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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • The universe is a Giant Brain!..

    Black Hole Son - YouTube

    LIPPS INC. - Funky Town (Long 12'' Version Video Clip) - YouTube


    • Indeed .... Funky

      Constellation Of Orion (music:Metallica/Orion) - YouTube


      The Greeks (and Romans) associated Dionysus with Osiris, and Osiris was associated with Orion by the Egyptians.

      Orion had a number of titles signifying the word 'giant': The Jews called Orion Gibbor, the Giant. "The Syrians knew Orion as Gabbara; the Arabians as Al Jabbar, both signifying 'the Giant', Gigas, giant, Greek title for Orion with Ptolemy, — and in Latin days occasionally Gigas; the Arabian word gradually being turned into Algebra (the prefix al- means 'the'), Algebaro, and, especially in poetry, Algebar, which Chilmead gave as Algibbar (Al Gibbar, 'the giant')". Our words giant and gigantic, and the word giga- (prefix meaning a billion) come from Latin gagas, Greek gigas. Orion is referred to as 'earthborn' because the gods Zeus, Hermes and Poseidon urinated into a bull's hide and buried it in the earth. In Greek mythology the gigantes were (according to the poet Hesiod) the children of Uranos and Gaea (the Heaven and the Earth). The prefix gi- of 'giant', is believed to come from Gaia, or Gaea, meaning earth, Gaea-antis.

      Algebra, another Arabic title for Orion, that because of the sound similarity should relate to that branch of mathematics, algebra from Arabic al-jabr, from al-, the, + jabr, meaning to join broken bones, to set bones, [a joint (from *yeug-) is the location at which two or more bones make contact] from Semitic *gpr, and related to the name Gabriel; Gabriel, Jibril or Jibrail, 'Fortitudo Dei', 'force from God' said to Mary "And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus." -- Luke 1:31. "In that same time that she had thus given her assent to the angel, she conceived in her Jesus Christ" [2]. Conception took place while Gabriel was present; something involved in the creation of the zygote, perhaps the spirit, soul, or life force (or something else?)

      Algebra from Arabic al-jabr, from al-, the, + jabr, meaning to join broken bones, to set bones. Orion is identified with Egyptian Osiris who was cut up into pieces by Set and his body was reassembled by Isis.

      read more ... very interesting
      .... Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan [HQ] - YouTube


      Team finds evidence of ancient human history encoded in music's complex patterns

      In the same way that fragments of ancient pottery and bones offer valuable information about human history, music can also reveal previously hidden clues about the past, according to new research from an international team led by McMaster University psychologist Steven Brown.

      Read more at:

      The team has established for the first time that the history of human populations is embedded in music, where complex combinations of rhythm, pitch and arrangement form a code that scientists can read in a manner that can be compared to the way they read changes in human DNA and language.

      "Music is an untapped migrational marker that can be used to help people understand the history of human populations," says Brown, an associate professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour. "It adds to the whole story of human history. We need more evidence, and this is a new kind of evidence that we can add to the pot."

      Brown's research team used a comparison between the mitochondrial DNA and the folk music of nine indigenous populations of Taiwan to show that each tells a similar story about the ways those populations have changed and converged over the last 6,000 years.

      Read more at:
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2013, 07:59 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • ps:

        The name Orion is from Greek ourios, 'urine'.


        Urine Battery Turns Pee Into Power

        Urine Power

        To make the battery, Lee and his colleagues soaked a piece of paper in a solution of copper chloride and sandwiched it between strips of magnesium and copper. This sandwich was then laminated between two sheets of transparent plastic.

        When a drop of urine is added to the paper through a slit in the plastic, a chemical reaction takes place that produces electricity, Lee said.

        The prototype battery produced about 1.5 volts, the same as a standard AA battery, and runs for about 90 minutes. Researchers said the power, voltage, and lifetime of the battery can be improved by adjusting the geometry and materials used.
        ..... ... R Kelly - I Wanna Pee On You (Dave Chappelle Show) - YouTube lol

        more seriously .... Urine therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


        CLAY - the miraculous ground - Natha Yogacenter

        CLAY - the miraculous ground
        Category: Healing

        Fragment extracted from the "Mini encyclopedia of Romanian naturist medicine” by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
        copyright YogaEsoteric :: Home ::

        Clay has nothing to do with a vegetable or a fruit, unless someone shapes it like this. However, just as vegetables, it supports and enriches health. It contains many minerals and oligo-elements and has numerous qualities.

        This very old therapeutic method is indeed of a rare power. We can say in fact that it is too famous, therefore it became vulgarized. In the literature in the past centuries, we may find astonishing examples of healing regarding to numerous conditions, some of them being often severe.

        Clay seems to have almost all qualities: it helps a lot in physical regeneration, and this is because of its oligo-elements. Clay's composition explain alone its remineralizing qualities, as well as the balancing and anti-toxic action. All these properties have been known since ancient times.

        Regardin clay, many of the ancient scripts were lost over time. We know, however, that Egyptians have used it for mummifying cadavers (see here the antiseptic properties of clay).
        When we take ad literam quotes from ancient texts, clay seems to have been endowed, in old times, with certain virtues that are not anymore mentioned nowadays. Indeed, now we don't take in consideration to treat certain tumors or bone deformities with putting there some patches of clay, which is used only as a supporting therapy. Still, certain populations, because of many lacks of other means, are still using even noawadays clay baths and patches and obtaining fantastic results.

        It is possible that when applied to bone injuries, clay patches or baths may no longer have the same efficiency nowadays like in the past. This may be due to habit (tradition) over generations or to psychological influences which have arisen in certain human groups. Also, the biological characteristics of our contemporaries are, certainly, somewhat different from those of the man that was living two or three thousands of years ago. Thus, about half a century ago, people have found that the normal percentage of cholesterolemy (the concentration of cholesterol in the blood) was within the scale of 1,80g/l to 2,20 g/l blood. Currently, many authors believe that it has raised to 2,40-2,50 g/l blood.

        Thus, the response to this kind of treatment may modify acording to physiological conditions of the period of time when it's applied. This may be very well one of the possible explanations for certain often criticized therapeutical means. The new medication makes the connection to the old ones, that have become inactive in time.

        In Indochina, within the time frame from 1950's and 1953's, many doctors have noticed that certain drugs were ineffective on wounded French people, but they were meanwhile proven to be very effective when administrated to the Vietnamese.
        It seems that the habit of using natural medicines is commonly limited by time. Still, for many contemporaries, due to the long forgetfullness over time, the treatment with clay would play the role of a "new" great therapy.
        The Greek doctor Dioscoride was stating that clay has a tremendous force. Pliny, the elder, Galen and Avicenna have also spoken extensively in their writings about it.

        Louis the XIVth has gladly used clay because of his strong appetite that has sometimes caused him health troubles. Literature mentioned that anal cracks, hemorrhoids and other impairment of the Sun King “plethora”. Was this then the reason for which, according to Saint-Simon, Louis the XIV th has been known for using pretty much of this kind of dust?
        In "Sciences et Voyages", one can read something very interesting and signed by M.M. Deribιrι and A. Esme: "Marco Polo reported that pilgrims who went to the Holy City of Niabar were often sick with fever every three days, and they would heal by absorbing a bit of the red ground from that specific place, not far from the city."
        Kuhn (from Leipzig), Strumpf, Just, Kneipp have had a big contribution to the ''rehabilitation'' of clay therapy. Professor Strumpf, from the University of Berlin, has prescribed clay in 1903, to numerous sick people, for Asian fever and he put together all his results in his famous book, speaking a lot of this method.

        During the war, from 1914's to1918's, a small amount of clay used to be added to the mustard destined for some French regiments. Contrary to other units, these regiments were not decimated by dysentery. Russian troops as well have used clay internally. This method is commonly found in various forms throughout many countryside areas. There are countries where patients continue to treat themselves by swallowing clay, especially in Africa, South America and in India, where for example even Gandhi was recommending it.

        The geography of some countries offers the possiblity to have the a clay which is enriched with various mineral salts and metals, such as iron and calcium. In Indochina, the inhabitants even use to agitate river waters before drinking out of it. First explanation for this gesture would be that clear water hides in it "the spirit of evil". By agitating the water, the one who wanted to ease his thirst would get rid of it. The true explanation is totally different and much simpler. It is, without doubt, an act of public health, whose origins has been forgotten over times. The ancestors of the Vietnamese probably have used to drink clay water, being more aware of its disinfectant and energizing virtues.

        Dr. Keller – Hoerschelmann was performing clay treatments in his hospitable and declared in his turn that "the internal use of clay for pleurisy, peritonitis, inflammation of the lower abdomen, catarrh of the bladder, appendicitis, gallstones, intestinal worms, cancers, ulcers, pleurisy, etc is surprisingly effective."
        It was afterwards assumed that the current use of salt and mineral waters is actually nothing more than a disguised and more refined form of simple clay ingestion.

        Regarding the external use of clay, the animals who know out of instinct which are the plants necessary to their healing, bathe instinctively in the morass of clay when they are injured or sick.
        People have also used clay in this way since remote times. Such descriptions are many in medical literature. "The sludge of the cutlers" which was nothing else but clay, was used until recently in France on burns. Currently we have the similar action of kaolin, alumina silicate. Clay is composed, to a large extent, of this latter product.

        Heir of a long tradition, vicar Kneipp currently used a mixture of clay and vinegar for making cataplasms and plasters. In Germany and Switzerland, certain physiologists apply a warm clay plaster on patients’ thoraxes, which has to be kept for several hours and sometimes over night.
        ....The Sisters of Mercy -- More - YouTube .... on clay here :
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2013, 08:45 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • The Chullpa towers at Sillustani near Lake Titicaca are thought by most academics to be burial places of the Inca and others. However, engineers I have taken there are of the opinion that the finest ones are far older than the Inca, and were of some energetic purpose.

          Ancient Energy Generating Towers Of Lake Titicaca Peru - YouTube


          • Originally posted by BBX View Post
            The Chullpa towers at Sillustani near Lake Titicaca are thought by most academics to be burial places of the Inca and others. However, engineers I have taken there are of the opinion that the finest ones are far older than the Inca, and were of some energetic purpose.

            Ancient Energy Generating Towers Of Lake Titicaca Peru - YouTube

            Originally posted by Franco malgarini View Post
            With this we have perpetual motion and free energy:

            Thomas G. ALLEN : Hydrautomat "Water Staircase" ( 1922 )
            from :

            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

              Espacenet - Original document


              always nice to go back to original patent


              Espacenet - Original document

              It is well known that a Treatment with Electrostatic Fields as a Remedy to Various Illnesses such as Paralysis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , hysteria

              Sick building syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified. A 1984 World Health Organization report suggested up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be subject of complaints related to poor indoor air quality.[1]

              Sick building causes are frequently pinned down to flaws in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Other causes have been attributed to contaminants produced by outgassing of some types of building materials, volatile organic compounds (VOC), molds (see mold health issues), improper exhaust ventilation of ozone (byproduct of some office machinery), light industrial chemicals used within, or lack of adequate fresh-air intake/air filtration (see Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value).
              in other words they have no idea

              Symptoms are often dealt with after the fact by boosting the overall turn-over rate of fresh air exchange with the outside air, but the new green building design goal should be able to avoid most of the SBS problem sources in the first place, minimize the ongoing use of VOC cleaning compounds, and eliminate conditions that encourage allergenic mold growth
              electrostatic fields can heal or harm .... all in the right dosage

              wonder if you compare standard buildings with Feng Shui Building , we would see a difference :

              Feng shui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Feng shui (i/ˌfɛŋ ˈʃuːi/;[1] i/fʌŋ ʃweɪ/;[2] pinyin: fēng shuǐ, pronounced [fɤ́ŋ ʂwθi] ( listen)) is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing the human existence with the surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. This is a cultural shorthand taken from the passage of the now-lost Classic of Burial recorded in Guo Pu's commentary:[3] Feng Shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as Physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The Feng Shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of "invisible forces" that bind the Universe, Earth, and man together, known as qi/chi/energy.

              Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.[3]

              | Page 13

              Did you know that granite is said to have its own healing properties?

              “Granite has been honored by many cultures, particularly the Aboriginal and Mayan cultures, as a sacred and powerful stone, allowing for increased protection and abundance. Composed primarily of quartz and feldspar, it also may contain Orthoclase, which is a form of feldspar which can form in plate-like layers, short prismatic crystals and tabular inclusions. This stone works well on skepticism. Allows for diplomacy, discretion, cooperativeness and negativity. Granite is a wonderful relationship balancer. Granite also has been used to strengthen the hair and ailments associated with face and head. Benefits the bones and muscle and soft tissue. Use in conjunction with Flint ( to make Sparks ) to stimulate the regeneration of the body’s tissue.”

              Volcanic Rock Dust For Fertiliser + Phillip S. CALLAHAN -- Paramagnetism & Agriculture

              What Causes Volcanic Lightning? | Photos from Redoubt + CVO Menu - The Plus Side of Volcanoes

              Volcanic materials ultimately break down and weather to form some of the most fertile soils on Earth, cultivation of which has produced abundant food and fostered civilizations. -- Excerpt from: Tilling, 1985, Volcanoes: USGS General Interest Publication
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2013, 05:19 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • talking about electrostatic ....

                Electrostatics is a branch of physics that deals with the phenomena and properties of stationary or slow-moving electric charges with no acceleration.

                Since classical antiquity, it has been known that some materials such as amber attract lightweight particles after rubbing. The Greek word for amber, ήλεκτρον electron, was the source of the word 'electricity'.

                What is an Amber Teething Necklace? (with picture)

                An amber teething necklace is a necklace made from amber which is designed to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with teething. Amber supposedly has anti-inflammatory properties which can be absorbed when it is worn against the skin, soothing a baby naturally while he or she struggles with the pain of cutting brand new teeth.
                electrostatic is the true cause not munching on them ( imho )

                The practice of making amber amulets for children and adults is ancient. Traditionally, amulets were carved into various shapes and worn against the skin to ward off bad luck. It is possible that these amulets also reduced inflammation and discomfort for their wearers, which may have indirectly contributed to the persistence of wearing amber amulets in places like the Balkans, North Africa, the Middle East, and China.


                Electrostatic phenomena in volcanic eruptions - Abstract - Journal of Physics: Conference Series - IOPscience

                Electrostatic phenomena have long been associated with the explosive eruption of volcanoes. Lightning generated in volcanic plumes is a spectacular atmospheric electrical event that requires development of large potential gradients over distances of up to kilometres. This process begins as hydrated liquid rock (magma) ascends towards Earth's surface. Pressure reduction causes water supersaturation in the magma and the development of bubbles of supercritical water, where deeper than c. 1000 m, and water vapour at shallower depths that drives flow expansion. The generation of high strain rates in the expanding bubbly magma can cause it to fracture in a brittle manner, as deformation relaxation timescales are exceeded. The brittle fracture provides the initial charge separation mechanism, known as fractoemission [1]. The resulting mixture of charged silicate particles and ions evolves over time, generating macro-scale potential gradients in the atmosphere and driving processes such as particle aggregation. For the silicate particles, aggregation driven by electrostatic effects is most significant for particles smaller than c. 100 μm. Aggregation acts to change the effective aerodynamic behaviour of silicate particles [2], thus altering the sedimentation rates of particles from volcanic plumes from the atmosphere. The presence of liquid phases also promotes aggregation processes [3] and lightning.

                Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment

                The invention contemplates the use, in therapeutics, of high potential, high frequency electricity to produce diversified forms of radiant energy, such forms being those which have been found best suited, individually, to benefit various human ailments. In accomplishing this purpose, several special discharge tubes have been developed to serve as treatment electrodes, by means of which correspondingly different curative results are obtained. Throughout the practice of the invention a prime consideration is that only one terminal of any particular circuit shall be contact with the patient's body at one time, so there will be no flow of current through a closed circuit of which the patient's body is a part. Such a terminal, too, is usually non-heat producing, so there is no danger of burning. In cases where there is a tendency for a tube to produce x-rays or other injurious rays, these are filtered out.
                unidirectional electrostatic field ... see Priore

                a similar design as described by Antoine Priore :

                Electroflame contactless technology extinguishing


                DESCRIPTION FR2408357 : 2408357-Desc-en

                The invention relates to improvements in the treatment of living organisms (humans and animals) for the negative ions.

                The present invention aims to improve this processing by negative ions,
                It is known to employ another part # treatment by electrostatic fields as a remedy for various diseases such as paralysis, rheumatism, neuralgia, hysteria, etc.
                According to the invention, these two methods of treatment are associated, by breathing air containing negative ions, a subject undergoing a unidirectional electrostatic field created between a plate subjected to a nega tive potential and spiked directed to the head of the subject and a plate subjected to a positive potential in contact with the subject's body.
                Unexpectedly unidirectional electrostatic field accelerates and strengthens clearly the effects of treatment with negative ions was achieved, for example, to remove by this means a hard cholesterol artificially induced in guinea pig.
                According to a feature of the present invention, the processing efficiency is further increased by charging ionized air peroxides, obtained for example by carrying out the cracking of hydrocarbons at high temperature, in particular a mixture of turpentine and terpene.
                The invention also relates to an installation comprising a cabin provided at its inhalation low floor part of a conductor connected to ground and at its upper part to a ceiling formed by a conductive plate filled with a plurality of spikes , a static electricity generator whose negative pole is connected to said ceiling and the positive pole to the ground, and a negative ion generator comprising a pressurized air supplied input, an output connected to the cabin of inhalation, a conductive gate packed with a plurality of spikes directed towards the outlet and a second static electricity generator whose negative pole is connected to said gate and the positive pole to ground.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2013, 07:13 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • let's do a bit of "hacking " / experimenting :

                  let's take a bit of :

                  In the simplest form of the invention, Sprink used a grounded container placed in an electrostatic field. More control and power was obtained with geometric arrays of positive electrodes mounted diagonally from grounded electrodes.

                  place in it

                  Electromagnetic Coils - + Wild & crazy Caduceus Coil interpretation


                  HDR Caduceus Coil illustration by Steven Gibbs

                  Main components of Tensor Coil AKA Caduceus Coil

                  A copper wire with a bifilar winding that has the opposing magnetic fields cancel each other.

                  Take a enamel copper wire and nick the middle then twist the wire into a double helix.

                  Now curl the wire into a spiral. This will generate scalar waves when there is a current.

                  you get something similar to :

                  ( or this :

                  Tesla Patent 568,178 - Method of Regulating Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency

                  A similar result may be secured by modifying any of the constants of the local circuits, as above indicated. For example, in Fig. 2 the choking coil E is shown as provided with an adjustable core N, by the movement of which into and out of the coil the self-induction, and consequently the period of the circuit containing such coil, may be varied

                  Tesla Patent 568,179 - Method of and Apparatus for Producing Currents of High Frequency

                  .... )

                  you can call it a Bagdad Caduceus Battery / Condenser Variant : ( oil / water / electrolyte as Tesla mentioned )

                  ps: you can also experiment with Granite as the core


                  In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value.

                  Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment

                  What is the principle of capacitor?

                  A device used to store huge amount of electric charge in a small room is called capacitor.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-24-2013, 12:47 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by BBX View Post
                    The Chullpa towers at Sillustani near Lake Titicaca are thought by most academics to be burial places of the Inca and others. However, engineers I have taken there are of the opinion that the finest ones are far older than the Inca, and were of some energetic purpose.

                    Ancient Energy Generating Towers Of Lake Titicaca Peru - YouTube
                    forgot to add

                    Lake Titicaca (Spanish: Lago Titicaca) is a lake in the Andes on the border of Peru and Bolivia. By volume of water, it is the largest lake in South America.[2][3] Lake Maracaibo has a larger surface area, but it is considered to be a large brackish bay due to its direct connection with the sea.

                    It is often called the highest navigable lake in the world, with a surface elevation of 3,812 m (12,507 ft).[4][5] Although this refers to navigation by large boats, it is generally considered to mean commercial craft. For many years the largest vessel afloat on the lake was the 2,200-ton, 79-metre (259 ft) SS Ollanta. Today the largest vessel is probably the similarly sized, but broader, train barge/float Manco Capac, operated by PeruRail (berthed, as of 17 June 2013, at 15°50′11″S 70°00′53″W, across the pier from the Ollanta). At least two dozen bodies of water around the world are at higher elevations, but all are much smaller and shallower.[6]
                    . Evapotranspiration, caused by strong winds and intense sunlight at high altitude, balances the remaining 90% of the water input. It is nearly a closed lake.[2][7][12]
                    Leyden Jar like ....

                    .... Swinging Soul Machine-Spooky's Day Off - YouTube

                    Thomas Henry Moray: The Sea of Energy ~ Excerpts of technical factoids & illustrations of the Moray Radiant Energy Receiver

                    It has been found that ionization, which could be the medium for the flow of energy, increases with altitudes instead of decreasing. Since the source of energy is the universe, the generation of energy by rotary action and by all prime movers is an effect and not a cause. Oscillatory energy action, be it in a Leyden jar or another man-made capacitor, or in what we may call natural capacitors, behaves the same. The oscillations will continue until they have reach their cycle of height and then there will be a backrush returning to where the oscillations originated. Every oscillation, whether large or small, is completed during the same interval of time. These oscillations all prove the same great fact, that they are governed by the same cycle of time, completed during the same interval of time. Waves of energy have a regular beat note, coming and going as the waves of the sea, but in a very definite mathematical order --- coming to the earth from every direction with a definite rhythm.
                    Lou Johnson - Beat - YouTube
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-24-2013, 05:10 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just a more recent video :

                      ε€ͺι™½ι’¨γ‚’ζ•γ‚‰γˆγ¦γ„γŸγ‚‚γγζ*£δ½“ What is the cause of the waves? - YouTube

                      with that in mind : Wild & crazy Caduceus Coil interpretation

                      Wilbert B. Smith: Gravity Control ~ Binding Force ~ Caduceus Coil ~ Letters ~ Circuit Diagrams

                      One ferrite core, material with the highest permeability and dielectric constant, about 8 inches to a foot long, and about 1 inch in diameter. About 20 feet of plastic insulated #14 electric house wire. Starting at the center of the wire and at one end of the core wind on the wire as closely as possible, with the first turn under and then over, so that the winding will be exactly symmetrical. It will start at one end of the core and finish at the other end and will resemble a solenoid with a bifilar winding. It is important that the winding be exactly symmetrical.

                      When connected to a transmitter, treat it as any normal antenna for loading and tuning.
                      the caduceus functions as an electromagnetic oscillator system

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 12:07 AM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


                        electrostatic fields can heal or harm .... all in the right dosage

                        Good reading MonsieurM

                        I'm about to begin some experiments with static fields and their effect on life.
                        I will use HV supply varying from several up to >100kV of negative potential and Earth ground. There is virtually no ozone being generated, only strong ionic wind. It is something intriguing about this entire subject and references can be found in '1800 publications. In George Lakhovsky MWO subject also sits in highly charged electrostatic field but this field, very reach in fundamentals and harmonics is bouncing back and forth between the antennas. Rx, or "passive antenna" is not so passive after all
                        I already tried placing well insulated plate behind my back and connecting to the output of my new HV Gen. I don't know how to describe but the result was rather pleasant. I used low voltage (15-25kV) for this particular experiment. Next I'll try "priming" some seeds as well as expose mature plants to the slightly negatively charged environment.
                        This is a similar situation which naturally occurs before the thunderstorm. Maybe it isn't the rain which boosts the growth of plants but such subtle change in the field towards negative? It is possible that in distant past such storms were more violent and those charges were also more profound which resulted in different species than those we're familiar with today.
                        In unpolluted environment nature keeps everything in balance but modern world with all "gifts" throws such balance towards positive side.
                        From energetic/magnetic point of view positive force suppose to stimulate and negative should inhibit but it seems that slight "off balance" towards more negative particles does more good than the other way around.
                        When I measure inside the house there is always more positive than negative charges until...I turn my devices on. For some reason the 1" spark between the tweezers and spinning wing didn't show up. This was on the lowest power level.

                        Thank you
                        Attached Files
                        'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                        General D.Eisenhower



                        • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                          Good reading MonsieurM

                          Thank you
                          Good reading you as well blackchisel97

                          This is a similar situation which naturally occurs before the thunderstorm. Maybe it isn't the rain which boosts the growth of plants but such subtle change in the field towards negative? It is possible that in distant past such storms were more violent and those charges were also more profound which resulted in different species than those we're familiar with today.

                          you could say that it makes it slightly Alkaline ... Electromagnetically Speaking

                          glad to see inspiration kicking into high gear

                          if you can find some clay or magnetite or rock dust .... priming seeds / plants mixed in sounds also worth a try ....
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 12:28 AM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                            Good reading MonsieurM

                            "passive antenna" is not so passive after all

                            This is a similar situation which naturally occurs before the thunderstorm. Maybe it isn't the rain which boosts the growth of plants but such subtle change in the field towards negative? It is possible that in distant past such storms were more violent and those charges were also more profound which resulted in different species than those we're familiar with today.
                            Thank you
                            it is also at that exact time when ( for sensitive persons) right before the thunderstorm that :

                            What Makes Hair Stand on End When You're Scared? - Emotional Health Center - Everyday Health

                            you know it as the Calm before the Storm .... actually there is a tiny breeze right before it goes

                            subtle ionic wind that charges water droplets

                            Corona ion induced atmospheric potential gradient perturbations near high voltage power lines - ResearchGate

                            ABSTRACT High voltage power lines are known to produce corona ions that can be carried from the line by the wind, progressively attaching to ambient aerosol particles and causing fluctuations in the Earth’s atmospheric potential gradient. A fixed site monitoring station was installed near two power lines, which recorded the potential gradient at 1 s intervals and the ambient weather conditions every 10 min. The station ran continuously from January 2007 to December 2008, accumulating long-term data. Results from 2008 show an increase in potential gradient variability when a wind is blowing across the power lines towards the station, indicating that corona ions may be present in this environment.
                            Fellow Water Droplet

                            Black Hole Hosts Universe's Most Massive Water Cloud ..... Scientists discover 'black holes' in Earth's oceans | MNN - Mother Nature Network
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 01:09 AM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • That ionic wind being emitted from power lines is of positive rather than negative nature and not beneficial to us at all - Power Lines, Static Electricity and Diseases

                              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                              General D.Eisenhower



                              • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                                That ionic wind being emitted from power lines is of positive rather than negative nature and not beneficial to us at all - Power Lines, Static Electricity and Diseases


                                Thank you for the correction

                                i was more focused on wind carrying .... Positive or Negative .... the wind does not make that distinction

                                Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.[3]
                                ... progressively attaching to ambient aerosol particles (ie You ) ..... thus you need to earth oneself

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 01:47 AM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

