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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by wings View Post

    ------------------- forgot to add one of the ingredient added to my Pattern

    PR Newswire UK: Drinking cider can be good for your health

    The old adage an apple a day keeps the doctor away now also applies to a drop of cider, made from fermenting apple juice.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-12-2012, 10:24 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Edred Thorsson in The Book of Ogham suggests that Quert (the Apple) is a sign of beauty and eternity, a kind of eternal perfection and symmetry. "The main challenge of the Q few is the tendency to split attention. Energy tends to be scattered, loyalties are split off and one has a tendency to try to do too much at once. The challenge is to choose only one".
      isn't Q a character in Star Trek ( actually my favorite )

      see post 1999 :
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-12-2012, 11:57 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • One Word : WOW .....

        ..... it's going to be a ride
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Samhain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Samhain ( /ˈsɑːwɪn/, /ˈsaʊ.ɪn/, or /ˈsaʊn/)[1] is a Gaelic harvest festival held on October 31–November 1. It was linked to festivals held around the same time in other Celtic cultures, and was popularised as the "Celtic New Year" from the late 19th century, following Sir John Rhys and Sir James Frazer.[2] The date of Samhain was associated with the Catholic All Saints' Day (and later All Souls' Day) from at least the 8th century, and both the secular Gaelic and the Catholic liturgical festival have influenced the secular customs now connected with Halloween.[3]

          The medieval Goidelic festival of Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was celebrated over the course of several days and had some elements of a Festival of the Dead. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.[4]

          Samhain is celebrated as a religious festival by some neopagans.[
          so October 31st 2012 ..... 10 + 31 + 12 = 53 = HM 8
          November 1st 2012 = 11 + 1 + 12 = 12 + 12 = 24 = HM 6
          it is interesting to note that a surah in the Koran is Called The Morning Star :

          Arabic Quran Surah 86. The Morning Star, The Nightcomer

          At Târiq
          . The Morning Star, The Nightcomer

          guess which Surah it is ......

          Surah 86 .... isn't Venus the Morning Star

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • a little follow up on the previous post .... just saw it on ATS

            The Bright and Morning Star "Mary" Queen of Heaven and husband Allah, page 1

            In this thread i will endeavor to show the link between catholic Mary the "Queen of Heaven" and Allah the moongod by examining the useage of symbolism between the 2 different yet very similar faiths of Roman Catholicism and Islam. Now many of you conspiracy theorists out there have no doubt heard the story of Alberto Rivera (now deceased) who claimed to be a roman catholic jesuit priest years ago. Some don't believe, some do believe it but...what if Rivera was right? Lets explore this mystery together shall we? We all know that religion has been a very big part of mankind for untold millenia, with vague stories of how the world was created and man came into existence but in almost every ancient religion (and many modern ones) we have a very simliar start. The "gods" created man and then for some reason sent a flood to destroy their wayward creations and then the cycle began all over again and this story is perpetuated by the Sumerian Enuma Elish, Hebrew bible book of Genesis, Babylonian myths, Zoroastrian myths etc.

            some interesting info : worth reading

            Muslim worshipping a "black stone" meteorite (fallen star) imbedded in the Ka'aba, temple to the moongod Allah (star and crescent moon again).

            Near it is the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat?
            These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for.
            What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair! (an-Najm 53:19-22)

            This is an old excerpt from an older Quran, the modern Qurans have deleted:
            "These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for"

            Al'Uzzah, Al'Lat and Menat are the 3 daughters of the moongod and sungoddess in pre-islamic Arabic religion.

            Getting who and what Mystery Babylon is yet? It's not just in Catholicism and Islam, it's in Hinduism and many other modern religions and some of the revived pagan religions tied into New Age and Pantheist/Gaea (Mother Earth) worship.

            although : Allah stands for the All not the Male Principle (imho )
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-13-2012, 12:58 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • At-Tariq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Sūrat al-Ṭāriq (Arabic: الطارق‎ aṭ-Ṭāriq, The Morning Star, The Nightcomer) is the 86th sura of the Qur'an with 17 ayat.

              At-Tariq is 86th Chapter of the Quran. It is a Makki Surah i.e. this chapter was sent to Mohammed, when he was in Mecca. There are 17 verses in this chapter ( HM 8 ). In this chapter, Allah takes an oath by the sky and At-Tariq to say that, there is an assigned watcher over every human being. All his deeds and sins done by human beings are being recorded. Allah then asks the human beings to think about how they were created. Allah then goes on to say that He has created human beings from the gushing water originating between backbone and ribs. Allah then reminds the human beings about the Judgment day, the day when all the secrets would be revealed. On that day (Judgment Day), human beings would have no power and no one would help them. Allah then takes another oath on the heaven and the earth to say that, whatever being said here is word of Allah and must be taken very seriously. In the last three verses of the chapter, Allah says that the non-believers are plotting a scheme but in return Allah is also planning a scheme.
              English Translation by Yusuf Ali:

              By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);- [1]
              And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?- [2]

              (It is) the Star of piercing brightness;- [3]

              There is no soul but has a protector over it. [4
              ]Now let man but think from what he is created! [5]

              He is created from a drop emitted- [6]

              Proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs: [7]
              Surely ((Allah)) is able to bring him back (to life)! [8]

              The Day that (all) things secret will be tested, [9]

              (Man) will have no power, and no helper. [10]
              By the Firmament which returns (in its round), [11]

              And by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation),- [12]

              Behold this is the Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil): [13]
              It is not a thing for amusement. [14]

              As for them, they are but plotting a scheme, [15]

              And I am planning a scheme. [16]
              Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: Give respite to them gently (for awhile). [17]


              there is another Dimension you should be aware of; when presented with the surah number before the verse number .... ex :

              86:4 = HM 9 There is no soul but has a protector over it.

              The Same Applies to the Bible and the Torah ..... and other Sacred Books

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Copper's previously unknown exit strategy

                (Medical Xpress) -- Scientists have long known that the body rids itself of excess copper and various other minerals by collecting them in the liver and excreting them through the liver’s bile. However, a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers and published June 22 in PLoS One suggests that when this route is impaired there’s another exit route just for copper: A molecule sequesters only that mineral and routes it from the body through urine.

                Opossum Protein Seen as Antidote to Poisons

                A protein found in the American opossum may someday provide an antidote to nearly all forms of poison.

                The Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins has found that opossums produce a protein known as Lethal Toxin-Neutralizing Factor (LTNF), Yahoo News reports. The protein seeks out otherwise lethal poisons that have entered an opossum's body and neutralizes them.

                Tests on LTNF found that the protein even left the opossums immune to poisons from snakes on other continents that the American creature had not been previously exposed to.

                In laboratory tests, mice were injected with the LTNF protein and subjected to venom from such creatures as Thailand cobras, Australian taipans, Brazilian rattlesnakes, scorpions and honeybees.

                And when the venom did not kill the rodents, the mice were then exposed to deadly poisons like ricin and botulinum toxin. And again, the LTNF protein was able to diffuse the poison, leaving the rodents unharmed.

                Alaskan researchers find evidence of genetic change in salmon in response to warming climate

                ( -- Because the gradual increase in temperatures worldwide is still relatively new, researchers have had difficulty in finding examples of genetic changes in organisms that are adapting to the warmer temperatures. Instead they have seen examples of phenotypic plasticity, which is where animals make adaptive changes based on existing conditions that are not brought about by genetic changes. Now though, for the first time, researchers in Alaska have found evidence of genetic changes in pink salmon that have come about over the past few decades as the fish have been migrating upstream earlier than they used to. In their paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the team describes how they found a genetic marker for late spawning fish diminishing over time as water temperatures increased.

                Major X1.4 Solar Flare Turning Toward Earth – July 12, 2012 | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES

                Sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th at 1653 UT.

                Because this sunspot is directly facing Earth, everything about the blast was geoeffective. Associated with this blast was a Strong R3 Radio Blackout over central America.

                For one thing, it hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) directly toward our planet. According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME will hit Earth on July 14th around 10:20 UT (+/- 7 hours) and could spark strong geomagnetic storms.

                ps: just wanted to clarify ..... this is what was added to my Pattern

                Apple cider vinegar information page. The miracle of this natural remedy.

                Apple cider vinegar

                Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a folk remedy for a selection of ills. The ancient Egyptians, as far back as 3000 BC, and even the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, sang the praises of this unique, yet humble, product.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-13-2012, 03:47 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • I wonder what noise it is going to make

                  Scientists: You can hear the Northern lights | The Bunsen Burner

                  Northern lights sound like a kind of clapping, or applause, just 230 feet above the ground. The study confirms reports by wilderness travelers who say they've heard strange noises when the northern lights appear.
                  The Clapping Song Mash-Up Video - YouTube

                  Three, six, nine
                  The goose drank wine
                  The monkey chewed tobacco
                  On the streetcar line

                  The line broke
                  The monkey got choked
                  And they all went to Heaven
                  In a little row boat

                  Clap, pat, clap, pat
                  Clap, pat, clap, slap

                  Clap, pat, clap your hand
                  Pat it on your partners hand
                  Right hand, clap, pat
                  Clap your hand cross it
                  With your left arm
                  Pat your partners left palm

                  Cap, pat, clap your hand
                  Pat your partners right palm
                  With your right palm again

                  Clap, slap
                  Slap your hands, slap your thigh
                  And sing a little song, go

                  My mother told me
                  If I was goody
                  That she would buy me

                  A rubber dolly

                  My auntie told her
                  I kissed a soldier
                  Now she won't buy me
                  A rubber dolly

                  Three, six, nine
                  The goose drank wine
                  The monkey chewed tobacco
                  On the streetcar line

                  The line broke
                  The monkey got choked
                  And they all went to Heaven
                  In a little row boat

                  Clap, pat
                  Clap your hands and prepare to pat
                  Clap, take your right arm
                  Pat your partners right palm
                  With your right palm

                  Clap, take your hand back and clap
                  Pat, take your right arm
                  Cross your right arm with your left arm
                  Pat your partners left palm
                  With your left palm

                  Clap, take your hand back and clap
                  Pat, take your right arm
                  Cross your left arm
                  Pat your partners right palm
                  With your right palm
                  Clap, now back with the clap

                  Take the pats of your palms
                  And slap your thighs
                  And watch the fun materialize
                  As you sing this little song

                  My mother told me
                  If I was goody
                  That she would buy me
                  A rubber dolly

                  My auntie told her
                  I kissed a soldier
                  Now she won't buy me
                  A rubber dolly

                  Three, six, nine
                  The goose drank wine
                  The monkey chewed tobacco
                  On the streetcar line

                  The line broke
                  The monkey got choked
                  And they all went to Heaven
                  On a little row boat

                  Clap, pat, clap, pat
                  Clap, pat, clap, slap
                  Clap, pat, clap, pat
                  Clap, pat, clap, slap....
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-13-2012, 06:11 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • ]

                    Bob Marley - Wake up and live in Santa Barbara 1979 - YouTube

                    Wake Up And Live lyrics
                    One, two, three, four!

                    Wake up and live, y'all,
                    Wake up and live!
                    Wake up and live now!
                    Wake up and live!

                    Life is one big road with lots of signs,
                    So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind:
                    Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy!
                    Don't bury your thoughts; put your vision to reality, yeah!

                    All together now:
                    Wake up and live (wake up and live, y'all),
                    Wake up and live (wake up and live),
                    wake up and wake up and live, yeah! (wake up and live now),
                    Wake up and (wake up and live) - wake up and live!
                    Rise ye mighty people, ye-ah!
                    There's work to be done,
                    So let's do it-a little by little:
                    Rise from your sleepless slumber! Yes, yeah! Yes, yeah!
                    We're more than sand on the seashore,
                    We're more than numbers.

                    All together now:
                    Wake up and live now, y'all!
                    (Wake up and live) Wake up and live!
                    Wake up and live, y'all!
                    (Wake up and live) Wake up and live now!
                    You see, one - one cocoa full a basket,
                    Whey they use you live big today: tomorrow you buried in-a casket.
                    One - one cocoa full a basket, yeah, yes!
                    Whey they use you live big today: tomorrow you bury in-a casket.

                    W'all together now:
                    (Wake up and live now!) Wake up and live! Oh! Yeah-eah!
                    (Wake up and live!) Uh!
                    (Wake up and live now!) Wake up and live!
                    (Wake up and live) Keep on playin'!
                    (Wake up and live, y'all) Uh! Yeah! Yeah!
                    (Wake up and live!)
                    (Wake up and live now!)
                    (Wake up and live!) Break it down!
                    [Saxophone solo]
                    Come on, man!
                    How is it feelin' over there?
                    (Wake up and live now) All right!
                    (Wake up and live!) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
                    Come on, man!
                    You gotta wake up and live!

                    Life is one big road with lots of signs, yes!
                    So when you riding through the ruts, don't you complicate your mind:
                    Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy!
                    Don't bury your thoughts; put your dream to reality, yeah!

                    W'all together now:
                    (Wake up and live, y'all)
                    (Wake up and live!) Wake up and live, yea-eah!
                    (Wake up and live now!)
                    (Wake up and live!)
                    Wake up and live now!
                    (Wake up and live) Wo-oh!
                    Wake up and live now!
                    Wake up and live

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Isn't Today the thirteenth 13 ..... Friday the 13th

                      shall we explore it

                      Friday the 13th - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      ....more later

                      ps: today it has a negative connotation following the flow of Kali Yuga .....

                      Phobia names and etymology

                      The fear of Friday the 13th has been called friggatriskaidekaphobia (Frigga being the name of the Norse goddess for whom "Friday" is named and triskaidekaphobia meaning fear of the number thirteen), or paraskevidekatriaphobia[10][11] a concatenation of the Greek words Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning "Friday"), and dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning "thirteen") attached to phobía (φοβία, from phóbos, φόβος, meaning "fear"). The latter word was derived in 1911[citation needed] and first appeared in a mainstream source in 1953. [12]

                      It Is 3rd Friday The 13th in Infamous 2012: It Is 3rd Friday The 13th in Infamous 2012 - - Sofia News Agency

                      Today is Friday the 13th, a "fatal" date that occurs for the third time in year 2012, a year which has been filled with superstitions.

                      For the first time since 1984, those three Friday the 13ths — January 13, April 13 and July 13 — are exactly 13 weeks apart.

                      Three Friday the 13ths happen every few years. The last was in 2009, and the next is 2015. What's special about 2012 — and what won't occur again until 2040 — is that this is happening during a leap year.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 12:54 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Frigg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Frigg (sometimes anglicized as Frigga) is a major goddess in Norse paganism, a subset of Germanic paganism. She is said to be the wife of Odin, and is the "foremost among the goddesses" and the queen of Asgard.[1] Frigg appears primarily in Norse mythological stories as a wife and a mother. She is also described as having the power of prophecy yet she does not reveal what she knows.[2] Frigg is described as the only one other than Odin who is permitted to sit on his high seat Hlidskjalf and look out over the universe. The English term Friday derives from the Anglo-Saxon name for Frigg, Frige.[3]

                        Frigg is the mother of Baldr. Her stepchildren are Thor, Hermóðr, Heimdallr, Týr, Bragi, Víðarr, Váli, Skjöldur, and Höðr. Frigg's companion is Eir, a goddess associated with medical skills. Frigg's attendants are Hlín, Gná, and Fulla.

                        In the Poetic Edda poem Lokasenna 26 ( HM 8 ), Frigg is said to be Fjörgyns mær ("Fjörgynn's maiden"). The problem is that in Old Norse mær means both "daughter" and "wife," so it is not fully clear if Fjörgynn is Frigg's father or another name for her husband Odin, but Snorri Sturluson interprets the line as meaning Frigg is Fjörgynn's daughter (Skáldskaparmál 27), and most modern translators of the Poetic Edda follow Snorri. The original meaning[dubious – discuss] of fjörgynn was the earth, cf. feminine version Fjorgyn, a byname for Jörð, the earth. The other piece of evidence lies with the goddess Fjorgyn, who is the mother of Thor, and whose name can be translated into Earth. Since Fjorgyn is not only the name of a goddess, but the feminine byname for Earth, it is relatively safe to assume that "mær", in this case, means "daughter".[4]

                        The Norse name for the planet Venus was Friggjarstjarna 'Frigg's star'.

                        Frigg's name means "love" or "beloved one" (Proto-Germanic *frijjō, cf. Sanskrit priyā "beloved") and was known among many northern European cultures with slight name variations over time: e.g. Friggja in Sweden, Frīg (genitive Frīge) in Old English, and Fricka in Richard Wagner's operatic cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen.[8] Modern English translations have sometimes altered Frigg to Frigga. It has been suggested that "Frau Holle" of German folklore is a survival of Frigg.[9]
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-13-2012, 10:04 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Baldr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Baldr (also Balder, Baldur) is a god in Norse mythology.

                          In the 12th century, Danish accounts by Saxo Grammaticus and other Danish Latin chroniclers recorded a euhemerized account of his story. Compiled in Iceland in the 13th century, but based on much older Old Norse poetry, the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda contain numerous references to the death of Baldr as both a great tragedy to the Æsir and a harbinger of Ragnarök.

                          According to Gylfaginning, a book of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Baldr's wife is Nanna and their son is Forseti. In Gylfaginning, Snorri relates that Baldr had the greatest ship ever built, named Hringhorni, and that there is no place more beautiful than his hall, Breidablik.
                          Poetic Edda

                          "Mímer and Balder Consulting the Norns" (1821-1822) by H. E. Freund.

                          In the Poetic Edda the tale of Baldr's death is referred to rather than recounted at length. Among the visions which the Völva sees and describes in the prophecy known as the Völuspá is one of the fatal mistletoe, the birth of Váli and the weeping of Frigg (stanzas 31-33 ( 31 + 33 = 64 = HM 1 ). Yet looking far into the future the Völva sees a brighter vision of a new world, when both Höðr and Baldr will come back (stanza 62 = HM 8 ). The Eddic poem Baldr's Dreams mentions that Baldr has bad dreams which the gods then discuss. Odin rides to Hel and awakens a seeress, who tells him Höðr will kill Baldr but Vali will avenge him (stanzas 9, 11).

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Who is Afraid of Wilhelm Reich.flv - YouTube

                            Published on Mar 9, 2012 by 186Ulysses

                            This is a subtitled version of the documentary "Wer hat Angst vor Wilhem Reich" by Antonin Svoboda in coproduction with Austrian TV.

                            The fame of Wilhelm Reich, whose ideas are nowadays anew experiencing a renaissance, especially in the USA, is based on two pillars: The concept of Sexual Revolution and the concept of Orgone Energy.

                            The film by Antonin Svoboda describes equally informative as well as concise the origin of both concepts as rooted in the life of Wilhelm Reich, embedded in 20th Century History.
                            It is very well suitable for an introduction to life and work of Reich, though not totally objective.

                            Often Reich is misunderstood as the prophet of our present, outwardly permissive society, who has become in the best case superflous now, but the finding of his diagnosis, that the mechanisms of Capitalism disturb or suppress a natural development of human sexuality, today has more actuality then ever. Who is familiar with the work of Wilhelm Reich, understands, that pornography as well as excessive promiscuity is not a sign of sexual freedom but actually of the contrary.

                            As a natural scientist Reich may has been a failure. But his idea of Orgone, as is my personal view, as a matrix of everything, imbuing the whole universe, should even to a scientifically highly educated person not sound that strange anymore, thinking of newly discovered Dark Energy, still unexplainable for modern cosmology. The film stresses his importance as a forerunner of modern holistic concepts in medicine and natural philosophy.

                            Constructive critique of my translation is always welcome.

                            see also : Wilhelm Reich -- Orgone -- Collected articles


                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 01:27 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Wilhelm Reich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Wilhelm Reich March 24, 1897 = Artstrology Date Checker

                              MAYAN DAY: 5/Kan

                              5 is Empowerment.

                              Major works

                              Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis (1980) [1927, Die Funktion des Orgasmus..] ISBN 0374516413 1981 FSG ed.
                              *The Sexual Revolution (1945) [1930, Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf..] ISBN 0374502684 1963 FSG ed.
                              The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality (1951) [1932, Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral..] ISBN 0374509395 1995 FSG ed.
                              *Character Analysis (1945) [1933, Charakteranalyse..] ISBN 0374509808 1980 FSG ed.
                              *The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1946) [1933, Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus], banned by the Nazis and the Communists ISBN 0374508844 1980 FSG ed.
                              The Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety (1982) [1937, Experimentelle Ergebniße..] ISBN 0374517282 1983 FSG ed.
                              The Bion Experiments: On the Origins of Life (1979) [1938, Die Bione..] ISBN 0374514461 1978 FSG ed.
                              The Discovery of the Orgone
                              –– *Vol. 1, The Function of the Orgasm (1942) [1940, Die Entdeckung des Orgons Erster Teil..] ISBN 1986 0374502048 FSG ed.
                              –– *Vol. 2, The Cancer Biopathy (1948) ISBN 0374510148 1974 FSG ed.
                              *Listen, Little Man! (1948) [1945, Rede an den kleinen Mann] ISBN 0374504016 1974 FSG ed.
                              *Ether, God and Devil (1949) ISBN 0374509913 1973 FSG ed.
                              *Cosmic Superimposition: Man's Orgonotic Roots in Nature (1951) ISBN 0374509913 1973 FSG ed.
                              –– **First report, 1947-1951: The Oranur Experiment (1951)
                              –– Second report, 1951–1956: Contact With Space (1957)
                              *The Murder of Christ (1953) ISBN 0374504768 1963 FSG ed.
                              *People in Trouble (1953) ISBN 0374510350 1978 FSG ed.

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                                1 Listen, Little Man! Is a human and not a scientific document. It was written in the summer of 1945 for the Archives of the Orgone Institute without the intention of publishing it. It was the result of the inner storms and conflicts of a natural scientist and physician who watched, over decade first naively, then with amazement and finally with horror, what the Little Man in the street does to himself; how he suffers and rebels, how he esteems his enemies and murders his friends; how, wherever he gains power as a ‘representative of the – people’ he misuses this power and makes it into something more cruel than the power which previously he had to suffer at the hands of individual sadists of the upper classes.

                                2 This “Talk” to the Little Man was the quiet answer to gossip and defamation. For decades, the emotional plague has tried again and again to kill orgone research (note well: not to prove it incorrect, but to kill it by defamation). Orgone research carries a very heavy responsibility for human life and health. The fact justifies the publication of this ‘Talk’ or a historical document. It seemed necessary for the ‘man in the street’ to learn what goes on in a scientific workshop and also to learn what he looks like to an experienced psychiatrist. He must learn to know reality, which alone can counteract his disastrous craving for authority. He must be told clearly what responsibility he carries, whether he works, loves, hates or gossips. He must learn how he becomes a Fascist, be it the black or red variety. He who fights for the safeguarding of the living and the protection of our children must needs be against the red as well as the black Fascist. Not because today the red Fascist, like the black Fascist before him, has a murderous ideology, but because he turns lively and healthy children into cripples, robots and moral idiots; because with him, the state comes before right, the lie before truth, war before life; because the child, and the safeguarding of the living in the child, remains our only hope. There is only one loyalty for the educator and physician: that to the living in the child and the patient. If this loyalty is strictly adhered to, the great questions of ‘foreign politics’ also find their simple solution.

                                3 This ‘Talk’ does not imply that one should make it the pattern of one’s existence. It describes storms in the emotional life of a productive, happy individual. It does not want a, convince or win anybody. It pictures experience as a painting pictures a thunderstorm. The reader is not asked to like it. He may read it or not. It does not contain any intentions or programmes. All it wants to do is to win for the researcher and thinker the right to personal reaction, which one has never denied, to the poet or philosopher. It is a protest against the secret and unrecognized intention of the emotional plague to shoot its poison arrows at the hard-working researcher, from a safe ambush. It shows what the emotional plague is, how it functions and retards progress. It also attests to the confidence in the tremendous un-mined treasures, which lie in the depth of human nature: ready to be put in the service of fulfilling human hopes.

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

