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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Also called the Queen of Angels

    The six stars and the moon on the High Priestess's gown represent the seven metals and the seven planets.

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • In many old Tarot decks the High Priestess is called the Popess, who is commonly supposed to be the legendary Pope Joan, who became Pope by masquerading as a man (an activity which is singularly appropriate to the Saturnalia/Carnival presided over bythe Magician ).
      So who is Pope Joan (note the resemblance with Joan of Arc )

      Pope Joan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Pope Joan was a legendary female Pope who allegedly reigned for a few years some time during the Middle Ages. The story first appeared in 13th-century chronicles, and subsequently spread and embellished throughout Europe. It was widely believed for centuries, though modern religious scholars consider it fictitious, perhaps deriving from historicized folklore regarding Roman monuments or from anti-papal satire.

      The first mention of the female pope appears in the chronicle of Jean Pierier de Mailly, but the most popular and influential version was that interpolated into Martin of Troppau's Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum, later in the 13th century. Most versions of her story describe her as a talented and learned woman who disguises herself as a man, often at the behest of a lover. In the most common accounts, due to her abilities, she rises through the church hierarchy, eventually being elected pope. However, while riding on horseback she gives birth, thus exposing her gender. In most versions, she dies shortly after, either being killed by an angry mob or from natural causes. Her memory is then shunned by her successors.

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • follow up

        The descent into matter is a drug, which may be poisoning or healing (see also Paracelsus quotes ), intoxicating or illuminating. Hecate sends the dog and the snake, for their bite may bring madness or the transformation of consciousness (Jung, MC 28); the gift of prophecy is often granted by a snake. The High Priestess shares her animals with her brother/husband, the High Priest. For example, both Selene and Helios are invoked as dogs (Jung, MC 146-7). Kalid (c. 700 CE) says that the stag, lion and cock (found next to the magician tarot card 1 )are the animals of Luna and Persephone and of their male counterparts (Jung, MC 32). The snake and tiger are also lunar animals (Jung, MC 175).

        The High Priestess has many connections with water. First, Selene was the mother of Dew (Herse, Eerse or Ersa) by Zeus (OCD s.v. Selene; Larousse 143). Also, the tears of Isis (who was identified with Selene and Demeter), which are the dew, are healing, for with them she restored Osiris to wholeness, so she is called Soteira (Redemptrix). This substance is the Aqua Vitae (Water of Life) and the Aqua Permanens (Abiding Water), which unites whatever has been severed. (Jung, MC 19-20) Isis is also a powerful sorceress, a skill she learned when she sent her serpent to lie in the path of Ra, whom she also later healed (Larousse 19).
        The color blue is associated with Luna and she is called the Dark Water (to skoteinon hudor), who marries Sol, who is called Flowing Light (phaos rhuentes) (Jung, MC 149). Isis is also called Chemeia (The Black One), which reminds us that she is Mater Alchimia - Mother Alchemy (Jung, MC 18, 20).

        The reduced isopsephos also supports the Ferrara order. For H TRIMORFOS EKATH (He Trimorphos Hekate, Three-formed Hecate) we have 1732, which reduces to 2-3+7-1 = 5; for H SKOTIA SELANA (He Skotia Selana, The Dark Moon) we have 896, which reduces to 6-9+8 = 5. Both show that the High Priestess corresponds to the Pentad, which represents the eternal celestial spirit trancending the four mutable elements; the Pythagoreans call it Alteration, for it represents the impulse to ascend out of the mundane realm. (TA 32, 34-5, 41; see also the meaning of Epsilon, above, and the Fives in the Minor Arcana)
        Angel Gabriel has 140 pairs of wings (see previous posts ) or HM 5 + HM 5
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-15-2012, 10:29 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • One remark....the same is applicable to the concept of Carnival:

          Carnival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          Carnival in Rome circa 1650

          The Lenten period of the Liturgical year Church calendar, being the six weeks directly before Easter, was marked by fasting and other pious or penitential practices. Traditionally during Lent, no parties or other celebrations were held, and people refrained from eating rich foods, such as meat, dairy, fats and sugar. The forty days of Lent, recalling the Gospel accounts of the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, serve to mark an annual time of turning. In the days before Lent, all rich food and drink had to be disposed of. The consumption of this, in a giant party that involved the whole community, is thought to be the origin of Carnival.

          While it forms an integral part of the Christian calendar, particularly in Catholic regions, some carnival traditions may date back to pre-Christian times. The ancient Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Bacchanalia may possibly have been absorbed into the Italian Carnival. The Saturnalia, in turn, may be based on the Greek Dionysia and Oriental festivals. While medieval pageants and festivals such as Corpus Christi were church-sanctioned celebrations, carnival was also a manifestation of medieval folk culture. Many local carnival customs are based on local pre-Christian rituals, for example the elaborate rites involving masked figures in the Swabian-Alemannic carnival.

          Some of the best-known traditions, including carnival parades and masquerade ball masquerading, were first recorded in medieval Italy. The carnival of Venice was for a long time the most famous carnival. From Italy, carnival traditions spread to the Catholic nations of Spain, Portugal, and France. From France, they spread to the Rhineland of Germany, and to New France in North America. From Spain and Portugal, they spread with Catholic colonization to the Caribbean and Latin America.

          Other areas have developed their own traditions. In the United Kingdom, West Indian immigrants brought with them the traditions of Caribbean Carnival, however the Carnivals now celebrated at Notting Hill, London; Leeds, Yorkshire, and other places have become divorced from their cycle in the religious year, becoming purely secular events, that take place in the summer months.
          It went from an event of Spiritual and Knowledge Exchange ( Think .... Hypatia : Hypatia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) .... when the Above met with the Below Bourbon Street

          However the Spiritual took the form of Colors Paraded during Today's Carnival

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Sky Watch

            March is the best time of the year for you to catch a glimpse of at least five planets. While Mercury, the innermost planet was visible till yesterday, you can still catch Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn for the rest of the month.
            +the solar wind

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • The Hindu Temple - Where Man Becomes God

              Ancient Indian thought divides time into four different periods. These durations are referred to as the Krta; Treta; Dvapara; and Kali.

              The first of these divisions (Krta), is also known as satya-yuga, or the Age of Truth. This was a golden age without envy, malice or deceit, characterized by righteousness. All people belonged to one caste, and there was only one god who lived amongst the humans as one of them.

              In the next span (Treta-yuga), the righteousness of the previous age decreased by one fourth (1/4 ) HM 7. The chief virtue of this age was knowledge. The presence of gods was scarce and they descended to earth only when men invoked them in rituals and sacrifices. These deities were recognizable by all.

              In the third great division of time, righteousness existed only in half measure ( 1/2 ) HM 5 of that in the first division. Disease, misery and the castes came into existence in this age. The gods multiplied. Men made their own images, worshipped them, and the divinities would come down in disguised forms. But these disguised deities were recognizable only by that specific worshipper. ( Ancient Greece )

              Kali-yuga is the present age of mankind in which we live, the first three ages having already elapsed. It is believed that this age began at midnight between February 17 and 18, 3102 B.C . Righteousness is now one-tenth ( 1/10 ) HM 1 of that in the first age. True worship and sacrifice are now lost. It is a time of anger, lust, passion, pride, and discord. There is an excessive preoccupation with things material and sexual.

              HM 7 + HM 5 + HM 1 = 13 = HM 4 (slight miscalculation )


              Hindu Temple Fractals

              This webpage explores fractal aspects of Hindu temple architecture, examining multiple archetypes and geometry of recursion. It is primarily about architectural design, religious symbolism and imagination. It concerns religious imagination involved in some of the ideas and plans used in Hindu temples. It is not intended to speak to issues of social justice, or economic questions. It is not intended to imply that all temples are the same, or that all temples are perfect institutions. Other studies exist which treat those topics. This short study can offer only a cursory suggestion of the intricasies of the symbol system, the modes of measuring units and proportions, and the reflection of the whole in some of the parts.

              worth watching: BBC - What ancients did for us - The INDIANS (full documentary*) - YouTube ... much to you will seem familiar

              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              By the way the Musical Industry's Pole has Switched ever since the 70's ... Jimmy Hendrix Purple Haze .... today you have Lady Gaga

              Do you See the Pattern :

              1900 - 30's (invention of Electricity / Era of Great Inventor Tesla / Walter Russell / Keely / SChauberger )------------>60's-70's ( The Electric Guitar ) --------------> Today Artists and Fans are racketted by the Industry

              If you search the Renaissance'll find that the Purple Era is much Farther Down the River Time ...think of it as a larger Magnet than today's "Magnet"


              Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              ]the River Time [/COLOR][/B]..[B][COLOR=
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 05:28 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • side note: Language of the do birds express themselves:

                sound and colors

                and that is how the 'Male Pole' attracts the "Female Pole" for mating .... the Female Pole picks the most Attractive mate

                we are not much different .... we lost our coulorful feathers .... and replaced them with Meaningless Colorful Objects .... Red Ferrari / Gold Rolex etc... of Lower Vibration
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 03:52 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  side note: [B][COLOR="blue"]Language of the Birds

                  we are not much different .... we lost our coulorful feathers .... and replaced them with Meaningless Colorful Objects .... Red Ferrari / Gold Rolex etc... of Lower Vibration
                  Another way of looking at it (in the perspective of Celestial Intelligence ... not ours )

                  Cargo cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  A cargo cult is a religious practice that has appeared in many traditional pre-industrial tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures (replace word technology with spiritus Mundi. The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices. Cult members believe that the wealth was intended for them by their deities and ancestors. Cargo cults developed primarily in remote parts of New Guinea and other Melanesian and Micronesian societies in the southwest Pacific Ocean, beginning with the first significant arrivals of Westerners in the 19th century. Similar behaviors have, however, also appeared elsewhere in the world.

                  Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them.
                  ... Just a Matter of Perspective (7 Principles )

                  -------------now ponder on this:

                  The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices.

                  ....It kind of worked as the "cargo" came back over time ....with it the good and bad of the Cargo desired .....example of such a Tribe : The RothChild
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 04:07 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • an interesting observation

                    21 / 03 / 12 = HM 3 / HM 3 / HM 3

                    also 21 is the mirror image of 12 and you also have the asymetry

                    21 = 7 * 3
                    12 = 4 * 3

                    Which give you : HM 7 * HM 3 / HM 3 / HM 4 * HM 3

                    and finally:

                    HM 3 + HM 3 + HM 3 = HM 9

                    tarot card High Priestess

                    The numbers three, nine and 27 are sacred to the moon. The 27 stars on the canopy represent the days on which the moon is visible (27 = 3 X 9, the third power of three). (Schimmel 60, 169, 238) The moon is an attribute of Artemis, and mugwort (artemesia) is a lunar herb (OCD, s.v. Artemis; Pliny, Hist. Nat. 25.36).
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Are you guys Familiar with :

                      Alum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      I mention it because it has amazing properties and the Name Alunite (a Luna ) = Moon ..... and i got cut and my friend used it to rapidly close the cut (also used as a deodorant)

                      Alum crystal with small amount of chrome alum to give a slight violet color
                      From alunite

                      In order to obtain alum from alunite, it is calcined and then exposed to the action of air for a considerable time. During this exposure it is kept continually moistened with water, so that it ultimately falls to a very fine powder. This powder is then lixiviated with hot water and sulfuric acid, the liquor decanted, and the alum allowed to crystallize. The alum schists employed in the manufacture of alum are mixtures of iron pyrite, aluminium silicate and various bituminous substances, and are found in upper Bavaria, Bohemia, Belgium, and Scotland. These are either roasted or exposed to the weathering action of the air. In the roasting process, sulfuric acid is formed and acts on the clay to form aluminium sulfate, a similar condition of affairs being produced during weathering. The mass is now systematically extracted with water, and a solution of aluminium sulfate of specific gravity 1.16 is prepared. This solution is allowed to stand for some time (in order that any calcium sulfate and basic ferric sulfate may separate), and is then evaporated until ferrous sulfate crystallizes on cooling; it is then drawn off and evaporated until it attains a specific gravity of 1.40. It is now allowed to stand for some time, decanted from any sediment, and finally mixed with the calculated quantity of potassium sulfate, well agitated, and the alum is thrown down as a finely divided precipitate of alum meal. If much iron should be present in the shale then it is preferable to use potassium chloride in place of potassium sulfate.
                      Early uses in industry

                      Egyptians reportedly used the coagulant alum as early as 1500 BC to reduce the visible cloudiness (turbidity) in the water. Alum was imported into England mainly from the Middle East, and, from the late 15th century onwards, the Papal States for hundreds of years. Its use there was as a dye-fixer (mordant) for wool (which was one of England's primary industries, the value of which increased significantly if dyed). These sources were unreliable, however, and there was a push to develop a source in England especially as imports from the Papal States were ceased following the excommunication of Henry VIII. With state financing, attempts were made throughout the 16th century, but without success until early on in the 17th century. An industry was founded in Yorkshire to process the shale which contained the key ingredient, aluminium sulfate, and made an important contribution to the Industrial Revolution. One of the oldest historic sites for the production of alum from shale and human urine are the Peak alum works in Ravenscar, North Yorkshire.

                      Alum (known as turti/sphatika in local Indian languages) was also used for water treatment by Indians for thousands of years.[citation needed] Ayurveda describes sphatika as an astringent, haemostatic, antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and antibiotic properties. Sphatika’s use in treating tonsillitis has been referred in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Sphatika is used internally as well as externally.

                      In Indian language (Tamil), this is known as "Padikaaram".

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • follow up:

                        Chrome alum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Chromium alum crystallizes in regular octahedra with flattened corners and is very soluble in water. The solution reddens litmus and is an astringent. Aqueous solutions are dark violet and turns green when it is heated above 50°C

                        Follow the Colors they lead you to Green

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          In Pythagorian Numerology

                          ENNEAGRAM Corresponds to :

                          555513214 = 31 = HM 4

                          4 - High Priestess

                          some of you guys maybe interested in this

                          Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          The Georgia Guidestones is a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
                          Author: R.C. Christian

                          let's have a look at the Pythagorian value:

                          2 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 30 = HM 3

                          3 - Emperor

                          Potens Pater conservator orbis (Mighty Father, preserver of the world)
                          Zeus, Jupiter.
                          1+3 = Love+Male (Water); 2+2 = Couple+Male (Fire).
                          1+3+3 = Love+Ruler+Male.
                          Greek Letter = Delta:
                          Dike = justice, judgement, right; Dunastes = ruler, master.
                          III Name: Ch'ien = the Creative. Image: Heaven, Sky. The Father, associated with strength, creativity, firmness, endurance, purity and the word. South in the Earlier Heaven
                          The Emperor is a mature man, robust in stature and grave in countenance. His coal-black, wavy hair frames a broad forehead over deep-set eyes; his thick beard is finely curled. Draped around his legs and over his left shoulder, leaving his chest bare and his right arm free, is a deep red himation (mantle), decorated with green foliage and seven golden flowers. He wears a wreath of twelve oak leaves on his head and sandals on his feet.

                          The Emperor's bronze throne, which is richly ornamented with gold, ivory and ebony, and decorated with golden rams' heads, is on a rugged mountaintop surrounded by clouds. His right hand aims a glowing golden keraunos toward the ground; this is a stylized thunderbolt with a central orb, two points in opposite directions, and four "tongues of flames" around each point. His left hand holds a tall (3 m.) sceptre surmounted by a golden orb and an eagle with spread wings. A red eagle stands to the left by his feet.

                          The Mighty Father makes the laws that bind
                          The elements, the plants, and every kind
                          Of beast - but people too. He strives to feed
                          The folk, defending them by word and deed.
                          Observe the judgements fathered by his mind!
                          The Emperor represents the characteristically masculine aspects of consciousness, solar illumination, which demands clarity, but may be harsh and withering. He is the archetypal pater familias, the head of the clan, with both authority over the group and responsibility for its welfare. It is his burden to set down laws and maintain order, both within and without. Further, he is the executive, for he must ensure that his plans, laws and judgements are translated into action.

                          The Emperor is the source of conscious spiritual and moral principles, in contrast to the High Priest, who is the source of spiritual and moral intuitions; they are the light and dark sides of the Eternal Masculine, the bright sun and the dark sun, the conscious and subconscious masculine minds. However, the Emperor and High Priest are further apart, and do not cooperate so well as their female counterparts, the Empress and High Priestess. Therefore the Emperor's himation covers his left side, to show his habitual repression of the subconscious, and that he may tend to dogmatism, rigidity and self-righteousness if his rule is not tempered by his co-regents, the Empress, Priest and Priestess.

                          The Emperor does not, like the Empress, flow with nature; his fiery spirit leads him to impose his will on nature and to force her to conform to his artificial standards of order. As a consequence he is fundamentally alienated from the dark, Titanic forces of nature, and therefore vulnerable to their attack. Inevitably the Emperor will grow old and sick and require rejuvenation at the hands of the Empress, Priest and Priestess (see VI.Love and VII.Temperance).

                          The character of the Emperor corresponds to the Tetrad, which is the reduced isopsephos of two of his titles: O KRONIDHS (Ho Kronides, The Son of Kronos, i.e. Zeus) = 532, reducing to 2-3+5 = HM 4; and QEOS O ANDRWN KAI QEWN PATHR (Theos Ho Andron kai Theon Pater, God the Father of Men and Gods, i.e. Zeus) = 2743, reducing to 3-4+7-2 = HM 4. The Tetrad is the principle of stability, tranquility, of four-square, solid structure; the Pythagoreans call it Justice and Perfect Harmony. (TA 27-9; see also the meanings of Delta, above, and the Fours in the Minor Arcana)
                          the 4 stars
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 10:11 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • also found this from ATS , it mentions a triangle on the sun ( artefact found by Nassim Haramein .. )

                            Ancient STARGATE Artifacts (Klaus Dona & Nassim Haramein) & Mayan 2012 (ILLUMINATION) - YouTube

                            in the vid they mention the more Ancient The more Precise ..... you can add ....The Fractal is

                            Here is a nice Fractal should check it out:

                            2010: A Mandelbrot Odyssey (FractalNet HD) - YouTube

                            the music complements it very nicely Keep in Mind the Buddahbrot ...and other symbols
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 06:24 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Let us mix the Esoteric with Science

                              as you may have noticed HM 4 keeps on popping its head quite a bit ... so one more would not hurt:

                              If you look at the following Table you see 4 Quarter which represent the Male Female Cycle...yet if you look closer each male and each Female are not quite Identical ( for one you have different elements on different quarters )

                              so we can conceive due to their differences that each quarter can be represented by the 4 Tarot Cards:

                              5 - High Priest
                              4 - High Priestess
                              2 - Empress
                              3 - Emperor

                              Arthur C Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity - YouTube

                              well worth it
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-16-2012, 11:10 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • 12 - Hanged Man

                                this card got my attention... It has a bad Connotation for a Common Person ... not so

                                Pendens proditor, regrediturus ad uterum. (Hanging traitor, about to return to the womb.)
                                3+3 = Time + Male (Water); 5+2 = Time + Second (Fire).
                                4+4+5 = Second of Triumph of Time
                                Greek Letter = Mu:
                                Meteoros = suspended in the air, being in suspense, anxious; Menuo = to betray, inform, make known, denounce; Metastasis = banishment, revolution; Mueo = to initiate into the mysteries.
                                I:: Name: Chen = the Arousing. Image: Thunder. The First Son, associated with initiative, action, incisiveness, vehemence, strength. Southeast in the Earlier Heaven.
                                An ancient tree, with eight large branches disappearing out of sight, grows at the edge of a cliff on a desolate mountain top. From it a naked man hangs upside down, suspended by a rope tied to a shackle around his left ankle. His right leg is bent behind his left, so that they form a cross. His hands are tied behind his back, so that his arms and head form an inverted triangle. His vermillion hair hangs down and gravity tugs his cheeks into a slight smile; his skin is reddish. Blood runs from a wound on his right side over his liver.

                                The tree is in leaf and has black, white, yellow and red flowers, and has silver and gold fruit; its trunk is golden brown. A serpent with a red and black head descends the tree toward the man. On the ground nearby is a fennel stalk, in the hollow center of which a fire glows.

                                The picture is so drawn that when it is inverted, it suggests a happy man dancing a jig.

                                Desiring revolution, he betrayed
                                His world; by choice the painful price is paid.
                                Hanging above the Abyss by Heaven's chains,
                                He calmly waits for freedom from his pains.
                                Who dives within the womb will be remade!

                                Prometheus knows that he is riding the Wheel of Fortune, and that he must turn under it at each new level in his spiral ascent. With complete foresight (= Prometheus), he places his fate in the hands of Fortune, and allows her to turn him over and send him into the Abyss. Prometheus relinquishes his accustomed control in the faith that he will be transformed for the better. In psychological terms, he is entrusting himself to the invisible work of his unconscious, for he knows that the psyche's way of healing itself is to pose impossible problems, which challenge him to advance up the spiral. By surrendering to Fortune he discovers his own destiny. (Case 139-40; Nichols 221-3; SB&G 58-9)
                                Now, however, he hangs between the Heavens and the Abyss, between the sacred and the profane, which represent the twin poles of mortal existence, birth and death. There he is suspended, head down, contemplating his symbolic death, a life transition and the initiation of a new phase. (Nichols 217-8)
                                The cross represents order and the tetrad; the triangle represents birth and the triad. Their product is XII, the number of the Hanged Traitor in almost all tarots, antique and modern (old decks from Bologna are an exception, in which its position is 13, as a consequence of Temperance, Justice and Fortitude being grouped together among the early trumps). This is of course, the number of the Zodiac, and symbolizes the Wheel of the Year, a complete cycle of manifestation. Twelve is the number of Fate, and the Hanged Traitor has willingly surrendered to the grasp of Fate. (Case 136; Dummett 6-7; Nichols 215, 219, 221)
                                So the hanged man has the number 12 HM 3 assigned to it :

                                and the 12th sign of the Zodiac Zodiac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                12 ♓ 330° Pisces The Fish Ἰχθύες/Ιchthues Mīna (मीन) MULSIM.MAḪ "The Tail of the Swallow", later DU.NU.NU "fish-cord"

                                HM 3
                                Gamma is the Greek numeral for three, corresponding to the triangle, and gamma is the letter we assign to II.Empress. The Empress is also Venus, the Great Womb, the source of grace and "the hope that lies in love." Delta is the numeral for four, corresponding to the cross, and is the letter assigned to III.Emperor. Thus the triangle and cross represent the Empress and Emperor, as they also do in Case's tarot. The inverted sulfur sign shows that new conception occurs when the spirit of the Emperor descends into the womb of the Empress. That is: rebirth requires that the conscious spirit descend into the unconscious womb. (Case 136-7; Crowley 96)
                                Though he suffered from his torture, Prometheus was changed by the ordeal, for after he was freed, he was made immortal. Likewise, the Traitor, hanging head down, cannot escape from the Wheel, but he can discover its hub, where the gods reside. In this sense he can transcend his fate, for he can come to know the gods, who will thereafter become active in his life. By sacrificing himself, he makes himself sacred. From the upside-down perspective of the Abyss we can see the future, for when XII.Hanged Traitor is inverted, he seems to be dancing a jig, which foreshadows the triumph of XXI.World ( HM 5 ). (Nichols 216, 220, 224; SB&G 59)
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

