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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • After The Storm

    The air is full of after-thunder freshness,
    And everything rejoices and revives.
    With the whole outburst of its purple clusters
    The lilac drinks the air of paradise.

    The gutters overflow; the change of weather
    Makes all you see appear alive and new.
    Meanwhile the shades of sky are growing lighter,
    Beyond the blackest cloud the height is blue.

    An artist's hand, with mastery still greater
    Wipes dirt and dust off objects in his path.
    Reality and life, the past and present,
    Emerge transformed out of his colour-bath.

    The memory of over half a lifetime
    Like swiftly passing thunder dies away.
    The century is no more under wardship:

    High time to let the future have its say.

    It is not revolutions and upheavals
    That clear the road to new and better days,
    But revelations, lavishness and torments
    Of someone's soul, inspired and ablaze.
    .... S.O.U.L. - Burning Spear - YouTube

    Boris Pasternak

    ..... Herbie Mann Live 1961 ~ Comin' Home Baby - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 02:47 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      After The Storm

      The air is full of after-thunder freshness ( think smell of cut grass ) ,
      And everything rejoices and revives.
      With the whole outburst of its purple clusters
      The lilac drinks the air of paradise.

      ..... Herbie Mann Live 1961 ~ Comin' Home Baby - YouTube
      Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.[3]

      Do cells in the blood, heart and lungs smell the food we eat?

      a discovery suggesting that odors may have a far more important role in life than previously believed, scientists have found that heart, blood, lung and other cells in the body have the same receptors for sensing odors that exist in the nose.
      hubert laws - let her go - YouTube


      Frankincense & Boswellic Acids vs Cancer -- articles & patents

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 03:10 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • ps: Smell of freshly cut grass could calm you down | Sify Health

        The chemistry in pleasant odours – such as newly cropped grass – is so powerful, their scents can alter gene expression in the brain and reduce aggression, according to a neuroscientist.

        Dr Judith Reinhard’s team at the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland is working to uncover the molecular mechanisms behind the phenomenon of aromatherapy, which has long been used to calm the nerves and sharpen the mind, the Telegraph reported.

        The researchers have so far discovered aggression in honey bees can be reduced by exposing them to pleasant odours, such as the smell of freshly cut grass.

        “Honey bees are an excellent model because just like humans, they are extremely social and prone to stress, which makes them aggressive,” Dr Reinhard said.
        Herbie Mann Live 1961 ~ Comin' Home Baby - YouTube ....



        In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value.

        Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 03:28 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



          Bee Colony Collapses Are More Complex Than We Thought - At the Edge (

          Ancient Egypt: Bee-keeping

          Keeping the bees

          The hives

          Bee-keeping methods are conservative in this region, well adapted to local conditions, for instance the kind of hives depicted in the reliefs of Rekhmire, apparently made of unbaked clay [20] or possibly woven baskets or mattings covered with mud, have been used in Egypt [18] to this day.[20]
          Cylindrical hives like the ones in the picture on the left from the tomb of Pabasa, dated to the 7th century BCE, were made of clay and stacked horizontally on top of each other [12] in rows up to eight high, a total of up to 500 hives, wall apiaries with the hives on the outside left empty at times as insulation against the heat. [16] Combs in horizontal hives are smaller but more numerous than those in upright ones. This makes honey being stored and bee larvae being raised in the same comb less likely,[22] making harvesting easier.

          .... Herbie Mann - Push Push 1971 - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 04:11 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • just a thought what happens when you associate

            "an ionic wind" .... How to Make/Build a Lifter or Ionocraft - YouTube


            Tesla turbine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


            a design similar to Dyson Air Multiplier fan technology - how it works- Official Dyson video - YouTube


            EWICON bladeless wind turbine generates electricity using charged water droplets

            Wind energy may be one of the more sustainable sources of power available, but the spinning blades of conventional wind turbines require regular maintenance and have attracted criticism from bird lovers. That might explain why we've seen wind turbine prototypes that enclose the blades in a chamber or replace them entirely with a disc-like system. But researchers in the Netherlands set out to eliminate the need for a mechanical component entirely and created the EWICON, a bladeless wind turbine with no moving parts that produces electricity using charged water droplets.

            Where most wind turbines generate electricity through mechanical energy, the EWICON (short for Electrostatic WInd energy CONvertor) creates potential energy with charged particles – in this case, water droplets. The current design consists of a steel frame holding a series of insulated tubes arranged horizontally. Each tube contains several electrodes and nozzles, which continually release positively-charged water particles into the air. As the particles are blown away, the voltage of the device changes and creates an electric field, which can be transferred to the grid for everyday use.

            Energy output would be dependent not only on the wind speed, but also the number of droplets, the amount of charge placed on the droplets, and the strength of the electric field.
            This is a variation on the "Kelvin water dropper" electrostatic generator.

            or this

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-25-2013, 04:43 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • "ESA's GOCE mission has delivered the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced, which will be used to further our understanding of how Earth works.

              The geoid is the surface of an ideal global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. It is a crucial reference for measuring ocean circulation, sea-level change and ice dynamics -- all affected by climate change. "

              ESA GOCE Earth Gravity Map - YouTube


              • Originally posted by BBX View Post
                "ESA's GOCE mission has delivered the most accurate model of the 'geoid' ever produced, which will be used to further our understanding of how Earth works.

                The geoid is the surface of an ideal global ocean in the absence of tides and currents, shaped only by gravity. It is a crucial reference for measuring ocean circulation, sea-level change and ice dynamics -- all affected by climate change. "

                ESA GOCE Earth Gravity Map - YouTube
                Tesla considered the ground ( earth ) as having a Negative Electricity ....

                Tesla Has New Pointless Lightning Rod from The Electrical Experimenter, October, 1918

                In permitting leakage into the air, the needle-shaped lightning rod is popularly believed to perform two functions: one to drain the ground of its negative electricity, the other to neutralize the positive electricity of the clouds
                .... so when you walk around in your Daily Life

                corona ions that can be carried from the line by the wind, progressively attaching to ambient aerosol particles and causing fluctuations in the Earth’s atmospheric potential gradient
                and thus one finds Hu self Positively Charged to the point where :

                " Reverse osmosis " occurs .... ( see )

                Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                That ionic wind being emitted from power lines is of positive rather than negative nature and not beneficial to us at all - Power Lines, Static Electricity and Diseases

                Tesla Patent 613,809 - Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles

                I may state that a contrivance may be used which has long been known and used as a lightning-arrester in connection with telephone-switch boards for operating annunciators and like devices, comprising a battery the poles of which are connected to two conducting-terminals separated by a minute thickness of dielectric. The electromotive force of the battery should be such as to strain the thin dielectric layer very nearly to the point of breaking down in order to increase the sensitiveness. When an electrical disturbance reaches a circuit so arranged and adjusted, additional strain is put upon the insulating-film ( your skin ), which gives way and allows the passage of a current which can be utilized to operate any form of circuit-controlling apparatus.

                Power Lines, Static Electricity and Diseases

                people working in high-voltage substations showed a number of symptoms mainly associated with fatigue'
                thus Grounding oneself as Tesla describes :

                a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser
                Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy

                The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to the ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity,

                A simple way of supplying positive or negative electricity to the terminal is to connect the same either to an insulated conductor supported at some height in the atmosphere or to a grounded conductor, the former, as is well known, furnishing positive and the latter negative electricity

                also :

                the discharge being particularly noticeable when the conductor upon which the rays impinge is negatively electrified

                Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-26-2013, 01:10 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Compare these two inventions :

                  Tesla Has New Pointless Lightning Rod from The Electrical Experimenter, October, 1918 + Tesla Patent 1,266,175 - Lightning-Protector + Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy + Tesla Patent 685,958 - Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy


                  Most generally I employed receiving circuits
                  in the form of loops, including condensers, because the discharges of my high-tension transmitter
                  ionized the air in the hall so that even a very small aerial would draw electricity from the
                  surrounding atmosphere for hours

                  My Inventions by Nikola Tesla Autobiography YouTube - YouTube

                  the same principle can be applied to / using : on a a leash

                  better gradient potential

                  Tesla Patent 613,809 - Method of and Apparatus for Controlling Mechanism of Moving Vehicle or Vehicles

                  I may state that a contrivance may be used which has long been known and used as a lightning-arrester in connection with telephone-switch boards for operating annunciators and like devices, comprising a battery the poles of which are connected to two conducting-terminals separated by a minute thickness of dielectric. The electromotive force of the battery should be such as to strain the thin dielectric layer very nearly to the point of breaking down in order to increase the sensitiveness. When an electrical disturbance reaches a circuit so arranged and adjusted, additional strain is put upon the insulating-film ( your skin ), which gives way and allows the passage of a current which can be utilized to operate any form of circuit-controlling apparatus.
                  As to the part of my invention which involves the production of suitable waves or variations and the conveying of the same to a remote receiving apparatus capable of being operated or controlled by their influence, it may be carried out in various ways, which are at the present time more or less understood. For example, I may pass through a conducting-path, preferably enclosing a large area, a rapidly-varying current and by electromagnetic induction of the same affect a circuit carried by the moving body. In this case the action at a given distance will be the stronger the larger the area enclosed by the conductor and the greater the rate of change of the current.


                  Victor S. Grebennikov: Insect Chitin Anti-Gravity & Cavity Structural Effect (CSE)

                  But I had a handful of old clay lumps, the fragments of the nests with their multiple chamber cells, back at my home. Their side by side cells reminded me of small thimbles, or little jugs with narrowing necks. I already knew that these bees were of the quadruple ring species, with 4 light rings on their elongated bellies. I had a wide container filled with these spongy clay lumps on my equipment cluttered desk, along with ant and grasshopper houses, bottles with chemicals and other assorted interesting stuff. I was about to pick something or another up and I moved my hand above these porous fragments.

                  A miracle! I had suddenly felt the warmth emanating from these remains.
                  I have created a few dozen artificial honeycombs from plastic, paper, metal and wood ( all dielectric / insulator ... like bee wax used in condensers ) , based on the structures of bee nests. It turned out that the cause of all those unusual sensations was not a biological field, but the size, shape, quantity and arrangement of cavities formed by and in any solid object. And as before, the organism felt it, while the instruments remained silent

                  Ancient Egypt: Bee-keeping

                  Keeping the bees

                  The hives

                  Bee-keeping methods are conservative in this region, well adapted to local conditions, for instance the kind of hives depicted in the reliefs of Rekhmire, apparently made of unbaked clay [20] or possibly woven baskets or mattings covered with mud, have been used in Egypt [18] to this day.[20]
                  Cylindrical hives like the ones in the picture on the left from the tomb of Pabasa, dated to the 7th century BCE, were made of clay and stacked horizontally on top of each other [12] in rows up to eight high, a total of up to 500 hives, wall apiaries with the hives on the outside left empty at times as insulation against the heat. [16] Combs in horizontal hives are smaller but more numerous than those in upright ones. This makes honey being stored and bee larvae being raised in the same comb less likely,[22] making harvesting easier.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2013, 12:19 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • flow up .... Skin Benefits of Beeswax | eHow

                    “Ask a wild bee what the druids knew.”
                    The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                    To make a more heavy duty coil, impregnate the coil in a 1:1 ratio of molten beeswax and rosin, melted by induction
                    stove or a double boiler (NEVER over direct heat, it will cause a flash fire!).

                    Marcel VIOLET -- Substance Activator ( GB82733 )

                    He discovered that beeswax, properly prepared, is a selective filter of cosmic radiation, all of which is explained in detail in the conference. The Magnetic Fountain integrates this discovery, while incorporating the resonant frequency of the Cosmic C, which constitutes an additional vital information. How to check this, is explained in two minutes. We owe the magnetic resonance characteristics found in the Magnetic Fountain to the works of the great and underrated Nikola Tesla.
                    Farmer along the ages have known that storm water has very special properties: animals love to drink it
                    and plant growth shoots after a summer storm rain. Marcel Violets efforts are to recreate in an
                    naturalesque way this high-energy water.
                    To recreate a water that has the quality of storm water (“l'eau de pluie d'orage”)

                    Johann Strauss II - The Blue Danube Waltz - YouTube




                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2013, 01:28 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • check this out :


                      There is a world of different frequencies: Material frequencies (0-104Hz); Electrical frequencies (104-
                      1012 Hz); Magnetic frequencies (1012-1024Hz) and Biological frequencies (1024-1040Hz and beyond?).
                      The biological frequencies cannot be detected but they can be observed on their effects. The biological
                      frequencies are cosmic frequencies or vital frequencies.
                      The rays of the sun contain a spectrum of visible and invisible light, heat rays and so on, but it also
                      contains undetectable vital frequencies. Their vibration is so high that they cannot be felt, nor can they
                      be absorbed or blocked by a physical body – they go right through us... except that they are captured by
                      our water.

                      interesting .... Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers - YouTube

                      In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value.

                      Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment .... ie You

                      Playing loud pop music boosts output of solar panels by 40% > National News > News | Click Green

                      Gustave LeBon: The Evolution of Forces ~ Part II

                      Life is only possible on our globe by reason of the absorption of the vibrations of the ether by the atmosphere and the earth; if these last were transparent to them, a very intense cold would reign on the surface of our planet.
                      on a side note :

                      If the ball has in the first instance received positive electricity, it will be observed that the part of the cylinder next to it is charged with negative and its other extremity with positive electricity. If, then, this latter is touched so as to connect it with the earth, the whole cylinder remains charged with negative electricity. This may now be transferred to some other body by moving the cylinder by its insulated support

                      Gustave LeBon: The Evolution of Forces ~ Part II.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-28-2013, 12:24 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • [(1) That lines of force also appear between conductors carrying an electrostatic charge can be shown by interposing between them a glass vessel filled with oil of turpentine and crystals of quinine sulfate. See Kolbe’s Introduction to the Science of Electricity, 1903, p. 125, et seq.]

                        H. Perrigo: Aether Energy Electrical Generator

                        The aerials collect and transmit a flow of the ether or wave energy through the conductors from what ever direction the potentials of the ether are collected, and obtain a pressure of sufficient force to effect a movement in the direction of the least resistance from north to south, through the resistance coils 1 to 100, transmitting a flow of the ether medium or wave energy between all of the contacts on the plates 20+, 21-, the flow being governed by the lines of the least resistance, there following two pressures between the north and south poles of the first coil, the pressures being of opposite potentials, and caused by the
                        opposite polarity of the coils, and the electromotive force thus produced between the plates 20+, 21-, is constant, one line of force being broken by a line of force of a different potential, and these forces all tending toward a common polarity, while producing an electromotive force, in the opposing resistances of these opposite wave potentials. The method of obtaining electric energy as above described, resides in reciprocal lines of force being established by means of such broken circuits and resistances, as are found by practical results to produce an amperage of current or wave energy, and as the action of
                        the collective broken circuits with reversed polarities produce positive electromotive force, the outgoing conductor 101, leading from the aerial terminal contact 91 on the plate 20+ and the outgoing conductor 102 from the aerial terminal contact 100 on the aerial plate 21-, are connected to the outer magnetizing coil windings of the ether wave transformer, and electric energy is thus obtained.

                        The amperage of the current or electromotive force collected or accumulated by the ether wave collector is of low intensity, and for the purpose of increasing this intensity, so that the electromotive force may be brought up to a commercial standard, this force is collected and regenerated, one factor being supplemented by another, until the electromotive force is built up to the standard of electromotive force required; that is, the principle within the collector (in the collection of the electromotive force) is applied in a larger degree to the ether transformer, the transformer being the adjunct to the collector, one feeding a low potential to the transformer, which increases this potential of the collector to a higher potential, a dependency existing in the ether transformer upon the collector.

                        This ether wave transformer 103 is designed with a series of outer magnetizing circuits, which are charged by electricity from the collector, which energize series of inner cores to a greater or less magnetic density, the inner cores being insulated by an air gap from the outer magnetic circuit, and electric current being generated in the central coils, the current flowing through the various coils responding upon the reaction in each circuit, which reaction is least in coils 1 to 8 inclusive, Figure 11A, and greatest in coils 25 to 32 inclusive.

                        The Completed Machine ~

                        The Perrigo consists of only four parts: two lead plates, a wooden block and a coil of copper wire. The coil that Mr Perrigo says will deliver 500 horsepower is 10 inches across, 4 inches high, of solid copper. Fine copper wire is wound smoothly about neat rows of copper stays, hardly larger than a toothpick, but longer, as long as the coil is high. The wire is connected in many devious ways. In those connections is the secret of the mysterious power.

                        at 42 sec in the vid ... Cosmic wave? Muon shower? Solar wind? Strange signals detected on a solar cell - YouTube

                        ... the solar panel is set in a box covered by "lead" plate
                        accounting for the accent ... one can assume he is talking about Lead Plate



                        Originally posted by powerme View Post
                        I have been tinkering with crystals of Lead Sulfide, Lead Oxide, and Lead Zirconate Titanate.

                        Lead is an amazing element that can be adapted to a wide broad spectrum of frequency. Radiant waves is available 24 hrs a day.

                        This material deserves serious research and development.

                        Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op. 214 - Johann Strauss II - YouTube Accelerationen op.234 Walzer - YouTube

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-28-2013, 01:08 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          let's do a bit of "hacking " / experimenting :

                          let's take a bit of :

                          ps: you can also experiment with Granite as the core



                          What is the principle of capacitor?

                          this vid fascinated me

                          Part 3: AA batt as a Joule Ringer core - YouTube from a Great Member of this Forum : slider2732

                          what if you replace it with a Caduceus coil

                          ... blackchisel97 if you ever get the time .... I would love to hear your opinion on such a set up Caduceus joule Thief


                          let us return to Electrostatic and Negative ions :

                          Pavel Yablotchkov: Over-Unity Electrostatic Amplifier

                          The other known fact is that great ionization of air is observed when the converter is in operation. So, the electrostatics machine can produce pulses of very high voltage (potential difference) but it can’t be used as a source of powerful current. We should use some method to increase the current in the circuit and Yablotchkov’s technology is quite a good idea for this. A large surface of external electrode of the Leyden jar can solve the problem. Maximum strong ionization allows us to get output current several times stronger than the weak current from the electrostatic machine.


                          In 1870, the German physicist J.C. Poggendorff built a motor so simple it's hard to see what makes it work. The entire motor, as pictured here, is a plastic disk ( Poggendorff used glass ) and two electrodes. The electrodes set up what physicists call a corona discharge; their sharp edges ionize air molecules that come in contact with them. These charged particles floating through the air charge the surface of the palstic disk nearby. Then the attraction-repulsion routine that Franklin used takes place.
                          You can measure this voltage with an earth-field antenna -- a wire with a sharp point at the top to start a corona, or with a bit of radioactive materials that ionizes the air in its immediate vicinity. near the earth, voltage is proportional to altitude; on an average day you might measure 1200 volts with a 10-meter antennas.

                          Over that past few years, aided by graduate-student Henry Fischbach-Nazario, Jefimenko designed advanced corona motors. With David K. Walker, he experimented with electret motors. An electret is an insulator with a permanent electrostatic charge. It produces a permanent electrostatic charge in the surrounding space, just as a magnet produces a permanent magnetic field. And like a magnet, it can be used to build a motor.

                          Jefimenko chose the electrostatic motor for his project because the earth-field antennas develop extremely high-voltage low-current power -- and unlike the electromagnetic motor -- that's exactly what it needs.
                          The experimenters hooked an electret motor to the antenna, and, as Jefimenko describes it, "the energy of the earth's electrical field was converted into continuous mechanical motion."
                          crude ex : Electrostatic Motor --- Running on a capacitor - YouTube


                          An Electrolytic Clock from The Electrical Engineer, May 6th, 1891

                          also :

                          The devices that you see here are corona-discharge motors. The sharp-pointed or knife-edge electrodes create a corona, which ionizes or charges the air particles floating by. These charged particles transfer their charge to the closest part of the plastic rotor and charge it up, just as you can charge your body by walking across a wool rug on a dry winter's day.
                          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          talking about electrostatic ....

                          unidirectional electrostatic field ... see Priore

                          a similar design as described by Antoine Priore :

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-28-2013, 09:36 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • one more thing about electrostatic :

                            6 Ways Pets Can Improve Your Health

                            For some active people, that includes playing ball or Frisbee in the park. For others who can’t get outside, just petting your dog can help you feel connected.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-29-2013, 12:15 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Adding to, Clay used by Animals...

                              Hi Guys,

                              Reading about animals using clay for health purposes, opened up my memory slot reminding me of a nature documentary explaining that Sth American Macaws eat poisonous fruits as nothing else is ripe at a particular time of yr, then they fly off to the banks of the river to eat clay/minerals that counter the effects of the toxins.....I can never work out which Macaw decided this was a good idea, and then showed/taught the rest of the species amazes

                              Macaw Clay Lick - Wildlife

                              CLAY LICKS AND MACAW CONSERVATION

                              The Tambopata Macaw project has been working hard to understand the links between the clay lick, nesting, tree phenology (flowering and fruiting) and the movements of parrots in and out of the area. Over a thousand mornings of clay lick observation and literally hundreds of thousands of registrations may be the largest set of parrot data ever assembled. We have come a long way in understanding these interactions and now have a much better idea of what drives the annual life cycles of the macaws and parrots in Tambopata.


                              • Originally posted by PYak1967 View Post
                                Hi Guys,

                                Reading about animals using clay for health purposes, opened up my memory slot reminding me of a nature documentary explaining that Sth American Macaws eat poisonous fruits as nothing else is ripe at a particular time of yr, then they fly off to the banks of the river to eat clay/minerals that counter the effects of the toxins.....I can never work out which Macaw decided this was a good idea, and then showed/taught the rest of the species amazes

                                Macaw Clay Lick - Wildlife

                                CLAY LICKS AND MACAW CONSERVATION

                                excellent find PYak1967 .... This is what you might call the Language of the Birds .... Be Macaw my friend


                                You know what i love about the Golden Age of Inventors .... ( which inspired the Steampunk Movement )

                                is all the Flunkch that happened at the time .... the Wyrd was strong ....

                                you had

                                major Solar Flares
                                Abundance of Mystics / spiritism movement
                                Birth of the Sci Fi Movement
                                and many other events that we have discussed throughout this thread :

                                and you can add one more celestial influence :

                                The Aristarchus Anomaly: A Beacon on the Moon? | Mysterious Universe

                                Among the more consistent anomalies reported prior to the modern era of public perception regarding UFOs, since 1821 there have been repeated instances where both trained and amateur astronomers have described seeing a particularly bright, intermittent light or reflection emanating from within the crater Aristarchus, located on the Northwestern portion of the Moon’s earth-facing side.

                                While today it is possible that manmade objects placed into orbit could account for bright, intermittent “star-like” illuminations emanating from space, this would not have been the case in 1821… and yet, the illumination observed near the center of Aristarchus would remain for more than a century. What was the source of this light in the Moon’s most visible feature?

                                The earliest reported sighting of an illumination emanating from Aristarchus, as mentioned earlier, appeared during an observation carried out by a Captain Kater, who observed the phenomenon on the evenings of the 4th and 7th of February. A reference to similar phenomena was recorded by a Doctor Olbers, with each of the men describing “star-like” illuminations. Four years later, an amateur astronomer, the Reverend J.B.Emmett, claimed to see the same star-like light emanating from the crater. Reports would continue throughout the century, with at least two more notable reports occurring on December 22nd, 1835 by astronomer Francis Bailey, and again close to five decades later on January 23rd, 1880, when Etienne Trouvelot described seeing, ”Something like another luminous cable, or like a shining wall” illuminated within the crater. Another period of several decades would pass before another strange phenomenon appeared in crater Aristarchus, this time in 1915 with the similar observation of a wall-like structure in the crater, running “from center to rim.”

                                Transient lunar phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                A transient lunar phenomenon (TLP), or lunar transient phenomenon (LTP), is a short-lived light, color, or change in appearance on the surface of the Moon.

                                Claims of short-lived lunar phenomena go back at least 1,000 years, with some having been observed independently by multiple witnesses or reputable scientists. Nevertheless, the majority of transient lunar phenomenon reports are irreproducible and do not possess adequate control experiments that could be used to distinguish among alternative hypotheses to explain their origins. Thus, few reports concerning these phenomena are ever published in peer reviewed scientific journals, and the lunar scientific community rarely discusses these observations.
                                ps: scientist can't explain them
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-29-2013, 01:53 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

