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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
    and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
    I am in the house of mercy,
    and my heart is a place of prayer.


    She to You

    The Cranberries - dreams + Lyrics - YouTube

    Oh, my life (you and everything around you ) is changing everyday
    In every possible way
    And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
    Never quiet as it seems

    I know I've felt like this before
    But now I'm feeling it even more
    Because it came from you
    And then I open up and see
    The person falling here is me
    A different way to be

    I want more, impossible to ignore
    Impossible to ignore
    And they'll come true, impossible not to do
    Impossible not to do

    And now I tell you openly
    You have my heart so don't hurt me
    You're what I couldn't find
    A totally amazing mind
    So understanding and so kind
    You're everything to me

    Oh, my life is changing every day
    In every possible way
    And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
    'Cause you're a dream to me, dream to me
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2012, 12:55 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
      just to show you that the Enneagram is Applicable to All Dimensions

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2012, 01:39 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Oak Island, Money Pit Mystery - Crystalinks

        Oak Island is a 140-acre (57 ha) island in Lunenberg County on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. The tree-covered island is one of about 360 small islands in Mahone Bay and rises to a maximum of 35 feet (11 m) above sea level.

        Oak Island is noted as the location of the so-called Money Pit, a site of numerous excavations to recover treasure believed by many to be buried there. The island is privately owned, and advance permission is required for any visitation. Several documented treasure recovery attempts ended in collapsed excavations and flooding. Critics argue that there is no treasure and that the pit is a natural phenomenon, likely a sinkhole.
        legend says that the Knight Templars had something to do with it

        note that the Number One falls on the Money Pit


        side note:

        ealier we discussed the Norse Legends and Poems

        The Source of Awareness and the Fire from Within - Hidden Knowledge in Old Norse myths pt.28 - YouTube

        Eagles in giant disguise:
        Thiazi - The Slave Binder (Haustlöng poem and Snorri)
        Hræsvelgr - Corpse Swallower (Vafthrudnismál and Snorri)
        Franmar - Seething Ocean (Helgi Hjörvardson´s poem)
        Suttungr - Heavy With Drink (Hávamál and Snorri)
        All giants in eagle disguise keep guard over a maiden who guards the precious mead. All of them create winds that make sound and seem to devour people in death. The winds create awareness yet also draw people towards their death.
        Through their function these giants may be compared to:
        Aegir, father of the waves, the rivers, the lights that are called his daughters, who bring the dead back to their mother Rán.
        Ymir, who IS Sound separated into the tunes that make the universe.
        Mimir, who drinks (devours) from the Well of Memory through the Resounding Horn.
        Heimdallr, who hears and sees all and blows out through the Resounding Horn.
        Places that have the same function:
        The Well of Hel (Hvergelmir - The Resounding Cauldron/Mill or the Eagle Cauldron/Mill, which receives and consumes the dead and from where all rivers stem
        The Well of Origin (Urdarbrunnr) from where all norns emerge and return.
        Idunn - from the noun idr (, meaning a STREAM that separates from the main stream and returns to the watersource, and from the suffix -unn, indicating a woman. I translated it as "Woman who Returns to the Water Source", but should have said "Female Stream Returning to the Source" to show how much sense it makes in the context of this talk.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2012, 04:15 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



          The White Goddess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The White Goddess: a Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth is a book-length essay on the nature of poetic myth-making by author and poet Robert Graves. First published in 1948, based on earlier articles published in Wales magazine, corrected, revised and enlarged editions appeared in 1948, 1952 and 1961. The White Goddess represents an approach to the study of mythology from a decidedly creative and idiosyncratic perspective. Graves proposes the existence of a European deity, the "White Goddess of Birth, Love and Death," much similar to the Mother Goddess, inspired and represented by the phases of the moon, who lies behind the faces of the diverse goddesses of various European and pagan mythologies.

          Graves argues that "true" or "pure" poetry is inextricably linked with the ancient cult-ritual of his proposed White Goddess and of her son.

          Poetry and myth

          Graves described The White Goddess as "a historical grammar of the language of poetic myth." The book draws from the mythology and poetry of Wales and Ireland especially, as well as that of most of Western Europe and the ancient Middle East. Relying on arguments from etymology and the use of forensic techniques to uncover what he calls 'iconotropic' redaction of original myths, Graves argues for the worship of a single goddess under many names (Fractal ), an idea that came to be known as "Matriarchal religion" in feminist theology of the 1970s.
          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
          and Time is one of these Dimensions


          The Hebrew Goddess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The Hebrew Goddess (ISBN 0-8143-2271-9) is a 1967 book by Jewish historian and anthropologist Raphael Patai. In this book, Patai argues that the Jewish religion historically had elements of polytheism, especially the worship of goddesses and a cult of the mother goddess. The book supports the theory through the interpretation of archaeological and textual sources as evidence for veneration of feminine beings. Hebrew goddesses identified in the book include Asherah, Anath, Astarte, Ashima, the cherubim in Solomon's Temple, the Matronit (Shekhina), and the personified Shabbat Bride. The later editions of the book were expanded to include recent archaeological discoveries and the rituals of unification (Yichudim) which are to unite God with his Shekinah.

          The identification of the pillar figurines with Asherah in this book was the first time they had

          Triple deity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          A triple deity (sometimes referred to as threefold, tripled, triplicate, tripartite, triune or triadic, or as a trinity) is a deity associated with the number three. Such deities are common throughout world mythology; the number three has a long history of mythical associations. Carl Jung considered the arrangement of deities into triplets an archetype in the history of religion.
          In the myth and religion of Indo-European cultures, the term "triple goddess" has been used to refer both to goddess triads and to a single feminine deity described as triple in form or aspect. In religious iconography or mythological art,[2] three separate beings may represent either a triad who always appear as a group (Greek Moirai, Charites, Erinnyes and the Norse Norns) or a single deity known from literary sources as having three aspects (Greek Hecate, Diana Nemorensis.[3]) In the case of the Irish Brighid it is ambiguous whether a single being or more are represented.[4] The Morrígan is known by at least three different names.[5] Ériu, Fotla and Banba, the goddesses of Irish sovereignty, are three sisters.[6]

          Terracotta relief of the Matres, from Bibracte, city of the Aedui in Gaul

          The Matres or Matronae are usually represented as a group of three but sometimes with as many as 27 (3 x 3 x 3) ( HM 9 ) inscriptions. They were associated with motherhood and fertility. Inscriptions to these deities have been found in Gaul, Spain, Italy, the Rhineland and Britain, as their worship was carried by Roman soldiery dating from the mid 1st century to the 3rd century AD.[7] Miranda Green observes that "triplism" reflects a way of "expressing the divine rather than presentation of specific god-types. Triads or triple beings are ubiquitous in the Welsh and Irish mythic imagery" (she gives examples including the Irish battle-furies, Macha, and Brigit). "The religious iconographic repertoire of Gaul and Britain during the Roman period includes a wide range of triple forms: the most common triadic depiction is that of the triple mother goddess" (she lists numerous examples)

          expression of the feminine Pole Archetype

          from: the emerald tablets:

          Three are the natures of Mind,
          carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
          Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
          Thus is formed the threefold being,
          directed from above by the power of four.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2012, 11:14 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Jiddu Krishnamurti: Knowledge & Transformation - YouTube

            A Wholly Different Way of Living: San Diego, California 18th February 1974

            1st Conversation with Dr. Allan W. Anderson 'Knowledge and Transformation'

            J Krishnamurti was born in South India and educated in England. For the past 40 years he has been speaking in the United States, Europe, India, Australia and other parts of the world. From the outset of his life's work he repudiated all connections with organized religions and ideologies and said that his only concern was to set man absolutely unconditionally free. He is the author of many books, among them THE AWAKENING Of INTELLIGENCE, THE URGENCY OF CHANGE, FREEDOM FROM THE KNOWN and THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE.
            t Rumi says, "I looked for God. I went to a temple, and I didn't find him there. Then I went to a church, and I didn't find him there. And then I went to a mosque, and I didn't find him there. And then finally I looked in my heart, and there he was."

            Self-Interest Spurs Society’s ‘Elite’ to Lie, Cheat on Tasks, Study Finds - Bloomberg

            Self-Interest Spurs Society’s ‘Elite’ to Lie, Cheat on Tasks, Study Finds

            Are society’s most noble actors found within society’s nobility?

            That question spurred Paul Piff, a Ph.D. candidate in psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, to explore whether higher social class is linked to higher ideals, he said in a telephone interview.

            The answer Piff found after conducting seven different experiments is: no. The pursuit of self-interest is a “fundamental motive among society’s elite, and the increased want associated with greater wealth and status can promote wrongdoing,” Piff and his colleagues wrote yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

            They are Merely being Male Elements bound to Turn Blue (Principle of Rythm which is accelerating ).... On a Lower Plane .... the 7 Blades / 7 Principles / 7 Angels ,

            and The Universe experiences itself through them too....makes for a powerful witness of their acts


            - 'The one who is doing the truth is coming to the light'
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-05-2012, 12:21 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • side note:

              "To be or not to be" is the opening phrase of a soliloquy in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
              the answer is within the Question:

              "To be or not to be" is the opening phrase of a soliloquy in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • from

                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                Dave, if you look at Don Smith Set up....try to picture it split in half ......if you join the two pieces ....Male / will see that they fit into each other quite snuggly

                just like the picture of the first crop circle if you merge the two circles :

                i wanted to mention this earlier but skipped my mind ....but when you look at the Crop circle ...or Don Smith's coils Female Pole and Male pole....doesn't it remind you of the Myth of Creation of man woman

                Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and brought her to the man

                Principle of Mentalism Tesla understood this

                if you fold the 1st crop circle , the male / female will fill fit perfectly into each other
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-05-2012, 02:29 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Here is an interesting post by SL3:

                  In my notation of welding observations, one striking issue is that, over time and use (ample shorting through welding), those ringing welding cables tend to try coiling up in helix form!

         are going to like this: think about Tesla ...Principle of Correspondence

                  Wireless breakthrough: one frequency, multiple signals • The Register

                  A team of Italian radio boffins – and one Swede – have one-upped their pioneering countryman Guglielmo Marconi by demonstrating a method of simultaneously transmitting multiple signals on the same frequency.

                  Team member Bo Thide of Swedish Institute of Space Physics first conceived the orbital angular momentum idea in a 2007 paper focussed on radio astronomy, but in which he wrote that the concept "paves the way for novel wireless communication concepts."

                  Last year, Tamburini, Thide, and their team demonstrated the multiple-signal technique by beaming two separate audio signals at 2.4GHz, then two television signals, 442 meters from the lighthouse of Venice's San Giorgio Island to the balcony of the Palazzo Ducale.

                  -------------------the colors below remind you of a certain painting (Walter Russel ):

                  [IMG]6,580 Gauss zero point HM 1 (A relative vacuum) 27,000 Gauss (green) 20,000 Gauss (baby blue) 10,000 Gauss (blue)[/IMG]

                  reminder of an earlier post:

                  The golden ratio — an exact 'magic' number often claimed to be observed when taking ratios of distances in ancient and modern architecture, sculpture and painting — has been spotted in a magnetic compound.
                  If SL3 had access to Harmonic Math he would have helped us get to the next Level with his expertise

                  I have a quack physician friend who told me an awesome story the other day because he knows of my interests in flying saucers and all that. In the 1960's, he was touring Tibet. One day, he was driving up a narrow mountain road when he felt this rumble like many trucks coming downhill, so he pulled over. Nothing. So he got out and walked around the bend to see what was up. Nothing. Puzzling. He followed the noise to the cliffside and gazed down upon a horseshoe formation of about 100 monks HM 1. In the center, they had granite stones of about 1 cubic meter ( HM 1 ) . One set of monks were chanting a deep, low tone like "OM" continuously, no pausing, all from circular breathing. The other set (about half) were blowing horns; Also a deep, low, long-wave, continuous tone. The stone started to move. It levitated as the horn pitch went to higher frequency. The monks then went on to move the stone across a chasm by directing the horns. Then, as they lowered the frequency, the stone dropped. And they proceeded to move a total of six stones in less than an hour like that! Such defiance of gravity by monks is recorded in historical literature, and even on-line. Explorer accounts of watching monks bang a gong and levitate a stone on the side of a mountain among ceremonies, etc. But, there are no reports in public on what I just mentioned, though

                  I also did 4 pages of math and physics in solution of the Boyd Bushman celt recently. Will post later. Relates to shape asymmetry of the celt and also shape asymmetry in eggs.
                  hope he gets to read our discussion

                  ps: The monks as a unit (HM 1 : HM 1 just like the Genesis text 1 : 1 ) were acting as the Male pole
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a thought about the Double Mobius Caduceus Coil, I think that one of the coils should be shorter....

                    when you build the Double Mobius Caduceus Coils, you build two separate coils but instead of the final result being two coils of the same length , one should be for ex: 12" for the male (HM 3 ) and the other 9 " for the Female ...then you experiment

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • one more info

                      Sun today — solar flares online

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-05-2012, 04:23 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I also did 4 pages of math and physics in solution of the Boyd Bushman celt recently. Will post later. Relates to shape asymmetry of the celt and also shape asymmetry in eggs.
                        I forgot to Mention that this Asymmetry Female / Male Pole results in a phenomena known as Anisotropy .... like the water traveling up a tree to get to the leaves (Natural Anti Gravity )

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                        Tesla coil + rodin coil + Tesla Egg , horizontally positioned +as Shawn said Witricity

                        your jet engine


                        You make me so sometimes. You pick up on things so easily. And now I get it, much, much later. That old gentleman was giving all the neccesary components and principles needed to understand antigravity without coming out and saying this is how it's done.
                        He showed the celt which gave the first principle of 'natural' anisotropic (directional movement). And you grasped it right away, I did not.
                        Then he showed how 'engineered' anisotropic movement could help to attain 'thrust' with absolutely no chemical reaction through the ascending sized stacked balls, and you grasped it immediately, I was sitting in the corner and going 'so what it's just a trick.'
                        Then he showed how using using two 'opposing' magnets could be used to create a single 'natural' magnetic field which CAN oppose gravity, and you were like and waited for the next thing he was going to speak on to see how it correlated because you immidiately understood how he was using 'natural' 'exceptions to the rule' and then engineering a stronger version while I was sitting in the corner going dats cool. and being completely oblivious.
                        Then he showed an example of Lenz's law by dropping a magnet through a copper pipe which induces a current or should I say a natural ectro'magnetic' field' which also can be useful in opposing gravity.
                        And when you add all these principles together you get the electromagnetic coil or the roddin torroid coil which is the only coil that creates two opposing forces like the two opposing magnets and of course by wrapping it in copper wires you get the lenz's law effect of opposing gravity, you grasped it and I was like wait a minute what did he just say.
                        And of course this can be done on such a scale that when adding all the principles together you can't help but to get a multilevel, multisized stacked torroid coil that has a natural yet engineered abilty to comletley oppose gravity. And you were like don't you get it? And I'm like you my best friend in da hole world; what's for eating today?
                        Now I seriously don't want to hear any humble, yoda the jedi master sayings like, "emmnggg, learning to use the force, he is." You got it the first time and once again had to walk me through it to help me see past the 'finger and see the moon
                        Thank you
                        thanks Shawn again
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          I forgot to Mention that this Asymmetry Female / Male Pole results in a phenomena known as Anisotropy .... like the water traveling up a tree to get to the leaves (Natural Anti Gravity )

                          Principle of Correspondence:

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                            thank you SL3 .... much appreciated Harmonic Math Time

                            a reproduction of Coral Castle ..... you know the enneagram is itching to go on top

                            here goes nothing

                            two versions of it

                            One more; This one matching the weight of the Doors 9 Tons ans 3 tonsHM 9 and HM 3

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-06-2012, 01:52 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Venus's space weather happens up close and personal | TG Daily

                              Astronomers studying Venus have spotted a type of space weather outburst called a hot flow anomaly (HFA), which causes a temporary reversal of the solar wind that normally flows right past.

                              HFAs are quite common on Earth, occurring when the solar wind collides with the magnetosphere. And while Venus lacks a magnetosphere, it still disrupts the solar wind, causing interesting space weather effects.

                              "They are an amazing phenomenon. Hot flow anomalies release so much energy that the solar wind is deflected, and can even move back toward the sun," says David Sibeck of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

                              "That's a lot of energy when you consider that the solar wind is supersonic – traveling faster than the speed of sound – and the HFA is strong enough to make it turn around."

                              Observing an HFA on Venus will help scientists discover how space weather doffers from planet to planet. With no magnetic field to interact with, space weather at Venus is milder than that at Earth, but occurs much closer to the surface.

                              "Hot flow anomalies average one a day near Earth," says Goddard scientist Glyn Collinson.

                              "They've been seen at Saturn, they may have been seen at Mars, and now we're seeing them at Venus. But at Venus, since there's no protective magnetic field, the explosion happens right above the surface of the planet."

                              By comparing data from the Venus Express spacecraft with the known physics at Earth, the scientists believe they've worked out how an HFA forms at Venus.

                              The moving solar wind with its attendant magnetic fields harbors discontinuities - areas where the magnetic fields change direction, sharply and abruptly. Sometimes these discontinuities align with the flow of the solar wind, so they remain in contact with what's called the bow shock – the place where the supersonic solar wind slows down abruptly and diverts around the planet.

                              If such a discontinuity travels slowly across the bow shock it allows time to trap particles, collecting pools of 10 million degree plasma that can expand to be as big as Earth.

                              "These plasma particles are trapped in place," says Sibeck. "They make a big puddle that gets bigger and bigger, sending out its own shock waves. Everything downstream from that bubble is going to be different than what's upstream."

                              The team doesn't yet know exactly what HFAs do in the non-magnetized Venusian environment - but has some educated guesses.

                              "At Earth, HFAs have a big effect, but don't necessarily rule the roost," says Collinson.

                              "But at Venus, since the HFA happens right up next to the planet, it is going to have a more dramatic effect on the system."


                              Best Time to See Mars in Night Sky is Now | Skywatching & Stargazing Tips |

                              Of all the planets, Mars seems to be the one that holds the greatest fascination for mankind, and the Red Planet is poised to dazzle skywatchers this week.
                              the Dragon

                              Mars shines brightly at opposition this week in the interesting constellation of Leo.

                              BBC News - Oxygen envelops Saturn's icy moon

                              A Nasa spacecraft has detected oxygen around one of Saturn's icy moons, Dione.

                              The discovery supports a theory that suggests all of the moons near Saturn and Jupiter might have oxygen around them.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-06-2012, 02:14 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Let us consider for a moment that the Voynich Manuscript was in fact written by an Alchemist:

                                what do we know about Alchemist

                                There are two primary ways of knowing reality:

                                1. The rational, deductive, argumentative, intellectual thinking that is accepted by the science and our patriarchal Western culture. The alchemists called this Solar Consciousness and assigned it many code words, such as the Sun, Sulfur, the King, the Father, Spirit, and ultimately, the One Mind of the universe. This involves left-brain activity like linear thought, schematics, formulae, arguments and logic.

                                2. The intuitive way of thinking, also called intelligence of the heart, a non-linear, image-driven way of thinking that is an accepted tool of the arts and religion. The alchemists called the other way of knowing Lunar Consciousness. Among its many symbols are the Moon, Mercury, the Queen, the Holy Ghost, Soul, and ultimately, the One Thing of the universe. This involves right-brain activity dealing with drawings, paintings, mandalas, symbols, music, and meditation.

                                The alchemists believed that perfection could only be achieved by working with both Solar and Lunar ways of knowing and ultimately uniting them in a third state of Stellar Consciousness. Stellar Consciousness is a state of incorruptible wisdom symbolized by the heroic Child that resulted from the marriage of the King and Queen, as well as by Salt, Gold, the Philosopher's Stone, the Astral Body, and of course, the Stars themselves.
                                well then ....let's see

                                and once merged you decode it

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-06-2012, 03:31 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

