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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    Another great Pattern Seeker

    Gerald Celente - Bill Meyer Show on KMED Radio - June 8, 2012 - YouTube

    Gerald Celente - Alex Jones Nightly Infowars 08 june 2012 - YouTube

    there are two kind of people who take pleasure in using their spit :

    Polticians and "Wankers"
    .... makes you wonder
    so figured we'd look at the history of Self Pleasure ... but before let's enrich our vocabulary

    What are some nicknames for female masturbation? - Yahoo! Answers

    men have nicknames like spanking the monkey, one eyed snake, polishing the pickle, cranking the shank, beating the meat ( fractal ) ...but what are the nicknames for feminine masturbation?

    i did laugh quite hard for some of the names given

    A night in with the girls
    Auditioning the finger puppets
    beating around the bush
    brushing the beaver
    checking for squirrels
    clam bake for one
    dialing the rotary phone
    drilling for oil
    fanning the fur
    feeding eh bearded clam
    flickin' the bean
    getting a date with slick mittens
    muffin' buffin'
    nulling the void
    paddling the pink canoe
    parting the red sea
    pearl fishing
    playing with the pineapple
    riding the unicycle
    rubbin' the nubbin'
    soaking the whisker biscuit
    squeeze the peach

    strumming the clitar

    surfing the channel
    teasing the tuna taco
    tiptoe through the twolipos
    tossing the pink sald
    two finger taco tango

    or you can also call it ... letting the Butterfly fly


    O butterfly, butterfly
    Teach us to fly
    We want to reach the sky
    Touch the milky moon
    And play with stars
    O butterfly, butterfly
    Teach us how and why
    You are so beautiful
    We want to beautify
    Ourselves like you
    And attract attention of all
    O butterfly, butterfly
    Tell us the way
    In which we may
    Make ourselves colourful
    And we may be playful
    We want to be cheerful
    O butterfly, butterfly
    Tell us the secrets
    Of your beauty
    Unveil the mystery
    How do you fly
    We want to fly
    Like you beautiful butterfly
    O butterfly, butterfly

    Shashikant Nishant Sharma

    L'Origine du monde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    To the pure, all things are pure; to the base, all things are base Kybalion.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-08-2012, 12:10 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • History of masturbation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The history of masturbation describes broad changes in society concerning the ethics, social attitudes, scientific study, and artistic depiction of masturbation over the history of human sexuality. ( a mirror )

      The sexual stimulation of one's own genitals has been interpreted variously by different religions, the subject of legislation, social controversy, activism, as well as intellectual study in sexology. Social views regarding masturbation taboo have varied greatly in different cultures, and over history.
      now here is the interesting part ( no pun intended )

      Diogenes, speaking in jest, credited the god Hermes with its invention: he allegedly took pity on his son Pan, who was pining for Echo but unable to seduce her, and taught him the trick of masturbation in order to relieve his suffering. Pan in his turn taught the habit to young shepherds.[6]
      ...... Mercury / Hermes etc .... the one who invented the Lyre .....

      when you read the article .... you can see the evolution of the Ages or the Yugas .... and how the concept ( fractal ) evolved with the resonance
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2012, 10:56 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Jamie Buturff

        Thank you cplouffe and MrM. I watched Jamie B earlier this year. It is making more sense to me now than it did at first 432 is the key to good health. Thanks again for sharing the info


        • This is going to be fun: use the principle of correspondence ( use of gold in Ayurvedic medicine )

          Researchers propose gold and DNA based dark matter detector

 -- One of the precepts of scientific theory is that at some point, physical evidence should become available to prove it true. In physics this is an ongoing process in many areas of study, one of which is the detection and measurement of so called dark matter. Most astrophysicists agree it exists, yet no one has been able to definitively prove it though the presentation of physical evidence. While there are some ongoing projects attempting to do just that, the results have not been strong enough to offer proof. To overcome that problem a team of physicists and biologists have proposed a new type of detector based on a thin sheet of gold with many strands of DNA dangling below. The idea the team says in its paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, is to follow the path of a gold nucleus after being struck by a dark matter particle as it makes its way through strands of DNA, severing them as it goes.

          ----------------- I love synchronicity

          Scientists discover bees can 'turn back time,' reverse brain aging

          ( -- Scientists at Arizona State University have discovered that older honey bees effectively reverse brain aging when they take on nest responsibilities typically handled by much younger bees. While current research on human age-related dementia focuses on potential new drug treatments, researchers say these findings suggest that social interventions may be used to slow or treat age-related dementia.

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
            Thank you cplouffe and MrM. I watched Jamie B earlier this year. It is making more sense to me now than it did at first 432 is the key to good health. Thanks again for sharing the info
            a litlle repost for help understanding :

            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Grand Solfeggio :: Healing and Changing your DNA through Solfeggio tones

            History of the Grand Solfeggio Tones

            The history of the solfeggio tones begins with King David, who then passed the secrets on to Solomon. Sometime after Solomon, the tones were lost. David was given four tones, which he created with strings on his lyre. These tones are all used with the psalms, also created by David. The mathematics of the tones matches the mathematics of the psalms (geomatria). Solomon used the tones and the geomatria in the creation of the Song of Songs, also a psalm. This was considered the most sacred of the psalms.
            During the creation of Gregorian chant, the solfeggio tones were rediscovered, these based on five notes. Later, a sixth note was added. These were based on the discoveries of Pythagoras and his harmony of the spheres. These also were later lost. In the 90s, Dr. Joey Puleo was given the secret of the geomatria in a vision and the actual frequencies in appearances of Jeshua and an angel that Dr. Puleo did not name. After the turn of the millennium, Joseph Crane was told in an appearance of Archangel Michael that two solfeggio scales existed — one profane and one sacred. The sacred has been known as the “secret solfeggio.” Later, Michael gave Joe Crane six of the frequencies to the sacred solfeggio to be used in healing. And more recently he told Crane that a subset of the frequencies existed, called the Divine Masculine frequencies.
            In 2009 the code of both solfeggios was cracked and shown to be linked together mathematically by mathematician and author, GW Hardin, through the guidance of Archangel Gabriel. During the process, yet a third set of solfeggio frequencies showed up in the mathematics. Using what is called the Pythagorean skein, the third set is made up of the sum of the first two sets. What also showed up was an entire fractal system of solfeggios that affect specific parts of the bodies.

            There are three levels to the solfeggio tones: the Archetypal (earthly), the Divine (heavenly), and the Universal (cosmic). Within each level there are two components, the Masculine and the Feminine. The Feminine is made up of nine tones in each level while the Masculine is made up of six tones. When all the tones of a component are played they create a harmonic or the tone of Oneness.
            Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal + Rodin Coil + Solfeggio and you the water container the perfect Combination if you look at it closely

            3 6 9
            John Keely, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful." In fact, he proved the "vibratory antagonistic thirds was thousands of times more forceful in separating hydrogen from oxygen in water than heat." In his "Formula of Aqueous Disintegration" he wrote that, "molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2012, 12:33 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • I know we discussed this website previously but i thought it might interests you :

              SVP Universal Cosmology, Table of Contents

              Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Universal Cosmology

              A Rosetta Stone for the New Science Paradigm

              Version 1.0

              Table of Contents

              can't help it

              Part 01 - General View
              Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
              Part 03 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex
              Part 04 - Rotation on Three Planes
              Part 05 - Three Rotating Planes Become Spheres
              Part 06 - Formation of Cubes
              Part 07 - Origin and Formation of Matter
              Part 7B - Formation of Matter
              Part 08 - Sympathetic Streams and 3-D Matter

              Part 09 - What Vibration Is. Part 1 & Part 2
              Part 10 - What Sympathy Is
              Part 11 - SVP Music Model
              Part 12 - Russell's Locked Potentials
              Part 13 - Rotation from Vibration/Oscillation
              Part 14 - Keely's Mysterious Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
              Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
              Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism
              Part 17 - Gravity
              Part 18 - Mind, an Engineerable Force
              Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere, Historical
              Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere, Current Development
              Part 21 - Pantone's GEET Reactor Dynamics

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • SVP Universal Cosmology - Part 3 of 17 - Polarity Manifests as Rotating Vortex

                3.4 - Power Accumulation - Each of the lines represents a center line or line of attraction around which will aggregate the particles. The lines centralize together meaning proportional increase of attraction as they approximate each other. Which results in greater attraction in the center and less attraction at the periphery.

                Up-down = Longitudinal Waves
                East-West = Rayleigh Waves
                North-South = Transverse Waves

                Figure 3.3 - Vector Potentials

                Figure 3.4 - Vector Polarizations

                Figure 3.5 - Introductory Affinitizing to Center

                Figure 3.8 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center

                doesn' it remind you of :

                you maybe interested in the following Great Discoverer ( one who inspired me quite a bit int this discussion)

                Leon Sprink - Antigravity - patents

                Leon Sprink was a Russian engineer who operated a cement manufacturing plant in France circa 1950. He received several patents for a simple method to create a type of electric field that accelerates chemical reactions.

                In one example given by Sprink, “One month after the setting in operation of the apparatus, the duration of the reaction, which normally is 24 hours, had fallen down to 3 hours and the saving in calories to be supplied for the reaction was 50%… The field also affects the states of matter such as solubility and crystallization, distillation, reduction of metallic ores, etc..."

                In the simplest form of the invention, Sprink used a grounded container placed in an electrostatic field. More control and power was obtained with geometric arrays of positive electrodes mounted diagonally from grounded electrodes.

                The form (e.g., a cube) was mounted upright and aligned East-West. 1000 to 5000 KV of positive charge (per meter of electrode separation) was applied for two weeks or longer to establish a zone of activation, spreading up to 60 meters :

                let's resonate the table with the above fractal

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2012, 07:09 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • HowStuffWorks "Are there evolutionary roots to human obesity?"

                  Are there evolutionary reasons for our eating habits?

                  In the United States, more than 72 million adults are obese ( this trend is observable all over the world when the means allow it to be ) ; 16 percent of children qualify as well [source: CDC]. Obesity increases the likelihood of many life-threatening conditions, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease, so there's been plenty of speculation about what's to blame for these rampantly growing rates of obesity. This era of obesity began in the 1980s, but is it possible that we need to go further back through our evolutionary past to determine what's going on?

                  Humans are distinguished from other species by the size of their brains, but bigger brains don't come free. A growing brain requires nutrient-rich, energy-packed food, so rather than foraging for fruits and vegetables, our human ancestors began eating meat. Meat was the perfect combination of protein, vitamins and fatty acids needed for brain growth, but due to a stunning lack of steakhouses, early humans had to track, kill and prepare the wild game themselves. This labor-intensive process meant that humans needed lots of food not only to support their growing brains, but also to fuel their bodies for the task of hunting.

                  Very few people rely exclusively on hunting for their nutritional needs anymore; thanks to our big brains, we humans have figured out ways to make food easily accessible 24 hours a day. We move around much less, and our food has become much less nutritious than those early meals of our ancestors. This drop in nutrition is largely due to the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago. Instead of eating protein-rich meat, our ancestors began eating grains, which have far fewer vitamins and minerals. Our ancestors also began domesticating and breeding animals for food, but the result was more fat in our diet: Wild game has only 4 percent of fat, whereas supermarket beef has about 36 percent [source: Bjerklie, Lemonick].

                  While the nutritional quality of our food and our activity levels have both decreased over time, our bodies may still behave like those of our ancestors. There were times throughout history when the ability to store fat was an important survival tool. Early humans had to endure famines and shortages of food, so their bodies were equipped to survive long periods without eating. Researchers believe these people possessed what's known as a "thrifty gene," which helped their bodies store fat for endurance. Since the ability to outlast a famine would have been a useful skill, evolution would have favored those who possessed this gene, and it would have been passed down to humans living today.

                  For many people in the developed world, food is rarely in short supply, so we eat more often. If that thrifty gene is present, though, the body holds onto that food as fat, even if the person has no risk of starving. And it's only in recent years, when humans started living much longer, that we've realized just how many health problems wait down the line for someone with the inability to get rid of excess fat. Whether humans will continue to evolve and rid themselves of the thrifty gene remains to be seen.

                  All Truth is Half Truth

                  put this Obesity Wave with all the other Waves we have Discussed ... and you'll understand

                  the Fractal Wave ie Kali Yuga

                  Harmony of Destruction .... forced ignorance ( by oneself or by others )

                  If we were to consider our society like a Human Body ( both fractal ) .... some of you are more familiar with acupuncture ..... which energy points , do you think , have been blocked for so many years ....

                  by the way : the sun is still rolling

                  Sun today — solar flares online
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2012, 07:40 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a repost because the songs are great :

                    CAT STEVENS MY LADY D' ARBANVILLE - YouTube

                    My Lady d'Arbanville, why do you sleep so still?
                    I'll wake you tomorrow
                    and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill.

                    My Lady d'Arbanville why does it grieve me so?
                    But your heart seems so silent.
                    Why do you breathe so low, why do you breathe so low,

                    My Lady d'Arbanville why do you sleep so still?
                    I'll wake you tomorrow
                    and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill.

                    My Lady d'Arbanville, you look so cold tonight.
                    Your lips feel like winter,
                    your skin has turned to white, your skin has turned to white.

                    My Lady d'Arbanville, why do you sleep so still?
                    I'll wake you tomorrow
                    and you will be my fill, yes, you will be my fill.

                    La la la la la....

                    My Lady d'Arbanville why does it grieve me so?
                    But your heart seems so silent.
                    Why do you breathe so low, why do you breathe so low,

                    I loved you my lady, though in your grave you lie,
                    I'll always be with you
                    This rose will never die, this rose will never die.

                    I loved you my lady, though in your grave you lie,
                    I'll always be with you
                    This rose will never die, this rose will never die.
                    ... some may see it as a sad song ..... but it is fractal ..... i don't


                    "Lady D'Arbanville" was the first single released from Stevens' third album, Mona Bone Jakon, which took off in a completely different direction from the songs of his previous two albums
                    anisotropy :

                    he wrote that because he missed me, because he was down..
                    Side one

                    1. "Lady D'Arbanville" – 3:45
                    2. "Maybe You're Right" – 3:25
                    3. "Pop Star" – 4:13
                    4. "I Think I See the Light" – 3:55
                    5. "Trouble" – 2:49

                    Side two

                    1. "Mona Bone Jakon" – 1:42
                    2. "I Wish I Wish" – 3:50
                    3. "Katmandu" – 3:22
                    4. "Time" – 1:26
                    5. "Fill My Eyes" – 3:00
                    6. "Lilywhite" – 3:41

                    6 / 5

                    one more from an amazing voice

                    Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen - YouTube


                    I've heard there was a secret chord
                    That David played
                    , and it pleased the Lord
                    But you don't really care for music, do you?
                    It goes like this
                    The fourth, the fifth
                    The minor fall, the major lift
                    The baffled king composing Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    Your faith was strong but you needed proof
                    You saw her bathing on the roof
                    Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you
                    She tied you to a kitchen chair
                    She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
                    And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    Baby I have been here before
                    I know this room, I've walked this floor
                    I used to live alone before I knew you.
                    I've seen your flag on the marble arch
                    Love is not a victory march
                    It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    There was a time when you let me know
                    What's really going on below
                    But now you never show it to me, do you?
                    And remember when I moved in you
                    The holy dove was moving too
                    And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    Maybe there’s a God above
                    But all I’ve ever learned from love
                    Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
                    It’s not a cry you can hear at night
                    It’s not somebody who has seen the light
                    It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    You say I took the name in vain
                    I don't even know the name
                    But if I did, well, really, what's it to you?
                    There's a blaze of light in every word
                    It doesn't matter which you heard
                    The holy or the broken Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

                    I did my best, it wasn't much
                    I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
                    I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
                    And even though it all went wrong
                    I'll stand before the Lord of Song
                    With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2012, 08:17 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • The Boy With The Moon And Star On His Head lyrics

                      A gardener’s daughter met me on the way on the day I was to wed
                      “It is you who I wish to share my body with”, she said.
                      “We’ll find a dry place under the sky with a flower for a bed.
                      And for my joy, I will give you a boy with a Moon and Star on His head.”

                      Her silver hair flowed in the air, laying waves across the sun.
                      Her hands were like the white sands and her eyes had diamonds on.
                      We left the road and headed up to top of the Whisper Wood.
                      And we walked ‘til we came to where the Holy Magnolia stood.

                      And there we laid, cool in the shade, singing songs and making love,
                      With the naked Earth beneath us, and the universe above.
                      The time was late, my wedding wouldn’t wait, I was sad but I had to go.
                      So while she was asleep I kissed her cheek for cheerio.

                      The wedding took place and people came from many miles around.
                      There was plenty merriment, cider and wine abound.
                      But out of all that I recall, I remember the girl I met.
                      ‘Cause she had given me something that my heart could not forget.

                      A year had passed and everything was just as it was a year before.
                      Until the gift that someone left, a basket by my door.
                      And in there lay the fairest little baby crying to be fed.
                      I got down on my knees and kissed the Moon and Star on His head.

                      As years went by, the boy grew high and the village looked on in awe.
                      They’d never seen anything like the boy with a Moon and Star before.
                      And people would ride from far and wide just to seek the Word He spread
                      I’ll tell you everything I’ve learned, and “Love” is all …… he said
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Sir Oliver Lodge once said that the physicist's type of mind could never fathom the mystery of the universe, and the great story, if it ever came at all, must be "the great inspiration of some poet, painter, philosopher or saint."
                        Walter Russell - The Universal One
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          you already knew i was going to do it

                          we have the 30th Parallel North ( 30th parallel north - Google Maps ) .....Let's check out 60th parallel North .... will do the same for South

                          90th parallel north, the North Pole
                          90th parallel south, the South Pole

                          60th parallel north - Google Maps

                          60th parallel north - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          the following one is interesting :

                          will check it out later see if anything pops within the area
                          60°0′N 1°21′W United Kingdom Scotland - Islands of Mainland and Mousa, Shetland Islands

                          Mousa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Mousa (Old Norse: Mosey "moss island") is a small island in Shetland, Scotland, uninhabited since the nineteenth century. The island is known for the Broch of Mousa, an Iron Age round tower, and is designated as a Special Protection Area for storm-petrel breeding colonies.
                          Mousa is mentioned in the Orkneyinga Saga as being used as a place of defence during invasions, as well as a lovers' hideout.
                          History of Shetland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from: The Number 33: facts - Pg 2

                            Yoga Sutra 3:33 states:

                            "Through keenly developed intuition, everything can be known."
                            The Myth Of Invariance, (The Origin of the Gods, Mathematics, and Music From The Rg Veda to Plato) by Ernest G. McClain, on pg. 69, refers to the Vedic reference to "the Thirty-Three Gods," and suggests that this refers to music, representing a system of intervals shown in a diagram [Chart 13] entitled, "Mandala of the 33 Gods in 60 degrees." (pg. 67)

                            Ernest McClain - Musical Adventures in Ancient Mythology


                            Harmonical analysis is a technique for synthesizing the tonal, arithmetical, and
                            geometrical imagery of ancient civilizations. It aims at the reconstruction of the
                            esoteric diagrams which gave the sacred symbols of particular cultures their
                            enduring and magical powers and furnished philosophy with a ground of
                            certainty. The technique is applicable to all cultures which considered tone and
                            number twin keys to the secrets of the universe, and practicable wherever a
                            sufficient mythology and cosmology have survived. I have made explicit the
                            objective elements of that harmonic technique ; it is based on the habits of
                            ancients like Plato, Plutarch, Ptolemy, and Nicomachus, and on principles
                            enunciated anew in our time by men like Brumbaugh, de Nicolás, Levarie, and
                            Levy. There is in addition to those elements the personal interpretation which I
                            have proposed in this book : such an interpretation is tested by the intuitions of
                            others and by its fertility in suggesting further interesting integrations. The
                            musical imagination required to employ the technique of harmonica) analysis in
                            uncovering ancient meanings encoded in music, number, poetry, and metaphor
                            will not lead to certainty, but used wisely it should lead to a “likely story,” one
                            “more likely” than interpretations that have been musically uninformed.
                            For Antonio de Nicolás the great lesson of the Ṛg Veda and perhaps of the
                            whole Indian tradition is centered on the Ṛta, “Body of Law” (from the root ṛ—
                            , to go, meaning that which has already been gone through, that which has
                            already “been formed”), “the guide for action of all that can be formed,” and a

                            The Ṛta, as . . . the accumulations of practices, customs, goals, and rules of survival
                            for a community within which individuals are born and foreigners accepted . . . is
                            the body of the social group, or the embodied community.6 (Emphasis added.)

                            Ṛta is the world created by the sacrifice of all limiting and partial perspectives,
                            a ceaseless activity whose rationality is protected by respect for plural norms.
                            Its fruit is the “Embodied Vision”
                            (Ṛta dhīḥ) which Western philosophical
                            rationality cannot dissect successfully. Its radiant “musicality” resonates
                            powerfully in all the great religions of the world.
                            We in the West are capable of
                            feeling these resonances because our souls have finally been emptied of the
                            belief, that for a long time constrained the Western imagination, that one and
                            only one path can lead to truth
                            Sun today — solar flares online

                            side note :

                            3 6 9 is also 3 3 3 9 / 3 6 6 3 / 3 3 3 3 3 3 ( 3 different perspectives )
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-04-2012, 01:38 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Musical Adventures in Ancient Mythology

                              Ernest G. McClain

                              These occasional essays continue the author's earlier studies published in The Myth of Invariance (1976), The Pythagorean Plato (1978), and in Meditations Through the Quran (1981), correcting, updating, and extending analysis more deeply into Mesopotamian foundations and their extensive development in the Bible and (eventually) Homeric epic.

                              October 2010

                              The author's First two books, The Myth of Invariance and The Pythagorean Plato are scanned here for easy downloading by interested students but the copyright restriction is still affirmed for publication.

                              March 2010

                              The author's third book, MEDITATIONS ON THE QURAN, published in 1981, is scanned here for easy downloading by interested students but the copyright restriction is still affirmed for publication. Notice, however, that a new Appendix II titled "Abraham's Children" makes very important corrections to errors made thirty years ago regarding YHWH as the "One" God of monotheism (on pp. 131, 134, and 137), and of the "chief cornerstone" on pp. 147-8, and also of the meaning of "first-born sons" (p. 151). More recent translations and publications of cuneiform mathematics now make clear that I misunderstood the greater "Marduk-Baal" matrix for "Noah's flood" as YHWH's own, and overlooked the cornerstone "unit" as eventual "Savior," and misunderstood Jacob's twelve sons as "male, odd integers" less than his death at age 147. The entire problem of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics is now undergoing serious reconsideration within the mathematical community, and all speculation like mine must be considered tentative perhaps for further generations. [PDF]

                              The following titles are currently available:
                              "Children of Abraham" (Appendix II to my book on the Quran) [PDF] [docx] [doc]
                              "The Harmonic Series As Universal Scientific Constant," 4 pp. (orientation principles) [doc.]
                              "Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology," an introductory essay published in The World And I in 1994, 21 pp.
                              "The Forgotten Harmonical Science Of The Bible," 24 pp. [doc.]
                              "The Nine-String Akkadian Lyre Of Kilmer, Crocker, and Brown" (Essay in preparation).
                              "Mathematical Harmonics in the Book of Jonah," 5 pp [pdf.]. My Jonah studies have been compressed and edited by the old Testament scholar, Duane L. Christensen, founder and director of Bibal Corporation (see, as an Appendix to his new textbook, READING JONAH IN HEBREW, 2004, and available from: BIBAL Corporation, 845 Bodega Way, Rodeo, CA 94572, telephone 510-377-7000.

                              Ernest G. McClain is Professor Emeritus of Music, Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, retired since 1982 and living presently in Washington, D.C.. Clarinetist, band director, author of three books mentioned above and more than thirty related essays in various professional journals, his degrees from Oberlin, Northwestern, and Columbia are in Music Education. He chooses to make these newer essays freely accessible to anyone who finds them useful, with appropriate acknowledgement. Particular attention is given to graphics essential to understanding ancient habits of thought, for mythological narrative often proves to be verbal commentary on matrix arithmetic, and many stories are best understood as straightforward musical allegory. Questions are encouraged and will be answered periodically as time and energy permits. It should be understood that the author is neither a mathematician nor a linguist, working mainly from secondary sources available in English translation as an interested observer on current developments in other disciplines. Attention is on arithmetical details not likely to be understood except by musicologists.

                              The interpretations offered here should be considered speculative adventures of ideas in the spirit fostered by Alfred North Whitehead in his book of that title, for they concern matters which preclude certainty about the intentions of early authors. After more than three decades of work in this area it seems plausible to propose that most of the numerology in ancient mythology÷and all theology in advanced civilizations--is musically inspired and disciplined. Thus interpretation falls into the general category of Pythagorean studies for it pursues a plausible numerical logic based on the quantification of tuning theory. Foundations appear to have been laid down in the fourth millennium BC before the invention of writing, so that for five thousand years musicians have employed essentially the same fossil science. A fairly primitive arithmetic is handled with great ingenuity, ironic humor, endless word play, and considerable arithmetical elegance. Decoding is great fun when it appears convincing, and a pocket calculator takes all the labor out of ancient multiplication, so that many of these adventures become accessible to children. And because much ancient literature has never been studied carefully from a musical perspective, this adventure is just beginning.

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Scientists identify tropical oceans as 'beating heart' of climate change

                                ( -- The world’s oceans are increasingly pumping tropical warm water towards the poles with important consequences for life on Earth, according to a new study.
                                The tropical regions of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans appear to be “acting like a heart”, accumulating heat and then pulsing it in bursts across the planet.

                                When the warm water reaches the continental shelves, it peels off in northerly and southerly directions, travelling along the shelf-line towards the poles. According to scientists at Plymouth University’s Marine Institute and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), many of the pulses coincide with El Niño events – and their heat content is increasing in intensity.
                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                                If we were to consider our society like a Human Body ( both fractal ) .... some of you are more familiar with acupuncture ..... which energy points , do you think , have been blocked for so many years ....

                                by the way : the sun is still rolling

                                Sun today — solar flares online
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

