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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Just found a Vid Concerning the Isosceles Triangle on the Sun

    Massive TRIANGLE-SHAPED Hole In The Suns Corona Recorded by NASA !! - YouTube

    and also: Atlantis Plato: Timaeus 3

    The one element [that is, the triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side] having generated these figures, generated no more; but the isosceles triangle produced the fourth elementary figure, which is compounded of four such triangles, joining their right angles in a centre, and forming one equilateral quadrangle. Six of these united form eight solid angles, each of which is made by the combination of three plane right angles; the figure of the body thus composed is a cube, having six plane quadrangular equilateral bases. There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the delineation of the universe.

    Now, he who, duly reflecting on all this, enquires whether the worlds are to be regarded as indefinite or definite in number, will be of opinion that the notion of their indefiniteness is characteristic of a sadly indefinite and ignorant mind. He, however, who raises the question whether they are to be truly regarded as one or five, takes up a more reasonable position. Arguing from probabilities, I am of opinion that they are one; another, regarding the question from another point of view, will be of another mind. But, leaving this enquiry, let us proceed to distribute the elementary forms, which have now been created in idea, among the four elements.

    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    add Water on Mercury
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      Time for a little Re-post:

      reading through A thread on Above Top Secret on

      The most accurate prophecies i have ever seen., page 1



      Sounds great!I agree with you.

      __________________________________________________ ______________________
      Rc Hobby|Rc Helicopter|Battery Charger|Rc Airplanes


      • From:

        Originally posted by llynch View Post
        Additional info to adjust some things in the above post. Browser had issues with editing.

        -Meal timings if the four points of the day are taken into consideration along with duality.... the points that make more sense are noon and sunset. Water intake could possibly fall opposite at morning and midnight.
        -After a bit more thinking the Pineal Gland may reach peaks matching the four points noted above... still refining the concept.
        which is actually what is recommended (at least this is what i have been doing ) ... as a recent convert to more green less red ... i can attest that the body tends to be more in tune... as for the relation betwenn plants and animals....

        you could envision it as plants are closer to prana than animals as they are directly linked to eartn through their roots, on the other hand , animals need an intermediary to replenish in 'Prana" and the farthest you are from it (ie carnivorous ) the more bound the construct is to his Red Chakra


        for more details on Prana:

        Prana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "vital life" (from the root prā "to fill", cognate to Latin: plenus "full"). It is one of the five organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prana "breath", vac "speech", chakshus "sight", shrotra "hearing", and manas "thought" (nose, mouth, eyes, ears and mind; ChUp. 2.7.1).

        In Vedantic philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy, comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi. Prana is a central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga, where it is believed to flow through a network of fine subtle channels called nadis. Its most subtle material form is the breath, but it is also to be found in the blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.[1] The Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of the Atman.

        Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul. In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of prana.

        In the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, prana is regarded as an aspect of Shakti (cosmic energy).[

        the mother of thought and thus also of the mind

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 12:55 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          FYI: the Maya Calendar Mentions the date DECEMBER 21 2012:

          or 12 / 21 / 12 also seen through Harmonic Math: 3 / 3 / 3 going a bit further into the HM:

          3 / 3 / 3 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

          add to it the following:

          and add :

          The Mayan calendar was very precise in this respect, but today the Mayan calendar is most famous for ending exactly on the December solstice: 21 December 2012, at 11:11 UTC. HM 4

          HM 9 + HM 4 = 13 = HM 4

          from: the emerald tablets:

          Three are the natures of Mind,
          carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
          Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
          Thus is formed the threefold being,
          directed from above by the power of four.

          Four is it in qualities,
          shining in each of the planes of existence,
          but thirteen in one (HM 4 + Hm 1 = HM 5) ,
          the mystical number.
          Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
          each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
          each shall channels be of the Great One.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 04:03 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • also :

            1:10 = HM 1 + HM 1 = 1 1 = HM 2

            4:7 = HM 4 + HM 7 = 1 1 = HM 2

            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • also :

              1:10 = HM 1 + HM 1 = 1 1 = HM 2

              4:7 = HM 4 + HM 7 = 1 1 = HM 2


              linked to :

              from: Fulcanelli - The Mystery Of The Cathedrals book


              13 : 18 = HM 4 + HM 9 = 13 = HM 4

              Four is it in qualities,
              shining in each of the planes of existence,
              but thirteen in one (HM 4 + Hm 1 = HM 5) ,
              the mystical number.
              Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
              each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
              each shall channels be of the Great One.

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 04:53 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • a re-post but this time around with a different perspective:

                the following when reading the following text replace Iron Rod with Society/ Countries / Time Cycle / KaliYuga

                If you place an iron rod in a dark room and cause it to vibrate at first you'll only be able to tell it is vibrating by touching it.

                Increasing the vibration to 32Hz will produce a loud and shrill sound and vibration can now be detected by both touch and hearing. Increase that vibration to 40Hz and you can no longer detect the vibration by touch or sound.

                If you increase the vibration to 1.5MHz you cannot feel or hear the vibration but you can detect the vibration though the rise in temperature in the iron first warm and then the iron rod will glow red hot and can be detected by sight. Today

                At 3MHz the rod is now producing violet light; increasing the vibration more will produce ultra-violet rays and other invisible radiations that can only be detected by special instruments. Tomorrow

                There are so many "vibrations" flowing all around us that are invisible to our 5 senses who can tell how they affect us. Uranium emits and invisible radiation that will kill you. You cannot see it but it is there and kills. Who is to say how the other radiation affects the body and mind.

                Isn't it possible that the mind radiates its own wireless transmissions that are received by other minds but we just are unaware of that as of yet. There is no scientific proof for or against this theory, yet so many people will just to the conclusion that it cannot exist. There are among the same people that would have disbelieved radio existed before it was proven that is does exist.

                You MUST keep an open mind and use these methods as those successful have already used them to achieve success. Who are you willing to believe, those who have not succeeded or those who have?
                Dr. Alexander Graham Bell

                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 05:23 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • one last link:


                  watch this part

                  21 Paris Part 2 - Secrets in Plain Sight - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 08:59 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • talking about cycles

                    A Decade Of Fear

                    What would a timeline of the world’s greatest fears look like? Like this (remember Alexander Graham words ).
                    If you increase the vibration to 1.5MHz you cannot feel or hear the vibration but you can detect the vibration though the rise in temperature in the iron first warm and then the iron rod will glow red hot and can be detected by sight. Today

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 06:45 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Did you know Aluminum is a product of Modern Times and was used for the Pyramid of the Washington Monument

                      Modern Marvels S13E23 Aluminum - YouTube

                      Modern Marvels S13E30 Batteries - YouTube

                      radio anyone (hyperdimensional )

                      "Aluminum?" cried his three colleagues in chorus.

                      "Unquestionably, my friends. This valuable metal possesses the
                      whiteness of silver, the indestructibility of gold, the tenacity
                      of iron, the fusibility of copper, the lightness of glass. It is
                      easily wrought, is very widely distributed, forming the base of
                      most of the rocks, is three times lighter than iron, and seems to
                      have been created for the express purpose of furnishing us with
                      the material for our projectile."

                      Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 08:43 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a minor update :




                        Venus :

                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • one more thing concerning our earlier discussion about the pyramid :

                          CO2 laser optics from NaCl

                          SODIUM CHLORIDE NaCl

                          Sodium Chloride is used for windows, lenses and prisms where transmission in the 0.25 ΅m - 16 ΅m range is required. Because of its low absorption, Sodium Chloride is being used in high power laser systems. Polished surfaces must be protected from moisture by exposing them to only dry atmosphere or by using a heating element to keep the surfaces above ambient temperature. Sodium Chloride can be used at temperatures up to 400 °C. The material is sensitive to thermal shock. Irradiation generates color centers. Sodium Chloride is produced in large ingots by the Kyropoulos growth method. It cleaves easily. With care it can be polished to a high standard under humidity controlled conditions.

                          learn more about salt and its role in a "Magnet "

                          Modern Marvels S14E36 Salt - YouTube

                          Cyprus Flake Salt | Flake Salt, Cypress Flake Salt

                          The first thing you will notice about Mediterranean Cyprus Flake Salt is its brightness. It is so white it appears to glow. It has large, beautiful crystals and has a delicate crunch. In fact, the crystals are hollow thin pyramids that break nicely and it has a tendency to sit on top of food so you get a zingy salty taste. This salt is sometimes misspelled as Cypress Flake Salt.

                          Because of the shape and texture of this Gourmet salt, our Mediterranean Cyprus Flake Salt allows you to use less than you might originally think you should use. It makes for a perfect finishing salt for the same reason. It has a mild taste characteristic of Mediterranean salts and is wonderfully light and fluffy. One interesting aspect to this salt is that because it sits on top of food the combination of a saltier taste will be met with less salty bites leaving a uniqueness that is unforgettable.

                          Mediterranean Cyprus Flake Salt can be used with hors d’oeuvres, salads, pasta, fruit, fish, vegetables, tomatoes and cucumbers. This salt is harvested from the Mediterranean Sea and it is free of any artificial additives. It is a great source of calcium and magnesium and trace minerals of copper, boron, tin, selenium and chromium.

                          Cyprus Black Lava Mediterranean Sea Salt Flakes are a gorgeous finishing salt. The dramatic color and texture of this salt makes it an ideal finishing salt for table side presentation. The unique pyramid shaped crystals are mixed with activated charcoal adding a wonderful color and detoxifying properties to this salt.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • following up on Salt :


                            from: Rene Blondlot: N-Rays

                            Rene BLONDLOT

                            N-Rays (maybe Orgone )

                            A focus tube emits, as I have already proved, certain radiations susceptible of traversing metals, black paper, wood, etc. Amongst these, there are some for which the index of refraction of quartz is nearly 2. On the other hand, the index for quartz of the rays remaining from rock-salt, discovered by Prof. Rubens, is 2’18. This similarity of indices led me to think that the radiations observed in the emission of a focus tube would very likely be near neighbors of the rays discovered by Rubens, and that, consequently, they would be met with in the radiation emitted by an Auer burner, which is the source of such rays. I accordingly made the following experiment: an Auer burner is enclosed in a kind of lantern of sheet-iron, completely closed on all sides, with the exception of openings for the passage of air and combustion gases, which are so arranged that no light escapes; a rectangular orifice, 4 cm wide and 6.5 cm high, cut in the iron at the same height as the incandescent mantle, so that the emerging luminous pencil is directed on the aluminum sheet. Outside the lantern, and in front of this sheet, a double-convex quartz lens is placed, having 12 cm focal length for yellow light, behind which is a spark gap of the kind already described, giving very small sparks. The spark is produced by a by a small induction coil, provided with a rotating make and break device, which works with perfect regularity.
                            The Professor of Biophysics in the School of Medicine, Augustin Charpentier, became especially adept at seeing the new rays. In a single month (May 1904) he published seven papers on the subject. He found that rabbits and frogs gave off the rays, Tendons stretched by muscles gave no effects, but the biceps muscle did. N rays increased the sensitivity of the human to vision, smell, taste and hearing. Soon he found the rays from living matter were somewhat different from the N rays, and he called them "physiological rays".( Bions ) These latter could even be transmitted along wires. Thus a small copper plate is fixed at the end of a copper wire 90 cm long. At the other end is the phosphorescent screen. When the human body is opposite the plate, the screen lights up, indicating transmission of the radiation through the wire. Both the physiological rays and the N rays were transmitted in this way, he claimed. A long list of medical and biological effects were chronicled in a book published at the time (Ref. 7).

                            Quartz + Salt
                            seems to be playing tricks on a lot of scientists


                   on page 5

                            The same authors found that even the dissolution of NaCl
                            in water
                            produces & growth-stimulating radiation (Table 14) This
                            energy emission occurs only during the act oI dissolving ; it- ceases
                            completely when all the salt i8 in solution' No effect is noticeable
                            when sugar is dissolved in water, or when palmitic acid is dissolved
                            in alcohol. Wolff and Ras concluded therefore that the process
                            of dissociation of salt into ions is the source of ultraviolet

                            These beautiful lamps are made from natural Rock Salt Crystal (Halite) accumulated over millions of years in salt caverns deep under ground in the Himalayan Mountains. (Halite is called an evaporite because it is formed by the evaporation of saline water in partially enclosed basins. It is found in solid underground masses, and as a dissolved solution in oceans and inland lakes.) Halite salt crystals mined from the foothills of the Himalayas are still pure and untouched by pollution. They provide a warm glow in stunning and beautiful natural designs. Read more...

                            Salt Crystal Lamps, when illuminated from inside with a small light, produce a beautiful, natural glow of shades from orange to yellow. This color, and the ionizing effects, create a special atmosphere of calming, balancing, and refreshing clean air. Warm Salt Crystal produces and emits a higher number of Negative Ions and delivers a more efficient Ionizing Effect. Today, the health benefits of Negative Ionizers are well recognized. While most ionizers on the market are man-made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamps are a beautiful, maintenance free, natural alternative from Mother Nature to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps will not reduce in size, color or shape, and will not lose weight, or their ionizing effect!
                            a mixture of of Halite + Quartz impurities will surely have of more enhanced effect

                            How Does the Crystal Salt Lamp clean the air?

                            Remove pathogens (bacteria, virus, fungi), allergens (pollen, etc.) and other airborne irritants (smoke) from the room air. Salt has a natural affinity for water (H2O). We can readily see that by setting a bowl of salt out on the counter- it will absorb moisture (water vapor) from right out of the air in the room, which results in it caking together. This is why you so often find grains of rice mixed in with the salt in restaurants.
                            Himalayan Salt already contains minute amounts of water dispersed throughout the extremely fine crystal structure, but it is looking for more. When using a Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp this affinity for water can be amplified many times in potency. The heat generated by the low wattage light bulb burning inside the Salt Crystal Lamp has the effect of turning on the crystal, so that it attracts the water vapor in the room at an even greater amount than when unlit. With the Lamp now drawing larger quantities of vapor towards itself, the vapor, and anything hitching a ride on it (such as bacteria or pollen, for example) will momentarily condensate on the surface of the Salt Crystal Lamp. This results in a microscopic pool of water, which then immediately dissolves the salt it contacts, forming a salt solution.
                            As a child, whenever we had a sore throat, what did our mother tell us to do? Gargle with salt water! Why? Because when the salt in the salt water came in contact with the bacteria causing our sore throat it would kill the bacteria. Well, that same process occurs at the microscopic level right on the surface of the lamp. Virtually any pathogen finding itself in the salt solution as a result of the condensation of the water vapor, will be neutralized or killed. Then, just as quickly, because the Lamp is warmer than the ambient air in the room, the water evaporates; the salt re-crystallizes, and the process continues, billions of times, over and over again.
                            It should be noted that the wattage of the light bulb used in your Himalayan Salt Lamp is selected to match the size, shape, and weight of the Lamp, in order to produce the best results. Too cool a light bulb (not enough watts) and the water will condensate, but not evaporate. The germs will die, but your Lamp will eventually melt (dissolve) over a long enough period of time. Too hot a bulb for the Salt Crystal Lamp and the water vapor will never be able to condensate on the surface. It is like Goldilocks, looking for the bulb that is just right. Fortunately, there is a wide range that works, but it is best to be in that range for optimal performance.

                            a simple way to revitalize a room halite + quartz lamp or grow your plants
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-29-2012, 12:15 AM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Thank Mon M... always enlightening.

                              I love my Himalayan Salt Lamp.
                              I want to follow a heat trail to another vein ore to be mined. This particular vein has to do with heat or more particularly, heat shock proteins. HSPs were discovered by biologists by accident in the 1960s. Some Itallian biologists left the heat on too long and nearly cooked their fruit flies and they mutated as a result ( it turned out .... cause it took years to unravel the mystery ) of heat shock proteins. HSPs seem to be the swiss army knife of life. The perform all kinds of magic tricks for the living...but their main job is to repair proteins. They are reported to be the among the most commonly produced structures made by the cell. Once you start to look for them, they seem to be everywhere.

                              Biology is so complex its really hard to know where to begin. The really useful things are the simple things. Its useful to know about Oxygen for instance. And if you know about Oxygen you gotta know about CO2 and if you know about Co2 you gotta know about glucose and the krebs cycle and if you know about that you gotta know about enzymes and insulin and cofactors and coenzymes and vitamins and salt.... and the chains and connections just keep growing. Theres the nucleus of the cell and the membrane and all the receptors and you could pick any one key part and and see how it fits into to the whole and start to see how the whole thing works.

                              As a person who has been in need of healing on and off his whole life, heat shock proteins... the healers of the cell .... make a fascinating study.

                              I learned about them by accident. I was coming home from a Rainbow gathering on a hot day, carrying a heavy load of stuff up a steep hill for a long time and when i got home several hours later there was a hot sauna waiting for me. I took the sauna and overdid the venig... the bundle of leafy branches you hit yourself with to superheat and wound up in a kind of heat shock zone. Talk about a cleanse.....I was in cleansing mode for 4 days as a result of this little combination. I was unable to explain what happened .

                              I had no other symptoms besides an enigmatic fever. The MD who looked at my blood test results thought I might have leukemia or lymphoma. The storm passed and I had no explanation. In fact it was not until a similar event struck a year later that the pieces fell into place. I have used the Sauna for years and never had any problems until this happened. Now I was paying attention. I am not sure how I hit upon heat shock proteins, but I did and their role in the process of life is simply amazing. There is reams of literature now on them most of which is too complicated for the average person to even approach. They represent part of the Holy Grail of cancer research and pain and inflammation research, immunology, and so you get the idea.

                              to be continued.....


                              • An interesting excerpt from :

                                DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

                                WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ABANDONED

                                Divine Intervention (or Celestial Intelligences ) is very real.

                                You may be surprised to discover how extensive the intervention has now become -- and how far back in time the trail of evidence goes.

                                The forces behind the great religions of the world are not mythological. They are not historical artifacts buried away in scrolls and texts fewer and fewer people bother to read.

                                They've been here all along. They have openly walked among us in every ancient culture -- and were highly revered.

                                They have their own rules, their own governing bodies, and their own code of ethics.

                                They have avoided appearing in any obvious, worldwide, public fashion for well over 1000 years now.

                                Nonetheless, they have been thoroughly involved this entire time -- guiding and steering our evolution.

                                This critical step allowed us to become "modern", and to give us the opportunity to forget that they ever really existed -- even as they continued to guide our development, behind the scenes.

                                And now -- very recently -- the rules have changed... and they are being permitted to do much, much more to help the Earth and its people evolve into a higher state of consciousness.

                                THOSE WHO ARE OUTSIDE OF TIME

                                I have had many personal examples of "angelic" or "extraterrestrial" forces bending time and giving me accurate prophecies. Many of them have been documented on this website.

                                As one recent example, last February I published very powerful dreams telling me "the next disaster on the scope of the BP oil spill" was about to occur -- and three weeks later we had the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

                                I have twenty years of documenting my dreams every morning. They have been remarkably accurate in predicting the future.

                                Four years after I began this practice, I established direct contact with the people who are helping this planet "from above."

                                For this same reason, I do not see a difference between "angels" and "extraterrestrials."

                                The media has manipulated us into believing extraterrestrials are scary creatures.

                                Once people realize that the vast majority of them are humans -- and in many cases nearly indistinguishable from us in their appearance -- the fear factor will significantly reduce.

                                in case you have not seen it :

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-29-2012, 10:42 AM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

