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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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    4 The living, in its social and human interrelationship, is naively kindly and thus, under prevailing conditions, endangered. It assumes that the fellow human also follows the laws of the living and is kindly, helpful and giving. As long a. then is the emotional plague, this natural basic attitude that of the healthy child or the primitive, becomes the greatest danger in the struggle for a rational order of life. For the plague individual also ascribes to his fellow beings the characteristics of his own thinking and acting. The kindly individual believes that all people are kindly and act accordingly. The plague individual believes that all people lie, swindle, steal and crave power. Clearly, then, the living is at a disadvantage and in danger. Where it gives to the plague individual it is sucked dry and then derided or betrayed; and where it trusts it is cheated.

    5 That’s the way it has always been. It is time for the living a, become hard when hardness is needed in the struggle for its safeguarding and development; in doing so, it will not lose its kindness if it sticks to the truth courageously. There is hope in the fact that, among millions of industrious, decent individuals then an always only just a few pestilential individuals who cause murderous mischief by appealing to the dark nod dangerous impulses in the structure of the armored mass individual and lend them to organized political murder. There is only one antidote to the germs of the emotional plague in the mass individual: his own feeling of living life. The living dots not ask for power but for its proper role in human life. It is based on the three pillars of love, work and knowledge He who has to protect the living against the emotional plague has to lean to use the right to free speech as we enjoy it in America at least as well for the good as the emotional plague misuses it for the bad. Granted equal right in the depression of opinion, the rational finally must win out. This is an important hope.

    Listen, Little Man!

    They call you ‘Little Man’, ‘Common Man’; they say a new era has begun, the ‘Era of the Common Man’. It isn’t you who says so, Little Man. It is they, the Vice Presidents of great nations, promoted labor leaders, repentant sons of bourgeois families, statesmen and philosophers. They give you your future but don’t ask about your past.
    read on
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 02:02 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • btw : remember

      Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research

      Radioactive decay rates, thought to be unique physical constants and counted on in such fields as medicine and anthropology, may be more variable than once thought.
      A team of scientists from Purdue and Stanford universities has found that the decay of radioactive isotopes fluctuates in synch with the rotation of the sun's core.

      The fluctuations appear to be very small but could lead to predictive tools for solar flares and may have an impact on medical radiation treatments.
      Sun today — solar flares online

      see also :

      Human Radioactivity

      Radioactivity of the human body

      A typical human body contains approximately 40 grams of potassium. About 1/1000 of this is potassium-40, a radioactive isotope. This means that you contain 0.04 grams = 40 milligrams of a radioactive cancer-producing isotope in your body. This is not an artificial radioactivity, but it is left over from the formation of potassium in the supernova that gave birth to our solar system. The half life of potassium-40 is 1.26 billion years. The solar system was created about 5 billion years ago. That is not enough time for all of the radioactive potassium to decay, and that is why there is so much in our bodies.
      Atoms of radiopotassium in your body explode approximately 12,000 times every second. Your body is radioactive . Only 11% of the radioactive decays yield a gamma ray, so there are 1,300 self-inflicted gammas per second from your own body. (This is not easy to see in a geiger counter, because gammas are hard to detect.) This results in an exposure of approximely 0.00018 Sieverts over a 50 year period. If the linear hypothesis is correct, this is responsible on average for 7 millionths of a cancers per individual. Since 0.2 of us die from cancer, this self-inflicted radiation is responsible for 1/28000 of our cancers.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 02:35 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Moon, Venus, Jupiter to offer celestial show - News from USA TODAY

        The three brightest objects in the night sky will appear close together just before dawn Sunday.

        No binoculars or telescope is needed to see the crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter together starting between 4 and 5 a.m. Sunday, said Bob Victor of Palm Springs, a former staff astronomer at Michigan State University.

        “It’ll be impressive with the naked eye, especially during the earlier part of that time,” he said Friday.

        Venus will be brightest, appearing low in the east-northeast sky, below and to the right of the moon, Victor said. Jupiter will appear above the other two celestial bodies.

        With the naked eye, the planets will seem like bright stars. A closer look through a telescope or a steady set of binoculars will reveal that, like the moon, Venus sports a crescent shape.

        “It is also in the foreground of the sun, so the sun is lighting up mostly the other side of it,” Victor said.

        Even after sunrise, the moon and Venus should still be visible above and to the right of the sun, he said.

        A similar grouping could be seen earlier this year in the west around sunset.

        “Now Venus and Jupiter have switched over to the morning, and they’re having another approach. Usually you have to wait more than a year,” Victor said. “They closed in on each other on July 1, but they’re only slowly pulling apart.”

        Enter the moon, and the trio is complete.

        The sight can be seen in the east-northeast before sunrise around the world, except close to the poles — given clear skies, that is.

        “The desert Southwest probably has the best chance of seeing it,” Victor said.

        Though the moon and planets will be tightly grouped as seen from Earth, they’re really light-minutes apart.

        Venus is nearly 44 million miles — or 3.9 minutes traveling at the speed of lightfrom Earth, which qualifies as relatively nearby. Jupiter is about 12 times farther away.

        The moon is only about 1 and one-third light-seconds from Earth.

        This particular trio won’t reunite until May 2013, Victor said.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
          Interesting Picture of the Sun July 13, 2012

          wow ..... this is impressive

          thank you IndianaBoys
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • just wanted to mention the following observation:

            I have a friend who has a Summer internship in a Psychiatric Hospital .... she mostly has dealings with Female patients suffering from deep nervous depression in final stage of recovery ( mild patient ) ... Friday , the day after the solar flare , she mentions that all her patients went on overdrive that day ... I mentioned to her the solar flare and she was a bit surprised ( she is very familiar with our discussion ) ...

            worth to note : these patients have an extremely high sensitivity to other humans ... and their aura
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Gut microbes might reflect health, diet of older adults

              July 13, 2012 (HealthDay) -- The health of elderly people appears closely linked with their diet and the type of microorganisms living in their gut, suggesting that what you eat may affect how well you age, according to new research.
              "Our findings indicate that any two given older people, independent of [their] starting health status and genetic makeup, could experience very different rates of health loss upon aging due to dietary choices that impact on their gut bacterial ecosystem," said Paul O'Toole, senior author of the study appearing July 13 in the journal Nature.

              "You can think of [diet] as another controllable environmental factor that we can act upon to promote healthier aging," O'Toole added.

              Numerous studies have indicated a link between the "microbiota" that live in the human gut and health, including obesity and perhaps even brain health. More recent studies have noted greater variation in the microbiota of elderly people than younger people.
              ---------------------------------------- from:

              Let's put together a few Patterns that have already been discussed :

              Cosmology group finds measurable evidence of dark matter filament

              ( -- As time passes and more research is done, more evidence is compiled supporting the theory that suggests that dark matter is a real thing, even though no direct evidence for its existence has ever been found. Instead, the evidence comes about as measurements of other phenomenon are taken, generally involving gravitational pull on objects in the universe we can see that cannot be explained by other means. One of these instances is where weak gravitational lensing occurs, which is where light appears to bend as it passes by large objects. Theory suggests that in cases where lensing occurs but there is no detectable object behind its cause, the reason for it is dark matter exerting a gravitational influence. That has been the case with what are known as filaments; gravitational effects that connect galactic superclusters, keeping them bound together.

              Now Jörg Dietrich and colleagues have added credence to the theory by finding a measurable example of lensing in one specific supercluster that cannot be attributable to a visible object. They outline their findings in their paper published in the journal Nature.

              Researchers propose gold and DNA based dark matter detector

              ( -- One of the precepts of scientific theory is that at some point, physical evidence should become available to prove it true. In physics this is an ongoing process in many areas of study, one of which is the detection and measurement of so called dark matter. Most astrophysicists agree it exists, yet no one has been able to definitively prove it though the presentation of physical evidence. While there are some ongoing projects attempting to do just that, the results have not been strong enough to offer proof. To overcome that problem a team of physicists and biologists have proposed a new type of detector based on a thin sheet of gold with many strands of DNA dangling below. The idea the team says in its paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, is to follow the path of a gold nucleus after being struck by a dark matter particle as it makes its way through strands of DNA, severing them as it goes.
              The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water

              we can be perceive ourselves as Neutrino Detectors

              Neutrino detector

              The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Sudbury, Ontario used 1000 tonnes of heavy water on loan from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The neutrino detector is 6,800 feet (2,100 m) underground in a deep mine, in order to shield it from muons produced by cosmic rays. SNO was built to answer the question of whether or not electron-type neutrinos produced by fusion in the Sun (the only type the Sun should be producing directly, according to theory) might be able to turn into other types of neutrinos on the way to Earth. SNO detects the Cherenkov radiation in the water from high-energy electrons produced from electron-type neutrinos as they undergo reactions with neutrons in deuterium, turning them into protons and electrons (only the electrons move fast enough to be detected in this manner).
              Piezoelectricity ( /piˌeɪzoʊˌilɛkˈtrɪsɪti/) is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins
              DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications

              A theoretical physicist has presented research that shows bacteria might transmit electromagnetic signals to produce species-specific wavelengths.

              According to research presented by Northeastern University physicist Allan Widom, based on existing knowledge of DNA and electrons, bacteria can indeed communicate.
              Humans Have Ten Times More Bacteria Than Human Cells: How Do Microbial Communities Affect Human Health?

              The number of bacteria living within the body of the average healthy adult human are estimated to outnumber human cells 10 to 1.


              Russian scientist named Alexander Chizhevsky, who noticed that when the sun had solar flares, bacteria in water would have an instant reaction, not light years later, but at the exact moment

              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              one more for you:

              It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[


              Water, Alpha Quartz and Dna are coaxial helices and also Chiral
              The sun is our primary natural source of UV radiation


              Strange Magic - YouTube

              Strange Magic lyrics
              STRANGE MAGIC
              You're sailing softly through the sun
              in a broken stone age dawn.
              You fly so high.
              I get a strange magic,
              oh, what a strange magic,
              oh, it's a strange magic.
              Got a strange magic,
              got a strange magic.
              You're walking meadows in my mind,
              making waves across my time,
              oh no, oh no.
              I get a strange magic,
              oh, what a strange magic,
              oh, it's a strange magic.
              Got a strange magic,
              got a strange magic.
              Oh, I'm never gonna be the same again,
              now I've seen the way it's got to end,
              sweet dream, sweet dream.
              Strange magic,
              oh, what a strange magic,
              oh, it's a strange magic.

              Got a strange magic,
              got a strange magic.
              It's magic, it's magic, it's magic.
              Strange magic,
              oh, what a strange magic,
              oh, it's a strange magic.
              Got a strange magic.
              Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
              oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
              oh, it's a strange magic.
              Got a strange magic.
              Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
              oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
              oh, it's a strange magic.
              Got a strange magic,
              got a strange magic,
              you know I got a strange magic,
              yeah, I got a strange magic,
              oo-o-o-oo, strange magic. (fade)
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • sidenote : out of curiosity .... how was your back pain / Migraines this past week


                also when you put these two constructs together ....

                Gut microbes might reflect health, diet of older adults

                July 13, 2012 (HealthDay) -- The health of elderly people appears closely linked with their diet and the type of microorganisms living in their gut, suggesting that what you eat may affect how well you age, according to new research.

                Russian scientist named Alexander Chizhevsky, who noticed that when the sun had solar flares, bacteria in water would have an instant reaction, not light years later, but at the exact moment

                you can ask yourself who / what gives you that "Gut" Feeling we call sixth sense ........
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 12:50 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • crop circle update :

                  Burrow Hill Fort, Rock Lane, nr Corley. Warwickshire. Reported 11th July.

                  link to the comments: Crop Circle at Burrow Hill Fort, Rock Lane, nr Corley. Warwickshire. Reported 11th July 2012.

                  pick your flavor ( all truth is half truth )


                  Etchilhampton Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 12th July.

                  posted the above pic because 6 is mentioned

                  Crop Circle at Etchilhampton Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 12th July** 2012.

                  a beautiful chart of crop circles : Crop Circle at Burrow Hill Fort, Rock Lane, nr Corley. Warwickshire. Reported 11th July 2012.

                  let's see if they resonate together :

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-14-2012, 01:48 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • just a side note :

                    Being a big fan of all Steampunk related ideas

                    here is one that has fascinated me for long : Airships

                    The Schauberger-inspired Bio-Sphere Airship

                    Airship and Submersible craft
                    based on inventions and designs from
                    Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger

                    The Biosphere Dirigible - featuring a revolutionary lifting technology, carbon fiber superstructure, outboard mounted control & stabilization pods, and Internal Vortex Accelerated Bladeless Disk propulsion system...

                    a very interesting concept .... being fractal ( if it follows Schauberger / Tesla design )

                    then it should be scalable to a smaller design like an RC Model ( coincidently invented by Tesla )

                    just thought to share this
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Keely also showed interest in Airships :

                      Keely Airship

                      John W. Keely, discoverer of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, found a means of negating the effect of gravity as well as developing a form of propulsion.

                      From 1888 to 1893, Keely worked on developing his system of "Aerial Navigation". The first successful test was in 1893 which led the way to the construction of an aerial craft.

                      In 1896, Mr. Keely had so perfected his system that he arranged to give a demonstration of the aerial craft to the United States War Department. In attendance at the demonstration were a number of invited members of the press.

                      Descriptions of the craft state that it was a circular platform roughly 6 feet in diameter. On this platform was mounted a small stool set before a keyboard.

                      The keyboard was attached to numerous tuned resonation plates and vibratory mechanisms.

                      Mr. Keely explained that these plates would cause the craft to rise and float above the ground when subjected to a polarized field which would generate a "negative attraction".

                      When the effect was produced, the craft would come under the influence of the "etheric polar current."

                      The controlling mechanism consisted of a row of 100 vibratory bars representing the enharmonic and diatonic scales.

                      When half of the bars were damped the craft would move at 500 miles per hour.

                      If all the bars were damped, gravity would resume control and the craft would settle to the earth.

                      There were no moving parts in the ship's propelling mechanism.

                      It was unaffected by weather and could rise above any storm.

                      The instrument for guiding the airship was distinctly different from the propelling feature.

                      By damping out certain specific notes, Keely could cause the airship to accelerate to any desired speed.

                      The experiment was carried out in an open field with observers from the War Department and the news media.

                      The ship was said to have accelerated from 0 to 500 miles per hour within a few seconds.

                      Most astounding was the apparent total lack of acceleration effects to Mr. Keely as he sat on the stool before the keyboard, controlling the airship.

                      Although, the government officials were impressed, they stated they could see no use for such a complex device and so did not pursue the matter further.
                      To quote from his writings:

                      "Physicists have been working in the wrong direction to lead them to associate themselves with Nature's sympathetic evolutions. It is not necessary to advance farther into the unexplored region of these sympathetic flows than the ninths, to become convinced that the one I denominate the dominant, is the leader toward which the remaining thirds of the triune combination (of triple sympathetic streams) co-ordinate, whether it be the cerebellic, gravital, or magnetic.

                      When we reach the luminiferous track on the ninths, in the triple subdivision, we have proof that the infinite stream, from that unexplored region where all sympathetic streams emanate, is triune in its character, having the dominant as the sympathetic leader, to which the remainder of the celestial thirds are subservient; the cerebellic being the ominant, and the triplets, (gravital, electric, and magnetic) following in its train.

                      "The magnetic cannot lead the electric, nor the electric the gravital, nor the gravital the magnetic. All are subservient to the dominant, as a train of cars is subservient to the locomotive which pulls it along; the only difference between the two is that one is sympathetic, the other mechanical. Though this is a crude illustration, it conveys a great truth in sympathetic philosophy.

                      All sympathetic flows have this triune condition associated with them, the same as the molecular, atomic and etheric aggregations of all forms of visible matter: the compound etheric, or dominant, being the leader and yet one of the constituents of the molecule itself.

                      The dominant we may call the etheric portion of the molecule; the harmonic, the atomic; and the enharmonic, the molecule itself. The dominant part of the triune combination of the sympathetic streams are the leaders, toward which all co-ordinate to make up the sympathetic envelope of the earth; ( the cerebral being the high dominant, or compound etheric, the luminiferous proper.)
                      John Ernst Worrell Keely September 3, 1837 = Artstrology Date Checker

                      The latent conditions are in a state of neutrality, as regards action, until the exciter - mental outreach - is brought into sympathetic play. If we dissociate the sympathetic mental from the latent physical, it would be equivalent to beheading it;

                      consequently, the physical would cease to exist as a thing of life; but the dominant - the cerebral - would remain in its unchanged form, viz., the high etheric.
                      In the disintegration of water by vibratory changes of atmospheric base (a triple order of sympathetic vibration, molecular, inter-molecular, and atomic simultaneously projected) the inter-molecular depths only are interfered with, the result being that latent energy is liberated, showing a pressure of 2,000 atmospheres

                      (14.7 PSI = 1 atmosphere at sea level, so that 2000 * 14.7 = 29,400 PSI) = 96 = = 15 = HM 6 ,
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 02:00 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • PowerPedia:Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - PESWiki

                        "The science of the future will be based on Sympathetic Vibrations." Rudolph Steiner, 1913

                        "The sympathetic vibratory force discovered by Keely will be quite sufficient to make him the greatest discoverer of this age." H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, 1888

                        "If Keely were to die to-morrow, it might be a hundred years before another mind would arise able to complete his work;" Rev. Albert Plum, 1894

                        "Having witnessed Keely's experiments in sympathetic vibration, I am satisfied he has made new and important demonstrations of natural forces not explained by known physical laws." Dr. James M. Wilcox, Ph.D., 1890

                        "Mr. Keely has demonstrated he has discovered a vibratory force previously unknown to science.. which, when applied to machinery, must supersede all ordinary appliances." Prof. Joseph Leidy, Md, 1890

                        "The fact remains that Mr. Keely is able to demonstrate the existence of a stupendous power which has never yet been satisfactorily accounted for by any old and well recognized force." Henry Hudson, The Scientific Arena, 1887

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Keely Airship

                          The instrument is set on the sixths, with the inter-molecular position. The instrument is set on the sixths, to liberate inter-molecular latent force, which, when liberated, is equal to a resistance of ten thousand pounds.

                          To reach the atomic centres, the instrument is set on the ninths dominant, the sixths harmonic, and the thirds enharmonic, having the transmittive chord B associated with each.

                          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                          Have You Heard About B Flat? : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR

                          maybe .... .... or a secret door

                          call it an acoustic lock .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube

                          side note:

                          All the great Alchemist were music virtuosos .... Al farabi ..... Maimonide ..... Avicenne ... Leonardo Da Vinci ... Count St Germain ....

                          B flat they probably knew it .... just like the story of Pied Piper of Hamelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • continuing our Pattern matching

                            Keely Airship

                            Mr. J. Townshend, in his paper "The Planet Venus," read at Leeds, in April, asks:

                            "Are hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, etc., really elemental substances, or are they evolved from ether? If so, what is ether? Whence the impulse which operates upon it, and what is its nature? Thus we turn from effect to cause in search of some first principle upon which the mind can rest. But ere this the light of science has failed us, for who by (scientific) searching can find out God?"

                            Sympathetic vibratory or spiritual physics answers these questions, and, as has been said, promises to burst upon the searchers after truth as the one mighty and complete revelation of some of the mysteries of creation.
                            Buckle, in his address, "The Influence of Woman on the Progress of Knowledge," discloses the foundation stone of sympathetic physics in these words; "The laws of nature have their sole seat, origin, and function, in the human mind. Not one single discovery has ever been made which has been connected with the laws of the mind that made it. Until this connection is ascertained, our knowledge has no sure basis."
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • while browsing the keely site found myself reading the following:

                              February 22, 1992


                              This file is shared with KeelyNet courtesy of
                              Tom Brown, Director of Borderland Sciences.

                              The Journal of Borderland Sciences has been in
                              active publication since 1945.
                              It is an excellent quarterly magazine with subscribers worldwide.
                              If you might like to subscribe, please mention that you heard of
                              Borderland from either Vangard Sciences or KeelyNet.
                              Yearly subscriptions are $20.

                              Borderland Sciences
                              P.O. Box 429
                              Garberville, CA
                              95440-0429 USA
                              BSRF - Sep/Oct 1968
                              Vanguard Note...

                              The following file is a most curious bit of information we found
                              in the Journal of Borderland Research. It describes a strange
                              phenomenon relating to the spinning of a magnet when suspended
                              over a painful area. There is a possibility that some form of
                              vortex is being projected and picked up by the magnet. As the
                              magnet intercepts the vortex, it helps to dissipate the
                              accumulation of energy which causes the pain and stops its
                              spinning when that point is reached.

                              We would greatly appreciate any experiments you might perform in
                              this area since it could very well benefit a lot of people.

                              The Balancing Effect of Carbon and Magnet

                              "Here's something interesting to report using a COPPER-COATED CARBON
                              ROD and a big, 15-3/4 pound magnet, with an average Gauss of 2000.
                              It cost me $7.50 at a surplus store on Canal St. in New York. I
                              suspended the magnet on a short cord with a loop so that it would
                              fit easily over my hand while holding it.

                              "A woman aged 46 had an ovary removed about 8-9 years ago and has
                              had trouble with the remaining ovary ever since. At the beginning
                              of menstrual cycles, she would double up with sharp, shooting,
                              excruciating pains in the remaining ovary area, not each time but
                              many times. She had such pains last night and being a good friend
                              of the gal I chum around with, we visited her with the magnet and
                              carbon rod to ask her if she would be gamr to try something, no
                              results guaranteed.

                              When I told her what our plans were she looked insulted! She said
                              it seemed silly and unworkable but she had nothing to lose, except
                              maybe part of the pain! So we tried it, following along the lines
                              suggested by the Goeke Article. I placed the carbon rod against her
                              back in the approximate position of the remaining ovary, then
                              suspended the magnet over her lower abdominal area about six inches
                              above the skin.

                              It remained MOTIONLESS for about 20 seconds or so, THEN BEGAN
                              SPINNING SLOWLY CLOCKWISE, then PICKED UP SPEED VERY RAPIDLY until
                              it was really moving, much like a rotating wheel on an axle. I
                              certainly did not expect this, so stopped the movement manually with
                              my other hand. It soon STARTED UP AGAIN on this time I let it go.
                              It stopped in about 1/2 minute OF ITS OWN ACCORD. I then took the
                              cord but the magnet remained motionless this time.

                              In about 10 seconds or so it began a slight movement which evolved
                              into a rather large circle, about six inches across, and this
                              swinging was in a counter-clockwise direction, exactly the opposite
                              of the rapid spinning motion just preceding it! "It STOPPED OF ITS
                              OWN ACCORD IN ABOUT A MINUTE or so and I took the magnet away. We
                              were so busy talking about the peculiar motion of the magnet we
                              forgot all about what we had come there for!

                              I then asked the woman how she felt and the way she said, "I don't
                              feel a thing" made me think she had suddenly gone numb! I asked her
                              again about the pain and then she said what she meant was that she
                              couldn't feel any pain anyone. She got up and moved around a bit
                              but still couldn't find any trace of pain in that area. I asked her
                              to concentrate on that area and the pain that had been there, but
                              even this didn't bring it back; nor did various body motions that
                              varied the pressure in that area. All this last night and the pain
                              hasn't returned as of this afternoon the following day, and her flow
                              is fuller than usual.

                              "What all this means I'm sure I don't know as this was my first
                              experience with a magnet and carbon rod. Such a thing may never
                              happen again. What puzzles me most is the RAPID SPINNING ACTION of
                              the magnet, as this sort of thing wasn't discussed as a possibility
                              in the Goeke article. Let me know if you would like a sample
                              copper-coated carbon rod."
                              N.R., New York

                              thought it might interest some of you..... if it works for humans should work for potted plants

                              and carbon is only one of the elements
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • wanted to mention the following THE PRIORE MACHINE

                                T. Henry Moray built a somewhat similar machine - though very much smaller - which provided a direct radiation from extensive "peach blossom violet" colored sparkgaps inside a quartz tube,
                                and remembered the Healing Solfeggio Tones see:

                                if it works for humans should work for potted plants / Seeds / Trees

                                and the Monkey was let loose

                                you know that Spark Gaps can play Music :

                                Using the Spark Gap/ Jacob's Ladder to play music - YouTube

                                Spark gap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                A spark gap consists of an arrangement of two conducting electrodes separated by a gap usually filled with a gas such as air, designed to allow an electric spark to pass between the conductors. When the voltage difference between the conductors exceeds the gap's breakdown voltage, a spark forms, ionizing the gas and drastically reducing its electrical resistance. An electric current then flows until the path of ionized gas is broken or the current reduces below a minimum value called the 'holding current'. This usually happens when the voltage drops, but in some cases occurs when the heated gas rises, stretching out and then breaking the filament of ionized gas. Usually the action of ionizing the gas is violent and disruptive, often leading to sound (ranging from a snap for a spark plug to thunder for a lightning discharge), light and heat. Spark gaps were used historically in early electrical equipment, such as spark gap radio transmitters, electrostatic machines, and x-ray machines. Their most widespread use today is in spark plugs to ignite the fuel in internal combustion engines, but they are also used in lightning arrestors and other devices to protect electrical equipment from high voltage transients.
                                or just a spark gap with a Vogel Crystal ( coiled up or not ...experience will tell ) placed int front of it ..... as the Vogel Crystal has an effect on water flowing through it ( see post on Marcel Vogel ) .... likely the same happens with all the Solfeggio waves emitted by the Spark Gap ......

                                Vogel Crystal made of Left Chiral Quartz
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 03:33 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

