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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • the following infos you posted Llynch caught my attention

    Octave: a term indicating a repeating pattern of 'frequencies' at different 'scales'.
    There is a C note in each Ocatve
    The note C is always C regardless of what scale/octave you are at.
    Just as the note C is a C at each scale. The vowels A, O and E are the same when at the higher frequency scales of the light spectrum.
    and from one of the links provided Spread Sheet Calculators which is site on Rife technologies

    Light to Frequency Calculator

    Molecular Weight to Frequency Calculator - If one knows the molecular weight of a particular chemical, one can calculate the frequency of the chemical. This spread sheet allows one to both calculate the frequency and also sub harmonics of that frequency. The formula for the fundamental frequency can be found in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

    Initial reports of the use of this calculator indicate the generated frequencies can have physiologic effects. These effects are not what might be expected. One cannot create a frequency for aspirin and expect it to relieve pain. The same holds true for substances like cocaine or heroin, no effects of intoxication will occur. The effects seem to be equivalent to homeopathic preparations of the chemical. There are significant differences between the physiologic effects and use of a Medical version of a chemical , and the homeopathic version of the chemical ! For example the Medical use of the metal Silver i.e. colloidal, and a Homeopathic preparation of Silver ( Argentum metallicum). If the frequencies have homeopathic actions then:

    1. The frequencies are to be delivered directly to the subject, not through some intermediary like a pill or solution.

    2. The relationship between a particular sub harmonic and homeopathic potency is unknown.

    3. One may be able to apply a specific frequency and expect that known physiologic effects may result from the use of that frequency.

    Review of some of the various homeopathic materia medicas should be done to understand how to utilize a frequency. It is simple to locate the molecular weight of just about any chemical in the Homeopathic repertoire by a web search. Just use the name of the chemical along with the words “ molecular weight”. So far, frequencies that seem to work best are in the ranges below 1000 Hz with utilization times of between 5 and 10 minutes. Many questions remain as to the effects of higher frequencies, extremely low frequencies, and extremely long exposure times. Feedback on your experiences with the calculator would be very helpful in understanding how best to utilize it.


    in light of a previous post :

    sure most of you know this book :

    The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting

    check out chapter 24 talking about Asymetry

    thought the following might interest you

    see also Francis E. WILKINSON

    High-Frequency Transformations

    Francis E. WILKINSON -- High Frequency Transformations

    see also :
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 08:19 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • one more thought for you :

      play guitar

      Vowel = Freq. Hz = Musical Note = Harmonic in the UV-A Light range. nm
      A "AH" = 95 Hz = F#1 +46.20 cents = 357nm through 360nm
      O "OO" = 99 Hz = G1 +17.60 cents = 343nm through 346nm
      E "EE" = 101 Hz = G#1 -47.77 cents = 336nm through 339nm

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • so which do you think it corresponds to

        Reported June 20th 2012

        As Above so Below
        The note C is always C regardless of what scale/octave you are at.

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • she really has an amazing voice (just discovered her )

          Beth hart - learning to live with lyrics - YouTube

          Learning To Live lyrics
          I keep my head on straight
          And my eyes wide open
          I try to move forward
          Wishing and hoping
          I took a hold of myself
          In the middle of November
          Don't you look back now
          Is all I can remember

          I feel like I'm leaving
          Like I'm leaving home
          Like he clouds are parting, and I'm not alone

          [Chorus 1]
          I'm learning to live
          Living to learn
          Starting to sing my song
          Right, or wrong
          Breaking away
          Setting me free
          Free to be, my own me
          I'm learning to live

          I got my vanity crisis
          From my beautiful mother
          I'm not gonna go there
          I'm anything other
          Take another deep breath now
          It's just one more hurdle
          I'm breaking this line
          Before it comes full circle

          I feel like I'm leaving
          Like I'm leaving home
          Like he clouds are parting, and I'm not alone

          [Chorus 2]
          I'm learning to live
          Living to learn

          Starting to sing my song
          Right, or wrong
          Breaking away
          Setting me free
          Free to be, my own me

          I found a place, where I can lay my **** down
          Somewhere that I can finally be myself - be myself

          [Chorus 2]
          I'm learning to live
          Living to learn
          Starting to sing my song
          Right, or wrong
          Breaking away
          Setting me free
          Free to be, my own me

          [Chorus 1]
          I'm learning to live
          (Living to learn)
          (Starting to sing my song) living to learn
          (Right, or wrong)
          I'm breaking away
          Setting me free
          Free to be, my own me
          I'm learning to live
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • a repost from:

            Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that there is one slight down side to this knowledge; you will feel like this man in the following legend:

            There is a legend among the ancient Persian Sufi. A wise man said that the day would come when all the water ( knowledge dissipating as the Yugas pass ) in the world, except for what had been specially collected, would disappear. And then a different [type of] water would replace it, but [and] anyone who would drink the new water would lose his mind. Only one man took the prophecy seriously and began to store up water, but [and] the day that had been predicted did come, and every body of water emptied out. The man who had listened to the wise man drank water from his supply. And then the body of water and wells filled up with water again. People thirstily drank this water and every one of them went crazy. But the man who had listened to the wise man continued to drink water only from his supply and kept his sanity. And he was the only sane person left among the mad men; and therefore he was called crazy. And then he poured his reserves of water, the old water upon the ground and he drank the new water and lost his mind, and the mad men decided he had become sane.

            stay strong, don't drink the new water ( MSM )

            Down in the River to Pray - YouTube

            Full text of "The book of the lover and the beloved; translated from the Catalan of RamĂłn Lull with an introductory essay"

            366 ' Say, O Fool, what is this_world ? ' He
            answered : ' It is the prison-house of those that
            love and serve my Beloved.' ' And who is he that
            imprisons them ? ' He answered : ' Conscience,
            love, fear, renunciation and contrition, and the
            companionship of wilful men.' ' And who is he
            that frees them ? ' ' Mercy, pity and justice.' ' And
            where are they then sent ? ' 'To eternal bliss, and
            the joyful company of true lovers, where they shall
            laud, bless and glorify the Beloved everlastingly,
            to whom be ever given praise, honour and glory
            throughout all the world.'

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 11:41 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Don't you Love how the MSM have already decided that everyone believes 2012 is associated with " the end of the world" when in fact it is the beginning of a World ............ 13

              Maya text cites 2012 as end of calendar cycle - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

              A newly discovered Mayan text reveals the "end date" for the Maya calendar. But unlike some modern people, ancient Maya did not expect the world to end on that date, researchers said.

              "This text talks about ancient political history rather than prophecy," Marcello Canuto, the director of Tulane University Middle America Research Institute, said in a statement. "This new evidence suggests that the 13 bak'tun date was an important calendrical event that would have been celebrated by the ancient Maya; however, they make no apocalyptic prophecies whatsoever regarding the date."

              The Maya Long Count calendar is divided into bak'tuns, or 144,000-day cycles that begin at the Maya creation date. The winter solstice of 2012 (Dec. 21) is the last day of the 13th bak'tun, marking what the Maya people would have seen as a full cycle of creation.

              Some New Age believers and doomsday types have attributed great meaning to Dec. 21, 2012, with some predicting an apocalypse and others expecting some sort of profound global spiritual event.
              you can also call it the Fall of the Fractal Veil :

              we ...... the crazies ......

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 10:27 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • a little celestial update for you

                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                one more info

                EVE (The Fall) - Episode 3: WOMEN IN THE BIBLE - YouTube 5:47 .... very informative

                "Original Sin" is NOT something "a woman did a long time ago". This is a parable of our inner life, right here, right now.
                from : post 1689

                Chris Isaak - Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing - YouTube

                Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing.

                You ever love someone so much you thought your little heart was gonna break in two?

                I didn't think so.

                You ever tried with all your heart and soul to get you lover back to you?

                I wanna hope so.

                You ever pray with all your heart and soul just to watch her walk away?

                Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing.

                Baby did a bad bad thing, feel like crying, feel like crying.

                You ever toss and turn your lying awake and thinking about the one you love?

                I don't think so.

                You ever close your eyes your making believe your holding the one your dreaming of?

                Well if you say so.

                I hurts so bad when you finally know just how low, low, low, low, low, she'll go.

                Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing.

                Baby did a bad bad thing, feel like crying, feel like crying.

                Ohh. Feel like crying, feel like crying.

                Ohh, feel like crying, feel like crying.

                Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing.

                Chris Isaak Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 11:55 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Arctic sea-ice levels at record low for June | Environment | The Guardian

                  Sea ice in the Arctic has melted faster this year than ever recorded before, according to the US government's National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC).

                  Satellite observations show the extent of the floating ice that melts and refreezes every year was 318,000 square miles less last week than the same day period in 2007, the year of record low extent, and the lowest observed at this time of year since records began in 1979. Separate observations by University of Washington researchers suggest that the volume of Arctic sea ice is also the smallest ever calculated for this time of year.

                  Middle East Violence Spikes as Israel Airstrike kills Gaza militant | Muncie Free Press

                  90th parallel north, the North Pole
                  90th parallel south, the South Pole

                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  If you are Aware of the world around you .... no you are not the center of the universe .... when you grow you'll get over it .... back to the topic ... you would have noticed that all the Countries around the 30th Parallel are on Fire

                  you may think this does not concern you but you may have forgotten a certain Law :

                  the sad thing is some powers like some humans think they can control a wild fire .... pretentious fools


                  Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe - YouTube

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 11:32 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • info update :

                    Scientists discover that Milky Way was struck some 100 million years ago, still rings like a bell
                    ( -- Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a large spiral galaxy surrounded by dozens of smaller satellite galaxies. Scientists have long theorized that occasionally these satellites will pass through the disk of the Milky Way, perturbing both the satellite and the disk. A team of astronomers from Canada and the United States have discovered what may well be the smoking gun of such an encounter, one that occurred close to our position in the galaxy and relatively recently, at least in the cosmological sense.
                    “Our part of the Milky Way is ringing like a bell,” said Brian Yanny, of the Department of Energy’s Fermilab. “But we have not been able to identify the celestial object that passed through the Milky Way. It could have been one of the small satellite galaxies that move around the center of our galaxy, or an invisible structure such as a dark matter halo.”

                    Branching out: A mathematical law of dendritic connectivity

                    (Medical Xpress) -- That the brain is evolution at its finest is perhaps best demonstrated by the beauty, complexity and diversity of dendrites – tree-like structures that form neural circuits by connecting a neuron to its synaptic inputs. Recently, neuroscientists studying the tree-like branching of these diverse structures at Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, and the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Pharmacology, at University College London, have derived a surprisingly simple and general equation that directly relates dendrite length with the number of branch points, dendrite spanning volume, and number of synapses. More specifically, they’ve shown that optimal dendritic wiring successfully predicts a 2/3 power law between these three factors. (A power law is a mathematical relationship between two quantities – found throughout the natural world – in which one quantity varies as a power of the other, often identifying simple rules underlying complex structures.) Their theory is both consistent with data gleaned from many types of neurons from a wide range of species yet specific to dendritic trees, leading them to conclude that their findings suggest that there are distinct design principles for dendritic arbors compared with vascular, bronchial, and botanical trees.

                    Bee research sheds light on human sweet perception, metabolic disorders

                    Scientists at Arizona State University have discovered that honey bees may teach us about basic connections between taste perception and metabolic disorders in humans.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • from:

                      Originally posted by llynch View Post

                      Coherence is a beautiful expression. On all levels.

                      The guitar taught me how to play it a long while ago. But like most things, the instruction is accepted openly. After understanding the knowledge that was intended to be taught, I turn to the next instructor.

                      Today after reading the additional information you provided, the proper concept of light finally reached my mind. Absorbing that is going to be very enjoyable.

                      Thought I would share a marble that is rolling around in the head... pardon the brevity as it is a just freshly delivered one...

                      Any element of the periodic table has a fundamental frequency.
                      This fundamental frequency resides in a zone that has been referenced as a 'Event Horizon' in relation to 'black holes'.
                      The event horizon is generated on the boundary of where our physical reality meets 'non-converntionally understood' energy.

                      By considering the Music of the Spheres, the energy(vibrations) contained within a sphere will increase in number of shorter wavelengths. The density and pressure should be enormous.

                      Side note: A star is born. The environment it is born into immediately surrounds it and contains it. Creating a event horizon. Within this event horizon the increase in many differing vibrations reaches a point where they begin to increase in density at specific harmonic points away from the star. Once the density reaches a certian point clumping begins followed by orbit of a single mass. (thought trails in production of light from that point)
                      Does not this remind you of Sonoluminescence

                      on page 6 :

                      The crop circle should be d4/n3. i do not remember if 3:4 or 4:3 is a common music timing reference.
                      You are close but not there yet .... count the circles in the Crop Circle

                      continued .....
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by llynch View Post

                        In regards to your battery experiment, an alternative perspective.

                        The coil should act as either a receiver or tranmitter.

                        Using two connected coils, one coil (receiver) around new battery, one coil (transmitter) around dead battery. Neither electrically connected to the batteries. Difficulty is getting only the dead battery and coil in the freezer while connected to the new battery and coil. Remove from freezer and leave connected while thawing and charging.

                        Born from the perspective that crystal structure in the new battery is clean and pure which should be represented in the signal emitted from the crystal structure of the new battery.

                        While the dead battery crystal structure is severely muted.

                        Freezing fractures and breaks up the crystal structure. Which if being surrounded by the signal from the new battery may preserve the preferred crystal structure somewhat.

                        Thawing while exposed to the new battery signal would impress a preference for any natural crystal formation to be similar to that of the new battery.

                        Charging purposeful crystal creation while under the influence of the signal from the new battery would act the same as Thawing.

                        For a complete crystal restructuring(which may be what your aim is)... omit the new battery in the coil through each step. The impression on the dead battery would be the signals received from what the receiving coil prefers.

                        Very good point ..... and thank you for i have not thought of it the way you presented it ... and further shows that having a discussion with a great mind such as yourself can only bring more anisotropy and confirmation of certain phenomena like the restructuring of a battery would seem similar as restructuring frozen water :

                        just an example :

                        this one is extra because it is quite beautiful (imho )

                        you can also check out Romo's Work with Ice ... he made some fantastic images ( will try to find them ... in this thread ) as well as Dave45 adn Indianaboys

                        see also : ( came before this thread )
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 11:52 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Born from the perspective that crystal structure in the new battery is clean and pure which should be represented in the signal emitted from the crystal structure of the new battery.
                          it is a new version of an "old" biological experiment .... very well thought of Llynch

                          now unto our Nobel Price Winner:

                          Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation

                          A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to 'teleport' or imprint itself between test tubes.

                          According to a team headed by Luc Montagnier, previously known for his work on HIV and AIDS, two test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of bacterial DNA, the other pure water, were surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz.

                          Eighteen hours later, after DNA amplification using a polymerase chain reaction, as if by magic the DNA was detectable in the test tube containing pure water.
                          note: looks to me that a zone of activation was created then the dna transfer was accomplished

                          and also the weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz used is actually close to Schumann resonances:

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • I have to admit that i Loved this book for the inspiration it brings and for the following :

                            we spent many pages talking about Quartz / Silicon

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            here is an interesting find :


                            SON OF THE SUN
                            by Orfeo Angelucci

                            DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers
                            516 WEST NINTH STREET Los
                            A NGELES 15, CALIFORNIA 1959


                            this book has more a feel of an Alchemical Book to it than a UFO encounter ( imho ) ..... been engrossed in this book since we discussed it .... would recommend it as a good read for it has many beautiful truth within it

                            “We find that all material is wealth, and all spirit is material
                            understanding. Man thinks that gold is the noble metal, but he
                            will learn that gold is worthless, and that silicon,
                            the most
                            abundant mineral, is also the most priceless, for it will give him
                            not only crystal functions, but plastic strengths. There we see
                            another aspect of Purpose—
                            --------------- Transistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            The first silicon transistor was produced by Texas Instruments in 1954.[13] This was the work of Gordon Teal, an expert in growing crystals of high purity, who had previously worked at Bell Labs.[14] The first MOS transistor actually built was by Kahng and Atalla at Bell Labs in 1960
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • To Henry George, economist-philosopher, who to me is
                              Thomas Payne, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Arthur
                              Brisbane all embodied in one personality; Henry George, who
                              cared so much for all humanity.

                              And to the living, boundless Universe.
                              Orfeo Angelucci
                              the following Author describes the Yuga we are in quite correctly ... by mere observations

                              Henry George - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Henry George (September 2, 1839 – October 29, 1897) was an American writer, politician and political economist, who was the most influential proponent of the land value tax, also known as the "single tax" on land. He inspired the economic philosophy known as Georgism, whose main tenet is that people should own what they create, but that everything found in nature, most importantly the value of land, belongs equally to all humanity. His most famous work, Progress and Poverty (1879), is a treatise on inequality, the cyclic nature of industrial economies, and the use of the land value tax as a remedy.

                              One day during 1871 George went for a horseback ride and stopped to rest while overlooking San Francisco Bay. He later wrote of the revelation that he had:“ I asked a passing teamster, for want of something better to say, what land was worth there. He pointed to some cows grazing so far off that they looked like mice, and said, 'I don't know exactly, but there is a man over there who will sell some land for a thousand dollars an acre.' Like a flash it came over me that there was the reason of advancing poverty with advancing wealth. With the growth of population, land grows in value, and the men who work it must pay more for the privilege.[15] ”

                              Furthermore, on a visit to New York City, he was struck by the apparent paradox that the poor in that long-established city were much worse off than the poor in less developed California. These observations supplied the theme and title for his 1879 book Progress and Poverty, which was a great success, selling over 3 million copies. In it George made the argument that a sizeable portion of the wealth created by social and technological advances in a free market economy is possessed by land owners and monopolists via economic rents, and that this concentration of unearned wealth is the main cause of poverty. George considered it a great injustice that private profit was being earned from restricting access to natural resources while productive activity was burdened with heavy taxes, and indicated that such a system was equivalent to slavery—a concept somewhat similar to wage slavery. This is also the work in which he made the case for a "land tax" in which governments would tax the value of the land itself, thus preventing private interests from profiting upon its mere possession, but allowing the value of all improvements made to that land to remain with investors.[16][17]

                              Henry George later in life.

                              George was in a position to discover this pattern, having experienced poverty himself, knowing many different societies from his travels, and living in California at a time of rapid growth. In particular he had noticed that the construction of railroads in California was increasing land values and rents as fast or faster than wages were rising.[
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Shall we .... waltz Andre Rieu - Shostakovich' Second Waltz - YouTube

                                Progress and Poverty by Henry George

                                Publisher’s Foreword by Cliff Cobb
                                Editor’s Preface by Bob Drake
                                Author’s Preface to the Fourth Edition

                                Introduction: The Problem of Poverty Amid Progress

                                First Part: Wages and Capital

                                1. Why Traditional Theories of Wages are Wrong
                                2. Defining Terms
                                3. Wages Are Produced By Labor, Not Drawn From Capital
                                4. Workers Not Supported By Capital
                                5. The True Functions of Capital

                                Second Part: Population and Subsistence

                                6. The Theory of Population According to Malthus
                                7. Malthus vs. Facts
                                8. Malthus vs. Analogies
                                9. Malthusian Theory Disproved

                                Third Part: The Laws of Distribution

                                10. Necessary Relation of the Laws of Distribution
                                11. The Law Of Rent
                                12. The Cause of Interest
                                13. False Interest
                                14. The Law Of Interest
                                15. The Law Of Wages
                                16. Correlating The Laws of Distribution
                                17. The Problem Explained

                                Fourth Part: The Effect of Material Progress

                                on the Distribution of Wealth
                                18. Dynamic Forces Not Yet Explored
                                19. Population Growth and Distribution of Wealth
                                20. Technology and the Distribution of Wealth
                                21. Speculation

                                Fifth Part: The Problem Solved

                                22. The Root Cause of Recessions
                                23. The Persistence of Poverty Despite Increasing Wealth

                                Sixth Part: The Remedy

                                24. Ineffective Remedies
                                25. The True Remedy

                                Seventh Part: Justice of the Remedy

                                26. The Injustice of Private Property In Land
                                27. The Enslavement of Labor
                                28. Are Landowners Entitled to Compensation?
                                29. History of Land as Private Property
                                30. History of Property in Land in the US

                                Eighth Part: Application of the Remedy

                                31. Private Property in Land is Inconsistent with the Best Use of Land
                                32. Securing Equal Rights To Land
                                33. The Canons of Taxation
                                34. Endorsements And Objections

                                Ninth Part: Effects of the Remedy

                                35. The Effect on Production
                                36. The Effect on The Distribution of Wealth
                                37. The Effect on Individuals and Classes
                                38. Changes in Society

                                Tenth Part: The Law of Human Progress

                                39. The Cause of Human Progress
                                40. Differences in Civilizations
                                41. The Law of Human Progress
                                42. How Modern Civilization May Decline
                                43. The Central Truth
                                44. Conclusion: The Individual Life

                                Afterword: Who Was Henry George? by Agnes George deMille

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

