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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • There is much to be learned from the Enneagram ; which the Rodin Coil and Rodin Math are based on :

    for instance:

    did you know that it also has poles :

    1+2+3+4 = 10

    8+7+6+5= 26

    The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole
    In September, 1927, I demonstrated this principle of dual polarity control by
    arranging two pairs of solenoids - one pair with more windings than the other - in
    such a manner that the dual polarity of Nature was simulated WR ps check zinc and silver and their corresponding octave .

    which leads me to think that the closest form of a Rodin Coil is not as you might think a homogeneous Donut but rather a Donut that is of the same shape as the Ouroboros

    think of modelling clay Plasticine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... you first make a snake like tube then you connect the two ends .... and you have an Ouroboros

    also an interesting image of Silly putty ( Silly Putty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    note the similarities to the Ouroboros


    Walter Russell utilised the bar magnet again and again to illustrate the polarity of all things created. One end is feminine, the other is male. Two gravity bars are shown approaching union in the center. In this position before union, polarity still strongly exists betwen the two approaching poles. After union, the two bars void their separateness in their union and become one bar.

    The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole
    In September, 1927, I demonstrated this principle of dual polarity control by
    arranging two pairs of solenoids - one pair with more windings than the other - in
    such a manner that the dual polarity of Nature was simulated WR ps check zinc and silver and their corresponding octave .

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-29-2012, 03:05 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • With Ouroboros Rodin Coil and its Asymetry you will also have created Anisotropy

      An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      There is much to be learned from the Enneagram ; which the Rodin Coil and Rodin Math are based on :

      which leads me to think that the closest form of a Rodin Coil is not as you might think a homogeneous Donut but rather a Donut that is of the same shape as the Ouroboros

      think of modelling clay Plasticine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... you first make a snake like tube then you connect the two ends .... and you have an Ouroboros

      also an interesting image of Silly putty ( Silly Putty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-29-2012, 06:20 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • the Ouroboros Rodin Coil is nothing more than a simplified Vortex Connected by its 2 ends as Walter Russell puts it The End and The Beginning

        ps: a perfect example of the Principle of Mentalism : All is Wave and Principle of Correspondence

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • So we have previously discussed the Kali Yuga or Iron Age ( ie Today ) :

          Kali Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: कलियुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Indian scriptures.
          most of you are Aware of the Fukushima Incident

          as was previously posted the expanded part of a Vortex is the Male Pole and the concentrated / compact part of a vortex the Female Pole

          what does this have to do with Fukushima

          hint: the world today is more Radioactive than ever before (not counting ancient civilizations )

          observe and analyse the following image

          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
          the Yugas

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Let us go back to the subject of Brain as a Fractal Antenna:

            Man suffers from head injury and becomes a sudden musical genius, page 1

            Man suffers from head injury and becomes a sudden musical genius

            Derek Amato is truly one in a billion. He is possibly the only person in the world to have acquired musical ability after a traumatic brain injury. A severe concussion left him with the ability to play piano, an instrument he had never played before. He now plays professionally and earns his living as a musician. Now, the music never stops. He sees it constantly streaming in front of his eyes in the form of black and white squares that compel him to play. Derek journeys to the Mayo Clinic to meet with one of the world's top neurologists to try and find a way to control the incessant stream of music: an incredible gift that is also his curse. vid included in the thread

            Man Becomes Math Genius After Head Injury, page 1

            Man Becomes Math Genius After Head Injury

            Jason Padgett saw complex mathematical formulas after being violently mugged.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • You may not know it but Voodoo uses the same 7 principles found in the kybalion

              Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

              The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:


              -------------------- West African Vodun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Vodun or Vudun (spirit in the Fon and Ewe languages, pronounced [vodṹ] with a nasal high-tone u; also spelled Vodon, Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo etc.) is an indigenous organised religion of coastal West Africa from Nigeria to Ghana. Vodun is practised by the Ewe, Kabye, Mina and Fon peoples of southeastern Ghana, southern and central Togo, southern and central Benin and (under a different name) the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria.[1]
              Vodun cosmology centers around the vodun spirits and other elements of divine essence that govern the Earth, a hierarchy that range in power from major deities governing the forces of nature and human society to the spirits of individual streams, trees, and rocks, as well as dozens of ethnic vodun, defenders of a certain clan, tribe, or nation. The vodun are the centre of religious life, similarly in many ways to doctrines such as the intercession of saints and angels that made Vodun appear compatible with Christianity, especially Catholicism, and produced syncretic religions such as Haitian Vodou. Adherents also emphasise ancestor worship and hold that the spirits of the dead live side by side with the world of the living, each family of spirits having its own female priesthood, sometimes hereditary when is from mother to blood daughter.

              Patterns of worship follow various dialects, gods, practices, songs and rituals (fractal ). Vodun recognises one God with many helpers called Orishas. A single divine Creator, called variously Mawu or Nana Buluku is an androgynous being who in one tradition bore seven children and gave each rule over a realm of nature - animals, earth, and sea - or else these children are inter-ethnic and related to natural phenomena or to historical or mythical individuals. The creator embodies a dual cosmogonic principle of which Mawu the moon and Lisa the sun are respectively the female and male aspects, often portrayed as the twin children of the Creator. [1]

              Mami Wata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              Mami Wata possesses African beauty. The appearance of her hair ranges from straight, curly to kinky black and combed straight back.[4][5][dead link] In many parts of West and Central Africa, "Mami Wata" serves as a slang term for a gorgeous woman.

              Mami Wata is often described as a mermaid-like figure, with a woman's upper body (often nude) and the hindquarters of a fish or serpent.[6][7][8] In other tales, Mami Wata is fully human in appearance (though never human). Mami Wata often carries expensive baubles such as combs, mirrors, and watches. A large snake (symbol of divination and divinity) frequently accompanies her, wrapping itself around her and laying its head between her breasts. Other times, she may try to pass as completely human, wandering busy markets or patronising bars.[4] She may also manifest in a number of other forms, including as a man.[5][9][10][11] In the Yoruba tradition, the mother goddess Yemaja has been recently associated with Mami Wata in popular culture.[citation needed] Traders in the 20th century carried similar beliefs with them from Senegal to as far as Zambia. As the Mami Wata traditions continues to re-emerge, native water deities were subsumed into it.[12]

              Traditions on both sides of the Atlantic tell of the spirit abducting her followers or random people whilst they are swimming or boating. She brings them to her paradisiacal realm, which may be underwater, in the spirit world, or both.[4] Should she allow them to leave, the travellers usually return in dry clothing and with a new spiritual understanding reflected in their gaze. These returnees often grow wealthier, more attractive, and more easygoing after the encounter.[5]

              Van Stipriaan further reports that other tales describe river travellers (usually men) chancing upon the spirit. She is inevitably grooming herself, combing her hair, and peering at herself in a mirror. Upon noticing the intruder, she flees into the water and leaves her possessions behind. The traveller then takes the invaluable items. Later, Mami Wata appears to the thief in his dreams to demand the return of her things. Should he agree, she further demands a promise from him to be sexually faithful to her. Agreement grants the person riches; refusal to return the possessions or to be faithful brings the man ill fortune.[4]

              Her worship is as diverse as her initiates, priesthood and worshippers,[12] although some parallels may be drawn (fractal ). Groups of people may gather in her name, but the deity is much more prone to interacting with followers on a one-on-one basis. She thus has many priests and mediums in both Africa, America and in the Caribbean who are specifically born and initiated to them.

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Principle of Correspondence :

                Domino Theory: Small steps can lead to big results

                ( -- What if you could make a world-changing impact with one small act? Would you be more inclined to take that first step if you knew your action would gain momentum when aligned with the actions of others?

                It might seem daunting for an individual to make big changes in society, but taking that first step can set into motion a series of events culminating in a big result. Entrepreneur Herb Morreale (CompSci ’91) has distilled all his thoughts and ideas about how individuals can make an impact for the greater good into what he calls his “domino theory.”

                As dominos placed on end knock each other in succession, all of the dominos fall due to the energy transferred by each impact. Like tipping over that first domino, one small act can set into motion a series of events that expands out into the world. Examples can be found throughout history. Rosa Parks struck a blow for civil rights when she refused to give up her seat on the bus. A Chinese student stood alone in Tiananmen Square to block military tanks in support of democratic reform. With a swing of a hammer, the Berlin Wall came down.

                “I had been thinking about this for quite awhile and trying to understand the patterns of setting things into motion,” says Morreale. “One of the patterns starts with something inspirational. You have to inspire people. It’s in that inspiration that they will feel it here, in their chest. That gives them the motivation to do whatever the next step is.”

                To illustrate the power of this process, he says it is possible in a topple of only a few dominoes to knock down a final domino that is many times greater than the mass of the first domino . Morreale carries a domino in his pocket as a tangible reminder of his theory and his passion.

                “Domino theory is a framework that helps people understand that no matter how or small their hopes and dreams, they can accomplish them by seeing the world as a set of dominos,” he says. “All it takes is one small strategic action to set big things in motion and align with the actions of others.”

                a Harmonic Cascade Effect

                An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

                Bejeweled: Nanotech gets boost from nanowire decorations

                Like a lead actress on the red carpet, nanowires—those superstars of nanotechnology—can be enhanced by a little jewelry, too. Not the diamonds and pearls variety, but the sort formed of sinuous chains (snake like ) of metal oxide or noble metal nanoparticles.
                Tree-like structures (in other words Fractal : see also )

                "You can think of it like a tree. The nanowires are the trunk, very good at transporting electrons, like sap ( anisotropy ) , but limited in surface area," explained Xiaolin Zheng, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and senior author of the study. "The added nanoparticle decorations, as we call them, are like the branches and leaves, which fan out and greatly increase the surface area."

                oh look Helical:

                ------------------the following surely happened to you while watching tv or listenning to the radio

                Attention Tunes The Mind's Ear - Science News

                Attention tunes the mind's ear
                Brain activity shows how one voice pattern stands out from the crowd
                The brain’s power to focus can make a single voice seem like the only sound in a room full of chatter, a new study shows. The results help explain how people can pick out a speaker from a jumbled stream of incoming sounds.

                A deeper understanding of this feat could help scientists better treat people who can’t sort out sound signals effectively, an ability that can decline with age.

                “I think this is a truly outstanding study, which has deep implications for the way we think about the auditory brain,” says auditory neuroscientist Christophe Micheyl of the University of Minnesota, who was not involved in the new research.
                and that is why your wife /girlfriend / sister / Mother always told you to look at her when she talks to you
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-30-2012, 02:34 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                  found a few other nuggets , just saw them and they eerily depict today's State of mind :


                  The traditional families will roll and they will sink in criminal causes. The new rich will fall down in spectacular crimes, but they won’t be sunk. Gold saves. The humble will be evicted, despised, forgotten. They will be the cause of vexation. (year 1937)

                  The world will be denaturalized by the power of the domestic screen. All the bad influence will be rudely spread over every home and will be imposed by the advertiser commerce which aims to the crowd. The crowd will become dull dominated by the disguised orders as easy and better paradises, the crowd delighted will contemplate the stupidity and the immorality. It will come the day when the bulk crowd will be manipulated like a sheepfold. (year 1938)

                  think "reality" TV

                  Invisible war! Without the World War to be declared the world will live it without to see, and it will become accustomed to that war. Labyrinth of habits will blind the world until the big thunder. (year 1939)

                  North Korea:

                  Change of the world near the 2002. It arrives the atomic without a solution and it will finally explode. It is not truth the actual attitude of the nation when saying and speaking about peace. They trade with the organized war. They threaten with the blue mushroom believing that they will never come to blows, but the hard yellow will say... to hell! And muddled, he will go! After that, end of the ends. Beginning of the beginnings. Light. (year 1960)

                  The science, incapable of decode the continuous astral problems ( see recent news posted on dark matter ), does not confess this reality and denies it, and will deny what the studious and sensible scientist knows but he doesn’t mention because he considers himself insignificant. (year 1969)

                  The science has become a baby in the presence of the continuous UFO problems. The surprises box holds, day after day, new rabbit in store, and... what a "rabbit"! The science incapable of knowing denies it. The science grows up, even... it isn’t! (year 1969)

                  Scientist, you are looking for what you shouldn’t and you don’t study what you should. Pay attention! The motherhood you are trying to achieve by means of the artificial "ribosome" will not be, in spite of its apparent probability for being. The man will never birth from neither, a test tube, nor a culture tube, not even from a controlled refrigerator. Will never the elaborated and preserved gene produce what you expect. Superior men will never be born from your hands, since the being, in the supposed case that it were born, it would be a wretched "alive-dead" because it will lack soul. Remember and don’t forget: The soul only enters trough the mother! (year 1961)
                  Artificial DNA Can Replicate in Lab, Researchers Find - Businessweek

                  Extraterrestrial women will arrive in the world to be inseminated and they will go back. Men will be kidnapped to inseminated and they won’t come back.
                  Man bites Alien's Nipple, finds Alien hair wraped around Penis, DNA Tests Alien DNA


                  Interplanetary navigators, messengers of God, angels yesterday, will arrive in the world in, every time, bigger amounts. They will show themselves in different ways with the intention to the unconscious man about the danger of the atom. Older and superior civilizations than the actual disappeared as victims of the same power. It will be known! (year 1959)
                  Fulcanelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli communicated with Jacques Bergier (Яков Михайлович Бергер) to warn French atomic physicist André Hellbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons had been used before, by and against humanity. Dr. Hellbronner and Chevillon among others were assassinated by the Gestapo towards the end of World War II.[1
                  -------------------------- the Occupy Movement

                  Will arrive the sun to the darken world, when the sun has returned from the three days smoke. Then, will arrive the pure virtue in the expert and evolved youth. The seven virtues come back in triumph, it comes back the beauty of the faith and the felt intimacy of the hope. The charity has brought all of this. (year 1968)

                  Time for a little Re-post:

                  from: THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                  "Faith. The world will go looking for, without to see, and seeing, it will not see, it will fall down and will stand up with the Virgin." (year 1939)
                  "Circles of lights will appear flying high, bringing alien beings from other planets. Yes, they were who came to settle the earth, it will be said, and it will be well said. Yes, who were called angels in old testament, or... Jahveh voice, they will be, and they will be seen again, and they will be seen, and they will be heard." (year 1938)

                  "The Darwin theory, will be no longer, because it will be known that the man descended from the planets."
                  The moon crater of the seven circular stair will disclose its secret to the man.
                  The planets will tell the man about races not humanoid of static beauty and mind power Higer! (year 1972) HM 1

                  Do not necessarily agree with all the prophecies .... why .... see Chinese whispers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 06:47 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Mother Wins Top Environmental Award for Beating Monsanto, page 1

                    After experiencing the traumatizing death of her daughter to kidney failure just three days after her daughter was born, Sofia Gatica from Argentina became determined to find out what killed her daughter. Her conclusion? Monsanto’s genetically modified soy fields that surrounded her neighborhood, laced with damaging insecticides negatively affecting nearby neighborhood children and adults alike.

                    Gatica began to detail how her small town was plagued with astronomically high birth defect rates, respiratory disease, and even infant mortality. From this point, the courageous mother decided to take on Monsanto.
                    As a result of the serious campaign to eradicate Monsanto, the mothers were rewarded. Argentina’s Supreme Court not only banned chemical spraying near populated areas, but demanded that the government, as well as soy manufacturers, now prove that these chemicals are safe.

                    ------------ a necessary repost

                    Principle of Correspondence :

                    Domino Theory: Small steps can lead to big results

                    ( -- What if you could make a world-changing impact with one small act? Would you be more inclined to take that first step if you knew your action would gain momentum when aligned with the actions of others?

                    It might seem daunting for an individual to make big changes in society, but taking that first step can set into motion a series of events culminating in a big result. Entrepreneur Herb Morreale (CompSci ’91) has distilled all his thoughts and ideas about how individuals can make an impact for the greater good into what he calls his “domino theory.”

                    As dominos placed on end knock each other in succession, all of the dominos fall due to the energy transferred by each impact. Like tipping over that first domino, one small act can set into motion a series of events that expands out into the world. Examples can be found throughout history. Rosa Parks struck a blow for civil rights when she refused to give up her seat on the bus. A Chinese student stood alone in Tiananmen Square to block military tanks in support of democratic reform. With a swing of a hammer, the Berlin Wall came down.

                    “I had been thinking about this for quite awhile and trying to understand the patterns of setting things into motion,” says Morreale. “One of the patterns starts with something inspirational. You have to inspire people. It’s in that inspiration that they will feel it here, in their chest. That gives them the motivation to do whatever the next step is.”

                    To illustrate the power of this process, he says it is possible in a topple of only a few dominoes to knock down a final domino that is many times greater than the mass of the first domino . Morreale carries a domino in his pocket as a tangible reminder of his theory and his passion.

                    “Domino theory is a framework that helps people understand that no matter how or small their hopes and dreams, they can accomplish them by seeing the world as a set of dominos,” he says. “All it takes is one small strategic action to set big things in motion and align with the actions of others.”

                    a Harmonic Cascade Effect

                    An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • a little added info to a previous posts ... as it refers to Crop Circle:

                      appeared on June 21 2009 or

                      = 06 / 03 / 09 = HM 9


                      Revelation 22: 14-15 = 9 6 = HM 3

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Here is a nice Application of Fractal Resonance / Morphic Resonance:

                      an Electromagnetic interpretation (fractal .... ) of the Bible ....and interestingly when you follow the informations provided (references in the Bible ) ... using Harmonic Math gives you the numbers he mentions in his Presentation ..( 7 ... 4 . etc )

                      682 Supernova and The Sickle - YouTube

                      682 = HM 7

                      the subject is Supernova 1987a ( 87 = HM 6 for the date found and if you prefer 1987 = 1 + 6 = 7 for the name of the supernova )

                      ---------------------an image summary of what he is saying



                      132b What Aquarius Means To You - YouTube
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 06:30 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a re post from:

                        just FYI: Ed Leedskalnin agreed with Tesla when he mentioned in his book:

                        The Last Stoic: Coral Castle Code Broken

                        CORAL CASTLE CODE / JON DEPEW / FORMULA of ENERGY

                        Science says energy is canceled when Positive and Negative connect, but Ed said there is still something there when the electric is not. Ed Leedskalnin said that science is misled by this false electron principle. He said there are no electrons and the false conclusion came about by giving the cathode in a vacuum tube a double dose of negative, from an unbalanced power source that was used by Thomson

                        interview with Dr. Tesla from

                        Popular Science - Nov 1928 - Page 16

                        BESIDES his world power scheme, Dr. Tesla says he is devoting his time chiefly to his vertically rising flying machine. This aerial flivver is to weigh less 200 pound...
                        ...On the whole subject of matter, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the accepted atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an "electron" as pictured by science or, he maintains, if it can exist at all, it does so only in perfect vacuum...
                        ...Even before the discovery of radium, Tesla expressed his belief that radioactive rays were of this sort, a view ridiculed at that time. When radium was discovered it was found actually to emit particles of matter ....Tesla has maintained ever since that radium is not a generator but a transformer of energy, the emanations being caused by cosmic rays of immense power capable of penetrating all obstacles however thick.
                        Popular Science - Google Books

                        linking it to the previous post


                        Tesla knew his designs were fractal .....

                        Nature may reach the same result in many ways. Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present. A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe. Nikola Tesla
                        Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor
                        . Nikola Tesla

                        the interesting thing is that the Name Arthur Young comes up in

                        Project Camelot | Peter Levenda transcript

                        I was thrilled that they were writing about these events, about “The Nine” also. They were writing about Puharich. They had mentioned him. They had mentioned this group, but they had not drawn the connection. They had not connected the dot between, for instance, Arthur Young, who was a prominent member of “The Nine”, a man who invented the Bell Helicopter, which I had mentioned just a little while ago as having been involved with Nazi scientists...
                        more on this this awesome presentation :

                        Secret Space Program: Peter Levenda [Full Length] - YouTube

                        ps : in Peter levenda presentation the following is mentioned...note the name chosen


                        The Hermes project (November 20, 1944 - December 31, 1954)[1] was a United States Army Ordnance Corps rocket program (the contractor was General Electric).
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 03:50 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • since we are on the subject of Space and UFOs

                          here is a little story for you:

                          translated using google:

                          Les Repas Ufologiques Marrakchi marrakech maroc


                          I am now 31 years old, I live in Morocco, Mohammedia, currently I hold a senior management position in a food group in Casablanca. When I was 17, I had a strange encounter that has not had an impact on my life and my health. Even today, I keep asking myself questions about what I saw. I studied in France, after this meeting, so I gained some scientific culture and I also have a vision of Western culture. Today I realized that as strange facts must be made known to the public, through other eyes than the ready explanation of the intervention of Djin's or other creatures taught in our religion. I got interested in astronomy, phenomena in space remain unidentified (UFO) and I also read books on the legends in France. Here in Morocco, tradition, one does not speak of it, except in the limited circle of family, close friends. So there is very little facts like this happened to me, published in the press or in books.
                          I was 17 and we went on holiday in the region Immouzer Kandar (a town in the middle Atlas, 1400 m above sea level, forty kilometers from the imperial city of Fez) family, me, my brother and my sister and my parents.

                          This holiday lasted 10 days, we lived in a small house in a summer center with pool. I was fascinated by nature, I had binoculars, and every day I made out without the permission of my parents for exploring the surrounding mountains.

                          There was a mountain not far from the center, which fascinated me a lot, there was like a small forest at the base of the mountain. I went there several times but never rise very high.
                          One day I decided to go further and go to the summit to admire the landscape. But, arrived midway on a platter, I discovered a crack, like a cave whose entrance was buried impractical given that there was an empty and ropes and equipment were needed for the descent.

                          I was impressed with my discovery, and also very moved. It was getting late, I decided to turn back.

                          The next day I went back again, but this time, with the will to go to the top. I followed the same path as before, passing on the board or was the cave. As I approached, I saw what I identified as a group of children came out of nowhere. They were on set, grouped in a circle and pretend busy reviewing something on the ground. They seemed silent and cold at once, they saw me coming and were soon dispersed.
                          "What are you doing here and where are you from? ".

                          One of the things, one of those kids and one replied, in French, as if reading my mind and in a normal voice that I was not shocked:

                          "We've just not far."
                          Then he said:

                          "Do not worry and just, we'll play a game, I'll challenge and I'm sure I will win"

                          I smiled and I said:

                          "Go ahead, show me."

                          This is when the child moves far enough from the abyss, I am, while lying to me a good distance from him. It takes a stone and tosses it. It was quite amazing: the stone flew like a flash, almost without me to be able to follow the eyes. Breakneck speed, breathtaking! It was as if the stone was burning in the air, while emitting a sound very muffled.
                          so again we have a mountain at play


                          A Christian Hermit. Idris II. founds Fez.

                          On a fair hillside clothed in verdure and forest a
                          young Moorish noble is busying himself and a
                          few followers. It is February, in the year of
                          our Lord 808, and the country shows the tender
                          green due to the influence of spring. An old
                          hermit whose crucifix betokens his creed, and
                          whose solitude has been disturbed by the bustle,
                          asks him what he is doing. " Building a City
                          is the curious reply. The answer seems to
                          awaken th£ old man from the lethargy of age
                          and, " If this be so, O Emir, I have good tidings
                          for thee," quoth he. He then narrates how his
                          predecessor at the hermitage told him that a
                          city named "Sef" had been located there 1,700
                          years ago. The *' Book of Knowledge " of this
                          predecessor had also stated that "one day a son of
                          " the Prophets should come and rebuild, his name
                          " shall be Idris, and his achievements great : he
                          " shall plant Islam here, and it shall endure for
                          "ever." "Praised be God," said Idris, and starts
                          digging the foundations of Fez.

                          a mystic indeed

                          more stories on the link

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 07:03 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • on a side note

                            Solar Wind Reversal! Something coming from the back side of Earth?? Why was this covered-up?, page 1

                            This news is just about a month old, but still unbelievably intriguing. It would seem that in mid-March ( March 15th ) the solar winds reversed, as observed by our magnetospere reversing itself. Now, for all you Planet X, Nibiru, brown dwarf believers, this actually fits somewhat nicely into your viewpoint of the universe. For those of you not prone to this belief, it certainly does raise a tremendous mystery.

                            To me, the really fascinating thing is why the data seems to have been scrubbed from the entire data-set of the world! Literally, the world's observing stations and publicly viewable scientific sites have all seemed to delete this event from their servers. Why? This could have been explained and pondered within acceptable scientific circles, such as a particularly close gamma ray burst, etc. But no, it was scrubbed. Whenever something is cleansed, one must become intrigued and wonder...why?

                            I'll include the best video I've found describing the phenomenon. I like this guy, SuspiciousObservers, tremendously. He's very sharp, and he breaks things down quite quickly. Give it a look, it's definitely worth it.


                            interesting resonance of Events

                            Anonymous claims to have proof of 'inter-dimensional' aliens., page 1

                            ANONYMOUS MESSAGE TO NASA 30.04.2012 - YouTube

                            posted on Apr 30, 2012
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 07:25 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Home Owners Across the Nation Sue All Bank Servicers and Their Offshore Havens; Spire Law Officially, page 1

                              ""The laundering of trillions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money -- and the wrongful taking of the homes of those taxpayers -- was known by the Administration and expressly supported by it. Evidence uncovered by the plaintiffs revealed that the Administration ignored its own agencies' reports -- and reports from the Department of Homeland Security -- about this situation, dating as far back as 2010. Worse, the Administration purported to endorse a 'national bank settlement' without disclosing or having any public discourse whatsoever about the thousands of foreign tax havens now wholly owned by our nation's banks. Fortunately, no home owner is bound to enter into this fraudulent bank settlement," stated Eric J. Wittenberg of Columbus, Ohio -- a noted trial lawyer, author and student of US history -- on behalf of plaintiffs in the case. "

                              remember the BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE

                              found a few other nuggets , just saw them and they eerily depict today's State of mind :

                              THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                              The traditional families will roll and they will sink in criminal causes. The new rich will fall down in spectacular crimes, but they won’t be sunk. Gold saves. The humble will be evicted, despised, forgotten. They will be the cause of vexation. (year 1937)

                              Amazing HD Video of Planets - Stitched Together from NASA Photos - YouTube

                              found originally on ATS

                              observe the phenomena around 1:00 min and compare to the other phenomena around 1:11 min
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 08:28 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • on a side note ... for your entertainment

                                Hogan's Heroes S1E01 part 1: Pilot Episode - YouTube

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

