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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Southern Cross with lyrics - Crosby, Stills, and Nash - YouTube

    Got out of town on a boat
    Goin' to Southern islands.
    Sailing a reach
    Before a followin' sea.
    She was makin' for the trades
    On the outside,
    And the downhill run
    To Papeete.
    Off the wind on this heading
    Lie the Marquesas.
    We got eighty feet of the waterline.
    Nicely making way.
    In a noisy bar in Avalon
    I tried to call you.
    But on a midnight watch I realized
    Why twice you ran away.
    Think about how many times
    I have fallen
    Spirits are using me
    larger voices callin'.

    What heaven brought you and me
    Cannot be forgotten.
    I have been around the world,
    Lookin' for that woman/girl,
    Who knows love can endure.
    And you know it will.
    And you know it will.

    When you see the Southern Cross
    For the first time
    You understand now
    Why you came this way
    'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from
    Is so small.
    But it's as big as the promise
    The promise of a comin' day.

    So I'm sailing for tomorrow
    My dreams are a dyin'.
    And my love is an anchor tied to you
    Tied with a silver chain.
    I have my ship
    And all her flags are a flyin'
    She is all that I have left
    And music is her name.
    Think about how many times
    I have fallen
    Spirits are using me
    larger voices callin'.
    What heaven brought you and me
    Cannot be forgotten

    I have been around the world,
    Lookin' for that woma/girl,
    Who knows love can endure.
    And you know it will.
    And you know it will.
    So we cheated and we lied
    And we tested
    And we never failed to fail
    It was the easiest thing to do.
    You will survive being bested.[/B]
    Somebody fine
    Will come along
    Make me forget about loving you.
    At the Southern Cross.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
      In India, nāgas are considered nature spirits and the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.

      The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality[citation needed]. Garuda once brought it to them and put a cup with elixir on the ground but it was taken away by Indra. However, few drops remained on the grass. The nāgas licked up the drops, but in doing so, cut their tongues on the grass, and since then their tongues have been forked.

      In the Rig-Veda of Hinduism, there is mention of the golden mean hidden at the centre of a Fibonacci pyramid- symbolised as a sacred mountain- Mount Meru. The 'mountain' with it's naga are symbolic of the diagonal Fibonacci lines that spiral/ coil around the pyramid. Venus as we know her, or Shukra the Vedic version is Lord of the Naga's and she is personified at the centre of the pyramid.
      The Queen's Chamber

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-26-2012, 03:53 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • a re post resonating with the previous one :

        a bit of star gazing forecast

        Starwatch: The July night sky | Science | The Guardian

        The Summer Triangle formed by Deneb, Altair and Vega dominates the high SE sky at our star map times, with Vega blazing only a little S of the zenith. Of the other leading stars, Arcturus is sinking in the W and Capella twinkles low in the N in the region where noctilucent clouds are making their annual appearance. Hovering above the horizon between the NW and NE, these are composed of ice crystals at high altitudes where they catch the sunlight to shine like bluish cirrus long after low level clouds are in darkness.

        We need binoculars to glimpse Mercury in the bright WNW twilight during the first few evening of July, but it soon dims and sinks from sight.

        Mars and Saturn are still on show in the lower SW sky though both have set by our map times. Saturn, mag 0.7 to 0.8, is slow-moving 5° above Spica in Virgo, the pair standing some 20° high and 30° below Arcturus as the twilight fades. Mars lies 24° right of Saturn on the 1st and dims from mag 0.9 to 1.1 as it speeds eastwards to lie 8° to the W of both Saturn and Spica on the 31st. Catch the Moon below Mars on the 24th and close to Spica on the 25th.

        With Venus and Jupiter now together in our predawn sky, early risers are in for a treat. Ninety minutes before sunrise on the 1st, Jupiter is conspicuous at mag -2.0 but very low in the ENE where it stands 6° below the Pleiades. Over the coming minutes the brilliant mag -4.4 Venus climbs into view 5° below Jupiter. During the month, the two planets climb higher before dawn, while Venus slips farther away from Jupiter as both track eastwards against the stars of Taurus. The 15% illuminated waning Moon joins the show on the 15th, occulting Jupiter for watchers in SE England, as Venus stands 7° below and to their left and less than 3° to the left of Aldebaran.

        July diary

        1st 03h Mercury farthest E of Sun (26˚)

        3rd 20h Full moon

        11th 03h Last quarter

        15th 04h Moon 0.5˚ N of Jupiter; 16h Moon 4˚ N of Venus

        19th 05h New moon

        24th 23h Moon 4˚ S of Mars

        25th 18h Moon 1.2˚ S of Spica; 20h Moon 6˚ S of Saturn

        26th 10h First quarter

        28th 21h Mercury in inferior conjunction; 22h Moon 5˚N of Antares

        *Times are BST

        If you pay attention to the Name of the Stars in the Southern View ..... you maybe surprised to recall that we have just talked about similar names ( Language of the Birds )

        example : ORPHIUCUS as in orfeo angelucci

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-26-2012, 04:15 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • One of my favorite composer :

          Vivaldi - Summer - YouTube

          Antonio Vivaldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741), nicknamed il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest") because of his red hair, was an Italian[1] Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice. Recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over 40 operas. His best known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.
          The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a set of four violin concertos by Antonio Vivaldi. Composed in 1723, The Four Seasons is Vivaldi's best-known work, and is among the most popular pieces of Baroque music.
          The concertos were first published in 1725 as part of a set of twelve concerti, Vivaldi's Op. 8, entitled Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest Between Harmony and Invention ). The first four concertos were designated Le quattro stagioni, each being named after a season. Each one is in three movements, with a slow movement between two faster ones.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-26-2012, 11:04 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • shall we ..... Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi - YouTube .... 42 min of bliss

            List of compositions by Antonio Vivaldi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            1 Twelve sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (Opus 1) 1705

            2 Twelve sonatas for violin and basso continuo (Opus 2) 1709

            3 L'estro Armonico (Harmonic Inspiration), twelve concertos for various combinations. Best known concerti are no. 6 in A minor for violin, no. 8 in A minor for two violins and no. 10 in B minor for four violins 1711

            4 La stravaganza (The Extraordinary), twelve violin concertos c. 1714

            5 Four sonatas for violin and two sonatas for two violins and basso continuo (Opus 5) 1716

            6 Six violin concertos 1716–1721

            7 Twelve Concertos, two oboe concertos and 10 violin concertos 1716–1717

            8 Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Contest between Harmony and Invention), twelve violin concertos including Le quattro stagioni (The Four Seasons) (the first four concertos) 1723

            9 La cetra (The Lyre), twelve violin concertos and one for two violins 1727

            10 Six flute concertos (two versions, one for recorder, printed in Venice) c. 1728

            11 Five violin concertos, one oboe concerto, the second in E minor, RV 277, being known as Il favorito 1729

            12 Five violin concertos and one without solo 1729

            all Sacred Books are filled with similar Pattern( s ) ie Fractal

            All is Analogy

            and you are as well a Sacred Book waiting to be discovered by your own Soul
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-26-2012, 11:00 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • 'UFO' at the bottom of the Baltic Sea 'cuts off electrical equipment when divers get within 200m' | Mail Online

              The divers exploring a 'UFO-shaped' object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea say their equipment stops working when they approach within 200m. (similar phenomena happen with crop circles )

              Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn, part of the Ocean X team which is exploring the anomaly, said some of the team's cameras and the team's satellite phone would refuse to work when directly above the object, and would only work once they had sailed away.

              He is quoted as saying: 'Anything electric out there - and the satellite phone as well - stopped working when we were above the object.

              'And then we got away about 200 meters and it turned on again, and when we got back over the object it didn’t work.'

              Diver Peter Lindberg said: 'We have experienced things that I really couldn’t imagine and I have been the team's biggest skeptic regarding these different kind of theories.

              'I was kind of prepared just to find a stone or cliff or outcrop or pile of mud but it was nothing like that, so for me it has been a missing experience I must say.'

              Member Dennis Εsberg said: 'I am one hundred percent convinced and confident that we have found something that is very, very, very unique.

              'Then if it is a meteorite or an asteroid, or a volcano, or a base from, say, a U-boat from the Cold War which has manufactured and placed there - or if it is a UFO...

              'Well honestly it has to be something.'
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 12:18 AM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • talking about UFO's

                Love those Vintage Stories : LES REPAS UFOLOGIQUES MARRAKCHI

                SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2012
                STRANGE OBJECT IN 1929 OR 1930 OF MOROCCO OVER

                The testimony of an officer, Marcel Clairac, Honorary Advisor to the former Court of Appeal in Rabat, proves it. Here's what we brought Mr. Clairac:

                "I have witnessed an extraordinary fact that I have reported only once to Alfred Nahon, who ran a magazine specializing in issues of" flying saucers "but I think my testimony, it may be too late, could make an even more valuable confirmation of the actual existence of extraterrestrial craft that when the facts are, the term" Flying Saucer "had not yet been used, or at least I had never heard of.

                This happened towards the end of July 1929 or 1930, I can not explain. What is certain is that this is the year the International Organization, the League had decided to apply sanctions against Italy for its aggression against Ethiopia, which had created tension severe enough in relations between France and Italy.

                It was at the time the Graaf Zeppelin made his crossings between Germany and South America. He flew over Morocco at very low altitude, which was for Germany an extraordinary means of propaganda among the masses and natives which allowed also to those who were lucky enough to see it, admire almost to touch, the enormous mass of the airship cigar-shaped, gliding almost noiselessly, between heaven and earth.

                I was a young magistrate court in Casablanca, and single. I often spend my evenings either at friends or in a movie or show, and go home on foot, towards the middle of the night. So that night in July 1929 or 30, I went to the movies with my brother John, pilot to the Company Latecoere future Air France, and that was the Toulouse-Cap Jubi. He spent his evenings with me to each of his stops in Casablanca. It should be between 23:30 and midnight. We returned to our hotel on foot, when arrived at the height of crossroads formed by the rue de Marseille and Bouskoura, mechanically watching the night sky, our attention was attracted by a dark object that moved high into the clear night.

                - Here, look at the Zeppelin, I said to my brother.
                The object in question had, indeed, the shape and look of Zeppelin, that is to say, the shape and color of a large cigar, but I added:

                - Why is it so high today usually it skims the rooftops?

                What I took to be a Zeppelin, was heading from east to west, and a look that seemed fast enough because of the altitude at which it was.
                We followedit with our eyes so that "Zeppelin" which could be distinguished perfectly form, since it stood out in dark on a relatively clear sky, when suddenly we saw up behind him, in perfect line of battle, two, four, ten, and almost twenty gear, exactly the same structure and same size. We were literally stunned and, for nearly ten minutes, we could contemplate the Armada, which always made ​​from east to west, in a close alignment with a point, the first aircraft that attracted our attention. And then, gradually, we saw them move away and disappear into the night
                The next morning I told them what we had seen a friend, Dr. Maurice Roblot, who invited us to make a statement to his brother , which then prop Chief of Staff of the Head of the Region of Casablanca, for its potential part in the Military Authority, very alarmed, as I said before, by the tension between France and Italy. So I went to the Region Civil where I made ​​to Mr. Roblot the story you know. My interlocutor listened with interest but would never admit that it was twenty Zeppelins because, he argued, Germany, the only manufacturer of these devices, possessed only two or three at most. I left without having convinced our friend, despite my vehement assertions and those of my brother John, still qualified to speak on aviation issues since he fought in the war of 1914 as a fighter pilot and he was currently in the pilot Latιcoθre company. So I classai this event in the box to the memories.

                Only much later, and more than twenty years later, I fell by chance on the story of someone who claimed to have seen in the sky "flying cigars" which, according to the author the newspaper article which explained the fact, that could be UFOs. Suddenly, my vision came back to me and now I can not doubt, given the countless testimonies of these extraterrestrial vehicles, have actually seen some of them evolve, posing for the humanity but also the scariest most wonderful problems. "


                btw : finished the book Son of the Sun by Orfeo Angelucci .... truly amazing book

                Adam forgot there was such a place as earth, or that there were
                any beings other than Eve and himself. To be here with her was
                more than an experience. Without her it would be an intolerable
                inferno, with her it was the taste of Paradise. He was tasting love
                untarnished, love inviolable
                All around them was something without form ( the sun ) , one essence
                extracted from both, the state of limbo and the state of Paradise.
                The best and the worst became one mass of light. Eve gave to
                Adam the precipitated essence of loving life. Now he knew why
                no man could make such a trip without a mate.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 01:15 AM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • one more 369 symphony for you :

                  Aesch Mezareph (Alchemy)

                  [ Transcribed by Adam Forrest from W. Wescott's translation in Collectanea Hermetica ]

                  Online source: The Alchemy Website @ LEVITY ~ "According to Raphael Patai and Gershom Scholem, the Aesch-Mezareph dates from the 16th or early 17th centuries. The original Hebrew text, if there was one, does not appear to have survived. The work was published in first published in Latin in Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbala denudata, Sulzbach, 1677-1684. A translation into English was issued in W. Wynn Wescott's Collectanea Hermetica series at the end of the 19th century." --- Adam McLean

                  Chapter I

                  3 And remember that which is said in Baba Bathra, fol. 25, col. 2. He that will become wise, let him live in the South; and he that will grow rich, let him turn himself toward the north, etc. Although in the same place Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi says, let him live always in the south, for whilst be becomes wise, at the same time he becomes rich. "Length of Days is in her right hand, and in her left, Riches and Honour." Prov., 3: 16. So thou wilt not desire other riches.

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 01:29 AM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a solar update

                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Naga

                      Ancient Societies of the Seven Rays Solar Brotherhood:
                      Nagas (Serpents in Sanskrit) of Indus (India).
                      The earliest Mayans and their first Serpent kings, Caramaya and Naga Maya
                      Later the Serpentine Kings Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatal creating the Itza Maya Culture of South America.

                      The Lung Dragons of China, and an interesting fact is that an ancient Chinese term for dragon was Naga.
                      Amarus and Con Ticci Viracocha of Peru.
                      The Zohar is said to have passed from Adam to Noah and then to Abraham, who immigrated to Egypt. The Zohar or the Books of Splendor – were the Original texts of the Kabbalah. An earlier priest cult in Egypt was specifically formed to take care of the Royalty that went by the title of “Messah" or Crocodile Lords, who also lay claim to the Adam or Amen (Sun King) as being their Kamara. The early Egyptians who built the pyramids were called the Naga, which may be due to the influence of...
                      The Olmec returning to North Africa from the lands of the Maya.
                      The Azteca who absorbed the cultures and religions of Meso-America had the goddess Coatlcue she wore a skirt of snakes, she is often depicted as having two dragon heads.

                      In the mythology of Sumeria the goddess Tiamat in her fury would destroy all who challenged her. All that is, but the Babylonian sun god, Marduk. In a celestial battle which took place in the heavens, Marduk slew Tiamat. Then, from Tiamuat’s dismembered body, he fashioned the heavens and the earth. From her dragon’s blood Marduk created man.
                      Nidhogg is said to be the Dragon Father of an underground world known by the Norse as Niflheim.

                      The word naga seems to be a universal concept, the serpentine energy of life. With the advent of patriarchal society the serpent was slain and became a 'demonic/satanic' symbol, so the demise of matriarchal society came about. There are many dragon slayers in the christian canon...


                      • Thank you S

                        a little re post from :

                        about Nagas


                        Nāga (Sanskrit: नाग, IAST: nāgα, Burmese: နဂါး, IPA: [nəɡα]; Javanese: nεgε, Khmer: នាគ neak, Thai: นาค nak, Chinese: 那伽, Tibetan: ཀླུ་) is the Sanskrit and Pāli word for a deity or class of entity or being, taking the form of a very great snake—specifically the King Cobra, found in Hinduism and Buddhism. The use of the term nāga is often ambiguous, as the word may also refer, in similar contexts, to one of several human tribes known as or nicknamed "Nāgas"; to elephants; and to ordinary snakes, particularly the King Cobra and the Indian Cobra, the latter of which is still called nāg in Hindi and other languages of India. A female nāga is a nāgī or nāginī.
                        Traditions about nāgas are also very common in all the Buddhist countries of Asia. In many countries, the nāga concept has been merged with local traditions of great and wise serpents or dragons. In Tibet, the nāga was equated with the klu, wits that dwell in lakes or underground streams and guard treasure. In China, the nāga was equated with the lσng or Chinese dragon.
                        Stories involving the nāgas are still very much a part of contemporary cultural traditions in predominantly Hindu regions of Asia (India, Nepal, and the island of Bali). In India, nāgas are considered nature spirits and the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.

                        Nagas are snakes that may take human form. They tend to be very curious. According to traditions nāgas are only malevolent to humans when they have been mistreated. They are susceptible to mankind's disrespectful actions in relation to the environment. They are also associated with waters—rivers, lakes, seas, and wells—and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure. According to Beer (1999),[page needed] Naga and cintamani are often depicted together and associated directly in the literature.

                        They are objects of great reverence in some parts of southern India where it is believed that they bring fertility and prosperity to their venerators. Expensive and grand rituals like Nagamandala[4] are conducted in their honor (see Nagaradhane). In India, certain communities called Nagavanshi consider themselves descendants of Nagas.

                        Varuna, the Vedic god of storms, is viewed as the King of the nāgas. Nāgas live in Pātāla, the seventh of the "nether" dimensions or realms.[5] They are children of Kashyapa and Kadru. Among the prominent nāgas of Hinduism are Manasa, Sesha, and Vasuki.

                        The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality.

                        Principle of Correspondence

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        Here is a little fact finding for you:


                        The myth is due to a contract between a snake and a noble man whose name is Ben Naser, indicating High Esteem

                        Known for their ancient knowledge:

                        THE JEWS OF THE CASBAH

                        Thirty lived in the casbah, the majority of them are landowners there were also among them blacksmiths, merchants
                        and if you read the description of the notice quite a bit of Harmonic Math (imo ) abouthow and where it was built

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        Have you ever guys been curious about finding out what is found along the 30th Parallel like the giza pyramid (3 6 9 ; harmonic math )

                        30th parallel north - Google Maps

                        Edgar Cayce on Atlantis | Paranormal News Central

                        The Name of the Area shown below is: The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch" which is right next to the 30th parallel on Google Map

                        Hope you read earlier about the brotherhood of the snake ....

                        Geodesy Homepage
                        This Place "The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch"" seems to be of High Spirituality Similar to Tibetan Monastery which allegedly is Connected to the Legendary city of Shambhala

                        from: The Number 33: facts - Pg 1

                        SOME INTERESTING GEOGRAPHY:

                        The area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come closest together -- allegedly the place of the earliest human "civilization" -- lies virtually at the 33°30'N latitude, in what is now modern Iraq. The ancient pre-India city, Harappa, once lay along this latitude, as well as did Babylon.

                        "The longest continually inhabited city in the world" is Damascus, Syria, at 33°30'N latitude.

                        The 33°30'N parallel runs through the disputed Kashmir region along with the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad; also, the Northern Himalayas, and Lungdo, Tibet.

                        The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot (411 m)-long,[2] three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. Maintained within a park by the Ohio Historical Society, it has been designated a National Historic Landmark by the United States Department of Interior. The Serpent Mound of Ohio was first reported from surveys by Ephraim Squire and Edwin Davis in their historic volume Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, published in 1848 by the newly founded Smithsonian Museum.

                        Researchers have attributed construction of the mound to three different prehistoric indigenous cultures. Although it was once thought to be Adena in origin, now based on the use of more advanced technology, including carbon dating and evidence from 1996 studies, many scholars now believe that members of the Fort Ancient culture built it about 1070 CE (plus or minus 70 years). There are still anomalies to be studied.[3] Serpent Mound is the largest serpent effigy in the world.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • you already knew i was going to do it

                          we have the 30th Parallel North ( 30th parallel north - Google Maps ) .....Let's check out 60th parallel North .... will do the same for South

                          90th parallel north, the North Pole
                          90th parallel south, the South Pole

                          60th parallel north - Google Maps

                          60th parallel north - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          the following one is interesting :

                          60°0′N 1°21′W United Kingdom Scotland - Islands of Mainland and Mousa, Shetland Islands

                          will check it out later see if anything pops within the area
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 11:53 AM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • If you are Aware of the world around you .... no you are not the center of the universe .... when you grow you'll get over it .... back to the topic ... you would have noticed that all the Countries around the 30th Parallel are on Fire

                            you may think this does not concern you but you may have forgotten a certain Law :

                            the sad thing is some powers like some humans think they can control a wild fire .... pretentious fools


                            Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe - YouTube

                            Lunatic Fringe lyrics
                            Lunatic fringe
                            I know you're out there
                            You're in hiding
                            And you hold your meetings

                            I can hear you coming
                            We know what you're after
                            We're wise to you this time
                            We won't let you kill the laughter

                            Lunatic fringe
                            In the twilight's last gleaming
                            This is open season
                            But you won't get too far

                            'Cause you gotta blame someone
                            For your own confusion
                            But I'm on guard this time
                            Against your final solution

                            We can hear you coming
                            No you're not going to win this time
                            We can hear the footsteps
                            Out along the walkway

                            Lunatic fringe
                            We all know you're out there
                            Can you feel the resistance?
                            Can you feel the thunder?
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 12:13 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • You know how Nature deals with ( fractal ) Fires ...... It pours (Fractal ) Water on It ......

                              .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube

                              Why did Rome Fall?

                              There are adherents to single factors, but more people think a combination of such factors ( fractal resonance ) as Christianity, decadence, lead, monetary trouble, and military problems caused the Fall of Rome. Imperial incompetence and chance could be added to the list
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 12:57 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • an example of how yin and Yang can coexist

                                Farming and biodiversity can coexist, say Stanford researchers

                                ( -- Although bird species disappear with intensive agriculture, research in Costa Rica shows that forest intermingled with cultivated land rescues biodiversity.
                                Karp was interested in "beta-diversity" – not the sheer number of species present in a region, but the differences between the sets of species that live in two different regions.
                                agriculture on a small scale, or agriculture that leaves trees or other native species intermingled with crops, retains forest-like levels of beta-diversity.

                                National Geographic looking to respond to "alien" Wow! signal from 1977

                                ( -- Back in 1977, on August 15, to be exact, a mysterious radio transmission was received by astronomers working at an Ohio State radio observatory. It lasted all of seventy two seconds, and was so unique that one of the impressed researchers, Jerry Ehman, scrawled the word “Wow!” on the printout, giving a name to the only such transmission every recorded. It’s never been heard again and scientists are still at a loss trying to explain its source. Now, to commemorate the anniversary of the reception of the Wow! transmission, the National Geographic Channel is sponsoring a Twitter messaging event that will result in Tweets from people from all walks of life having their messages combined into one giant Tweet back to those who may have sent us the Wow! message, perhaps inciting a similar response from beings somewhere out there beyond the edges of our ability to see them.
                                and here is the intriguing info :

                                Note the 6 and 5

                                just out of curiosity ..... child like curiosity ... let's try 6 EQUJ 5 on the Chaldean Numerology lens

                                6 EQUJ 5 = 6 5 1 6 1 5 = 24 = HM 6 .. 5 1 = 6 and 6 1 = 7

                                Bad Company - Feel Like Making Love ~ Lyrics - YouTube

                                Bad Company Feel Like Making Love Lyrics

                                Baby, When I think about you
                                I think about love ( 3 voices)
                                Darling, Don't live without you
                                And your love (3 voices)
                                If I have
                                Those golden dreams
                                Of my yesterday (voices)
                                I would wrap you
                                In the heaven
                                Till I'm dying (voices)
                                On the way
                                Feel like making -- -- -- --
                                Feel like making love(3)
                                Feel like making love to you
                                Baby, If I think about you
                                I think about love
                                Darling, If I live without you
                                I live without love
                                And if I had
                                The sun and moon
                                And they were shining
                                I would give you
                                Both night and day
                                Love satisfying

                                Repeat chorus-

                                And if I had
                                Those golden dreams
                                Of my yesterdays
                                I would wrap you
                                In the heaven
                                Till I'm dying
                                On the way

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-27-2012, 03:38 PM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

