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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • asrarpreface

    PREFACE to "Secrets of the Self" (1915)

    [*PAGE 1*] This oneness of feeling, or enlightened point of consciousness, by which all human imaginings, emotions, and hopes are illuminated; this mysterious thing, which is the stitch-binding of human nature’s diffuse and limitless character; this 'I', this 'self', this 'ego', which is the creator of all things witnessed, albeit whose fineness prevents it from being itself witnessed — what is this thing? Is it an eternal reality? Or is it simply the case that life has contingently made itself evident, in the guise of a trick of the mind or an instructive lie, for the sake of the attainment of its immediate goals? With regard to ethics, a person's and community's manner of action is dependent on this extremely relevant question. [*PAGE 2*] And this is the reason that there won't be any community in the world whose wise men and scholars haven't, in one way or another, wracked their brains to create an answer to this question. But the answer to this question does not depend so much on the mental capabilities of these persons and peoples as on the inclination of their temperament. The philosophically-minded peoples of the East have largely inclined to this result: namely, that the self is simply a trick of the imagination, and the removal of this noose from around the neck is called salvation. The Western peoples' taste for action has taken them towards the kind of results that their nature demanded.

    In the Hindu community's heart and intellect, actions and theories have been mixed in an extraordinary way. This community's hair-splitting sages have done tremendously minute investigation of the reality of the power of action. And finally they have arrived at the result that this sequentially witnessed life of the self, which is the foundation of all pains and problems, is [*PAGE 3*] declared to be action. Or put it like this: the extant conditions and necessities of the self are the necessary result of its past manner of action, and so long as this law of action does its work, those same results will continue to be produced. When Faust,the hero of Germany’s famous nineteenth-century poet Goethe, reads 'action' in place of 'Word' in the first chapter of the Gospel of John ('In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God'), then in reality his perspicacious glance notices that point which Hindu sages had seen centuries before. In this extraordinary manner, Hindu sages had untangled the knot of the full scope of destiny and human freedom — or in other words, of preordination and free will. And there's no doubt that, from a philosophical point of view, their inventiveness is worthy of praise. And especially for this reason: that with great moral courage [*PAGE 4*] they also accept all the philosophical consequences produced by this issue. That is, when the self is determined by action, then there's only one means of escaping from the noose of the self — the renunciation of action. This conclusion was extremely dangerous for both the individual and the group, and thus called for the appearance of a renewer, who would clarify the true understanding of the renunciation of action. In the intellectual history of humanity, the name of Shri Krishna will always be taken with courtesy and respect — that this great man, in an extremely captivating way, criticized his land and people's philosophical traditions, and made the truth apparent that the renunciation of action is not the renunciation of everything . Because action is a requirement of nature, and through it arises life’s stability. Rather, by renunciation of action is meant that there should be absolutely no attachment of the heart to action and its results. After Shri Krishna, Shri [*PAGE 5*] Ramanuja also walked on this path; but it's a pity that the bride of meaning whom Shri Krishna and Shri Ramanuja sought to unveil, was again veiled by Shri Shankar[acharya]'s logical enchantments. Shri Krishna's community were left deprived of the fruit of his renewal.

    In western Asia, the Islamic movement too was an extremely powerful message of action, although according to this movement the "self" is a created thing that can become incorruptible through action. But in the investigation and scrutiny of the problem of the self, in the intellectual history of Muslim and Hindu scholars there is one remarkable similarity. And that is this: that the intellectual point from which Sri Shankar[acharya] produced his commentary on the [Bhagavad] Gita — from that same intellectual point, Shaikh Muhyi ad-Din ibn 'Arabi al-Andalusi produced his commentary on the Qur'an, which had a tremendously deep effect on Muslims' hearts and minds. [*PAGE 6*] Shaikh Muhyi ad-Din’s knowledge, virtue, and forceful personality made the 'oneness of being', on which he was a tireless commentator, an inseparable element of Islamic thought. Awhad ad-Din Karmani and Fakhr ad-Din al-'Iraqi were extremely influenced by his learning, and gradually all the Persian poets of the fourteenth century were colored by his thought. How could the sensitive temperament and delicate character of the Iranian people have endured the burden of this long intellectual labor, which is necessary to arrive at the whole from the part? They crossed the difficult ground from the part to the whole with the aid of an intermediary stretch of the imagination: in [poetic references to] the 'vein of the lamp' they witnessed, without any connection, the 'blood of the sun'; and in the 'spark of the stone', the '[divine] glory/manifestation of Mount Tur [Sinai]'.

    In short, in establishing the problem of the 'oneness of being', the Hindu sages made the mind their addressee. But the Iranian poets, in commenting on this problem, have adopted a more dangerous [*PAGE 7*] approach: that is, they have made the heart their target. Eventually the result of their beautiful and elegant subtilizings was that when this problem reached the common people, it deprived almost all the Islamic communities of the taste for action. Probably Ibn Taymiyya among the scholars, and Wahid Mahmud among the sages, were the first who raised the voice of exigency against this all-seizing movement of Islamic thought. Mulla Muhsin Fani Kashmiri, in his book The School of Creeds, has written a brief account of this sage, from which a complete estimate of his views cannot be formed. Ibn Taymiyya’s powerful logic certainly had some sort of effect, but the truth is that the dryness of logic cannot compete with poetry’s heart-stealing quality.

    Among the poets, it was [the Persian poet] Shaikh 'Ali Hazin who said that "Sufism is good for versification," [*PAGE 8*] and thus testified to his awareness of the reality of the situation; but in spite of this, his works bear witness to the fact that he could not remain protected from the effects of his surroundings. Under these conditions, how would it have been possible for Islamic thought in Hindustan to safeguard its taste for action? [The Indo-Persian poet] Mirza Bedil has given his heart to the pleasure of rest to such a degree that even a movement of the glance is unpalatable to him:

    There are subtleties within the embrace of bewilderment's house of mirrors.
    Do not strike your eyelashes together, lest you should destroy the show’s colour.

    And [the Urdu poet] Amir Mina'i gives this teaching:

    Look at whatever comes before you, and do not speak from your mouth,
    Produce a mirror-eye, a picture-mouth.

    The Western peoples are distinguished among the peoples of the world with regard to their power of action, [*PAGE 9*] and for this reason their literature and ideas are for the people of the East the best guides to understanding the mysteries of life. Although the modern philosophy of the West begins with the system of the unity of existence of a Jewish philosopher of Holland [Spinoza], it was action’s colours that prevailed in the West. Reinforced by the deductive method of mathematics, the enchanted world of the problem of the 'oneness of being' remained stable for a long while. It was in Germany that emphasis was first given to the human ego’s individual reality; and slowly, by virtue of the taste for action possessed by the sages of England in particular, the philosophers of the West were freed from the effect of this enchanted world of the imagination. Just as there are senses specific to colour, smell, etc., there is another sense in human beings that ought to be called the 'sense of events'. Our life depends on witnessing the events around us, correctly understanding [*PAGE 10*] from them their cognitive content, and adorning ourselves with actions. But how many of us avail ourselves of this sense that I have conveyed by using the term 'sense of events'? Events are born and will continue to be born from within the mysterious womb of Nature's order, but before Bacon, who knew that present events — which the philosophers who have given their hearts to theory view with a look of disdain — keep veiled within them a precious treasure-chest of realities and knowledges? The truth is that all of the peoples in the world are indebted to the practical sagacity of the English people, for in this people the sense of events is sharper and more developed than in the other peoples of the world. It is for this reason that to this day no system of philosophy that sports with the mind and is unable to bear the sharp light of well-known events has been accepted onto English soil. Furthermore, the writings of the sages of England [*PAGE 11*] are at a special level among the literatures of the world, and are fit to be taken by Eastern hearts and minds for their benefit, in order that they may review their own ancient philosophical traditions.

    This is a brief sketch of the history of the problem that is the subject of this poem. I have endeavoured to free this subtle problem from the complexities of philosophical proofs and to dye it in imagination’s colours, so that it may become easy to understand and reflect upon this reality. This preface is not meant to provide a commentary on the poem, but merely to provide a road-sign to those who are not already familiar with the minutiae of this reality. I am certain that this purpose will be served by the above lines. There is no need to say anything about this poem from a poetic point of view. The poetic imagination is merely a means of drawing attention to the reality [*PAGE 12*] that the pleasure of life, the individual capacity of the ego, is bound up with its affirmation, fortification, and expansion. This point will serve as a prologue to the understanding of the reality of the problem of life after death.

    Yes—with regard to the word 'self', it is necessary to apprise the audience that it has not been used in this poem in the sense of 'vanity', as it normally is in the Urdu language. Its meaning is simply the sense of self, or the individuation of the essence. This is also its meaning in its compound 'self-lessness', and it is likely that the meaning of the word 'self' is the same in this [Persian] verse by Muhsin Tasir:

    Due to the 'self', the one drowning in the sea of unity did not breathe,
    amidst the waters, it was impossible to draw breath.

    --Muhammad Iqbal
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-09-2012, 09:44 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • The past few Months ... have had the privilege of watching a couple of SparrowHawk in their hunting Ballet ..... did not think of mentioning it until now .... so let's check out sparrowhawk and see what we can come up with :

      Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Falconers have utilised the Eurasian Sparrowhawk since at least the 16th century; although the species has a reputation for being difficult to train, it is also praised for its courage. The species features in Teutonic mythology and is mentioned in works by writers including William Shakespeare, Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Ted Hughes.

      The Eurasian Sparrowhawk is a small bird of prey with short, broad wings and a long tail, both adaptations to manoeuvring through trees. Females can be up to 25% larger than males[8] and weigh up to twice as much.[18] When females are larger than males, it is known as reverse sexual dimorphism; this is unusual in higher vertebrates but typical in birds of prey,[19] and most marked in birds of prey which hunt birds.
      A couple of bird of prey ( you ) which hunts birds ( inspiration )

      In culture

      An adult male in Slovakia

      In Teutonic mythology, the sparrowhawk, known as krahui or krahug, is a sacred bird in Old Bohemian songs and lives in a grove of the gods.
      he Eurasian Sparrowhawk was written about by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:[4]

      A sparhawk proud did hold in wicked jail
      Music's sweet chorister, the Nightingale
      To whom with sighs she said: 'O set me free,
      And in my song I'll praise no bird but thee.'
      The Hawk replied: 'I will not lose my diet
      To let a thousand such enjoy their quiet.'
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • More can mean less when it comes to being happier -- especially if you are neurotic

        New research from the University of Warwick suggests getting more money may not make you happier, especially if you are neurotic ( wall street anyone ).
        In a working paper, economist Dr Eugenio Proto, from the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) at the University of Warwick, looked at how personality traits can affect the way we feel about our income in terms of levels of life satisfaction.

        He found evidence suggesting that neurotic people can view a pay rise or an increase in income as a failure if it is not as much as they expected.

        Neuroticism is a fundamental personality trait in psychology and refers to a tendency to experience negative emotional states. People with high levels of neuroticism have higher sensitivity to anger, hostility, or depression.

        Dr Proto, who co-authored the paper with Aldo Rustichini from the University of Minnesota, said people who are on a high salary and have high levels of neuroticism are more likely to see a payrise as a failure.

        He said: "Someone who has high levels of neuroticism will see an income increase as a measure of success. When they are on a lower income, a pay increase does satisfy them because they see that as an achievement. However, if they are already on a higher income they may not think the pay increase is as much as they were expecting. So they see this as a partial failure and it lowers their life satisfaction."
        red on red


        Scientists turn skin cells into brain cells

        Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have for the first time transformed skin cells—with a single genetic factor—into cells that develop on their own into an interconnected, functional network of brain cells. The research offers new hope in the fight against many neurological conditions because scientists expect that such a transformation—or reprogramming—of cells may lead to better models for testing drugs for devastating neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.
        you could say hidden within every skin cell ... there is a brain cell

        a gene is like a light switch .... the question is who can turn on that light switch


        New findings provide insight on long-standing pregnancy mystery

        Researchers at NYU School of Medicine have made an important discovery that partially answers the long-standing question of why a mother's immune system does not reject a developing fetus as foreign tissue.

        Novel brain imaging technique explains why concussions affect people differently

        Patients vary widely in their response to concussion, but scientists haven't understood why. Now, using a new technique for analyzing data from brain imaging studies, researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center have found that concussion victims have unique spatial patterns of brain abnormalities that change over time.


        Let us go back to the subject of Brain as a Fractal Antenna:

        Man suffers from head injury and becomes a sudden musical genius, page 1

        Man suffers from head injury and becomes a sudden musical genius

        Derek Amato is truly one in a billion. He is possibly the only person in the world to have acquired musical ability after a traumatic brain injury. A severe concussion left him with the ability to play piano, an instrument he had never played before. He now plays professionally and earns his living as a musician. Now, the music never stops. He sees it constantly streaming in front of his eyes in the form of black and white squares that compel him to play. Derek journeys to the Mayo Clinic to meet with one of the world's top neurologists to try and find a way to control the incessant stream of music: an incredible gift that is also his curse. vid included in the thread

        Man Becomes Math Genius After Head Injury, page 1

        Man Becomes Math Genius After Head Injury

        Jason Padgett saw complex mathematical formulas after being violently mugged.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 12:41 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • The soul only enters through the mother! (year 1961) BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI
          the Blue Pole

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • for your knowledge

            Joel Sternheimer -- Protein Music -- French Patent # 2,136,737

            "French Physicist Creates New Melodies - Plant Songs"

            Remember those song birds we used to hear in the fields? The sounds of animals in nature singing a symphony of soft and subtle sounds as all things flow together to create a living and vibrant concerto? Science is now showing that these sounds actually do influence the growth of plants. Researchers have demonstrated that plants respond to sounds in pro-found ways which not only influence their overall health but also increase the speed of growth and the size of the plant.

            Many people remember hearing in the late 1960's and 1970's about the idea that plants respond to music. There were lots of projects in high schools and colleges which successfully tested the effects of sound on plant growth. It was determined through repetitive testing that plants did respond to music and sound. The first book which brought this idea to most of us was: The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (Harper & Row 1973). In this best selling book a number of astounding revelations about plant growth were revealed. The idea that plants were influenced by sound in both positive and negative ways was demonstrated by several world class scientists at that time.

            When we think of plants being affected by sunlight we are really looking at the effect of a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum on plants that portion which includes visible light. It should not surprise us that sound also impacts plant growth because it is, in essence, an extension to other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

            The science was first disclosed in an article by Andy Coghlan which appeared in New Scientist (May 28, 1994, p.10). The article confirmed old ideas by placing them in a scientific context. It tells an excellent story about the impact of sound on plant growth, bringing to light what was before considered esoteric or mysterious science. After reading this short article and those which follow in this issue of the Flashpoints a good deal more will be thought of "singing gardeners" and "plant communicators."

            Many people remember reading accounts of plant growth being stimulated by sound waves. At that time, "talking" to plants and playing plants different types of music was used to influence growth. A number of people were using these techniques without being able to completely explain the phenomena. This article is part of that story a story which could have a profound impact on the way we grow and produce our food.

            Eccentrics who sing to their plants? People playing melodies to organic matter with the expectation that it will help stimulate growth? These ideas were the thoughts of some "non-scientists" until French physicist and musician, Joel Sternheimer, discovered the mechanism for how plants respond to the stimulation of sound waves. Sternheimer composes musical note sequences which help plants grow and has applied for an international patent1 covering the concept.

            The sound sequences are not random but are carefully constructed melodies. Each note is chosen to correspond to an amino acid in a protein with the full tune corresponding to the entire protein. What this means is that the sounds sequenced in just the right order results in a tune which is unique and harmonizes with the internal structure of a specific plant type. Each plant type has a different sequence of notes to stimulate its growth. According to New Scientist, "Sternheimer claims that when plants "hear" the appropriate tune, they produce more of that protein. He also writes tunes that inhibit the synthesis of proteins." In other words, desirable plants could be stimulated to grow while undesirable plants (weeds for instance) could be inhibited. This is done with electromagnetic energy, in this case sound waves, pulsed to the right set of frequencies thus effecting the plant at an energetic and submolecular level.

            Sternheimer translates into audible vibrations of music the quantum vibrations that occur at the molecular level as a protein is being assembled from its constituent amino acids. By using simple physics he is able to compose music which achieves this correlation. Sternheimer indicated to New Scientist that each musical note which he composes for the plant is a multiple of original frequencies that occur when amino acids join the protein chain. He says that playing the right notes stimulates the plant and increases growth. This idea is particularly interesting because it may lead to the eventual obsolescence of fertilizers used to stimulate plant growth. This new method would be cheap and relatively easily provided throughout the world, thereby avoiding many of the problems associated with the extraction, shipping, environmental and economic costs of chemical fertilizers.

            Playing the right tune stimulates the formation of a plant's protein. "The length of a note corresponds to the real time it takes for each amino acid to come after the next," according to Sternheimer, who studied quantum physics and mathematics at Princeton University in New Jersey.

            In experiments by Sternheimer, he claims that tomatoes exposed to his melodies grew two-and-a-half times as large as those which were untreated. Some of the treated plants were sweeter in addition to being significantly larger. The musical sequences stimulated three tomato growth promoters, cytochrome C, and thaumatin (a flavoring compound). According to Sternheimer in the New Scientist, "Six molecules were being played to the tomatoes for a total of three minutes a day."

            Sternheimer also claims to have stopped the mosaic virus by playing note sequences that inhibited enzymes required by the virus. This virus would have harmed the tomato plants.

            The note sequences used by the inventor are very short and need only be played one time. For example, the sequence for for cytochrome C lasts just 29 seconds. According to Sternheimer, "on average, you get four amino acids played per second" in this series.

            The inventor also issued a warning for those repeating his experiments. He warns to be careful with the sound sequences because they can affect people. "Don't ask a musician to play them," he says. Sternheimer indicated that one of his musicians had difficulty breathing after playing the tune for cytochrome C.

            Plant stimulation by sound may have profound implications. The idea that a cheap source of "electromagnetic fertilizer" has been developed should be exciting for many third world countries. At a time when human progress can be made through simple solutions in agriculture, resources are being wasted in the extraction of mineral and oil compounds for fertilizers. If this method of fertilization were followed the human intellect would prove superior to physical capital in terms of distribution and production of this new technology.

            The idea that sound can have a healing effect on humans is being explored by a number of independent scientists around the world. The know-ledge of the "sound effect on proteins" offers insights to health practitioners of the benefits to humans. In addition to the favorable economic factors, the increased vitality of the plant substances can positively impact the health of all humans that consume them.

            The patent includes melodies for cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome C which are two proteins involved in respiration. It also includes sound sequences for troponin C which regulates calcium uptake in muscles. Further, a tune was developed for inhibiting chalcone synthase which is an enzyme involved in making plant pigments.

            Enya - Crying Wolf - le chant du Loup - YouTube

            all that has been presented to you so far .... are reproducible experiments ( with caution ) and discoveries. Do not assume that all has been uncovered by the respective discoverers such as the above article but also Rodin Coil / Ouroboros Coil , Vogel Quartz , salt etc ....

            these are ingredients for new formulations / new discoveries / new circuits not just for reading

            "The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."

            for instance : did you know:


            Other substances that expand on freezing are silicon, gallium, germanium, antimony, bismuth, plutonium and other compounds that form spacious crystal lattices with tetrahedral coordination.

            this is very interesting as all these are used in one form or another for energy production and alchemical use .... really interesting
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 01:36 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Legendary lost 'White City' of gold 'discovered' in dense Central American jungle by advanced laser mapping | Mail Online

              A team of scientists using advanced laser mapping have detailed a remote region of Honduras that may have revealed the legendary lost city of Ciudad Blanca, known as the 'White City' of gold.

              Researchers from the University of Houston and the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) flew over the Mosquitia region in a small plane shooting billions of laser pulses at the ground to create a 3D digital map of the topology beneath the jungle canopy.

              Compiling their data, the analysts revealed what appears to be man-made elevation changes that are thought to show a forgotten city plaza dotted with pyramids reclaimed by the jungle.
              According to legend, Ciudad Blanca or the 'White City' is full of gold and has been sought out by explorers and treasure hunters since conquistador Hernando Cortes first made reference to it in a 1526 letter to King Charles V of Spain.

              Inspired by this legend, cinematographer and Ciudad Blanca enthusiast Steven Elkins sought backing from private investors to pay for the team at NCLAM to use their laser mapping technology to chart the forest floor of Mosquitia.

              -------------------------- remember the norway spiral

              Before It's News

              Hundreds flood police with reports of UFO in nation's skies; Astronomical Association chairman says object isn't a meteor, flew above Lebanon. Similar sighting in Norway in 2009 turned out to be failed missile test.
              Mystery in Israel's skies: Hundreds of Israelis nationwide flooded police hotlines Thursday evening with reports about seeing an unidentified flying object in the nation's skies.
              A prominent Israeli astronomer said the object flew above Lebanese territory and is not a meteor. The UFO was also clearly visible in Palestinian territories. A similar sighting in Norway three years ago turned out to be a failed missile test.
              The object was initially spotted in northern IDF Northern Command said it was unaware of any IDF operations in the area. Officials were also checking whether the Air Force was related to the sighting.
              According to the reports, received around 9 pm Thursday, the unidentified object gave off light and was followed by a smoke trail. Numerous reports of the sighting were also received by Ynet.
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 10:36 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                for your knowledge

                all that has been presented to you so far .... are reproducible experiments ( with caution ) and discoveries. Do not assume that all has been uncovered by the respective discoverers such as the above article but also Rodin Coil / Ouroboros Coil , Vogel Quartz , salt etc ....

                these are ingredients for new formulations / new discoveries / new circuits not just for reading

                for instance : did you know:


                Everything is a Remix | Watch "Everything is a Remix" Documentary Online for Free

                Everything is a Remix: in four parts.

                Digital technology has made everything into a remix: our photographs, our videos, our songs, our memories are a constant re-imagining, re-positioning, and re-filtering. Vacation photos get an instant lomo finish. Glee and youtube take popular songs and do ‘mashups.’ An exploration of remixes on our lives.

                The first part explores remix in music. The second part explores remixing in film production. The third part is an examination of creativity. How can innovation truly happen? The process is examined. Finally, part four examines the remix from a legal perspective. Ideas are regarded as property, but ideas aren’t so tidy and creativity and originality often borrow heavily from that that has come beforehand.

                An exploration of the remix techniques involved in producing films. Part Two of a four-part series.

                Creativity isn’t magic. Part three of this four-part series explores how innovations truly happen.

                They’re layered, they’re interwoven, they’re tangled. And when the system conflicts with the reality… the system starts to fail.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Walter Russell : The Twelve Laws of Change of the Infinite Universe

                  Walter Russell -- Energy Generator Coils

                  1. One Infinity manifests itself into complementary and antagonistic tendencies, yin and yang, in its endless change.

                  2. Yin and yang are manifested continuously from the eternal movement of one infinite universe.

                  3. Yin represents centrifugality. Yang represents centripetality. Yin and yang together produce energy and all phenomena.

                  4. Yin attracts yang. Yang attracts yin.

                  5. Yin repels yin. Yang repels yang.

                  6. Yin and yang combined in varying proportions produce different phenomena. The attraction and repulsion among phenomena is proportional to the difference of yin and yang forces.

                  7. All phenomena are ephemeral, constantly changing their constitution of yin and yang forces; yin changes into yang, yang changes into yin.

                  8. Nothing is solely yin or solely yang. Everything is composed of both tendencies in varying degrees.
                  ( think anisotropy )

                  9. There is nothing neuter. Either yin or yang is in excess in every occurence.

                  10. Large yin attracts small yin. Large yang attracts small yang.

                  11. Extreme yin produces yang, and extreme yang produces yin.

                  12. All physical manifestations are yang at the center, and yin at the surface."

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 02:59 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • 8. Nothing is solely yin or solely yang. Everything is composed of both tendencies in varying degrees

                    Myths of Right-Brained Creativity | Psychology Today

                    "I'm not creative. I'm very left-brained." "My teachers killed my creativity." "I'm just not into being all different and original and weird."

                    As a creativity consultant, I often hear such comments. What underlie each of them are myths about creativity, myths perpetuated often by other consultants and by incomplete conclusions derived from the science of creativity. Let me be audacious enough to try to dispel one of the biggest such myths: the right-brain creativity myth.

                    MYTH #1: CREATIVITY = RIGHT HEMISPHERE

                    A recent study showed that a function of visual thinking is not solely a function of the right hemisphere. The Health Editor at The Columbia Chronicle recently asked me if the study's findings surprised me. They didn't.

                    The puzzle required that architecture students visualize certain existing geometric shapes and if when assembled formed either a square or a rectangle. This activity requires visual and spatial reasoning (so we'd expect the right hemisphere to light up), but it also requires drawing upon previous knowledge (what is a square or rectangle) and making discernments. The mind puzzle did not require complete novelty or spontaneous insight.

                    As a culture, we're still re-covering from the misnomer that creativity is a right-brained activity. I think this assumption stems in part from an over-simplification of especially Roger Sperry's work in the 1960s on the split-brain hypothesis. Some of that research demonstrated that in general ways activities that require more holistic perception (the gestalt), spatial reasoning, and appreciation of beauty stimulate the right hemisphere and that activities which require more analytical thinking—including language—stimulate the left. This research became popular and grossly over-simplified in the 1990s especially in education circles, business circles, and art workshops.

                    We now know that creativity as well as—on the flip side—rational decisions are more whole-brained activities than some of us would like to imagine. For instance, playing music involves making the repetitive drills and memorizing certain hand movements (left-brained) as well as improvising and connecting emotionally to the music (somewhat right-brained).


                    The reverse is also true. If we follow that certain activities are strictly right-brained or left-brained, we'd assume that someone with no right-hemispheric stimulation would be highly rational. That's not the case. Our capacity to reason well seems to rely a good deal upon being able to access our emotions.

                    Reason relies on emotion. What we assume are conscious logical decisions—buying a car, choosing a house, electing a candidate—actually are influenced by considerable unconscious and highly emotional impulses that we then rationalize. We do cost-analysis of automobiles (mostly left-brain and prefrontal cortex), but we also have strong emotional responses to cars (color, feel). Designers and marketers know this all too well. Recent studies have shown that people without access to their emotions because of brain damage are highly dysfunctional. They will spend hours deliberating on one minute problem and not get anywhere.

                    Emotions are not, though, a strictly right-hemispheric function. Some neuroscientists such as Joseph Ledoux are even challenging the idea of "the emotional brain" or "the limbic system."

                    Pure logical problems might not seem to require much novelty. But if you were to monitor people's brains while they tried to figure out a syllogism, at the moment of insight, the moment they figure out the solution, I could almost guarantee that a part of the right brain called the right anterior temporal lobe would light up.

                    We know similarly that people who try to hyper-focus in order to solve a problem usually confound themselves. If you want to solve a problem, don't sit down to try to figure it out. Prime your mind with the necessary knowledge. Let your mind absorb it. Then, step away and diverge. Take a walk outdoors. Move your body. Take a hot bath. Draw and doodle. Stop thinking so hard. And watch the margins of your mind play.

                    This last part—the ability to watch your mind at work and play—is probably a function neither of left or right hemispheres, per se, but of the medial prefrontal cortex. This area is stimulated in people who are aware of their awareness. And it's instrumental in thriving as a creative problem-solver or as a creative in any field.

                    MYTH #3: CREATIVITY = A HA!s + LIGHTNING BOLTS

                    Another false assumption I think we suffer from culturally is the idea that creativity equals novel insight. When we have those aha! moments, a part of the right hemisphere is in fact stimulated. But to thrive creatively involves so much more than insight and novelty.

                    Creativity is in part applying imagination. Creativity entails either making novel contributions within a field, re-combining existing ideas in a fresh and useful way, or/and it is solving problems in a novel but useful way.

                    To do so, a person must have discernment, judgment, a clear knowledge of the material and craft—much left-brained. A writer who aspires to excel as a memoirist and to have her work recognized and appreciated, for instance, actually must learn a great deal about her craft and about how to design engaging and near-magical reading experiences.

                    Such study is the left-brained behind-the-scenes work of a lot of creative output that many people popularly don't like to think about. They don't like to associate creativity with study, discipline, and discernment. They like to associate creativity with romance and spontaneity and brilliant ideas. That's just not the whole story of what it takes to thrive creatively. All skill, no whim, and what's created might be flat and derivative. All whim, no skill, and what's made might be enjoyable only for the creator.

                    Not incidentally, what happens with many adults is that once they learn facets of their respective craft, the joy of their medium increases because they "know what they're doing."

                    People who thrive as creative problem-solvers probably have developed a series of habits that let their brains' neighborhoods talk more freely to each other. And the human brains' neighborhoods and designated regions, by the way, are constantly changing as neuroscientists try to map them out

                    An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 12:27 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Propellerheads feat: Miss Shirley Bassey - History Repeating - YouTube

                      The word is about, there's something evolving,
                      whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
                      They say the next big thing is here,
                      that the revolution's near,
                      but to me it seems quite clear
                      that it's all just a little bit of history repeating

                      The newspapers shout a new style is growing,
                      but it don't know if it's coming or going,
                      there is fashion, there is fad
                      some is good, some is bad
                      and the joke is rather sad,
                      that its all just a little bit of history repeating

                      .. and I've seen it before
                      .. and I'll see it again
                      .. yes I've seen it before
                      .. just little bits of history repeating

                      Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing,
                      why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging
                      life's for us to enjoy
                      woman, man, girl and boy,
                      feel the pain, feel the joy
                      aside set the little bits of history repeating

                      .. just little bits of history repeating
                      .. and I've seen it before
                      .. and I'll see it again
                      .. yes I've seen it before
                      .. just little bits of history repeating
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Ninja Mind Control

                        The concept of "silence" in Ninjitsu is not meant to imply secrecy, or reticence to share information on any level. Rather, it conveys the lack of necessity for comment. Those who know do not need to be told ; and those who do not know seldom listen.
                        "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding." - The Kybalion .

                        12. All physical manifestations are yang at the center, and yin at the surface." Walter Russell

                        Ninja Mind Control

                        Each individual carries both aspects, Yin and Yang, positive and negative, within the self. When the electric energy dominates, the person is said to be more masculine; when the magnetic holds sway, the person is said to be more feminine. Few are capable of complete balance. Therefore people tend to seek, or fall prey to, an energy that is complementary. This is the meaning of the phrase "water seeks its own level" and provides the foundation for virtually all interaction between humans
                        With an understanding of the cosmic forces, the Ninja automatically gains an air of calm dignity. Any need to prove himself in battle is long past, as is any trepidation accompanying the initiation into the art of love by a member of the opposite sex. Until that initiation, the mysteries of the universe remain concealed behind an almost mystical veil. Thereafter it becomes apparent that every being possesses all the latent elements of sexuality, in one form or another. This is seen as Yang and Yin. Yang is positive, masculine, and white, representing the right side and a force from above; and Yin is negative, feminine, and black, representing the left side and rising from below. Yang could also be described as "power," restless and in perpetual pursuit; and Yin as "love," passive and enveloping. Yin is ever circling Yang, which is always striving to move forward ( anisotropy ) . From this action is formed the whirling staircase of the universe.
                        The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating, etc., and its manifestations are visible on every plane of phenomena. The Kybalion

                        ♥ I Have A Dream ♥ - ABBA - ♫(Lyrics)♫ - YouTube

                        I Have A Dream lyrics
                        Songwriters: Andersson, Benny Goran Br; Ulvaeus, Bjoern K.;

                        I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything
                        If you see the wonder of the fairy tale
                        You can take the future even if you fail

                        I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
                        I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
                        I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

                        I have a dream, a fantasy, to help me through reality
                        And my destination makes it worth the while
                        Pushing through the darkness ( Yin is negative, feminine, and black, representing the left side ) still another mile
                        I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
                        I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
                        I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
                        I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

                        I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything
                        If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
                        You can take the future even if you fail
                        I believe in angels, something good in everything I see
                        I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me
                        I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
                        I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 03:52 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • The office of Gender is solely that of creating, producing, generating, etc., and its manifestations are visible on every plane of phenomena. The Kybalion

                          The Codes of Gender | Watch "The Codes of Gender" Documentary Online for Free

                          The Codes of Gender is the brainchild of MEF Executive Director, Sut Jhally. Jhally wrote and directed this feature documentary about sociologist Erving Goffman’s seminal work on advertising. The role that advertising plays in shaping our understanding of the masculine and the feminine.

                          Using brilliant visual cues, The Codes of Gender allows Goffman a wide canvas for distilling his main analysis: that gender ideals are not biological, but rather ritualized cultural normatives. The ‘masculine’ and the ‘feminine’ are social constructs that are highly influenced by modern advertising.

                          It looks beyond advertising as a medium that simply sells products, and beyond analyses of gender that focus on biological difference or issues of objectification and beauty, to provide a clear-eyed view of the two-tiered terrain of identity and power relations. Watch The Codes of Gender now. Enjoy.
                          learn to decode

                          Psychologists find meditation increases awareness of subliminal messages

                          -------------------------- on the same subject of perception :

                          behind every skin cell there is a brain cell

                          Hands-on research: Neuroscientists show how brain responds to sensual caress

                          A nuzzle of the neck, a stroke of the wrist, a brush of the knee—these caresses often signal a loving touch, but can also feel highly aversive, depending on who is delivering the touch, and to whom. Interested in how the brain makes connections between touch and emotion, neuroscientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered that the association begins in the brain's primary somatosensory cortex, a region that, until now, was thought only to respond to basic touch, not to its emotional quality.
                          8. Nothing is solely yin or solely yang. Everything is composed of both tendencies in varying degrees

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 08:55 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from:

                            thanks 7

                            when you look at yourself in the mirror, the image you see IS NOT IDENTICAL to what other people see when they look at you. Simply hold up a written page in front of a mirror to verify what you have known all the time but not given much thought to. The mirror seems to transpose left to right.

                            Not long ago, one of our brothers in the United States informed us that a North American writer had written a scientific book which posed the following: if a person sees their image inverted left to right in a mirror, then why isn't the image also reversed top to bottom, with the feet at the top of the image?
                            But this reality is as different from MENTAL PERCEPTION
                            ------------------- you can always learn something new if you don't take it for granted

                            HowStuffWorks "How Mirrors Work"

                            The conventional modern mirror is usually nothing more than a sheet of glass attached to a thin layer of metallic backing. It seems as if mirrors have been around forever in some form or another, but mirrors as we know them today haven't been around that long. As early as a thousand years ago, mirrors were still polished discs of plain metal that cost more than most people of that era could afford: A peasant who wanted to see his or her reflection had to go look in a pond like everyone else -- and had to stand in line to do it. Full-length mirrors are an even more recent invention. They're only about 400 years old.

                            You'd think that four centuries would give people time to adjust to looking at themselves, but you'd have another thing coming. In a 2005 study at the University of Liverpool, a group of researchers asked subjects to predict when their reflection would appear as they walked past a mirror. Their answers were embarrassingly off. The same poor results came back when people were asked to judge the size of their heads in the mirror [source: Martin].

                            The results of the Liverpool study suggest that humans simply aren't intuitively equipped to deal with reflections, yet mirrors resonate deeply in the human psyche. They represent truth and illusion at the same time. They show us ourselves as we are -- yet not quite -- and we see a new world to explore behind the mirror that we can't access. Perhaps these disorienting paradoxes are what make mirrors so central to both magic and science.

                            Mirrors, however, don't scatter light in this way. With a smooth surface, light reflects without disturbing the incoming image. This is called specular reflection. That concept raises an interesting question: If mirrors preserve the images that hit them, why do they turn left into right and vice versa? Why not up and down? The truth is that a mirror doesn't really reverse left and right. What mirrors switch is front and back, like a printing press or a rubber stamp. Imagine writing something on a sheet of paper in dark pen and then holding it up to a mirror. It looks backward, but it also looks the same as if you held it up to a lamp and looked at it from behind. Your mirror image is a light-print of you , not a reflection of you from the mirror's perspective.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 05:35 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              Heavy metal


                              Hard rock music, usually electric guitar-based and always loud.


                              Heavy metal seems at first a strange label to apply to a form of music. A little investigation into the symbolism behind makes it seem a rather obvious choice though.

                              'Heavy' was coined in the beatnik area of the 1950s to mean serious or profound ( also see link of beatnik with morocco : planet rock | The Master Musicians of Jajouka Led By Bachir Attar ). The term 'heavy music' was then and later applied to music that was in that vein. Of course it's clear to see that meaning of heavy is derived from the usual meaning, i.e. weighty or massive.

                              Okay, that's heavy but why should a form of music be called metal? Well, metal is heavy, especially the metals favoured by the bands who played that genre, e.g. Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly and Quicksilver Messenger Service (quicksilver is mercury). Also, the term 'heavy metals' in the chemical sense include mercury, lead and cadmium, which have just the right image of toxicity to suit the musical style. It's interesting, although probably just co-incidence, that many of the British heavy metal bands came from the two principal centres of metal manufacturing in the UK, namely Birmingham (e.g. Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne) and Sheffield (Def Leppard). With the decline of that manufacturing tradition, most of the 'metal bashing', as it was known, is now done by these bands rather than by men with big hammers.

                              So, heavy and metal are ideal candidate words for this genre. Add that to the fact that heavy metal had already been widely used as a military term for heavily fortified tanks/guns etc. and it starts to look like an ideal choice as a label.

                              The expression first appears in print in William Burroughs' 1962 novel The Soft Machine. His character Uranian Willy is described as "the Heavy Metal Kid". Burroughs later re-used the term in his 1964 novel Nova Express:

                              "With their diseases and orgasm drugs and their sexless parasite life forms - Heavy Metal People of Uranus wrapped in cool blue mist of vaporized bank notes - And the Insect People of Minraud with metal music."

                              It isn't clear who first appropriated the term to refer to loud rock music, although several lay claim to it. The widely quoted description of Jimi Hendrix's music as 'like listening to heavy metal falling from the sky', while being a fairly accurate assessment, isn't the earliest.

                              Some claim that the US rock music critic Lester Bangs, while working for Creem magazine, used the expression in 1968 to describe a performance of the band MC5 (Motor City Five) from Detroit. Creem magazine themselves attribute the term to Mike Saunders, in an article about the 'Kingdom Come' album, by Sir Lord Baltimore, in the May 1971 edition of the magazine:

                              "This album is a far cry from the currently prevalent Grand Funk sludge, because Sir Lord Baltimore seems to have down pat most all the best heavy metal tricks in the book. Precisely, they sound like a mix between the uptempo noiseblasts of Led Zeppelin (instrumentally) and singing that’s like an unending Johnny Winter shriek: they have it all down cold, including medium or uptempo blasts a la LZ, a perfect carbon of early cataclysmic MC5."

                              This has the benefit of being a traceable citation, as copies of the edition are still extant. So, until other hard evidence is found, that has to be the current strongest claim. It would be surprising if the term had never been used in the musical context before 1971 though - after all Steppenwolf used it in the lyric of their 1968 song Born to be Wild:

                              "I like smoke and lightning
                              Heavy metal thunder
                              Racin' with the wind
                              And the feelin' that I'm under"

                              The musical style remains popular, although less so than in its heyday - the 1980s, and has spawned sub-genres. These include 'death metal', 'thrash metal', 'grindcore' and even 'folk metal' (aka 'heavy wood')
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • for those who are not quite familiar with Harmonic Math / Rodin Math / Vortex Math :

                                Harmonic Math is The Yin of Mathematics

                                Randy Powell: Intro to Vortex Math [1/2] - Vortex Based Mathematics

                                still prefers the Ouroboros Coil

                                remember the following when you watch the inro :

                                Mirrors, however, don't scatter light in this way. With a smooth surface, light reflects without disturbing the incoming image. This is called specular reflection. That concept raises an interesting question: If mirrors preserve the images that hit them, why do they turn left into right and vice versa? Why not up and down? The truth is that a mirror doesn't really reverse left and right. What mirrors switch is front and back, like a printing press or a rubber stamp. Imagine writing something on a sheet of paper in dark pen and then holding it up to a mirror. It looks backward, but it also looks the same as if you held it up to a lamp and looked at it from behind. Your mirror image is a light-print of you , not a reflection of you from the mirror's perspective.
                                and chirality ;D
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-10-2012, 07:17 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

