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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • from: Before It's News

    House Of Rothschild Controllers Of The Material World

    The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as oppose to who they claim to be. The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
    Benjamin Disraeli, an Ashkenazi Jew (who would go on to become British Prime Minister twice – the only admitted Ashkenazi Jew to do so) publishes Coningsby, in which he characterises Nathan Mayer Rothschild as,

    “the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and Monarchs and Ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions.”

    they are only doing what they were created to do an LCR circuit you always include a Resistance

    the goal is to become an LC Circuit:

    An LC circuit, also called a resonant circuit or tuned circuit, consists of an inductor, represented by the letter L, and a capacitor, represented by the letter C. When connected together, they can act as an electrical resonator, an electrical analogue of a tuning fork, storing electrical energy oscillating at the circuit's resonant frequency.

    LC circuits are used either for generating signals at a particular frequency, or picking out a signal at a particular frequency from a more complex signal. They are key components in many electronic devices, particularly radio equipment, used in circuits such as oscillators, filters, tuners and frequency mixers.

    An LC circuit is an idealized model since it assumes there is no dissipation of energy due to resistance. For a model incorporating resistance see RLC circuit. The purpose of an LC circuit is to oscillate with minimal damping, and for this reason their resistance is made as low as possible. While no practical circuit is without losses, it is nonetheless instructive to study this pure form to gain a good understanding.
    a Unity Device (not much a fan of Over Unity philosophically speaking )....a conduit

    all the Inventor from that region of the world who immigrated to the US can be seen as :


    The Feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of the Masculine energy (Inventors and Money

    "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion.

    A Feminine corpuscle becomes detached from, or rather leaves, a Masculine corpuscle, and starts on a new career. It actively seeks a union with a Masculine corpuscle, being purged thereto by the natural impulse to create new forms of Matter or Energy. One writer goes so far as to use the term "it at once seeks, of its own volition, a union," etc. This detachment and uniting form the basis of the greater part of the activities of the chemical world. When the Feminine corpuscle unites with a Masculine corpuscle, a certain process is begun. The Feminine particles vibrate rapidly under the influence of the Masculine energy (Inventors and Money, and circle rapidly around the latter. The result is the birth of a new atom. This new atom is really composed of a union of the Masculine and Feminine electrons, or corpuscles, but when the union is formed the atom is a separate thing, having certain properties, but no longer manifesting the property of free electricity.
    Side note : the immigration Pattern can be interpreted as the two poles of a magnet

    Paulicians (Armenian: Պաւլիկեաններ, also remembered as Pavlikians or Paulikianoi[1]) were a Christian Adoptionist sect and militarized revolt movement, also accused by medieval sources as Gnostic and quasi Manichaean Christian. They flourished between 650 and 872 in Armenia and the Eastern Themes of the Byzantine Empire.
    Though the term "Cathar" has been used for centuries to identify the movement, whether the movement identified itself with this name is debatable.[2][3] In Cathar texts, the terms "Good Men" (Bons Hommes) or "Good Christians" are the common terms of self-identification.
    did i mention the mountains of the Pyrenees are close by

    Even the words in the Name Khazar ( straight lines ...right angles etc ) points towards a Masculine Pole
    where as Cathar has evolved with curved lines as in Feminine Pole
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 10:19 AM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • FYI:

      EADS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company N.V. (EADS) is a global pan-European aerospace and defence corporation and a leading defence and military contractor worldwide. The group includes Airbus as the leading manufacturer of commercial aircraft, with Airbus Military covering tanker, transport and mission aircraft; Eurocopter as the world's largest helicopter supplier; Astrium, the European leader in space programmes from Ariane to Galileo; and Cassidian as a provider of comprehensive and integral systems solutions for aerial, land, naval and civilian security applications. Through Cassidian, EADS is a major partner in the Eurofighter consortium as well as a key stakeholder in the missile systems provider MBDA. In 2009, the EADS generated revenues of €42.82 billion and employed 119,500 personnel. EADS was formed on 10 July 2000 by the merger of Aιrospatiale-Matra of France, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA) of Germany, and Construcciones Aeronαuticas SA (CASA) of Spain. Overall, the company develops and markets civil and military aircraft, as well as communications systems, missiles, space rockets, satellites, and related systems.
      Toulouse to be EADS ‘centre of gravity’ -

      Tom Enders, the incoming EADS chief executive, is planning to relocate the headquarters of the European aerospace manufacturer from Paris and Munich to Toulouse in a move that will test the delicate Franco-German balancing act at the top of the company.

      Languedoc Region

      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • this is for my french speaking friends you 'll recognize it...and so the message ....Arcadia...when you were kids

        GENERIQUE... les mondes engloutis - VidΓ©o Dailymotion

        Compositeur : COSMA Vladimir
        Description :
        Les Mondes Engloutis - Opening Theme
        Paroles :

        Toi, enfant de la Terre, ιcoute moi
        Toi qui as le secret du Shagma,
        Dans toutes les strates et les mondes engloutis

        Suis Spartakus, Bob, Rιbecca…

        Oh vous, enfants de lumiθre suivez moi
        Vous qui connaissez notre passι
        Vers Arkadia, vers les mondes engloutis
        Pour nous sauver la vie

        Suis les mondes engloutis
        Jusqu'au creux de la Terre
        Enfant pars et vole avec nous
        Au fond des univers
        Enfant suis les mondes engloutis
        Jusqu'au creux de la Terre

        Sors de la nuit, de la mer et du temps
        Revis les lιgendes que porte le vent
        Va vaincre le mystθre, la faim, le froid

        Suis Spartakus, Bob, Arkana…

        Oh toi, enfant du ciel marche sans effroi
        Dis nous que demain il revivra
        Sors le Shagma, le soleil de l'oubli,
        Des mondes engloutis…

        Suis les mondes engloutis
        Jusqu'au creux de la Terre
        Enfant pars et vole avec nous
        Au fond des univers
        Enfant suis les mondes engloutis
        Jusqu'au creux de la Terre

        [Va, enfant de la Terre, droit devant toi
        Toi qui as le secret de la joie
        Vers le Shagma, vers les mondes engloutis,
        Va droit vers l'infini]

        Suis les mondes engloutis
        Jusqu'au creux de la Terre
        Enfant pars et vole avec nous
        Au fond des univers
        the Curious Child in you

        Vladimir Cosma was born April 13, 1940 in Bucharest, Romania, into a family of musicians. His father, Teodor Cosma, was a pianist and conductor, his mother a writer-composer, his uncle, Edgar Cosma, composer and conductor, and one of his grandmothers, pianist, a student of the renowned Ferrucio Busoni.

        After receiving first prizes for violin and composition at the Bucharest Conservatoire of Music, he arrived in Paris in 1963 and continued his studies at the Conservatoire National Supιrieur de Musique de Paris, working with Nadia Boulanger. As well as for classical music, he discovered early on a passion for jazz, film music and all forms of popular music.

        From 1964 he made a number of international tours as a concert violinist and began to devote himself more and more to composing. He wrote various compositions including: « Trois mouvements d’ιtι » for symphony orchestra, « Oblique » for violoncello and string orchestra, music for theatre and ballet (« Volpone » for the Comιdie Franηaise, the opera « Fantτmas»…).
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 02:34 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from: House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Reading This | Pakalert Press

          Mayer Amschel Rothschild dies. In his will he lays out specific laws that the House of Rothschild were to follow: all key positions in the family business were only to be held by family members; only male members of the family were allowed to participate in the family business, this included a reported sixth secret bastard son .
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Earlier the Name Al Cazar was mentioned:

            Full text of "Mysterious Morocco, and how to appreciate it"

            Alcazar* (El K'sar el K'bir).

            60 miles from Tangier, 20 miles from Lsurache.

            Although the name means " the great^Castle,"
            the town is without a wall and, viewed from a
            distance, has a picturesque appearance, with its
            roof tops and its mosque minarets peering over a
            setting of trees and gardens. The Kaiseriyah
            (the ** Bazaar " or market quarter) forms its
            best feature : it is held on Sundays and well
            attended. Parts of the streets composing it are
            covered with palmetto matting, affording an
            agreeable shade. The city abounds in storks,
            the sacred birds of Morocco, who are supposed
            to be Sultans in disguise.f The only fine building
            is the Zouwiah (Zawya ) of Mulai Bu Ghalib, one of the
            patron saints. Situated at the junction of
            the routes to Tangier, Tetuan, Fez, Wazzan,
            Mequinez, and Larache, it is surprising that it
            should not be a place of greater importance and

            * The town occupies the site of the Roman Oppidum NoTum " and
            is actually built to a lar^e extent of Roman dressed stones," suggesting
            a possibility of finding mteresting relics of the Latin occupation (says
            Dr. Browne in his note on Leo Africanus). There is a Greek inscrip-
            tion on a stone set into the Mosaue minaret.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from the Voynich Manuscript:

              note the blue color under the animals hooves as in Water

              15 Women and one Goat in the Middle...this doc mentions the date 15 April...i disagree as it probably points at 15th of March (IMO):

     - YouTube!


              Zodiac Symbol Seagoat
              Duration (Tropical, Western) 21 December – 19 January (2012, UTC)
              Constellation Capricornus
              Zodiac Element Earth
              Zodiac Quality Cardinal
              Sign ruler Saturn
              Detriment Moon
              Exaltation Mars
              Fall Jupiter


              In astrology, essential dignity is the strength of a planet or point's zodiac position, judged only by its position by sign and degree, or its essence-
              In astrology, exaltation is one of the five essential dignities of a planet. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign. The positions are:
              Sun: 19th degree of Aries (i.e., 18°00' - 18°59')
              Moon: 3rd degree of Taurus
              Mercury: 15th degee of Virgo
              Venus: 27th degree of Pisces
              Mars: 28th degree of Capricorn
              Jupiter: 15th degree of Cancer
              Saturn: 21st degree of Libra

              Exaltations have also been attributed to the north node (3rd degree of Gemini) and the south node (3rd degree of Sagittarius). These positions are listed in astrological texts of the early medieval Arabic period, such as Albiruni's 11th century Book of Instruction in the elements of the art of astrology
              The exaltations are one of the most ancient astrological factors still in use.
              For example, the essential dignity of Mars, if located at 27 degrees (HM 9 ) of Capricorn would take into account the fact that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, and also that it is the bounds ruler of the 27th degree of Capricorn and also the face ruler of the 27th degree of Capricorn. This is a considerably dignified Mars.
              Traditionally the five essential dignities are:
              Domicile (rulership or house) + detriment
              Exaltation + fall
              Terms (or "bounds")
              Face (or "decan")

              For Medieval astrologers, such as Bonatti or Lilly, the dignities had a hierarchy. The most important dignity was domicile rulership; slightly less important was exaltation. Triplicity rulerships were still fairly important in medieval astrology, but nowhere near as vital as they were for Hellenistic astrologers such as Ptolemy. Terms or bounds rulerships became very much diminished in importance, and face rulers were almost entirely ignored. (Lilly said that the only function face rulers served was to keep a planet from being entirely peregrine--that is, without any essential dignity whatever—which was considered a malefic condition.)

              However, Hellenistic astrologers had a very different view of the dignities. To earlier astrologers, such as Ptolemy and Vettius Valens, domicile rulership, exaltation, triplicity rulership and bounds rulership were all of equal strength in influence
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 08:44 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • 15 Women and one Goat in the Middle...this doc mentions the date 15 April...i disagree as it probably points at 15th of March (IMO): or if you Prefer 15 / 03 / 12 = 6 / 3 / 3 = HM 3

                Western astrology assumes that each sign of the same triplicity is 120 degrees (HM 3 ) apart, forming angles to one another called trines, which are each equivalent to the 360 degrees of the circle divided by three. Trines are considered to be very powerful and yet very comfortable, free-flowing connections. This suggests that the signs in each element are very comfortable and compatible with one another and tend to have many of the same qualities in common.
                Classical elements

                In traditional Western astrology there are four triplicities based on the classical elements. Beginning with the first sign Aries which is a Fire sign, the next in line Taurus is Earth, then to Gemini which is Air, and finally to Cancer which is Water -- in Western astrology the sequence is always Fire, Earth, Air, & Water in that exact order (except in sidereal astrology, where currently Pisces is the first sign). This cycle continues on twice more and ends with the twelfth (HM 3 ) and final astrological sign, Pisces. The elemental rulerships for the twelve astrological signs of the zodiac (according to Marcus Manilius) are summarised as follows:

                Fire — Aries; Leo; Sagittarius - hot, dry, ardent
                Earth — Taurus; Virgo; Capricorn - cold, dry, heavy
                Air — Gemini; Libra; Aquarius - hot, wet, light
                Water — Cancer; Scorpio; Pisces - cold, wet, soft

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 05:25 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • "Random" Observation, the image file found in wikipedia about Triplicity is:

                  Four_elements_representation.svg‎ (SVG file, nominally 333 Χ 278 pixels, file size: 6 KB)

                  Interestingly enough...the 15th of March is on Thursday and the day of the Empress in on Wednesday

                  Michael and Sarfiel


                  Sarfiel An ancient amulet angel whose name is recorded in a Palestinian mezuzah, along with the names of six other angels. In occultism, he is an angel of the 8th hour under Osgaebial. He is also one of the guards at the gates of the East Wind.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 05:43 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • For the sake of Complete Disclosure....birthday falls on the Day of Gabriel / Day of the Moon....let's find out

                    Gabriel ”God is my strength” One of the two highest-ranking angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religious lore. He is the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, and revelation. Apart from Michael, he is the only angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament—unless the Book of Tobit is included, then Raphael becomes the 3rd-named angel in Scripture. Gabriel presides over Paradise and although he is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven, he is said to sit on the left-hand side of God (whose dwelling is popularly believed to be the 7th Heaven, or the 10th Heaven). Mohammed claimed that it was Gabriel (Jibril in Islamic) of the ”140 pairs of wings” ( HM 5 ) who dictated to him the Koran, sura by sura. To the Mohammedans, he is the spirit of truth. In Jewish legend it was Gabriel who dealt death and destruction the cities of the plains, including Sodom and Gomorrah. According to Talmud Sanhedrin 95b, it was Gabriel who smote Sennacherib’s hosts ”with a sharpened scythe which had been ready since Creation.” In another place in Talmud, Gabriel prevents Queen Vashti from appearing naked before King Ahasuerus and his guests in order to bring about the election of Esther in her place. In Daniel 8, Daniel falls on his face before Gabriel to learn the meaning of the encounter between the ram and the he-goat. Cabalist identify him as ”the man clothed in linen” (Ezekiel 9, 10). In Daniel 10-11 Michael helps this man, clothed in line. In rabbinic literature, he is prince of justice. Origen calls Gabriel the angel of war. Jerome equates him with Hamon. In Jewish legend, it is Gabriel who performed the miracle of the incident of the three holy men (Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah) who were rescued from the fiery furnace. Other sources credit Michael. Gabriel is also identified as the man-God-angel who wrestled with Jacob at Peniel, even though Michael, Uriel, Metatron, Samael, and Chamuel have also been identified as ”the dark antagonist.” A Mohammedan legend, encouraged by the Koran, sura 20, 88, relates that when the dust from the hoof prints of Gabriel’s horse was thrown into the mouth of the Golden Calf, the Calf at once came to life. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam I, 502, Mohammed confused Gabriel with the Holy Ghost—a confusion explainable by the conflicting accounts in Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:26 where, in the 1st instance it is the Holy Ghost that begets Mary with Child and, in the 2nd, it is Gabriel who ”came in unto her,” and also then informs her that she ”had found favor with the Lord” and ”would conceive in her womb.” In a Babylonian legend, Gabriel once fell into disgrace ”for not obeying a command exactly as given, and remained for a while outside the heavenly Curtain.” During this period the guardian angel of Persia, Dobiel, acted as Gabriel’s proxy. The name Gabriel is of Chaldean origin and was unknown to the Jews prior to the Captivity. In the original listing of 119 angels of the Parsees, Gabriel’s name is missing. Gabriel is the preceptor angel of Joseph. In Midrash Eleh Ezkerah, he figures in the tale of the legendary 10 Martyrs (Jewish sages). One of these 10, Rabbi Ishmael ascends to Heaven and asks Gabriel why they merit death. Gabriel replies that they are atoning for the sin of the 10 sons of Jacob who sold Joseph into slavery. According to the court testimony of Joan of Arc, Gabriel was who inspired her to go to the succor of the King. In more recent times, Gabriel has been identified as the angel who visited Father George Rapp, leader of the 2nd Advent community in New Harmony, Indiana, leaving his footprint on a limestone slab preserved in the yard of the Maclure-Owen residence.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Did you know

                      2012 is a leap year

                      so let us dwelve on the day March 15th

                      March 15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      March 15 is the 74th day of the year (75th in leap years (HM 3 ) ) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 291 days ( HM 3 ) remaining until the end of the year.

                      In the Roman calendar, March 15 was known as the Ides of March.
                      The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held.


                      Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. . be respectful of others rites...but you can smile

                      note the purple silk Drape

                      Hōnen Matsuri (豊年祭 Harvest Festival?) is a fertility festival celebrated every year on March 15 in Japan. Hōnen means prosperous year in Japanese, implying a rich harvest, while a matsuri is a festival. The Hōnen festival and ceremony celebrate the blessings of a bountiful harvest and all manner of prosperity and fertility.

                      The best known of these festivals takes place in the town of Komaki, just north of Nagoya City. The festival's main features are Shinto priests playing musical instruments, a parade of ceremonially garbed participants, all-you-can-drink sake, and a 280 kg (620 pound), 2.5 meter (96 inch)-long wooden phallus. The wooden phallus is carried from a shrine called Shinmei Sha (in even-numbered years) on a large hill or from Kumano-sha Shrine (in odd-numbered years), to a shrine called Tagata Jinja.

                      The festival starts with celebration and preparation at 10:00 a.m (HM 1 ). at Tagata Jinja, where all sorts of foods and souvenirs (mostly phallus-shaped or related) are sold. Sake is also passed out freely from large wooden barrels. At about 2:00 p.m. everyone gathers at Shinmei Sha for the start of the procession. Shinto priests say prayers and impart blessings on the participants and mikoshi, as well as on the large wooden phallus, which are to be carried along the parade route.

                      When the procession makes its way down to Tagata Jinja the phallus in its mikoshi is spun furiously before it is set down and more prayers are said. Everyone then gathers in the square outside Tagata Jinja and waits for the mochi nage, at which time the crowd is showered with small rice cakes which are thrown down by the officials from raised platforms. The festival concludes at about 4:30 p.m.( 16:30 pm or HM 1 )
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 08:10 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Another way of looking at the Voynich image....instead of Capricorn you could look at it with Aries:

                        from the Voynich Manuscript:

                        note the blue color under the animals hooves as in Water

                        Zodiac Symbol Ram
                        Duration (Tropical, Western) 20 March – 19 April (2012, UTC)
                        Constellation Aries
                        Zodiac Element Fire
                        Zodiac Quality Cardinal
                        Sign ruler Mars
                        Detriment Venus
                        Exaltation Sun
                        Fall Saturn
                        Aries (♈) /ˈɛəriːz/ (meaning "ram") is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the zero degree and the 29th degree of celestial longitude. The Sun enters Aries when it reaches the northern vernal equinox, which is usually (not always ) on March 21 each year, and remains in this sign until around April 20 (sometimes the dates vary slightly). Individuals born during these dates, while the Sun is within this sign, are called Arians or Ariens
                        if you take into account all the earthquakes that slightly changed the angle of the earth (search the net )...could fall on the 15th instead of the 21st (maybe )


                        In Hellenistic astrology, the sign of the ram was mythologically associated with the golden winged ram that rescued Phrixos and his sister Helle from the altar where they were to be offered as a sacrifice to Zeus (sounds similar to the story of Abraham and the ram ). The golden ram carried them to the land of Colchis but on the way Helle fell into the sea and drowned. When Phrixos arrived at Colchis he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and presented the golden fleece to his father-in-law, the King of Colchis. The fleece was then hung upon a sacred oak and guarded by a dragon until rescued by Jason and the Argonauts. The myth recounts that Zeus was so moved by the ram's fate that he gave it the greatest honour of being moved to the heavens.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 08:45 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • this may have escaped your attention ...when myth meet reality: (you decide which is reality and myth )

                          Archaeologists cancel Syria dig - Times LIVE

                          German archaeologists have cancelled a major dig in cooperation with Italian experts near the Syrian city of Homs because of the unrest int he country, according to an academic official.

                          Qatna (Arabic قطنا, modern Tell el-Mishrife, Arabic المشرفة) is an archaeological site in the Wadi il-Aswad, a tributary of the Orontes, 18 km northeast of Homs, Syria. It consists in a tell occupying 1 km², which makes it one of the largest Bronze Age towns in western Syria. The tell is located at the edge of the limestone-plateau of the Syrian desert towards the fertile Homs-Bassin.
                          Visible remains

                          The remains of the town-wall are still preserved to a height of 20 m in parts. It consists of mudbricks and limestone rubble that probably were originally faced by a mudbrick wall. An artificial ditch ran in front of the wall. The wall encloses a square area, which is rather unusual for a Bronze Age town. There were four gates in the middle of each side. The gates were faced by orthostats of white limestone and black basalt, the foundations were partly cut into the rock. The entrance was about 4m wide and led to a gate-chamber 8 m deep.

                          The hill near the centre of the town may have been the acropolis. The Royal palace was located on the 'Butte de l'eglise' (church in french ) in the Northwest corner of the upper town.

                          . On the 7th Pylon of the temple of Amun in Karnak, Thutmose III (1479–1425 BC) mentions that he stayed in the land of Qatna in the 33rd year of his reign.[

                          IMO a possible Temple of Venus / Isis within that area...a Female Pole

                          I guess a Seal has been opened there ...

                          some of the Artefacts found:

                          GOLDEN PLAQUE
                          This golden plaque from chamber 1
                          of the royal tomb is embossed with
                          Egyptian ankh symbols
                          gryphons (like a Capricorne: a goat with a fish's tail. . A double circle of holes
                          along its rim and traces of organic
                          matter surrounding them suggest
                          that the plaque was sewn into a
                          circular hole and thus probably
                          adorned a leather quiver which has
                          not survived the millennia.
                          2.56", 15th/14th century BC

                          AMETHYST CYLINDER SEAL
                          Sifting through the debris of the
                          royal palace, the archaeologists
                          came across this tiny cylnder seal
                          carved from Amethyst. The engra-
                          vings show a king, two godlike
                          figures with egyptian-type crowns
                          and staves, and ankh symbols
                          , the
                          Egyptian hieroglyph for ‘life’ which
                          was popular in Ancient Syria, too.
                          0.63", 15th/14th century BC

                          GOLDEN HAND
                          The hand made of gold was found
                          in chamber 1 of the royal tomb. The
                          lack of seams suggests that it was
                          hammered from one piece on a mold.
                          Archaeologists are still puzzling
                          over its purpose

                          CARNELIAN FLASK
                          The small but nevertheless heavy
                          stone flask was ground and polished
                          from a single piece of carnelian
                          Egypt. It may have served as a con-
                          tainer for ointments. It was found
                          broken in three in chamber 3 of the
                          royal tomb.

                          SCARAB RING
                          The gold ring with a small scarab of
                          lapis lazuli ( semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense blue color. ) was found in chamber 2
                          of the royal tomb. The beetle served
                          as a stamp seal: its flat underbelly is
                          engraved with a triple braid, a typical
                          motif of ancient Syria.

                          0.87" across, 18th–16th century BC

                          looks like Virgin Mary / Ishtar / Isis...Fractal

                          more here : Marc Steinmetz Photography | Qatna
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-25-2012, 10:21 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • By the way, to all the Apple Brand Fans , Steve Jobs' biological father was born in Homs indeed...

                            don't be surprised....remember the US map Female Pole

                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • these 15 Females...can also be interpreted as 15 Temples / Cathedrals / Zawyia / Alcazar of Virgin Mary / Isis / Astarte / Ishtar

                              Baths of Lady Marνa de Padilla or Lady of the Lac

                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • to you old friend, It is the Guardian of Chaos who will Sacrifice his own for he knows the Time has come ...

                                It is a Natural Process:

                                If you place an iron rod in a dark room and cause it to vibrate at first you'll only be able to tell it is vibrating by touching it.

                                Increasing the vibration to 32Hz will produce a loud and shrill sound and vibration can now be detected by both touch and hearing. Increase that vibration to 40Hz and you can no longer detect the vibration by touch or sound.

                                If you increase the vibration to 1.5MHz (HM 6 ) you cannot feel or hear the vibration but you can detect the vibration though the rise in temperature in the iron first warm and then the iron rod will glow red hot and can be detected by sight.

                                At 3MHz the rod is now producing violet light; increasing the vibration more will produce ultra-violet rays and other invisible radiations that can only be detected by special instruments.

                                There are so many "vibrations" flowing all around us that are invisible to our 5 senses who can tell how they affect us. Uranium emits and invisible radiation that will kill you. You cannot see it but it is there and kills. Who is to say how the other radiation affects the body and mind.

                                Isn't it possible that the mind radiates its own wireless transmissions that are received by other minds but we just are unaware of that as of yet. There is no scientific proof for or against this theory, yet so many people will just to the conclusion that it cannot exist. There are among the same people that would have disbelieved radio existed before it was proven that is does exist.

                                You MUST keep an open mind and use these methods as those successful have already used them to achieve success. Who are you willing to believe, those who have not succeeded or those who have?
                                Dr. Alexander Graham Bell
                                Ancient Aliens - Stonehenge & Beyond - Full Feature - YouTube

                                Discover powerful evidence that links Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury and many other mystical locations throughout England to ancient advanced technology and an advanced ancient order that had a direct connection with Atlantis. Travel along a set of prehistoric "tracks" that run hundreds of miles through the English countryside - evidence of a highly developed science that was capable of engineering the construction of incredibly inspiring structures, using massive stones weighing thousands of pounds, that continue to radiate their sacred energies to this day. Based on the discoveries of Cambridge-trained scholar and author John Michell, this program reveals a startling new version of the roots of civilization. Join host Doug Kenyon, editor, Atlantis Rising Magazine, as he takes us on location in England to explore some of the great mysteries of mankind.
                                Jay Weidner Interview with Kerry Cassidy - February 8th, 2012 - YouTube

                                Jay Weidner discusses many topics including Timelines,The Future,The Archons,The Globalists,Kubrick's Odyssey,Mt. Shasta,2012.Terrance McKenna,Alchemy and much more. A very interesting interview with Kerry Cassidy
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 01:20 AM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

