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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Today (as opposed to yesterday ) we have a nice Batch of Info

    Hyperspeed Planets Are Hurtling Out of the Milky Way?

    If you think life on Earth moves too fast, imagine being perched on a planet that's hurtling through space 400 times faster than our home world.

    According to a new study, astronomers predict that "hypervelocity planets" are streaking through our Milky Way galaxy at up to 30 million miles (48 million kilometers) an hour—flung from the center of our galaxy by so-called gravitational slingshots.

    Only subatomic particles such as cosmic rays are known to reach higher speeds in the Milky Way. (Related: "Lightning Creates Particle Accelerators Above Earth.")

    So what would it be like on a lonely, fast-moving world? For one thing, the night sky would be a lot more dynamic, said study co-author Idan Ginsburg, an astronomy graduate student at Dartmouth College.

    "If you were on the planet, from your perspective, you'd be moving so fast that in a relatively short time you'd see the galaxy just getting farther and farther away."

    Ultimately, Ginsburg said, the planet would probably get kicked out of the galaxy.

    "To where? That's a good question, but it would be a one-way ticket and a wild ride," he said.

    "The problem is that you don't have a star or an external heat source, so your planet would get pretty cold." (Related: "Earth-Size 'Lone Wolf' Planets May Host Life.")

    Planets Flung by Black Hole Slingshot

    The new study was inspired by the discovery seven years ago of the first hypervelocity star, which is currently on a one-way trip out of our galaxy at a staggering 1.5 million miles (2.4 million kilometers) an hour.

    Since then astronomers have spotted more than a dozen high-speed stars in the Milky Way.

    Scientists believe such speedy stars originate in binary star systems, where pairs of stars orbit each other.

    Is a new explanation needed for plate tectonics? | TG Daily

    The Earth's wandering continents can't be fully explained by a layer of partially molten rock about 22 to 75 miles underground, NASA scientists say - something else must be contributing.

    The outermost layer of Earth, the lithosphere, consists of the crust and an underlying layer of cool and rigid mantle, and is broken into numerous tectonic plates. Beneath the oceans, it's relatively thin, about 65 miles, but can be as thick as 200 miles beneath the continents.

    Lying beneath the lithosphere is the asthenosphere, a layer of rock that is -very slowly - deforming and flowing. Heat in the Earth's core produced by the radioactive decay of elements warms the mantle rocks above, making them softer and causing them to convect.

    Like the circulating blobs in a lava lamp, rock in the mantle rises where it is warmer than its surroundings, and sinks where it's cooler, moving the continental plates above.

    But many details remain unexplained.


    Giant 'UFO fragment' falls from the sky in Siberia - Telegraph

    The U-shaped object, resembling a silvery dome, is currently under inspection by Russian experts, after being covertly removed under cover of night from the possession of villagers who found it.

    After discovering the device on Sunday, locals from the village of Otradnesnky had managed to drag the “UFO fragment” from the thick forest where it had fallen. They attached it onto a trailer and took it through the snow to their village, where local inspectors then examined it before alerting Moscow authorities.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • To all,

      some of you may have noticed that your inbox / private messages in this forum fills up fairly quickly ... however you can save them in your pc ...if you scroll down to "selected messages" , just click the scroll down menu and select download as ....(txt...xml etc..)

      just wanted to mention it for those who did not know
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • old friend

        her to you:

        Foreigner - Cold as Ice with lyrics - YouTube

        Cold As Ice lyrics
        Songwriters: Gramm, Lou; Jones, Mick;

        You're as cold as ice
        You're willing to sacrifice our love
        You never take advice
        Someday, you'll pay the price, I know

        I've seen it before
        It happens all the time
        You're closing the door
        You leave the world behind

        You're digging for gold
        Yet throwing away
        A fortune in feelings
        But someday you'll pay

        You're as cold as ice
        You're willing to sacrifice our love
        You want paradise
        But someday, you'll pay the price, I know

        I've seen it before
        It happens all the time
        You're closing the door
        You leave the world behind

        You're digging for gold
        Yet throwing away
        A fortune in feelings
        But someday you'll pay

        Cold as ice
        You know that you are
        Cold as ice
        As cold as ice to me
        Cold as ice

        Ooh, cold as, cold as ice
        You're as cold as ice
        Cold as ice, I know
        Yes I know

        You're cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
        Oh yes I know
        You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
        Oh yes I know

        she's here
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Bucky Fuller built his world of synergetics around the theme of tensegrity.
          Tensegrity which I cannot adequately define, is about how things are held together by tension. A physicist might say ( i am not sure ) that electrical tension or coulomb forces is the main glue that hold everything together.
          In living things tension is generated to the whole organism via the nervous system. The nervous system does this intelligently and because the nervous system is who we are, we cannot really know the nervous system except as
          me. The nervous system is oft compared to a computer. But a computer is just a toy next to the nervous system. Neurons make up only 10 percent of the brain and spinal cord. The rest is a kind metaphorical dark matter known as glial cells. The glial cells tie everything together. Further down from the brain are the muscles and bones but what ties that all together is another great unknown, the fascia. The fascia appears to coordinate the movements of the whole body. The fascia holds the whole thing together.
          Because the spine "leverages" the fascia, any adaptation event to the spine leverages the whole fascia, the whole body, the whole nervous system... the whole inner universe.

          The pineal gland embryologically migrates from the throat to the center of the brain. There is a direct link from the superior cervical ganglia to pineal gland. Descartes ( love him or hate him) referred to the pineal gland as the seat of the soul. By restoring balance to the cervical spine, the cervical fascia, the superior sympathetic cervical ganglia, we restore the health of the pineal gland... and perhaps at least in Descartes Universe, the Soul.
          Even if this is not the ultimate solution to human problems it is at least a good place to start.

          Ayahuasca, the vine of the soul, appears to have a profound effect on the pineal gland. Having the pineal gland jolted awake by something like Ayahuasca may be more than many people can handle. I believe its better to gradually awaken the pineal gland through song and dance and yoga and diet and spinal adjustments before going deeper in with sacred plants.

          So lets keep singing and dancing and stretching our life out to the edge of the universe.


          • Originally posted by wyndbag View Post

            Ayahuasca, the vine of the soul, appears to have a profound effect on the pineal gland. Having the pineal gland jolted awake by something like Ayahuasca may be more than many people can handle. I believe its better to gradually awaken the pineal gland through song and dance and yoga and diet and spinal adjustments before going deeper in with sacred plants.

            So lets keep singing and dancing and stretching our life out to the edge of the universe.
            In complete agreement with you wyndbag, what you are describing is the metaphore used through the Ages as: the Birth of the Phoenix ... born from its ashes ...

            Using Another Analogy: Martial Art ... you cannot ask a White Belt Initiate to break bricks with his hand .... but for a black belt that can control the flow of her chi .... it is a harmless task .... same applies for Ayahuasca

            thank you wyndbag ... for your enlightening info.

            ---------------the following caught my attention:

            sesamoid bone. ... did you know that the word sesame (you'll find many mentions of it in this thread ) is related to the sun in many myth and legend

            starting with oil pulling

            see also:
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 11:58 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • btw:

              BBC News - Mercury poles give up hints of water ice

              A Nasa spacecraft has found further tantalising evidence for the existence of water ice at Mercury's poles.

              Though surface temperatures can soar above 400C, some craters at Mercury's poles are permanently in shadow, turning them into so-called cold traps.

              Previous work has revealed patches near Mercury's poles that strongly reflect radar - a characteristic of ice.


              Night Sky News: Moon and Planets in Sunset Show – News Watch

              All month long the brightest planets in the heavens, Venus and Jupiter, have been putting on a great planetary play high in the west just after sunset. A couple of weeks ago they came stunningly close to each other – appearing side by side in the sky, and now as they slowly drift apart they have a grand finale in store for skywatchers.

              As a prelude to the main act to come, start by watching Saturday, March 24 for all the main cosmic actors – star-like Venus at just 105 million km away is brighter and higher up than 870 million km distant Jupiter. The trickiest to find however will be a razor-thin waxing crescent moon, only 400,000 km from Earth, which will appear hidden in the glow of the sunset, quite low to the western horizon – to the lower right of the planets.

              By the following evening, March 25, the moon will have jumped considerably higher in the sky for a wonderfully close meeting with the king of the planets, Jupiter. The pair will be separated by only 1.5 degrees- about the width of your little finger held at arm’s length.

              Then on March 26, the moon snuggles up with the goddess of love, Venus. While the planet is actually 250 times farther than our neighbouring satellite, the two will appear to the naked eye to be spectacularly close in the sky at only 2.5 degrees apart – that’s a little less than the width of your three middle fingers held at arm’s length.

              Then in one final curtain call, on March 27th the moon will continue its trek higher up in the evening sky and park itself next to the brilliant orange star Aldebaran. Representing the eye of Taurus the bull this red giant star is 65 light years from Earth. Those with keen eyes may notice to the lower right of the moon is a faint hazy patch of light – that’s the Pleiades open star cluster. Binoculars will help you resolve some of the brighter members of this 400 light year distant stellar nursery.
              you can play with Harmonic Math applied to the numbers in the text
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 12:57 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Monsieur M wrote

                ---------------the following caught my attention:

                sesamoid bone. ... did you know that the word sesame (you'll find many mentions of it in this thread ) is related to the sun in many myth and legend

                starting with oil pulling

                see also:[/QUOTE]

                I learned about oil pulling many years ago at a Urine Therapy conference in India. Urine therapy is as likely to be misunderstood as anything I know or have done. Oil pulling at least in principle is one of the foundations of Pancha Karma, a cleansing and purification practice of Ayurvedic medicine.

                Ayurvedic medicine arose as a compromise. Most of those meds were originally compounded with Cows urine. In Hindu tradition Cows urine is sacred. Much of the healing from urine therapy ( outside the immunological effects that can be tapped) comes from urea which breaks down into ammonia. Ammonia is a very powerful anti viral... the most in fact. Ammonia quiets the adrenals which calms the body.... and leads to a quieter fractal antenna. Urea itself pulls fluid off the brain, quieting the fractal antenna.

                Thanks for your amazing sharing.... I am going to have to go back and read all your stuff. Its too much to absorb!


                • you make quite a great point about Urine Therapy ... and also brings up the subject of .... from what i can gather (have not looked at it much closely ) ; it is a "distant cousin " of Urine Therapy ... much appreciated this exchange of ideas we are having ... thank you again

                  one more thing...correct me if i am wrong ... but isn't the joints you mentioned previously ... the areas that produce cell for the immune system (t-cell / white cells ) ... my medical knowledge is a bit limited but i do remember that fact which also relates to bone marrow transplant (just linking patterns )

                  for those wanting to learn about Urine Therapy:

                  Urine Therapy: The Science Of Drinking Your Own Pee (Part 1 of 7) - YouTube

                  and remember what Master Paracelsus said:

                  Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.
                  “Magnetism is the king of all secrets” Paracelsus:
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 03:20 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a re post for the pleasure of reading his quotes

                    It is an interesting pattern when you research all the Great Men Of Science throughout history some patterns emerges as you notice their scientific interest , and search for understanding, where it has led them...the following are quotes made by one of them:

                    Paracelsus: ; I'm sure you will recognize many subjects mentioned and discussed that go along the same line of thought

                    : “Magnetism is the king of all secrets”
                    Although Alchemy has now fallen into contempt, and is even considered a thing of the past, the physician should not be influenced by such judgments.

                    But is not He who created it for the sake of the sick body more than the remedy? And is not He who cures the soul, which is more than the body, greater?

                    Dreams are not without meaning wherever thay may come from-from fantasy, from the elements, or from other inspiration.

                    Dreams must be heeded and accepted. For a great many of them come true.

                    For it is we who must pray for our daily bread, and if He grants it to us, it is only through our labour, our skill and preparation.

                    For one country is different from another; its earth is different, as are its stones, wines, bread, meat, and everything that grows and thrives in a specific region.

                    From time immemorial artistic insights have been revealed to artists in their sleep and in dreams, so that at all times they ardently desired them.

                    However, anyone to whom this happens should not leave his room upon awakening, should speak to no-one, but remain alone and sober until everything comes back to him, and he recalls the dream.

                    If we want to make a statement about a man's nature on the basis of his physiognomy, we must take everything into account; it is in his distress that a man is tested, for then his nature is revealed.

                    Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the making of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what virtue and power may lie in medicines.

                    Medicine is not only a science; it is also an art. It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters; it deals with the very processes of life, which must be understood before they may be guided.

                    Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics.

                    Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man.

                    Often the remedy is deemed the highest good because it helps so many.

                    Once a disease has entered the body, all parts which are healthy must fight it: not one alone, but all. Because a disease might mean their common death. Nature knows this; and Nature attacks the disease with whatever help she can muster.

                    Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.

                    The dose makes the poison.

                    The dreams which reveal the supernatural are promises and messages that God sends us directly: they are nothing but His angels, His ministering spirits , who usually appear to us when we are in a great predicament.

                    The interpretation of dreams is a great art.

                    The physician must give heed to the region in which the patient lives, that is to say, to its type and peculiarities.

                    This is alchemy, and this is the office of Vulcan; he is the apothecary and chemist of the medicine.

                    This process is alchemy: its founder is the smith Vulcan.

                    Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy, from which new arts flow.

                    We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.

                    What sense would it make or what would it benefit a physician if he discovered the origin of the diseases but could not cure or alleviate them?

                    What the eyes perceive in herbs or stones or trees is not yet a remedy; the eyes see only the dross.

                    use the 7 principles for deeper understanding
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Now here is a thought for you :

                      the Urine Therapy Potency maybe enhanced if the Patient followed an Alkaline / healthy Diet

                      we go back to being a crystal (you ) emiting fractal waves creating nano crystals

                      bleach (made of ammonia ) is alkaline

                      Is bleach acidic or alkaline? - Yahoo! Answers

                      Bleach, having an average pH of 12.4 is alkalinic
                      ph 12.4 = HM 7
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 03:32 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • another re post to get the thought across

                        from: Before It's News

                        Change your body from 'Acidic' to 'Alkaline'; according to Cancer specialist Dr. Leonard Coldwell, this alone will stop cancer from growing.
                        Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that every cancer can be cured within 16 weeks. Dr. Coldwell states how that's possible in this video.
                        Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell - YouTube


                        I just wanted to mention this for the curious mind and important ...For most of the research done on medical use of electromagnetic waves; one aspect has been overlooked and that is to obtain optimal results such as in the use of Violet rays....the Antenna / the patient has to have followed an Alkaline Diet...In this research I have found that Alkaline Water and Diet enhances the healing aspect of the body.

                        ---------------------from a previous post

                        According to Marcel:

                        This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity.
                        sorry for the repetition;

                        key word quartz

                        Edgar Cayce often recommended animated ash and ultra-violet light therapy for persons suffering from cancer. The readings stated that the animated ash would increase the oxygen in the body and assist the immune system in fighting the cancer.
                        " Animated ash was a form of bamboo that was reduced to activated charcoal by means of a partial vacuum electrical carbon arc process. The resulting ash (alkaline ) was taken internally

                        Cayce’s dietary recommendations for cancer tended to follow several key themes:

                        • Eat a diet that tends to produce a balanced pH in the system with
                        a tendency towards alkalinity.

                        Imagine a medical tool where you take a UV laser pointer or violet ray and place a healthy cell , like stem cells, contained in a quartz lens and then shoot the UV laser through it, which would carry the healthy information in the beam, to heal sick people .
                        so to increase the UV effect, an Alkaline diet would be recommended

                        Cancer Healing & Spirituality (4): Edgar Cayce on Cancer Causes and Treatment (2)

                        Fact: The miracle water of Lourdes, France had a pH of 9.5.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 03:46 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • btw: Another way of showing you the Kaliyuga cycle:

                          Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man.

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-24-2012, 04:04 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • some more info on the pyramid (amazing fractal construct ) (originally found on ATS )

                            08 The Great Pyramid Secrets in Plain Sight - YouTube

                            as mentioned previously

                            the speed of light is exactly 299 792 458 merters per second

                            2 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 9 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 55 = HM 1

                            apply Harmonic Math tp the following Image :

                            one more dimension to Harmonic Math (we have just scratched the surface of this etheral form of Math )

                            11/2 = 5.5 where the foot of the altitude meets the Base ...5.5 = HM 1

                            learn more about triangles

                            Triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            An altitude of a triangle is a straight line through a vertex and perpendicular to (i.e. forming a right angle with) the opposite side. This opposite side is called the base of the altitude, and the point where the altitude intersects the base (or its extension) is called the foot of the altitude. The length of the altitude is the distance between the base and the vertex. The three altitudes intersect in a single point, called the orthocenter of the triangle. The orthocenter lies inside the triangle if and only if the triangle is acute.

                            the full vid: keep in mind Harmonic math , the Kybalion and the Female / Male pole Asymetry :

                            Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video) - YouTube!
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-25-2012, 07:08 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • As you may have noticed in the previous vid .... using Harmonic Math ....the Number Nine comes up quite often ... in Nature

                              As Petar mentioned in a pm... please correct me if i am wrong (would love to find the quote rit )

                              Walter Russell Noticed it too as he wrote that "all adds up to nine " (not quite sure if it is the correct paraphrasing )

                              well here is another example for you:

                     – Gardeners: More heat makes better biochar

                              RICE (US) — To make the soil additive biochar, charcoal must reach at least 450 degrees Celsius ( HM 9 ) to ensure that water and nutrients get to plants.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • I will assume for now that the brain has no superconductive receptor.... no squid in the brain. So what does the brain do mainly? Mainly the brain as we currently understand it processes muscle sense. the classic 5 senses represent a relatively small part of the brains processing power.

                                So what is muscle sense? Muscle sense is really whole body sense as individual muscles don't really exist for the brain. Anatomists have cataloged the muscles and their respective innervations but the bulk of the brains activity deals with sensory feedback that pours is from the whole surface of the body. As far as the brain is concerned individual muscles do not exist. What really exists first and foremost for the brain is speed of sound nerve transmission from the fascial network as a whole. The fascia is the single connective tissue network that covers and invests the muscles and it has many more nerves supplying sensory feedback to the brain than the muscles. Furthermore, this network appears to provide sensory feedback much faster than the motor nerves. There is evidence to suggest that this fascial unitard operates at the speed of sound. Because of this fact no form of direct touch to the body can provide sensory information that the brain will be receptive to unless it is traveling at the speed of sound.

                                Here is where the smoke ring/ soliton force comes to play.

