Too Assinine To Be Asinine | mbracedefreak
(Far Left) Eshu is one stubborn god; he kept popping up and still hang around. Religions try to reel in other cultures, but some things have priapic conditions. The name may change to Papa Legba to honor the Pope, but cocky old god hangs around like a towel hanger.
The Greek Priapus (center) seem to branch off from the Pataikos, who branches off from my main man – Ptah.
(Far Left) Eshu is one stubborn god; he kept popping up and still hang around. Religions try to reel in other cultures, but some things have priapic conditions. The name may change to Papa Legba to honor the Pope, but cocky old god hangs around like a towel hanger.
The Greek Priapus (center) seem to branch off from the Pataikos, who branches off from my main man – Ptah.

His Tatenen form is represented by a young and vigorous man wearing a crown with two tall plumes that surround the solar disk. He thus embodies the underground fire that rumbles and raises the earth. As such, he was particularly revered by metalworkers and blacksmith
Ptah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ptah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(look closer at the pic .... floating banana

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