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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    good reading you BBX

    Bright streak of light reported over Calif. - Yahoo! News


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  • BBX
    When unto thee comes a feeling,
    drawing thee nearer to the darker gate,
    examine thine heart and find if the feeling
    thou hast has come from within.
    If thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts,
    banish them forth from the place in thy mind.

    Send through thy body a wave of vibration,
    irregular first and regular second,
    repeating time after time until free.
    Start the WAVE FORCE in thy BRAIN CENTER.
    Direct it in waves from thine head to thy foot.
    But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened,
    be sure that a force is directed to thee.
    Only by knowing can thou overcome it.
    Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free.
    Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power.
    Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.


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  • MonsieurM

    the four letters, Heh , Ain, Resh and Mem

    The Staple Singers ~ Let's Do It Again - YouTube

    HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 1 - 9

    - 5 - 3rd prime
    --- Heh.

    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; , , ; , ; , .) (Heh = --- 6 --- Window or Vent-hole. (spelling for Yetzirah).
    --- 10 --- an exclamation of grief. (for Asiah).
    --- 15 --- signing, lamentation. (for Atziloth & Briah).)

    --- As prefix: the (definite article).

    --- To introduce a question: that.

    --- the name of the fifth Sephira is --- 216.
    --- to be bright or fresh; to thrive, to bloom.
    --- to be hollow.
    --- to flee.
    --- fugitive.
    --- vapor, mist.
    --- (see also 417). turning or surrounding; circumstance or cause; account (of).
    --- food.
    --- ridge (of altar); top, bosses, bulwarks, rampart; vault; brothel; rim (of wheel); the back; plowers; piece of wood, board, plank; pit, cistern, den (of lions).
    Under the boardwalk - The drifters - YouTube


    70 > 7 - 70 - 70 = 2x5x7
    --- Ayin.

    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , , ; , ; )
    (Ayin = --- 130/780 --- Eye)
    --- "Yah is Lord"; also 76.
    --- (720 w/f); watch-tower.
    --- (720 w/f); proud.
    --- curdled milk, cheese.
    --- goings, progress; processions; ways; caravans, companies of travellers Dobie Gray Drift Away Lyrics - YouTube
    --- to speak low, be still, silent.
    --- (720 w/f); pr.n. "Judge".

    --- (720 w/f); wine.
    --- a miser.
    --- (720 w/f); place; right, erect, firm; upright, honest; correct; rightly, well; a stand, base, pedestal; office; thus, so; a gnat or midge.
    --- night; by night, calamity or distress.
    --- a wailing or lamentation.
    --- pr. n. "Comforter".
    --- a seat or sitting; a session (of persons); association; deliberation; a secret.
    --- to drag along, to pull about; to tear up, tear to rags.

    200 > 2 - 200 - 200 = 23x52
    --- Resh.

    (In spelling, interchanges with: , ; , ; , , ; , ; )
    (Resh = --- 510 --- Head).
    --- (850 w/f); pr.n. "Lord of Heat", name of the Phoenician sun god.
    --- to pour out; to cast (metal); to be firm, compressed; to set, place.
    --- (1010 w/f); to awake.
    - --- (850 w/f); for therefore; for, because that.
    --- a Canaanite; a merchant
    --- (760 w/f); delicacies, dainty bits.
    --- (1010 w/f); to be angry; pr.n. "Anger".
    --- a couch or bed.
    --- (850 w/f); marked out or specified; a field or lot.
    --- (760 w/f); a pair of shoes.
    --- (760 w/f); to swallow down, to consume greedily.
    --- a locust (winged and eatable).
    --- (760 w/f); anklets.
    --- to lick, to suck ( a bee ) .
    --- (760 w/f); a people or nation; aggregation or community.
    --- (920 w/f); to cover or deck.
    --- a bough or branch.
    --- branchy, full of boughs.
    --- trodden out; new wine or must.
    --- (850 w/f); to be high or hilly.
    --- (760 w/f); to close or fasten; to be firm or strong.
    --- bone; body, physical frame; self, strength ( see also os ..... in previous posts ) .
    --- to turn or wind, to twist or pervert ( ero seinin ) .

    40 > 4 - 40 - 40 = 23x5
    --- Mem.

    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , .)
    (Mem = --- 80/640; --- 90/650 --- Water.)
    --- As a prefix: what!; whatever, somewhat; from, out of (particle of departure, sometimes used for indications of comparison or contrast)
    --- pr.n. "Deceptive".
    --- loathing; to loath, to abhor.
    --- pr.n. "Brightness".
    --- pr.n. "Son of Strife".
    --- to cut, strip off, flay; to tear, snatch away, seize; to rob, steal, plunder; evaporate water; peep, twitter.
    --- to bear, bring forth; child, offspring.
    --- to draw, lift out.
    --- a Jewess.
    --- to wrap together, twist, bind; to bind, pledge; act torturously; to wound, to hurt, to destroy; to overthrow; writhing (labor pains); pangs; cord, rope, measuring line; a portion, an estate; a district, region; a snare, a toil; a band, a troop; destruction, desolation; hurt, harm; pledge; perverseness; a ropeman, shipman, sailor; a cable, ship's cable; a mast, helm ( H EL M.
    --- to stick on, smear over; to be sticky, greasy, fat; to be white; milk, fresh milk; fatness; the best part.
    --- to hang about, to be torn; to be mended in pieces or patches ( alchemy ) .
    --- pr.n. "Yah Sees".
    --- in secret, stealthily; to conceal or hide; to utter privily or softly; gentleness; gently.
    --- to languish or faint; to wander or err, to act or speak rashly or foolishly.
    --- to be burnt, swarthy.
    --- to hide.
    --- if not; whether not; perhaps; unless.
    70 + 5 + 200 + 40 = 75 + 240 = 12 + 6 = 36 = HM 9

    Mayan Numbers Symbols

    9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-16-2013, 11:54 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    Shivaree - The Snake (with lyrics) - YouTube

    7. The Norman Snake
    Having already encountered this word in so many different contexts, we continue to be surprised by finding that this is not the end. It seems that the root "Orme" or "Orm" is also incorporated into the names of not less than thirty locations in England and Scotland, the best known of which is the Great Orme's region in northern Wales.

    According to etymologists, the term "orme" in this context comes from the old Norse word for "sea serpent", which word is phonetically transliterated into English as "orm". It is said that the Vikings gave this name to the Great and Little Ormes in Wales, because they thought the two looked like great sea-serpents when viewed from the water.

    The tradition of Orme as the Snake appears to have carried on into the modern day, as I have been described a ritual called "The Sleeping Princess" conducted regularly by Druidic adherents at the ancient site of the Callanish Stones on the Isle of Lewis, which involves an invocation of "the Thirteen Coils of Ormus".

    It has further been determined that "orm" as a snake is also the origin of the English word "worm". It is related to dragons in Norse legends, and is seen as the earliest reference to these beasts in Northern Mythology. Perhaps it is also significant that "orm" is coincidentally present in the adjective "Norman" itself - although this word obviously stems from "north man". And since the English word "worm" is probably also related to the Latin "vermis" - this begs further research into the "snake" relationship between "vermis" and the Norse "orm".

    A general look at the origins of the surname or place-name "Orme" in America, reveals that most people who bear this name are of Scottish or Norman descent, and feel that it signifies a dragon or snake (with a minority stemming from the French "elm".( or El M ) )

    8. The Copper Mines

    John Lee Hooker - Crawlin King Snake (Lyrics) - YouTube



    John Lee Hooker - This Land is Nobody's Land - YouTube

    9. The Alchemical Hermes

    Some researchers have commented on the apparent similarity between the name Ormus and the above Greek messenger-god, Hermes. His symbols were his famed winged sandals and helmet, as well as the Caduceus staff - whose intertwined serpents had been an emblem of Enki in antiquity. There is a linguistic point here that has been missed, however.

    The word "hermes" is considered to stem from "herma", which meant a "stone heap" in early Greek and thought to've been originally used as a boundary marker. This word is undoubtedly related to the Hebrew "arema", which means "heap" or "pile". And what is most interesting, is that although there would be several ways to spell this word in Hebrew, "arema" is in fact spelled identically to the previously mentioned word "orma" or "craftiness" - with the four letters, Ain, Resh, Mem and Heh.



    AREMA ..... AREM ....... HAREM ..... KAMASUTRA ...... The Staple Singers - I'll Take You There [Full Length Version] - YouTube

    the four letters, Heh , Ain, Resh and Mem ..... the famed four wives

    harem - Wiktionary


    From Turkish harem, from Arabic حرم (ḥaram) ‘something prohibited; sanctuary, women’; and later also from حريم (ḥarīm) with same meaning, both from حرم (ḥaruma) ‘be forbidden or unlawful’. (Eng. usg. 1623)
    A group of female animals (cows) herded and controlled by a male animal (bull) of that species for breeding purposes. Such behaviour is exhibited by bovids including cattle and buffalo as well as moose, elephants, seals, sea lions, sea elephants.

    Fehu – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets AND Ansuz – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-16-2013, 10:52 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    in light of the previous posts : SAVE THE LAST DANCE FOR ME - THE DRIFTERS 1960.wmv - YouTube


    -------- To Love Somebody Lyrics - Bee Gees - YouTube

    boundless love « Oculus divinorum v.4

    Original Title: Venus-Neptune contacts and the divinity of love

    Many astrologers like to emphasize the illusory nature that characterizes Venus-Neptune aspects. Apparently Venus-Neptune people don’t like the mundane, daily gestures that mark a long term relationship, they say. These people need fantasy, romance, escape. They’d rather pine than have the real deal. While that can be true, I’d add that those aspects present the possibility of having a direct romantic relationship (Venus) with the divine (Neptune). This is hardly a fantasy relationship, even if it doesn’t involve a blood and flesh human. Moreover, maintaining this relationship requires incredible discipline exacted upon a quotidian level.
    A perfect example of this can be found in celebrated female Christian mystics. I looked at the natal charts of four famous women in the Middle Ages who had notable numinous experiences, and discovered three had Venus-Neptune contacts and to my surprize, all had at least one or more aspects that would indicate a strong libido or a more intense sexuality (e.g. Venus-Pluto, Mars-Venus, Mars-Pluto). While three examples hardly make a rule and the data may be debatable given how old these women are, it’s fair to say that finding birth data for such women is rare, and three for four isn’t bad.
    1) The most famous example, the young Joan of Arc, claimed to have received visions from god. While I don’t recall any documents specifying any perceived romantic relationship with Christ, this warrior Capricorn sun had an unshakable faith in her communication with god. Her chart features a Venus-Neptune opposition in Capricorn-Cancer. Other interesting aspects include (in order of widening orb) a Venus-Mars trine, a Mars-Neptune sextile and a Mars-Pluto square.

    2) Julian of Norwich was one of the most famous anchoresses of her time. She had an out of sign Venus-Neptune trine in Libra-Capricorn respectively. Other Key aspects in her natal include a Mars-Neptune square and a Venus-Pluto opposition. Her mystical writings, Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love are available on wikipedia and detail a very intimate relationship with god. Interestingly, she attributed both female and masculine traits to god, sometimes refering to god the mother.

    I saw that God rejoiceth that He is our Father, and God rejoiceth that He is our Mother, and God rejoiceth that He is our Very Spouse and our soul is His loved Wife.

    3) Catherine of Sienna was an Italian prioress. She had a Venus-Neptune square in Taurus-Aquarius. Other aspects: Venus-Mars sextile (with Pluto at the mid-point) and a Venus-Saturn sextile. You can read some of her writings at Drawn by Love. A very insightful excerpt:

    I long to see you so totally ablaze with loving fire that you become one with gentle First truth. Truly the soul’s being united with and transformed into him is like fire consuming the dampness in logs. Once the logs are heated through and through, the fire burns and changes them into itself, giving them its own color and warmth and power.

    4) Our final case lacks a Neptune-Venus contact. Teresa of Ávila was a Spanish mystic with a fierce Aries sun (trine Pluto) which was conjunct a very active Venus. Notable aspects include a Venus-Mars sextile, Venus-Saturn trine, Venus-Pluto square and Venus-Jupiter sextile. How intense and passionate was her relationship with Christ?

    I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron’s point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it. The soul is satisfied now with nothing less than God. The pain is not bodily, but spiritual; though the body has its share in it. It is a caressing of love so sweet which now takes place between the soul and God, that I pray God of His goodness to make him experience it who may think that I am lying.

    Personally I find that much hotter than what the best contemporary sex writers out there can come up with. But that’s just my opinion and I admit I do have Venus-Neptune conj in Sag. (And a Venus-Pluto sexile plus a strongly placed Mars squaring Pluto and trining Jupiter among other things…) While I doubt I’ll ever join the ranks of Christian saints and mystics, I do think romantic love in a relationship (Venus) is like a divine (Neptune) fire (Sag) that you must tend to. You submit to this task, this daily devotion of tending the fire with discipline, with compassion, with integrity, and all such things because it is a gift from the gods and one of the most powerful offerings you can return to the divine. For this Venus-Neptune native, there is no true love unless you are already in love with god.
    ps: to Inhibit or Liberate such strong energy at will ( Tantra / Kama Sutra ) , one has to be in complete control of his or her Pineal Gland

    The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

    The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

    The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

    Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects


    In the Book of Daniel 4:13, 17, 23[4] there are three references to the class of "watcher, holy one" (watcher, Aramaic `iyr; holy one, Aramaic qaddiysh).
    The Watchers

    The name Watcher, or Grigori, means "Those Who Watch", or "Those Who Are Awake", or "The Ones Who Never Sleep".

    The mysterious eighth order of angels, the gentle Grigori were created by God to be Earthly shepherds of the first humans. The Grigori were both physically and spiritually gigantic, at least by the standards of the people who later wrote about them. They served early humanity as vast reservoirs of information concerning the finer points of civilization, and their selflessness was beyond compare. They were also called the Watchers, as it was their job to observe humanity, lending a helping hand when necessary but not interfering in the course of human development.
    04 Soul Sugar - Nothing But The Truth [Freestyle Records] - YouTube .....
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-17-2013, 12:01 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Don't Stop Till You Get Enough- Michael Jackson- Lyrics - YouTube

    Ready for another Round

    as you grow in knowledge .... it does not hurt to review some old subjects discussed ... as they reveals new facets ( truths ) ..... undiscovered yet by our trained eye

    for instance : ORMUS ( posts on ormus : Google )

    found an interesting article worth sharing and highlighting a few excerpt

    ( keep Agni in Mind )


    It is said that study of the Alchemical Path involves learning to view the same problem from many different angles, while gaining all the possible information about it from many fields . A diligent researcher of the esoteric in pursuit of this worthy goal, is bound to eventually run into a peculiar-sounding word, which keeps reappearing in the most diverse fields of study, each time supposedly meaning something else.
    Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees (lyrics) - YouTube

    The same Alchemical Path calls on its adherents to put together all their knowledge about a particular subject into a common cauldron as it were, in order to fuse it into something which just might become greater than the sum of its parts. In a feeble attempt to follow this precept, the present monogram is meant to be a brief summary of the material available on this topic. Perhaps it will help future researchers syncretise the various connections into a more meaningful whole.
    I am referring to the word "Ormus" and its similar-sounding "Orme", both used as either a noun or a personal name. The two are encountered in one form or another in a mind-boggling array of contexts, most of which are nonetheless held to be completely unrelated, as shall be seen. Our goal is to hopefully try and establish such a relationship.

    1. The Biblical Snake

    The earliest mention of the term probably appears in the Bible in Genesis 3:1, where it says that "the serpent was more 'erom' than any beast of the field". The word "erom" has been translated from Hebrew as "subtil" in the King James Version and "crafty" in the New American Standard, and basically means "cunning" (though it can also stand for "naked" in other contexts.)

    This is an archaic adjective form, based on the noun "orma" - "craftiness or shrewdness".

    It's important to note in this respect, that the Serpent in the Biblical story is said to represent the Sumerian god Enki, whose symbol was the snake. Enki was described as having given mankind the ability to procreate, which in the Bible was metaphorically depicted by his giving Eve the fruit of "carnal knowledge".

    It is obviously not a coincidence then, that one of Enki's common titles was "Buzur" - the Crafty One. It would seem therefore, that "orma" originally meant to denote an attribute of Enki.
    The writings of Marconis are based on earlier conjectures by Rosicrucian scholar Baron de Westerode, who wrote in 1784 that the disciples of the Rose Croix came from the East into Europe in 1188, for the propagation of Christianity after the Islamic troubles in Palestine. The founder of their Order in antiquity was a seraphic priest of Alexandria, a Magus of Egypt named Ormesius, or Ormus. He founded the Society of Ormus, which was joined by groups like the Essenes of Palestine and the Theraputae of the Thebaid Tradition (See Nesta Webster's, "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements", London, 1924, p. 87 and note 37, and also Jonathan Sellers, "Qadosh: The Johannite Tradition") .

    Before moving on, it should be mentioned that another very interesting theory exists about the meaning of the name "Rosenkreutz", besides "holder of the red cross". Some maintain that this is a combination of the Hebrew words "raz" meaning "secret", and "karoz" or "kroz", meaning "herald" (can be pronounced also as "roz" and "koroz") - making it "Herald of Secrets" or even "secret message". The first word could also be "rosen", which means prince or duke in Hebrew, which would make it "Prince Herald".
    Shall we Dance

    Kreuzer - Wiktionary + Kranz - Wiktionary + os - Wiktionary ( singular of osen ) + Rosenkranz - Wiktionary

    The bees entered the hive through a hole in a carved flower crafted by the chapel's master stone masons

    a rose is a medieval symbol for vagina

    ps: try EROM in NUM ......

    Mayan Numbers Symbols

    9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

    Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sahasrara (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, Sahasrāra), or Sahastrara, is the seventh primary chakra, according to Hindu tradition.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-16-2013, 05:17 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    'No Link' Between Meteor That Hurt Hundreds And Asteroid That Flew By : The Two-Way : NPR


    Meteor Crashes in Cuba Day After Russia Fireball | Space

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Sayana View Post
    The temperature required to gestate a bee-hive is 33.72 degrees C (same temperature required to tune the frequency of Rosslyn Chapel to 432hz (ancient A )

    As a symbol of the soul, the bee was associated with the goddess Demeter, when it could either be seen as symbolic of the descent to the underworld or the materialisation on leaving the body- this belief is in fact echoed throughout all cultures of the world. Generally, the bee can be regarded as a creative force, endowed with the element of fire (agni). It symbolised the priestesses of the temple and the Sibyls of Delphi as well as the pure souls of the initiate. The bee is cleansed by fire and nourished by honey; it's sting is burning and it's glittering form spreads light

    In Welsh 'cwyraidd' from 'cwyr'- meaning wax, means 'finished.In Irish 'ceir-bheach' literally means 'bees wax' another word for perfection. So, for the Celts, the bee symbolised notions of wisdom and the immortality of the soul.

    Bee Gees- Night Fever - YouTube

    In ancient Greek religion and myth, Demeter (/diˈmiːtər/; Attic Δημήτηρ Dēmētēr. Doric Δαμάτηρ Dāmātēr) is the goddess of the harvest, who presided over grains and the fertility of the earth

    Her cult titles include Sito (σίτος: wheat) as the giver of food or corn/grain[1] and Thesmophoros (θεσμός, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law) as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.[2]
    Moby - Honey (lyrics) - YouTube


    a repost :


    Mayan Numbers Symbols

    13 because there are 13 major joints in the body.

    Ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and the neck is the 13th.

    The meanings of the 13 numbers are listed here in their simplest form.

    1 - The first energy. Initializing and the first gear. Complete.

    2 - Recognition of choices. Duality.

    3 - Vibration and communication.

    4 - Stability.

    5 - Empowerment.

    6 - Flow. Movement.

    7 - Middle of 13. Crest of wave.

    8 - Highest Male Authority. Infinity.

    9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

    10 - Manifestation.

    11 - Transmutation of knowledge.

    12 - Awareness of complete picture.

    13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.

    The 20 Sacred Day Signs. Descriptions as they apply to people born on the day and the energy of the day.
    3rd day is Aj. Reed.
    Body parts: Spine

    6th day is Ajmak. Condor.
    Body parts: Genitals.

    9th day is Kawoq. Turtle.
    Body parts: heart, nervous system

    12th day is Iq'. The Air.
    Body parts: Respiratory system, throat.

    15th day is Kan. Serpent.
    Body parts: veins, nervous system. If this person has health problems it could be due to not following the Spiritual Law of the Creator.

    18th day is Q'anil. Seed. ( see also Og : as in MAG OG )

    btw : just checked guess what day it is ..... lady sync ..... Eagles - Witchy Woman ( 1972 ) - YouTube

    Artstrology Date Checker

    Feb 15 2013

    MAYAN DAY: 8/Ajmaq

    8 is Highest Male Authority. Infinity.

    ********The 6th day is Ajmak. Condor.********
    Day to get in peace with Creator. To recognize our mistakes and offer apologies.
    We must ask for forgiveness and forgive others to move forward with peace.
    It is good to be in the company of Condor people when doing ceremony with ancestors.
    The strong silent type. Friendly but quiet and reserved.
    Ceremony: Ask to be in peace with the ancestors, parents and grandparents. Give thanks for life.
    To be at peace with Creator. Offer apologies and ask for forgiveness.

    Body parts: Genitals.

    Energy from: Caves, creeks, and beach. On this day, sexual restraint brings extra energy for the spirit.

    Negative: bad habits, accepts lovers too easily
    Javi P3z Orchestra - El Safari - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-15-2013, 10:35 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Sayana View Post
    The temperature required to gestate a bee-hive is 33.72 degrees C (same temperature required to tune the frequency of Rosslyn Chapel to 432hz (ancient A )

    In Welsh 'cwyraidd' from 'cwyr'- meaning wax, means 'finished.In Irish 'ceir-bheach' literally means 'bees wax' another word for perfection. So, for the Celts, the bee symbolised notions of wisdom and the immortality of the soul.
    Nate Dogg - Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A. - YouTube

    Cyrano de Bergerac is a play written in 1897 by Edmond Rostand. Although there was a real Cyrano de Bergerac, the play is a fictionalization of his life that follows the broad outlines of it.

    The entire play is written in verse, in rhyming couplets of 12 syllables per line, very close to the Alexandrine format, but the verses sometimes lack a caesura. It is also meticulously researched, down to the names of the members of the Académie française and the dames précieuses glimpsed before the performance in the first scene.

    The play has been translated and performed many times, and is responsible for introducing the word "panache" into the English language.[1] Cyrano (the character) is in fact famed for his panache, and the play ends with him saying "My panache." just before his death. The two most famous English translations are those by Brian Hooker and Anthony Burgess.

    Contents [hide]
    1 Plot summary
    1.1 Act I – A Performance at the Hôtel Burgundy
    1.2 Act II – The Poets’ Cookshop
    1.3 Act III – Roxane's Kiss
    1.4 Act IV – The Gascon Cadets
    1.5 Act V – Cyrano’s Gazette
    In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode The Nth Degree, Dr. Crusher directs a version of this play with Lt. Barclay performing the lead role.



    Give thought to life and liberty.
    The Other World (1657)
    L'autre monde ou Les états et empires de la lune (The Other World or The states and empires of the moon), often referred to as Voyage dans la lune (Voyage to the Moon). Full text online : The Other World: Society and Government of the Moon (2003) as translated and annotated by Donald Webb
    Cyrano de Bergerac - Wikiquote

    "I established myself in a fairly remote country house and entertained my imagination with various means of transport. Here is how I betook myself to heaven.
    I attached to myself a number of bottles of dew, and the heat of the sun, which attracted it, drew me so high that I finally emerged above the highest clouds. But the sun's attraction of the dew drew me upwards so rapidly that instead of approaching the Moon, as I intended, I seemed to be farther from it than when I started. I broke open some of the bottles and felt my weight overcome the attraction and bring me back towards the earth..
    "I think the Moon is a world like this one, and the Earth is its moon."

    Most men judge only by their senses and let themselves be persuaded by what they see. Just as the man whose boat sails from shore to shore thinks he is stationary and that the shore moves, men turn with the earth under the sky and have believed that the sky was turning above them. On top of that, insufferable vanity has convinced humans that nature has been made only for them, as though the sun, a huge body four hundred and thirty-four times as large as the earth, had been lit only to ripen our crab apples and cabbages.
    The angel had told me in my dream that if I wanted to acquire the perfect knowledge I desired, I would have to go to the Moon. There I would find Adam's paradise and the Tree of Knowledge. As soon as I had tasted its fruit, my mind would be enlightened with all the truths a person could know. That is the voyage for which I built my chariot.
    Finally, I climbed aboard and, when I was securely settled on the seat, I tossed the magnetic ball high into the air. The chariot I had built was more massive in the middle than at the ends; it was perfectly balanced because the middle rose faster than the extremities. When I had risen to the point that the magnet was drawing me to, I seized the magnetic ball and tossed it into the air again.

    The people of your world became so stupid and rude that my companions and I no longer enjoyed teaching them. You must surely have heard of us: we were called oracles, nymphs, spirits, fairies, household gods, lemures, larvas, lamias, sprites, water-nymphs, incubi, shades, spirits of the dead, specters and ghosts.
    hope you are a bit surprised as it is a book written in 1657 .... not today

    Stupid Human - Swamp Funk - YouTube ( and proud to be )
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-15-2013, 05:00 PM.

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  • Sayana

    The temperature required to gestate a bee-hive is 33.72 degrees C (same temperature required to tune the frequency of Rosslyn Chapel to 432hz (ancient A )

    As a symbol of the soul, the bee was associated with the goddess Demeter, when it could either be seen as symbolic of the descent to the underworld or the materialisation on leaving the body- this belief is in fact echoed throughout all cultures of the world. Generally, the bee can be regarded as a creative force, endowed with the element of fire (agni). It symbolised the priestesses of the temple and the Sibyls of Delphi as well as the pure souls of the initiate. The bee is cleansed by fire and nourished by honey; it's sting is burning and it's glittering form spreads light

    In Welsh 'cwyraidd' from 'cwyr'- meaning wax, means 'finished.In Irish 'ceir-bheach' literally means 'bees wax' another word for perfection. So, for the Celts, the bee symbolised notions of wisdom and the immortality of the soul.

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  • MonsieurM


    Nate Dogg - Can't Nobody feat Kurupt - YouTube

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  • MonsieurM

    gang - Wiktionary

    Etymology 1

    From Middle English gangen, from Old English gangan ("to go, walk, turn out"), from Proto-Germanic *ganganan (“to go, walk”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰengʰ- (“to step, walk”). Cognate with Scots gang ("to go on foot, walk"), Swedish gånga ("to walk, go"), Faroese ganga ("to walk"), Icelandic ganga ("to walk, go").

    Etymology 2

    From Middle English gang, from Old English gang ("a journey, a way, a passage"), from Proto-Germanic *gangaz. Cognate with Dutch gang, Icelandic gangur.

    gang (plural gangs)
    (now chiefly dialectal) A going, journey; a course, path, track  [quotations ▼]


    gang (second-person singular simple present GANGST)
    Eye-dialect spelling of gan

    Nate Dogg - Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A. - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-15-2013, 12:10 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Better a Fist Full of Bees than Bags Full of Flies

    Nate Dogg - Music and me - YouTube

    Cupid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    As described by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night's Dream:[6]

    Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
    And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
    Nor hath love's mind of any judgement taste;
    Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.
    And therefore is love said to be a child
    Because in choice he is so oft beguiled.[7]
    To Bee or not to Bee

    Cupid and the bees

    In the tale of Cupid the honey thief, the child-god is stung by bees when he steals honey from their hive. He cries and runs to his mother Venus, complaining that so small a creature shouldn't cause such painful wounds. Venus laughs, and points out the poetic justice: he too is small, and yet delivers the sting of love.

    The story was first told about Eros in the Idylls of Theocritus (3rd century BC).[11] It was retold numerous times in both art and poetry during the Renaissance, and was a favorite theme of Lucas Cranach the Elder and his workshop, who produced more than twenty versions.[12] The German poet and classicist Karl Philipp Conz (1762–1827) framed the tale as Schadenfreude ("taking pleasure in someone else's pain") in a poem by the same title.[13] In a version by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, a writer of the German Enlightenment, the incident prompts Cupid to turn himself into a bee:

    Through this sting was Amor made wiser.
    The untiring deceiver
    concocted another battle-plan:
    he lurked beneath the carnations and roses
    and when a maiden came to pick them,
    he flew out as a bee and stung her.[14]

    The image of Cupid as bee is part of a complex tradition of poetic imagery involving the flower of youth, the sting of love as a deflowering, and honey as a secretion of love.[15]
    BBC News - Rosslyn Chapel was haven for bees

    Builders renovating Rosslyn Chapel, which was made famous in The Da Vinci Code, found the "unprecedented" hive while dismantling a rooftop pinnacle.

    The bees entered the hive through a hole in a carved flower crafted by the chapel's master stone masons.

    The 15th Century Midlothian building is undergoing a £13m conservation and site improvement project.

    The discovery was made when two pinnacles, which had been made unstable by nesting jackdaws, had to be taken down stone by stone and rebuilt.

    Malcolm Mitchell, of Page Park Architects, said: "It was a big hollow about the size of a gas cylinder and the hive had obviously been abandoned."
    Coordinates: 55°51′19″N 3°09′37″W

    let's not forget Bee Flat ( B-flat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    Wu Tang Clan - Triumph- Killer Bees - YouTube

    In art, Cupid often appears in multiples as the Amores, or amorini in the later terminology of art history, the equivalent of the Greek erotes.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-14-2013, 11:46 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    from: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

    For myself, I had never discovered this matter to anyone had it not been from fear of the day of judgment, and the perdition of my soul if I concealed it ( 596 ) .It is a debt which I am desirous to discharge to the Faithful, as the Father of the faithful did liberally bestow it upon me ( 470 ) .

    IN NUM you get : Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

    596 + 470 = 1066 = 76 = 13 = HM 4

    Jason Mraz - The World As I See It - YouTube


    from: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion
    The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. ( 611 ) Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces ( 555 ) ."

    611 + 555 = 1166 = 113 = HM 5

    Happy Valentine Day : Feb 14 ( or is it Feb 113 )

    Four is it in qualities,
    shining in each of the planes of existence,
    but thirteen ( 13 - Death ) in one ( 1 - Magician ) ,
    the mystical number.
    Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
    each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
    each shall channels be of the Great One

    1 Corinthians 13:1-13

    English Standard Version (ESV)
    The Way of Love

    Don't Stop Till You Get Enough- Michael Jackson- Lyrics - YouTube

    13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.

    4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. [B][COLOR="blue"]11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I

    When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

    13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
    Peter Gabriel - Steam (with lyrics) - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-14-2013, 10:46 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    food for thought :

    you know what is better than ASH Wednesday ....... HASH Wednesday

    Hashish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...... heehee

    Assassins Creed 3 Welcome To The New Age. - YouTube +



    I'm waking up to ash and dust
    I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
    I'm breathing in the chemicals

    I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
    This is it, the apocalypse

    I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
    Enough to make my systems blow
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age

    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive

    I raise my flags, don my clothes
    It's a revolution, I suppose
    We're painted red to fit right in

    I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
    This is it, the apocalypse

    I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
    Enough to make my systems blow
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age
    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive

    All systems go, the sun hasn't died
    Deep in my bones, straight from inside

    I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
    Enough to make my systems blow
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age
    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
    Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
    When you wish to enter the gate of scattered goodness, then your mind-monkey gambols and jumps across the branches of the ten evil deeds [jūaku 十悪: killing, stealing, adultery, lying, cursing, slandering, equivocating, coveting, anger, and false views[/B]]
    Muse - Knights of Cydonia + lyrics [in description] - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-14-2013, 08:33 PM.

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