Thank you wyndbag , a quick search on google for Heat shock Protein revealed a great amount of research on these and their their role on curing to link it to our discussion founde the following :
The C-terminal Helices of Heat Shock Protein 70 Are Essential for J-domain Binding and ATPase Activation
check Alpha Quartz in our discussion (helical too
The C-terminal Helices of Heat Shock Protein 70 Are Essential for J-domain Binding and ATPase Activation
Background: HSJ1a can bind with HSP70 to regulate many cellular events.
Results: The C-terminal helices of HSP70 contribute to its interaction with HSJ1a J-domain and stimulation of ATPase activity.
Conclusion: The C-terminal helical subdomain is crucial for modulating J-domain interaction and allosteric activation.
Significance: This finding provides an alternative mechanism of allosteric activation for functional regulation of HSP70 by its J-domain co-chaperones.
Background: HSJ1a can bind with HSP70 to regulate many cellular events.
Results: The C-terminal helices of HSP70 contribute to its interaction with HSJ1a J-domain and stimulation of ATPase activity.
Conclusion: The C-terminal helical subdomain is crucial for modulating J-domain interaction and allosteric activation.
Significance: This finding provides an alternative mechanism of allosteric activation for functional regulation of HSP70 by its J-domain co-chaperones.

Originally posted by wyndbag
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