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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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    Here is a very nice website: good for your magnetized water and for the fertilizer apparatus (see above picture )


    Open Source Nanotechnology

    Open Source Nano is an invitation to participate in the innovations of nanotechnology right from the start. It is an experiment in making high-tech laboratory research something that can be improved and innovated outside the laboratory, by making it “vernacular”–putting it in the language that people speak, and the tools and materials they have at hand.

    At this stage, it consists of only one project: instructions for creating magnetite nanocrystals; but we hope this project will inspire others in the future. What can you do with magnetite nanocrystals?

    Why? Magnetite Nanocrystals are good for removing arsenic from water. Based on recent advances in nanotechnology, it’s now possible to make regular magnetite nanocrystals as small as 20-100nm, and to remove them from solution using a handheld magnet. Arsenic poisoning is a huge problem in Southeast Asia, especially in Bangladesh, and in various other parts of the world. Our project opens up the process for making magnetite and encourages you to experiment with it, contribute to it, and improve it.

    Step 1
    : Prepare and Collect Ingredients

    (a) Ingredients for a typical nanocrystal synthesis include: Oil, vinegar, pan, crystal drain openerTM and rust.
    Step 2: Make your own soap.

    (b-c) Synthesis begins with soapmaking. For this the oil is mixed with crystal drain openerTM and water.
    (d) After curing for a day the soap solidifies.
    Step 3: Produce a Fatty Acid Mixture

    (e) For efficient dissolution in subsequent steps, the soap is ground to a fine powder,
    (f) then mixed with vinegar
    (g-h) while heating on a stove.
    (i-j) Once all the soap is dissolved the solution forms two layers: a yellow top layer and a cloudy white/yellow bottom layer.
    (k) The top layer is the fatty acid mixture (FAM). This needs to be heated at 110 oC to remove excess water and vinegar by-products.
    (l) Clear yellow FAM is collected.
    Step 4: Collect and Grind some Rust

    (m-n) Rust was scraped off of rusted metals and was ground to a fine powder.
    Step 5:Cook/grow your own magnetite crystals

    (o) FAM and rust were mixed.
    (p-q) Mixture was heated for 2 hours at below and near boiling temperatures. The temperature was measured using a standard mercury thermometer.
    (r-s) Magnetite (black) began to form.
    Step 6: Verify your Magnetite Crystals

    (t) TEM micrograph was obtained after magnetic separation in chloroform. Scale bar is 50 nm.

    step 6 (i don't think we care that much about it )
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • from:

      note: the water mixture in the wine glass is not for is for structuring water; but you could dilute it in water and use it on plants...they'll love it (see )

      note: the quartz container should be filled with magnetite and dead sea salt + water; vortex with magnetic stirrer

      wam bam thank you ma'am got magnetized water enhance by quartz and dead sea salt UV /Ormus

      Copper Ball Float this is a small one

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Listen to this lecture, there is much you can learn from it:

        Robert Cox: Alchemy and History Lecture 1 - YouTube

        2 , 3 and 4 are found on the right column
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from:

          Principle Of Mentalism

          Originally posted by purelyconstructive
          I would like to thank each of you for the interesting things that have been shared, and look forward to working with you all.

          Notes On The Works of Walter & Lao Russell

          Thank you for thelink to the doc:

          the following is from that doc:

          The Mind

          There is a continual emphasis throughout Walter and Lao's work upon the distinction between knowing and repeating. For example, one can repeat information without necessarily knowing its meaning or significance.In relation to this concept, the brain is seen as a recording mechanism for sensed experience, and the Mind, while acting through it, is distinct from it. Likewise, our senses are receptors for wave motion. They span only a limited bandwidth. We might extend this range with instruments like microscopes, telescopes, and the like, but they can also sometimes be deceived by motion.I'm sure many are familiar with the phenomena of seeing a pinwheel moving clockwise when viewed from one direction and counter-clockwise when viewed from the other, or how a fast moving object can sometimes seem to stand still. There are similar illusions for every sense(hearing, touch, etc.), and not just sight. This fact is extremely important to bear in Mind whenever we observe things, even with our instrumentation (such as in "Empirical Science").Only the Mind can encompass the whole spectrum, and in so doing, know the transcendental Causeof all manifest effects directly.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 12:09 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Have you also noticed the following from the painting:

            the double helix DNA
            is also a Caduceus Coil

            wanted to add the seven fingers in the light

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Remember this statement:

              "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."- The Kybalion.

              Change is like The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section ; (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

              it starts with 1 person...then 2.....3......5.....8.....13.....etc

              it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )

              (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

              I would like to expand on that for a bit :

              As was written previously:

              it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )
              once 1 (your inner self) = 1 (your outer self )

              you move to 2

              2 is your partner and 2 (your partner ) = 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and thus becomes 1 (your equal )

              then you move to 3

              3 is your children(or close circle ) and 3 = 1 (your partner) + 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and it becomes 2 (takes two to procreate )

              then you move to 5

              5 are your Parents (outer circle ) and 5 = 2 (your children ) + 1 (your partner) + 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self )

              you see how you affect / are affected by the world around you when there is incoherence

              Read the following from the doc previously mentioned:


              The concept of "like attracts like" is a Universal Law. Some might use the words "karma","manifestation", "resonance", and others to describe it, but we will state it simply as: We create our experience through the choices we make.We can also readily demonstrate the validity of this statement to ourselves: Our beliefs influence our perceptions, our focus shapes the demeanor that we project to others, and our actions condition our habits. All of these things are controlled by the choices we have made, and continue to make.Our very bodies are a reflection of our decisions (in both subtle and overt ways). Everytime we think a particular thought or feel a particular feeling there is a corresponding rearrangment of our bodily structure to make these things possible (e.g.: the generation of a neuro peptide, the release of a hormone, the flexing of a muscle, a facial expression, etc.). In fact, the term "deadly sin" is probably more literal than figurative in nature. For example, when one is continually stressed by emotions such as anger, one releases a chemical called cortisol that destroys the body in high enough quantities. Inversely, virtue provides coherence. Endorphins, a chemical released with the emotion of joy, builds up the body! Not only can our thoughts-feelings change our health for the better or for worse

              , the physical actions we direct towards ourselves, such as our lifestyle choices,can enrich or hinder our quality of life as a whole.This concept applies not only to our inner or immediate personal environment, but extends outward as well. Within our interpersonal relationships, the ways in which we treat others influences how they treat us in response. As another example, using harsh words with someone might induce resentment or sadness, whereas kindly words may inspire happiness and gratitude. It is important to keep in Mind, that ultimately, while we cannot control how others may treat us, we
              control how we act (and react) to the circumstances that we encounter. How do you extend ourself out into the world? What situations do you place yourself in?Through continual presence, and the awareness it provides, we can free ourselves from doing things that we might later come to regret. Through proper understanding we can unlock our fullest potential. By knowing of the oneness that each of us shares with the Source of All things, our prayers cease to be a supplication to some indistinct entity somewhere outside of ourselves, but instead become a planning with this infinite potential within us. As Walter and Lao might put it, this would be to "work knowingly with God". We occupy our time with both "decentrating"(understanding inwardly) and concentrating (enacting these plans outwardly).
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 12:53 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Now let me reveal to you a little secret that is nonetheless little but quite powerful when well understood:

                6 3 9....or As within so without...every friend you surround yourself with represents a fragment (good or bad ) of what is within you ...your outward behavior reveals your inner self the system is always in equilibrium...if your 9 (outward ) is large ... the smaller is your 6 (Mind...not to be confused with intelligence )

                Walk the 3.....The middle path and your 6 and 9 will unite
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Sorry for the repeat ...but the following pictures taken from the painting kept bugging me:

                  you have the double helix and Mobius like design present on the same drawing ...and the only design i know of that is mixing both is the following: The Mobius Caduceus Coil

                  btw: I would really love (pretty please )to hear someone replicate the double Mobius Caduceus Coil experiment is really simple...and heats water quite fast but i have no clue what it inspiration when it was built...

                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                  Check out this thread, I am trying to get people to reproduce an experiment I ran a while back coincidently with another version of a Caduceus Coil...and the guys over there are doing an amazing job at Advancing our discussion....We welcome all the help .....

         start with post #1271

                  you'll understand when you watch the vid
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • on a side Note: Worth testing the Mobius Caduceus Coil when Growing your Crystal cell

                    From: Science and Technology - Scalar Waves

                    The DNA antenna in our cells’ energy production centers (mitochondria) assumes the shape of what is called a super-coil. Supercoil DNA look like a series of möbius coils. These möbius supercoil DNA are hypothetically able to generate scalar waves. Most cells in the body contain thousands of these möbius supercoils, which are generating scalar waves throughout the cell and throughout the body.”
                    DNA Coil

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Oldest obsidian bracelet reveals amazing craftsmen's skills in the eighth millennium BC

                      Researchers from the Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes in Istanbul and the Laboratoire de Tribologie et de Dynamiques des Systčmes have analyzed the oldest obsidian bracelet ever identified, discovered in the 1990s at the site of Aşıklı Höyük, Turkey. Using high-tech methods developed by LTDS to study the bracelet's surface and its micro-topographic features, the researchers have revealed the astounding technical expertise of craftsmen in the eighth millennium BC. Their skills were highly sophisticated for this period in late prehistory, and on a par with today's polishing techniques. This work is published in the December 2011 issue of Journal of Archaeological Science, and sheds new light on Neolithic societies, which remain highly mysterious.
                      originally found here: Oldest obsidian bracelet reveals amazing craftsmen's skills in the eighth millennium BC, page 1

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • from: Walter and Lao Russell

                        To describe the type of spirituality that arises from the consciousness of the later stages, we quote Richard Maurice Bucke, the author of Cosmic Consciousness (a book that probably influenced the above model to some degree):

                        In contact with the flux of cosmic consciousness all religions known and named today will be melted down. The human soul will be revolutionized. Religion will absolutely dominate the race. It will not depend on tradition. It will not be believed and disbelieved. It will not be a part of life, belonging to certain hours, times, occasions. It will not be in sacred books nor in the mouths of priests. It will not dwell in churches and meetings and forms and days. Its life will not be in prayers, hymns nor discourses. It will not depend on special revelations, on the words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any bible or bibles. It will have no mission to save men from their sins or to secure them entrance to heaven. It will not teach a future immortality nor future glories, for immortality and all glory will exist in the here and now. The evidence of immortality will live in every heart as sight in every eye. Doubt of God and of eternal life will be as impossible as is now doubt of existence; the evidence of each will be the same. Religion will govern every minute of every day of all life. Churches, priests, forms, creeds, prayers, all agents, all intermediaries between the individual man and God will be permanently replaced by direct unmistakable intercourse. Sin will no longer exist nor will salvation be
                        desired. Men will not worry about death or a future, about the kingdom of heaven,
                        about what may come with and after the cessation of the life of the present body.
                        Each soul will feel and know itself to be immortal, will feel and know that the
                        entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it
                        . The world peopled by men possessing cosmic consciousness will be as far
                        removed from the world of to-day as this is from the world as it was before the
                        advent of self consciousness
                        now read the following: Hazrat Inayat Khan Volume Index

                        There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader.’

                        Most people consider as sacred scriptures only certain books or scrolls written by hand of man, and carefully preserved as holy, to be handed down to posterity as divine revelation. Men have fought and disputed over the authenticity of these books, have refused to accept any other book of similar character, and, clinging thus to the book and losing the sense of it have formed diverse sects. The Sufi has all ages respected all such books, and has traced in the Vedanta, Zendavesta, Kabala, Bible, Qur’an, and all other sacred scriptures, the same truth which he reads in the incorruptible manuscript of nature, the only Holy Book, the perfect and living model that teaches the inner law of life: all scriptures before nature’s manuscript are as little pools of water before the ocean.

                        To the eye of the seer every leaf of the tree is a page of the holy book that contains divine revelation, and he is inspired every moment of his life by constantly reading and understanding the holy script of nature.

                        When man writes, he inscribes characters upon rock, leaf, paper, wood, or steel. When God writes, the characters He writes are living creatures.

                        It is when the eye of the soul is opened and the sight is keen that the Sufi can read the divine law in the manuscript of nature; and they derived that which the teachers of humanity have taught to their followers from the same source. They expressed what little it is possible to express in words, and so they preserved the inner truth when they themselves were no longer there to reveal it.
                        and From The Codex of Love:

                        The laws of men are bound by the rocks of their churches, and
                        chains of their minds. The laws of women are held by the knots of
                        their hearts, and the bonds of their fears and desires. The laws of the
                        stars bind the angels and the spirits of peace. The fi res of faith hold
                        the shades and shadows at bay. All is bound by a word and a sigh.
                        The word is ‘ I’ and the sigh is ‘Am’ . The breath became the Word,
                        and stood by the I. The I expanded the Am, and became the Lord
                        and Lady of time. The Word contemplated its meaning, and formed
                        the Scale and the Law. The Breath chanted the Word, and the Light became the ink of its pen. All belong to the I before the Am. Pay heed,
                        for nothing in the world is greater than its sigh. Do you not sigh, O
                        lover, for your beloved? The Am sighs for the I. Love is the chain of
                        law, and hate is the elixir of death. Sing to the I Am, and let the wine
                        of ecstasy be your rapture.
                        I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                        and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                        I am in the house of mercy,
                        and my heart is a place of prayer.


                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 08:34 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                          and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                          I am in the house of mercy,
                          and my heart is a place of prayer.


                          She to You

                          The Cranberries - dreams + Lyrics - YouTube

                          Oh, my life (you and everything around you ) is changing everyday
                          In every possible way
                          And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
                          Never quiet as it seems

                          I know I've felt like this before
                          But now I'm feeling it even more
                          Because it came from you
                          And then I open up and see
                          The person falling here is me
                          A different way to be

                          I want more, impossible to ignore
                          Impossible to ignore
                          And they'll come true, impossible not to do
                          Impossible not to do

                          And now I tell you openly
                          You have my heart so don't hurt me
                          You're what I couldn't find
                          A totally amazing mind
                          So understanding and so kind
                          You're everything to me

                          Oh, my life is changing every day
                          In every possible way
                          And my dreams it's never quiet as it seems
                          'Cause you're a dream to me, dream to me

                          Please Understand that She is talking to you through this song
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-04-2012, 12:51 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • "The Lips of Wisdom Are Closed, Except to the Ears of Understanding " The Kybalion

                            sisters of mercy-more with lyrics - YouTube

                            Some people get by with a little understanding
                            Some people get by with a whole lot more
                            I don't know, why you gotta be so undemanding
                            One thing I know, I want more, I want more

                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            D'you get scared to feel so much?
                            To let somebody touch you?
                            So hot, so cold, so far so out of control
                            Hard to come by, and harder to hold

                            Some people get by with a little understanding
                            Some people get by with a whole lot more
                            I don't know, why you gotta be so undemanding
                            I want more

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            There are parts of me that don't get nervous
                            Not the parts that shake
                            You won't get what you deserve
                            You are what you take

                            Learning to cry for fun and profit
                            I'm not done yet
                            Counterfeit dollars or the English Zloty
                            Anything I can get

                            Some people get by with a little understanding
                            Some people get by with a whole lot more
                            I don't know, why you gotta be so undemanding
                            One thing I know, I want more

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to
                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            And I need all the love I can get
                            And I need all the love that I can't get to

                            Can't get to
                            And I need all the love
                            That you can guess?
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 10:19 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Solomon Burke - None Of Us Are Free - YouTube

                              Well you better listen my sister's and brothers,
                              'cause if you do you can hear
                              there are voices still calling across the years.
                              And they're all crying across the ocean,
                              and they're cryin across the land,
                              and they will till we all come to understand.

                              None of us are free.
                              None of us are free.
                              None of us are free, one of us are chained.
                              None of us are free.

                              And there are people still in darkness,
                              and they just can't see the light.
                              If you don't say it's wrong then that says it right.
                              We got try to feel for each other, let our brother's know that
                              we care.

                              Got to get the message, send it out loud and clear.


                              It's a simple truth we all need, just to hear and to see.
                              None of us are free, one of us is chained.
                              None of us are free.
                              now I swear your salvation isn't too hard too find,
                              None of us can find it on our own.
                              We've got to join together in spirit, heart and mind.
                              So that every soul who's suffering will know they're not alone.


                              If you just look around you,
                              your gonna see what I say.
                              Cause the world is getting smaller each passing day.
                              Now it's time to start making changes,
                              and it's time for us all to realize,
                              that the truth is shining real bright right before our eyes.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 11:19 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • From:

                                Originally posted by Altair View Post
                                Hi everyone,
                                I'm new on this thread. I've read it entirely before posting.

                                Early in this thread, Prof Savic wrote that the inside diameter of the beer can was very important because it had to be the quarter wave length of the frequency 1.1530479 MHz
                                He said that the diameter of the can had to be 65mm.
                                Doing the calculations, the wavelength of that frequency is 260.18mm.
                                260.18 / 4 = 65.045
                                Close enough.

                                Recently, Monsieur M posted an excerpt from another web site that read:
                                "But what you have to realize is that he left us a clue....Exploding water with 42712.2Hz...and Harmonic Math will definitely allow you to find the frequency to boil water"

                                So I did a little calculation to see if there was a relation between the two frequencies. Let's apply the harmonic math to the frequency that explodes water:

                                42712.2 x 9 = 384409.8 Hz
                                384409.8 x 3 = 1.153229.4 MHz !

                                Pretty close to the frequency Dr Savic mentionned isn't it ?

                                I did a search for the frequency he mentions but no results come out, except the forum pages here, and at O.U.R.

                                So, my first question to him would be:
                                Did you arrive at that frequency by the same calculations I did ?

                                Second question is:
                                How did you determine the optimum length of the can ?
                                Could we obtain the correct mechanical resonance of the can with thicker wall and longer length ? (As opposed to very thin wall and length limited by what is available on the shelves of beer stores)

                                Thirdly, I would like to know if the gap of 2.52mm has been determined also by harmonic calculations, and if it is based on 60HZ or its harmonics.

                                I would like to thank you sincerely Dr Savic, for bringing the information on this technology.
                                But in order to succeed, we must absolutely understand the principle by which this system works. Otherwise, we will never be able to build efficient replicas. The whole point of participating on this forum, and doing experiments, is to bring new knowledge to the world, and stop the suppression of efficient technologies.
                                This water heater is the most promising simple technology at the moment, and if we manage to get it known worldwide, this will probably trigger the start of the real disclosure of free energy technologies in the entire world.

                                Sincerely yours.
                                Altair thank you so much for the calculations.... wow you made my day

                                now unto the details about thickness, length etc...

                                first of we have to realize that this set up is scalable (let's assume for now it is )
                                from that statement above, you should realize that it is not about having a fixed size to succeed but the relation of all the component have to each other just like a musical instrument....a violin does not have the same chord as a guitar

                                Sonic boiler a musical instrument not only heater.
                                Because God is an artist not only a scientist.
                                prof.Savić, Serbia.
                                think of how you build a Resonant Circuit RLC or LC if you Prefer ( for the electronics wizard ) it takes a special combination to reach resonance

                                Not all Resonant Circuits are alike and yet they are Resonant

                                Electron for a moment lost in kavntnom [not translated properly IMO]
                                field (leave this dimension)
                                I think the word is Quantum field


                                One last analogy

                                Not all Spider webs are the same , and yet they still manage to catch flies

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

