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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • As a lifelong blower of smoke rings, I have been invited by Mon. M. to write a few things about my Chiropractic smoke ring handiwork in this thread.
    I accept the invitation, but I want to disassociate any of my professional associations from what I am writing. They might be offended by something I write and so any ideas that follow written here spring solely from my own fractalated brain. More forthcoming


    • Thank you wyndbag ..... much appreciated learning from your experience
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • since we mentioned new moon ... let's see what it means:

        New moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        he new moon in its original meaning of first crescent marks the beginning of the month in lunar calendars such as the Muslim calendar, and in lunisolar calendars such as the Hebrew calendar, Hindu calendars, and Buddhist calendar. But in the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the month is marked by the dark moon.
        The new moon signifies the start of every Jewish month, and is considered an important date and minor holiday in the Hebrew calendar. The modern form of the calendar is a rule-based lunisolar calendar, akin to the Chinese calendar, measuring months defined in lunar cycles as well as years measured in solar cycles, and distinct from the purely lunar Islamic calendar and the almost entirely solar Gregorian calendar. According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish calendar is calculated based on mathematical rules handed down from God to Moses at the moment the command was given to make sure that Passover always falls in the springtime. More likely, this fixed lunisolar calendar was introduced by Hillel II. This calculation makes use of a mean lunation length used by Ptolemy and handed down from Babylonians (see Lunar_theory#Babylon), which is still very accurate: ca. 29.530594 days vs. a present value (see below) of 29.530589 days. This difference of only 0.0000005, or five millionths of a day, adds up to about only 4 hours since Babylonian times.

        2+9+5+3+0+5+9+4 = 37
        = HM 3 + HM 7 = HM 1

        The new moon is also an important event in Wicca. Some Wiccans celebrate only the full moons and others celebrate both dark and full. The waning phase is a time for turning inward and reflecting. It is a time for reaping what was put forth in the waxing phase of the moon. The waning phase is often used for banishing rituals. The dark moon is a quiet time; a time for divination and personal workings. The dark moon is a time for holding power.[citation needed]
        The new moon is also important in astrology, as is the full moon.

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-22-2012, 06:37 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • To continue.... The smoke ring effect comes in various guises. I stumbled upon it as Chiropractic student... although I did not identify it then. One of my student friends told me he had heard about a D.C. in Chicago who did adjustments six inches off the body. What a statement...and a teaser. So I asked him how to learn more. He loaned me some literature that I found incomprehensible, so I knew there must be something going on.

          It turned out the Chiropractor who exhibited this phenomenal technique is now well known for being part of medical study in which his technique was used to lower blood pressure. The study was the first of its kind and is perhaps a landmark study for the Chiropractic profession.

          More smoke rings to follow....


          • to join your writing with a similar image (not quite smoke ) but it carries a fractal amount of meanings ... starting with blue

            principle of correspondence

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • A smoke ring it turns out is a type of soliton. Solitons or solitary waves may
              be the mechanism for nerve conduction. In fact, electrical conduction in general may be solitonic.... here we need to go to the deep thinker department and therefore I will have to punt.

              I am more historian than science type. Solitons were discovered by John Russell, a Scottish engineer who spotted an anomolous wave running up a canal without losing form or energy. If I had seen it, I probably would have
              just headed home and forgotten about it. But he knew he had something and
              now they have the attention of the egghead crowd who are looking for solutions to various problems. The connection to nerve impulses were made by some European scientist who could not make the ATP usage or lack there of, account for the functioning of nerves. They also could not make
              the known mechanism for anesthesia work either under the current model.

              Solitons conserve energy. For that reason alone, evolution ought to have put them to good use. So from here on, smoke rings can be considered gaseous toroidal solitons.

              Running low on gas for now.....


              • I'll pick up from here for the moment, if it is alright:

                Soliton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave (a wave packet or pulse) that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. (see image above ) Solitons are caused by a cancellation of nonlinear ( think fraactal ) and dispersive effects in the medium. (The term "dispersive effects" refers to a property of certain systems where the speed of the waves varies according to frequency.) Solitons arise as the solutions of a widespread class of weakly nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations describing physical systems. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808–1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal in Scotland. He reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank and named it the "Wave of Translation".
                thank you wyndbag
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a re post from:

                  One more info based on what was said in the previous post:

                  We all know the basic formula for this one –– E=MC2.
                  Matter is just a lot of energy moving so slowly that we can touch it and sit on it. energy is just a little bit of matter moving so fast we have trouble finding it. They are polarities of the same substance, which is flowing or moving as different rates, constantly. This very compressibility is what stores form and memory in its wave shape.

                  In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean.

                  Only a form of Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time. Only in this way, in this shape, can waves nest together without interfering with each other and canceling out their memories. A Golden Mean spiral can nest triangles, Squares and five-sides figures, crating a dodecahedron as it does,. the dodecahedron is the perfect Golden mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. That's why it is also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule. The Golden Mean happens, the icosahedronal donut and the dodecahedronal donut generate the only other two naturally occurring numbers: Pi and E.

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • According to Eric Dollard, electrical waves or energy are waves of translation too. A conductor is not a conductor but an obstructor. But I digress.

                    I had an instructor who wanted to obstruct me from learning this chiropractic method. He too was from Chicago. But he was of the dark side. He told me,
                    "Dr Wyndbag, if you go to Seattle for that upper cervical technique class, I will see to it that you don't graduate." I went. I graduated. He lost his job.
                    I may be a wyndbag, but he was an assbag.

                    So my trade has a diverse bunch of characters in it. There are no real standards. At times that bothers me and at other times it doesn't really matter because as G.B. Shaw put it: "All professions are a conspiracies against the public." Or more simply, public conspiracies. By the way, I don't look for conspiracies, they come to me.

                    Now back to our regular programming.

                    So there is the smoke ring and there is the empty space within the ring.
                    The way the healing smoke ring is generated was very painstakingly worked out by a couple of D.C.'s from Michigan. They were a couple, but they were not .... uh hum... you know. One lived in Ann Arbor and the other lived in Monroe. They were schooled at Palmer when the only approved method was
                    known as the Hole in One method. Thus the hole in the smoke ring.... would only make sense. The Hole in One method was actually worked out by a chiropractic genius in Oakland California, but he never got credit for it. For that reason he was pretty bitter. What the Michigan guys did was figure out a reproducible x-ray technique that allowed them to measure the effect they had on the spine. What they soon discovered was that they were putting patients more out of alignment. To complicate matters, often patients reported feeling better anyway. They decided to reduce the amount of force they used. They continued to reduce and reduce until they began to
                    see better alignment. To complicate things even more, patients often complained about feeling worse as their alignment got better. Then after awhile they would start to heal. The less force and the more precise the adjustment vector, the better results.

                    A side note: If you look at the shape of the atlanto-occipital joint surface, it is oddly shaped something like a classic Lorenz attractor. Kind of makes a person wonder.

                    It turns out, that the effective delivery of this healing toroid requires that the parallel forces of the body be working in parallel. The person delivering this kiss does not apply pressure to the person receiving the kiss. Or if pressure is applied it not enough force to do what we would think would be the work necessary to move the bones into alignment. Yet when the post x-ray appears on the screen, the bones appear to be back in line.

                    If a person wanted to learn this technique, I might tell them to hold their fingers out straight and relaxed with a flat wrist and visualize smoke rings coming out the ends of their fingers. I might tell them to do the same if they were learning to play the piano as well. That seems to be the type of
                    state needed for good stuff to happen.

                    more intricacies to come.....


                    • They continued to reduce and reduce until they began to
                      see better alignment. To complicate things even more, patients often complained about feeling worse as their alignment got better. Then after awhile they would start to heal. The less force and the more precise the adjustment vector, the better results.

                      It is interesting Pattern as I have been practicing the following exercise it has become automatic .... but trully relaxing and more ...power of the mind is one of those subtle forces


                      but a projected smoke ring would also do the job

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                      I discovered also a mental exercise on my own, but one think is required the ability to visualize yourself (takes a little time to get used to) from up top (as if you are looking down on yourself ). Now close your eyes, relax, look down on yourself (hint: your brain already knows the position you are in, just ask it to project it for you). Once you are there, seeing yourself down there open a donut coil on top of your head (make it big enough so your body can fit in the middle, your brain likes to respect proportions), and lower it and feel your head going through it until you get to your toes, and back up again.

                      little secret of mine to feel more relaxed and get acquainted with this antenna that is my body (works for me )

                      note: your eyes even closed will tend to follow the up down movement.

                      if it works on you, i'll show you a trick on how to remember things

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • We like to look for patterns because it helps us remember things. In the study of anatomy, the present was unwrapped and the wrapping was tossed aside.
                        It turns out, the wrapping may be the most important part of the present. One day while looking for the golden mean in the structure of the body, I ran into something simpler. Not division 1.61 etc but division 2/1 or .5. Look how we shape up. At the center or 1/2 division the largest joint, the hips. The center of the leg, the knee. The center of the arm, the elbow. Yes Phi is there too.... in the hand. But there is more. At the center of the torso, the kidneys the adrenals. This point is 1/3 the distance. At the center of the head and neck, the atlas we have a 1/2 relationship. The relation of 1/2 is an octave. The relation of 1/3 is a fifth.( musically ) Things divide into whole numbers because they represent natural harmonies.

                        Natural harmony springs from the awareness of natural harmony. I tend to forget that. Thats probably why I writing this. Thanks.


                        • Originally posted by wyndbag View Post

                          Natural harmony springs from the awareness of natural harmony. I tend to forget that. Thats probably why I writing this. Thanks.
                          which equates a Natural Soliton
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • here is a very intriguing interview ......

                            another way of describing our reality

                            Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations! - YouTube

                            "Doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code," first invented by Claude Shannon in the 1940's, has been discovered embedded WITHIN the equations of superstring theory!

                            Why does nature have this? What errors does it need to correct? What is an 'error' for nature? More importantly what is the explanation for this freakish discovery? Your guess is as good as mine.
                            errors ......All Truth is half Truth

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • All Truth is half Truth......
                              and the math is not the terra toroid.
                              Spirals are fun though.
                              I am numbered among the innumerate masses.
                              Smoke Rings....holy smoke batman.


                              • If I start to circle back in this blog its probably because this subject matter has circular elements.

                                The key circular element in this discussion from a more material standpoint is the pisiform bone of the wrist. This bone is known as sesamoid bone like the kneecap or the hyoid bone. Actually if you take deeper look at human structure by visiting Steven Levin's Biotensegrity websight you will learn that all bones are sesamoid bones or floating bones.

                                From the hands on smoke ring perspective its this floating wrist bone called the pisiform , a little pea sized bone at the heel of the hand that generates the rings.

                                As I said earlier, our two Michigan docks learned slowly and methodically that thrusting down on peoples necks does not work very well. Gradually one of the docks conceptualized the action as a pulling back of the forces in body and a redirecting it through the pisiform. This is still where it stands today.

                                Here is where things get tricky. I am not an action at a distance guy. I still tend to live in the billiard ball universe but I have tried to measure a source of
                                the force. The best piece of the elephant I have been able to come up with is low frequency sound....5-9 hz as detected by a piezo disc transducer.

                                The smoke rings themselves seem to be puffing out at that frequency as per my reading on the oscilloscope.

                                The object of the smoke ring puffs is a tiny stress adaptation where the head and neck meet. It represents to some extent the sum of all pressures in the human frame. Pressure from a biotensegrity standpoint is not a good thing. In a brick and mortar universe, pressure works very well but in a cellular tensegrity universe pressure is free to come and go but not welcome to hang around.

                                So for now, I am going. I will be back later.

