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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    Crow Picture by Anton Orloff Savvader

    ... Herbie Hancock - Doin' It - YouTube ...... I Want To Take You Higher - Sly and The Family Stone - HQ - YouTube

    ANIMA MUNDI: Soul-Filled World

    By Iona Miller

    “God redeems humanity, but nature needs to be redeemed by human alchemists, who are able to induce the process of transformation, which alone is capable of liberating the light imprisoned in physical creation.” ~Stephan Hoeller, Sufi Journal, Issue 67, Autumn 2005

    "Let us imagine the anima mundi neither above the world encircling it as a divine and remote emanation of spirit, a world of powers, archetypes, and principles transcendent to things, nor within the material world as its unifying panpsychic life-principle. Rather let us imagine the anima mundi as that particular soul-spark, the seminal image, which offers itself through each thing in its visible form. Then anima mundi indicates the animated possibilities presented by each event, as it is, its sensuous presentation as face bespeaking its interior image--in short, its availability to imagination, its presence as a psychic reality. Not only animals and plants ensouled as in the Romantic vision, but soul is given with each thing; God-given things of nature and man-made things of the street." ~James Hillman, “Anima Mundi,” Spring, 1982


    Anima Mundi, the feminine principle or mode of Being was historically considered the "soul of the world," the fertility of human, animal and plant life. Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno said the World Soul “illumines the universe and directs nature in producing her species in the right way.” She is the magical world of creative mystery.

    No longer limited merely to our planet, she is the personification of the natural world – the Cosmos. This light, the dynamic reality of the energy field, is within us as within everything. Embodied nature is the link between the archetypal and formative worlds, the hyperdimensional matrix of eternal patterns with sacred proportions and unique manifestations. She is also infinite potential, the possibility of bringing creative ideas to birth, to manifestation.

    In the deepest sense, she is the universal wave function, the unmanifest ground of our being, spacetime and the radiant light of virtual photon fluctuation, which underlies all matter and manifestation. Kabbalist Azriel of Gerona claimed "faith" meant entering into a relationship with one's "nothingness" and the "unknown" of the infinite, the ultimate ‘yin’ of non-existence that is the mother of all form.

    In ancient times Anima Mundi declared her impenetrable mystery by reiterating that "I am Isis; no man has lifted my veil." This Muse of superconsciousness is bathed in the Light and concealed by it. Thus she alludes to herself as dazzling Solitaire in her virgin nature, that sense of wholeness within oneself, which is the Feminine source of wisdom, magic and meaning.

    The natural light of the soul is illumination, embodied in the pineal light of the “spirit molecule,” DMT. Likewise, alchemists seek the divine spark, the light hidden in matter. To work creatively in the world, the Light of Nature needs to be released through inner alchemy. Our own light or divine spark is part of the light of the World Soul, so we can understand the mysteries of creation and the secrets of nature. The tools of inner transformation help Anima Mundi reveal her divine light.

    Whether called Isis, Shakti, Maya, Shekinah, Sophia, Demeter/Persephone, Mary, or any cultural variant, Anima Mundi is the universal animating principle, the upwelling spring of the creative Imagination, the dynamic flow of imagery, pattern, and form. She is personified internally as a soul guide or Initiatrix and externally embodied as the Soror Mystica. Glimpsing inspiring inner workings of our soul helps us realign our lives, our hopes and our dreams.
    .... Sly and the Family Stone - Dance to the Music - YouTube ....
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2013, 12:36 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    .... James Brown - Mind Power - YouTube

    Single tone alerts brain to complete sound pattern

    The processing of sound in the brain is more advanced than previously thought. When we hear a tone, our brain temporarily strengthens that tone but also any tones separated from it by one or more octaves. A research team from Utrecht and Nijmegen published an article on the subject in the journal PNAS on 2 September.
    We hear with our brain. The cochlea picks up sound vibrations but the signals produced as a result are processed by the brain, using known patterns. If, for example, you briefly hear a weak tone, your hearing focuses on that tone and suppresses any frequencies around it. This makes it easier to notice any relevant sounds in your surroundings. The present research has shown that this 'auditory attention filter' is much more complex than believed until now: frequencies that have an octave relationship with the target tone are also heard better.

    John van Opstal, professor of Biophysics at Radboud University: 'This test proves that the brain prepares for a more extensive pattern of tones, even if the person just hears a single test tone or if he has a tone in mind. These extra tones in the pattern were not sounded during the experiment, but the brain complements the information received from the cochlea. This is scientifically interesting. Audiology, for example, at present places great emphasis on the cochlea.'
    .... .... The JB Experience ..... Jera – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets + Berkano – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets + Gebo – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    ..... Nate Dogg - Can't Nobody feat Kurupt - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2013, 05:09 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Nate Dogg - Backdoor - YouTube

    Participating in this process means mythologizing our own chaotic character, even pathologizing. Depth psychology tells us if we don't let in the Trickster and other gods ( or energies as you are an Antenna ), they can become physical or mental diseases."
    Alchemical Arte

    Alchemy appeals to those who wish to pro-actively go beyond conventional boundaries, without being self-defeating or self-destructive. Cultivating relationships with archetypes make us eccentric and therefore individualistic. Madness is a relative term that also means a high degree of intellectual independence. Alchemy also represents a rebirth of artistic responsbility, honoring craft, proficiency and individual initiative. The truly creative are always reinventing themselves and can not help but follow their uniqueness.

    Psychological life has a metaphoric and phenomenological character expressed in images. Archetypal images impact us in multidimensional ways. In Vol. 9 of his CW, Jung said, "That people should succumb to these eternal images is entirely normal, in fact it is what these images are for. They are meant to attract, to fascinate and to overpower. They are created out of the primal stuff of revelation." We learn as much from our experimental failures as successes. That is how we find our creative edge.

    As we move within the transformative elements of alchemy we radically switch perspectives. By seeing through and mirroring the fractal elements of alchemy we learn to recognize the nigredo, the albedo, the rubedo and coniunctio when they arise. We get a feel for the Solar and Lunar, the Mercurial, the Venusian, Martian and Saturnian energies and what feelings and images come with them. We see through the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual synchronicities the outer world presents that mirror our inner lives. The uncanny and extraordinary becomes familiar, more expected than not.

    There are ancient elements at work in our psychic lives. Astrological, kabbalistic, metallurgical and even chemical elements are metaphorical, archetypal, symbolic forces operating in a holistic system. Imaginal psychology draws on the sacred potentials of alchemy, spiritual traditions, somatic practices, creative arts, mythology, indigenous wisdom, humor, deep ecology, literary and poetic imagination. The opus of soul work includes mystical philosophy, cultural history, and social critique.

    stumbling on this website is a blessing .... a mine of info

    Soul Healing

    Image is a direct expression of soul. Alchemical images articulate a different reality of soul, that is neither mind nor matter -- imaginative consciousness. The being of nature is Anima Mundi, the soul of the world. Mind and heart, sensuality and aesthetics flow from this root of psyche as imagination -- the primary element and mode of experience. Psyche continuously creates and pours forth emergent images that matter. Body is the physical form of spirit, the somatic source of imagery that helps us grow spiritually and creatively.
    Thus, alchemy, the art of understanding nature and our own nature, is a way to mirror and care for the soul with chemical, psychophysical, mythical, and cosmological aspects. Soul as center of our inquiry and practice speaks to us meaningfully through the imagery of alchemy, the wisdom of the heart, through which we remember our naked connection to the cycles of nature and rhythms of the Earth. The universal couple is the ever-passionate Alchemist and seductive Soror Mystica, Anima Mundi revealing herself. Image is the esoteric lover, the intimate other that offers us healing and gives us meaning.
    JAMES BROWN Please, Please, Please MAR '56 - YouTube .... Dancing in the Street - A Rock and Roll History episode 9 - YouTube

    Published on Apr 25, 2012

    Award winning BBC documentary on the history of rock and roll. Episode 9: Make It Funky. It begins with James Brown, the undisputed Godfather of Soul and Father of Funk, and traces his legacy through the black music of the 1970s, from the biting social protest of Sly and the Family Stone and Stevie Wonder to George Clinton's outrageous escapist fantasies. Broadcast on 10 August 1996.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2013, 01:36 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Nate Dogg - Can't Nobody feat Kurupt - YouTube ....

    highly recommend you read this article .... you'll learn quite a bit about the Flow Universal Solvent

    The alchemists called this flow the 'aqua permanens', or permanent water. Aqua permanens is the fluid process, the energy or life which was locked up in the tension of conflict which has now been freed through the flow between the opposites. Fluidity comes from conflict. Whereas before there was a boundary between conflicting opposites, between intent and reality, streaming energy now transforms therapy into natural science.

    and reMember
    Mem in hebrew gematria .... HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 40 - 49

    Dreams, visions, or the stream of consciousness can be used therapeutically as an evolutionary force to guide people from a small sense of self and expand them toward a larger image. This expansion of the sense of self may require some adjustment. The illumination (awakening to larger Reality) may also come through a nature-mystic experience, intense sexual experience, E.S.P., a consciousness journey, or meditation. Enlightenment (even the "seed" of enlightenment) is an experience of awe, bliss, and infinite possibilities.

    The ego realizes it is not the center of the whole person, but only "manages" the personality. There are autonomous archetypal forces which inhabit the psyche with their own agendas, patterns, and goals. Our psyche is transpersonal; it has no boundaries. Our conscious awareness is only a manifestation of this larger consciousness. Within this larger consciousness, we are at home with a plurality of visions. The parts contain the whole (to a degree), enfolded or embedded like a fractal or hologram.

    Containment ( Berkano )may take place symbolically in the therapeutic relationship. The consciousness guide, therapist, or shaman functions as a guide to the netherworld. The "wounded healer" has a numinous quality which provokes the projections of others. Shamans work within the belief systems of their subjects to expand their sense of what is possible. Those subjects' experiences generally reflect the style and beliefs of the shaman--the shaman's positive expectation of particularized results.
    Exposure to the infinitely broader worldview of a shamanic personality will automatically move a "smaller" personality into solutio, dissolution. This rapport or participation mystique is an unconscious, automatic process--a positive sort of psychic contagion . This unconscious dynamic may be responsible for the phenomenon of "contact high."

    .... Nate Dogg - concrete streets - YouTube .... Es Hu

    forgot to add to the previous post :

    Universal Solvent

    This article appears in the Asklepia Journal CHAOSOPHY 93 and also in

    Thomas Lyttle, Ed., Introduction by Timothy Leary, Autonomedia, NY, 1999.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2013, 11:28 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Universal Solvent

    The word psychedelic has its roots in the Greek psyche, soul, and delos, visible, evident. It is direct evidence of the soul, the pure manifestation of soul. Stace (1960) identifies nine qualities of the psychedelic experience as follows: 1) unity of all things; 2) transformation of space and time; 3) deeply felt positive mood; 4) sacredness; 5) objectivity and reality; 6) paradoxicality; 7) alleged ineffability; 8) transiency, and 9) persisting positive changes in subsequent behavior.

    In the practice of mysticism there is identification with progressively more subtle "bodies" or vehicles of consciousness, culminating in a transform from a mental or causal body to a vehicle of pure Light. In experiential psychotherapy, transformation results from deepening within the flow of psychic imagery, progressively identifying with more primal forms, and ultimately with formlessness. In psychedelic experience, expansion of consciousness dissolves ego boundaries leading to morphological transformations and ecstatic communion.
    In alchemy, one sought not only to find or create the Stone, but also to apply it, or use it creatively in the everyday world. Now, we might speak of integrating or actualizing the results of our transformations in daily life. Thus, self-actualization or self-realization implies the grounding of the spiritual fruits of inner exploration.
    what music have we been listening :

    Funkadelic - Mommy, What's a Funkadelic - YouTube .... Es Hu

    I am Funkadelic
    Dedicated to the feeling of good
    And baby, I'm good at being good
    Let me play with your emotions
    For nothing is good unless you play with it

    Fly on
    Fly on, baby
    I didn't make the rules
    I follow them
    And what's so nasty about funky music?
    Heh, heh, feels good to me!
    Ba-ba ba ba ba
    Ba-ba ba ba ba
    Ba-ba ba ba bomp bomp buh buh buh buh bah!

    , the Bennu was a self-created being said to have played a role in the creation of the world. It was said to be the ba of Ra

    Chaotic systems revolve around nexus points, known as strange attractors, because of their unpredictable quality. Rather than being "point-like," they are more like vortices within vortices ( your chakras . The Philosopher's Stone is like a psychic lodestone (or vortex). It acts like an inner magnet, ordering the contents of our consciousness around it (through feedback loops) in chaotic, yet meaningful fashion.
    The Philosopher's Stone may thus be seen as a "strange attractor" in the life of anyone engaged in the quest for transformation ( synchronicities ). It is an instinctual attraction toward processes which dissolve the ego and liquify consciousness, leading to transpersonal experience after symbolic death/rebirth. Freedom in the exploration of imagery comes from the creative capacity to experience loss.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2013, 12:28 AM.

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  • MonsieurM


    gang - Wiktionary

    Etymology 1

    From Middle English gangen, from Old English gangan ("to go, walk, turn out"), from Proto-Germanic *ganganan (“to go, walk”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰengʰ- (“to step, walk”). Cognate with Scots gang ("to go on foot, walk"), Swedish gånga ("to walk, go"), Faroese ganga ("to walk"), Icelandic ganga ("to walk, go").

    Etymology 2

    From Middle English gang, from Old English gang ("a journey, a way, a passage"), from Proto-Germanic *gangaz. Cognate with Dutch gang, Icelandic gangur.

    gang (plural gangs)
    (now chiefly dialectal) A going, journey; a course, path, track  [quotations ▼]


    gang (second-person singular simple present GANGST)
    Eye-dialect spelling of gan

    Nate Dogg - Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A. - YouTube

    Universal Solvent

    The organic, regenerative process of "re-creational ego death" is common to mysticism, experiential psychology, and psychedelic journeys. Spiritual exploration, or soul travel, is shared by all three modes of immersion in the universal stream of consciousness. They are all variations on the theme of the consciousness journey, and echo our shamanic roots, and the mythemes of eternal return and hero/heroine. Participants reach a deep, integral level, and direct experience of Higher Power, often merging with the Creation or the Creator.

    ....... Little Red Riding Hood - 999 - YouTube

    8. Strength, passive Air is made so by conjoined woman and
    beast --- Aleph
    , ...... GANGST Aleph

    The Road to the Sun -- Heidrick.

    Slade - Thanks For The Memory (Wham Bam Thank You Mam) (1975) - YouTube ..... i lke the lyrics but not as good as a true Master ..... yello music video- oooooh yeah - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 11:47 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    ps: Mahjong is also called :

    The game has taken on a number of trademarked names, such as "Pung Chow" and the "Game of Thousand Intelligences".

    Mahjong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read the article ..... you have learned enough to see the patterns
    if you want to .... 50 cent.Candy shop - YouTube

    in North Africa and Europe ..... The tarot was used for divination ... sure it would work the same way for Mahjong.... Mix and draw than interpret ..... etc .... or I ching like
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 08:15 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    from what we have learned , Shaman or Wu use bones to

    Shamanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The shaman can tell the future, scry, throw bones/runes, and perform other varied forms of divination

    Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits which affect the lives of the living.[44]

    Mahjong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Did you know Mahjong pieces are made of Ox Bones

    Mahjong, a game that originated in China, is commonly played by four players (with some three-player variations found in Korea and Japan). The game and its regional variants is widely played throughout Eastern and South Eastern Asia and has a small following in Western countries. Similar to the Western card game rummy, mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain degree of chance.

    The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, although some regional variations use a different number of tiles.
    History[edit source | editbeta]
    China[edit source | editbeta]

    Video of an uncharacteristic five player game

    One of the myths of the origin of mahjong suggests that Confucius,[1] the Chinese philosopher, developed the game in about 500 BC. The three dragon (cardinal) tiles also agree with the three cardinal virtues bequeathed by Confucius. Hóng Zhōng (紅中 , red middle), Fā Cái (發財 , prosperity), and Bái Bǎn" (白板 , white board) represent benevolence, sincerity, and filial piety, respectively.
    you know them as Aleph Mem Shin

    ps : the wikipedia article .... you'll see hint : 144 = light

    and also never played this game


    Uruz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    “Mind over matter – matter over mind”

    Uruz - “Oo – Ruse” – Literally: “Aurochs” – Esoteric: Endurance, Formation, Manifestation

    Key Concepts: life force, physical health, courage, organic structure ( ie: bones ), manifestation, formation, healing, vigor, endurance

    Psi: determination, persistence, freedom, courage, will, territoriality, independence

    Energy: Vital formative force, archetypal patterning, raw primal power, survival, healing, endurance, manifestation, organic structuring

    Mundane: physical health, stamina

    Divinations: Strength, constancy, vitality, tenacity, pattern, luck, health, pragmatic knowledge, understanding; or weakness, obsession, misdirected force, inconstancy, sickness, ignorance, uncontrolled rage, insensitivity, brutality

    Shaping and forcing fortunate circumstances creatively through will and inspiration
    Self-healing and maintenance of good mental and physical health
    Assertion of home ground, personal space, independence and freedom
    Strength and tenacity, courage, persistence against all odds
    Ability to control aggression and take responsibility
    Rites of passage, especially into adulthood
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 07:02 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    .... Jackson Five - Can You Feel It - YouTube ( check out the vid .... lot's of water J HU . The sign of looks like the letter J see also

    "H" found in Aquarius



    Patience up to a point. Know your time, but work your wyrd always.”

    Jera – “Yehr-ah” – Literally: “Year” – Esoteric: Harvest

    Rune of harvest and reward for, or reaction to, right actions in a horizontal (naturally ordered) cyclical process. Rune of peace on the land and in the heart.

    Psi: psychological time, patience, the measurement of time

    Energy: good harvest, orbits, cycles, progress, biorhythms, right effort

    Mundane: waiting, gardening, farming, the seasons, harvest

    Divinations: Reward for positive action, plenty, peace, proper timing; or repetition, bad timing, poverty, conflict, regression.


    Fertility, creativity and harmony with the land
    Peace, prosperity and plenty
    Realization of the cyclical nature of the multiverse, invoking the power of time and cycles
    Bringing other concepts gently into material manifestation
    Initiating gradual and lasting change in flow of life

    Jera – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

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  • MonsieurM
    Interstellar winds buffeting our solar system have shifted direction

    Scientists, including University of New Hampshire astrophysicists involved in NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission, have discovered that the particles streaming into the solar system from interstellar space have likely changed direction over the last 40 years.

    Read more at:

    The finding helps scientists map our location within the Milky Way galaxy and is crucial for understanding our place in the cosmos through the vast sweep of time—where we've come from, where we're currently located, and where we're going in our journey through the galaxy.

    Additionally, scientists now gain deeper insight into the dynamic nature of the interstellar winds, which has major implications on the size, structure, and nature of our sun's heliosphere—the gigantic bubble that surrounds our solar system and helps shield us from dangerous incoming galactic radiation.

    Read more at:

    The heliospheric current sheet out to the orbit of Jupiter

    Reflecting on Earth's albedo

    The amount of sunlight being absorbed or reflected by Earth is one of the driving forces for weather and climate. Satellites are providing this information with unprecedented accuracy.

    Read more at:
    The reflecting power of a surface is known as 'albedo'. Bright snow and ice have a high albedo, meaning they reflect solar radiation back into space, while green areas like forests and fields have a much lower albedo.

    The lower the albedo, the more energy from the Sun is absorbed.

    Changes in Earth's surfaces can therefore affect how much of the Sun's energy is absorbed – such as a decrease in snow cover or an increase in the area used for agriculture. If the amount of energy absorbed changes, this has an effect on Earth's energy budget and ultimately affects our weather and climate.

    Read more at:
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 04:32 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    ps: Universal Solvent

    This divine water signifies the return of The Feminine, a reflective consciousness with inner awareness and archetypal spiritual perceptions. This Feminine Divinity is the Anima Mundi, or Soul of the World, the universal animating principle, the upwelling spring of the creative Imagination, the dynamic flow of imagery, pattern, and form. This dynamic has been known as Isis, Shakti, Maya, Shekinah, Sophia, Demeter/Persephone, Mary. .... Cane & Able - Maria - YouTube

    have fun browsing the picture folder .... Con Funk Shun - Ffun - YouTube ..... might inspire you .... HU RE KA

    MonsieurM's Library | Photobucket

    40 > 4 - 40 - 40 = 23x5
    --- Mem.

    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , .)
    (Mem = --- 80/640; --- 90/650 --- Water.)
    --- As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)

    --- pr.n. "Brightness".

    --- a Jewess.

    --- if not; whether not; perhaps; unless.

    to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind ( see Artstrology Date Checker ) , pledge
    Nate Dogg feat. Pharoahe Monch - "I Pledge Allegiance" - YouTube

    ps : the only number that "binds" other numbers .....

    13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 02:25 PM.

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  • MonsieurM


    300 > 3 - 300 - 300 = 22x3x52
    --- Shin.
    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; , ; ).
    (Shin --- --- 360/1010 --- Tooth).

    crimson, crimson cloth. .... Fire - The Pointer Sisters - YouTube

    (As prefix: who, which, what, that; he who, him that; that; whither).
    --- (780 w/f); for thy sake.

    pattern; an image; pr.n. "Form"; formed, fashioned.
    --- to cover; to forgive; to bind or combine, to be strong, vigorous; village, hamlet; pitch cypress flower (Henna); a ransom; expiations, atonement.
    --- pr.n. "Eagle".

    and remember the wise words of a Master :

    45:XXXIII CIRCUMLOCUTIONS.--"Every time you find in our books a tale, the reality of which seems impossible, a story which repugnant both to reason and common sense, then be sure that tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter the deeper the wisdom of the spirit." RABBI MOSES MAIMONIDES.

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  • MonsieurM

    Nate Dogg - Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A. - YouTube

    Music and Me (Nate Dogg album)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search Music & Me

    Studio album by Nate Dogg
    Released December 4, 2001
    Recorded 2000-2001
    Genre West coast hip hop, hip hop, R&B, G-Funk, hip hop soul
    Label Elektra
    Producer Bink!, Dr. Dre, Jermaine Dupri, Mel-Man, Fredwreck Nassar, Damizza, Mike City, Bryan-Michael Cox, Megahertz, Battlecat
    Nate Dogg chronology
    G-Funk Classics, Vol. 1 & 2
    (1998) Music & Me
    (2001) Nate Dogg

    Music & Me is the second studio album by Nate Dogg, released by Elektra Records in 2001. It received a fair amount of critical and commercial success upon release. Its popularity was led by the hit single "I Got Love" which appeared on the soundtrack to the Jason Statham film , "The Transporter", and has reached #33 on the Rhythmic Top 40 chart. The album's success was also because of its various vocal guest appearances from Dr. Dre, Xzibit, Kurupt, Fabolous, Ludacris, Pharoahe Monch, Snoop Dogg, Tha Eastsidaz, Jermaine Dupri, B.R.E.T.T., and Lil' Mo. Most of these guest appearances turned this into more of a hip-hop album than an R&B album. The album includes production by Bink!, Dr. Dre, Mel-Man, Battlecat, Damizza, Fredwreck Nassar, Mike City, Bryan Michael-Cox, and Megahertz. According to SoundScan, Music and Me has sold 400,000 copies to date.

    Contents [hide]
    1 Track listing
    2 Album chart positions
    3 Singles chart positions
    4 References
    Track listing[edit source | editbeta]

    Track listing retrieved from Amazon.[2]No. Title Producer(s) Length
    1. "I Got Love" Bink 3:58
    2. "Backdoor" Bink 5:13
    3. "Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A." (featuring Lil' Mo and Xzibit) Megahertz 4:05
    4. "I Pledge Allegiance (Intro)" (featuring Pharoahe Monch) Mel-Man 0:13
    5. "I Pledge Allegiance" (featuring Pharoahe Monch) Mel-Man 4:27
    6. "Your Woman Has Just Been Sighted (Ring the Alarm)" (featuring Jermaine Dupri) Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox 4:01
    7. "Your Wife" (featuring Dr. Dre) Mike Elizondo and Dr. Dre 3:39
    8. "Can't Nobody" (featuring Kurupt) Megahertz 5:22
    9. "Another Short Story" Mike City 4:15
    10. "Concrete Streets" Battlecat 3:58
    11. "Real Pimp" (featuring Ludacris) Bink 3:34
    12. "Ditty Dum Ditty Doo" (featuring Snoop Dogg and Tha Eastsidaz) Fredwreck 4:27
    13. "Music and Me" Damizza 4:00
    14. "I Got Love (Remix)" (featuring Fabolous, B.R.E.T.T. and Kurupt) Bink 4:00

    Nate Dogg - Music and me - YouTube

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  • MonsieurM
    "wrapping" / linking together a few recent posts :

    Eshu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..... Eshu-Elegba & The Gates To Heaven - YouTube

    where Èṣù was and is still sometimes identified with Anthony of Padua, Saint Michael[1] or Santo Niño de Atocha

    the Archangel Michael, who wields a similar weapon


    Universal Solvent

    The need for the periodic destruction of outmoded systems implies the value of recycling consciousness through death/rebirth experience. The universal solvent is not ordinary water, but "philosophical" water, the water of life, aqua permanens, aqua mercurialis. It is also the panacea, "elixer vitae," "tincture," or universal medicine. To periodically dip into these healing waters has a tonic, rejuvenating effect which pervades all aspects of being, like a soothing balm.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 12:28 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    ps : and don't forget to .... Con Funk Shun - Let's Ride And Slide (Funk 1982) - YouTube Do It Any Way You Wanna (12inch - A Tom Moulton Mix) - People's Choice - 1975 - For Discos Only - YouTube

    The Poets Of Rhythm - Funky Train (Hotpie & Candy) - YouTube .... People's Choice - Jam Jam Jam (All Night Long) - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2013, 09:13 AM.

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