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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
    Key to The Word that resounds among men

    feel like doing Magic ..... Soul Funk Fusion _ Greg Perry - Love Is Magic ( Instrumental ) - YouTube ..... take AB RA QAD AB RA

    place the 5 set of Letters on the Pentagram above ..... now picture in your mind's eye the image ( best if use your finger to draw the pentagram in your mind ) .... hold that image for a short while .... now flick it with your right finger as if you wanted it to spin( your brain will do the rest ) ..... enjoy the feeling


    you can also just print it with the letters on ..... works like a dream catcher then ....

    Q-D-Å* - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The root qdš was used frequently in West Semitic languages as a verb meaning "consecrate", whereas in Akkadian texts, the verb conjugated from this root meant to "clean, purify."[5][6] It could also be used as an adjective meaning "holy", and a substantive referring to a "sanctuary, sacred object, sacred personnel."[6] It was used this way in Ugaritic, as for example, in the words qidšu (meaning "holy place" or "chapel") and qad(i)šu (meaning "consecrated gift" or "cultic personnel").[6]
    William Foxwell Albright believed that Qudšu (meaning "holiness") was a common Canaanite appellation for the goddess Asherah, and Albright's mentor Frank Moore Cross claimed qdš was used as a divine epithet for both Asherah and the Ugaritic goddess, Athirat.[6][8][9] Johanna Stucky claims she may have been a deity in her own right.[10]

    Depictions of a goddess in inscriptions from Dynastic Egypt, thought to Canaanite since she is referred to as Qdš (often transliterated in English as Qedesha, Qudshu or Qetesh), show a woman in the nude, with curly hair and raised arms carrying lilies and serpents.[8][11] Qdš is also depicted in the pantheon of gods at Memphis, Egypt possibly indicating worship of her as independent deity there.[11] The word qdš also appears in the Pyrgi Tablets, a Phoenician text found in Italy that dates back to 500 BCE.[12]
    Other derivatives of Q-D-S in Arabic include qudus, which means "purity", "sanctity", "saint" or "holy", and qadas, which is used to refer to a "small cup or plate", often used to put forth offerings at holy sites.[21] Taqdis means to "purify, sanctify, consecrate to God," taqqadus is to "be purified, sanctified, consecrated," and taqâdus means to "play the saint". Istiqdas means "to deem holy."[21]
    King Curtis - Memphis Soul Stew - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-28-2013, 12:30 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Lefties Soul Connection-Bam Bam. - YouTube .... find the word below in the pentagram

      Predestination in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Qadar (Arabic: قدر‎, transl.: qadar, English: fate; divine foreordainment/predestination)[1] is the concept of divine destiny in Islam.[2] It is one of the six articles of faith, along with Belief in the Oneness of Allah, the Revealed Books, the Prophets of Islam, the Day of Resurrection and Angels. This concept has also been mentioned in the Quran as Allah's "Decree".

      or just call it Synchronicity Eddie Drennon & B.B.S. Unlimited - Do It Nice And Easy 12" - YouTube

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-28-2013, 12:33 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • In some of the ancient writings it is said, "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion".

        F.U.N.K.Y. - FOUR - YouTube .....

        .... Chango -- The Last Ride & Meeting The Gods - YouTube

        Rank: Queen
        Card Title: Queen of Pentacles
        Esoteric Title: Queen of the Thrones of Earth
        Astrological Attribution: Capricorn (cardinal earth)
        Decans: The Devil
        Dates & Timing: 20° Sagittarius to 20° Capricorn
        Corresponding Trump: December 13 to January 9
        Elemental Attributions: Water (cold, wet) of Earth (cold, dry)
        Elemental Combination: The Emotions transform the Senses
        Qabalistic World: Binah in Assiah
        Translation of World: The Understanding of Manifestation
        Suit Color: Pentacles – Green

        As in The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 1

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-28-2013, 01:38 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • info update :

          Ballet dancers' brains adapt to stop them getting in a spin

          Scientists have discovered differences in the brain structure of ballet dancers that may help them avoid feeling dizzy when they perform pirouettes.

          The research suggests that years of training can enable dancers to suppress signals from the balance organs in the inner ear.

          The findings, published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, could help to improve treatment for patients with chronic dizziness. Around one in four people experience this condition at some time in their lives.

          Normally, the feeling of dizziness stems from the vestibular organs in the inner ear. These fluid-filled chambers sense rotation of the head through tiny hairs that sense the fluid moving. After turning around rapidly, the fluid continues to move, which can make you feel like you're still spinning.

          Ballet dancers can perform multiple pirouettes with little or no feeling of dizziness. The findings show that this feat isn't just down to spotting, a technique dancers use that involves rapidly moving the head to fix their gaze on the same spot as much as possible.


          Study shows maths experts are 'made, not born'

          (Medical Xpress)—A new study of the brain of a maths supremo supports Darwin's belief that intellectual excellence is largely due to "zeal and hard work" rather than inherent ability.

          I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and that genius is self-bestowed.”

          ~ Walter Russell


          Size matters: Brain processes 'big' words faster than 'small' words

          (Medical Xpress)—Bigger may not always be better, but when it comes to brain processing speed, it appears that size does matter.
          A new study has revealed that words which refer to big things are processed more quickly by the brain than words for small things.

          Researchers at the University of Glasgow had previously found that big concrete words – 'ocean', 'dinosaur', 'cathedral' – were read more quickly than small ones such as 'apple', 'parasite' and 'cigarette'.

          Now they have discovered that abstract words which are thought of as big – 'greed', 'genius', 'paradise' – are also processed faster than concepts considered to be small such as 'haste', 'polite' and 'intimate'.
          let's try another one ..... .... Serendipity


          Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.[1] However, due to its sociological use, the word has been exported into many other languages.[2] Julius H. Comroe once described serendipity as : to look for a needle in a haystack and get out of it with the farmer's daughter .... Osaka Monaurail - Signed Sealed Delivered, I'm Yours (Our Label Records) - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-28-2013, 02:29 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Size matters: Brain processes 'big' words faster than 'small' words

            Lead author Dr Bo Yao said: "It turned out that our big concrete and abstract words, like 'shark' and 'panic', tended to be more emotionally arousing than our small concrete and abstract words, like 'acorn' and 'tight'. Our analysis showed that these emotional links played a greater role in the identification of abstract compared to concrete words."
            .... Cannonball Adderley - Pisces - YouTube

            Let's raise your sense of empathy a bit higher :

            Jenri Rivera, 7-Year-Old Guatemalan Boy, Hears For The First Time In Fort Wayne (VIDEO)


            12 Things Happy People Do Differently -- And Why I Started Doing Them | Jacob Sokol

            S.O.U.L. - Can You Feel It - 1972 [Funk] - YouTube ... S.O.U.L. - Soul - YouTube
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-28-2013, 06:42 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • ps : Cannonball Adderley - Capricorn - YouTube .... you can find other signs


              Sharks use math to hunt their prey: marine predators cruise the seas using fractal principles. - Free Online Library

              The great white shark in Jaws knew exactly where it was going - to the closest pair of plump legs around. But where might it head if it didn't have a tasty human snack in its sights?

              A new study suggests that some sharks and other marine predators can follow strict mathematical strategies when foraging for dinner. The work, reported in the June 10 Nature, is the latest aiming to show whether animals sometimes move in a pattern called a Levy walk.

              Unlike random motion--in which animals take similar-sized steps in any direction, like a drunk stumbling around ( Drunk Kung Fu Master Like ) --Levy walks are punctuated by rare, long forays in any direction. Draw a Levy walk on a graph, and its squiggly pattern echoes a fractal, the mathematical phenomenon whose shape remains similar no matter the viewing scale


              psyche rock (Full Version) - YouTube

              here is an interesting Myth .... quite similar to Manu

              Avatea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              In Cook Islands mythology, Avatea (also known as Vatea; meaning 'noon' or 'light')[1][2] was a lunar deity and the father of gods and men in Mangaian myth of origin. His eyes were thought to be the sun and the moon;[3] he was also known as the god of light.[4]

              According to one myth, Vari-Ma-Te-Takere (The primordial mother) created six children from her body. Three were plucked from her right side and three from her left. The first of which was Avatea, the first man, who was perceived as a moon god. As he grew he divided vertically into a hybrid being; the right half was a man and the left half a fish.[5][6]

              In song, the gods are called "children of Vatea". The same shortened phrase is in use at Rarotonga: at Aitutaki and Atiu the full form "Avatea" is used, e.g. kia kakā te mata o Avatea Nui meaning "when the eye of Great Avatea is open;" in other words "when the sun is in its full glory;" still in contrast with the darkness and gloom of Avaiki, or the Underworld.[7]

              ps: noon ..... nun .... The Players Association - Moon in Pisces - YouTube ..... September | 2013 | esoteric embers

              The Queen of Heaven who walked in Chaos

              Venus as evening star in Scorpio conjunct Saturn and the North Node of the Moon at the time of the Full Moon on September 19, 2013.

              This Pisces Full Moon is not only the Harvest Moon in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s Sabian symbol at 27 Pisces is “The Harvest Moon illumines a clear Autumnal sky.”

              Mars in Leo square Venus, Saturn, and North Node of Moon in Scorpio.

              Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer at the exact same time as the Full Moon.

              Pluto stations direct on September 20 at 9 Capricorn, with the Sabian symbol: “An Angel carrying a harp: the revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the center of any life situation.”
              We will have from this equinox until the end of this next week to make the final harmonizing of our energy in this way before the exact Mars-Venus square hits around September 28.
              Queen of Wands

              Full Moon at 27 degrees of Pisces, the third decan of Pisces. The third decan of Pisces (20-30 degrees) is part of the rulership of the Queen of Wands in tarot.
              If you are currently experiencing a bountiful harvest of your own being in this way, celebrate! If you are not experiencing this harvest at the moment, remember that whatever you are experiencing is part of your process of self-discovery. This concept connects with the image of the Queen above on the right, from the Thoth deck, in which she is wearing the glyph for Pisces on her chest. This is a Queen who has been in touch with the dark places of her psyche that some of you may have been currently experiencing, and it is because of her contact and awareness of these dark places that she ultimately is able to actualize her full potential and come into the full realization of her self and soul nature. At this Pisces Full Moon, this Harvest Moon of the Northern Hemisphere, fearlessly take stock of where you currently are on your life’s journey and courageously take action on the calling arising from your heart inside.
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-29-2013, 12:01 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • HiddenMysteries Author's Corner

                THE FOOL
                No Two Steps the Same

                When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained - Mark Twain

                Card number 22, called the Fool (also il Matto), opens the Tarot as the sun opens the year. In fact, the word Fool is a corruption of Soel, Sol or Soleil, meaning the sun. The Jester, Trickster or Harlequin, with his coat of many colors, is a simulacra of the sun in its annual traversal of the zodiac. The Fool is a motif of profound antiquity and to understand, completely, this card’s geometrical, ideographic, numerological and cosmological permutations, is to know illumination. Seasonally and ritually, the card is connected with the Vernal Equinox. The image of the eagle which appears on the Fool’s bag, denotes Ahom, the first letter of the Egyptian esoteric alphabet, while his bag and rod represent the male phallus and testes which carry the seeds of new life. His plume, represents Ma'at (Mayat), the supreme goddess of the Egyptian Siderealists. (Feathers became the early writing stylus for it was sincerely reckoned that word (Logos) must serve truth and wisdom or "Maat"). The figure of Maat with her scales is still seen above the halls of Justice (so called) today. The card’s esoteric sigil is zero which connotes the sun.

                The Fool's canine companion symbolizes Anubis, the jackal-headed god of putrefaction, decay and regeneration. He also represents temporality and mortality. Anubis' name means "Opener of the Ways." Like Cerberus, of later myths, he was guardian and gatekeeper who lead the seeker through the stages of his mystic journey, who warned of impending danger, and who bestowed magical gifts of protection and power. Like Virgil, Anubis guides the aspirant through the sunlit, moonlit and starlit climes, and also through the fearful landscapes where there is no light of any kind, through the stages of the Underworld, passed the "Devil's Gate," and through the terrible shadow-realms his charge may not be able to pass alone. Hand in hand, is how the ancient Egyptians showed the two, negotiating the intense trials that beset the spirit in search of self, the self in search of spirit. If the neophyte ever reaches the great scales of Maat, and the holy precinct of Osiris, it will be due to his ever faithful guardian and guide, sent him in his hours of trembling and exhaustion. The image of the guardian dog can also seen in cards 9 (The Hermit, Thoth Deck) and The Moon (Thoth and Rider-Waite). These are cards which denote the closure of cycles and rebirth.

                One of the interesting correspondences of this card concerns the esoteric letter "A" (Aleph). This letter, or word, gives us the modern alive and relates to oxygen and breath. Now it happens that, ontogenetically, during the zero-year of the human being, the fetus is dependant on the mother for everything that constitutes life. However, when the infant emerges and takes its first breath it becomes, existentially, an independent being. As Breath Therapists and yogis know, the science of breath is integral to our spiritual development. Our breath links the microcosmic self with the macrocomic "mother" called Tarut, Maat, Nuith, Hathor, Isis, Mara, or Sophia by the ancients. Between each breath, say the Sufis, man dies and is born again. Breath is our bridge to life but is never a certainty. This particular precariousness is connoted by the cliff-edge seen in the card. This pulsation of the lungs was likened to a bellows and may account for the Latin meaning of the word Fool. Interestingly, in this context the word respiration comes from spiritus, or spirit, symbolized by the eagle long before the dove.

                The sigil of the Fool is the enigmatic uroboric circle, the zero, a shape which encompasses the most area for the least circumference. His is the mystery of the "Squaring of the Circle," and circles circumscribe our entire lives. There is the circle of the zodiac into which we are born. We are born at a specific degree of this zodiacal wheel, and the symbol for a degree is, again, a circle. There are the months of the solar year, the days of the lunar week. The sun which animates and activates, and its consort the moon appear, in the sky, orbs of precisely the same relative size. On earth there is the circle of the horizon, in relation to which, we always occupy the hub, regardless of relative motion. The plains Indians saw this phenomena and wondered at it and called this circle the “Medicine Wheel.” All men and women stand at its center while their feet converge at the center of the globe, another sphere. The monk shaves his hair in a circle to represent submission to his god. The yogi makes a circle of the thumb and middle digit, to signify release from, and dominion, over the forces of time and space, of karma. Kings sealed word and deed by pressing their rings to a circle of wax, while visiting ambassadors would inscribe an imaginary circle around themselves to emphasize their neutrality. The hands of clocks rotate in a non-ending circle, while their inner machinery is composed of constantly rotating cogs. The atoms, stars and galaxies revolve in their respective orbits. Dervishes empty themselves of themselves by whirling anti-clockwise like the galaxies in their great celestial dance.

                Our liminal and subliminal attraction to the circle exists because it stands for the single female ovum, the original cauldron of plenty, the original Grail Chalice. The ancients knew the existence, shape and operations of both the sperm and the ovum which, among many representations, they likened to a serpent and egg and, also, as a cobra and an apple. Apples are fruits of the Tree of Life as the ova are the fruits of the living tree, the female. The serpent that bites into the apple (or tempts to do so) once simply connoted the act of conception. This much was known to those of the Mystery School traditions before the Judeo-Christian hegemony distorted the tale into the familiar labyrinthine Gordian Knot of nonsense in order to diminish the importance of the feminine power Cults of antiquity. Sexuality, in all its forms, was intensely revered by the ancients. How spirit took form in matter via the female was the actual foundation of most authentic magickal disciplines, mystery schools, and religions. It is why a Magician will stand within a perfectly formed uroboric circle. Such a rite signals his rebirth into a higher dimension of existence or understanding. He becomes a simulacra of the living spermatozoon within the living, all-protecting ovum of the Universal Mother Goddess. The Magician, her child, operates outside of linear or mundane time, his consciousness being in accord with Natural Law, not against it, which is the real reason why the magic circle cannot be broken and not for the reasons speculated by would be occult-buffs.

                The correspondence of the ring to the ovum, as well as the female rites of initiation, is still subliminally heeded when one slips a ring on a finger to signify betrothal and marriage. It is why columns stand within circular fountains, why clock towers stand above round civic plazas. A chain, made of links, symbolizes the bond of one life to another, one ovum eternally linked to the next, via the temple of the female. This is the original reason why the Church was called Holy Mother and why priests dress in the robes of the female. It is why baptismal fonts exist and why their waters are secretly salted to represent the uterine fluid. Even the common conjuror’s top-hat from which emerge the plethora of life-forms is also an ovum symbol, his wand being the inseminating male organ. The Semitic women, during pregnancy, were known to draw a circle around themselves. One might even muse that calendrically 0 A.D. was the opening of an entirely new era of experience and history. For many it was the only time when pure spirit incarnated into the flesh. Is there another such event scheduled for the Twenty-Second Century, the number of the Fool card? Are we coming full circle?
                Franco Micalizzi - Mara's Theme [1976] - YouTube .... read on

                That's all Folks .... land of Nehalennia here we go .... Roger Manning & Brian Reitzell - Gyroscope - YouTube

                and don't forget to ..... Ramsey Lewis Trio - Wade In The Water - MY FAVOURITE DANCE INSTRUMENTAL - YouTube

                The stopping of becoming is Nirvana - Buddhist Adage

                Who can free himself from achievement, and from fame, descend and be lost, amid the masses of men? He will flow like Tao, unseen, he will go about like Life itself with no name and no home. Simple he is, without distinction. To all appearances he is a fool. His steps leave no trace. He has no power. He achieves nothing, has no reputation. Since he judges no one no one judges him. Such is the perfect man: His boat is empty - Chuang Tzu (399 - 295 B.C.)

                It is all too often forgotten that the ancient symbol for prenascence of the world is a fool, and that foolishness being a divine state, is not a condition to be either proud or ashamed of - G. Spenser Brown (The Laws of Form)

                .... 6 - Love ..... = Hex (or heks ) .... sex - Wiktionary ... Nina Simone- I Put Spell On You - YouTube .... Children of AB RA HAM ( or is it HMA )
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-01-2013, 04:01 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • one last food for brain ..... flute .... S.O.U.L. - Burning Spear - YouTube ....


                  Sura Ibrahim (Arabic: سورة إبراهيم, Sūratu Ibrāhīm, Abraham) is the 14th sura of the Qur'an


                  S.O.U.L. - Can You Feel It - 1972 [Funk] - YouTube .... clap your hand if you feel it

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-01-2013, 04:46 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • hope this will help you along your Voyage .... Symbolic Literacy - An Article by Michael Tsarion

                    Law XIII thereof provided, "When a pawn has reached the eighth square, the player has the option of selecting a piece, whether such piece has previously been lost or not, whose names and powers it shall then assume, or of deciding that it shall remain a pawn.... Marvin Gaye - That´s The Way Love Is - YouTube


                    .... Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools (Lyrics) - YouTube

                    How old was the Buddha when he died .....

                    "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." --Mohandas Gandhi -
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-03-2013, 05:19 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Guem Et Zaka Percussion - ‎L'Abeille (1978) - YouTube ...


                      Sun’s 11-Year Cycle Caused by Dark Matter, Say Physicists
                      The way the planets influence the flow of dark matter into the Sun could explain one of the biggest mysteries in science, say particle physicists

                      The Sun’s 11-year cycle is one of science’s greatest mysteries. Astronomers have watched in fascination for centuries as the number of sunspots increases and decreases over a regular cycle of almost exactly 11 years.

                      Did Venus Give Earth the Moon? Wild New Theory on Lunar History

                      The Earth's moon may be a present from Venus, which once had a moon and then lost it, a new theory suggests. Under the theory, Earth's gravity captured Venus' old moon, giving our planet its big natural satellite.



                      Guem et Zaka Percussion (1978) Side B - YouTube ...

                      In ancient times, astronomers tracked the orbit of Venus very closely, discovering that it traced a pentagonal rose pattern in the sky over eight years.
                      . Caused by a planetary resonance where Venus orbits the Sun thirteen times for every eight orbits of the Earth, this rose-line or “rosslyn” pentacle was greatly revered in the mystery schools. It was even used as a blueprint to design the “sacred spaces” of many famous chapels, cathedrals and temples.
                      .......... The Inner Zodiac - An Article by Michael Tsarion...
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2013, 04:55 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • .... Guem et Zaka ~ Le Serpent (percussion) - YouTube .... Guem et Zaka percussion-Sensibilité.wmv - YouTube

                        The Migration of Symbols: Chapter V. On the Transmutation of Symbols

                        in the most singular verifications, especially in countries like India, where all the manifestations of art have a symbolical import. One should note in Moor's Hindu Pantheon how the Disk, the Conch, the Lotus, the Flame, the Axe, and so forth, frequently assume each other's forms—each of these symbols going part of the way to meet the others. Take, for example, two of the attributes which oftenest figure in the hands of Siva, the Axe and the Drum, and see them merge into one another:

                        also check out : Reading Temples - Understanding LDS Symbology - YouTube

                        ps E VI L .... L IV E V E I L .... Cosmic Play Intro Frame

                        Synchronicity, Liminality, Paradox,
                        Chaos, and the Transcendent Function

                        Jung’s concept of archetypes as having two different poles—instinct (red) and image (blue) combine in the color purple and also in play. Archetypes are where the metaphorical rubber meets the road; where the physical meets the imaginal. Von Franz describes this spectrum in many places, notably in Creation Myths (1978), and Alchemy (1980a).
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-06-2013, 09:39 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Cosmic Play Intro Intro Frame

                          Tricksters come in all different shapes and sizes. I not only looked at Jung’s article on the trickster (Jung, 1954/1990) but also Tarnas’s (1995) book Prometheus The Awakener. Grof and Tarnas (2002, seminar) see the transpersonal planetary archetype of Uranus as a “higher octave” of Mercury. Combs and Holland (2001) discuss synchronicity and the trickster, while Hyde (1998) examines the creative function of the trickster. Hynes and Doty (1993c), Eliot (1990), and Arnold (1996) discuss a wide variety of tricksters, while others focus on specific tricksters from different cultures: Lopez (1990) discusses Native American Coyote, and Kramer and Maier (1989) explore Norse Trickster Enki; Radin (1972), with commentary by Jung and Kerényi, discusses the Native American Trickster, while Pelton (1980) concentrates on the West African trickster. Jurich (1998) recounts tales of female tricksters, while Friedrich (1978) and more specifically Paris (1986) discuss Aphrodite’s liminal and wily trickster side.
                          Meet some of the Best Players ..... List of people diagnosed with dyslexia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          ex: Alexander Graham Bell, inventor and scientist

                          Lewis Carroll, author and mathematician

                          Albert Einstein, Scientist

                          Leonardo da Vinci, painter and polymath

                          Michael Faraday, Scientist.

                          Nikola Tesla, scientist and engineer

                          John Lennon, musician, songwriter

                          Jules Verne, author

                          forgot to add : Walter Russell to the lot as well .... not 100% sure but looking at his writing style ....

                          Maya Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy Past life Derbyshire

                          No two individuals ever has exactly the same gifts but many in the Dyslexia bracket do share some common mental functions. Including:

                          1. They can utilise the brain's ability to alter and create perceptions (the primary ability).
                          2. They are highly aware of their environment.
                          3. They are more curious than average.
                          4. They think mainly in pictures instead of words.
                          5. They are highly intuitive and insightful.
                          6. They think and perceive multi-dimensionally (using all the senses).
                          7. They can experience thought as reality.
                          8. They have vivid imaginations

                          Many of these attributes can get suppressed by the “educational process over the years, but if instead we learn to work with them two characteristics will evolve: higher than normal intelligence, and extraordinary creative abilities. From these the true gifts can emerge - the gift of mastery ( see also 60 > 6 - 60 - 60 = 22x3x5 --- Samekh ).

                          Dyslexia and left-handed children


                          Why neutrino has only left handed chirality?


                          The Astronomist: The Universe and Life is asymmetric: Chirality

                          The dominance of the left handed chiral enantiomer in biology is a massive blow to the idea that nature is perfectly symmetric and is an unsolved mystery as to why nature is this way. - See more at: The Astronomist: The Universe and Life is asymmetric: Chirality
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-06-2013, 10:35 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • ps: ..... Kodo - Lion - YouTube

                            Einstein's Brain Had Well-Connected Hemispheres That Sparked His Brilliance, Study Suggests

                            Hermes ... .... The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities

                            Personalities dominated by the perspective of Hermes seem to be interested in the hidden side of things, the enfolded or implicate aspect. Implicate comes from the Latin word implicio, to enfold or imply. It is that aspect of reality which lies behind the "veil" of manifestation. These individuals see themselves as the carriers of the secret codes or lore, of things that are not on the surface.
                            Hermes, as the Trickster, has a dark side, like all archetypes. The behavior patterns of the Hermes-dominated person may lead into his opportunistic characteristic pursuits. Hermes rules merchants, thieves, and salespersons. Hermes is also the god of travelers who inspires an incurable wanderlust. He is the prime motivator behind compulsive questing, the search for something--the personal Holy Grail.
                            Another Hermetic role is to seek out and convey the hidden messages and meanings in synchronous events. These meaningful coincidences, used as a form of personal development (pathworking), serve as a form of metaphorical perception. It means seeking the hidden archetypal patterns in the apparent chaos of daily life. In this way, the Tree of Life with its paths, serves as an objective guide to the unconscious--a consciousness map of the deep psyche. Hermes is also the gods who brings revelations, whether through depth psychology or the interpretations of divinations such as I Ching or astrology.
                            Looking for the god in a disease, Hermes' style is seen in schizophrenia, as seen in the movie "A Beautiful Mind," about physicist John Nash. This style thrives on plural meanings, cryptic double-talk, in escaping definitions, and psychically detaching body parts. The dissociation aspect of "falling apart" makes possible a new style of reflection in the psyche--a change in attraction from one archetype to another.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2013, 11:38 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • flute ..... KODO - Niji no Nagori - YouTube ....

                              Specific occupations associated with Hermes are: ... Hermes

                              book seller
                              stamp collector
                              telephone operator
                              Specific keywords associated with Hermes are:


                              neurolinguistic programming
                              nerve tissue


                              nervous energy
                              Epic Taiko Drum Music - YouTube


                              The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

                              The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

                              The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

                              Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

                              .......... Yamato - The Drummers Of Japan 1.wmv - YouTube
                              Semiotics ( = KamaSutra ) represents a range of studies in art, literature, anthropology, mass media, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and aesthetics. It is concerned with significance, linguistic and non-linguistic, intentional and unintentional communication. It explores modes of production of signs and meanings, how systems and codes are used, transformed or transgressed in social practice. Semiotics teaches us that reality is plastic, a subjective construction. It teaches us reality is a systems of signs. To decline such a study is to leave to others the control of the world of meanings which we inhabit (Chandler,
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2013, 05:19 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • pps: Yamato - Wiktionary .... ole

                                As Trump I, the Magus is the Initiator of the transformational process. The internal flow of archetypal processes is like a musical symphony. It is nonlinear, complex and dynamic. It is a flow of pure spontaneous creativity, unfolding possibilities. Individual archetypes are seen as the various instruments within that melody. While most are easily identified, Hermes remains the most vague to grasp and to truly understand.
                                He is the most diffuse because he is the translator, the magician, the shape-shifter, the trickster even liar, the chameleon. He is ithyphallic; his wayside shrines called 'herms' glorified the penis in ancient times. Wearing an erect phallus fetish was believed to bring good luck. Exploring the creative consciousness flow is much like being in a foreign country. We simply do not speak the language. Alchemy and magick were the psychological languages of the past. Hermes acts as our communicator, a guide or mentor to deliver messages between gods and men, divine and mortal -- like a prototypical winged angel -- a psychopomp or soul-guide.
                                Since our attention is usually on the message, not the message-bringer, we seldom realize it is the magician who pulled the rabbit out of the hat. We loose the image of what Hermes is when he delivers the message. When we are immersed in the stream of consciousness, we forget that not only are we receiving a communication from a specific god, but Hermes's translation of that message is also present. And it is our individual reaction to that complex which forms the musical symphony.
                                His method of communications is through a system of correspondences. These acausal relationships are experienced as synchronicity. Synchronistic events are those subjective experiences that make up life's meaningful coincidences. Hermes is the magician who has the ability to cross dimensional boundaries, as a mediator between the human and the divine, the personal psyche and the unconscious.
                                His realm includes the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual planes of consciousness. When considering Hermes, remember that "the medium is the message." He is the archetype of information theory--how information controls and patterns energy. He is the mentor of the information age.

                                ... check out this movie .. you'll learn about Hermes at work

                                Middle Men (2009) - IMDb ... 'Middle Men' Trailer HD - YouTube .... thanks to these Geeks , you are able to satisfy your online shopping cravings ... KODO - Niji no Nagori - YouTube
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2013, 06:03 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

