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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    LOL, the drummmer's beat is about 7-8Hz. This may sound crazy but when I was listening to this song I was also thinking about water energizing idea and Mobius wrapped crystal. Mobius coil has two ends which should go somewhere...then the title of John Mayall album appeared to me - Back to the roots. Simultaneously in my head appeared root system of a tree and Nathan Stublefield. I know it is weird, been reading too much lately.


    I wanted to add this but forgot

    Trialogue #4: History, Fractals And Change (Terence McKenna, R. Sheldrake, R. Abraham) [FULL] - YouTube

    If you listen to this Trialogue from 1998... these guys were visionaries
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-08-2012, 09:47 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Thoth and Buddha

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Found the following

        There appears to be a mysterious connection between the star Sirius (the brightest star in the heavens), and planet Earth. Sirius, and our own planet are gravitationally linked, even though an enormous distance separates them. They move through space spiralling around each other in a helix pattern that resembles, mathematically, the geometry of the DNA helix. Many ancient cultures marked the helical rising of Sirius ( when Sirius rises over the horizon just before the Sun) with great ceremony, and based their calendar year on it.

        An African tribe named the Dogon, who live in Mali in the former French Sudan. The Dogon were in possession of information concerning the systems of the star Sirius which was so incredible that I felt impelled to research the material. The results, in 1974, seven years later, are that I have been able to show that the information which the Dogon possess is really more than five thousand years old and was possessed by the ancient Egyptians in the pre-dynastic times before 3200B.C., from which people I show that the Dogon are partially descended culturally, and probably physically as well.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • As you might have noticed the chess board on the flag is an 8*8 Square...i figured I'd check the 8*8 magic square:

          In the Western Occult Tradition, each planet has traditionally been associated with a series of numbers and particular organizations of those numbers. One such method of numerological arrangement is the magic square.

          Associated Numbers
          The numbers associated with Mercury are 8, 64, 260, and 2080. This is because: Each row and column of the magic square contains eight numbers.
          The square contains 64 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 64.
          Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 260.
          All of the numbers in the square add up to 2080.
          Each row and column of the magic square contains eight numbers.
          The square contains 64 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 64.
          Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 260.
          All of the numbers in the square add up to 2080.
          Divine Names
          The divine names associated with Mercury all have numerological values of 8 or 64. The name of the intelligence of Mercury has a value of 260, and the name of the spirit of Mercury has a value of 2080. These values are calculated by writing out the names in Hebrew and then adding up the value of each included letter, as each Hebrew letter can represent both a sound and a numerical value.
          here is an overlay on the flag with the numbers:

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • From:

            Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
            Yes, chess pattern..8x8 (64) codons which transmit DNA-RNA "dialogue"—the molecular information system governing life and evolution and 8x8 hexagrams of the I Ching... and The eight families of elements

            Noble Gases

            According to Dr Leary, the first four elements are terrestrial. They're heavy and fall to Earth. The second four families are extraterrestrial; that is, they tend to float off into space. Similar, (according to Dr Leary) the first four circuits of the nervous system are terrestrial; their function is to control survival and reproduction at the bottom of the 4,000-mile gravity well in which we presently live. The second four circuits, then, are extraterrestrial; they will come into full play only when we live normally in zero-gravity—in free space.

            (Input) CELL BODY
            (Integrative) AXONIC
            Neuroatomic Cosmic
            Consciousness Cosmic
            Engineering Cosmic Fusion
            Neurogenetic DNA Awareness DNA Engineering DNA Fusion
            Neuroelectric ESP

            Thank you blackchisel97 , I was hoping someone would add more info about the 8*8 magic square...and this is awesome news

            Just finished watching 8 part youtube about the Egypt
            It is quite an eye opener, isn't it? Magic Egypt


            one more thing:

            from: Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus

            His transcendent learning caused Hermes to be identified with many of the early sages and prophets. In his Ancient Mythology, Bryant writes: "I have mentioned that Cadmus was the same as the Egyptian Thoth; and it is manifest from his being Hermes, and from the invention of letters being attributed to him. " (In the chapter on the theory of Pythagorean Mathematics will be found the table of the original Cadmean letters.) Investigators believe that it was Hermes who was known to the Jews as "Enoch," called by Kenealy the "Second Messenger of God." Hermes was accepted into the mythology of the Greeks, later becoming the Mercury of the Latins. He was revered through the form of the planet Mercury because this body is nearest to the sun: Hermes of all creatures was nearest to God, and became known as the Messenger of the Gods.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • I'm sure some of you a pretty curious by now and wish to explore the area indicated:

              I recommend you use Google Earth to do never know, you might find something

              from the Emerald Tablet:

              All eyes do not see with the same vision,
              for to one an object appears of
              one form and color
              and to a different eye of another.
              So also the infinite fire,
              changing from color to color,
              is never the same from day to day.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • I have a little surprise for you guys:

                from: Area Wide News: Blog: Edgar Cayce

                Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained.

                Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups.

                By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa.
                Notes About The Basque People

                Edgar Cayce predicted that when the last throes of Atlantis finally sank into the sea, its people were spreading to colonies across the world, one group in the Yucatan, some to what we call Morocco, another to the Pyrenees, and more even to what we today call the Carolinas region of North America.

                Now we know through DNA testing that the NON-indo-european Basques of the Pyrenees, the Berbers of Morrocco, and the Mayans of the Yucatan are almost a perfect match in DNA testing. .
                here is the sweetener: List of Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Ramses II (Berber: Ramsis Wiss 2) , according to L. Balout, C. Roubet and C. Desroches-Noblecourt, study titled 'La Momie de Ramsès II: Contribution Scientifique à l'Égyptologie (1985).' Balout and Roubet concluded that "the anthropological study and the microscopic analysis" of the pharaoh's hair showed that Ramses II was "a fair-skinned man related to the Prehistoric and Antiquity Mediterranean peoples, or briefly, of the Berbers of Africa."
                Shoshenq I (Berber: Cicnaq), Egyptian Pharaoh of Libyan origin, founder of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt
                [edit]Kings of Numidia
                Masinissa (Berber: Masnsen), King of Numidia, North Africa, present day Algeria and Tunisia
                Jugurtha (Berber: Yugerten), King of Numidia
                Juba I
                I (Berber: Yuba Wiss 2), King of Numidia
                [edit]Roman Emperors and Generals
                Macrinus, Roman emperor for 14 months in 217 and 218
                Clodius Albinus, governor of Britannia
                Lusius Quietus, governor of Judaea and one of the best Trajan's chief generals
                Quintus Lollius Urbicus, governor of Britannia from 138 to 144
                Septimius Severus, Roman emperor from 193 to 211
                Terence (Berber: Tirines), (Publius Terentius Afer), Roman writer
                Apuleius (Berber: Afulay), Roman writer ("half-Numidian, half-Gaetulian")
                Priscian , Latin grammarian of the 5th Century, born in modern Algeria
                Saint Augustine of Hippo, from Tagaste, was Amazigh
                Saint Monica of Hippo, Saint Augustine's mother
                Arius, who proposed the doctrine of Arianism
                Donatus Magnus, leader of the Donatist schism
                Tacfarinas (Berber: Takfarin, Takfarinas), who fought the Romans in the Aures Mountains
                Firmus, who fought the Romans Between 372 and 375
                Gildo (Berber: Gildu, Gellid), who fought the Romans in 398
                [edit]In medieval times

                Adrian of Canterbury, Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury
                Dihya or al-Kahina
                Aksil or Kusayla
                Salih ibn Tarif of the Berghouata
                Tariq ibn Ziyad, one of the leaders of the Moorish conquest of Iberia in 711.
                Ibn Tumart, founder of the Almohad dynasty
                Yusuf ibn Tashfin, founder of the Almoravid dynasty
                Ibn Battuta (1304–1377), Moroccan traveller and explorer
                al-Ajurrumi (famous grammarian of Arabic)
                Fodhil al-Warthilani, traveler and religious scholar of the 18th century
                Abu Yaqub Yusuf I, who had the Giralda in Seville built.
                Abu Yaqub Yusuf II, who had the Torre del Oro in Seville built.
                Ziri ibn Manad founder of the Zirid dynasty
                Sidi Mahrez Tunisian saint
                Ibn Al jهzzar famous doctor of Kairouan, 980.
                Muhammad Awzal (ca. 1680–1749), prolific Sous Berber poet (see also Ocean of Tears)
                Muhammad al-Jazuli, author of the Dala'il al-Khairat, Sufi
                Imam Buseiri, poet and author of the famous poem Qasida Burda – lived in Alexandria
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • very close geographically ; read the following:

                  Google Translate (bottom of the page )

                  Unusual: a strange light terrorizing the inhabitants of Ouarzazate
                  January 25, 2011
                  A strange light that appears in the region where the tribes settled Imeghran, 65 km northwest of Ouarzazate, spreading terror among the population.

                  Some think it's an angel watching a buried treasure in the region, others believe it is rather a jinn who haunts these places, reports the daily Al Massae.

                  A man of 44 years told the daily Al Massae, he would have approached this light to try to discover his secret and ended up far from his tribe, but that no harm happened to him.

                  This phenomenon, which dates back centuries, according to residents of the tribes of Imeghran , terrorizes everyone but a man of 60 who says that this light illuminates his way at night and watch for his work.
                  the area where it was spotted is a little north of where the "Mouth of the Snake Valley" is (highlighted in the picture ) which is also close to the 30 N Parallel

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 12:26 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Remember the Phoenix Lights:

                    On the Ufo in Morocco pdf , page 114 (translated using google ):

                    OBSERVATION SALE 31 December 2008
                    Ahmed O. living "sector Kariat Ouled Moussa" in Salé (near Rabat) Morocco. He is 47 years old and is married. He works in the field of IT.

                    On December 31, 2008, at 23 h 00, he was on the terrace of his house, preparing food for his dog when he observed an unusual object in the sky. It is and will remain fixed for 3 or 4 minutes. It is the bright light of the object that has attracted the attention of the witness because it lit up the terrace. It was shaped like a triangle hollow large because the witness has estimated at least 100 m long.

                    Several white and green lights were visible on the object, the color did not vary. It stood at an estimated altitude of 100 / 150 meters above the witness. (The assessment is difficult, it is estimated, however, subject to a relatively low altitude and high dimension). Fixed first, (for three or four minutes the witness said) this object is then moved at a speed very high up in the sky and taking the direction of the Northeast.

                    The apparent height of the object relative to the horizon is estimated at 60 °. No sound was perceived. The sky was clear that night, no cloud. New moon period.

                    The witness living near the airport in Sale was first thought of a helicopter. But the size, shape, absence of noise, does not absolutely correspond to the unit. He used to seeing planes, nothing matches the object that has an abnormal shape (open triangle), which is very large, and after remaining on site left at high speed, rapidly disappearing on the horizon. I watched the object until its total disappearance. My son now by my side, also saw the phenomenon.

                    The object (drawing of witness)

                    also here is a CIA doc Example or Ufo Report in Morocco

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • also on page 130:

                      In 2007, the CIA declassify 700 pages of documents "secret"
                      In 2007, a series of 700 documents are posted on a website. (CIA FOIA - Overview) was surprised to find a document in Morocco. This paper reports an observation. Unfortunately, the document released censored and if we do not know on the observation in question!
                      UFOs in Morocco are they so secret that it is justified to say nothing about this in this country? We may even outside of it, to censor everything related to it. Where are the orders?

                      Btw there is a doc version of the pdf file so you can highlight the text and translate it

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 01:21 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • If you take the time to go through the report, you'll see that many of the report of sightings were made within the aerial vicinity of the "Mouth of the Snake Valley"

                        also from: Bou Azer District (Bou Azzer District), Tazenakht, Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Morocco

                        Bou Azzer District, Tazenakht, Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Maroc

                        Famous cobalt(-silver) mining district.
                        I'm not sure but does silver ore come with gold ore..this is for the more experimented to answer...personally i don't know
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 01:37 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • The think I would like to know, is how do we go about finding its counterpart in the Pyrenees Mountains...

                          either we find a reference to Snake/dragon in the Basque Area or a legend attached to a place about Dragons and High Spirituality like the Tibetan Monastery or Zawiyah
                          or we use Harmonic Math to find it or correlate the position (19.5 degrees...45 degrees...etc... )

                          and off course UFO sighting throughout history of the Area

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • there is one suspect in mind:

                            Las Médulas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Las Médulas is a historical site near the town of Ponferrada in the region of El Bierzo (province of León, Castile and León, Spain), which used to be the most important gold mine in the Roman Empire. Las Médulas Cultural Landscape is listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites.

                            The spectacular landscape of Las Médulas resulted from the Ruina Montium, a Roman mining technique described by Pliny the Elder in 77 AD. The technique employed was a type of hydraulic mining which involved undermining a mountain with large quantities of water. The water was supplied by interbasin transfer. At least seven long aqueducts tapped the streams of the La Cabrera district (where the rainfall in the mountains is relatively high) at a range of altitudes. The same aqueducts were used to wash the extensive gold deposits.

                            Rock-cut aqueduct in La Cabrera

                            The area Hispania Tarraconensis had been invaded in 25 BC by the emperor Augustus. Prior to the Roman conquest the indigenous inhabitants obtained gold from alluvial deposits. Large-scale production did not begin until the second half of the 1st century AD.[1]
                            if you do a little research, you'll find out that this area is considered historically part of the Greater Basque Region


                            List of World Heritage Sites in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            The Pyrénées – Mont Perdu World Heritage Site is shared with France, while the Prehistoric Rock-Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde site is shared with Portugal. Of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain, Castile and León has the most sites, with six exclusive and two shared sites
                            didn't Fulcanelly make a reference to a castle in the Pyrénées Mountains Castile and León

                            why i chose that site...the name reminded me of this

                            Reptilian Brain

                            .the portion of the brain that is continuous with the spinal cord and comprises the medulla oblongata, pons, mid-brain and parts of the hypothalamus; controls reflexes and such essential internal mechanisms as respiration and heartbeat." Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionay (2006).
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 02:17 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • look what i found:

                              remember Mystery of the Cathedrals by Fulcanelli

                              Oldest Gothic buildings by country
                              1122 : France (Abbey Church of St Denis)
                              1174 : England (Cathedral of Canterbury)
                              1178 : Portugal (Monastery of Alcobaça)
                              1189 : Belgium (Cathedral of Liège)
                              1205 : Spain (Cathedral of León)
                              1209 : Germany (Cathedral of Magdeburg)
                              1230 : Italy (Santa Maria della Spina, Pisa)

                              Cathedral of Leon 1205 Castile and León, Spain

                              León Cathedral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Santa María de León Cathedral, also called The House of Light or the Pulchra Leonina is situated in the city of León in north-western Spain. It was built on the site of previous Roman baths of the 2nd century which, 800 years later, king Ordoño II converted into a palace.

                              Interior view

                              The León Cathedral, dedicated to Santa María de la Regla, was declared of Cultural Interest in 1844. It is known as the Pulchra Leonina and is a masterpiece of the Gothic style dominating the mid-13th century, by master architect Enrique. By the late 16th century it was virtually completed.

                              see also:

                              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                              Nothing is at Random
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 03:02 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • As you may have noticed the Material (Gold / silver- cobalt Mine ) meets the spiritual (Cathedral / Zawiyah ) 6 3 9 in the same area

                                here is another example : posted a while back

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-09-2012, 02:47 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

