food for thought :
..... 林英哲 Eitetsu Hayashi & 木下伸市 Shinichi Kino****a "海流 -KAIRYU-" - YouTube
林英哲 Eitetsu Hayashi & 木下伸市 Shinichi Kino****a "-SHI-BU-KI-" - YouTube

.... The Migration of Symbols: Chapter V. On the Transmutation of Symbols

( images from: .... Guem et Zaka Percussion (1978) Side B - YouTube .....
Flow .... Hu .... as in Zarat Hu Stra )

.... Gut Health - Our Second Brain, Point of
Red Run!- TAO Drummers of Japan - YouTube
Artstrology Date Checker
Everybody experienced ones mothers heartbeat as an embryonic music. The sound of taiko is rooted in the common memory of mankind beyond different ethnic history. I think that people are drawn to taiko because of our primitive memory of life itself. Eitetsu Hayashi ( Japan's Premier Solo Taiko Drummer )

..... 林英哲 Eitetsu Hayashi & 木下伸市 Shinichi Kino****a "海流 -KAIRYU-" - YouTube
Entrainment in the biomusicological sense refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm
, usually produced by other organisms with whom they interact socially. Examples include firefly flashing,[citation needed] mosquito wing clapping,[1] as well as human music and dance such as foot tapping.

.... The Migration of Symbols: Chapter V. On the Transmutation of Symbols
Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. Proposed by Mihly Cskszentmihlyi, this positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields.[1]
According to Csikszentmihalyi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task[2] although flow is also described (below) as a deep focus on nothing but the activity not even oneself or one's emotions.
Flow has many of the same characteristics as (the positive aspects of) hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in such universally glowing terms. For examples, some cases of spending "too much" time playing video games, or of getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the assignment in general. In some cases, hyperfocus can "grab" a person, perhaps causing him or her to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few.
Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be in the moment, present, in the zone, on a roll, wired in, in the groove, on fire, in tune, centered, singularly focused, or going beast mode.
According to Csikszentmihalyi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task[2] although flow is also described (below) as a deep focus on nothing but the activity not even oneself or one's emotions.
Flow has many of the same characteristics as (the positive aspects of) hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in such universally glowing terms. For examples, some cases of spending "too much" time playing video games, or of getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the assignment in general. In some cases, hyperfocus can "grab" a person, perhaps causing him or her to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few.
Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be in the moment, present, in the zone, on a roll, wired in, in the groove, on fire, in tune, centered, singularly focused, or going beast mode.

( images from: .... Guem et Zaka Percussion (1978) Side B - YouTube .....

.... Gut Health - Our Second Brain, Point of

Artstrology Date Checker
DATE: Saturday, February 15, 2014
9 is Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.
********The 11th day is Imox. Water.********
Essence of Life. Sometimes symbolized by the Alligator. Problems in families when the mind has lost control.
Wealth and well being of Water will enrich economy. Keep water clean.
Great spiritual guides. Specialty to remove all kinds of problems.
Sacred breast milk.
Ceremony: In the spring Give thanks for the water, grains and the essence of Life. Pray for rain for grains.
Ask for the health of the water and the children. Ask for the balance of Life and emotions. October and
November, again, give thanks for the rain.
Body parts: Blood, glands and genitals.
Energy from: Lakes, rivers, streams and fog. Get water from a fresh spring in the morning and add herbs
to help make medicine. Potential hypnotists.
8/Imox is a sacred day. Great spiritual guides born here.
Also it is a good well finding day. They can recognize a shadow and find the water.
Special day for ceremony for water supply.
Negative: indecisive, homebodies, anger easily when emotionally unbalanced, if not healing,
can fall into alcoholism.
The 3rd decan of Aquarius is Water. It is a male decan ruled by Venus. (Feb 9-18)
A man carrying containers to and fro is dressed in fine furs. He has hairy ears,
and is wearing a wreath made of leaves, fruit and bark.
Full Moon
9 is Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.
********The 11th day is Imox. Water.********
Essence of Life. Sometimes symbolized by the Alligator. Problems in families when the mind has lost control.
Wealth and well being of Water will enrich economy. Keep water clean.
Great spiritual guides. Specialty to remove all kinds of problems.
Sacred breast milk.
Ceremony: In the spring Give thanks for the water, grains and the essence of Life. Pray for rain for grains.
Ask for the health of the water and the children. Ask for the balance of Life and emotions. October and
November, again, give thanks for the rain.
Body parts: Blood, glands and genitals.
Energy from: Lakes, rivers, streams and fog. Get water from a fresh spring in the morning and add herbs
to help make medicine. Potential hypnotists.
8/Imox is a sacred day. Great spiritual guides born here.
Also it is a good well finding day. They can recognize a shadow and find the water.
Special day for ceremony for water supply.
Negative: indecisive, homebodies, anger easily when emotionally unbalanced, if not healing,
can fall into alcoholism.
The 3rd decan of Aquarius is Water. It is a male decan ruled by Venus. (Feb 9-18)
A man carrying containers to and fro is dressed in fine furs. He has hairy ears,
and is wearing a wreath made of leaves, fruit and bark.
Full Moon