew down or fell; to destroy; break asunder, destroy power.
--- (727 w/f); pr.n. "A Stream", the name of a river in paradise: Gihon.
--- to wrap together; to be tight, hard, sterile.
--- (727 w/f); seething, boiling up, raging.
--- pr.n. "Yah Builds".
--- pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful".
--- a strong or high place; tower; platform, pulpit; bed or bank (of flowers), raised parterre; castle.
--- planet, wanderer (of the sky).
--- fullness, a multitude.
--- a filling up; a rampart; fortress, citadel.
--- to wrap up or cover; to be thick or fat.
--- cloud.
--- to bend or twist.
--- pr. n. "Overthrow" or "Ruin", a Babylonian province.
--- strong, might, fierce; strength; a stronghold.
--- she goat.
--- strength or might (of God); warriors; firmness or stability; defense; glory or splendour; the ark; praise or musical celebration.
--- (637 w/f); something bound or jointed together; vault, arch, hall.
--- if not, but perhaps; but, nay but.
--- pr.n. "Son of Circumcision" ='s a Hebrew.
--- to bubble, well up, boil; to long for, to seek; to pray; (73).
--- to cut off; to hew down or fell; to destroy; break asunder, destroy power.
--- (727 w/f); pr.n. "A Stream", the name of a river in paradise: Gihon.
--- to wrap together; to be tight, hard, sterile.
--- (727 w/f); seething, boiling up, raging.
--- pr.n. "Yah Builds".
--- pr.n. "Yah is Bountiful".
--- a strong or high place; tower; platform, pulpit; bed or bank (of flowers), raised parterre; castle.
--- planet, wanderer (of the sky).
--- fullness, a multitude.
--- a filling up; a rampart; fortress, citadel.
--- to wrap up or cover; to be thick or fat.
--- cloud.
--- to bend or twist.
--- pr. n. "Overthrow" or "Ruin", a Babylonian province.
--- strong, might, fierce; strength; a stronghold.
--- she goat.
--- strength or might (of God); warriors; firmness or stability; defense; glory or splendour; the ark; praise or musical celebration.
Washington, D.C., was precisely located on the 77th Meridian West

Isis and her sister Nephthys went looking for these pieces, but could only find thirteen of the fourteen. Fish had swallowed the last piece, his phallus, so Isis made him a new one with Ma Gic ( or Ma Geek
) , putting his body back together after which they conceived Horus ( or Hu Ros )

Deadly Sounds - Dr. Vladimir Gavreau ..... ( deadly is so negative ..... as Paracelsus said : it is all in the Dosage
The detonation may be caused by a sudden "slapping" of bay water by a singular wave having the "right" breadth and momentum, matching the natural resonant pitch of a bay. The underlying bay rock matrix may resound in the manner of a bell, gong, or cymbal. The geological composition of the bay plays the greater part of the effect, sudden winds or water surges knocking the natural "sounding board". These natural bay tones have great infrasonic content.

The detonation may be caused by a sudden "slapping" of bay water by a singular wave having the "right" breadth and momentum, matching the natural resonant pitch of a bay. The underlying bay rock matrix may resound in the manner of a bell, gong, or cymbal. The geological composition of the bay plays the greater part of the effect, sudden winds or water surges knocking the natural "sounding board". These natural bay tones have great infrasonic content.

Originally posted by MonsieurM
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