The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky
In the Scandinavian Eddas the “War” of the Ases with the Hrim-thurses (frost-giants), and of Asathor with the Jotuns, the Serpents and Dragons and the “wolf” who comes out of “Darkness” — is the repetition of the same myth. The “evil Spirits,”* having begun by being simply the emblems of Chaos, became euhemerized by the superstition of the rabble, until they have finally won the right of citizenship in the most civilized and learned races of this globe — since its creation as alleged — and became a dogma with Christians. As George Smith has it: “The evil principles (Spirits) emblems of Chaos” (in Chaldea and Assyria as in Egypt, we see) . . “resist this change and make war on the Moon, the eldest son of Bel, drawing over to their side the Sun, Venus and the atmospheric god Vul.” (“Assyrian Discoveries,” p. 403.) This is only another version of the Hindu “War in Heaven,” between Soma, the moon, and the gods — Indra being the atmospheric Vul; which shows it plainly to be both a Cosmogonical and an astronomical allegory, woven into and drawn from the earliest theogony as taught in the Mysteries.
