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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Coimbra (Portuguese pronunciation: [kuˈĩbɾɐ]) is a city in the municipality of Coimbra in Portugal. Although it served as the nation's capital during the High Middle Ages, it is better-known for its university, the University of Coimbra, which is one of the oldest in Europe and the oldest academic institution in the Portuguese-speaking world.

    The most important work in Gothic style in the city is the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, founded on the left side of the river Mondego by Queen Elizabeth in the first half of the 14th century. The Monastery was located too close to the river,
    Note the Asymetry

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • you should watch it: (all truth is half the doc they got stuck on the carnal side ...but some great info )

      Sex: The Secret Gate To Eden [Full Film] - YouTube

      The Universal Experience of Suffering and its Universal Remedy; The Secret Teachings of Jesus and Moses; The Tree of Life: Kabbalah; The Tree of Knowledge: Alchemy-Daath-Tantra; The Duality of the Serpent: Kundalini and Kundabuffer. Temptation. The serpent. The expulsion from Paradise. Archetypal stories that have moved millions of human beings: but who has understood their real meaning? Theories abound, but humanity remains suffering in the wilderness. Now, the esoteric doctrine upon which all the world's great religions are grounded is revealed. Behold the Great Arcanum: the tremendous secret fiercely protected for centuries. Behold the true heart of all great religions and mystical traditions: the path of the razor's edge, the exact science to awaken the consciousness and free the soul from suffering. Discover the Alchemy, Tantra, and Kabbalah hidden in the mysteries of Adam and Eve. The road to return to Eden is revealed; it is time for man and woman to rectify their mistakes and return to their true home. -- This video contains no lewd or graphic imagery and is illustrated entirely by the world's heritage of art. The knowledge and wisdom presented is the synthesis of the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Padmasambhava, the Dalai Lama, Samael Aun Weor, and many more. -

      Matthew 7 :13 - 14 = HM 7

      the chariot


      "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion.
      The great Seventh Hermetic Principle-the Principle of Gender-embodies the truth that there is Gender manifested in everything-that the Masculine and Feminine principles are ever present and active in all phases of phenomena, on each and every plane of life. At this point we think it well to call your attention to the fact that Gender, in its Hermetic sense, and Sex in the ordinarily accepted use of the term, are not the same.

      The word "Gender" is derived from the Latin root meaning "to beget; to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce." A moment's consideration will show you that the word has a much broader and more general meaning than the term "Sex," the latter referring to the physical distinctions between male and female living things. Sex is merely a manifestation of Gender on a certain plane of the Great Physical Plane-the plane of organic life. We wish to impress this distinction upon your minds, for the reason that certain writers, who have acquired a smattering of the Hermetic Philosophy, have sought to identify this Seventh Hermetic Principle with wild and fanciful, and often reprehensible, theories and teachings regarding Sex.

      The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating, etc., and its manifestations are visible on every plane of phenomena. It is somewhat difficult to produce proofs of this along scientific lines, for the reason that science has not as yet recognized this Principle as of universal application

      Blue Apples ~ 2012, Stargates & Wormholes : William Henry | Mayan Prophecy 2012

      In the following video presentation titled "Blue Apples", William Henry discusses about Wormholes, Stargates, 2012 ... and the Annunaki ! Thousands of years ago, Stargate technology from an ancient alien civilization on Earth was lost. The keepers of this technology were regarded as gods. In Blue Apples, you'll find the greatest secret of Christianity, its origins with ancient Sumeria, Egypt and the keepers of this ancient stargate technology.
      According to some Scholars Beings from Nibiru came to Earth searching for Gold....Material Gold to Access Spiritual Gold ie "magnetic" Vortex
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 01:58 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • from: Tree of Life

        In the attached diagram we see the traditional form of the Kaballistic Tree of Life, and the planets associated with it. It has 22 letters of the alphabet connecting the 10 numbers together. The planets Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are the author's inclusion. (I haven't seen them represented in this way, but I've included them for completion. My research has shown that their is a certain amount of validity to giving them the numbers shown). The numbers of the other planets have been passed on to us from the ancients. But in such a powerful system, we must be 100% correct. Call their inclusion a 'work in progress'.

        Jim Morrison of the rock band 'The Doors' once said: 'There are those things that are known and those that are unknown, and in between them are the Doors. This is not a random philosophical statement, but comes from the Tree of Life. In Genesis 1 v 2 we read that their was darkness on the face of the deep. So 2 means darkness. (There are other ways to show that two is indeed darkness). In the third verse we read that God made light. So then 3 is arguably the number of light. It is then not difficult to see that 2 means ignorance or unknowingness, while three means knowing. The letter of the alphabet called daleth, d, is shown in the Tree of Life positioned between numbers 2 and 3. We could say that it leads one from ignorance to knowledge. Now daleth in Hebrew means 'door'. So Jim Morrison was referring to the position of daleth, d, on the Tree of Life. The archetype associated with daleth is the 'Empress', which in turn is coupled to the Eye of Capricorn. This archetypal pair is all about knowledge. So Jim Morrison was entirely and perfectly correct. Well done Jim.

        The Kaballah is a cornerstone of Jewish mysticism. The Tree of Life is one of its aspects. I've tried to understand commentaries on the Kaballah, but they just don't make much sense to me. The problem is that if you want to understand this type of universal knowledge, you need to know many diverse things. People tend to specialize today in compartmentalised information, which makes it impossible to understand a system that is so diversely integrated.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 10:42 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Follow up with a bit of harmonic Math twist to it

          The Number of the name of Jesus Christ.

          This whole Biblical story of Jesus Christ is truly fascinating, especially when you understand the origin of his name. Jesus Christ, as the name discussed in the New Testament, is an archetype. It is connected to the 16th Tarot card = HM 7 called the Devil. Without going into too much detail, because it is the subject for another lengthy and necessary discussion, each Tarot card has two meanings, just like it has two numbers. This is very important. The 'Devil' card is the 16th card HM 7, whose number is 15 HM 6. It is therefore a combination of the numbers 15 and 16 HM 4 .. The card is more fully described as a pair, namely 'Devil - Christ'. It is the religious Tarot card. As 15 and 16 differ by one, it means that the two meanings of the Devil - Christ card are negations of each other (See Video - V1201 - The Road to Unity). Negations have no effect on one another, just like darkness has no effect on light. But darkness helps us to understand what light means. It is a teaching aid. In the same way, for us to understand what Christ means, we need the Devil as a teaching aid. But the Devil has no reality in the presence of Christ. Therefore Christ and the Devil are not fighting each other. Religions are all trapped in this meaningless conflict. This is a very important idea, and I know it needs a lot of discussion before we will be able to grasp it, but the time for that discussion is not now.

          Let us visit the Cosmic equation A + B = 20. Without it their is no unity and no meaning. The 'Devil' card is the 16th card. Therefore it is coupled to the 4th card, called the Empress. The Empress (symbol of the Mother - Harlot archetype) and the Devil have a cosmic connection of oneness, according to A + B = 20. Now go to the Tree of Life diagram. The Empress is symbolised by the letter 'daleth - d', which sits between the numbers 2 and 3 HM 5. She therefore has the power to unify two and three, but she needs the help of the 'Devil-Christ' archetype. The letter 'ayin - [' is the symbol for the Devil card, and it is sitting between the numbers 6 and 8 HM 5. This letter, [, means eye, third eye or spiritual eye. So the cosmic equation is showing us clearly that 2-3 is coupled with 6-8. In Greek, Jesus Christ is Iesouj cristoj and its numerical value is 2368 HM 1, the very number that describes this archetype and shows the cosmic connection between the Empress (2-3) and the Devil (6-8). Is this coincidence?

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 11:04 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Cinderella-One For Rock N Roll-Lyrics - YouTube

            One For Rock And Roll lyrics

            I was born on the dawn of a new society
            And I feel lucky that my eyes could see

            People standing up and being
            Who they want to be

            People made the music
            and the music set them free

            Now I was just a baby through
            The summer of love they say

            But it still feels like it was yesterday
            And if the road gets rough

            I pick up my guitar and play
            It's always been right by my side
            To help me on my way

            Now I don't need to worry 'bout tomorrow
            Aain't anticipating what's to come
            And I don't need to worry 'bout
            The things I have not done
            Long as I got rock and roll

            I'm forever young
            Now we can't always understand the world
            Farther along we'll understand it all

            The '70s looked like we all
            Were headed for a fall
            But those who listened hard enough
            Could hear the summer call

            Now I was growing up through all of this
            My first beer and love and my first kiss
            You never learn the things in school
            You learn by living and going through
            You taught me to be myself
            How can I thank you

            Play a little now
            Ain't it the truth

            It is my opinion that the people that wrote the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, did have some knowledge of the universal archetypes, as described in the lore of the Tarot cards and the Tree of Life.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 11:46 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from:

              There are two primary ways of knowing reality:

              1. The rational, deductive, argumentative, intellectual thinking that is accepted by the science and our patriarchal Western culture. The alchemists called this Solar Consciousness and assigned it many code words, such as the Sun, Sulfur, the King, the Father, Spirit, and ultimately, the One Mind of the universe. This involves left-brain activity like linear thought, schematics, formulae, arguments and logic.

              2. The intuitive way of thinking, also called intelligence of the heart, a non-linear, image-driven way of thinking that is an accepted tool of the arts and religion. The alchemists called the other way of knowing Lunar Consciousness. Among its many symbols are the Moon, Mercury, the Queen, the Holy Ghost, Soul, and ultimately, the One Thing of the universe. This involves right-brain activity dealing with drawings, paintings, mandalas, symbols, music, and meditation.

              The alchemists believed that perfection could only be achieved by working with both Solar and Lunar ways of knowing and ultimately uniting them in a third state of Stellar Consciousness. Stellar Consciousness is a state of incorruptible wisdom symbolized by the heroic Child that resulted from the marriage of the King and Queen, as well as by Salt, Gold, the Philosopher's Stone, the Astral Body, and of course, the Stars themselves.

              A boat without its captain is just a drifting boat and a captain without his boat is a drifter

              Btw: The Kybalion was written in 1908 know it ......HM 9

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 12:01 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • a repost....just felt like it

                Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                The Effects of Magnetic Water

                The Effects of Magnetic Water
                By John V. Milewski

                What I think is happening is that the magnetite which is a strong magnetic suscepter is concentrating the earth's magnetic fields into it's cylindrical shape and the shape effect, in turn, sets up a magnetic spiral vortex in the core of the cylinder in which the water is stored. This in turn activates the water with the magnetic energy.

                I posted this in this thread could work as well with magnetite

                the beauty of this setup is that you can use a magnetic stirrer, watch the following vid

                Homemade Magnetic stirrer - YouTube

                note: this set up is also good for water disinfection (use copper for the ball )

                Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

                Magnetite: Magnetite mineral information and data.

                now we have a fractal system, i like the sound of that, thank you IndianaBoys for the info

                The Isometric Crystal System

                once again all the element present in the Ankh Set up are present in the Peter Davey setup

                the Egg
                The Coil / Ring (i would recommend quartz ring coated with mica or ceramic coil )
                a Pole
                Water one of its properties is memory
                the ball


                note: the quartz container should be filled with magnetite and dead sea salt + water; vortex with magnetic stirrer

                wam bam thank you ma'am got magnetized water enhance by quartz and dead sea salt UV /Ormus

                the drinkable water is in the (round is for copper and egg shaped for quartz container) the copper container

                much better video:

                A do it yourself Stir-plate - YouTube

                you could use a crystal wine glass for the quartz container

                Wine glass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                High quality wine glasses are often made of lead crystal. Lead crystal glasses' advantages are not only primarily aesthetic. One factor of lead crystal is it is generally considered to have a higher index of refraction, thus changing the effect of light passing through them. Lead crystal is also rougher than glass on a microscopic level, allowing wine in the glass to breathe more efficiently when swirled in the bowl. They are also heavier. Using lead in the crystal matrix also offers several advantages in the material's workability during production. Wine glasses are generally not colored or frosted as this would impede the appreciation of its colour. An exception to this rule is the hock glass.
                The brilliance of lead crystal relies on the high refractive index caused by the lead content. Ordinary glass has a refractive index of n = 1.5 HM 6, while the addition of lead produces a range up to 1.7.[1] This heightened refractive index also correlates with increased dispersion, which measures the degree to which a medium separates light into its component spectra, as in a prism.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 12:12 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Jukebox Hero with lyrics - YouTube

                  Juke Box Hero lyrics
                  Standing in the rain
                  with his head hung low

                  Couldn't get a ticket
                  it was a sold out show.
                  Heard the roar of the crowd
                  he could picture the scene.
                  Put his ear to the wall
                  then like a distant scream.
                  He heard one guitar
                  just blew him away

                  Saw stars in his eyes
                  and the very next day.
                  Bought a beat up six string in a secondhand store

                  Didn't know how to play it
                  but he knew for sure
                  That one guitar
                  felt good in his hands.
                  Didn't take long to understand.
                  Just one guitar
                  slung way down low

                  Was a one-way ticket
                  only one-way to go.
                  So he started rockin' ain't never gonna stop

                  Gotta keep on rockin'
                  Someday he's gonna make it to the top.
                  And be a Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes

                  He's a Juke Box Hero.
                  He took one guitar stars in his eyes
                  Juke Box Hero he'll come alive tonight.

                  In a town without a name
                  in a heavy downpour

                  Thought he passed his own shadow
                  by the backstage door.
                  Like a trip through the past
                  to that day in the rain

                  And that one guitar made his whole life change.
                  Now he needs to keep rockin' he just can't stop -
                  Gotta keep on rockin' that boy has got to stay on top.
                  And be an Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes

                  He's a Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes.
                  Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes
                  With that one guitar he'll come alive

                  Come alive tonight.
                  So he started rockin'
                  ain't never gonna stop

                  Gotta keep on rockin' -
                  Someday he's gonna make it to the top.
                  And be a Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes.
                  He's a Juke Box Hero
                  Juke Box Hero

                  Juke Box Hero got stars in his eyes
                  stars in his eyes.

                  Albert King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Albert_King began his professional work as a musician with a group called In The Groove Boys in Osceola, Arkansas.[1] Moving north to Gary, Indiana and later St. Louis, Missouri, he briefly played drums for Jimmy Reed's band and on several early Reed recordings. Influenced by blues musicians Blind Lemon Jefferson and Lonnie Johnson, but also, interestingly enough, Hawaiian music, the electric guitar became his signature instrument, his preference being the Gibson Flying V HM 5 which he named "Lucy". King earned his nickname "The Velvet Bulldozer" during this period as he drove one of them and also worked as a mechanic to make a living.
                  ALBERT KING - Oh Pretty Woman (1970) - YouTube

                  Fillmore East. 09-23-70 for fun HM 3
                  Albert King - Memphis Live 1975.avi - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 12:54 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                    thank you blackchisel97 for the update

                    let the Valse of the Puppets begin

                    Andre Rieu - Shostakovich' Second Waltz - YouTube

                    play it are Antennas along so powerful...let the Angels dance with you ...for they are

                    if you can't dance...just close your eyes and Dance with them

                    ps: the vid is 3 min 39 s long posted 09 / 08 / 07....HM 6

                    what better place to be listening to this song than a Gothic Cathedral .... would be Divine ...Better yet if it was played in all the 7 oldest Gothic Cathedrals at the same time at the end of the song Picture the Celestial Ones are Applauding you for being yourself and they are

                    so is this one :

                    The Blue Danube - Andre Rieu - YouTube

                    beautiful pictures with many vortexes...

                    RUSSIA -- Tchaikovsky - Sleeping Beauty - Waltz - YouTube

                    Note the colors of the surrounding yellow and green

                    Principle of Mentalism
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 07:46 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • to a great master....Maimonide

                      Andre Rieu - Hava Nagila - YouTube

                      Sirtaki - Andre Rieu - YouTube


                      Kalinka - Andre Rieu Калинка - YouTube

                      different yet the same call
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 07:24 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • You do realize that the Architecture of a Cathedral is Similar to the one for Water (also built close to be closer to " the Lady of the Lac "

                        Down in the River to Pray - YouTube

                        The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want - SomRochedo - YouTube
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 11:43 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." - The Kybalion

                          Rolling Stones- Sympathy for the Devil Lyrics - YouTube

                          Please allow me to introduce myself
                          I'm a man of wealth and taste
                          I've been around for a long, long years
                          Stole many a man's soul and faith

                          And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
                          Had his moment of doubt and pain
                          Made damn sure that Pilate
                          Washed his hands and sealed his fate

                          Pleased to meet you
                          Hope you guess my name
                          But what's puzzling you
                          Is the nature of my game

                          I stuck around St. Petersburg
                          When I saw it was a time for a change
                          Killed the czar and his ministers
                          Anastasia screamed in vain

                          I rode a tank
                          Held a general's rank
                          When the blitzkrieg raged
                          And the bodies stank

                          Pleased to meet you
                          Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
                          Ah, what's puzzling you
                          Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
                          (woo woo, woo woo)

                          I watched with glee
                          While your kings and queens
                          Fought for ten decades
                          For the gods they made
                          (woo woo, woo woo)

                          I shouted out,
                          "Who killed the Kennedys?"
                          When after all
                          It was you and me
                          (who who, who who)

                          Let me please introduce myself
                          I'm a man of wealth and taste
                          And I laid traps for troubadours
                          Who get killed before they reached Bombay
                          (woo woo, who who)

                          Pleased to meet you
                          Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
                          (who who)
                          But what's puzzling you
                          Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
                          (who who, who who)

                          Pleased to meet you
                          Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
                          But what's confusing you
                          Is just the nature of my game
                          (woo woo, who who)

                          Just as every cop is a criminal
                          And all the sinners saints
                          As heads is tails
                          Just call me Lucifer
                          'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
                          (who who, who who)

                          So if you meet me
                          Have some courtesy
                          Have some sympathy, and some taste
                          (woo woo)
                          Use all your well-learned politesse
                          Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
                          (woo woo, woo woo)

                          Pleased to meet you
                          Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
                          (who who)
                          But what's puzzling you
                          Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
                          (woo woo, woo woo)

                          Woo, who
                          Oh yeah, get on down
                          Oh yeah
                          Oh yeah!
                          (woo woo)

                          Tell me baby, what's my name
                          Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
                          Tell me baby, what's my name
                          I tell you one time, you're to blame

                          Oh, who
                          woo, woo
                          Woo, who
                          Woo, woo
                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Oh, yeah

                          What's my name
                          Tell me, baby, what's my name
                          Tell me, sweetie, what's my name

                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Woo, who, who
                          Oh, yeah
                          Woo woo
                          Woo woo
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-01-2012, 11:06 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 2 7

                            Hark ye O man, and list to my Voice.
                            Open thy mind-space and drink of my wisdom.
                            Dark is the pathway of LIFE that ye travel.
                            Many the pitfalls that lie in thy way.
                            Seek ye ever to gain greater wisdom.
                            Attain and it shall be light on thy way.

                            Open thy SOUL, O man, to the Cosmic
                            and let it flow in as one with thy SOUL.
                            LIGHT is eternal and darkness is fleeting.
                            Seek ye ever, O man, for the LIGHT.
                            Know ye that ever as Light fills thy being,
                            darkness for thee shall soon disappear.

                            Open thy souls to the BROTHERS OF BRIGHTNESS.
                            Let them enter and fill thee with LIGHT.
                            Lift up thine eyes to the LIGHT of the Cosmos.
                            Keep thou ever thy face to the goal.
                            Only by gaining the light of all wisdom,
                            art thou one with the Infinite goal.
                            Seek ye ever the Oness eternal.
                            Seek ever the Light into One

                            Hear ye, O man, list to my Voice
                            singing the song of Light and of Life.

                            throughout all space, Light is prevalent,
                            encompassing ALL with its banners if flames.
                            Seek ye forever in the veil of the darkness,
                            somewhere ye shall surely find Light.
                            Hidden and buried, lost to man's knowledge,
                            deep in the finite the Infinite exists.
                            Lost, but existing,
                            flowing through all things,
                            living in ALL is the INFINITE BRAIN
                            And again, unto me spoke the Seven, saying:
                            Child of the LIGHT, O THOTH, art thou,
                            free to travel the bright path upward
                            until at last ALL ONES become ONE>

                            Forth were WE formed after our order:
                            THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT--NINE.
                            Know ye that these are the numbers of cycles
                            that WE descend from unto man.
                            Each having here a duty to fulfill;
                            each having here a force to control
                            Learned I of the Masters of cycles,
                            wisdom brought from the cycles above.
                            Manifest THEY in this cycle
                            as guides of man to the knowledge of ALL.
                            Seven are they, mighty in power
                            speaking these words through me to men.
                            Time after time, stood I before them
                            listening to words that came not with sound.

                            Once said THEY unto me:
                            O man, wouldst thou gain wisdom?
                            Seek for it in the heart of the flame.
                            Wouldst thou gain knowledge of power?
                            Seek ye it in the heart of the flame.
                            Wouldst be one with the heart of the flame?
                            Seek then within thine own hidden flame.

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • I am no Farmer...but it would stand logic...that if the following is good for your should be good for plants seeds as well...Principle of Correspondence

                              Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                              The Effects of Magnetic Water

                              The Effects of Magnetic Water
                              By John V. Milewski

                              What I think is happening is that the magnetite which is a strong magnetic suscepter is concentrating the earth's magnetic fields into it's cylindrical shape and the shape effect, in turn, sets up a magnetic spiral vortex in the core of the cylinder in which the water is stored. This in turn activates the water with the magnetic energy.

                              At that time, which was about 3 months ago, I started watching my own hair. Before I started drinking what I call "magnetic water" my head hair was about 90% gray, and the hair on my beard and mustache was 100% gray. I did not know about the effect of this energized water hair so I was not watching it for the first few months. So when I first noticed it the hair on the back of my head had already turned about 30% dark; now after about 4 to 5 months my hair on the sides, back and top is about 60% turned. My mustache is about 50% turned dark while the beard is still pure white-gray.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-02-2012, 12:18 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • It is a good time as any to re-read the 15 HM 6 Emerald Tablets of Hermes we have discussed the 7 Principles and how to find poles within any Fractal other are ready

                                The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

                                Darkness and light are both of one nature,
                                different only in seeming,
                                for each arose from the source of all.
                                Darkness is disorder.
                                Light is Order.
                                Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.
                                This, my children, your purpose in being;
                                transmutation of darkness to light.
                                Hear ye now of the mystery of nature,
                                the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells.
                                Know ye, ye are threefold in nature,
                                physical, astral and mental in one.
                                and when you use Harmonic Math to Translate from Physical to Mental

                                Three are the qualities of each of the natures;
                                nine in all, as above (expansion ), so below (reduction).

                                Queen - I Want To Break Free (Lyrics) - YouTube

                                I want to break free
                                I want to break free
                                I want to break free from your lies
                                You're so self satisfied, I don't need you
                                I've got to break free
                                God knows, God knows I want to break free

                                I've fallen in love
                                I've fallen in love for the first time
                                And this time I know it's for real
                                I've fallen in love yea
                                God knows, God knows I've fallen in love

                                It's strange but it's true, hey yea
                                I can't get over the way you like me like you do
                                [ From: I WANT TO BREAK FREE Lyrics - QUEEN ]
                                But I have to be sure
                                When I walk out that door

                                Oh how I want to be free baby
                                Oh how I want to be free
                                Oh how I want to break free

                                But life still goes on
                                I can't get used to livin' without livin' without
                                Livin' without you by my side
                                I don't want to live alone, hey
                                God knows, got to make it on my own

                                So baby can't you see
                                I've got to break free
                                I've got to break free
                                I want to break free, yea

                                I want, I want, I want
                                I want to break free
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-02-2012, 10:20 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

