(NaturalNews) A team of researchers from Washington state had a giant "Oops!" moment recently when it accidentally uncovered the deadly truth about chemotherapy while investigating why prostate cancer cells are so difficult to eradicate using conventional treatment methods. As it turns out, chemotherapy does not actually treat or cure cancer at all, according to the study's findings, but rather fuels the growth and spread of cancer cells, making them much harder to stamp out once chemotherapy has already been initiated.
Learn more: Study accidentally exposes chemotherapy as fraud - tumors grow faster after chemo!
Learn more: Study accidentally exposes chemotherapy as fraud - tumors grow faster after chemo!
Scientists find cancer-causing virus in the brain, potential connection to epilepsy
Researchers at Shriner's Hospital Pediatric Research Center at the Temple University School of Medicine, and the University of Pennsylvania have evidence linking the human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) – the most common cause of cervical cancer – to a common form of childhood epilepsy. They have shown for the first time that HPV16 may be present in the human brain, and found that when they added a viral protein to the brains of fetal mice, the mice all demonstrated the same developmental problems in the cerebral cortex associated with this type of epilepsy, called focal cortical dysplasia type IIB (FCDIIB). The findings suggest that the virus could play a role in the development of epilepsy.
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Royal Rife was one of the first to find Cancer related to Viruses ..... yet much has been done to bury the Name of this Great Man

from: http://www.energeticforum.com/211873-post3325.html
Originally posted by MonsieurM
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