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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Quick question...

    When the Kybalion talks about countering one law with a higher law (to preserve balance), what is meant by "higher" law? Are the 7 principals supposed to be listed in a order from higher to lower (or vice verse)?


    • Originally posted by occy30 View Post
      Quick question...

      When the Kybalion talks about countering one law with a higher law (to preserve balance), what is meant by "higher" law? Are the 7 principals supposed to be listed in a order from higher to lower (or vice verse)?
      I interpert the "higher laws" to be causes, while the lower laws are effects. You may void (lower laws) effects by changing their cause -- and "transmute" or change what you observe (sense).

      Using "the law" (the " videogame-rendering system") to your advantage is by knowing the law, and putting an "input" so that you may have an intended "output" (knowing the code that runs the simulation)

      If you are confused by a "lower" law being an effect, you may neutralize the effect by inducing its opposite (effect to neutralize/balance effect), and in the void removing its cause (to change its effect).

      As far as I can interpret, I do not know about "priority" to the laws as you asked -- I do not know of an inherent hierarchy with them -- but do not be limited by my perspective or what I know.

      I do not know about "realms", as that idea has never been clarified to me -- seemed a little far off. I cannot offer what I do not myself understand. Perhaps someone else can rectify that understanding.

      Otherwise, I simply know (what is self evident to me), I am under the impression that my sensing body is governed by mental functions, and that those mental functions are directed by my spiritual nature, or the unfolding of my "soul seed" if you are comfortable with that concept. Everyone's thoughts (brain) are guided by their hearts desires.

      Perhaps someday we (mankind) can all translate our understandings to know how we all fit in the bigger picture. I still desire to find out.

      Last edited by petar113507; 09-06-2011, 09:31 PM.


      • You are a receptacle of knowledge...

        the more you know, the less you know

        the less you know, the more empty is the receptacle

        the more empty the receptacle is , the more apt it is To be served the sweetest of all nectars:Knowledge ..

        I do not know about "realms", as that idea has never been clarified to me -- seemed a little far off. I cannot offer what I do not myself understand. Perhaps someone else can rectify that understanding.
        It is because we don't know their simple as that

        If we take a good look -- and listen -- at the whole of manifestation, and apply the principles of acoustics and music, and of the color wheel, the grand pattern that emerges is self-evident
        the only advise I can give you is give it time, the seed will grow in you as long as you do the same as you would do to a normal seed (not too much water, and not too little water )
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2011, 12:35 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Roll your tongue seven times before you speak.
          this sentence takes its full meaning in light of what you know

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-06-2011, 11:10 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
            I interpert the "higher laws" to be causes, while the lower laws are effects. You may void (lower laws) effects by changing their cause -- and "transmute" or change what you observe (sense).


            Correct but not as simple as that (my opinion ), all truth are half truth ; It all depends on your Point of View...or if you prefer from which plane are you looking at the subject that will decide which law is the higher law and which is the lower law

            Andre Rieu - Shostakovich' Second Waltz - YouTube
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2011, 12:47 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              Correct but not as simple as that (my opinion ), all truth are half truth ; It all depends on your Point of View...or if you prefer from which plane are you looking at the subject that will decide which law is the higher law and which is the lower law

              Andre Rieu - Shostakovich' Second Waltz - YouTube
              Just, wow.

              Roll your tongue seven times before you speak.
              this sentence takes its full meaning in light of what you know
              I cannot speak french, though someone helped me translate it.

              Having pinpointed one of my flaws -- I am seriously reconsidering what I want to say to contribute here.

              I would like to say that anyone can access my images at this link -- the rest of what I was going to post on dielectric breakdown is mostly about impulse times.

              You have a funny knack of challenging me in a way that makes me want to go in all directions at once. It is very impactful -- also difficult to keep up with. You are very correct, I need to formulate my words carefully according to my understandings.

              All causes become their effects, all effects become their causes. It is a matter of perspective, and I did not mean that in absolute.

              For instance, the 'planes' (chapter 5) concept resolved itself on my bus ride back home. The idea that struck me was when reading more Russell -- describing the states of matter. Though I mean well, I also need to let that little seed of knowledge grow before I share its fruit with others -- as that would lead to a fractured understanding. (unripe)

              You are a receptacle of knowledge...
              the more you know, the less you know
              the less you know, the more empty is the receptacle
              the more empty the receptacle is , the more apt it is To be served the sweetest of all nectars:Knowledge ..
              "Emptying what you know" is also the process of decentration from your body -- expanding your sensed awareness to outside yourself, "into knowing" (russell) -- Meditating, is like translating the photographed impressions on your brain, into the language of your heartbeat.

              If I may paraphrase Russell,
              Meditating helps one take in information, and convert it into knowledge -- much like one must digest food before it becomes nourishment in your blood stream.

              I promise, I will have more when I am better 'nourished'. I am re-reading your older posts with a better understanding of what you are getting at. You have left many clues



              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                this sentence takes its full meaning in light of what you know


                My bad , I did not intend this sentence at you personally, i was always wondering why this sentence was used and why 7 times and not 20 times

                The point, i was trying to make is that by the act of rolling 7 times is a way of telling us to recount the 7 principles before we venture an answer because they are/ will be at play

                "Emptying what you know" is also the process of decentration from your body -- expanding your sensed awareness to outside yourself, "into knowing" (russell) -- Meditating, is like translating the photographed impressions on your brain, into the language of your heartbeat.
                Love it, although i have to confess that meditation as people know it (yoga like ) isn't my cup of tea ...i much rather let my mind wonder on its own, once in a while stirred by "the male side of the brain"
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2011, 07:55 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  thank you for the info IndianaBoys

                  I discovered also a mental exercise on my own, but one think is required the ability to visualize yourself (takes a little time to get used to) from up top (as if you are looking down on yourself ). Now close your eyes, relax, look down on yourself (hint: your brain already knows the position you are in, just ask it to project it for you). Once you are there, seeing yourself down there open a donut coil on top of your head (make it big enough so your body can fit in the middle, your brain likes to respect proportions), and lower it and feel your head going through it until you get to your toes, and back up again.

                  little secret of mine to feel more relaxed and get acquainted with this antenna that is my body (works for me )

                  note: your eyes even closed will tend to follow the up down movement.

                  if it works on you, i'll show you a trick on how to remember things

                  This is great THANKS!
                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • watch the whole vid

                    Torus Fun (Sacred Geometry by ieoie) - YouTube
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • The Emerald Tablet

                      Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon.

                      Father = RED (RED sun )
                      Mother= BLUE (BLUE moon )

                      Infra red / Ultra Violet

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-11-2011, 01:11 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                        Of all the years observing SOHO (Solar And Heliospheric Observatory), never have seen an event such as what is happening today with the sun.

                        Here is that database for researching the suns activity:

                        Search and Download SOHO Near Realtime Data
                        Search and Download SOHO Near Realtime Data

                        Image Type = LASCOC3
                        Resolution = 512
                        Display = Movie
                        Start and End Dates:
                        Start = 2011-07-23
                        End = 2011-07-23
                        Then click search.

                        You can also change the dates to see other time frames such as this Mercury in Retrograde event:

                        Type in the date range of - 2001-01-01 to

                        This will be 1,285 pictures for January 2001.

                        You are changing/evolving, and it is out of your control, welcome to a new era....enjoy the ride

                        Piezoelectricity ( /piˌeɪzoʊˌilɛkˈtrɪsɪti/) is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins

                        DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications

                        A theoretical physicist has presented research that shows bacteria might transmit electromagnetic signals to produce species-specific wavelengths.

                        According to research presented by Northeastern University physicist Allan Widom, based on existing knowledge of DNA and electrons, bacteria can indeed communicate.
                        As i said before, we are all "Fractal Antennas" amongst other things

                        DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications | TG Daily

                        The sun is our primary natural source of UV radiation

                        Principle of Rythm:

                        "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
                        Puzzling Scientists; Earth's Upper Thermosphere Collapses

                        Summary: "The thermosphere", the layer of Earth's atmosphere that meets space, recently collapsed and is now rebounding again...and we don't know why. The thermosphere is important because it shields us from the Sun's Extreme Ultraviolet Photons.
                        Before It's News

                        read this post if you want to understand :


                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-11-2011, 12:39 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Watch these short videos
                          because he explains exactly how i feel...and i think you guys do too

                          sciencetosage's Channel - YouTube

                          also as a complement to the videos:

                          ‪Greatness Of The Vedic Vedas Knowledge Perfect Science Part 3 of 6‬‏ - YouTube
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • I would like to show you a little comparison based on the research i shared with you guys; i have been thinking about:

                            Crystal vs Human
                            piezo / piezo
                            fractal / fractal
                            needs water to exist / needs water to exist
                            when hit with UV emits Infra red / when hit with UV (sun ) emits Infra red

                            this is just a foretaste of what's to come

                            Make a Gallium Beating Heart - YouTube

                            info on quartz and water

                            The Legacy of Marcel Vogel
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-12-2011, 10:53 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • from:The Legacy of Marcel Vogel

                              This is one reason why certain scientific investigations in the area of subtle energies cannot be readily replicated. It is not always a matter of scientific protocol, but a matter of relationship. Unfortunately many scientists would consider this to be some kind of inessential and perhaps bothersome epiphenomena. Although such individuals are scientists, to Marcel, they were technicians attempting to prove what they already thought was true. The true scientist is one who attempts to discover with childlike curiosity. Too often we, all of us, only want to confirm what we already believe.
                              also water is influenced by your presence....water has memory

                              Resonance transfer occurs because the energy waveforms coming out of a vibrating substance have nearly identical waveforms.
                              the same applies to you and me

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-14-2011, 12:03 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Just started listening to this far so good

                                Mark Passio - What On Earth Is Happening - August 28, 2011 - YouTube

                                Natural Law, General Principles Of Natural Law, Hermeticism, The Kybalion, The Principle Of Mentalism, The Principle Of Correspondence, The Principle Of Vibration.
                                I like what he says at the beginning on taking wisdom from wherever it comes....
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 02:44 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

