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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Image of the 7 Cathedrals on Google Map

    Note Leon Cathedral is the Closest to the Female Pole (previously Mentioned )

    fractal indeed

    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    if you take the time to plot these cathedrals on google map.....a peculiar design will appear

    Oldest Gothic buildings by country
    1122 : France (Abbey Church of St Denis)
    1174 : England (Cathedral of Canterbury)
    1178 : Portugal (Monastery of Alcobaça)
    1189 : Belgium (Cathedral of Liège)
    1205 : Spain (Cathedral of León)
    1209 : Germany (Cathedral of Magdeburg)
    1230 : Italy (Santa Maria della Spina, Pisa)

    ....i let you find out for yourselves

    hint: when a cross is joined it resembles the flat version of this:

    don't forget granite has quartz in is plain Beautiful....been staring at these three pics and just a Cathedral takes its full shape when coupled with these two

    The House o light

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 11:34 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • if you take these 3 images and trace a line where they pointing towards the Atlantic Ocean , they should intersect somewhere Golden

      (of course it needs to be reworked) but the concept resonates well together

      let's not forget the other "Crystal" pointing at the Atlantic Ocean

      maybe some ruins can be visible using Google Map or Earth

      UFO Orbs in Catalonia, Spain - August 18, 2011 - YouTube

      in this vid note the time shown :

      18 : 09 pm and 18 : 15 pm want to play HM : 09/09 pm and 09/06 pm

      and coordinates are :

      41.2507858 N = 40 = HM 4
      1.5210719 E = 26 = HM 8

      so together would be HM4 + HM 8 = 12 = HM 3

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • found a nice video with a collection of pictures on the Leon Cathedral

        The Leon Cathedral (Spain) - YouTube

        the following one is interesting because the Female/ Male depicted resembles Strangely the image of a Buddha (maybe just a video effect )

        A Golden Statue to represent The Spiritual Gold (ie its Shadow )

        The Association of the Male and Female pole Within gives birth to the Child at the world with Child like Curiosity (see post made by Llynch: )


        find 6 3 9 in this window

        3 circles with 6 circles within......6 * 3 = 18 = HM 9..... and 4 Arches for 3 circles....4 + 3 = HM 7...and 2 more arches over the lower circles 7 + 2 = HM 9...and lets not forget the large arch encompassing the whole 9 + 1 = HM 1

        another way of counting is with 7 circles within each circle:

        3 * 7 = 21 = HM 3

        her again

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 01:42 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • follow up:

          look a Spiral

          Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. .

          looks like a sheep with wings or a lion with wings to me but i could be wrong

          if it is sheep with wings, you could relate it to the astrological sign of the Ram/Aries:

          In Hellenistic astrology, the sign of the ram was mythologically associated with the golden winged ram that rescued Phrixos and his sister Helle from the altar where they were to be offered as a sacrifice to Zeus. The golden ram carried them to the land of Colchis but on the way Helle fell into the sea and drowned. When Phrixos arrived at Colchis he sacrificed the ram to Zeus and presented the golden fleece to his father-in-law, the King of Colchis. The fleece was then hung upon a sacred oak and guarded by a dragon until rescued by Jason and the Argonauts. The myth recounts that Zeus was so moved by the ram's fate that he gave it the greatest honour of being moved to the heavens.

          the Highlighted Design was also found in Qatna Syria ( Marc Steinmetz Photography | Qatna )

          and a castle:

          also note the use of the color red and blue

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 02:07 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • last but not least:

            Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. .

            Leon Cathedral Facade

            sorry for the child like drawings

            Walter Russell also knew about Female Pole and Male Pole....results in Purple : Violet

            also the yellow and green from the Female Pole found here

            Bandera de Medina / Medina Flag

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-27-2012, 07:00 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • 25.2.2012 - 2/4 - Event Horizon - YouTube

              love the way he describes today's society...the first thought that comes to mind is a Society that has gone Carnivorous vs an Omnivorous with a higher tendency towards Vegetarian

              The Singularity Archetype and Human Metamorphosis | Reality Sandwich

              The Singularity Archetype and Human Metamorphosis

              Through a Glass Darkly

              Most of us sense that the human species is hurtling toward some sort of event horizon. Images of apocalypse, extinction and metamorphosis haunt the collective imagination, but most efforts to look through the dark glass of the future and see what’s up ahead have been dismal failure
              Looking through a glass darkly usually means that you see a distorted reflection of yourself--your projections and unconscious expectations, the distorted artifacts of your psyche misconstrued as images of the future. Later we’ll examine the psychology of prophecy and why it has earned its reputation as the most fallible of human enterprises. All of us have seen people of various persuasions--religious, New Age, techno-futurist, etc.--step into the carnival funhouse-mirror world of future gazing. When they emerge it always seems to be with breathless enthusiasm to tell us all about the definitive vision they have had. But unless we are also newly emerged from the carnival funhouse we can’t help but to think: What, another one? We’ve seen it all before, one after another steps out of the funhouse sure that they’ve seen things right, and yet they all see something a bit different, and whenever they attach a date to it they are almost always proven wrong.
              All Truth is Half Truth

              it is the sum of all these Truth that one can Trully Pretend to Grasp the Extent of The All...Although it is beyond ones Imagination for he is the Creation of the All

              The Universe Experience itself through You...and the one person you can't fool is you can't fool the Unverse

              The Singularity Archetype is a resonance, flowing backward through time, of an approaching Singularity at the end of human history. Since the Singularity Archetype is a ubiquitous hologram, you don’t have to see it through my eyes, through a tradition or the quirky gaze of any particular individual or group. The Singularity Archetype is like a mote of light you can see reflected in the eyes of multitudes. It is a mote of light reflecting in your eyes and mine right now. Some label this dancing mote of light 2012, others call it Rapture, or a variety of other names and labels.
              If we allow the primordial image to reflect off of every sort of eye, then the reflection of each eye becomes like a pixel in a vast hologram.1 The reassembled image subsumes the idiosyncrasies of particular reflections and coalesces them into the Singularity Archetype. The Singularity Archetype reflects back to us an essential image of the event horizon we are hurtling toward. Essential images do not provide dates or specifics, so it is not like reading a book, but more like seeing roughly formed elements within a future that is also largely unformed. As we come to see and understand the Singularity Archetype as a roughly formed template of our likely future and not a specific culture-bound prophecy, we find our free will enhanced. We need to be aware of the formed elements of our future--death, taxes, evolutionary transformation--but we also need to recognize the unformed aspects which give us the room to make choices. Recognizing that the future has both formed and unformed elements, we step out of the deterministic world of prophecy and its linear countdown calendars. We also stop getting dazzled and bedazzled by what was chiseled in stone or written in sacred books long ago and far away about a primordial image we can find reflected in our own eyes right now.

              I don’t claim that my vision and understanding of the Singularity Archetype is the definitive one, or that my mind is entirely free of distorting projections
              really worth reading

              My request is that you do what you would no doubt do anyway: scan every aspect of what I present about the Singularity Archetype with your penetrating inner truth sense. I believe your inner truth will reveal a holographic image already inside of you. You may discover aspects of the Singularity Archetype I have distorted or failed to locate. If so, your understanding can contribute to bringing the image into sharper focus, an added clarity for which I will be forever grateful.
              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 07:14 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Here is an Interesting Word recently Popularized by James Cameron ie Hollywood

                Avatar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                In Hinduism, an avatar (English: /ˈæv.ə.tɑːr/, from Sanskrit avatāra अवतार in the Devanagari script, meaning "descent") is a deliberate descent of a deity to earth, or a descent of the Supreme Being (i.e., Vishnu for Vaishnavites) and is mostly translated into English as "incarnation," but more accurately as "appearance" or "manifestation".[1][2]

                The term is most often associated with Vishnu, though it has also come to be associated with other deities.[3] Varying lists of avatars of Vishnu appear in Hindu scriptures, including the ten Dashavatara of the Garuda Purana and the twenty-two avatars in the Bhagavata Purana, though the latter adds that the incarnations of Vishnu are innumerable.[4] The avatars of Vishnu are a primary component of Vaishnavism. An early reference to avatar, and to avatar doctrine, is in the Bhagavad Gita.[5]

                Shiva and Ganesha are also described as descending in the form of avatars. The various manifestations of Devi, the Divine Mother principal in Hinduism, are also described as avatars or incarnations by some scholars and followers of Shaktism.[5][6] The avatars of Vishnu carry a greater theological prominence than those of other deities, which some scholars perceive to be imitative of the Vishnu avatar lists.
                The Sanskrit noun avatāra is derived from the verbal root tṝ "to cross over", joined with the prefix ava "off , away , down". The word doesn't occur in the Vedas, but is recorded in Pāṇini (3.3.120). Avatāra was initially used to describe different deities, then around the 6th century AD it began to be used primarily to describe the manifestations of Vishnu.[7] While earlier texts mention deities taking on different forms, the Bhagavad Gita (4.5-9) is the first text to discuss the doctrine associated with the term even though the word avatāra itself is not mentioned.[8]

                According to some scholars like Parrinder, Oduyoye, Vroom and Sheth, the common translation "incarnation" due to its christological implications is somewhat misleading as the concept of avatar corresponds more closely to the view of Docetism in Christian theology, as different from the idea of God 'in the flesh' in mainstream Christology.[9][10][11]

                Related to the idea of avatar is that of vibhūti, that is, the idea of manifestations of the divine in various aspects of human life and the natural world

                The concept of avatar within Hinduism is most often associated with Vishnu, the preserver or sustainer aspect of God within the Hindu Trinity or Trimurti or the one and only supreme God for followers of Vaishnavism.

                Vishnu's avatars typically descend for a very specific purpose. An oft-quoted passage from the Bhagavad Gita describes the typical role of an avatar of Vishnu—to bring dharma, or righteousness, back to the social and cosmic order:[1][3]“ Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases I send myself forth.

                For the protection of the good and for the destruction of evil,
                and for the establishment of righteousness,
                I come into being age after age. (Gita:4.7–8) ”

                The descents of Vishnu are also integral to His teaching and tradition, whereas the accounts of other deities are not so strictly dependent on their avatar stories. Although it is usual to speak of Vishnu as the source of the avatars, within the Vaishnavism branch of Hinduism Narayana, Vasudeva, and Krishna are also seen as names denoting divine aspects which descend as avatars.[1]
                sounds like the same as Angel Michael's Descent

                “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 08:05 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Let us travel to The Indian Continent...and see what was written in the past by their own version of Saints / Avatars....Fractal too

                  hint: the 8*8 magic Square is Mercury's Magic Square ( also found on the historic Moroccan Flag )

                  Siksastaka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  The Siksastaka (Devanagari: शिक्षाष्टकं ; IAST Śrī Śikṣāṣṭakam) is a Gaudiya Vaishnava Hindu prayer of eight verses composed in the Sanskrit language. They are believed to be the only verses left personally written by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,[1] with the majority of his philosophy being codyfied by his primary disciples, known as the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan.[2] The Siksastaka is quoted within the Chaitanya Charitamrita[3], Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami's biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, written in Bengali script. The name of the prayer comes from the Sanskrit roots Śikṣa meaning 'instruction', and aṣṭaka meaning 'eight'. The teachings contained within the eight verses are believed to contain the essence of all teachings on Bhakti yoga within the Gaudiya tradition.
                  Interesting parts to our discussion of The Poem :

                  O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krishna and Govinda ( Fractal ). In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies ( Fractal too ). There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names. O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach You by chanting Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for them.
                  One should chant (or discover hidden knowledge ...more of a go with the flow kind of attitude ) the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind(because the more you learn...the more you realize the size of the Tree you climbed ),thinking oneself lower than the straw[/B] in the street; one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respect to others. In such a state of mind one can chant (by discovering ) the holy name of the Lord constantly.

                  Nicholas Flamel: The Immortal French Alchemist.

                  The story goes as follows: At Broussa Paul Lucas made the acquaintance of a kind of philosopher, who wore Turkish clothes, spoke almost every known language and, in outward appearance, belonged to the type of man of whom it is said that they " have no age." Thanks to his own cultured presence, Lucas came to know him fairly well, and this is what he learned. This philosopher was a member of a group of seven philosophers, who belonged to no particular country and traveled all over the world, having no other aim than the search for wisdom and their own development. Every twenty years they met at a pre-determined place, which happened that year to be Broussa. According to him, human life ought to have an infinitely longer duration than we admit; the average length should be a thousand years. A man could live a thousand years if he had knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, which, besides being knowledge of the transmutation of metals, was also knowledge of the Elixir of life. The sages possessed it and kept it for themselves. In the West, there were only a few such sages. Nicolas Flamel had been one of them. Paul Lucas was astonished that a Turk, whom he had met by chance at Broussa, should be familiar with the story of Flamel. He was still more astonished when the Turk told him how the book of Abraham the Jew had come into Flamel's possession, for hitherto no one had known this
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-26-2012, 09:48 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary - YouTube

                    This BBC 4 documentary examines the question "Did Jesus Die?". It looks at a bunch of ideas around this question until minute 25, where this examination of ideas takes a very logical and grounded turn with surprising conclusions that demonstrate...

                    The three wise men were Buddhist monks who found Jesus and came back for him around puberty. After being trained in a Buddhist Monastery he spread the Buddhist philosophy, survived the crucifixion, and escaped to Kashmir, Afghanistan where he died an old man at the age of 80.

                    ps: in the doc they mention the Cathars and Templars both present in the Languedoc Region close to the Female Pole

                    -----------and according to this doc,

                    Jesus in India? -- BBC Documentary - YouTube

                    Jesus may have travelled to England throught Cornwall , his "would be" Uncle was a Trader in Tin...Tin Mines in England... according to english was along the southern coast of England...where Salisbury Cathedral is and UFO sightings ....Stonehedge.... Crop Circles etc...and Druids (Vandals had them to )

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-27-2012, 12:09 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just a thought what would you get if you made Ormus with Salt from the Lowest point on Earth (ie Dead Sea Salt) with Water from the Highest point on Earth (ie: Himalaya water )

                      Himalayas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      the Himalayan mountain system is the world's highest, and home to the world's highest peaks, the Eight-thousanders, which include Mount Everest and K2.

                      Some of the world's major river systems arise in the Himalayas, and their combined drainage basin is home to some 3 billion people (almost half of Earth's population) in 18 countries. The Himalayas have profoundly shaped the cultures of South Asia; many Himalayan peaks are sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
                      The Dead Sea (Arabic: البحر الميت‎ al-Baḥr al-Mayyit (help·info),[3] Hebrew: יָם הַ‏‏מֶּ‏‏לַ‏ח‎‎, Yām HamMélaḥ, "Sea of Salt", also Hebrew: יָם הַ‏‏מָּוֶת‎‎, Yām HamMā́weṯ, "The Sea of Death"), also called the Salt Sea (very alchemical ), is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. Its surface and shores are 423 metres (1,388 ft) below sea level,[2] Earth's lowest elevation on land. The Dead Sea is 377 m (1,237 ft) deep, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world. With 33.7% salinity, it is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, though Lake Assal (Djibouti), Garabogazköl and some hypersaline lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica (such as Don Juan Pond) have reported higher salinities. It is 8.6 times saltier than the ocean.[4] This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 67 kilometres (42 mi) long and 18 kilometres (11 mi) wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Energy

                        Mount Shasta exudes and energy quite unlike any other ‘sacred site’ I have visited, and I didn’t expect that, not really, not at first. I have come to describe the sense of it as ‘zipped space’ a sort of dimensional shrinking of space into condensed pockets of concentric overlay. That would explain the higher dimensional ET occurrences there, as well as the etheric cities neatly pocketed within the zip.

                        I drove onward thru Shasta City on Interstate 5 to Weed, and exited for Stewart Mineral Springs. Stewart Mineral Springs is the perfect place to stay when in the energy of Shasta. A sacred site in its own rite, I had stayed there on three previous trips, while attending the Lightworker Espavo Conferences from 2001 thru 2003. What is both unique and glorious about the place, is of course is the natural mineral spring baths & spa. Not just the white silica springs used for the thermal baths, but also the red, iron rich spring the bubbles up alongside the white one. To my knowledge, Glastonbury, England is the only other area in the world to have both a white ( male) and red ( female) spring, side by side. It is an amazing place of rejuvenation, complete with a huge wood burning sauna, and a crystalline creek to jump into afterward. Amazing, and so healthy and invigorating.

                        In fact, the entire Shasta area is embellished with ‘mini’ sacred sites that seem to circulate around the massif crown of the volcano. Castle Craigs, Glass (obsidian) Mountain, Medicine Lake, Klamath Falls, Dunsmuir’s Hedge Falls, Shasta Springs, Crystal Cave, Black Butte, Mossbrae Falls, McCloud Falls, and of course, Stewart Mineral Springs are just some of them. Each has a unique energy that contributes to and balances Shasta. No wonder people are drawn to this land of myth and legend. The myths & legends are fascinating.

                        And perhaps, where there’s smoke, there’s fire…or at least magma!

                        Certainly volcanoes have been revered as places of spirit for millennia. Beyond the indigenous peoples, certain sects of Buddhism and Hinduism also consider volcanoes as living deities.

                        The Medoc and Shasta indians consider Shasta to be the home of Creator-God. Over one hundred spiritual sects and groups have been attracted to the Shasta area in the past two centuries. The legends of deities and presence on and within Mount Shasta include the Ascended Masters, the Lemurian Telos City, the Hopi Lizard People, an extra terrestrial base from Sirius B, Saint Germain, and White Eagle. Groups based & people drawn to the area include the Radiant School of Light, Astara, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pepper Lewis, the California Zen Buddhist Abbey, Sri Sri Parvoo, A.S.S.K., the Essenes, Edgar Lucian Larkin, the Saint Germain Foundation ("IAM”), the Azariah group, and the White Eagle Lodge. Many well-known authors, artist, channels and metaphysicians are drawn to Shasta.

                        Mount Shasta:

                        Mount Shasta is a dormant volcano in the southern extremity of the northwestern Cascade Mountain range, or the northern reaches of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (depending on geological sources) in northern California. It rises majestically to over 14, 400 feet ( HM 9 ), and as such is the largest volcanic peak in the lower 48 states. Mount Shasta is a stratovolcano and has the largest base ( over 500 cubic km) of any volcano in the continental USA. It last erupted 200 years ago, and still produces on average, 5 small earthquakes per year, for the past 25 years.

                        Revered by Native Americans as a deity, Shasta is unquestionably a very mystical and powerful place of spirit. According to Kryon, Shasta, not Sedona, is the most potent vortex in the United States. I have spent considerable time in the energy of both, and while I am deeply drawn to the magnificent ancient energy of Sedona, Shasta is a more powerfully centered energy, and exudes an extremely robust, sovereign magnetic field.

                        Earth Keeper Chronicles Monthly Newsletter ~
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                          UFO Orbs in Catalonia, Spain - August 18, 2011 - YouTube

                          in this vid note the time shown :

                          18 : 09 pm and 18 : 15 pm want to play HM : 09/09 pm and 09/06 pm

                          and coordinates are :

                          41.2507858 N = 40 = HM 4
                          1.5210719 E = 26 = HM 8

                          so together would be HM4 + HM 8 = 12 = HM 3

                          Interesting fact about Catalonia:

                          Tibidabo (Catalan pronunciation: [tiβiˈðaβu]) is a mountain overlooking Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. At 512 meters it is the tallest mountain in the Serra de Collserola. Rising sharply to the north-west, it affords spectacular views over the city and the surrounding coastline.[1]

                          There is an amusement park, a telecommunications tower (Torre de Collserola), and a Catholic church, the Temple de Sagrat Cor, at the top, all of which are visible from most of the city. Designed by Enric Sagnier, the church took 60 years to construct and is topped by a sculpture of the Sacred Heart by Josep Miret Llopart. The Amusement park is the oldest in Barcelona and retains most of the original rides, some of which date to the turn of the 20th century. The park features in the Woody Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

                          Tibidabo can be reached by a funicular railway, by bus, and by car. The railway, built in 1901, was the first of its kind in Spain.

                          Origin of name

                          The name derives from the Latin Vulgate Bible verses:
                          "…et dixit illi haec tibi omnia dabo si cadens adoraveris me"[2] — "And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me" (Matthew 4:9);
                          "…et ait ei tibi dabo potestatem hanc universam et gloriam illorum quia mihi tradita sunt et cui volo do illa"[3] — "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it" (Luke 4:6).

                          This phrase, meaning I will give to you, was said to Jesus by the devil as they looked down from an exceedingly high mountain upon all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. The name of Barcelona's hill thus refers to the popular tradition that it was in fact the exceedingly high mountain itself.
                          if you change Devil with ET....could work as well

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Some info for you:

                            Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

                            The Vatican has allegedly issued an official request to examine a 1,500-year-old Bible (HM 6 ) that has been held in Turkey for the past 12 years, the Hurriyet Daily News reports.

                            The Bible reportedly contains early teachings of Jesus Christ and is written in gold lettering on animal hide in Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, which was the native tongue of Jesus.

                            According to a report by National Turk, the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.

                            Today's Zaman reports that the Bible is under high security and that a Turkish daily newspaper, the Star, claims the book could be a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas -- a controversial text which some claim is an addition to the original gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- that was suppressed.

                            In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad. (why not...fractal )

                            Due to its value as a cultural and religious artifact, even photocopies of the pages could be worth between 3 and 4 million Turkish Lira, or about 1,700,000 to 2,300,000 U.S. dollars.

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-27-2012, 12:09 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • as I was searching for mines around The Catalonia Region, I "stumbled" on this Gold Mine

                              Tharsis Gold Mine

                              Tharsis Mining Property in Spain | PropertyMine

                              October 31, 2000
                              Drilling in the Filon Notre zone intersected gold and cobalt enrichments within a massive sulphide body and in a stockwork structure below the ore body. A channel sample returned 8.2 g/t Au over 6 m. Drilling intersected 12.14 g/t Au and 0.16% Co over 9 m. A 3 km long gravity anomaly remained to be drill tested.
                              and so figured the name Tharsis must be Greek so let's find to the rescue

                              Tharsis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              The Tharsis region on Mars is a vast volcanic plateau centered near the equator in Mars’ western hemisphere. The region is home to the largest volcanoes in the Solar System, including the three enormous shield volcanoes Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Ascraeus Mons, which are collectively known as the Tharsis Montes. The tallest volcano on the planet, Olympus Mons, is often associated with the Tharsis region but is actually located off the western edge of the plateau. The name Tharsis is the Greco-Latin transliteration of the biblical Tarshish, the land at western extremity of the known world.[



                              The Position of Atlantis

                              von Karl Juergen Hepke

                              After the historic report of Platon we will now look at the position of today, for taking Atlantis from the area of fables to the ground of facts. Following Platon Atlantis was situated behind the "Pillars of Herakles". The district which was south of the town was named "Gadeiros".

                              The spanish town Cadiz, which is situated nearly 100 Km north-west of the Street of Gibraltar at the coast of the Atlantic, was named in older times Gades and before that, in the time of the ancient Greeks, Gadeiros. Cadiz is taken for an foundation of the Phoenicians and is known as oldest town of the western world. There is no doubt at all, that Cadiz and the Gadeiros of Platon are the same towns.
                              North of Cadiz there is a plain which is nearly 150 Km large at the sea and is extending in west-east direction nearly 300 Km into southern Spain.
                              In the language of the Arabian conquerors of that time the country was called "al Andaluz" which following customary interpretation comes from the "Vandals", who here settled before the Visigoths as first people of the Germanic migration and than moved on to North Africa. But a little bit unclear pronounced and thinking of the thousands of years of oral and written name tradition which has passed, not so far away from the name "Atlantis" of the old Egyptians, which in their language meant "island without name". In Spain of today it is named "Andalucia" and is an independent region of Spain.
                              In this country was situated once a rich and famous town, which was called by the ancient Greeks "Tartessos" and is named in the Bible in the book of Jesaja and at many other points under the name of "Tharsis" or "Tarschisch". It is called here the merry town, which is proud of its age. Its merchants, which had branches at Tyrus and Sidon ( as in Medina Sidonia )are called "inhabitants of the island" and their market and port was famous all over the Mediterranean Sea. Apart from Jesaja it is named in the Bible at 1.Mose 10,4; 2.Chronik 2,2; 20,36-37; Esther. 1,14 ; Psalm. 72, 10 ; Jeremia. 10, 9 ; Hesekiel. 27, 12. 25 ; Jona 1,3 ; 4,2 . The "Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible" of 1990 calls it "the country from which the people of Tyrus imported silver, iron, tin and lead. Jona tried there to go by ship. Salomon also sent ships to it."
                              Following the texts of the Bible, Tharsis and the Chittits were sons of Javan, the ankle of Noah, who lived in the western countries and on the islands of the heathens. The ships of Tharsis were the wealthiest and most powerful on the sea and Tharsis itself is called the "town of primeval times".

                              We will not call the town with the name of "Tartessos", under which it is known in Spain, although its position is taken until now as unknown. It got this name in a later time after its reconstruction and in a time which is known in the history of the Iberian peninsula as "Phoenician".

                              Because here we are talking about its first great time we will use the name which is used in the Bible
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-27-2012, 12:43 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Now here is a thought for you: Harmonic Math

                                Day in the following can be viewed as the day corresponding to for instance HM 7 (ex: day 25 would be Day HM 7 )

                                Opening: "In the beginning...".[Gen 1:1]
                                First day = HM 1: Light is commanded to appear ("Let there be light!") The light is divided from the darkness, and they are named "day" and "night".[Gen 1:3]
                                Second day = HM 2: God makes a firmament ("Let a firmament be...!")—the second command—to divide the waters above from the waters below. The firmament is named "skies".[Gen 1:6–7]
                                Third day = HM 3: God commands the waters below to be gathered together in one place, and dry land to appear (the third command)."earth" and "sea" are named. God commands the earth to bring forth grass, plants, and fruit-bearing trees (the fourth command).[Gen 1:9–10]
                                Fourth day = HM 4: God puts lights in the firmament (the fifth command) to separate light from darkness and to mark days, seasons and years. Two great lights are made to appear (most likely the Sun and Moon, but not named), and the stars.[Gen 1:14–15]
                                Fifth day = HM 5 : God commands the sea to "teem with living creatures", and birds to fly across the heavens (sixth command) He creates birds and sea creatures, and commands them to be fruitful and multiply.[Gen 1:20–21]
                                Sixth day = HM 6: God commands the land to bring forth living creatures (seventh command);[Gen 1:24–25] He makes wild beasts, livestock and reptiles. He then creates humanity in His "image" and "likeness" (eighth command). They are commanded to "be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it." The totality of creation is described by God as "very good."[Gen 1:26–28]
                                Seventh day HM 7: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." God, having completed the heavens and the earth, rests from His work, and blesses and sanctifies the seventh day

                                we have been given the Blue Color (ie the Bible/Torah / Koran / Spiritual Gold ) is up to Science to find the Red Color (the numbers once reduced would give you the corresponding numbers )

                                works both ways Reduction / Expansion two poles

                                take the example of the Healing Solfeggios...and reduce them

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-27-2012, 05:39 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

