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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."- The Kybalion.
    watch and learn

    High Speed 9th Wave Shift | 11/11/ 2011 | Drunvalo Melchized - YouTube

    for you to understand the above mentioned video

    Change is like The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section ; (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

    it starts with 1 person...then 2.....3......5.....8.....13.....etc

    it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )

    (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

    I would like to expand on that for a bit :

    As was written previously:

    it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )
    once 1 (your inner self) = 1 (your outer self )

    you move to 2

    2 is your partner and 2 (your partner ) = 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and thus becomes 1 (your equal )

    then you move to 3

    3 is your children(or close circle ) and 3 = 1 (your partner) + 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and it becomes 2 (takes two to procreate )

    then you move to 5

    5 are your Parents and 5 = 2 (your children ) + 1 (your partner) + 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self )

    you see how you affect / are affected by the world around you when there is incoherence

    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • There is one aspect of this research, i have not spoken about, and that is:

      you know the old saying:

      Seeing is believing
      principle of polarity for you to be able to see:

      Believing is Seeing
      in other words, I believe in the 7 Principles of the Kybalion....

      "Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization....
      ...You simply overcome one law by counter-balancing it with another, and thus maintain an equilibrium.
      "-The Kybalion.

      I'll explain:

      from the Kybalion:

      With the Master-Key in his possession, the student may unlock the many doors of the mental and psychic temple of knowledge, and enter the same freely and intelligently. This Principle explains the true nature of "Energy," "Power," and "Matter," and why and how all these are subordinate to the Mastery of Mind. One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: "He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery." And these words are as true to-day as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple.

      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • from:

        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        Thanks IndianaBoys...

        I was wondering, if coupling this:

        golden ratio antenna

        and now you have 3D BioGeometry
        for golden ratio antenna you can print it on the following....

        Metallic Photo Paper for Inkjet Printers

        Chrome Pure Gold and Pure Silver Inkjet Paper - YouTube

        Chrome Pure Gold Inkjet Paper is a traditional RC Photo Paper base with an inkjet receptive gold layer that's applied over the base. For prints that have a 'gold-like' metal sheen, choose Chrome Pure Gold Inkjet Paper. This gold metal like photo paper makes your prints gold in appearance, adding an unrivaled gold element to your photographic prints. This unique gold inkjet metallic photo paper is compatible with both dye and pigment based inks. Pure Gold Metallic Photo Paper is available in both cut sheets and rolls. Chrome Pure Gold Inkjet Paper is NOT compatible with Canon Inks. This paper must spray be coated post-printing.

        Principle of Mentalism

        IT Supplies - Chrome - Chrome Pure Gold Inkjet Paper

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-29-2011, 04:34 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from:

          Dan A. Davidson - Shape les brown 4 min video, they are related...Harnesing Pyramid Energy by Les Brown - YouTube

          Dan A. Davidson - Shape Power.pdf - - document sharing - download

          What would be some of the practical uses of Shape Power once the
          process was understood?
          1. The development of tuned patterns that can be worn on the body to
          redirect ambient energy in such a way as to protect one from
          harmful energies or to attract beneficial energies. Students of the
          occult refer to these as amulets or talismans.
          2. In the course of my life, I've often experienced people who
          unknowingly cause machines to malfunction by their very presence.
          A pattern could be created that would filter such detrimental or
          inharmonious fields and cancel them out by using a 180 degree
          phase shift. Such a technique could extend the life and uptime of
          any type of equipment.
          3. An entirely new branch of energetic medicine using specific 2D and
          3D projected patterns to produce a very real effect from such virtual
          stimulations. There would be no drugs or physical pollutants which
          often lead to side effects.
          4. Discovery of geometries or patterns that might help to shunt
          additional energy into or around a near unity machine to drive it into
          a beyond unity condition.
          5. Interactions with the aether to control its flow into

          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • from: Article

            Our DNA has a column of Clustered Water that runs up the center of the double helix. It is important to maintain this highly structured water column to allow our DNA to send and receive information properly. Dr. Lorenzen has shown that there is a matrix of helical proteins that stretch not only throughout the cell, but from the nucleus throughout the cell membrane and interconnect to other cells. This is being called the cytomatrix. This is a highly complex conduit of water-protein structure that carries what is now shown to be very high frequency information. Like the layers of an onion, water surrounds protein in many layers, each layer having a different function as to how they carry electrical information.

            At Cambridge University in England researchers have postulated a system they call "water wires." They found amidst the chaotically oriented helical proteins of the cytomatrix there are actually areas were the water-proteins are oriented end to end. They form a continuous connection along what the Chinese call the meridian lines. These water wires serve as the fiber optic communication backbone for our cellular system.

            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • I have experienced the greatest cold electricity sparks

              I have been able to stay up with less rest.. I'd say the joke of the century was nicola tesla showing radiant energy to the world and saying that you needed capacitors before ground and it really was a spark gap.. you won't see a symbol like that in todays electronics.. Relaxation occilators (florescents) are powerful free energy devices because they preserve the dipole..


              • Originally posted by johnkam View Post
                I have been able to stay up with less rest.. I'd say the joke of the century was nicola tesla showing radiant energy to the world and saying that you needed capacitors before ground and it really was a spark gap.. you won't see a symbol like that in todays electronics.. Relaxation occilators (florescents) are powerful free energy devices because they preserve the dipole..

                could you be a little more explicit, please
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Professor Fαy-Siebenbόrgen's research has been revealed as the University of Sheffield launches a new project, called Project Sunshine, aimed at finding new ways to harness and understand the power of the sun.

                  He said: "These loops are oscillating like the strings on a guitar or the air in a wind instrument. Over time the waves die away and that is telling us new things about the physics in the sun's atmosphere."
                  listen to it

                  Sound of the Sun (courtesy Richard Morton) by University of Sheffield on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

                  Sound of Sun - YouTube

                  now here is the kicker...we know that water exist around the sun and thus is constantly affected by the activity within the the sun (within so without ) and water exist throughout our solar the water floating around our planet and within the moon resonate with the water within our planet (without so within ) which in turn resonates with the water within us (without so within ).

                  i downloaded the nasa sound of the sun (unfortunately it is quite old) wish i had a more recent one....I plugged my Rodin coil to speaker wires and placed a brass cup of tea filled with alkaline water in the center of the coil...played the song....all i can say is the taste of the water is different...

                  from Sun Healing Sounds

                  How do solar healing sounds work?

                  Solar healing sounds work on the same basis as other healing methods that use frequencies, wave patterns, particles, or resonant vibes such as binaural beats or the drums used in certain tribal rituals, or crystals used in harmonic healing.

                  However the healing frequencies emanating from the sun reach a much broader scope.

                  The new age way of putting it might be to say that the sun, Father Sky radiates waves of synchronicity and harmony that reach into the consciousness of Gaia, Mother Earth, and together they entrance the spirit of humanity and of creation.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-30-2011, 09:30 AM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    could you be a little more explicit, please
                    it's mentioned in the free energy from the vacuum series 5 with tom bearden I believe who said You must not disturb the dipole which is the bloch wall as others would call it... I was demonstrating in the vid free energy display at night that the coaxial cable was in johns words a capacitive antenna.. this was grounded to my wood stove and It shoots sparks into me .. I've done it while touching the ground when I used the coaxial cable.. you cant short it or no energy will be drawn into the environment.. check out aarons newest free ebook.. he probably talks about electro radiant therapy.. I haven't hurt myself yet and it feels great.. It invigorates y u.. I've been up for like 2 days


                    • Originally posted by johnkam View Post
                      he probably talks about electro radiant therapy.. I haven't hurt myself yet and it feels great.. It invigorates y u.. I've been up for like 2 days
                      do you have any pictures of your set up for others to replicate or a link to it...I'm curious to see what it looks like...and thanks again for the heads up
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • here is a nice web site giving you the history of the Caduceus and guess what:

                        Origins of the Caduceus

                        Symbolism, as I have understood it over the years of my study, are basic images from our own natural environment, used to insight certain specific feelings in our subconscious. Symbols are repeated over and over through all the world religions and into every aspect of our daily lives.

                        Hermes Trismegistus brought us the message From the God’s, the Caduceus

                        "The Word was Reason, and by the Reason of the Word, invisible things were made manifest."

                        “To the ignorant the body is supreme and they are incapable of realizing the immortality that is within them. Knowing only the body which is subject to death, they believe in death because they worship that substance which is the cause and reality of death."

                        "That which the Word of God said, say I: 'Because the Father of all things consists of Life and Light, whereof man is made.' If, therefore, a man shall learn and understand the nature of Life and Light, then he shall pass into the eternity of Life and Light."

                        “The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment."
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          thank you for the info IndianaBoys

                          I discovered also a mental exercise on my own, but one think is required the ability to visualize yourself (takes a little time to get used to) from up top (as if you are looking down on yourself ). Now close your eyes, relax, look down on yourself (hint: your brain already knows the position you are in, just ask it to project it for you). Once you are there, seeing yourself down there open a donut coil on top of your head (make it big enough so your body can fit in the middle, your brain likes to respect proportions), and lower it and feel your head going through it until you get to your toes, and back up again.

                          little secret of mine to feel more relaxed and get acquainted with this antenna that is my body (works for me )

                          note: your eyes even closed will tend to follow the up down movement.

                          if it works on you, i'll show you a trick on how to remember things

                          from the emerald tablets


                          When unto you there comes a feeling, drawing you nearer to the dark gate, examine thine heart and find if the feeling you hast has come from within. If you shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts, banish them forth from place in your mind. Send through they body a wave of vibration, irregular first and regular second, repeating time after time until free. Start the WAVE FORCE in your BRAIN CENTRE. Direct it in waves from thine head to your foot.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            do you have any pictures of your set up for others to replicate or a link to it...I'm curious to see what it looks like...and thanks again for the heads up
                            visit the thread aaron made peace sells


                            • here is the link to the thread:

                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • check out his video...quite interesting.....really...especially the pictures he'll be showing

                                Originally posted by jeff_behary View Post

                                Here is a 19 minute video showing the finding and restoration of an 1898 Tesla Coil.
                                It is worth a view I think, despite the crudeness of a homemade video (that I hope you will excuse).
                                It shows the original house that Kinraide lived, hidden rooms, artifacts, an original Kinraide Coil, and
                                what it took to actually restore it to working order. And some sparks too! For me, it was a close to
                                more than 15 years of insanity on my part - a senseless quest to find info on a man I took interest in
                                for no apparent reason. It seems to me, some hundreds of Pancake coils later, and finally one of his original
                                machines: it wasn't time wasted.

                                The Quest For Kinraide - YouTube

                                Further photos:

                                The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                                The video will be played at Jane's conference in NY next week, and I will be via Skype answering questions.
                                Hope all of my Tesla friends are doing well.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

