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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • a bit of info:

    some already knew this (think of the impact of the Blond Barbie Doll principle of correspondence )

    Study finds TV can decrease self-esteem in children, except white boys

    If you are a white girl, a black girl or a black boy, exposure to today's electronic media in the long run tends to make you feel worse about yourself. If you're a white boy, you'll feel better, according to a new study led by an Indiana University professor.


    as above so below :

    Weather patterns can be used to forecast rotavirus outbreaks

    Monitoring weather factors like temperature, rain, and snowfall is one way to predict the timing and intensity of rotavirus, a disease that causes extreme diarrhea, dehydration and thousands of death annually, particularly among children.


    New finding important to heart health, also changed faculty member's entire research path

    Medical scientist Howard Young's research has taken a dramatic, unexpected turn in the last few months, thanks to a serendipitous chain of events that could lead to a genetic test that can predict heart failure in certain people before it happens

    Kenneth Bager Feat. The Hellerup Cool School Choir - Fragment Eight... The Sound Of Swing - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 01:49 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Y' all know about the tree of knowledge

      but do you know what a tree can do

      All is Analogy or Principle of Correspondence :

      Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion



      "As above, so below; as below, so above."

      The great Second Hermetic Principle embodies the truth that there is a harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the several planes of Manifestation, Life and Being. This truth is a truth because all that is included in the Universe emanates from the same source, and the same laws, principles, and characteristics apply to each unit, or combination of units of activity, as each manifests its own phenomena upon its own plane.

      For the purpose of convenience of thought and study, the Hermetic Philosophy considers that the Universe may be divided into three great classes of phenomena, known as the Three Great Planes, namely:

      I. The Great Physical Plane. II. The Great Mental Plane. III. The Great Spiritual Plane.



      We say a ‘simple model’ ( reduction / harmonic math )—which is also an analogy—since the tree is readily understood and can be visualised, and we are using it here to simplify very difficult concepts of nature and the environment. This fractal-tree model is intended to assist greatly in understanding such profound issues as: reconciling science and religion; what the soul is; the higher aspects of consciousness of the human; the ‘within’ (Biblical term used by Jesus Christ); inner space and a fractal system of universes; the true path of evolution; what ascension means; the basis of fractals, etc. We shall see that the tree is more than an analogy but an ideal model for all creation.

      The first feature we must recognise is that as we go from the twig level towards the trunk, we see that integration within the branch system occurs. For example, maybe three twigs are attached to a branch; similarly for the branches attached to the larger branches as the system integrates, and reduces to one item in the centre, the tree trunk. This is a fractal configuration. Let’s make the twigs the first fractal level, then the second fractal level is the branch the twigs are attached to, and so on, with fractal levels 3, 4, 5 . . . . For an average tree there are about seven fractal levels.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 12:28 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • do you want to have a relative analogy of how we appear to the celestial intelligences :

        have you ever observed an ant crawling along a Garden hose :

        what if you were to consider the garden hose as Time and you the ant crawling along ... and where you are standing , you have the same perspective as the Q entity

        Some species of Central American swollen-thorn acacias lack the chemical defenses of most other acacias to deal with their predators and competition. Without bitter alkaloids, ravaging insects and browsing mammals eat the leaves and branches, slowing the growth of the acacias and allowing fast-growing, competing vegetation to shade them out. Symbiotic ants have taken over this vital defense role, protecting the tree from hungry herbivores and pruning away competing plants. The ants live inside inflated thorns at the base of leaves.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 01:05 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



          This is the ‘established’ scientific viewpoint to today, since it is based on physical senses and scientific instruments, both of which are based on the twig level. We shall come back to this.
          We shall now see that the second fractal level—the branch that the twig is attached to—is the soul level. The soul is no mystery; it is simply a higher aspect of consciousness, existing in the next frequency spectrum or dimension that is higher in rate of vibration than the first fractal, or twig level.

          The next branch or third fractal level would be what we might call the over-soul, and so on all the way back to the Source, the tree trunk—the God concept.
          We now have a comparison of the difference between our observed external world as observed by the physical senses and scientific instruments, and the inner space, or within, as we go from the twig to higher aspects and fractals of consciousness, soul, over-soul, etc. to the tree trunk or Source of all energy.

          We are now in a position to see the relationship between science and religion.

          Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

          ( -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, Professor Richard Parncutt.

          Alpha Blondy - I Wish You Were Here - YouTube

          Wish you were here Lyrics

          So, so you think you can tell
          Heaven from Hell,
          Blue skies from pain.
          Can you tell a green field
          From a cold steel rail?
          A smile from a veil?
          Do you think you can tell?

          Did they get you to trade
          Your heroes for ghosts?
          Hot ashes for trees?
          Hot air for a cool breeze?
          And cold comfort for change?
          Did you exchange
          A walk on part in the war,
          For a lead role in a cage?

          How I wish, how I wish you were here.
          We're just two lost souls
          Swimming in a fish bowl,
          Year after year,
          Running over the same old ground.
          What have we found
          The same old fears.
          Wish you were here.


          Researchers find anxiety may be at root of religious extremism

          Anxiety and uncertainty ( = ignorance ) can cause us to become more idealistic and more radical in our religious beliefs, according to new findings by York University researchers, published in this month's issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • so here i was searching the definition of :

            Platonic love - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Platonic love is a chaste and strong type of love that is non-sexual.

            Platonic love in this original sense of the term is examined in Plato's dialogue the Symposium, which has as its topic the subject of love or Eros generally. It explains the possibilities of how the feeling of love began, and how it has evolved – both sexually and non-sexually. Of particular importance is the speech of Socrates, relating the ideas attributed to the prophetess Diotima, which present love as a means of ascent to contemplation of the divine. For Diotima, and for Plato generally, the most correct use of love of other human beings is to direct one's mind to love of divinity. In short, with genuine platonic love, the beautiful or lovely other person inspires the mind and the soul and directs one's attention to spiritual things.

            The English term dates back as far as Sir William Davenant's Platonic Lovers (1636). It is derived from the concept in Plato's Symposium of the love of the idea of good which lies at the root of all virtue and truth. For a brief period, Platonic love was a fashionable subject at the English royal court, especially in the circle around Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I. Platonic love was the theme of some of the courtly masques performed in the Caroline era—though the fashion soon waned under pressures of social and political change.

            Barbara Graziosi, professor of Classics at Durham University, described Platonic love as the "Christian apology" of Greek love.[1]
            and this caught my attention

            in Plato's dialogue the Symposium
            so in my mind ... shocked the monkey:

            lets go on a 369 ride

            Munich Machine - Get On The Funk Train [HD) - YouTube
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • shall we : Kat Mandu - The Break ( 12" ). - YouTube

              Plato’s Symposium

              1 The Framing Narrative

              2 Phaedrus’ Speech

              3 Pausanias’ Speech

              4 Eryximachus’ Speech

              5 Aristophanes’ Speech

              6 Agathon’s Speech

              7 Socrates’ Speech

              8 Alcibiades’ Speech

              9 The Conclusion

              Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe - YouTube

              Lunatic Fringe lyrics
              Lunatic fringe
              I know you're out there
              You're in hiding
              And you hold your meetings

              I can hear you coming
              We know what you're after
              We're wise to you this time
              We won't let you kill the laughter

              Lunatic fringe
              In the twilight's last gleaming
              This is open season
              But you won't get too far

              'Cause you gotta blame someone
              For your own confusion
              But I'm on guard this time
              Against your final solution

              We can hear you coming
              No you're not going to win this time
              We can hear the footsteps
              Out along the walkway

              Lunatic fringe
              We all know you're out there
              Can you feel the resistance?
              Can you feel the thunder?
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 03:07 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

                ( -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, Professor Richard Parncutt.

                Thank you MM, this is very interesting for me as I teach/explore music with children who have learning difficulties. Music is the one area in the curriculum that the vast majority can explore freely. They are very susceptible to the effects of music and the resonance created- as children are. I like to use a tonic triad structure to improvise with and they join in with the same notes, and we create a lovely resonance. Some are not ready to take part, so I play to them, and wait for them to become distracted by the sounds- then I get eye contact- first stage of communication. All thanks to the power of sound vibrations


                • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                  Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

                  ( -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, Professor Richard Parncutt.

                  Thank you MM, this is very interesting for me as I teach/explore music with children who have learning difficulties. Music is the one area in the curriculum that the vast majority can explore freely. They are very susceptible to the effects of music and the resonance created- as children are. I like to use a tonic triad structure to improvise with and they join in with the same notes, and we create a lovely resonance. Some are not ready to take part, so I play to them, and wait for them to become distracted by the sounds- then I get eye contact- first stage of communication. All thanks to the power of sound vibrations
                  Thank you for sharing your experience it brings up new circuits

                  just out of curiosity .... have you ever played to them Natural Sounds

                  TEDxBratislava - Bijan KHADEM-MISSAGH -- Music as a key to understanding reality - YouTube

                  TEDx Youth@Manchester - Julian Treasure - Sound Health - YouTube

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • shall we : Kat Mandu - The Break ( 12" ). - YouTube

                    MonsieurM, I have never heard this- I love it! I love disco, it's the best. I only discovered this after experiencing the 90s version of disco- techno!
                    Thank you for adding to the complement of experiences


                    • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                      shall we : Kat Mandu - The Break ( 12" ). - YouTube

                      MonsieurM, I have never heard this- I love it! I love disco, it's the best. I only discovered this after experiencing the 90s version of disco- techno!
                      Thank you for adding to the complement of experiences
                      you see ... you are being an Alchemist ..... the more eclectic is your taste of Music ... the higher your mind is

                      ec·lec·tic/iˈklektik/Adjective: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

                      Noun: A person who derives ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

                      Tantra - Hills of Katmandu - YouTube ... just heard it

                      just find the underlying beat ..... the one that makes you resonate ......and let it wave itself around all Style of Music
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 02:53 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • so ( never read plato ... in school they did not really make that attractive reading .... but then again they were red in their nature )

                        3 - is Pausanias’ Speech .... did a little search :

                        Pausanias and the Double Nature of Aphrodite: Plato’s Symposium and Love for the Sake of Education and Improvement |

                        Pausanias and the Double Nature of Aphrodite

                        Pausanias is the second to address the philosophical crowd in Agathon’s house in Plato’s Symposium. His speech differs mainly from the preceding one by Phaedrus in the fact that the former believes that one should differentiate love and that there exist two different kinds of love.
                        Two Directions of Love – the Body as Material and the Soul as Heavenly Love

                        For Pausanias, love is inspired by two different types of Aphrodite; one is the heavenly, the other the common Aphrodite. The heavenly Aphrodite has no mother and is the daughter of Uranus and directs the soul, whereas the common Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione and is of the body.
                        so actually it should be 2 instead of 3

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Tantra - Hills of Katmandu - YouTube ... just heard it

                          Great find. That's, what I call Trance, the 70s fore runner to techno trance of the 90s- listened to hundreds of white labels back then- another favourite. I am experimenting with sound engineering software, Logic Pro, been trying to write my own trance inducing rhythms- feeling inspired MM, thanks in abundance.


                          • so actually it should be 2 instead of 3

                            .. but don't the 2 combine to create a perfect 3rd, like biaurnal sounds?
                            The resonance is 3?


                            • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                              so actually it should be 2 instead of 3

                              .. but don't the 2 combine to create a perfect 3rd, like biaurnal sounds?
                              The resonance is 3?
                              sorry should have been more precise .... was thinking of assigning the number two to the speech as it appears in second .... then we start interpreting ... as Hermes HM 8 + 2 Aphrodites = HM 1

                              2 - Empress

                              Magna Mater omnium nutrix (Great Mother, nurse of all)
                              Aphrodite, Venus; Demeter, Ceres; Hera, Juno.
                              1+2 = Love+Female (Water Hexactys); 2+1 = Couple+Female (Fire Hexactys).
                              Astragali: 1+3+1 = Love+Ruler+Female.
                              Greek Letter = Gamma:
                              Genesis = generation, production, creation, manner of birth.
                              ::: Name: K'un = the Receptive. Image: Earth. The Mother, associated with receptivity, docility, frugality and support (tree trunk, wagon). North in the Earlier Heaven.
                              4 - High Priestess

                              Statu variabilis (Steadfast in changing)
                              Artemis, Diana; Hecate; Luna; Isis; Persephone.
                              1+4 = Love+Mother (Water Hexactys); 3+1 = Family+Mother (Fire Hexactys).
                              1+4+1 = Love+Holy+Female.
                              Greek Letter = Epsilon:
                              Exo = outside, beyond, outwards.
                              :I: Name: K'an = the Abyssmal. Image: Water, Rain, Moon. The Second Daughter, associated with passion, danger, repetitive bending, penetration. West in Earlier Heaven.

                              which just made realize the passion of Men for " Menage a Trois " ..... a material expression of a lacking Spiritual expression / spiritual hole .... in other words satisfying oneself with the smell of the "meal " , instead of the meal itself ( the meal is a reference to spiritual satisfaction )

                              THE FRACTAL TREE: A SIMPLE MODEL OF ALL CREATION

                              In general, the consciousness at the twig, first fractal level, can become sufficiently aberrated, misinformed, programmed or arrogant to cause it to consider it is a complete self, and that there is no such thing as guidance from higher aspects (all the way to God Source, the tree trunk). It is now highly egotistical, and is actually in a condition of dying spiritually; being cut off from the source. ‘Spiritually’ simply refers to the higher intelligence of the branches and trunk. Note that the ego-self is now in a closed-loop system with itself (wrapped up in self). We shall see a symbiosis of this ego-self condition with science and technology; they will follow the same principle.
                              as if one universe is not enough .... one is full of himself / herself ..... thinking they can handle two universes ..... I guess it is Natural for a North Pole way of thinking more expanded.... Kali Yuga Oblige .... more obnoxious
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-03-2012, 05:09 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • sorry should have been more precise .... was thinking of assigning the number two to the speech as it appears in second .... then we start interpreting ... as Hermes HM 8 + 2 Aphrodites = HM 1

                                Hey, no worries, I have my own bizarre slant on numbers at times, the seen and the unseen combine??? I understand what you are saying

