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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • just fyi : symbols or "the language of birds " ..... is a language unto itself ...... just like any other language ..... a little more free style than most 6900 languages that exist ( imho ) .... it has its own Flow

    experienced a religious conversion and became a saint with an uncanny influence over animals and birds
    The only people known in this way who were contemporary with St. Francis were the Greater Brothers, an appellation of the Sufi Order founded by Najmuddin Kubra,, "the Greater." The connection is interesting. One of the major characteristics about this great Sufi teacher was that he had an uncanny influence over animals. Pictures of him show him surrounded by birds. He tamed a fierce dog merely by looking at it—just as St. Francis is said to have cowed the wolf in a well-known tale. Najmuddin's miracles were well known throughout the East sixty years before St. Francis was born.

    ponder on this ...... interpreting symbols just using our instinct ( wolf ) will only lead you astray ...... you'll end up looking like the wrong kind of FOOL ..... which i sometimes am too ..... ignorance

    "I therefore say to you that tiredness and fatigue are effects caused by ignorance of Nature and disobedience to her inexorable law. You may command Nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her. You cannot intelligently obey that which you do not comprehend. Therefore I also say, ask of Nature that you may be one with her and she will whisper her secrets to you to the extent in which you are prepared to listen. Seek to be alone much to commune with Nature and be thus inspired by her mighty whisperings within your consciousness. Nature is a most jealous god, for she will not whisper her inspiring revelations to you unless you are absolutely alone with her."

    Walter Russell - Wikiquote


    The Sufis and Francis of Assisi

    The Whirling Dervishes can attain intuitive knowledge partly by a peculiar form of spinning, presided over by an instructor. Rumi's school of Whirling Dervishes was in full operation in Asia Minor, and its founder was still alive, during the lifetime of St. Francis.

    Here is the puzzling "spinning" tale:
    Francis was walking through Tuscany with a disciple, Brother Masseo. They arrived at a fork in the road. One path led to Florence, another to Arezzo, a third to Siena.
    Masseo asked which branch they should take.
    "The road which God wills."
    "And which is that?"
    "We will know by a sign. I command you, by your path of obedience, turn round and round as children do, until I tell you to stop."
    So poor Masseo twirled and twirled, till he fell down from giddiness. Then he got up and looked beseechingly at the saint; but the saint said nothing, and Masseo, remembering his vow of obedience, began again to twirl his best. He continued to twirl and to fall for some time, till he seemed to have spent all his life in twirling, when, at last, he heard the welcome words: "Stop, and tell me whither your face is turned."
    "To Siena," gasped Masseo, who felt the earth rock round him.
    "Then to Siena we must go," said Francis, and to Siena they went.

    ps: personally not really into physically spinning ..... i have imagination for that


    What We Hear And See Can Be Changed By Our Imagination -

    29 June, 2013 - A study from Karolinska Institutet shows, that our imagination may affect how we experience the world more than we perhaps think. What we imagine hearing or seeing 'in our head' can change our actual perception.

    Psalm 36:9 ..... also known as P Funk P. Funk (Wants To Get Funked Up) - Parliament (1975) - YouTube

    9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2013, 01:26 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Laguz - “Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory


      Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans, page 1

      Apparently over 50% of UFOs are connected with oceans. I guess it is far easier way to remain hidden. I live in a coastal region and there are legends of lights being seen underwater by some of villages that go way back when.
      btw : Earth’s last frontier: and why we know more about Mars than our oceans | University News : University News : The University of Western Australia

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Aqua Boogie (A Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop) [Original 12" Version] - Parliament (1978) - YouTube ....

        since we already discussed Swastika previously : Google

        The Swastika Was Once a Symbol of Good Luck | Broken Secrets

        Many people are unfamiliar with the swastika’s relationship to Christianity. They used it to symbolize Christ’s victory over death. Some cathedrals built during the Romanesque and Gothic eras are decorated with swastikas, including the tile floor of this Roman Catholic Church in France (Amiens Cathedral).

        This is one of the few Gothic cathedrals south of the Pyrenees....... see also Google
        let's add a pinch of Mystery to it


        The massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey | Mail Online

        The book notes that chapels were often built by the entrances perhaps because the Church were afraid of the heathen legacy the tunnels might have represented, and wanted to negate their influence.

        In some cases writings have been discovered referring to the tunnels seen as a gateway to the underworld.

        knowledgeable people on Leon Cathedral have mentioned the presence of tunnels underneath that Cathedral


        In Gaelic mythology[edit]

        In many Gaelic tales the aos sí are later, literary versions of the Tuatha Dé Danann ("People of the Goddess Danu") – the deities and deified ancestors of Irish mythology. Some sources describe them as the survivors of the Tuatha Dé Danann who retreated into the Otherworld after they were defeated by the Milesians – the mortal Sons of Míl Espáine who, like many other early invaders of Ireland, came from Iberia. Geoffrey Keating, an Irish historian of the late 17th century, equates Iberia with the Land of the Dead ( 13 - Death ) .

        There is an account of Eugene Canseliet having met Fulcanelli at a castle in the Pyrenees in 1954
        Castles usually have their own wine cellar and some churches too


        ]Pyrene, daughter of King Bebrycius and a lover of Hercules.

        need more ..... George Clinton - Atomic Dog [Atomic Mix Long Version] - YouTube
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2013, 01:03 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Parliament - Deep - YouTube ..... Artstrology Date Checker

          You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tun a Fish

          ..... Tun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          previously posted :

          Do Cells in the Blood, Heart and Lungs Smell the Food We Eat? - Newswise - Scinews | e! Science News

          Scientists help explain visual system's remarkable ability to recognize complex objects

          In these studies, Salk neurobiologists sought to figure out how a part of the visual cortex known as area V4 is able to distinguish between different visual stimuli even as the stimuli move around in space. V4 is responsible for an intermediate step in neural processing of images.

          "Neurons in the visual system are sensitive to regions of space— they are like little windows into the world," says Reynolds. "In the earliest stages of processing, these windows —known as receptive fields—are small. They only have access to information within a restricted region of space. Each of these neurons sends brain signals that encode the contents of a little region of space—they respond to tiny, simple elements of an object such as edge oriented in space, or a little patch of color."

          Neurons in V4 have a larger receptive field that can also compute more complex shapes such as contours. They accomplishes this by integrating inputs from earlier visual areas in the cortex—that is, areas nearer the retina, which provides the input to the visual system, which have small receptive fields, and sends on that information for higher level processing that allow us to see complex images, such as faces, he says.

          Both new studies investigated the issue of translation invariance— the ability of a neuron to recognize the same stimulus within its receptive field no matter where it is in space, where it happens to fall within the receptive field.

          Kuji-kiri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Religious symbolism and meanings[edit]

          The Kuji-in were created from the gesture of both the hands, (the left hand Taizokai possess a receptive valence, and the right hand Kongokai possess an emitter valence). The Kuji Kiri performed with the right hand are to emphasize the cut of the ignorance of the Maya_(illusion) (that is the deceptive sensory world) through the Sword of the Wisdom. In this way, according to the belief system of Shingon Mikkyo, one would come to create an opening in the daily world that would allow one to reach various states of consciousness. Derived from the Taoist dualism, Jaho could be seen as Yin, and Kobudera as Yang.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2013, 02:38 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • let's overlay a few patterns

            ...... The Sun is Green | Broken Secrets

            and let them resonate to each other

            Parliament - Big Bang Theory - YouTube


            Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत, Anāhata) is the fourth primary chakra according to the Hindu Yogic, Shakta) and Buddhist Tantric traditions.
            Articles about Energy-Based Therapies
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2013, 05:49 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • shall we ...... Flow some more : let's disc over another kind of NUM ..... Rose Royce - Funkin' Around (1980) - YouTube



              Muqatta'at (Arabic: مقطعات‎) are unique letter combinations that appear in the beginning of 29 suras (chapters) of the Qur'an. Muqatta'at literally means abbreviated or shortened. Their meanings remain unclear and are considered by most Muslims to be divine secrets.

              They are also known as FAwātih (فواتح) or "openers" as they form the opening verse of their respective suras. Other names include the broken, dis-joined, initial, or isolated letters of the Qur'an.

              In the Arabic language, these letters are written together like a word, but each letter is pronounced separately. Muqatta'at have been and continue to be a topic of intense research and academic discussions in Islamic literature and Qur'anic studies.

              A few examples of Muqatta'at:
              Alif Lam Mim (الم) Sura Al Baqarah, Sura As-Sajda, etc.
              Alif Lam Ra (الر) Sura Yunus and Surah Hud
              Alif Lam Mim Ra (المر) Sura Ar Raa'd

              Sura Ar-Ra'd (Arabic: سورة الرعد, Sūratu ar-Ra'd, "The Thunder") is the 13th sura
              Kaaf Ha Ya Ain Saad (كهيعص) Sura Maryam
              Ya Seen (يس) Sura Ya Seen
              Ha Mim (حم) Sura Ha Mim Sajda
              Alif Lam Mim Ra = 1 30 40 200 OR 1 12 13 20 = 271 OR 46 ....... HM 1

              .... Parliament - Flash Light (with lyrics) - YouTube

              HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 270 - 279

              271 > 9 - 271 - 58th prime
              --- fettered one, prisoner.
              --- captive.
              --- to flee.
              --- the earth; the ground; low, below.
              --- (921 w/f); conception, pregnancy.
              --- pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah.
              --- descent, nativity.
              --- smitten of spirit, contrite.
              --- light, illumination or wisdom.

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:


              Sura Hud (Arabic سورة هود, Sūratu Hūd, "Hud") is the 11th chapter of the Qur'an with 123 verses. It is a Makkan sura.
              HUD = 4 5 6 = 9 6 = 6 - Love

              The Lovers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins in some decks. Other associations are with Air, Mercury, and the Hebrew letter ז (Zayin .... check the Tetragrammaton symbol what letter do you see hint Z ayin = Z eyes ).
              ..... Parliament - Deep - YouTube ..... .....

              A moderate solar flare reaching M1.5, at its peak time, erupted on July 3, 2013. The event started at 07:00, peaked at 07:08 and ended at 07:18 UTC. The source of the event was probably Beta classified Region 1785 located on the Sun's eastern limb or the new region positioned very close to it. Region 1785 already produced about 14 B and 6 C-class flares since July 1st.

              Deep, Deep

              (I must say girl your deep. DEEP!)

              We need to raise Atlantis from the bottom of the sea
              (Dancing 'til we bring it to the top)

              We're going to search...

              ....searching like you're never gonna see

              That's what the searching through is bound to be (is bound to be)

              Girl you're deep! DEEP!
              ] Other associations are with Air, Mercury, and the Hebrew letter
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2013, 12:38 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Donald Byrd - Thank you for funking up my life (12 inch) - YouTube ..... .... ...... Artstrology Date Checker

                You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tun a Fish
                Letter of prophet Muhammad to Christians. Must See, page 1

                Hello all,
                I have noticed that there is a lot of anti-islamic posts here so I decided to make a small research. I live in mostly catholic country and I can tell you most of the people here think that Muhammad was a butcher, killer, rapist etc... If you are one of those people this will suprise you.

                This is the letter of prophet Muhammad to Christians at Mount Sinai Monastery.
                read on .... and keep in mind what you have just read previously .... Parliament - Flash Light (with lyrics) - YouTube

                oh yeah forgot .......

                milky way may have 60 BILLION habitable worlds, page 1

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2013, 06:04 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Good reading, as always MonsieurM. About number 9 -
                  Also, I was meditating today about the quote, attributed to Tesla regarding significance of 3,6 and 9. I was looking at them, written vertically on piece of paper while taking my daily MWO session and tried to remove from my head that they represent numbers. Instead, I visualized them as symbols and first thought was that they could represent inductors. Bifilar or center tap primary and two secondaries done in opposing configuration (cw vs ccw) or bipolar. This may be just result of working with bipolar TC lately but I thought to share anyway.

                  Thank you
                  'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                  General D.Eisenhower



                  • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                    Good reading, as always MonsieurM. About number 9 -
                    Also, I was meditating today about the quote, attributed to Tesla regarding significance of 3,6 and 9. I was looking at them, written vertically on piece of paper while taking my daily MWO session and tried to remove from my head that they represent numbers. Instead, I visualized them as symbols and first thought was that they could represent inductors. Bifilar or center tap primary and two secondaries done in opposing configuration (cw vs ccw) or bipolar. This may be just result of working with bipolar TC lately but I thought to share anyway.

                    Thank you
                    Good Reading you blackchisel97 .... Walter Russell -- Energy Generator Coils

                    did not know what bipolar TC meant .... ( thought it was the name of a pet monkey )


                    The CL-100 Temperature Controller is an automatic single channel controller capable of accurately maintaining a Peltier device between 0° and +50°C, or a resistive heating element between ambient and +65°C.
                    which reminded me of :

                    15-year-old girl invents flashlight powered by the heat of your hand | ExtremeTech

                    A 15-year-old high school junior from Victoria, British Columbia, Ann Makosinski, created a hollow flashlight powered by the holder’s body heat for the Google Science Fair. The invention made her one of 15 finalists, who will travel to Mountain View, California for a prize ceremony held this coming September. Google will choose one winner each out of three age groups, then from that will decide on the final winner, who will receive a grand prize of $50,000 and a trip to the Galapagos Islands.

                    Makosinski said she’s been quite interested in harvesting unused energy in the surrounding environment, which led her to discover Peltier tiles. Peltier devices, as people who get super into heat sinks know, produce electricity when one side of the tile is heated while the other side is cooled. This, in turn, led Makosinski to attempt to use Peltier tiles to provide enough power to an LED for it to generate enough light. She found it did provide enough power, but it didn’t provide enough voltage. Rather than give up, she reworked the circuit to allow for transformers, which would help increase the voltage. After buying — as well as building — circuits that didn’t get the job done, she eventually came across one that claimed to provide the necessary voltage. She bought it, and it worked.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • blackchisel97 .... indianaboys

                      two recent articles posted on rexresearch ..... bioenergetics : ...... Marlena Shaw-Lets Wade in The Water / HQ / - YouTube

                      Charles Littlefield : Vitalized Mineral Salts & " Resurrection Salt " -- Man, Minerals, and Masters

                      LITTLEFIELD, Charles W.

                      Resurrection Salt


                      Have you ever heard of René Quinton? Probably not. Yet this man saved several thousands of children's lives in France and in Egypt at the beginning of this century by using a serum which now bears his name.

                      René Quinton "was the first person to discern and to investigate the similarity between sea water and mammalian lymph and blood plasma systems. He endeavored to solve the mysteries of sea water and its compatibility with living organisms by proceeding to carry out several scientific experiments in hospitals. The results he obtained were dramatically unexpected, since several people who were dying regained their vigor. Rene Quinton worked in collaboration with Drs. Potocki, Mace and Jarricot, and for four years he labored at perfecting his techniques and adjusting dosages. In 1904, he released the results of his hospital experiments in a book entitled, 'L'eau de mer, milieu organique' (Sea Water: Organic Medium). The book was re-issued in 1995 because of the timeliness of its well- researched contents."

                      Laguz - “Log-uhz” – Literally: “Water” or Ocean – Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Memory ...... Planet Funk - Big Fish - YouTube
                      Photo Actinia Oxygen Therapy by Electric Reaction by T.H. Moray - Nu Energy â„¢

                      ...... African Music Machine - Black water Gold Fabulous Break and Beats [Dance Funk 1974] - YouTube ..... How does a salt water capacitor work?
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-04-2013, 03:07 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • +

                        Red Ice Radio - Ibrahim Karim & Pier Paolo Alberghini - Hour 1 - BioGeometry

                        Ibrahim Karim & Pier Paolo Alberghini - Hour 1 - BioGeometry
                        June 7, 2013

                        With his experience as an architect and a scientist Ibrahim Karim has synergized aspects of Pythagorean harmonics, subtle energy sciences, radiesthesia, geobiology, building biology, sacred architecture & modern wave theories to produce a new Physics of Quality from which the science of BioGeometry has emerged. Since 2002 Pier Paolo Alberghini has been working with a new approach to achieve well-being for the users of the buildings he designs, by applying the science of BioGeometry. Alberghini and Karim have collaborated successfully in BioGeometry projects in Europe and North America. We’ll discuss how BioGeometry bridges science and spirituality to produce a natural harmony into the environment. In the first hour, Ibrahim and Pier Paolo explain how BioGeometrical shapes interact with Earth's energy to produce a balancing effect on all energy levels of biological systems. Karim talks about his research into shapes of body organs which led to the discovery of the relationship between organ function, energy pattern, and shape. These patterns called "BioSignatures" produce, through resonance, a balance of energy and immunity that support orthodox and alternative medicine. We’ll discuss how BioGeometry provides a viable solution in transforming the quality of the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on living systems. In the second hour, we’ll discuss the Physics of Quality in more detail. We’ll also hear about the relationship between electromagnetic fields and morals. Karim and Alberghini discuss their solutions to rebalance with nature

                        Master Yuvaraj Sowma Official Website................

                        Vasthu Sastra highlights sleep as an important aspect of good health. In order to enjoy sound sleep, one must have a bedroom with a peaceful environment.

                        Sleeping in the wrong direction can also cause health problems. Vasthu Sastra recommends that the head must be placed towards the east for undisturbed sleep. The second best sleeping direction is with the head towards the west, the third choice is south.

                        People who observe these directions will receive positive energy when they wake up. These positions will also enhance the person's blood circulation.

                        The head should never be towards north while sleeping. Never sleep with the head towards the north because the magnetic field of the earth lies in a north-south direction energy levels can be thrown out of balance by this strong field. Sleeping in this direction may cause difficulties in having children, nightmare and disturbed sleep.

                        Our head is considered north and if we place our head towards north, the magnetic repulsion between similar poles occurs.

                        This position can also result in the dweller experiencing physically low or high blood pressure, insomnia or a high level of cholesterol. This can be prevented by rotating the head position to south. Vasthu Sastra recommends the right location or quadrant a couple should sleep in.

                        The south-west sector is the most powerful quadrant in Vasthu Sastra because it is the area where positive energy is stored. (For this reason, the extreme south-west corner must not have windows or doors; as such openings will release the energy that has gathered in the house).

               .... Body earthing ...... Parliament - Deep - YouTube

                        The Whirling Dervishes can attain intuitive knowledge partly by a peculiar form of spinning, presided over by an instructor. Rumi's school of Whirling Dervishes was in full operation in Asia Minor, and its founder was still alive, during the lifetime of St. Francis.

                        Earthing and TCM Acupuncture | Acupuncture and Earthing Grounding Products

                        Skyy - High - YouTube ..... Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth Discovered By Scientists -
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-04-2013, 04:19 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Master Yuvaraj Sowma Official Website................

                          The south-west sector is the most powerful quadrant in Vasthu Sastra because it is the area where positive energy is stored. (For this reason, the extreme south-west corner must not have windows or doors; as such openings will release the energy that has gathered in the house)

                          Coral Castle ..... living quarters

                          those huge blocks ...... as if In visible " Giants " Moved them .....

                          ready ..... David Christie - Saddle Up Original 12 inch Version 1982 - YouTube

                          Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.


                          Deuteronomy 2:11 Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites called them Emims.


                          Deuteronomy 3:11 (Og king of Bashan was the last of the Rephaites. His bed was decorated with iron and was more than nine cubits long and four cubits wide. It is still in Rabbah of the Ammonites.)


                          The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

                          Four is it in qualities,
                          shining in each of the planes of existence,
                          but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
                          the mystical number.
                          Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                          each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                          each shall channels be of the Great One

                          So 4 and 14 or. .... 144.

                          Leedskalnin was waiting for ..... agnes =agni = goat = HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 140 - 149
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-06-2013, 05:43 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • So what other word has NUN embedded in it besides An NUN Aki .........

                            Cernunnos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Cer nun nos is the conventional name given in Celtic studies to depictions of the "horned god" of Celtic polytheism. The name itself is only attested once, on the 1st-century Pillar of the Boatmen, but depictions of a horned or antlered figure, often seated cross-legged and often associated with animals and holding or wearing torcs, are known from other instances.

                            Nothing is known about the god from literary sources, and details about his name, his cult or his significance in Celtic religion are unknown. Speculative interpretations identify him as a god of nature or fertility.[1]

                            Just like the god PAN

                            Ps: try it in ( hint Thoth supposedly wrote 42 books ) ..... Cer nun nos

                            Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

                            .... find NUN ...hint 13 in 1

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-07-2013, 11:52 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • ..... Imagination - Just An Illusion - YouTube .... or Vanitas ...

                              The Mysterious Harlequin — Part Two | Mysterious Universe

                              An elder god?

                              Many ancient cultures, such as the Hopi and Norse, tell of entities that resemble Mitchell’s Harlequin in appearance and behavior. Jack Lankhorst of Restoration, an organization designed to assist the Hopi people, has seen this entity. “Having worked with traditional Native Americans, I’ve encountered some interesting things,” he said. “The Hopi believe in a deity named Maasaw who welcomed them to this land at what is now Old Oraibi.” The Hopi consider Maasaw an all-powerful earth god responsible for the earth’s surface and of death, and Maasaw’s description is similar to Mitchell’s Harlequin. “His face has two large round eyes and a large round mouth with teeth,” Lankhorst said. ”After explaining to Hopi friends what I encountered on two different occasions they emphatically stated that it was Maasaw. However, I’m not saying that that is who (Mitchell) encountered.”


                              Maasaw told the Hopi that he was the first and last, similar to the scripture in Revelation where the Lord said He was Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end. See Rev. 21:6.
                              + Bronski Beat - I feel love (Zwunk Re-Touch) - YouTube

                              The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 1

                              NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
                              forming and changing from out of the formless.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-07-2013, 05:24 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
                                path of the souls of the children of men.

                                SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
                                master of Space and the key of the Times.

                                Al-Ikhlas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ (Arabic: سورة الإخلاص‎) (The Fidelity), aka Sūrat al-Tawḥīd (Arabic: سورة التوحيد‎) (Monotheism) is the 112th Sura of the Qur'an. It is a short declaration of tawhid, God's absolute unity, consisting of 4 ayat. Al-Ikhlas means "the purity" or "the refining".
                                ... 144


                                Alavi Bohras - Special Feature - Qur'anic Sciences - Numeric Calculator for the Arabic Text

                                Text Entered: الئخلاص
                                Total Characters Entered = 7
                                It's Breakup = ‏1‏(‏ا‏)‏+ ‏‏30‏(‏ل‏)‏+ ‏‏1‏(‏ئ‏)‏+ ‏‏600‏(‏خ‏)‏+ ‏‏30‏(‏ل‏)‏+ ‏‏1‏(‏ا‏)‏+ ‏‏90‏(‏ص‏)
                                It's Total Value = 753
                                so 69 .... 144 and 753

                                Text Entered: التوحيد
                                Total Characters Entered = 7
                                It's Breakup = ‏1‏(‏ا‏)‏+ ‏‏30‏(‏ل‏)‏+ ‏‏400‏(‏ت‏)‏+ ‏‏6‏(‏و‏)‏+ ‏‏8‏(‏ح‏)‏+ ‏‏10‏(‏ي‏)‏+ ‏‏4‏(‏د‏)
                                It's Total Value = 459
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-07-2013, 10:40 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

