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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
    The Nag Hammadi is a collection of 13 papyrus codices, found buried beneath the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, possibly written in the 2/3rdC, CE. It includes early thoughts re Christian, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, Sethian and Valentinian thought.

    In the book of Zostrianos we encounter the figure of Barbelo:
    The Emergence of the Barbelo Aeon from the Triple-Powered Spirit.
    Barbelo could be seen as the first mother, the womb of mankind, and possibly an androgenous figure. Interesting that this form of 'mother', although appearing at times masculine as well as feminine came from a triple powered spirit. I imagine there is a link with the triple headed 'White Goddess', associated with the bardic tradition/pagan/Beth, Luis,Nuin tree alphabet of pre christian society. Is the triple headed mother, pure energy, like the DEWAs of the Kolbrein Text?

    Barbelo Aeon in Jewish gematria is 369

    Check out the link below for starters, be interested in your thoughts.
    Barbelo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    if you also look at the myth of Odin .... he is male and Female
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • They took them and begot children out of darkness through their counterfeit spirit. It closed their hearts.
      Who/What is the counterfeit spirit?

      25 He made a plan with his angels. Their angels were sent to the daughters of men so that they might raise offspring from them, to be a respite for them. But at first they did not succeed. They all came together to make a plan to create the counterfeit spirit—for they remembered the Spirit which had descended.

      Is this the Annunaki, the alleged genetic engineers?

      Thanks for this.


      • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
        They took them and begot children out of darkness through their counterfeit spirit. It closed their hearts.
        Who/What is the counterfeit spirit?

        25 He made a plan with his angels. Their angels were sent to the daughters of men so that they might raise offspring from them, to be a respite for them. But at first they did not succeed. They all came together to make a plan to create the counterfeit spirit—for they remembered the Spirit which had descended.

        Is this the Annunaki, the alleged genetic engineers?

        Thanks for this.

        Genetic Engineers .....hmmmmmmm... in a way yes .... if you consider the source can transform your Dna electromagnetically ..........

        adding a bit of color to what you are reading will bring forth a scent of the "spirit" of what is meant to convey in the text the tincture of the alchemist (of sort )

        angels are androgynous

        Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Lyrics - YouTube

        Oo, bet youre wondring how I knew bout your plans to make me blue
        With some other guy that you knew before?
        Between the two of us guys, you know I love you more.
        It took me by surprise, I must say, when I found out yesterday. oo,

        I heard it through the grapevine, not much longer would you be mine.
        Oo, I heard it through the grapevine, and Im just about to lose my mind.
        Honey, honey yeah.

        You know that a man aint supposed to cry, but these tears I cant hold inside.
        Losin you would end my life you see, cause you mean that much to me.
        You could have told me yourself that you found someone else.

        I heard it through the grapevine, not much longer would you be mine.
        Oo, I heard it through the grapevine, and Im just about to lose my mind.
        Honey, honey yeah.

        People say you hear from what you see, na na not from what you hear.
        I cant help bein confused; if its true, wont you tell me dear?
        Do you plan to let me go for the other guy that you knew before? oo,

        I heard it through the grapevine, not much longer would you be mine.
        Oo, I heard it through the grapevine, and Im just about to lose my mind.
        Honey, honey yeah.

        I heard it through the grapevine, not much longer would you be mine.
        Oo, I heard it through the grapevine, and Im just about to lose my mind.
        Honey, honey yeah.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 11:15 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Odin, who hung himself for 9 days in the world tree pierced by his own spear in order to know how it was to die, and thereby learned 9 songs and 18 runes.


          • 24 I said, "Christ, where did the counterfeit spirit come from?''

            He said to me, "(It all began) when the Mother whose mercy is great and the holy Spirit, the compassionate, who troubles herself with us—the seed that is, the Epinoia of the light awakened the thinking of human beings of the generation of the eternal, luminous, perfect Human. Then the Chief Ruler knew that they surpassed him in the excellence of their wisdom. He wanted to restrict their plan for he was ignorant. He did not understand [that] they were wiser than he. He made a plan with his powers. {He made a plan and begot Fate.}
            Re the counterfeit spirit- Sorry, being distracted by small child!
            Ok, in that case, is this about the exisistance of more than one 'Adam', where the first was too intelligent and was re-engineered re splitting the brain in two to make him less intelligent? Is this the influence of a counterfeit spirit?
            Do you know about Lilith, a kind of Kali figure, a female demon who seduced husbands and ate babies? She was Adams first wife. Her name appears to be the root of the word lullaby, whereby a mother sang to her baby to protect it from the threat of Lilith- chthonian themes abound!


            • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
              Odin, who hung himself for 9 days in the world tree pierced by his own spear in order to know how it was to die, and thereby learned 9 songs and 18 runes.
              have you read the Norse poem posted it a while back

              you can go on google and search the the thread click below for an example


              let me know what you think .... if you can read the original language or native language it is even better as it would resonate more strongly with you


              Völuspá is the first and best known poem of the Poetic Edda. It tells the story of the creation of the world and its coming end related by a völva or seeress addressing Odin. It is one of the most important primary sources for the study of Norse mythology. The poem is preserved whole in the Codex Regius and Hauksbók manuscripts while parts of it are quoted in the Prose Edda
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 11:30 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                Re the counterfeit spirit- Sorry, being distracted by small child!
                Ok, in that case, is this about the exisistance of more than one 'Adam', where the first was too intelligent and was re-engineered re splitting the brain in two to make him less intelligent? Is this the influence of a counterfeit spirit?
                Do you know about Lilith, a kind of Kali figure, a female demon who seduced husbands and ate babies? She was Adams first wife. Her name appears to be the root of the word lullaby, whereby a mother sang to her baby to protect it from the threat of Lilith- chthonian themes abound!

                in nature you'll always have pole positive / negative , Red / Blue , Centrifugal / Centripedal , Emit / Receive , Male / Female , Hummingbird/Flower .... and in the middle the Child who has not gone through his / her " Puberty" .... androgynous .... Purple

                known to Ancients as the Middle Path


                just so you know ... i don't sit like the drawing above and sing Aum all day .... .............. I think and listen to that " child's voice" and search .... my kind of meditation + music and a nap

                its closer to the music i listen to .... that does not mean other ways don't work .... let's not forget

                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                also practice what i found ..... oil pulling .... focus mind on the body .... diet .... at some point you'll be able to turn your third eye ( the tingling in your forehead ) at will ... once you have found your method .... not mine

                your heart is not my heart
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 11:53 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • in nature you'll always have pole positive / negative , Red / Blue , Centrifugal / Centripedal , Emit / Receive , Male / Female , Hummingbird/Flower .... and in the middle the Child who has not gone through his / her " Puberty" .... androgynous .... Purple

                  Yes, and re the child as androgenous, I had a the same thought- the child is androgenous in the sense that it is a genetic combination of male and female and yet itself sexually immature.

                  just so you know ... i don't sit like the drawing above and sing Aum all day ....

                  LOL! A few months ago I painted a similar structure to the above on my living room wall. I was getting lots of white and orange sparks as I was slightly entranced. It evolved naturally and afterwards I realised I had, by chance shown all the energy points of the body, i used simple flower and leaf shapes- very low on technical know how so cannot show you via a photo- will see what I can do.


                  • you want to know why people have not found a "Unity Device " yet .... It has always been about resonance ..... they forgot to count themselves as part of the Unity Device .... the Message left to us by Tesla

                    he understood that and took it into account .... we are part of this cosmic circuit whether you like or not .....
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • The reason for my attraction to Rock 'n Roll ( as a whole ) + some Blues is that it represents the Perfect Woman .... weird to say but it is the closest way to explain it

                      KT Tunstall - Big Black Horse And The Cherry Tree (Lyrics) - YouTube

                      Lyrics to Black Horse & The Cherry Tree :
                      Two, three, four


                      Well my heart knows me better than I know myself
                      So I'm gonna let it do all the talking.
                      I came across a place in the middle of nowhere
                      With a big black horse and a cherry tree.

                      I felt a little fear, upon my back
                      I said don't look back, just keep on walking.
                      When the big black horse that looked this way,
                      Said hey lady, will you marry me?

                      But I said no, no, no,no-no-no
                      I said no, no, you're not the one for me
                      No, no, no,no-no-no
                      I said no, no, you're not the one for me


                      And my heart had a problem, in the early hours,
                      So I stopped it dead for a beat or two.
                      But I cut some cord, and I shouldn't have done that,
                      And it won't forgive me after all these years

                      So I sent her to a place in the middle of nowhere
                      With a big black horse and a cherry tree.
                      Now it won't come back , cause it's oh so happy
                      And now I've got a hole for the world to see

                      But it said no, no, no,no-no-no
                      I said no, no, you're not the one for me
                      No, no, no,no-no-no
                      Said no, no, you're not the one for me

                      (ooooo,woo-hoo) (not the one for me, yeah)
                      Said no,no, no,no, no, no, no
                      You're not the one for me
                      Said no,no, no,no, no, no, no
                      You're not the one for me

                      Big black horse and a cherry tree
                      I can't quite get there cause my heart's forsaken me
                      Big black horse and a cherry treemy heart'sthey've all forsaken me
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 12:34 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • The reason for my attraction to Rock 'n Roll ( as a whole ) + some Blues is that it represents the Perfect Woman .... weird to say but it is the closest way to explain it

                        Come on you have to give me more than that... you might be right, lot less hassle in the long run than the material reality! lol


                        • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                          The reason for my attraction to Rock 'n Roll ( as a whole ) + some Blues is that it represents the Perfect Woman .... weird to say but it is the closest way to explain it

                          Come on you have to give me more than that... you might be right, lot less hassle in the long run than the material reality! lol
                          Music is her domain 6 Gaea / Aeon / Isis / Female Pole ....does not Nature Sing ( when you walk in a forest / Mountain / Beach does it not sing to you )

                          These Boots Are Made for Walking With Lyrics Nancy Sinatra - YouTube

                          You keep saying you've got something for me.
                          something you call love, but confess.
                          You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been a messin'
                          and now someone else is gettin' all your best.

                          These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
                          one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

                          You keep lying, when you oughta be truthin'
                          and you keep losin' when you oughta not bet.
                          You keep samin' when you oughta be changin'.
                          Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet.

                          These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
                          one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

                          You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin
                          and you keep thinkin' that you´ll never get burnt.
                          I just found me a brand new box of matches yeah
                          and what he know you ain't HAD time to learn.

                          These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do
                          one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.

                          Johann Strauss II - The Blue Danube Waltz - YouTube

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 12:45 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • The Perfect Woman

                            Have you considered the archetypes of woman presented by Baudilaire's Flowers of Evil His women are intimidating, he says:
                            Beauty is like a "sphinx" against whose stone breast every man bruises himself. These chthonian themes are in contrast to Rousseau's tender depiction of woman, all blossom in the breeze and soft lovliness! In Gautier's poem, "Contralto" (1849) opens with a description of the 'sleeping hermaphrodite, it is then revealed that it is the poet viewing a statue(sexually ambiguous) whilst listening to a female singer with a husky contralto voice- between male and female. I have read that the hermaphroditus theme at the end of the Romantic period was a symbol of the impossible; a mutiple beauty, like the multifaceted concepts to be later explored in Cubism.

                            There you are- 3 in one concept of woman?


                            • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                              Have you considered the archetypes of woman presented by Baudilaire's Flowers of Evil His women are intimidating, he says:
                              Beauty is like a "sphinx" against whose stone breast every man bruises himself. These chthonian themes are in contrast to Rousseau's tender depiction of woman, all blossom in the breeze and soft lovliness! In Gautier's poem, "Contralto" (1849) opens with a description of the 'sleeping hermaphrodite, it is then revealed that it is the poet viewing a statue(sexually ambiguous) whilst listening to a female singer with a husky contralto voice- between male and female. I have read that the hermaphroditus theme at the end of the Romantic period was a symbol of the impossible; a mutiple beauty, like the multifaceted concepts to be later explored in Cubism.

                              There you are- 3 in one concept of woman?
                              Fleur du Mal brings up memories of my ignorance .... was offered this book a long time ago .... youth .... had other matters to attend to ..... maybe time to read it .... thank you for bringing it up
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                                Have you considered the archetypes of woman presented by Baudilaire's Flowers of Evil His women are intimidating, he says:
                                Beauty is like a "sphinx" against whose stone breast every man bruises himself. I have read that the hermaphroditus theme at the end of the Romantic period was a symbol of the impossible; a mutiple beauty, like the multifaceted concepts to be later explored in Cubism.

                                There you are- 3 in one concept of woman?
                                or simply Fractal ... like you and i

                                watch the following movie .... it should inspire you ... fractal wise

                                2010: A Mandelbrot Odyssey (FractalNet HD) - YouTube

                                note the music used 2001

                                ps : This is You ( analogy )

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 01:17 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

