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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Chemists discover new type of molecular bond near white dwarf stars

    ( -- Most any chemistry student when asked, will say that there are just two ways atoms bond to make molecules: covalent and ionic. In the former, atoms are bonded together by sharing electrons, in the latter it’s due to the transfer of electrons from one atom to another leading to a Coulombic attraction between the ions. Now however, it appears there is a third kind of bond, though it doesn’t exist here on Earth. E. I. Tellgren, Kai K. Lange, T. Helgaker and M. R. Hoffmann from the University of Oslo, Norway and the University of North Dakota in the US have found that some molecules can form and hold together due to extremely high magnetic fields. As they write in their paper published in the journal Science, their calculations suggest that such molecules likely exist near white dwarf stars.
    Because it’s impossible, at least at this time, to create a magnetic field anywhere near as strong as that found near a white dwarf star, the researchers turned to quantum chemical simulations (full configuration-interaction) focusing on hydrogen atoms and the simple hydrogen molecule H2. At extremely hot temperatures, such as would exist near a white dwarf, the covalent bond that normally holds the molecule together wouldn’t survive and the molecule would come apart. But if there were a strong enough magnetic field (such as exists near a white dwarf) the spin states of the two atoms could align with the magnetic field (rather than exist as opposed) the molecule could bond and continue to stay that way. And that’s exactly what the team’s calculations showed, they’re calling it - perpendicular paramagnetic bonding.
    ------------------------- just reminded me of; of course it is not as powerful, but maybe the same process happens in the following article ( as above so below )

    remember the following image when we discussed : Francis E. WILKINSON -- High Frequency Transformations

    Francis E. WILKINSON

    High-Frequency Transformations


    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Linking A Presentation By Santos Bonacci ; Which i higly recommend you watch .... a mine of Information

      in his presentation he explains why some Maps of Earth are cut in 12 parts

      Santos Bonacci - Know Thyself Part 2 - YouTube Starts at 29 min


      Crops continue to bake in searing heat, no relief for weeks | Reuters

      Happy birthday, America — my, how you have grown.

      As the United States prepares for the Fourth of July, German researchers declared their discovery of a 500-year-old map that shows the country as a tiny boomerang-shaped island.

      “We’ve made a sensational find,” said Klaus Rainer Brintzinger, director of the Munich University Library, told the German news agency DPA.

      The centuries-old print by cartographer Martin Waldseemuller shows “America” as a fraction the size of Europe, Asia and Africa.

      Winfried Rothermel/AP Gerlinde Brandenburger-Eisele holds the oldest map showing 'America' in the Ritterhausmuseum in Offenburg, Germany, Nov. 3, 2006.

      There is no division of North and South America on the map, which is particularly noteworthy since Waldseemuller helped create the name “America” in honor of explorer Amerigo Vespucci by putting his name literally on the map. Waldseemuller mistakenly believed Vespucci had discovered the New World.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • was listening to C2C show:

        Coast to Coast AM - 19 July 2012 - Great Pyramid Theory - YouTube

        Shape-Up America- Week 3

        First hour guest, nutritional therapist Nora T. Gedgaudas, the 3rd weight loss expert in George Noory’s Shape Up America Campaign, argued that humans are basically designed to get their nutrition from complete sources like meat, fish, & eggs and what the USDA food pyramid suggests (6-11 servings of grains) is unhealthy. She also criticized the theory behind calories, which assumes the human body is a heat engine. Actually, the human body is a "complex biochemical factory and a calorie from a piece of bread is not going to get used the same way as a calorie from the protein or fat contained in a piece of fish," she explained. For more, view a recap from her 6/21/11 appearance, as well as material posted on her YouTube channel.

        ----------------just thought about what some sacred books might say about diet ( fractal )

        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
        found the following Bible Diet - Health and Bible Foods

        Rainbow Foods
        Our food was created to be appealing to all of our senses - especially our senses
        of taste, smell and sight. Within the skin pigments and edible portion of these
        living foods lies a vast array of phytonutrients most of which have yet to be fully
        understood or documented by science. Be joyful and eat for abundant life.

        Red Foods:

        Trees: cherries, apples, cranberries, papaya, pomegranate
        Plants: tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries
        Herbs: beets, rhubarb, radishes Nutrient:

        Orange Foods:

        Trees: oranges, grapefruit, peaches
        Plants: pumpkin, squash
        Herbs: carrots, sweet potatoes, yams Nutrient:

        Yellow Foods:

        Trees: lemons, pears, apricots, grapefruit
        Plants: corn, Squash, wheat, cantaloupe
        Herbs: rutabagas Nutrient: vitamin C

        Green Foods:

        Trees: avocados, olives, pears, lime
        Plants: cucumbers, peas, green beans, zucchini
        Herbs: broccoli, asparagus, greens, spinach, brussels sprouts, kale, celery, green onions Nutrient:

        Blue Foods:

        Plants: blueberries, blackberries, mulberries Nutrient: Anthoocyanins
        White Foods:
        Trees: coconut, dates, pears, nuts
        Plants: white beans, oats
        Herbs: onions, cauliflower, garlic, horseradish, potatoes, turnips, mushrooms, parsnips, shallots, ginger Nutrient:

        Purple Foods:

        Trees: plumbs, prunes, figs
        Plants: grapes, blackberries, elderberries
        Herbs: beets, eggplants, cabbage
        God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29
        as Logic would also point out Meat is to represent a smaller amount than the other prescribed Patterns ... and not any type of Meat ( today we would call it Non GMO )


        Diet in Islam


        All of the Koran's 114 chapters except one begins with the phrase "Allah is merciful and compassionate." A Muslim is expected to recognize the brotherhood of man and should treat a non-Muslim as a brother. Showing compassion and charity, Muslims believe, in doing service to God. Therefore, it is written in the Koran "No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. God will not be affectionate to that man who is not affectionate to God's creatures. Assist any person oppressed whether he is Muslim or non-Muslim."

        Mohammed repeatedly forbade cruelty to animals, saying in the Hadith popular tradition, "Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself." Similarly, Mohmammed taught "A good deed done to a beast is as good as doing good to a human being; while an act of cruelty to a beast is as bad as an act of cruelty to a human being." The Koran (6:38) explains that such benevolence flows directly from God: "There is not an animal on Earth, nor a bird that flies on it's wings, but they are communities like you." The Koran does permit meat-eating, but it also encourages healthful food (which, many Muslims conclude, does not include animal products). Given these traditions, many Shi'ite Muslims and the Islamic mystics, such as the Sufis, see vegetarianism as the Islamic ideal and choose this diet.
        ps: Happy Ramadan
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-20-2012, 09:03 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Santos Bonacci: How To Connect To The Christ Within You |

          The Moon's Sign on a Particular Day:

          The Moon favors these kinds of activities:

          In Aries, quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.

          In Taurus, substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.

          In Gemini,
          mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands.

          In Cancer, domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.

          In Leo, creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.

          In Virgo, mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.

          In Libra, relationship issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.

          In Scorpio, taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.

          In Sagittarius, adventurous activities that involve "winging it", travel, higher education, advertising, sports, physical activity.

          In Capricorn, long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.

          In Aquarius, unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.

          In Pisces, imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water

          Moon Tables

          The Moon spends a day or two each month in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The sign the moon is transiting through can be used to good advantage during spellwork. Void-of-Course Moon or v/c is the time the Moon is "between signs". It is when the Moon moves from the sign of Gemini, but has not yet moved into the sign of Cancer. Void-of-Course can last for a few minutes or a couple of days. Spell working should be avoided when the moon is void of course as the energy is unpredictable. V/C is a time of disruption when nothing works as expected. Knowing when the moon is void of course will eliminate a lot of frustration and wasted effort.
          Void of Course Moon Tables

          Jul 16, 2012 8:31 PM Moon enters Cancer
          Jul 19, 2012 12:24 AM Moon V/C
          Jul 19, 2012 6:13 AM Moon enters Leo
          Jul 21, 2012 1:17 AM Moon V/C
          Jul 21, 2012 1:24 PM Moon enters Virgo
          Jul 22, 2012 8:44 PM Moon V/C
          Jul 23, 2012 6:38 PM Moon enters Libra
          Jul 25, 2012 11:22 AM Moon V/C
          Jul 25, 2012 10:29 PM Moon enters Scorpio
          Jul 26, 2012 11:38 AM Moon V/C
          Jul 28, 2012 1:18 AM Moon enters Sagittarius
          Jul 29, 2012 5:01 PM Moon V/C
          Jul 30, 2012 3:29 AM Moon enters Capricorn
          Jul 31, 2012 7:30 PM Moon V/C
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • The following are the arts to be studied, together with the Kama Sutra:

            The art of understanding writing in cypher, and the writing of words in a peculiar way

            The art of speaking by changing the forms of words. It is of various kinds. Some speak by changing the beginning and end of words, others by adding unnecessary letters between every syllable of a word, and so on

            Knowledge of language and of the vernacular dialects

            ----------------------------- Let's Play Guitar

            The Maghreb (Arabic: المغرب, Berber: Tamazɣa[citation needed]) is usually defined as much or most of the region of Northwest Africa, west of Egypt. The traditional definition as being the region including the Atlas Mountains and the coastal plains of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and (usually) Libya, was later superseded, especially since the 1989 formation of the Arab Maghreb Union, by the inclusion of a fifth nation, Mauritania, and of the disputed territory of Western Sahara (mostly controlled by Morocco). During the Al-Andalus era in Spain, the Maghreb's inhabitants, Maghrebis, were known as "Moors";[1] the Muslim areas of Spain in those times were usually included in contemporary definitions of the Maghreb---hence the use of 'Moor' or 'Moors' to describe the Muslim inhabitants of Spain by Christian and other Western sources.

            Historical terms for the region or various portions of it include Numidia, Libya, and Africa in classical antiquity. The term maghrib is in origin an Arabic word for "west, occident", denoting the westernmost territories that fell to the Islamic conquests of the 7th century.[2] Today, it is used as a proper noun denoting the Maghreb, also known as المغرب العربي al-maghrib al-ʻarabīy "the Arab Maghreb" or المغرب الكبير al-maghrib al-kabīr "the great Maghreb" in Arabic. The definite form al-maghrib is used for the country of Morocco in particular. The Berber language alternative term for al-maghrib, Tamazgha,[3] has been popularized by Berber activists since the last quarter of the 20th century.

            ok Let's Play :

            What is the Sanskrit definition for the word ma?

            ma म : time; poison; water ; happiness; a magical formula; moon; brahman; viSNu; siva; of yama; a syllabic foot consisting of three long syllables; name of the fifth note in music in Indian music.

            maa मा : not ; no; don't; lest; the goddess of wealth; a mother; a measure.


            Al-Gharb, meaning "The West" from which the word Ghreb comes from ( see also Algarve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

            so you have

            MA - GHREB = MOON WEST


            EL - MA - GHREB = SUN MOON WEST

            the SUN + MOON Planetary Magic Squares - Planetary Numerology


            overlaid historical flags of Morocco

            and you get Mercury 8*8 Mercury Magic Square - Magic Square of Mercury - Mercurial Numbers

            ps: MA in Arabic means also Water and the postal code of Morocco is MA

            love this statue something about it is fascinating :

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 12:09 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • a re post:

              from: Amel Tafsout

              Berber Symbols

              The Berber people are the inhabitants of North Africa. Nowadays there are Berber groups from Mauritania to Egypt. They inhabit the mountain regions and parts of the Sahara Desert. Berbers refer themselves as the Imazighan meaning "The Free People". The Berber symbols, designs, motifs and tattoos originated from pre-Islamic beliefs influenced later by Islamic geometric patterns and ornamentation.

              Textiles and other objects are created as an act for worship and tribute to Allah. Many objects may contain a baraka. The baraka does not exist only in amulets or talismans but in any kind of objects in order to deal with darker forces and curing illnesses. In North Africa there is still some symbols to be found such as, magic squares and geometric figures (triangles, spirals, crosses, eight pointed stars, circles, diamonds).
              here is a list:

              SHIP:Associated with water and means strength, blessing, wisdom

              Confucius said: "The man of wisdom delights in water, the man of humanity delights in mountains. The man of wisdom is active; the man of humanity is tranquil. The man of wisdom enjoys happiness; the man of humanity enjoys long life."

              DIAMOND: Feminity womanhood and fertility. It is associated with the snake and represents the union of opposites.


              List of Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Ramses II (Berber: Ramsis Wiss 2)
              Saint Augustine of Hippo, from Tagaste, was Amazigh
              Adrian of Canterbury, Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury
              Ibn Battuta (1304–1377), Moroccan traveller and explorer

              etc .... see link
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Many Berbers call themselves some variant of the word imazighen (singular: Amazigh), possibly meaning "free people" or "free and noble men"[1] (the word has probably an ancient parallel in the Roman name for some of the Berbers, "Mazices" ).
                AMAZIGH ................Let's Roll


                5.11 Alphabets, deities and benefits

                In the Devanagari script alphabets have been divided into eight categories, that is a (अ) - k (क) - ch (च) - t (ट) - t (त) - p (प) - y (य) - sh (श). Every category has a specific deity. If any poetic composition is begun with an alphabet from a particular category of alphabets then benefits are derived as given in the table below. Category Deity Benefit
                A Som (Moon) Longevity
                K Angarak Fame
                Ch Budh (Mercury) ( see also Gautama Buddha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )
                Ketu (dragon’s tail) The null state

                DIVINE POWER OF LETTERS.

                Every letter, of course, expresses some aspect or segment of creative purpose. Alphabetical schematism has been presented in several different formulations. In the Hebrew alphabet there were said to be three "mother letters," aleph (A), mem (M) and shin (SH). These ostensibly represent respectively the pre-creation stage (A), the middle stage of spirit's involvement in matter (M), and its final stage of glorious deification (SH),--the symbol of fire ( as in Shams ). M is the symbol of water ( as in M-state water Magnetic Traps )r. Life emanates out of potential fire, is "baptized" for evolutionary purposes in water, the symbol of


                matter, and returns to source with fiery potentialities actualized by having "overcome" the powers in the water-matter. The Hebrew word for fire is esh, and spirit evolves its divine fire in man, ish. The divine fire in man made him the ish-man, and the divine man in the tribal life of some nations was called the shaman.

                What is the Sanskrit definition for the word ma?

                ma म : time; poison; water ; happiness; a magical formula; moon; brahman; viSNu; siva; of yama; a syllabic foot consisting of three long syllables; name of the fifth note in music in Indian music.

                maa मा : not ; no; don't; lest; the goddess of wealth; a mother; a measure.


                ZIGH = Xi
                (zigh) Ξ

                Xi was derived from the Phoenician letter samekh .

                canary Berber Flag :

                Samekh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                The origin of Samekh is unclear. The Phoenician letter may continue a glyph from the Middle Bronze Age alphabets, either based on a hieroglyph for a tent peg / some kind of prop (s'mikhah, Hebrew: סמיכה‎, or t'mikhah, Hebrew: תמיכה‎, in modern Hebrew means to support), and thus may be derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph djed.
                The djed ( /dʒɛd/ in English) symbol is one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in Egyptian mythology. It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. It is associated with Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead. It is commonly understood to represent his spine.
                The Djed is the supreme symbol of unification of all polarities, it links to the transcendental reality of the One. It symbolises the micro and macrocosmic axis
                Pillars of Hercules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                According to Plato's account, the lost realm of Atlantis was situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules, in effect placing it in the realm of the Unknown. Renaissance tradition says the pillars bore the warning Nec plus ultra (also Non plus ultra, "nothing further beyond"), serving as a warning to sailors and navigators to go no further.


                A MA ZIGH = A Som (Moon) Longevity - time, water ; happiness; a magical formula; moon; brahman; viSNu; siva; of yama; - unification of all polarities


                FREE MAN

                comes to mind as per "Mazices,"

                n ancient parallel in the Roman name for some of the Berbers, "Mazices"

                Morocco is know as a land of Magic + Flunkch
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 01:32 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                  Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  AMAZIGH ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ = 1 + 4 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 22 = 4

                  4 - High Priestess


                  The Shining Queen, who rules the velvet night,
                  And nurtures nascent change, concealed from sight,
                  Transforms and changes, wheeling light and dark,
                  And seeks the Sun to sire the unseen spark.

                  The watery depths bring forth the Child of Light.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 02:31 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a re post of an old news we discussed extensively

                    Area Wide News: Blog: Edgar Cayce

                    Edgar Cayce
                    Posted Sunday, January 10, 2010, at 9:07 PM

                    Anthropologists once believed North and South America had initially been populated by Asians crossing a land bridge connecting Asia and Alaska during the last Ice Age, some 20,000 years ago. However, recent genetic DNA analysis of Native Americans now places the initial wave of migration between 38,000 to 50,000 years ago.

                    Genetic DNA analysis can trace the ethnic tribal lineage, and thereby land of the origin, of a human being.

                    Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained.

                    Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups.

                    By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa.

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 01:45 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • sometimes .... feels like i am a lawyer presenting evidences ..... weird ....

                      as Shakespeare said

                      King Henry VI Part 2 » Act 4. Scene II ( 12 + 2 = HM 5 ) [/B] 12 - Hanged Man 2 - Empress or 8 - Victory 6 - Love ( when love and respect rules no need to be litigious )

                      The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 02:07 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        AMAZIGH ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ

                        the Letter A in Amazigh is which is related to Number 6 see also "sigma wave"

                        Sigma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Sigma (upper case Σ, lower case σ, lower case in word-final position ς; Greek σίγμα) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet,

                        The name of sigma, according to one theory,[1] may continue that of Phoenician Samekh . According to a different theory,[2] its original name may have been "San" (the name today associated with another, obsolete letter), while "Sigma" was a Greek innovation that simply meant "hissing" ( like a snake ), based on a nominalization of a verb σίζω (sízō, from earlier *sig-jō, meaning 'I hiss').

                        One more thing:

                        FOUM HANCH = Mouth of the Snake :

                        more on it here :

                        Science and mathematics
                        Upper case

                        Upper case Σ is used as a symbol for:
                        the summation operator
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 02:49 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • and sometimes it feels like i'm playing poker and the posts are the hands we are dealt

                          kenny rogers gambler + lyrics - YouTube

                          The Gambler lyrics
                          Songwriters: Schlitz, Don;

                          On a warm summer's evenin' on a train bound for nowhere
                          I met up with the gambler, we were both too tired to sleep
                          So we took turns a starin' out the window at the darkness
                          'Til boredom overtook us and he began to speak

                          He said, "Son, I've made a life, out of readin' people's faces
                          And knowin' what their cards were by the way they held their eyes

                          So if you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces
                          For a taste of your whiskey I'll give you some advice"

                          So I handed him my bottle and he drank down my last swallow
                          Then he bummed a cigarette and asked me for a light
                          And the night got deathly quiet and his face lost all expression
                          Said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy, you gotta learn to play it right"

                          You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
                          Know when to walk away and know when to run
                          You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table
                          There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done

                          Every gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
                          knowin' what to throw away and knowing what to keep
                          'Cause every hand's a winner and every hand's a loser
                          And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep

                          And when he finished speakin', he turned back towards the window
                          Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep
                          And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even
                          But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep

                          You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
                          Know when to walk away and know when to run
                          You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table
                          There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done

                          You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
                          Know when to walk away and know when to run
                          You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table
                          There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done

                          You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
                          Know when to walk away and know when to run
                          You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table
                          There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done

                          ps: card games are not my kind of vibe ..... it seems otherwise
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-21-2012, 12:20 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                            "The Gambler" is the title of a song written by Don Schlitz and recorded by American country music artist Kenny Rogers . It was released in November 1978 as the title track from his album The Gambler which won him the Grammy award for best male country vocal performance in 1980.[1] Bobby Bare had recorded the song earlier that same year in his album BARE CBS KC35314 (1978). The song was written by Schlitz who had recorded it previously, and had charted at #65 on the country charts with it. It was one of five consecutive songs by Rogers to hit #1 on the Billboard country music charts. On the pop chart, the song made #16 in early 1979. Johnny Cash also performed this song.
                            Track listing

                            Side one

                            1 "The Gambler" (Don Schlitz) – 3:32
                            2 "I Wish That I Could Hurt That Way Again" (Rafe VanHoy, Don Cook, Curly Putman) – 2:55
                            3 "King of Oak Street" (Alex Harvey) – 4:55
                            4 "Makin' Music for Money" (Harvey) – 3:10
                            5 "Hoodooin' of Miss Fannie Deberry" (Harvey) – 4:44

                            Side two

                            1 "She Believes in Me" (Steve Gibb) – 4:11
                            2 "Tennessee Bottle" (Jim Ritchey) – 3:59
                            3 "Sleep Tight, Goodnight Man" (Sam Lorber, Jeff Silbar) – 2:52
                            4 "Little More Like Me (The Crucifixion)" (Sonny Throckmorton) – 2:47
                            5 "San Francisco Mabel Joy" (Mickey Newbury) – 3:36
                            6 "Morgana Jones" (Kenny Rogers) – 3:03

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Phase III

                              Phase III of Stanton St. Bernard on July 20, 2012 now shows planet Venus shining brightly above five other stars in the constellation Taurus (white dashed lines) on the same date when it appeared. It also shows a diamond-shaped asterism which lies just below those five stars in the night sky (yellow dashed lines):

                              Venus was symbolized by a small four-pointed star on top of a “stellar cathedral” in Phase I. In order to create Phase III, the crop artist cleverly added “three long rays” so as to convert the upper part of Phase II into a large four-pointed star for Venus. Then he chose a new V-shaped set of stars, which lie just below Venus in the night sky on July 20, to resemble “five tears” from below the original “stellar cathedral” (white dashed lines). Finally he added a small “diamond” symbol at the very bottom of Phase III to symbolize a diamond-shaped asterism, which lies just below those five V-shaped stars in the sunrise sky (yellow dashed lines).

                              Why would anyone be so interested in the sky movements of Venus since its solar transit on June 6, 2012? This is the ninth crop picture so far from the summer of 2012 to show current Venus astronomy. It may be that those crop artists wish to fulfil an ancient Mayan prophecy, concerning the return of a legendary teacher Quetzalcoatl at the end of the Long Count calendar on December 21-23, 2012, or later in the year 2013. The Mayans associated Quetzalcoatl with planet Venus, and his life with motions of planet Venus through our night sky. In other words, as we study the sky motions of Venus, we may also be preparing for a possible return of Quetzalcoatl.
                              other interpretations found here Crop Circle at Stanton St Bernard (2) (PHASE 3), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 20th July   2012.

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • just posting a list of books recommended from Astrotheology Books ..... it may interest some of you in the course of your journey of understanding

                                Santos Bonacci's Recommended Books
                                and Study Resources

                                Listed Alphabetically by Title, followed by Author's Name

                                A Short History of the Bible ....... Bronson C Keeler

                                Ancient Egypt - The Light of the World .......Gerald Massey

                                Astral Worship ..... J. H. Hill

                                Astrological World Cycles ......... Tara Mata (Laurie Pratt)

                                Astrotheology & Shamanism - Christianity's Pagan Root.... Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit

                                Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology

                                Bible Myths and Parallels to Other Religions ....... Thomas W. Duane

                                Blacked Out through Whitewash ...... Suzar

                                Celestial Dynamics, A Course of Astro-Metaphysical Study

                                Celsus on the True Doctrine - A Discourse Against the Christians
                                ..... R. Joseph Hoffman

                                Christ in Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection .... D.M. Murdock

                                Cicero - On the Nature of the Gods Academics .... H. Rackham

                                Dance of the Zodiac - Rhythms and Patterns of Creation ..... William Schreib (read review)

                                God Save Us from Religion ...... Ian Ross Vayro

                                Hermetic Masonry ....... Frank C. Higgins

                                Hesiod and Theognis ....... Dorothea Wender

                                Jesus and the Lost Goddess - The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians
                                ..... Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

                                Julian's Against the Galileans ...... R. Joseph Hoffman

                                Lost Light - An Interpretation of Ancient Scriptures .... Alvin Boyd Kuhn

                                Lost Star of Myth and Time ..... Walter Cruttenden

                                Manilius Astronomica ...... G. P. Goold

                                Ovid Matamorphoses ...... Charles Martin

                                Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth ...... John G. Jackson

                                Plato - The Complete Works ....... John M. Cooper and D.S. Hutchinson

                                Plutarch Moralla Volume V ...... Frank Cole Babbitt

                                Porphyry's Against the Christians - The Literary Remains ....... R. Joseph Hoffman

                                Ruins or Meditations on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature
                                ..... C. F. Volney

                                Stellar Theology & Masonic Astronomy ..... Robert Hewitt Brown

                                Suns of God Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
                                .... Acharya S (Author of the Christ Conspiracy)

                                Symbols, Sex and the Stars .... Ernest Busenbark, Jordan Maxwell (Preface)

                                Terabiblos ..... Claudiun Ptolemy

                                That Old-Time Religion - The Story of Religious Foundations
                                .... Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice and Alan Snow

                                The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 1 ... Malik H Jabbar

                                The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 2 ... Malik H Jabbar

                                The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 3 ... Malik H Jabbar

                                The Astrological Foundation of the Christ Myth - Book 4 ... Malik H Jabbar

                                The Bible Fraud .... Tony Bushby

                                The Biggest Lie Ever Told ...... Malik H Jabbar

                                The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You to Read ...... Tim C. Leedom

                                The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold
                                .... Acharya S (Author of the Christ Conspiracy)

                                The Christians as the Romans Saw them .... Robert Louis Wilken

                                The Crucifixion of Truth .... Tony Bushby

                                The Dark Side of Christian History .... Helen Ellerbe

                                The Devil's Pulpit ..... Rev. Robert Taylor
                                The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus ..... G.R.S. Mead
                                The Hermetica ..... Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

                                The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ - Separating Fact from Fiction
                                .... Gerald Massey

                                The Jesus Mysteries - Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God
                                ... Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

                                The Laughing Jesus - Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom .. Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

                                The Light of Egypt, The Science of the Soul and Stars ..... Thomas H. Burgoyne

                                The Occult Anatomy of Man and Occult Masonry ..... Manly P. Hall

                                The Papal Billions ..... Tony Bushby

                                The Phenomena and Diosemia of Aratus (1848) ..... Aratus John Lamb

                                The Red Sea is your Blood: The New Enlightenment ..... Alvin Boyd Kuhn

                                The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross ..... John M. Allegro

                                The Secret in the Bible ..... Tony Bushby

                                The Twin Deception ..... Tony Bushby

                                The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge ..... Alvin Boyd Kuhn
                                The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Christianity Before Christ ..... Kersey Graves

                                They Lied to Us in Sunday School ..... Ian Ross Vayro

                                Virgil - Ecologues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6 ..... H. R. Fairclough, G.P. Goold

                                Who is the King of Glory? - A Study of the Christos Messiah Tradition ..... Alvin Boyd Kuhn

                                have not explored any of these books besides Plato .... maybe later in our discussion
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

