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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Bruce Lipton Spontaneous Evolution - YouTube

    According to pioneering biologist Bruce H. Lipton, it’s not only possible, it’s already happening. We are surrounded by the proof that we are poised to take an incredible step forward in the growth of our species. In Spontaneous Evolution, this world-renowned expert in the emerging science of epigenetics teams up with political philosopher Steve Bhaerman to offer a new and hopeful story about humanity’s evolutionary destiny.

    Spontaneous Evolution reveals how changing our understanding of biology and human history will help us navigate these turbulent times, and invites readers to reconsider:
    The unquestioned pillars of biology including random evolution, survival of the fittest, and the role of DNA;
    the blueprint for our sustainable, life-affirming future that is literally inside you – encoded in each of the trillions of cells comprising your body
    how our beliefs about nature and human nature shape our politics, culture, and individual lives; and
    how each of us can become planetary “stem cells” supporting the health and growth of our world and every individual in it.
    Bruce Lipton : Humanity Is On The Brink Of Spontaneous Evolution

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Believing is seeing :

      The new science of epigenetics, however, says that genes do not control our life; our perceptions, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes actually rewrite our genetic code. Through our perceptions, we can modify every gene in our body and create thirty thousand variations from every gene just by the way we respond to life. In short, we are leaving behind a reality of victimization (by our genes) and moving into the reality that our mind – our consciousness, the immaterial realm – influences our experience and potential.

      Believing comes with Knowledge...blind belief is less efficient

      Bruce Lipton - Where Mind and Matter Meet - YouTube

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 11:17 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • "As above, so below. As within, so without"
        From the Presentation link (previous post ):

        Recognize the following Pattern It is a Cellular Membrane with its Receptor

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 01:24 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Believing is Seeing

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Here is Another Example of Perspective (play with perception )

            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Tesla said in order to make an effective Earth Battery, the North end (Positve / Copper) should be driven in the ground deeper than the South Pole. (Negative / Zinc or Galvanized Steel)

            If we look at a bar magnet... we can see that the South Pole or Negative end collects a denser portion of iron shavings.

            The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole.
            Even some crop circles hint to the notion of a Denser Negative and Expanded Positive.

            Reminds you of some of the previous subjects we talked about

            Principle of Gender
            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

            A thought occurred to me

            Let's play with the above Crop Cirlcles:

            Take the Female Side (the smaller one) and bend it 90 degrees so as to form a right angle with the Male Side....

            i we look at the figure thus formed from a distance ....we could consider the male side as the shadow of the Female side...don't know what that means but had to share it with you

            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
            see also:
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 02:23 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • The same Applies to the shape of an Egg

              The South Pole of an Egg (ie the smaller tip) is smaller than the North Pole (ie: the bigger tip )

              The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature (fractal nature), for in it there is a spirituality (all is spirit, and so is electromagnetics ) and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden in its tincture. The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                the hen's egg (Victor Schauberger's egg, inventor of : The Schauberger Flying Saucer "The Repulsin" type A)

                Schaubergers Cosmic Egg

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Here is a little fact finding for you:


                  The myth is due to a contract between a snake and a noble man whose name is Ben Naser, indicating High Esteem

                  Known for their ancient knowledge:

                  THE JEWS OF THE CASBAH

                  Thirty lived in the casbah, the majority of them are landowners there were also among them blacksmiths, merchants
                  and if you read the description of the notice quite a bit of Harmonic Math (imo ) abouthow and where it was built

                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Have you ever guys been curious about finding out what is found along the 30th Parallel like the giza pyramid (3 6 9 ; harmonic math )

                  30th parallel north - Google Maps

                  Edgar Cayce on Atlantis | Paranormal News Central

                  The Name of the Area shown below is: The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch" which is right next to the 30th parallel on Google Map

                  looks more like a snake swallowed something with mouth open

                  Hope you read earlier about the brotherhood of the snake ....

                  Geodesy Homepage
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 09:37 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • And here is a website detailing recent UFO phenomena in Morocco

                    Google Translate

                    and the link to a document detailing the history of UFO in Morocco


                    some of the docs include CIA report and Air Force Reports...majority is in french...sorry

                    Edgar Cayce on Atlantis | Paranormal News Central

                    We must remember that the periods of exodus from Atlantis were far apart. The type of civilization carried to the region of the Pyrenees and America just before and after the first destruction was not the same as that carried to Central America and Morocco before the second upheaval, and to Egypt and Yucatan before the final destruction.

                    In the Pyrenees there are ruins of the early Atlantean settlements; and in Morocco early settlements, also as yet uncovered.
                    Bruce Cathie And His Worldwide EM Power Grid

                    By the early 1970s Cathie had accumulated facts supporting his contention that the recorded movements of UFOs conformed precisely to an intricate network of energy grid lines spanning the Earth, and which are an integral part of the structure of this planet. He theorizes that the UFOs position themselves directly above these global lines, tapping in on a natural energy source freely available at these co-ordinates. They then are free to conduct surveillance operations of the entire planet.
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 10:41 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • from: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Supplementray

                      List ye, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom,
                      lost to the world since the time of the Dwellers,
                      lost and forgotten by men of this age.

                      Know ye this Earth is but a portal,
                      guarded by powers unknown to man.
                      Yet, the Dark Lords hide the entrance
                      that leads to the Heaven-born land.
                      Know ye, the way to the sphere of Arulu
                      is guarded by barriers opened only to Light-born man.

                      Upon Earth, I am the holder of the keys
                      to the gates of the Sacred Land.
                      Command I, by the powers beyond me,
                      to leave the keys to the world of man.

                      Before I depart, I give ye the Secrets of how
                      ye may rise from the bondage of darkness,
                      cast off the fetters of flesh that have bound ye,
                      rise from the darkness into the Light.

                      Know ye, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness,
                      ere ye may enter the portals of Light.
                      Thus, I established among ye the Mysteries
                      so that the Secrets may always be found.

                      Aye, though man may fall into darkness,
                      always the Light will shine as a guide.
                      Hidden in darkness, veiled in symbols,
                      always the way to the portal will be found.
                      Man in the future will deny the mysteries
                      but always the way the seeker will find.

                      Now I command ye to maintain my secrets,
                      giving only to those ye have tested,
                      so that the pure may not be corrupted,
                      so that the power of Truth may prevail.

                      List ye now to the unveiling of Mystery.
                      List to the symbols of Mystery I give.
                      Make of it a religion for only thus will its essence remain.

                      Regions there are two between
                      this life and the Great One,
                      traveled by the Souls
                      who depart from this Earth;
                      Duat, the home of the powers of illusion;
                      Sekhet Hetspet, the House of the Gods.
                      Osiris, the symbol of the guard of the portal,
                      who turns back the souls of unworthy men.

                      Beyond lies the sphere of the heaven-born powers,
                      Arulu, the land where the Great Ones have passed.
                      There, when my work among men has been finished,
                      will I join the Great Ones of my Ancient home.

                      Seven are the mansions of the house of the Mighty;
                      Three guards the portal of each house from the darkness;
                      Fifteen the ways that lead to Duat.
                      Twelve are the houses of the Lords of Illusion,
                      facing four ways, each of them different
                      Forty and Two are the great powers,
                      judging the Dead who seek for the portal.
                      Four are the Sons of Horus,
                      Two are the Guards of East and West of Isis,
                      the mother who pleads for her children, Queen of the Moon,
                      reflecting the Sun

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Here is a little fact finding for you:


                      and if you read the description of the notice quite a bit of Harmonic Math (imo ) abouthow and where it was built

                      a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-01-2012, 11:28 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • also from The Sahara Desert

                        The once-green Sahara turned to desert over thousands of years rather than in an abrupt shift as previously believed, according to a study on Thursday that may help understanding of future climate changes. The study of ancient pollen, spores and aquatic organisms in sediments in Lake Yoa in northern Chad showed the region gradually shifted from savannah 6,000 years ago towards the arid conditions that took over about 2,700 years ago. The findings, about one of the biggest environmental shifts of the past 10,000 years, challenge past belief based on evidence in marine sediments that a far quicker change created the world's biggest hot desert.”

                        Hall of Records Update

                        Cayce’s Three Atlantean Halls of Record were located in Egypt near the Sphinx, underwater in the Bimini area, and in the Yucatan area possibly near the ancient Maya city of Piedras Negras (Spanish for Black Rocks) in Guatemala. The latter location was not specifically named in the readings, but from clues and details given in several readings, researchers in the 1930s determined Piedras Negras to be the correct location. The Cayce readings state that the records were saved prior to the final destruction of Atlantis around 10,500 B.C. Stone tablets, linens, gold, and other artifacts are stored in the Halls. The records relate the entire history of humanity including the beginnings “when the Spirit took form or began the encasements” in physical bodies in the ancient lands of Mu and Atlantis. They also contain information about the ancient practice of building pyramids. An update on the status of each follows:
                        Orion correlation theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The Orion Correlation Theory was first put forward by Bauval in 1983. One night, while working in Saudi Arabia, he took his family and a friend's family up into the sand dunes of the Arabian desert for a camping expedition. His friend pointed out Orion, and mentioned that Mintaka, the smaller more easterly of the stars making up Orion's belt was offset slightly from the others. Bauval then made a connection between the layout of the three main stars in Orion's belt and the layout of the three main pyramids in the Giza necropolis. He published this idea in 1989 in the journal Discussions in Egyptology, volume 13. The idea has been further expounded by Bauval in collaboration with Adrian Gilbert (The Orion Mystery, 1994) and Graham Hancock (Keeper of Genesis, 1996) , as well as in their separate publications. The basis of this theory concerns the proposition that the relative positions of three main Ancient Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau are (by design) correlated with the relative positions of the three stars in the constellation of Orion which make up Orion's Belt— as these stars appeared 10,000 BC.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • small update:

                          from: THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                          The obeliscs of the moon will speak someday, and they will destroy the voice of the human being. (don't read it literally )
                          New Year’s Day for NASA means preparing for moon mission | The State Column

                          New Year’s Day at NASA means prepping for a return to the moon.

                          Officials at NASA say they are now entering a new stage of a mission intended to place a pair of probes around Earth’s nearest neighbor and only satellite. In a statement issued earlier this week, NASA mission controllers say they are preparing for the twin spaceships, named Grail-A and Grail-B, to enter the moon’s orbit over the weekend, the space agency’s latest attempt to send probes to the moon.

                          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          Talking about Moon Magic Square, Quite an interesting synchronicity:

                          25.12.2011 - 1/4 - Lunar Anomalies Coast_To_Coast_AM

                          MrSuperpotatotomato's Channel - YouTube

                          and this is a double synch:

                          ASU cosmologist suggests studying moon for alien artifacts

                          ( December 26, 2011-- If you were part of a team sent to explore an unknown planet; and that planet had a natural orbiting moon, wouldn’t it make sense to use that moon as a base camp or remote observation post? Especially if you didn’t want those being observed to know you were there? Professor Paul Davis and research technician Robert Wagner think so, and that’s why they’ve published a paper in Acta Astronautica that suggests we humans begin taking a little closer look at our own moon to see if any alien life forms might have left behind some evidence of their visit.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Interesting fact:

                            Morocco–United States relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the United States date back to the earliest days of U.S. history. On December 20, 1777, Morocco formally recognized the colonies as a unified sovereign nation.[1] Morocco was the first nation to recognize the United States and so bilateral relations were born.[2] Morocco remains one of America's oldest and closest allies in the Middle East and North Africa

                            coincidences seem to stack up a little high IMHO
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Ba is the Essence, living forever.
                              Ka is the Shadow that man knows as life.
                              Ba cometh not until Ka is incarnate.
                              These are mysteries to preserve through the ages.

                              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                              A thought occurred to me

                              Let's play with the above Crop Cirlcles:

                              Take the Female Side (the smaller one) and bend it 90 degrees so as to form a right angle with the Male Side....

                              i we look at the figure thus formed from a distance ....we could consider the male side as the shadow of the Female side...don't know what that means but had to share it with you

                              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                              see also:

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Blue Apples - 6

                                Ptah’s distinctive outfit and accoutrements, including the All, is matched by another key ancient figure, the goddess Mari, another name for Isis.

                                In 1933, French archaeologists digging at Mari on the Euphrates river in Syria made an astonishing discovery. Excavations led by Walter Andrae from 1903 to 1914 uncovered remains of the temple palace complex of Ishtar at Mari.1

                                This complex had a ziggurat (click below image), temples of Ishtar, Ninharsag, Shamas (‘sun’) and Dagan (‘fish’), and a royal palace spread over six acres. The palace contained nearly 300 rooms, many of which housed palace administrators and thousands of diplomatic and administrative records.

                                Mari was home to the goddess Mari, “Mother Love,” or the Queen of Heaven. This goddess was continually worshipped for over three thousand years (c. 3500 - 500 BC) in the ancient Near East. She was one of the three great goddesses of the Bronze Age, the others being Isis of Egypt and Cybele or Sabael of Anatolia, the Great Mother of the Gods from Ida.

                                All three were incarnations of the Great Mother, the Lady of Life. Among her many names were Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte, Ma, Astoreth, the goddess worshipped by King Solomon.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

