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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Here is a riddle for you, that would probably make sense to most of you

    You are a receptacle of knowledge...

    the more you know, the less you know

    the less you know, the more empty is the receptacle

    the more empty the receptacle is , the more apt it is To be served the sweetest of all nectars:Knowledge ..


    "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

    "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

    "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."


    seek knowledge....always ask why...when you are jealous, angry, sad, bored..etc...and you'll discover the above principles at play

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-21-2011, 05:46 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • -----if you want to expand a little on water, the following doc is an important source of info:

      Water, The Great Mystery - YouTube

      it is essential that you watch the doc, if you want us to advance....

      because you will see the potential of what i am talking about

      note: 85% of the brain is made of ....Water

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • watch this 2 min video

        Water has Memory - YouTube

        now if you can influence water on the outside....

        as above so below, from within so without
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to it, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
          Fractal Constructs when joined together will adapt to enter resonance is not the same as yours.... (when two people meet for instance)

          Truth is also Fractal if the All is Fractal....but you have a road map in the Kybalion (a fractal construct too ; think of it as your personal Swiss Army Knife...A Spiritual Army Knife if you prefer) to travel this Fractal Universe

          or if you prefer your interpretation of the absolute...and some truth are absolute in one plane and relative in another

          to choose Ignorance (of Yourself or of the World, of the Light and the Dark within and without ) is to choose immobility and thus violates one of the seven principles of the Kybalion:

          Principle of Rythm:

          "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

          The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."
          David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain (Transcendental Meditation) - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-24-2011, 03:33 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • For those who read Walter Russel, Apply the Seven Principles of Hermes and you'll understand what he meant
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • i know i will sound yoda like but i'm still a little grass hopper

              the truth is each has his own tree of knowledge and grows at it own pace...I have a big flaw is that i'm quite impatient to have an answer so to compensate i seek it they say "One is never so well served as by oneself."

              -----principle of correspondence...replace tree with human psyche/mentality/group behavior

              principle of correspondence: this is applicable to, and it is even simpler:

              Seeing the forest through the trees

              Imagine you are walking through a forest. All around you are trees of different species, age, size and height. It looks pretty random, right? Wrong.

              In research funded by the National Science Foundation, Brian Enquist of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona and his team have discovered a secret in the trees: Hidden among and within the architecture of the branches are fundamental rules that link the size, shape, age and in fact everything about a single tree to all the trees in a forest.
              This rule or code reoccurs as the tree grows, creating a fractal – a repeating pattern – like a spiral of daughter branches emanating from the mother branch or tree trunk.
              "as above so below, from within so without"
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-31-2011, 01:04 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Listen. Make a way for yourself inside yourself.
                Stop looking in the other way of looking.

                the modern version

                Bob Marley - 1979 - 06 - Running Away - Crazy Baldhead - YouTube

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Listen. Make a way for yourself inside yourself.
                  Stop looking in the other way of looking.

                  the modern version

                  Bob Marley - 1979 - 06 - Running Away - Crazy Baldhead - YouTube

                  I will go listen to my heart beat, and center my thoughts.

                  I would like to throw a thought that I had gotten a 'picture flash' for -- the Pizeomagnetic amplifier? You could use that ZnO paste that Powerme showed us how to make, and sandwich it beetween two copper plates for the "pizeo" portion of that device. Attach one lead to a wave generator and the other end to the coil around the magnet.

                  You are showing us some truths with your posts. I seek to put those truths into actions. Idle truths, or unshared knowledge are recorded in your body, and create illnesses or imbalances.

                  this is at least as I have observed in myself -- that I become imbalanced when I do not "pass on" the knowledge. If I keep it to myself, I feel very pent up, and have too much energy for the task at hand.

                  It is as though I am receiving some high frequency signal through the "flash of insight" -- all I must do is become the conduit for that seed to be made manifest. If I do not balance the thought, with an equal action to bring it to life -- I feel that my body suffers the dampened oscillation, and the "work" that would have been done with that impulse -- instead decays my body or mental condition.

                  That might co-inside with some other "flashes" I have gotten about my brain being a high frequency receiver -- that our thoughts are "cosmic" (or of cosmic radiation.)

                  Will post on cosmic radiation and dielectric breakdown when I get the chance. I've been "strip searching" my campus library.

                  Thank you for allowing me to merge these thoughts on this walk of life.



                  • You are quite welcome petar113507, I'm only doing what is right, besides one person cannot hold a dialogue by itself, if it was not for you guys taking the time to reply,I would not have had the opportunity of seeing what i'm seeing now.
                    i learn from the words you type ,the questions we ask, whether we agree or not, it is only another opportunity for some creative thank you because your input was very valuable as you have seen in various post:

                    from: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                    For myself, I had never discovered this matter to anyone had it not been from fear of the day of judgment, and the perdition of my soul if I concealed it.It is a debt which I am desirous to discharge to the Faithful, as the Father of the faithful did liberally bestow it upon me.
                    from: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion
                    The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."

                    If you pay Attention to all these holder of knowledge and what happened to them ...This key is a Fractal Construct as much as we could consider it alive (principle of mentalism ) and wants to take flight, roam free

                    the Dragon inhabits in all these, and his houses are the darkness and blackness that is in them and by them he ascends into the air, from his rising[ , which is their heaven
                    and so is the Golden Tractate
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • this presentation by:

                      Graham Hancock: Elves, Aliens, Angels and Ayahuasca - YouTube

                      fits perfectly in our theme: The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Yes that is correct, and it is an antenna that gets info from the information field. The ego has made the brain everything but it is not, it is an antenna, that captures the signals emitted from the heart. The heart is the generator of information.
                        Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                        • It is not only the Heart ...Principle of polarity and principle of gender

                          There are two primary ways of knowing reality:

                          1. The rational, deductive, argumentative, intellectual thinking that is accepted by the science and our patriarchal Western culture. The alchemists called this Solar Consciousness and assigned it many code words, such as the Sun, Sulfur, the King, the Father, Spirit, and ultimately, the One Mind of the universe. This involves left-brain activity like linear thought, schematics, formulae, arguments and logic.

                          2. The intuitive way of thinking, also called intelligence of the heart, a non-linear, image-driven way of thinking that is an accepted tool of the arts and religion. The alchemists called the other way of knowing Lunar Consciousness. Among its many symbols are the Moon, Mercury, the Queen, the Holy Ghost, Soul, and ultimately, the One Thing of the universe. This involves right-brain activity dealing with drawings, paintings, mandalas, symbols, music, and meditation.

                          The alchemists believed that perfection could only be achieved by working with both Solar and Lunar ways of knowing and ultimately uniting them in a third state of Stellar Consciousness. Stellar Consciousness is a state of incorruptible wisdom symbolized by the heroic Child that resulted from the marriage of the King and Queen, as well as by Salt, Gold, the Philosopher's Stone, the Astral Body, and of course, the Stars themselves.

                          A boat without its captain is just a drifting boat and a captain without his boat is a drifter

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • I would not consider this chance -- that I have found some suggestions and answers to the exact questions which I have desired to understand. Perhaps we can also discuss (elsewhere?) the mental state that al humans can remain in, to "attract" the answers that they seek.
                            If you consider the universe a Fractal Construct of nth dimensions, what you think/dream/question, is also a fractal entity existing within this Universe and as such is also a fractal antenna which can emit and receive...

                            what you call synchronicity is justthe fact that your answer has been answered by "the universe" , the difference between you and the rest is that your mind is open to unknown phenomena...In other words, you have trained your Antenna (brain) to record events differently than the rest...and trust me once you get a handle on the emerald tablet and the Kibalion (personal opinion), you start noticing things a bit differently
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              If you consider the universe a Fractal Construct of nth dimensions, what you think/dream/question, is also a fractal entity existing within this Universe and as such is also a fractal antenna which can emit and receive...

                              what you call synchronicity is just the fact that your answer has been answered by "the universe" , the difference between you and the rest is that your mind is open to unknown phenomena...In other words, you have trained your Antenna (brain) to record events differently than the rest...and trust me once you get a handle on the emerald tablet and the Kibalion (personal opinion), you start noticing things a bit differently
                              I had said this intending to share Walter Russell's "Home study course" peices, but I will first read the Kibalion, with the surface intent of being able to "rectify", or better translate what I do, and Russell says.

                              As I am reading this, I am seeing connections to a man whom I had earlier learned from -- richard bandler, one of the founders of NLP. He was able to teach many people to use their emotions, instead of being used by them. (polarize their state at the "center" of the two swinging polarities of an emotion)

                              Oddly enough, bandler was who taught me about control of my own state. I later learned that through controling my own internal state I could affect things on the outside world (like "cloud busting" -- making clouds shift/disappear at will -- Even shifting others emotional states, though I 'intuit' the latter).

                              If I remember the history of how bandler "came up" with NLP -- he read a lot of old alchemy books.

                              After thinking the thought "I should read the Kibalion sometime", several times I realized I needed to immediately act on that impulse.

                              I am now grateful I listened to myself.



                              • Just keep in mind that it was written in 1908...before what you know today...with that in mind, enjoy a great reading

                                Kybalion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

