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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    flow up :

    Sin[pronunciation?] (Akkadian: Su'en, Sîn) or Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) was the god of the moon in the Mesopotamian mythology of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia. Nanna is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with Semitic Sin. The two chief seats of Nanna's/Sin's worship were Ur in the south of Mesopotamia and Harran in the north.

    Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


    SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
    path of the souls of the children of men.
    Kenaz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    Kenaz – Literally: “Torch” – Esoteric ‘Ken’ or Knowledge

    Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination, searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness

    Psi: observation, clarity of thought, cognitive faculties, humility

    Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination

    Mundane: art, technique, improvement of skills, school, the stars

    Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring, new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity, ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization

    Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
    Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
    Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
    Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and new information
    Strengthening of abilities in all realms
    Female occult secrets
    The light within, the observer

    My Notes:

    Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves


    also :

    The Semitic moon god Su'en/Sin is in origin a separate deity from Sumerian Nanna, but from the Akkadian Empire period the two undergo syncretization and are identified. The occasional Assyrian spelling of DNANNA-ar DSu'en-e is due to association with Akkadian na-an-na-ru "illuminator, lamp", an epitheton of the moon god. The name of the Assyrian moon god Su'en/Sîn is usually spelled as DEN.ZU, or simply with the numeral 30, DXXX

    The original meaning of the name Nanna is unknown
    .... maybe it came from : Minions Banana Song-Fast, Faster, Fastest (HQ) - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2013, 01:03 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    a few interesting articles ....

    key word : swedish meat balls

    Swedish swimmers warned to protect private parts from fish

    An exotic pacu has been caught in Sweden’s Oresund Sound, and it’s cause for serious alarm–especially among human males who like to swim there.

    The Moon: An Unexplained Phenomenon

    Here is a collection of interesting quotes from scientists, authors, researchers, NASA insiders and star-gazers relating to the enigmatic and often inexplicable nature of the moon:

    Isaac Asimov, ( see : Psychohistory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    American author and professor of biochemistry at Boston University and Science Fiction writer. Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time.

    "We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of the strokes of luck almost too good to accept… Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites… … In general then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself. Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect… that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. But that is not so. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter. How is it then, that tiny Earth has one? Amazing."
    Christopher Knight and Alan Bulter
    Book: Who Built the Moon?

    The Moon has astonishing synchronicity with the Sun. When the Sun is at its lowest and weakest in mid-winter, the Moon is at its highest and brightest, and the reverse occurs in mid-summer. Both set at the same point on the horizon at the equinoxes and at the opposite point at the solstices. What are the chances that the Moon would naturally find an orbit so perfect that it would cover the Sun at an eclipse and appear from Earth to be the same size? What are chances that the alignments would be so perfect at the equinoxes and solstices?
    Dr S Ross Taylor,
    Geochemist of lunar chemical analysis,

    Said the problem was that maria plains the size of Texas had to be covered with melted rock containing fluid titanium. He said you would not expect titanium ever to be hot enough to do that, even on Earth, and no one has ever suggested that the Moon was hotter than the Earth.

    "What could distribute titanium in this way? Highly advanced technology developed and operated by entities that are immensely more technologically advance than humans.

    read on


    School improves security by firing guards and focusing on the arts | MNN - Mother Nature Network


    How Little We Know About The Weather

    It may come as a surprise to many, but modern science has very little to say about most of the weather we observe on a daily basis. Here are a few quotes to demonstrate what I’m talking about.

    “Scientists are still puzzled as to what triggers a spark during a thunderstorm. The latest attempt to answer the question only adds to the intrigue. It seems hard to believe that we still don’t understand what causes lightning during thunderstorms – but that’s a fact.”
    – BBC’s Phillip Ball

    Yep, scientists can’t tell you what causes lightning to form. However, they claim that they can predict what the global climate will be nearly a century from now.

    How about tornadoes?

    “We don’t know if a particular storm will produce a tornado so the truth is we really don’t know what causes a tornado. We do know the necessary conditions needed for tornado formation. ”
    - Steven A. Ackerman and Jonathan Martin, professors in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UW-Madison.

    And what about clouds?

    Climatologists are remarkably mum on the subject of clouds. While they have plenty of theories about cloud formation, virtually none of them address why clouds appear as they do. Obviously an attractive and repulsive force is necessary for the water droplets in a cloud to stick together cohesively the way they do. There is only one obvious force that meets this requirement, and it’s not dark matter.
    read on ....


    A strong magnetic field around the Milky Way's black hole

    ( —Astronomers have made an important measurement of the magnetic field emanating from a swirling disk of material surrounding the black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The measurement, made by observing a recently-discovered pulsar, is providing them with a powerful new tool for studying the mysterious region at the core of our home galaxy.

    Read more at:

    Like most galaxies, the Milky Way harbors a supermassive black hole at its center, some 26,000 light-years from Earth. The Milky Way's central black hole is some four million times more massive than the Sun. Black holes, concentrations of mass so dense that not even light can escape them, can pull in material from their surroundings. That material usually forms a swirling disk around the black hole, with material falling from the outer portion of the disk inward until it is sucked into the black hole itself.

    Read more at:

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  • MonsieurM
    Земля Санникова - The shaman's dance - Russian space funk - Victor Kiswell Archives - YouTube / KILLER SOVIET JAZZ FUNK A. Zacepin Shaman dance TOP # 18 - YouTube


    Depth Psych | = collection of articles on Shaman and Depth Psych

    Depth Psych
    Pioneered by William James, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Gustav Jung, Depth Psychology is the study of how we dialogue with the Unconscious via symbols, dreams, myth, art, nature. By paying attention to the messages that show up from beyond our conscious egos, we can be guided to greater understanding, transformation, and integration with the world around us, inner and outer. Join the conversation in community at Depth Psychology Alliance

    Four Archetypes by Carl Jung | Maxwell Purrington - ....


    one more info ....

    Ghafir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Surat Ghafir (Arabic: سورة غافر‎), The Forgiver (referring to Allah), also known as Surat al-Mu'minin (Arabic: سورة المؤمن‎), The Believers , is the 40th sura of the Qur'an with 85 ayat.
    Classification Meccan
    Alternate titles (Ar.) (Sūrat al-Muʿminin) سورة المؤمن
    Other names (Eng.) The Forgiving One, The Believers, Forgiving
    Position Juz' 24
    Structure 9 rukus, 85 verses

    to top

    Sahih International
    Ha, Meem. ..... 5 + 40 ..... and Graphically it resembles ..... O M as in OMG

    Correction Ha = 8 ...... He = 5

    THREE holds the key of all hidden magic,
    creator he of the halls of the Dead;
    sending forth power, shrouding with darkness,
    binding the souls of the children of men;
    sending the darkness, binding the soul force;
    director of negative to the children of men.

    FOUR is he who looses the power.
    Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
    Light is his body, flame is his countenance;
    freer of souls to the children of men.

    FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
    Key to The Word that resounds among men.

    SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
    path of the souls of the children of men.

    SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
    master of Space and the key of the Times.

    EIGHT is he who orders the progress;
    weighs and balances the journey of men.

    NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
    forming and changing from out of the formless.

    Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
    Keys are they, though hidden from men .....
    Bob James - Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) (1975) - YouTube

    Al-Insan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sūrat al-Insān (Arabic: سورة الإنسان‎) (Human) or Sūrat al-Dahr (Arabic: سورة الدَّهْرِ‎) is the 76th sura of the Qur'an with 31 ayat (verses). The name means soul or human.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2013, 12:16 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    M1.5 Solar Flare August 12, 2013 - YouTube

    Published on Aug 12, 2013

    An Impulsive M-Class Solar Flare observed from active region 11817 in the southern hemisphere of the solar corona. Peaking to M1.5 at 10:40 UTC August 12th. This eruption was in an earth facing position so the resulting Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is earth directed. Early assessment of the CME indicates impact on earths magnetic field late August 15.
    Bob James - Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) (1975) - YouTube


    Humanity Unconsciously Creates Thought-Forms (tulpas) and then Projects Them "Out There": UFOs, page 1

    Vladimir Propp, literary theorist, thought that Russian folktales could be seen as variations of a few underlying plot elements. Generally, a preliminary situation is followed by "misfortune or lack" and then by a sequence of events that repairs what misfortune or lack disturbed. The trickster figure mischief-maker and thief is one of the prime movers of the narrative. He gets the story moving and it comes to an end when he and his mischief have been dealt with.
    "The so-called civilized man has forgotten the trickster. He remembers him only figuratively and metaphorically, when, irritated by his own ineptitude, he speaks of fate playing tricks on him or of things being bewitched. He never suspects that his own hidden and apparently harmless shadow has qualities whose dangerousness exceeds his wildest dreams." -

    Carl Jung
    read on ....


    Tulpa (Tibetan: སྤྲུལ་པ, Wylie: sprul-pa; Sanskrit: निर्मित nirmita[1] and निर्माण nirmāṇa;[2] "to build" or "to construct" ( see 62 > 8 - 62 - 62 = 2x31 in previous post ) is a concept in mysticism of a being or object which is created through sheer discipline alone. It is a materialized thought that has taken physical form and is usually regarded as synonymous to a thoughtform.[3]
    one more thing :

    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

    ..... Kool & The Gang - Spirit Of The Boogie - YouTube

    A Nirmita (sprul-pa) is an emanation or a manifestation. A Buddha or other realized being is able to project many such Nirmitas simultaneously in an infinite variety of forms.[1] .... Danta Freeway Mau Mau 1972 Uk Funk Psych - YouTube
    example :

    The moment one constructs a device to carry into practice a crude idea, he finds himself unavoidably engrossed with the details of the apparatus. As he goes on improving and reconstructing, his force of concentration diminishes and he loses sight of the great underlying principle.… I do not rush into actual work. When I get an idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination. I change the construction, make improvements and operate the device in my mind. It is absolutely immaterial to me whether I run my turbine in thought or test it in my shop. I even note if it is out of balance.

    Nikola Tesla - Wikiquote
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2013, 04:12 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Hamilton Bohannon- Let's Start The Dance - YouTube .....

    HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69

    62 > 8 - 62 - 62 = 2x31
    --- band, priest's girdle, ornamental belt.
    --- to be strong, to heal.
    --- pr.n. "Healer", "Physician".

    --- (712 w/f, also 58/708); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern hear, feel; to attend; to perceive.
    --- separation, internal, between.
    --- to well up, flow, pour over; pour together, to confound; to mingle in sexual connection, to defile; Baal.
    --- pr.n. "Built"; "Wise"; sons (of).
    --- (712 w/f); to grow; grain, millet.
    --- to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring (after sex, idols, the True God, etc.).
    --- pr.n. "Place of Lizards".
    --- pr.n. "Yah has plunged", "Yah has consecrated", "Yah has baptised".
    --- (712 w/f); to understand. (compare )
    --- compass or compasses (for striking a circle).
    --- desirable or lovely.
    --- to thrust out or expel; to impel or strike; to be thrown out; to be driven out; an outcast.
    --- pr. n. "Nobility".
    --- to bound or spring; to spurt.
    --- fruit or produce.

    ESHU =

    for my spanish speaker friends ...

    Ser Conjugation - Conjugate Spanish Verbs on SpanishDict ..... es = to be ( ser also sounds like cer as in cer nun nos )





    ..... Gino Soccio - Try It Out (Original 12'' Version) - YouTube

    just have been informed that I have a copycat on David Ickes Forum .... not sure if it is true .... who ever it is .... you're trying out .... good for you .... just give credits as it is Open source

    Donald Byrd - Thank you for funking up my life (12 inch) - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2013, 03:38 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    The Nite People - Funky Hoe - 1969 - YouTube .... How to Bury Fish for Fertilizer | eHow

    Martin S. Day on The Trickster Archetype in Mythology .... ESHU

    The Excavator: Martin S. Day on The Trickster Archetype in Mythology

    Though apparently the product of a vulgar and earthly populace, Trickster is far from a simple character. He seems to fulfill the following human needs:

    (1) Sheer entertainment. All men need escape from the mundane world. The shaman's escape is an eerie and perilous flight out of this world. Perhaps the Trickster tales were the very early release of the common man, tricking him with the deucedly clever and the outrageously ludicrous in this world.

    (2) Satire. Much of the Trickster material seems parody or travesty of the shaman. The self-dismemberment of Trickster is a laughable parallel to the shaman's solemn dissection. The "excrement advisors" of Trickster burlesque the shaman's spirit guides. Trickster is himself outwitted on occasion by birds and animals, again looking like a sneer of the shaman's power over the animal world.

    (3) Blowing off steam. Like the medieval Feast of Fools, Boy Bishop, and similar escape valves, the Trickster accounts represent a "ritualized rebellion." Society is an unnatural imposition, and a provident society must offer means to get hostilities and frustrations out of one's system effectively, while not breaching the actual citadels of that society. Trickster lets the audience purge itself of its anarchistic and socially undesirable drives.

    (4) Psychological satisfaction. Trickster institutes one of the surefire successes of all storytelling: the cheeky little chap who bests giant adversaries. Trickster offers ambivalent effects. One may enjoy one's own noble virtue by scornful disapproval of that immoral Trickster. Or one may revel deliciously in vicarious enjoyment of tabued acts. The Navajo Amerindians are most unusual in carefully discriminating between the two responses to Trickster. Navajo Coyote tales to children are very moralistic, always ending in exemplary punishment meted out to Coyote in exact proportion to his degree of tabu violations. Navajo Coyote tales to adults evoke guffaws and thigh-slapping pleasure at the wild, clever antics of that wonderful rascal.

    (5) Re-evaluation. For many archaic cultures the strongest, most penetrating undercutting of society is the Trickster cycle within its madcap ridicule of sacred social practices: tribal rituals, male and female roles, sexual and religious tabus, social structure and customs, even behavior in eating and excreting. The enormity of the criticism demonstrates the rigidity of archaic societies, where change is rare and usually minute. Only the clout of the Trickster myth has much chance to effect internal change in a static society.

    (6) Unification of society. Strange but psychologically true is the statement that this apparently disruptive element in society actually works as a catalyst to greater social solidarity. The regular rituals and customs of a society tend to accentuate class and role distinctions and enforce inflexible status and behavior. When social structure is bent or broken by the Trickster myth, there is actually a powerful reinforcement of the sense of community in the ungusseting and fellow merriment.

    (7) Individual development. The picaresque novel from the Spanish Renaissance onwards proffers a rogue who, very much like the Trickster, lives by his wits through a series of dramatic encounters. Actually, in the individual myths about the trickster there seems little maturing of the character. Nonetheless, the emergence of Creator and Transformer from the Trickster and the ennobling of the trickster to Promethean stature suggest that the trickster cycle is the Bildungsroman or development novel in embryo.

    (8) Spiritual enhancement. Paradoxically, the agent of disorder and caprice may actually compel the spiritually lackadaisical to turn to the gods. Legba is the sly trickster among the Fon of Dahomey, West Africa, who as a disruptive and destructive force causes mankind to seek divine order and harmony. Probably the sly trickster lurks behind Goethe's Mephistopheles, whose machinations and nihilism will eventuate in the greater glory of god and the firmer achievement of divine symmetry.

    The earliest manifestation of Trickster seems the basically egotistical, amoral, wholly self-motivated personality, only incidentally benefiting mankind. Apparently the Amerindians gradually developed this selfish rascal into an elaborate Trickster-Creator-Transformer and Culture-Bringer (or various combinations). Amerindians usually designate Trickster as an animal--Coyote, Wolf, Fox, Raven, Crow, Raccoon, Badger, Bat, Mink, Bluejay, Hare--but Trickster is not described as an animal, and his actions and speech are altogether human.
    Just as the gods themselves seem to have originated in animal deities and from such a humble source rose to the heights of Ahura Mazda and Allah, so Trickster from amoral animal beginnings moves upwards towards the esteemed Prometheus.
    JIMMY BO HORNE-you get me hot remast (audio hq) - YouTube ..... FA

    No chicanery is beyond the Trickster and his cleverness is unbounded, but there seem to be two basic feats of the Trickster: theft of valuable objects and defeat of a "cannibal monster" by wits and duplicity. The stealing may be of fire, water, sun, fish, game animals, cereal grains, human or divine property, maidenheads, and anything else within his knavish grasp. Autolycus is an obvious example in Greek myth. Odin in the Norse mythology stole mead from the dwarfs and giants and triumphantly bore it to the gods. The "cannibal monster" seems metaphoric for famine, disease, enemies, and other dire perils. Heracles would overpower such obstacles by brute strength, but the Trickster conquers by duplicity, as Odysseus outwits Polyphemus
    excrement advisors
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-09-2013, 11:01 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    example :

    did you ever wonder why in many culture around the world , people spit on evil ( eye , curse etc ).....


    forgot to add ......

    What does one-eyed monster mean? one-eyed monster Definition. Meaning of one-eyed monster.

    ...... Horn Dog

    Jimmy Bo Horne - Spank (12 Disco Version) 1979 - YouTube

    .... heehee


    for your pleasure ..... one of my fav painters ..... ..... very symbolic painter

    Goya - Crazy Like A Genius : Google

    Burial of the Sardine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...... the fish

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2013, 09:42 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    DONNA SUMMER - I FEEL LOVE (VersiĂłn Disco) - YouTube ..... Undisputed Truth Showtime - YouTube

    A storm is coming: Sun's magnetic field is set to FLIP and could lead to bad weather and radio disruption | Mail Online

    The sun’s magnetic field is expected to flip in the next three to four months and it could lead to changes in our climate, storms and disruption to satellites.

    This solar event only happens once every 11 years and signals what physicists call the Solar Maximum - a time when the Sun's solar activity is at its highest.

    During this peak in activity the outbursts of solar energy can increase the amount of cosmic and UV rays coming towards Earth and this can interfere with radio communications, cause solar bursts of light - known as flares - and can affect the planet's temperature.


    How Does the Solar System Affect the Earth? | eHow


    According to ScienceDaily, changes in Earth's shape over time, coupled with gravitational actions from other planets in the solar system, directly affect the climate on Earth. As these two factors change, the pattern of sunlight across Earth's surface changes. The gravitational pull of Saturn and Jupiter in particular has changed Earth's axial tilt, affecting the way sunlight falls and therefore Earth's climate.

    Climate Change Linked to Hot Tempers: Global Warming Negatively Affecting Human Behavior : Science : Headlines & Global News

    A new study shows there is a link between climate change and human violence, according to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and Princeton University.
    The study data covers all major regions of the world and show similar patterns of conflict linked to climatic changes, such as increased drought or higher than average annual temperature. Examples include spikes in domestic violence in India and Australia; increased assaults and murders in the United States and Tanzania; ethnic violence in Europe and South Asia; land invasions in Brazil; police using force in Holland; civil conflicts throughout the tropics; and even the collapse of Mayan and Chinese empires.

    There have been many studies on this topic from different research fields ranging from climatology, archaeology and economics to political science and psychology. However, few researchers have connected the studies to create a whole picture.

    The beat goes in the brain: Visual system can be entrained to future events

    (Medical Xpress)—Like a melody that keeps playing in your head even after the music stops, researchers at the University of Illinois's Beckman Institute have shown that the beat goes on when it comes to the human visual system.
    "In nature, rhythmicity is everywhere, so it makes sense that our brain has evolved to be sensitive to rhythms in the world and to be able to latch on to them to improve neural processing," Lleras said. "It's very nice to be able to show that not only does the brain work in this oscillatory fashion but that we can harness that property that is inherent to the brain and use it to control the brain's response."
    Black Heat - Chip's Funk - YouTube Parilament - Flashlight (12 Inch Extended Version) - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2013, 06:02 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Del Amitri - Spit In The Rain (with Lyrics) - YouTube

    310 > 4 - 310 - 310 = 2x5x31

    --- outpouring; gully, ravine.
    --- to tread out, to thresh; to crush; to spring; to trample to pieces.
    --- to bind on; to bind up; a healer; to saddle; to shut up, restrain, rule. ..... David Christie - Saddle Up (Extended Version 1982) - YouTube
    --- pr.n. "Village of Luck".
    --- to bind or weave; to combine, to think; to count for or as; to impute; to invent; to regard; girdle; artificer.
    --- to be heavy; to be dear, precious, costly; to be worth; grave, calm; preciousness, value, price; honor, magnificence; weight; treasure.
    --- to spit; to out forth leaves, sprout; to become green; what is green; greens, herbs; greenness, verdure, foliage.
    --- existence; substance.
    --- a strong one; a young lion; a village.
    --- to be sold; to be delivered up; to sell onself; to be sold; to be addicted.
    --- nakedness; privy part; empty space.
    --- (870 w/f); hidden things, treasurers.
    --- evil-doing.
    --- friendship.
    --- (1120 w/f); a thorn-hedge, thicket of thorns.
    --- (870 w/f); clean of hands (innocent in one's doings).
    --- (960 w/f); to pierce or penetrate. --- an axle or pivot; a prince or chief.
    --- (870 w/f); naked or stripped.
    --- to bind or combine; to be crafty or wily.
    --- to bind or collect to contain..
    --- wool.
    --- a sheaf or bundle; an omer (dry measure of 3 1/2 quarts).
    John 9:6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes.


    Thoth was seen by many as a healer, spitting, and rubbing ointments to cure wounds. Thoth was the one who repaired Horus's eye

    Anubis - Thoth AKA Thot, Or Thout
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2013, 02:40 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    example :

    did you ever wonder why in many culture around the world , people spit on evil ( eye , curse etc ).....


    hint : combine letters and numbers

    Uraeus - Snake - DNA - Crystalinks

    Later, the pharaohs were seen as a manifestation of the sun-god Re, and so it also was believed that the Uraeus protected them by spitting fire on their enemies from the fiery eye of the goddess. In some mythological works, the eyes of Ra are said to be uraei ( see previous post ).

    Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

    The Golden Uraeus is of solid gold, 6.7 cm, black eyes of granite, a snake head of deep ultramarine lapis lazuli, the flared cobra hood of dark carnelian inlays, and also inlays of turquoise. For mounting on the pharaoh's crown, two loops in the rear-supporting tail of the cobra provide the attachment points.


    also :

    Health News - Saliva Heals Cuts Faster -
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2013, 02:03 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Jeremiah 5

    Judgment Proclaimed

    14Therefore, thus says the LORD, the God of hosts,
    “Because you have spoken this word,
    Behold, I am making My words in your mouth fire
    And this people wood, and it will consume them.

    15“Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel,” declares the LORD.
    “It is an enduring nation,
    It is an ancient nation,
    A nation whose language you do not know,
    Nor can you understand what they say.

    16“Their quiver is like an open grave,
    All of them are mighty men.

    17“They will devour your harvest and your food;
    They will devour your sons and your daughters;
    They will devour your flocks and your herds;
    They will devour your vines and your fig trees;
    They will demolish with the sword your fortified cities in which you trust.

    18“Yet even in those days,” declares the LORD, “I will not make you a complete destruction.19“It shall come about when they say, ‘Why has the LORD our God done all these things to us?’ then you shall say to them, ‘As you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you will serve strangers in a land that is not yours.’

    20“Declare this in the house of Jacob
    And proclaim it in Judah, saying,

    21‘Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people,
    Who have eyes but do not see;
    Who have ears but do not hear.

    22‘Do you not fear Me?’ declares the LORD.
    ‘Do you not tremble in My presence?
    For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea,
    An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it.
    Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail;
    Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.

    23‘But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart;
    They have turned aside and departed.

    24‘They do not say in their heart,
    “Let us now fear the LORD our God,
    Who gives rain in its season,
    Both the autumn rain and the spring rain,
    Who keeps for us
    The appointed weeks of the harvest.”

    25‘Your iniquities have turned these away,
    And your sins have withheld good from you.

    26‘For wicked men are found among My people,
    They watch like fowlers lying in wait;
    They set a trap,
    They catch men.

    27‘Like a cage full of birds,
    So their houses are full of deceit;
    Therefore they have become great and rich.

    28‘They are fat, they are sleek,
    They also excel in deeds of wickedness;
    They do not plead the cause,
    The cause of the orphan, that they may prosper;
    And they do not defend the rights of the poor.

    29‘Shall I not punish these people?’ declares the LORD,
    ‘On a nation such as this
    Shall I not avenge Myself?’

    30“An appalling and horrible thing
    Has happened in the land:

    31The prophets prophesy falsely,
    And the priests rule on their own authority;
    And My people love it so!
    But what will you do at the end of it?

    My words in your mouth fire

    The Stygian Port: The Divine Language

    "... the author (of Sefer Yetzirah) maintains that, using his interpretation, one can oneself become a "creator"; though on a much smaller scale. In other words, the Sefer Yetzirah proposes not only an interpretation of 'In the beginning' but also a secret teaching of creative magic. It teaches, properly understood, the secret of Creation and of creation, of the Maker and the maker."

    "... the reader ( YOU / YHU ) is told 'test' and 'explore' (and in some manuscripts also 'know, calculate, and form') - i.e., to try to combine letters and numbers and to 'create' as God did
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2013, 12:28 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Legends of Mt. Shasta-The Movie - YouTube

    Stephen Sindoni shares a compilation of eleven (11) stories surrounding California's mystic mountain in the video entitled "Legends of Mt. Shasta." Additional Translations to follow:


    Study reveals potential role of 'love hormone' oxytocin in brain function

    In a loud, crowded restaurant, having the ability to focus on the people and conversation at your own table is critical. Nerve cells in the brain face similar challenges in separating wanted messages from background chatter. A key element in this process appears to be oxytocin, typically known as the "love hormone" for its role in promoting social and parental bonding.
    for more on Oxytocin :

    Human love hormone oxytocin, a double edged sword

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-06-2013, 01:58 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
    path of the souls
    of the children of men.

    How Does the Solar System Affect the Earth? | eHow


    According to ScienceDaily, changes in Earth's shape over time, coupled with gravitational actions from other planets in the solar system, directly affect the climate on Earth. As these two factors change, the pattern of sunlight across Earth's surface changes. The gravitational pull of Saturn and Jupiter in particular has changed Earth's axial tilt, affecting the way sunlight falls and therefore Earth's climate.

    Sage Francis - Hoofprints in the Sand (2007) - YouTube

    Major Astrology Events in August 2013 - Truthstar

    Mars squares Uranus on August 1, 2013; Mercury sesquiquadrates Neptune on August 1, 2013

    Mars trines Dragon’s Head, Venus quincunxes Uranus, and Venus sextiles Dragno’s Head, on August 2, 2013; Venus sextiles Mars on August 3, 2013.

    Sun trines Uranus on August 4, 2013; Uranus quincunxes Dragon’s Head on August 5, 2013.

    Jupiter opposes Pluto on August 8, 2013

    Mercury quincunxes Neptune on August 11, 2013; Mars sesquiquadrates Neptune on August 11, 2013; Mercury squares Saturn on August 11, 2013.

    Mercury quincunxes Pluto on August 13, 2013

    Mercury squares Dragon’s Head on August 14, 2013; Mercury trines Uranus on August 15,2013; Jupiter trines Dragon’s Head on August 16, 2013.

    Sun quintiles Saturn on August 17, 2013; Sun sesquiquadrates Pluto on August 17, 2013

    Sun sesquiquadrates Uranus on August 20, 2013; Venus quincunxes Neptune on August 20, 2013.

    Mercury sesquiquadrates Pluto on August 21, 2013; Jupiter squares Uranus on August 21, 2013; Mercury quintiles Saturn on August 21, 2013; Sun quintiles Dragon’s Head on August 21, 2013.

    Mercury sesquiquadrates Uranus on August 22, 2013.

    Mercury quintiles Dragon’s Head on August 24, 2013; Venus squares Pluto on August 24, 2013; Sun contra-parallels Neptune on August 25,2013; Venus quintiles Mars on August 25, 2013.

    Venus contra-parallels Uranus on August 26, 2013; Mercury contra-parallels Saturn on August 26, 2013; Sun opposes Neptune on August 27, 2013; Mercury sextiles Saturn on August 27, 2013.

    Venus squares Jupiter on August 28, 2013; Mercury trines Dragon’s Head on August 28, 2013.

    Mercury sextiles Dragon’s Head on August 29, 2013

    Mercury quincunxes Uranus on August 30, 2013; Sun sextiles Saturn on August 30, 2013; Mercury sextiles Jupiter on August 31, 2013.

    ..... Atlantis Donovan Lyrics on Screen - YouTube ( see also : + Pisces - The Fish - Astrology - The White Goddess )


    Alchemy: Projection
    American Indian:
    Animal: Fish, Dolphin
    Birthstone: Pearl, Sapphire, Bloodstone
    Colour: Red Violet
    Day: Thursday
    Egyptian: Anpu (Anubis)
    Element: 3rd of three Water signs
    Flower: Water Lily
    Gods/Goddess: Neptune, Poseidon, Anubis
    Greek: Poseidon
    Hawaiian: KAULUA
    Indian (Sanskrit): Meena
    Metal: Platinum
    Perfume: Ambergris, Jasmine, Lily, Sandalwood
    Plant: Opium Poppy
    Quality: 4th of four Mutable signs
    Roman: Neptune
    Tarot: 17 - Moon


    The Nascent Moon commands the sunless skies,
    And offers wisdom to whoever tries
    To cross the desert. Guardians must be
    Appeased to make the passage from the Sea.
    Approach the dreadful Dark with
    insight's eyes!

    Weapon: The Magic Mirror
    You Can Tune a Piano, but You Can't Tun a Fish ..... Marlena Shaw-Lets Wade in The Water / HQ / - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-05-2013, 04:49 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Shemhamphorasch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A 216-letter name for God is found in Jewish Kabbalistic sources (mentioned by Tosafot as well as by the Kabbalists) as well as in Christian Kabbalah and in Hermetic Qabalah, derived from the 72 groups of three letters, each of these triplets being the name of an angel or intelligence.
    The alphanumeric designations reveal that the Shemhamphorasch encodes what is known as the reduced Fibonacci Sequence, and that the entire series is produced by the multiplication of the first 24 numbers comprising the Fibonacci sequence by the set of common Arabic numerals 1 through 9. They must be re-arranged, still in sequential order, in a block of 24 by 9 numerals ( 24 x 9 = 216 )
    Uriah Heep - The Wizard - YouTube

    Goetia[edit source | editbeta]

    According to European magical tradition, King Solomon is said to have evoked seventy-two demons, confined them in a bronze vessel sealed by magic symbols, and obliged them to work for him (this belief is also derived from the Apocryphal work, "The Testament of Solomon", in which demons were brought to Solomon and he forced them to build Solomon's Temple through the use of magic rings). These demons are catalogued in various magical grimoires, most notably in the Lemegeton, which gives descriptions of their powers, appearance and manner, as well as instructions for controlling them.[3]
    Ars Theurgia Goetia[edit source | editbeta]

    The Ars Theurgia Goetia ("the art of goetic theurgy") is the second section of The Lesser Key of Solomon. It explains the names, characteristics and seals of the 31 aerial spirits (called chiefs, emperors, kings and princes) that King Solomon invoked and confined. It also explains the protections against them, the names of their servant spirits, the conjurations to invoke them, and their nature, that is both good and evil.

    on a side Note Mount Toubkal is Similar to :


    A volcanic California mountain described in several local American Indian myths
    as the only dry land to have survived a worldwide flood. Building a raft, Coyote-Man
    sailed over great expanses of water to arrive at its summit. There he ignited a
    signal fire that alerted other survivors, who gathered at Mount Shasta, from which

    they repopulated the Earth. Into modern times, mysterious lights sometimes seen
    on the mountaintop are associated with ceremonies of a “Lemurian brotherhood,”
    whose initiates allegedly perform rituals from the lost civilization. These lights,
    like that of the Indians’ flood hero, Coyote-Man,

    are probably electrical phenomena
    known to occur at the peaks of seismically active mountains bearing
    strong deposits of crystal. As earth tremors squeeze the mineral, it emits electrical
    discharges, similar to the piezeo-electrical effects of a crystal radio receiver
    The intensity of negative ions generated by this phenomenon can interface with
    the bio-circuitry of the human brain
    , inducing altered states of consciousness related
    to spiritual or shamanic experiences
    . Hence, the mystical character of Mount Shasta
    for Native Americans and modern visitors alike is not difficult to understand

    Morocco - Encyclopedia Article and More from Merriam-Webster

    the Atlas Mountains rise in the country's centre and include Mount Toubkal (13,665 ft [4,165 m]), Morocco's highest peak. The area is a zone of severe seismic activity, and earthquakes are frequent.
    see also .... ... Biogenic Magnetite = Djinn

    Who said eyes are the windows to your soul? - Yahoo! Answers .... In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel - YouTube

    Led Zeppelin-Ramble On-Lyrics - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-05-2013, 03:03 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    from :

    Chamharouch, the king of "jinn"

    Chamharouch, le roi des "djinns" in Insayen - amezruy / Traditions - histoire / Traditions - history Forum

    At about 2,000 meters above sea level halfway between the village of Imlil and refuge NELTI (located at the foot of Toubkal), Chamharouch is a well known place of pilgrimage around the mountain.

    This place, supposed to honor the King of "jinn", would have the power to heal people with mental illness. To get rid of its evils, the pilgrim patient must stay long enough. Some remained there for years, according to the words of one local resident. A huge rock, painted white covers, according to legend, the place came to collect the "djinn" Chamharouch. It is at this precise location, in a cavity beneath the huge rock that "pilgrims" to collect.


    Shemhamphorasch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Shemhamphorasch is a corruption of the Hebrew term Shem ha-Mephorash (שם המפורש) ("the explicit Name [of God]", that is, the full and proper name, and not a filler term or cipher, which are used in conversation and prayer), which was used in tannaitic times to refer to the Tetragrammaton. In early Kabbalah, the term was used to designate sometimes a 72-letter name for God, and sometimes a 42-letter name. Rashi said Shem ha-Mephorash was used for a 42-letter name, but Maimonides thought Shem ha-Mephorash was used only for the four letter Tetragrammaton.[1]
    A 216-letter name for God is found in Jewish Kabbalistic sources (mentioned by Tosafot as well as by the Kabbalists) as well as in Christian Kabbalah and in Hermetic Qabalah, derived from the 72 groups of three letters, each of these triplets being the name of an angel or intelligence.
    Spelling variants include Shemhamforash, Shemhamphorae, Shemhamphorash, Shemahamphorasch, Shemhamphoresh, Shem ha-Mephoresh, Shem ha-Mephorash, Shemhamphoresch, shem hamitfaresh.
    The name itself is derived from Exodus 14:19-21, three verses each composed of 72 letters;

    Kabbalists and hermeticists have proposed correspondences between the 72 names of the Shemhamphorasch and a wide variety of other things, such as the Psalms, tarot cards, and so on.
    NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
    forming and changing from out of the formless
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-05-2013, 03:29 AM.

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