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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Returning to Master Fulcanelli

    The Dwellings of the Philosophers


    "Contemplate these two dragons carefully", says the Adept (3), "for they are the true principles of philosophy which the Sages have not dared to show their own children. The wingless one below is the fixed or the male and the one above is the volatile or the female, black and obscure (4), which will dominate for several months. The first is called sulphur or heat and dryness. And the last is called quicksilver or coldness and humidity. They are the sun and the moon, of mercurial source and sulphurous origin which, by means of continual fire, beautify themselves with royal ornaments so as to vanquish, once they are united, and change any metallic thing --- solid, hard, and strong --- into quintessence. They are the serpents and dragons that ancient Egyptians painted as a circle, head biting the tail, to express that they came from one and the same thing, which alone was enough, and that it perfected itself in its contour and circulation. They are the dragons that the ancient poets charged with guarding without sleeping the golden apples of the gardens of the Hesperide virgins. They are the same ones on which Jason, during his adventure of the Golden Fleece, poured the juice prepared by the beautiful Meda and whose discourse so filled the books of the philosophers, that no philosopher ever existed who did not write about them, from the true Hermes Trismegistus, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Artephius, Morienus and others up to myself. They are the two serpents sent and given by Juno who is the metallic nature, which the strong Hercules, that is to say the Sage, must strangle in his crib, that is to say vanquish and kill them so as to make them rot, corrupt, and engender at the beginning of his Work. They are the two snakes attached around the Caduceus and the stick of Mercury with which he wields his great power and transfigures himself as he wishes. He, says Haly, who kills one of them will also kill the other because one cannot die but with his brother. These two (which Avicenna calls ***** of Khorassan and Dog of Armenia), being then united in the vessel of the sepulcher, bite each other cruelly and through their great venom and furious rage never leave each other from the moment they have grabbed each other. They are the two sperms, masculine and feminine, described at the beginning of my Philosophical Rosary which are engendered (says Rasis, Avicenna, and Abraham the Jew) in the kidneys, entrails, and from the operations of the four elements. They are the humidity of metals, Sulphur, and Quicksilver, not the common ones which are sold by merchants and apothecaries, but those which give us so many beautiful and dear bodies which we love so much. These two sperms, said Democritus, cannot be found on the earth of the

    . If we must admit a third, we shall find it in the one which results
    from their combination and born from their mutual destruction. For no matter how much you
    look and multiply the experiments, you will never find any other parents of the stone besides
    the above mentioned two bodies, called principles from which comes the third one, heir of the
    qualities and the mixed virtues of its parents. This important point is well worth being stated
    precisely. These two principles, hostile because opposite, are so expressive on Louis
    d’Estissac’s fireplace that even the beginner can recognize them without difficulty. We
    recognize here, humanized, the hermetic dragons described by Nicolas Flamel, one winged ---
    the hare-lipped monster --- the other wingless --- the gnome with the hairy torso

    p 105

    Mediation, study, and above all a strong unshakeable faith will finally bring Heaven’s blessing upon their work. "For truly I say to you", says Jesus (Matt. 17:19), "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it shall move; nothing shall be impossible to you". For faith, spiritual certainty of truth not yet demonstrated, prescience of what is feasible, is the torch that God has placed into the human soul to enlighten, to guide, to instruct, and to elevate it.
    your instinct / inspiration / synchronicity
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 12:25 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Are you familiar with the Mutus Liber Book

      Mutus Liber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Mutus Liber (from Latin: Silent Book) was an alchemical text published in France in the later half of the 17th century. It professed to outline, through a series of mystical illustrations, a method of manufacturing the Philosopher's Stone. It was first printed in 1677 at La Rochelle under the editorship of Pierre Savouret.

      Its authorship, long obscured by abstruse claims and speculation, has been established. He was Isaac Baulot, an apothecary and savant of matters medicinal at La Rochelle, born there in 1612. Scrolls on the last plate of the Mutus Liber bear in awkward Latin the dismissal oculatus abis, "having seen thou departest," which almost anagrams the author's name.[1] A fine hand-colored pressing of 1702, probably unique, is in the Library of Congress, ms. 0215-2110.[2] The beleaguered Huguenots of La Rochelle had good cause during the capricious enforcement and then revocation of the Edict of Nantes to disguise their more occult speculations in code.


      The following is a preliminary translation of

      Magaphon's French commentary to the Mutus Liber.

      We are counting on the assistance of skilled proof

      readers to produce a final improved version

      where errors of spelling as well as such passages

      where the idiom remains unclear have been corrected.

      We then hope that this will present a valuable

      addition to the presently available selection of

      material on alchemy in the English language.

      Magaphon was the pseudonym of Pierre Dujols,

      one of the greatest French erudites around the beginning

      of the XXth century. He belonged to the circle

      around Fulcanelli. The Mutus Liber was first published at

      La Rochelle in 1677. The author's name was given as Altus,

      a pseudonym.

      The Mutus Liber also occurs in Manget's Bibliotheca Chemica

      Curiosa of 1707.

      More information may be found in {A Prelude to Chemistry} by John Read, London 1936, page 155 et seq.

      This title, good as it may seem, has not the least pretension. It is all technical, the only suitable and genuine on the subject, because it traces, in its conciseness the plan of our study. A hypotypose ( from , under, and , print, emblem ) is an explanation placed under abstract figures. Well, the Mutus Liber is then a collection of enigmatic images.
      .................... going 3 6 9 on it
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.




        What is then a symbol? is a convention; , a sign of recognition. Hence a symbol is that which we today call a "code", a tacit system of writing adopted for diplomatic and even commercial correspondence, for telegraphic and semaphoric communications etc...

        While attaching these few pages of commentary to the allegorical plates of the Mutus Liber, we are proposing, without leaving the philosophers mantle, to facilitate the lecture, by a sincere interpretation, to the true inquisitors of science, honest, patient and laborious like the diligent bees, and not to the curious, idle and frivolous, who pass their lives uselessly fluttering from book to book without ever pausing at one to extract the malefic substance.

        There is in all faiths impressed upon the vulgar by means of an appropriate mythology: Bible, Vedas, Avesta, Kings, etc., a positive substratum, which is the foundation of the sanctuaries of all the cults that are propagated on our globe. This mystery, recognized in the catechism as the appanage of the Pontiffs - who are not the public Dignitaries - is alchemy on all its planes: physical and metaphysical. The exclusive possession of the sacrarium, makes up the force of the Churches; they then also watch over the {Masonic Secret} with a worried and jealous care, aided by a suspicious police and censorship.

        The politics of nations is regulated by a secret metallic pact, that cannot be violated without entailing the most serious international complications. Paper money is therefore to be issued with much effort, but no longer are gold coins to be minted. And yet, it is not the gold that is lacking: it is openly displayed, and with what splendour, on innumerable shoulders, around wrists, on fingers and even legs whose elegance and beauty sometimes leave something to be desired. Nothing would therefore be easier for the state than to exchange its paper against the precious matter and to put the "coins" into circulation. This is paradoxical, yet true. There is then behind this momentary eclipse in the value of gold a profound reason based on wisdom. {Gold is whatever is gold worth} says an adage. If coining was allowed to the nations who have exhausted their normal reserves, then over abundance would lead to price-cutting. The paper standard would no longer offer any guarantee and would be broken; this would be the death of business and world ruin. This is why even the "natural" production of gold is limited, even as concessions for new mines are refused and until its extraction at poor yield, river beaches and others.

        These preliminary considerations seemed to us to be opportune, before charitably taking the reader by the hand, to lead him through the inextricable meanders of the labyrinth.

        It is not that nothing more could be added thereto. Far from it, on the contrary. The practice of Philaletes, presented under an amiable and persuasive exterior, counts among the most subtle and perfidious fictions of hermetic literature. Yet it does contain the truth, but similar to poison, sometimes conceals its own antidote if one only knows how to isolate it from its pernicious alkaloids. As occasion arises we shall signal the traps, in so far as they present themselves to us along our way.

        ------------------------- the plates
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • The Mutus Liber is composed of fifteen emblematic plates, some truthful, others misrepresented, and disposed according to one of those beautiful disorders, that, following the precept of Boileau, is an effect of the art.

          Plate 3

          paragraphe 3:

          One will find the secret of this operation in a classical work under the title Ariadne's Thread, for we cannot review the procedure in a few lines within this restricted framework. Concerning the method of lighting the magic lantern indicated by the basket, it is only described in some very rare works, and in a confused manner. Hence we must say a few words about that

          the complete text :

          The third plate is no longer in its place. It leads us into the empire of Neptune. One sees, frolicking in his waves, the dolphin dear to Apollo and on a boat some fishermen putting out their gear. In another ship a man lies stretched out in a nonchalant position. In the second, a landscape with on one side a ram, on the other a bull, which we shall find back further on and shall study at a more opportune moment. Below on the left a woman holds a basket which is the symbol of the grated lantern of the philosophers; on the right a man throws his (fish) line into the ocean which is found within the third circle ( the one that encloses the two others). The third circle is animated by a flock of birds to the left; a siren below and Amphitrite up on top. In the margin the sun and the moon, and hovering over this naustic scene, Jupiter carried by his eagle. This whole figure aims at showing that the operator must deploy all his faculties and put to work all the resources of the art in order to capture the mystical fish, about which d'Espagnet speaks.

          The author should first have instructed us how to weave the thread necessary for this miraculous fishing. Let us amend his omission: The weir must be braided in a very fine maze from asbestos, which has the property of being incombustible and of staying unaltered. The device being well disposed in the deep waters, one must furnish oneself with a lantern whose luster will attract the prey into the nets. One may also, following other symbols, employ a line; but the arcanum is in the preparation of the pocket, and the word is circumstantial, for it concerns nothing less than to catch the golden fish.

          One will find the secret of this operation in a classical work under the title Ariadne's Thread, for we cannot review the procedure in a few lines within this restricted framework. Concerning the method of lighting the magic lantern indicated by the basket, it is only described in some very rare works, and in a confused manner. Hence we must say a few words about that.

          Certain authors, and not the lesser ones, have pretended that the greatest operatory artifice consists in capturing a solar ray, and to imprison it in a flask closed with the seal of Hermes. This gross image has caused rejection of the operation as something ridiculous and impossible. And yet, it is literally true, to the degree that the image coincides with reality. It is moreover unbelievable that one should not have thought of it. This miracle is accomplished in a way by the photographer when he makes use of a sensitive plate which one prepares in different ways. In the Typus Mundi, edited in the 17th century by the Fr. of the Society of Jesus, one sees an apparatus, described also by Tiphaigne de Laroche, by means of which one can steal the Heavenly fire and fix it. One can no longer say that the procedure is scientific, and we candidly declare that we are here revealing, if not a great mystery, at least its application to practical philosophy.

          The eagles that are flying to the left, inside the great circle are designating the sublimations of the mercury. One needs from three to seven for the Moon, and from seven to ten from the Sun. They are indicated by the flying of the birds and are indispensable, for they prepare the nuptial robe of Apollo and Diana, without which their mystical union would be impossible. That is why Jupiter, the god who governs the eagle, presides over these operations.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 06:56 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Plate 6 :

            para 3:

            Do not trust the authors who speak of grindings, decantations, separations obtained by what they call (a slight of hand). The manual action only contributes to the results in the manner of a kitchen maid preparing her pot-au-feu. When the ingredients have been put into the pot, the water cooks the compost brought to the required temperature by the exterior fire. The coction completed, there remains but to extract the products and employ them according to formula. But all untimely intervention is detrimental and darkness to the work.
            para 6:

            Our plate shows a second smaller rose, and a third one smaller still. Would there be several roses? Yes and no. In principle there are two roses, according as one works for gold or for silver; and, basically there is but one. Nevertheless, the Mutus Liber presents three well defined ones. This is correct; but they are daughters of each other, i.e., of three different virtues. During the regimen of coction, Philaletes instructs one to first obtain the white rose, which he calls the moon; then the yellow or saffron; and finally the red or perfect rose. We are not using this author's exact terminology; but we are speaking with enough clarity to make ourselves well understood..

            the complete text

            The sixth plate is the continuation of the fifth. One will notice that here the operations are always effectuated by a man and a woman, symbolizing the two natures. The exterior action of the two natures indicates the interior work of the mutually reacting bodies. In the first figure, the female agent plays a passive role, and the male agent an active role. The latter is the sulphur' the former, the moon.

            One will doubtlessly want to know which is the mysterious sulphur concerning which the philosophers always speak without designating it by any other name. It is the sulphur of the metals. The secret of the art consists in extracting it from male bodies in order to unite it to female bodies, which requires their previous decomposition. Present day science seems to consider this fact an absolute impossibility. But some of the great chemists of the XVIIIth century have demonstrated, in communications addressed to the academic societies, that the operation is realizable and that they had accomplished it. We have in our hands a magnificent sulphur of silver obtained by analogous means and which closely approaches the tincture of the Sages. But, in order to arrive at this result, a certain practice and profound knowledge of the mineral kingdom is required.

            Do not trust the authors who speak of grindings, decantations, separations obtained by what they call (a slight of hand). The manual action only contributes to the results in the manner of a kitchen maid preparing her pot-au-feu. When the ingredients have been put into the pot, the water cooks the compost brought to the required temperature by the exterior fire. The coction completed, there remains but to extract the products and employ them according to formula. But all untimely intervention is detrimental and darkness to the work.

            Very particularly we must point out the figure which represents the hermetic rose obtained by the foregoing sublimations. On this there would be a lot to say. All alchemical tracts are but (Novels of the Rose), both literally and figuratively. The artists foremost concern consists in separating the true from the false. This dominates and constitutes hermetic literature.

            What is the Rose? It is the flower of the philosophic tree which forebodes the fruit. Now the tree of the philosophers is the vegetable mercury' the Rose is hence the efflorescence of the metallic sap put into motion by the exterior fire, which excites the internal fire of the bodies. But the Sages speak of two different fires vested with this function. The disciple must therefore consider that there exists, outside of natural fire, another agent of this name, and this secret fire is the ferment of metals, which in the work plays a role analogous to the leaven in the bakers dough. But may the addition of this new element not trouble the minds of the sons of science. For even as leaven is made out of sugar and acidified water, so the ferment of metals is a product of sulphur and mercury, brought to a suitable state by means of art. The proportions are analogous to those used in breadmaking.

            Our plate shows a second smaller rose, and a third one smaller still. Would there be several roses? Yes and no. In principle there are two roses, according as one works for gold or for silver; and, basically there is but one. Nevertheless, the Mutus Liber presents three well defined ones. This is correct; but they are daughters of each other, i.e., of three different virtues. During the regimen of coction, Philaletes instructs one to first obtain the white rose, which he calls the moon; then the yellow or saffron; and finally the red or perfect rose. We are not using this author's exact terminology; but we are speaking with enough clarity to make ourselves well understood.

            The obtaining of the roses is subordinate to putrefaction. The putrefaction gives rise to a succession of colours. The first is the black; it is the key to the others. Without the black there is no putrefaction; and without putrefaction no transformation. If such an accident should occur, it is because the materials brought into contact do not posses the desired qualities, or have been poorly prepared. See Philaletes for the rest and accept the subtle only.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 06:57 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Plate 9

              The ninth plate brings us back to the flos coeli. Why this return, and what is the point of repeating it when we were already provided with it? It is not that the author of the Mutus Liber would send us back to the fields to fetch some more; but surely he was obliged to repeat this symbol, the moment that this celestial agent had to enter into a new combination. In one of the figures of this plate, we see Mercury in the process of buying a flask of this divine water from a country woman. He therefore has need for it for some use. Philaletes prescribes, effectively, to wash the mercury several times, in such a way as to make it loose some of its oily nature. He very carefully describes this operation which is accomplished by means of the celestial water brought to a certain temperature, nevertheless moderate, for it takes only a little too much heat for the fiery part to retake its path to the stars. Philaletes is a great master, his word has authority and he presents the work with such ingenuity, that no suspicion of fraud could possibly arise. But we must here expose a ruse: In his work this author has purposely confounded the dry way with the wet way. It would thus be an error to apply to one method that which belongs to the other. But, having made this remark, we recognize that the astral spirit plays a permanent part in the operations. And since we are using an expression of Cyliani, let us pause at the improbable interpretations to which this very recent term has given rise. Recent writers have seen in this astral spirit a magnetic emanation of the operator. According to them, one must, during a certain period, submit to a physical and moral training, in order to successfully practice this kind of fakirism or yoga. The strength of the product must be proportional to the power of the fluid in such a way that the powder of projection obtained multiplies 100, 1000 or 10,000 times, etc., according to the potential of the artist. Thus these phantasists pretend to impregnate the matter with astral spirit as one charges a battery with electricity. This is what the poorly understood and randomly applied analogy leads to. We shall not name these singular theoreticians whose sincerity is respectable; but we had to signal the fact, in order to put studious and too confident disciple on his guard against the hazardous reading of authors without mandate and without consecration, who have never produced anything but books, but who from that time pass for Masters.


              Plate 12 :

              The twelfth plate instructs us how one may carry this mercury to a superior gradation. To this end one must recommence the imbibitions of the flos coeli, until the mercury, which is eager for them, is impregnated by them to saturation
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 06:58 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Plate 15

                Evolution is the law of life: the mineral becomes a plant and the plant an animal, by way of intussusception; but this transit is subordinated to the mediation of an exterior agent, plant or beast. If then the metals are admitted to pass in this way from one kingdom to another with the assistance of a suitable element, it is still more logical that a certain perfect and quintessential gold, taken back to its radical and spermatic state has the virtue to exalt and to convert like natures into itself. Is it not thus that the human embryo, during gestation, assumes and transforms the substance of beings of a less noble origin? Nutrition is a continual metamorphosis. Just as, in the three kingdoms, everything converges towards man, among the minerals all ends in gold. But one cannot deduce from this, that nature, in the long run, makes gold from lead. For this effect she needs to be assisted by art, i.e. by the magical ferment that operates its transmutation.
                And you, son of science, bear in mind the eloquent sign by which the terminal figures of the fourteenth plate address you, and the gloss that closes the Mutus Liber: "If you have understood, work in silence and for still some time keep your mouth shut on the Mystery".


                the complete text

                The fifteenth and last plate represents the apotheosis of Saturn, victorious over his son Jupiter who had dethroned him, and lies inert upon the ground. It is the solarization of the vilest of metals, his resurrection and glorification in the light. The two branches of sweet-briar of the frontispiece are charged with red berries and white berries filled with active seeds where each one has the power to mault all the impure metals into gold or silver. The so-called mystics - who deny the possibility of the metallic work and have found nothing in the allegories of the philosophers but a treatise on ascesis where they would be very embarrassed to explain each symbol - these pseudo-mystics see in this plate an image of the resurrection of man and of his return to the celestial fatherland, and they become blissfully enraptured by this discovery, which they are not far from considering ingenious.

                But if we become pure spirit again, it follows that our body enclosed its essence under its gross form and, under these conditions, one cannot deny the same property to the metals. The spirit or the fire is everywhere and in everything: it lies in the flint so cold in appearance, in the metals that one transforms into inflammable fulminates that explode upon the least shock. But, transmutation is a phenomenon that causes the species to pass from an inferior to a superior plane by means of a spiritual agent, a true seed called powder of projection. This marvelous product is obtained by the real death and putrefaction of a metallic substance, which, transfigured, has the property of - in its turn modifying the nature of other creatures. Under its action these likewise undergo a prompt death and resurrection, that elevates them to their highest degree of dignity. The Hermetists compare this transformation to the one of wheat. The grain becomes corrupted in the earth, assimilates the gross elements of the soil to itself and, through the work of a long digestion, moults them into pure wheat in the ratio of a hundred to one. This digestion is more or less activated by the environment. In certain climates the harvest takes place three months after sowing, and in the tropics the vegetation has something almost instantaneous. It is thus altogether rational that a ferment endowed with great power and projected onto matter submitted to a high temperature may cause it to evolve at a speed that borders on the miraculous.

                Evolution is the law of life: the mineral becomes a plant and the plant an animal, by way of intussusception; but this transit is subordinated to the mediation of an exterior agent, plant or beast. If then the metals are admitted to pass in this way from one kingdom to another with the assistance of a suitable element, it is still more logical that a certain perfect and quintessential gold, taken back to its radical and spermatic state has the virtue to exalt and to convert like natures into itself. Is it not thus that the human embryo, during gestation, assumes and transforms the substance of beings of a less noble origin? Nutrition is a continual metamorphosis. Just as, in the three kingdoms, everything converges towards man, among the minerals all ends in gold. But one cannot deduce from this, that nature, in the long run, makes gold from lead. For this effect she needs to be assisted by art, i.e. by the magical ferment that operates its transmutation.

                Gold is called the sun, for, in Greek, is light; it is the heaven of the metals, the spiritualisation of the species. The metals thus become gold as, in certain regards, our body becomes spirit by the work of posthumous fermentation. Putrefaction, disgusting and hideous, is nevertheless the amazing fairy that works all the miracles in the world. It is a gross error to believe that, in the case of man, the soul abandons the body with the last breath. It is itself entirely flesh, for matter is a modality of spirit in different states subordinated to a greater and more subtle spark, which is the God of each organism. And if science denies the reality of the spirit because it has never found any trace of it, it is dishonouring its own name. A corpse, rigid and cold, is by no means dead in an absolute sense. An intense life, but fortunately unconscious and without perceptible reflexes, continues in the tomb, and it is from this horrible and more or less long combat - which is the purgatory of the religions - that the matter, distilled, sublimated, transmuted and vaporized by the action of the sun, surges up to the amorphous plane, which has its grades from air to elementary light and from this one to the fire principle where all finishes by dissolution and from where all emanates anew.

                We believe that we have accomplished our task with all the required honesty, and caused some new light to shine in an obscure domain. It is now up to the disciple to complete the work. As for those who pretend to acquire wisdom without merit and only for a vile and contemptible farthing, we say to them as Saint Jerome in the legend of the rich and idle Cratus: "Philosophy does not fit you".

                And you, son of science, bear in mind the eloquent sign by which the terminal figures of the fourteenth plate address you, and the gloss that closes the Mutus Liber: "If you have understood, work in silence and for still some time keep your mouth shut on the Mystery".

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 06:58 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Plate 13 Principle of Gender

                  The thirteenth plate is a repetition of the tenth, for in the work, all operations follow each other and resemble each other; but this new conjunction, which operates with substances sublimated to the extreme, is nothing but the beginning of the multiplication. The work is the same as in plate ten and, in the coction, one will see the colours reappear. Its duration decreases in proportion as the multiplicative power ( of the female pole ) becomes augmented, in such a way that in the end it takes but one day to obtain the result that in the beginning required months. The numbers on this plate give the transmuting powers obtained by the subsequent coctions.
                  Plate 10:

                  We shall say nothing about the athanor. The Mutus Liber presents its form and inner arrangement. Philaletes describes it very carefully. We shall add but one important remark to the sayings of this author: the construction of the furnace is partly allegoric, and there is much to learned on the point of view of the governing of the fire and of the regimen of the Work. Concerning the latter, the Secret Work on the philosophy of Hermes, attributed to d'Espagnet and favorably quoted, will be useful to follow, for one there finds the Zodiac of the Philosophers.

                  The tenth plate represents the conjunction. The first figure shows, on the scales of a balance, on one side the salt indicated by the star, on the other the sulphur designated by a flower, which with its heart forms seven petals. These are the proportions of the product. A man pours a liquid enclosed within a flask onto this flower. This is the Mercury. In his other hand he holds another receiver filled with astral spirit to be used according to the circumstances. The woman places all these products into a long necked matrass; but here we must recall what we have said concerning the role of the woman in the Work: the two agents personified in this way are the matters themselves, and the diverse accessories that accompany them declare their state of exaltation.

                  In the second line, the artist seals the matrass with the seal of Hermes. He puts its neck into the flame of a lamp, in order to return the glass to a pasty and ductible state. Afterwards he has to draw it out very carefully in order to make it thinner at the desired point, while assuring himself that not even the slightest capillarity is produced through which the spirit of the compost might escape. Having come thus far, after having cut the glass, he turns the part adhering to the matrass back on itself, and shapes it into a thick cushion (pad). Today this operation is very easily performed with gas, by means of the blow-lamp. Some very competent practitioners employ an automatic procedure of even greater perfection. But whatever method is used, one thereafter places the egg in the athanor and the coction begins.

                  We shall say nothing about the athanor. The Mutus Liber presents its form and inner arrangement. Philaletes describes it very carefully. We shall add but one important remark to the sayings of this author: the construction of the furnace is partly allegoric, and there is much to learned on the point of view of the governing of the fire and of the regimen of the Work. Concerning the latter, the Secret Work on the philosophy of Hermes, attributed to d'Espagnet and favorably quoted, will be useful to follow, for one there finds the Zodiac of the Philosophers.

                  The last figure of this plate demonstrates that the conjunction is taking place: the Sun and the Moon are united. The work has given the required colors. Here they have been synthesized into a circle, at first black, then white and finally yellow and red. The obtained product multiplies ten times, as announced by the numbers.

                  a fractal Construct ..... Principle of Mentalism
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 06:59 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Let's have a look at the eight-legged horse HM 8

                    The eighth plate shows us the realized philosophic mercury, whereas the second plate only showed its constituting principles. He is produced from the Sun and the Moon that are at his feet. The eagles are flying around him, because inside the matrass he has to undergo the necessary sublimations; which has been indicated at the bottom of the plate by the athanor where the egg has been placed for incubation. The mercury of the philosophers, animated and sublimated according to the rules, must circulate a long time in the vase before producing the happy effects that one expects from him. But there are several mercuries in the work, and Philaletes points out a second one, very emphatically, under the name of virgins milk. This one differs in some respects from the first, though they are both of the same essence. Philaletes, Ripley and others so far as to say that it pertains to common mercury. Basil Valentine, on the other hand, banishes it with malediction. Some have believed that the virgins milk could be obtained by combining the two. We are acquainted with one artist who has accomplished this tour de force merely for the pleasure of overcoming the difficulty, without pretending that it has any other advantages. We are thus in a position to acknowledge the operation as possible, which does not imply that we adhere to its use in the actual practice. Only with the utmost reserve should one accept all the bizarre names, imposed by the philosophers upon certain ingredients. These different epithets serve the sole purpose of disguising the course of operations. In this manner the same product carries a different name all according to whether it has or has not been exalted. And it is above all true that alcohol, though extracted from wine, differs from it in name as well as in appearance, in virtue as well as in effect, even as wine differs from the grape from which it has been drawn...
                    then Odin or HM 1

                    Plate 1 :

                    para 3

                    Above, a propitious and reposeful night sky: the stars are shining and the moon outlines its horn of plenty.
                    para 6

                    The secret of the Magistery is to also disengage its sulphur, and to utilize its mercury, for everything is in everything. Certain artists pretend to turn elsewhere for this in effect, and we do not deny that the hydrargyre of cinnabar may be of some help in the work, if one properly knows how to prepare it for oneself; but one should only use it knowingly and at the right time. For us, he who succeeds to open the rock with the staff of Moses, and that is not a small secret, has found the first operatory key. On this steep rock then, will flower the two roses that hang from the branches of the sweetbriar, one white and the other red.

                    para 8 :

                    Thus, the disciple will have to meditate a long time on this first plate and compare it with the apologues in vulgar language. May he then be fortunate enough himself to hear the heavenly voice; but let him know ahead of time that he will lend his ear in vain, if he has not nourished himself on the Holy Scriptures.

                    ps a thread worth reading :
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 08:18 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Returning to Master Fulcanelli

                      The Dwellings of the Philosophers

                      p 111

                      The antimony of
                      the sages, raw matter directly extracted from the mine, "is not properly mineral, and even less
                      metallic as Philalethes (30) teaches us; but without partaking of these two substances it is
                      something between one and the other. It is not corporeal however, because it is entirely
                      volatile; it is not spirit because it liquefies like metal in fire. It is therefore a chaos which
                      stands in stead of mother to all metals". It is the metallic and mineral flower ([*235-3] ---
                      anthemon), the first rose, black in truth, which has remained down here as a part of the
                      elementary chaos. From it, from this flower of flowers (flos florum) we first draw our frost
                      ([*235-4] --- stibe) which is the spirit moving on the surface of the waters and the white
                      ornament of the angels; reduced to this bright whiteness, it is the mirror of the art, the torch ([*235-5] --- stilbe), the lamp or lantern (31), the brightness of stars and splendor of the sun (splendor solis); still, united to philosophical gold, it becomes the metallic planet Mercury ([*235-6] --- stilbonaster), the nest of the bird ([*235-7] --- stibas), our Phoenix and its smallstone ([*235-8] --- stia); finally it is the root, subject, or pivot (Latin, stipes, stirps) of the Great Work and not common antimony. Know then, brothers, so as to no longer err, that our term of antimony, derived from the Greek [*235-9] --- antemon, designates through a pun familiar to philosophers, the ane-Timon (32), the guide which in the Bible leads the Jews to the
                      It is the mythical Aliboron, [*236-1], horse of the sun
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 08:57 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • thank you Savvypro ( ) for the info

                        Birkeland current - (The Plasma Universe Wikipedia-like Encyclopedia)

                        A Birkeland current usually refers to the electric currents in a planet's ionosphere that follows magnetic field lines (ie field-aligned currents), and sometimes used to described any field-aligned electric current in a space plasma.[3] They are caused by the movement of a plasma perpendicular to a magnetic field. Birkeland currents often show filamentary, or twisted "rope-like" magnetic structure. They are also known as field-aligned currents, magnetic ropes and magnetic cables).
                        In 2007, the Themis satellite "found evidence of magnetic ropes connecting Earth's upper atmosphere directly to the sun".[10] apparently consistent with Kristian Birkeland's theory of the aurora, "that a current of electric corpuscles from the sun would give rise to precipitation upon the earth" (See preface to The Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition 1902-1903).

                        Describing plasma cables, Hannes Alfvén wrote:

                        "Plasma cables seem to be reasonably stable formations which can be considered as structures important for the understanding of plasma phenomena. (Of course, their interior structure should be described by classical theory.) The plasma cables are either filaments or 'flattened filaments' (sheets with limited extent). They carry an electric current parallel to the magnetic field, and this is what gives them their properties. The cables are often very efficient in transferring electromagnetic power from one region to another. They are embedded in passive plasmas, which have essentially the same properties in all directions around the cables. They are 'insulated' from their surroundings by a thin cylindrical electrostatic sheath (or double layer) which reduces the interaction with its exterior. In the magnetosphere and upper ionosphere, the density in the cable is sometimes lower than the surrounding passive plasma (Block and Fälthammar, 1968)[11]. In other cases, the density in the cable may be much larger than the surroundings because ionized matter is pumped into the cable from the outside. By selectively doing so, the chemical composition in the cable may differ from that of its exterior (Marklund, 1978, 1979)[12] (see Marklund convection). Besides the cylindrical electrostatic sheath, there are often longitudinal double layers, in which a considerable part of the power which the cable transmits may be converted into high energy particles. The double layers sometimes explode, and this produces excessively high energy particles." [13]


                        After Solar Eclipse, Venus Transit of Sun Is Next Amazing Sight |

                        Sunday's "ring of fire" solar eclipse may be history, but skywatchers have another stunning event to look forward to — next month's historic Venus transit of the sun.

                        On Sunday (May 20), the moon covered most of the sun's disk but left a ring of light blazing around its circumference. The resulting annular solar eclipse wowed skywatchers in parts of Asia, the Pacific region and western North America.

                        As impressive as that sight was, it may just be a warm-up for the Venus transit of the sun on June 5 (June 6 in much of the Eastern Hemisphere). Venus will cross the sun's face from Earth's perspective, appearing in silhouette as a tiny, slow-moving black dot.

                        The dramatic celestial event will be visible from all seven continents, and it's a must-see for skywatchers; Venus won't trek across the solar disk again for 105 years
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-24-2012, 12:07 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • All is analogy / Fractal

                          “The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them”
                          Miyamoto Musashi , Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy
                          The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

                          All the five books are chiefly concerned with timing. You must train sufficiently to
                          appreciate this.
                          If you practice day and night in the above Ichi school strategy, your spirit will naturally
                          . Thus is large scale strategy and the strategy of hand to hand combat propagatedin the world. This is recorded for the first time in the five books of Ground, Water, Fire,Tradition (Wind), and Void. This is the way for men who want to learn my strategy:

                          1.Do not think dishonestly.

                          2. The Way is in training.

                          3. Become acquainted with every art.

                          4. Know the Ways of all professions.

                          5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.

                          6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

                          7.Perceive those things which cannot be seen.

                          8. Pay attention even to trifles.

                          9. Do nothing which is of no use.


                          3. Become acquainted with every art.

                          6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.

                          9. Do nothing which is of no use

                          naruto main theme toshiro masuda - YouTube

                          Kodo - Spirit of Taiko - YouTube at 5:45 feel the vibe

                          your spirit will naturally broaden

                          amazing Japanese Drums

                          Wadaiko Yamato: Drummers of Japan - YouTube

                          Japanese drum 鬼太鼓座 - YouTube

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 10:47 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Returning to Master Fulcanelli

                            The Dwellings of the Philosophers

                            p 112 HM 4

                            And so they used the epistimon ([*236-2]--- stagion)(33), Koppa, sampi, digamma
                            (34) , to which they granted a conventional value. The names modified by this process formed genuine cryptograms, although their form and their pronunciation did not seem to have undergone any alteration. Furthermore, the word, antimony, [*236-3], stimmi, when it was used to signify the hermetic subject, was always written with the episemon ([*236-4], equivalent of the consonants sigma and tau together. Written in this manner [*236-5] --- simmi, it is no longer the stibnite of mineralogists, but indeed a matter signed by nature, or still better, a movement, a dynamism, or a vibration, a sealed life ([*236-6 --- simenai) so as to allow a man to identify it, a very peculiar signature submitted to the rules of the number

                            p114 HM 6

                            (6) This esoteric truth is wonderfully expressed in the Hymn of the Christian Church:
                            The sun is hidden beneath the star,
                            The Orient in the setting sun;
                            The artisan is hidden in the work;
                            And through the help of grace,
                            He is given back and brought back
                            To his country.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-23-2012, 11:40 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions

                              I wasn't sure which of your threads will be more appropriate to post this but want it to share this nice compilation -

                              sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions - YouTube

                              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

                              General D.Eisenhower



                              • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                                I wasn't sure which of your threads will be more appropriate to post this but want it to share this nice compilation -

                                sacred knowledge of vibration and the power of human emotions - YouTube

                                Thank you blackchisel97 , you picked the right place as we will spending a bit more time in this thread for now

                                Guem et Zaca percussion- Labeille - YouTube
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

