Sin[pronunciation?] (Akkadian: Su'en, Sîn) or Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) was the god of the moon in the Mesopotamian mythology of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia. Nanna is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with Semitic Sin. The two chief seats of Nanna's/Sin's worship were Ur in the south of Mesopotamia and Harran in the north.
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SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
path of the souls of the children of men.
path of the souls of the children of men.
Kenaz – Literally: “Torch” – Esoteric ‘Ken’ or Knowledge
Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination, searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness
Psi: observation, clarity of thought, cognitive faculties, humility
Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination
Mundane: art, technique, improvement of skills, school, the stars
Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring, new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity, ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization
Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and new information
Strengthening of abilities in all realms
Female occult secrets
The light within, the observer
My Notes:
Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves.
Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination, searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness
Psi: observation, clarity of thought, cognitive faculties, humility
Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination
Mundane: art, technique, improvement of skills, school, the stars
Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring, new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity, ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization
Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and new information
Strengthening of abilities in all realms
Female occult secrets
The light within, the observer
My Notes:
Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves.
also :
The Semitic moon god Su'en/Sin is in origin a separate deity from Sumerian Nanna, but from the Akkadian Empire period the two undergo syncretization and are identified. The occasional Assyrian spelling of DNANNA-ar DSu'en-e is due to association with Akkadian na-an-na-ru "illuminator, lamp", an epitheton of the moon god. The name of the Assyrian moon god Su'en/Sîn is usually spelled as DEN.ZU, or simply with the numeral 30, DXXX
The original meaning of the name Nanna is unknown

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