One day Jacques followed the stranger without being seen and discovered his camp: a strange conical tent of a metallic gray, near which stood a being like him, but seemed to be a woman. The stranger came to speak, developed socio-political themes: "Your planet is composed of a balanced society ... Selfishness is not human congenital ... Man, with his pride, does not know that the Earth is to develop an animal in the process of evolution, over time, replace ... Even your children mutate ... "" His eyes seemed to light up when he spoke, without a genuine smile that never happen
One day Jacques followed the stranger without being seen and discovered his camp: a strange conical tent of a metallic gray, near which stood a being like him, but seemed to be a woman. The stranger came to speak, developed socio-political themes: "Your planet is composed of a balanced society ... Selfishness is not human congenital ... Man, with his pride, does not know that the Earth is to develop an animal in the process of evolution, over time, replace ... Even your children mutate ... "" His eyes seemed to light up when he spoke, without a genuine smile that never happen

Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes [1/5] - YouTube
This is a documentary about a boy (Ben Underwood) who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats.
