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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Another interesting Number is 8 we discussed it previously 8 stand for for Humanity / Hermes / Mercury / Dna / quartz ....Fractal

    In the Pythagorian Tarot 8 is:

    8 - Victory

    Victoria sperata. (Victory hoped for.)
    Ares, Mars; Nike, Victoria.
    2+3 = Virtue+Male (Water); 4+2 = Virtue+Second (Fire).
    1+6+3 = 1st Ogdoad+Virtue+Male (Victory).
    Greek Letter = Theta:
    Thrasos = courage, boldness, confidence, audacity, rashness, impudence.
    I:: Name: Chen = the Arousing. Image: Thunder. The First Son, associated with initiative, action, incisiveness, vehemence, strength. Southeast in the Earlier Heaven.
    A winged Victory, in flowing purple robes and holding a laurel wreath, hovers above a Hero, who drives his chariot directly towards us. He is a young man, strong and determined, with short, curly, red hair and no beard. He is dressed in full armor (bronze breastplate over a short, red tunic, and bronze greaves), and wears a helmet with a tall, horse-hair crest. The charioteer stands, holding a hasta (long spear) upright in his right hand and the reins in his left. A dog or wolf sits in the chariot in front of the charioteer's right leg, and to the his left is an ancile, a large Bronze Age "figure 8" shield. On the shield is a special form of the sign for Mars: an apple surmounted by a spread-winged Victory.

    The chariot is pulled by two horses, red roan on its right, blue roan on its left, each pulling toward its own side. Lush green vegetation grows in the foreground in front of the chariot.

    The chariot has two reddish-bronze wheels of eight spokes (four thick and four thin), and we can see the ends of the axle connecting them. Four posts, colored red, blue, green and yellow (chariot's front-right, front-left, back-left, back-right, respectively), support a midnight-blue canopy decorated with the seven stars of the Wain (Big Dipper) in silver; the Pointers (Merak and Dubhe) are directed to the front of the chariot. The front of the red chariot box is richly decorated with golden oak leaves, laurel leaves, figs, horses, wolves and woodpeckers. In the center a serpent curls around the rim of a round, bronze shield with the astrological sign for Aries in the center.

    The Hero crowned by Victory drives the car
    Of triumph, seeking still to venture far,
    Accepting every challenge. He commands,
    And masters mighty steeds with skillful hands.
    Our vision's dazzled by the Hero's star!
    The Chariot is the vehicle of the Hero, both to sally forth on new adventures, and to celebrate his triumphant return. Mobile yet secure, it is the means by which he accomplishes his daring deeds.

    The characteristics of the Hero - courage, competitiveness, aggressiveness, strength, will - are potent instruments of good and ill, and he may bring salvation or destruction. But, however great his deeds, he will not be welcomed home with a Triumph nor be celebrated as a Hero unless his victory is more than personal, unless it is a victory for the people. In this he is guided by the seven stars above him, his destiny, which is the Wain (i.e., the Wagon), the way to the center around which the heavens revolve.

    It is especially important that the Hero master and control the raw animal energy of his horses - physical and spiritual - which pull in different directions. For this he needs a strong, steady hand on the twin reins of will and intelligence, without which he will not have a steady vehicle from which to wield his spear and slay whatever dragons he encounters.

    The wolf reminds us that the Hero may be ruthless, as does the Bronze Age shield. Made from a bronze plate over seven layers of tough oxhide, the shield also warns us that the Hero may shield himself from human compassion, hiding his face behind layers of protection. Though this shield covers the entire person, it is too great a burden, and it is eventually abandoned for the smaller, round shield, balanced in all directions, which must be maneuvered skillfully to parry blows.

    On the other hand, the lush vegetation reminds us that the Hero's vitality is the force of life itself, striving to preserve and propagate itself and its kind, for Mars also fortifies and protects domesticated plants and animals. We may call Mars the God of Marches, for each new campaign must begin with a march and each spring season begins in March.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • a rare interview by Carl Munck .... was an alien Abductee .... did not know that

      Red Ice Radio - Carl Munck - Hour 1 - The Code, The Pyramid Matrix & ET

      Carl Munck - Hour 1 - The Code, The Pyramid Matrix & ET
      March 15, 2012
      Carl Munck created the science of "archaeocryptograpy," a study of the underlying mathematical order beneath the proportions, size, and placement of the world's sacred sites. Carl claims there is incontrovertible evidence of precise global positioning, thousands of years ago, requiring space age technologies, and satellite triangulation. His website provides introductory examples of how ancient monuments encode their positions in the matrix. Carl will tell the story of how he was taken in an alien ship over the Nazca Lines in 1982. He learned their form of math, which he says was not meant for us to decode yet he has cracked some of the codes. These aliens use complicated math to reveal their location. We'll talk about how sacred sites were used for much more than mapping. Carl will mention some of the lesser known sacred sites and explain a bit about base 360 math. He says the universe is tied together by "maps and tangents." We end the interview with comments from Carl about 2012, crop circles and critique of his wor
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 01:31 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • -------------on a side note:

        tried a very simple experiment as I had an extra Mobius Caduceus coil (single not double ) lying around that kept staring at me .............. so decided to try it as a TV Antenna to see if i can get a clearer image .... truly impressive ... the image comes out crystal clear

        one more for the MC Coil
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • found some useful pics: try the Harmonic Math on it ( in any direction )

          a well Proportioned Antenna

          ps: for the head : the values seems to be: 1.2 - 3.0 - 4.2 - 4.2 - 4.2 - = HM 3 - HM 3 - HM 6 - HM 6 - HM 6 = HM 6

          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          Earlier I posted on the Hindu Temples and Fractals .... but i also forgot to mention in light of Harmonic math:

          The word Vimana means also : well proportioned

          I have been looking for a picture of Hindu Sculptures with measurements unfortunately no luck so far....they all point to this book : Indian sculpture & iconography: forms & measurements - V. Ganapathi - Google Livres

          as we need only one picture ....

          anyway if you happen to be in a University .... you can access the university library and probably access the book too ... i believe there is a gold mine of info in there that could benefit us all

          while we are on vimanas:

          Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World: Strange Skies (1980) - YouTube

          remember all the weird objects seen around the sun lately UFO/ Lense effect ...etc ; there is an interesting bit about the sun in the vid (12 min ) about the Legend of Vulcan also Check out 19 min .... talks about triple junction on pisces
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 12:43 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • The Flow of Time (a magnet with poles too ) can also be viewed as elements going from one pole to the other :

            Leedskalnin's Magnetic Current: Natural AC - YouTube

            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            It just dawned on me :

            while reading through the thread

            why was it so hard to understand Don Smith (at my level ) while Tesla's inventiveness so Clear to understand ( from a non initiate that is )

            which lead me to think that the more time flowed the more likely Patents were Censored

            which is actually the case...National Security oblige (ie Military )

            and the defense budget over time ....has grown as well ....

            epiphany .....
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 01:56 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • examples of the above post:

              the beauty of Fractal Constructs...when put together they will resonate to each other
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 02:41 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • the new Ancient Alien is out

                ANCIENT ALIENS: The Mystery of Puma Punku | S04E06 - YouTube

                in this doc ... A Name is mentioned that resonated with our Discussion....

                Pedro Cieza de León as in Ponce De Leon ... Leon Africanus ....Leon Cathedral...etc...

                Pedro Cieza de León (Llerena, Spain c.1520 ---Seville, Spain 1554) was a Spanish conquistador and chronicler of Peru. He is known primarily for his history and description of Peru, Crónicas del Perú. He wrote this book in four parts, but only the first was published during his lifetime; the remaining sections were not published until the 19th and 20th centuries.
                his Origins are also very Vague

                In South America

                Cieza participated in various expeditions and helped found a number of cities. These activities include the following:
                1536 and 1537: Expedition to San Sebastián de Buenavista and to Urute with Alonso de Cáceres.
                1539: Foundation of San Ana de los Caballeros (Colombia), with Jorge Robledo.
                1540: Foundation of Cartago (Colombia).
                1541: Foundation of Antioquía (Colombia).
                He took possession of an encomienda in Cartagena of Indies, which he granted to Sebastián de Belalcázar.
                1547: Cieza de León participated in missions headed by Pedro de la Gasca in support of the royalist campaign against Gonzalo Pizarro's rebellion.
                1548: He reached the "City of Kings" (present-day Lima), where he started his career as a writer and official chronicler of the New World. During the following two years he traveled across the Peruvian territory, collecting interesting information he would later use to develop his works.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a re post linking 2 Female Poles

                  Miraculous Mud Pond with Alien Healing Powers

                  People are flocking to wallow in the mud of 3 small remote ponds that locals in Peru believe to possess miraculous healing powers brought by alien space ships. Residents of Chilca — a dusty, desert town on the Pacific coast 40 miles (20 kilometers) southeast of Lima — claim that aliens altered the mud flats in town, infusing them with inexplicable healing powers.
                  The 3 Healing Lagoons
                  The “Lagoon of Miracles” which lies near the entrance of the town along with the mud ponds that surround it is said to heal skin aliments, acne, rheumatism, and arthritis with its distinct greenish colored mud containing minerals of chloride of sodium, sulfate, and carbonate of calcium.

                  The “Lagoon of Enchantment” is a crevasse in the interior of the lagoon linked directly with the sea by an underwater canal, sought after to heal ailments of the eyes, nerves, joints, and low blood pressure.

                  The “Lagoon of Mellicera” is believed to increase fertility and may be attributed for the unusually high birth rate of twins in the village. Locals use the lagoon to cure skin and bones aliments, and relief from diabetes.
                  UFO Sightings
                  Local doctors and scientists accredit these enigmatic and inexplicable healing properties to the UFO’s which have allegedly been sighted and well documented in the area that seemingly radiate the waters.

                  Mayor Ruma Nueda says, “Lots of people claim to have seen UFO’s and strange lights in the night sky over Chilca. People here believe in UFO’s.”

                  “Locals say that space ships come to harvest an unknown material from the [ocean] area off Chilca’s beach. The UFO’s supposedly leave behind substances that leach into the ponds and give them curative powers.”

                  “Townspeople cite an abundance of twins in Chilca — more than 100 pairs in this town of 10,000, as proof of the power of the ‘Twin Maker’ pond.” Nueda says.

                  A plethora of information can be found on the net claiming Peruvian sightings and film footage, with sites even dedicated to UFO’s in Peru.

                  also Lourdes famous also as a Miracle Place:

                  William B Stoecker - Marian apparitions and UFOs - Unexplained Mysteries

                  In 1858 in the French town of Lourdes, on the meridian line and in the foothills of the Pyrenees, a girl named Bernadette Soubiros claimed to have encountered a "Lady" who referred to herself as the "Immaculate Concepcion" some eighteen times from 2/11/1858 through 7/16/1858. No one else saw or heard her. The sightings reportedly took place in a shallow grotto on a rock outcrop called Massabiele. A spring then issued from the site, and the other villagers, although they did not see the Lady, did report the sudden appearance of the spring. Lourdes, confirmed by the Vatican, became a popular (and profitable) shrine where thousands of people reported miraculous healings. The Lourdes Bureau claims to certified sixty of these as unexplained. Note that springs and wells are important in ancient Celtic, or Druid, mythology.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 03:04 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • btw: Puma Punku has also a gateway of the sun similar to door of the sun found in Medina Sidona

                    let's not forget the Basque are genetically related to the Berber and the Inca People

                    and see also post on Tibetan Monks moving Granite Stone with Trumpets and Voice

                    and Puma : isn't that a sort of Feline commonly known as Cougar

                    Naming and etymology

                    With its vast range, the cougar has dozens of names and various references in the mythology of the indigenous Americans and in contemporary culture. The cougar has numerous names in English, of which puma and mountain lion are popular. Other names include catamount, panther, mountain screamer and painter. Lexicographers regard painter as a primarily upper-Southern U.S. regional variant on "panther",[14] but a folk etymology, fancying a resemblance between the typically dark tip of its tail and a paintbrush dipped in dark paint, has some currency.

                    The cougar holds the Guinness record for the animal with the highest number of names (highly fractal ), presumably due to its wide distribution across North and South America. It has over 40 names in English alone.[15]

                    "Cougar" may be borrowed from the archaic Portuguese çuçuarana, via French; the term was originally derived from the Tupi language. A current form in Brazil is suçuarana. It may also be borrowed from the Guaraní language term guaçu ara or guazu ara. "Puma" comes, via Spanish, from the Quechua language
                    In mythology

                    The grace and power of the cougar have been widely admired in the cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The Inca city of Cusco is reported to have been designed in the shape of a cougar, and the animal also gave its name to both Inca regions and people. The Moche people represented the puma often in their ceramics.[97] The sky and thunder god of the Inca, Viracocha, has been associated with the animal.[98]

                    In North America, mythological descriptions of the cougar have appeared in the stories of the Hocąk language ("Ho-Chunk" or "Winnebago") of Wisconsin and Illinois[99] and the Cheyenne, amongst others. To the Apache and Walapai of Arizona, the wail of the cougar was a harbinger of death.[100]
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 07:19 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • One more observation .... just checked the 21st of March it falls on Wednesday (third day of the week and the third Wednesday of the month )

                      Number 3

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      [B]an interesting observation

                      21 / 03 / 12 = HM 3 / HM 3 / HM 3

                      also 21 is the mirror image of 12 and you also have the asymetry

                      21 = 7 * 3
                      12 = 4 * 3

                      Which give you : HM 7 * HM 3 / HM 3 / HM 4 * HM 3

                      and finally:

                      HM 3 + HM 3 + HM 3 = HM 9

                      tarot card High Priestess

                      The numbers three, nine and 27 are sacred to the moon. The 27 stars on the canopy represent the days on which the moon is visible (27 = 3 X 9, the third power of three). (Schimmel 60, 169, 238) The moon is an attribute of Artemis, and mugwort (artemesia) is a lunar herb (OCD, s.v. Artemis; Pliny, Hist. Nat. 25.36).
                      2 - Empress

                      The numerical value of AFRODITH (Aphrodite) is 993, which reduces to 3-9+9 = 3; as does that of H DHMHTHR (He Demeter, Demeter) = 476, yielding 6-7+4 = 3. Both show the Empress to have the character of the Triad, which the Pythagoreans say is the principle of union, a synthesis of opposites, a fruitful conjunction, which the Pythagoreans called Marriage, Peace and Harmonia. (TA 19; see also the meaning of Gamma, above, and the discussion of the Threes in the Minor Arcana)
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-18-2012, 09:15 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • March Equinox: March 20, 2012, 05:14 UTC

                        Celebrating new beginnings

                        In the northern hemisphere the March equinox marks the start of spring and has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth. Many cultures and religions celebrate or observe holidays and festivals around the March equinox, like the Easter and Passover.
                        the snake of sunlight

                        The main pyramid – also known as El Castillo – has four staircases running from the top to the bottom of the pyramid's faces, notorious for the bloody human sacrifices that used to take place here.

                        The staircases are built at a carefully calculated angle which makes it look like an enormous snake of sunlight slithers down the stairs at the precise moment of the equinox.

                        Knowledge of the equinoxes and solstices is also crucial in developing dependable calendars, another thing the Mayans and their predecessors clearly had gotten the hang of.

                        The Mayan calendar was very precise in this respect, but today the Mayan calendar is most famous for ending exactly on the December solstice: 21 December 2012, at 11:11 UTC.
                        Chichen Itza: El Castillo, Pyramid of Kukulkan

                        The Temple of Kukulcan
                        (El Castillo)
                        Chichen Itza

                        20º 40´ 01 N (20.6667) HM 7
                        88º 34´09 W (-88.6) HM 5

                        HM 7 +HM 5 = 12 = HM 3

                        Design and Dimensions

                        Built around 800 A.D. ( between 550-900 A.D. )
                        Oriented to East from true North: 19 deg = HM 1 + HM 9 (female / male poles ) = HM 1
                        Height: 24m - top platform (+6m with the temple) = HM 6 + HM 6 = HM 3

                        Kukulcán's pyramid is essentially a nine-step structure culminating in a flat platform
                        that supports a two-story temple. The height to the top platform is 24 m,
                        the temple adding another 6 m.

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • sometimes all it takes is to follow the color

                          Lavender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          The lavenders (botanic name Lavandula) are a genus of 39 species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is an Old World genus, found from Cape Verde and Canary Islands, southern Europe across to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, south-west Asia to south-east India. Many members of the genus are cultivated extensively in temperate climates as ornamental plants for garden and landscape use, and also commercially for the extraction of essential oils.
                          In history and culture

                          The ancient Greeks called the lavender herb nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda. It was also commonly called nard.[27] The species originally grown was L. stoechas. [28]

                          Lavender was one of the holy herbs used in the biblical Temple to prepare the holy essence, and nard is mentioned in the Song of Solomon (4,14)

                          nard and saffron,[29]
                          calamus and cinnamon,
                          with every kind of incense tree,
                          with myrrh and aloes,
                          and all the finest spices.[30]

                          During Roman times, flowers were sold for 100 denarii per pound, which was about the same as a month's wages for a farm laborer, or fifty haircuts from the local barber. Lavender was commonly used in Roman baths to scent the water, and it was thought to restore the skin.[citation needed] Its late Latin name was lavandārius, from lavanda (things to be washed), from the verb lavāre (to wash).[31] The Greeks discovered early on that lavender if crushed and treated correctly would release a relaxing fume when burned.

                          France leads the way with commercial production and farming of Lavender in Provence ( Main Capital Toulouse Provence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and reigns as the world's largest producer of this incredible plant.

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Has any one of you readers paid attention to the colors people are wearing nowadays . ... if not try it

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • a bit of weird info:

                              Arizona Buried In Rare Snowstorm - Weather News Story - WCTI New Bern

                              Parts of Arizona will remain buried under snow Monday as a surprising late-winter onslaught paralyzed travel and closed schools. Yet much of the eastern two-thirds of the country will continue to enjoy unseasonably warm temperatures, a day before spring officially starts.

                              The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning for the mountains of central and eastern Arizona through early Monday.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • It is quite fun to find expressions or words that lead you back to certain places when you search their origins:

                                let's take the Example of Blue Blood



                                The term "blue blood" originated in Spain. It was used to differentiate between people with pale skin (Europeans) from others. The veins appeared more blue due to the lighter skin. The term was carried over from Spanish to English in the early 1800's.

                                Interestingly in our Discussion ... we do find the appearance of Pale Skinned "Visitors" within the Pyrénées Region

                                Starting with Fulcanelli

                                from: The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man - The Fulcanelli Phenomenon by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

                                One friend of Canseliet, who wished to remain anonymous, said that this meeting was "in another dimension... a point where such meetings are possible." The story was that Canseliet "received a summons," of some sort; perhaps telepathic, and traveled to Seville where he was met and taken by a long, roundabout route, to a large mountain chateau which proved to be an enclave of alchemists - a colony! He said that Fulcanelli appeared to have undergone a curious form of transformation so that he had characteristics of both male and female - he was androgynous. At one point, Canseliet said, Fulcanelli actually had the complete characteristics of a woman. Some of the more obscure alchemical literature does point to this androgyny. The adept going through the transformation supposedly loses all hair, teeth and nails and grows new ones. The skin becomes younger, smoother and the face takes on asexual characteristics.

                                Los Frailes - Mining Technology

                                Los Frailes zinc, copper, lead and silver mine is approximately 45km west of Seville in southern Spain. The mine was operated by Boliden Apirsa SL, then a wholly owned subsidiary of Boliden Ltd, but following a major tailings dam failure in 1998, the operation was initially suspended, and subsequently closed.

                                The Los Frailes orebody was discovered in 1988, 1km east of the company's then principal asset, the Aznalcollar open-pit zinc mine. Production ceased at Aznalcollar in 1996, after depletion of its reserves, the mining equipment was transferred to Los Frailes, and the concentrator was modified to treat the new mine’s ore. By December 1997, Los Frailes had attained full rated mine output of 4Mt/y and was successfully milling the new ore.
                                Mining - Spain - average

                                Almost all known minerals were found in Spain, and mining was still a notable, though much diminished, factor in the economy—mining production in 2000 was at 91% of its 1990 level. Of the 100 minerals mined, 18 were produced in large quantities—bentonite, copper, fluorspar, glauberite, gold, iron, lead, magnetite, mercury, potash, pyrites, quartz, refractory argillite, sea and rock salt, sepiolitic salts, tin, tungsten, and zinc. Metals and chemicals were leading industries in 2002
                                One Big Vortex

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

