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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Crop Circle at Owslebury, nr Winchester , Hampshire. Reported 29th July* 2012.

    Owslebury, nr Winchester , Hampshire. Reported 29th July.

    When its six sides are considered, the hexagon takes on the symbolism of balance, the union of polarity, love and Venus. The number six of the Tarot is the Lovers. When the hexagon is seen as the container for the hexagram or Seal of Solomon, it symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine, Heaven and Earth, Fire and Water. The hexagram, and by extension the hexagon, contains "The harmonious resolution and fusion of opposites [which] represent the completion of the Great Work and correspond to the six days of Creation, the Great Work of the absolute" (Melville 76). The hexagon in its own right is a symbol for the 'death' that is suffered as a purification, i.e. the baptism in water symbolizing death to the life of sin in readiness for the new life. The octagon used in baptismal fonts represents the eternal life itself. It seems that at Owslebury, we are looking at a preliminary stage.
    The Icosahedron is one of the Platonic solids. It represents the element of Water which is in turn related to the emotional life energy. This is interesting since the Hill Barn formation had reference to the Goddess Chalciuhtlicue who was Goddess of Bodies of Water as well as of baptism. This reference could be a reinforcement of the idea of some kind of change coming that includes a 'baptismal' purification, perhaps on the collective emotional level. Water is cleansing and life-giving. At Owslebury, the icosahedron gives the impression of a huge crystal emerging from the hexagon. This makes the next association with the hexagon interesting because one of the hexagonal crystals, the emerald, is closely related to the Moon that works on water through tidal action especially during the Full Moon phase. It is also related to the Solar Plexus Chakra that deals with the understanding of emotional life through the coming together of the intellectual and the emotional in order to keep emotional balance. This leads to the acquisition of wisdom. "The emerald is a clear conscience. It is of a like vibration to that which is within the mind of man; that which causes him to desire to give wisdom [the truth within] and love to others. It has the aspect that causes him to want to think in new depths; it causes him to want to give love to others" (Richardson 70).

    the words on the image itself must give us a clue as to the meaning of the crop circle. Felix connubium means happy or fortunate sexual union (or union of opposites). It is described as “Sceptre avec anneau, couronne et diamant” (Encyclopédie 614). In the formation, the outer crown encloses a ring and the diamond is more like the pointed head of a spear made of one larger circle with centre circle and a row of small circles diminishing in size. The diamond, like the vesica pisces can represent the Goddess. “She is still known in the East as the Diamond Sow; her yonic shrine in paradise is the Diamond Seat; and diamond can easily be read as ‘Goddess of the World’.” (Walker 508)


    Etchilhampton (2), Nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 28th July.

    more interesting comments in the link above

    Three new crop pictures at Windmill Hill, Oliver’s Castle or Etchilhampton follow similar styles, and seem to show a “countdown in days” 10-9-8 until some important event on August 4 or 5, 2012, predicted in June at Manton Drove

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 10:45 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • from:

      Planet X and ET Contact - LIVE Feature - Ann Eller - YouTube

      -------------------- now that we have more pieces of this cosmic puzzle .....let's try again deciphering this image astrologically

      we have

      A Dragon
      An Emerald
      A Cross
      A Trident (Poseidon / Atlantis / Aquarius )
      Arrow pointing Straight Up


      Mars sesquiquadrates Neptune on August 3, 2012; Mercury trines D.H. on August 3, 2012.

      Mercury quincunxes Neptune on August 4, 2012; Neptune squares Dragon’s Head on August 5, 2012.

      Mercury quincunxes Pluto; Mercury sextiles VenusMercury quincunxes Pluto on July 4, 2012; Mercury sextiles Venus on august 4, 2012; Mercury trines Uranus on august 4, 2012.

      Crop Circle at Owslebury, nr Winchester , Hampshire. Reported 29th July* 2012.

      The Icosahedron is one of the Platonic solids. It represents the element of Water which is in turn related to the emotional life energy. This is interesting since the Hill Barn formation had reference to the Goddess Chalciuhtlicue who was Goddess of Bodies of Water as well as of baptism. This reference could be a reinforcement of the idea of some kind of change coming that includes a 'baptismal' purification, perhaps on the collective emotional level. Water is cleansing and life-giving. , the emerald, is closely related to the Moon that works on water

      The Cross

      find Gate of Man and Venus ..... looks like the period of the 4th to the 10th of August

      and when Venus Meets the Camel
      or if you Prefer the Lady and the Camel (see Berber Prophecy ) June 6 2012

      the arrow
      ...still have not figured it out ..... don't hesitate to jump in if you have any idea
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 11:21 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • a bit of info update

        A flash of light changes cell activity - and understanding of disease

        ( -- With a milliseconds long flash of blue light, Yale University researchers regulated a critical type of signaling molecule within cell membranes, another illustration of the power of light-based techniques to manipulate cell functions and thus to study mechanisms of disease.

        Controlling monkey brains and behavior with light

        Researchers reporting online on July 26 in Current Biology have for the first time shown that they can control the behavior of monkeys by using pulses of blue light to very specifically activate particular brain cells. The findings represent a key advance for optogenetics, a state-of-the-art method for making causal connections between brain activity and behavior ( the sun does it already ). Based on the discovery, the researchers say that similar light-based mind control could likely also be made to work in humans for therapeutic ends.
        In the new study, the researchers focused on neurons that control particular eye movements. Using optogenetics together with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), they showed that they could use light to activate these neurons, generating brain activity and subtle changes in eye-movement behavior.

        Ecosystems reveal radiation secrets

        A new study by Tiina Tuovinen, from the University of Eastern Finland, and her colleagues casts doubt over the validity of models used to assess the impact of radiation on human health. Their work is published online in Springer's journal Hydrobiologia.
        The researchers collected data from two lakes in Northern Finland to investigate the transfer of 137Cs from lake water into fish during a twenty-year period after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Their results show that, contrary to what has been assumed until now, the transfer of the radioactive compounds is non-linear. In addition, the levels of these compounds appear to be three times higher in fish-eating species (piscivores) than in non-fish-eating species.
        fractal - definition of fractal by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

        Fractals arise in connection with nonlinear and chaotic systems, and are widely used in computer modeling of regular and irregular patterns and structures in nature, such as the growth of plants and the statistical patterns of seasonal weather.


        Stone age man had 'feminine side'

        Dr. Karina Croucher, who has studied buried remains of people living between 7,500 and 10,000 years ago across the Middle East, says the stereotypical view of how Neolithic men and women lived is wrong.
        Unlike today, she argues, it was normal for men and women to show compassion for each other- and gender was not so clearly defined.

        The researcher argues male bias in archaeology has distorted our understanding of how ancient peoples lived, in a new book published by Oxford University Press.

        Of the 40 people buried in a “death pit” in South Eastern Turkey where she was part of an excavation team, there were equal numbers of men and women.

        Her theory is also based, in part, by the find of a teenage girl’s skull buried carefully by the pit, called Kim by the team.

        The girl – between 15 and 17 years old - whose face has been reconstructed by Chris Rynn and Caroline Wilkinson, now at Dundee University with Stuart Campbell from The University of Manchester, was deeply cared for by the men and women who tended the site. The facial reconstruction creates an emotive picture of the girl who lived 7,500 years ago.

        Kim was carefully placed next to the death pit. The pit contained the fragmented remains of around 40 people, along with animal remains, pottery, flint, obsidian, and other material culture. It also displays signs of cannibalism.

        Though the finds to modern eyes are gruesome, Dr. Croucher says, they show a compassionate side to both Neolithic men and women.
        All truth is half truth
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

          Planet X and ET Contact - LIVE Feature - Ann Eller - YouTube

          -------------------- now that we have more pieces of this cosmic puzzle .....let's try again deciphering this image astrologically

          we have

          A Dragon
          An Emerald
          A Cross
          A Trident (Poseidon / Atlantis / Aquarius )
          Arrow pointing Straight Up


          Mars sesquiquadrates Neptune on August 3, 2012; Mercury trines D.H. on August 3, 2012.

          Mercury quincunxes Neptune on August 4, 2012; Neptune squares Dragon’s Head on August 5, 2012.

          Mercury quincunxes Pluto; Mercury sextiles VenusMercury quincunxes Pluto on July 4, 2012; Mercury sextiles Venus on august 4, 2012; Mercury trines Uranus on august 4, 2012.

          Crop Circle at Owslebury, nr Winchester , Hampshire. Reported 29th July* 2012.

          The Cross

          find Gate of Man and Venus ..... looks like the period of the 4th to the 10th of August

          the arrow [/I][/B]...still have not figured it out ..... don't hesitate to jump in if you have any idea

          just dawned on me

          the Arrow :

          Sagitta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Sagitta is a constellation. Its name is Latin for "arrow" , and it should not be confused with the larger constellation Sagittarius, the archer. Although Sagitta is an ancient constellation, it has no star brighter than 3rd magnitude and has the third-smallest area of all constellations (only Equuleus ( as in white Horse and Crux ( as in cross ) are smaller). It was included among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 ( HM 7 ) modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. Located to the north of the equator, Sagitta can be seen from every location on Earth except within the Antarctic circle.

          Sagitta lies within the Milky Way and is bordered by the following constellations (beginning at the north and then continuing clockwise): the little fox Vulpecula, the mythological hero Hercules, the eagle Aquila and the dolphin Delphinus.


          Sagitta's shape is reminiscent of an arrow, and many cultures have interpreted it thus, among them the Persians,[citation needed] Hebrews,[citation needed] Greeks and Romans. The Arabs called it as-Sahm, a name that was transferred Sham and now refers to α Sge only.
          a bit of geohistory for you as it is part of actual events happening

          Bilad A Sham or Country of Sagitta

          Bilad al-Sham (Arabic بلاد الشام, the country of Syria) was a Rashidun, Umayyad and later Abbasid Caliphate province, incorporating former Byzantine territories of the Diocese of the East, organized soon after the Muslim conquest of Syria in the mid 7th-century, which was completed at the decisive Battle of Yarmouk.
          indeed Syria ..... Bilad al-Sham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Historical era Middle Ages
          - Battle of Yarmouk 636
          - Fatimid expansion 10th century
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-01-2012, 03:18 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Sagitta is the third smallest constellation in the sky. It is also one of the oldest, being recognized by most cultures worldwide as an arrow for as long as arrows have been around.

            The myths and stories surrounding the arrow in the sky are many. It is often associated with other constellations such as Hercules, Aquila, Sagittarius, and others. Some say it is aimed at Cygnus, although it is certainly not aimed well at the giant swan. Some even say it is aimed at Aquila, making it some sort of strange double pointed arrow, also not aimed very well. If you trace the arrow backwards, it seems to originate from the constellation Ophiuchus, a healer who dealt with snakes, not arrows. When you trace it forward, it appears to be aimed at the winged horse, Pegasus, who had many colorful adventures, none of which had anything to do with an arrow. I like to think of the arrow the way many ancient Greeks and Romans did: as the arrow of Eros, the god of love and passion. Eros was the son of Aphrodite (Venus), and Ares (Mars). To the Romans he was known as Cupid, and those who were struck by one of his arrows were filled with romantic love, a legacy of his mother Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Unfortunately the romances did not always go well, for Eros was also the son of Ares, and Ares was the god of war.
            The Constellation Sagitta, the arrow.

            Sagitta has only one named star. It is called "Sham" which is Arabic for the arrow. Unconventionally, it is not the brightest star in the constellation. It is only the third brightest, and represents only one of the arrow's feathers. It is a G1 giant yellow star 610 light years away, with a magnitude of 4.37.
            Sagitta has one known star with a planetary system. The star is HD 231701, at a distance of 354 lightyears, and with a magnitude of 8.97, which places it well outside the limits of naked eye visibility. So far one planet the size of Jupiter has been discovered orbiting very close to this star, about half the distance of Earth from the Sun

            Ophiuchus, the overlooked zodiacal constellation | Tonight | EarthSky

            Ophiuchus is sometimes called the “13th” or “forgotten” constellation of the Zodiac. The sun passes in front of Ophiuchus from about November 29 to December 17. And yet no one ever says they’re born when the sun is in Ophiuchus. That’s because Ophiuchus is a constellation – not a sign – of the Zodiac.
            On sky maps, Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is depicted as holding Serpens the Serpent, which is considered a separate constellation. According to ancient Greek star lore, Ophiuchus is Asclepius, the physician who concocted a healing potion from the Serpent’s venom, mixing it with the Gorgon’s blood and an unknown herb. This potion gave humans access to immortality, until the god of the underworld appealed to Zeus to reconsider the ramifications of the death of death
            Even today, the Staff of Asclepius – the symbol of the World Heath Organization – pays tribute to the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-01-2012, 02:31 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe: What the Kundalini is; When She Awakens, What Then?

              p. 21


              The Kundalini, when awakened, is the giver of all power, health, wealth and success. The Kundalini feeds the baby in the mother's womb. She fulfills our every desire. She is the All in All.

              "I praise Tripura which is the treasure house of the race.

              "The Kundalini, has three angles as well as three circles, and her Bhupura is three-lined. Her Mantra is three syllables, and she has three aspects. The Kundalini energy is also threefold in order that she may create the three Gods (Brahma, the Creator, or air; Vishnu, the Preserver, or water: Rudra, the Destroyer, or fire). Since she is triple everywhere, she is Tripura."

              "O Mother of the Universe, those who praise you by the words, Mother, All in All, and Maya, will obtain all.

              "There is nothing which can not be obtained on earth or in the Heavens, by Thy Grace."

              This is as it should be, as the Kundalini is Power of Powers, Light of Lights, and All in All.
              The Kundalini is Divine static and dynamic energy. The static energy (Kundalini), is sleeping at the Muladhara (Root Chakra); the dynamic energy of the Kundalini is all over the body as Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana, and Udana. These five Vital breaths, or life forces, keep the body together. The duties of the five Pranas are as follows: Prana remains in the upper part of the body, and always moves upward; the Apana resides in the lower part of the body, or abdomen, and always flows downward; the Samana stays in the first section of the torso, digesting and distributing the food substances; the Vyana resides in the heart, and from there moves all over the body, its duty being the circulation of the blood; the Udana carries the Soul upward when the body dies.
              When the Kundalini awakens or moves, what then remains? What will become of the Kundalini? She will go to the Six Chakras and also remain at her place. As steam is converted from water by heat and again returns to it, so rises the dynamic energy of

              p. 24

              the Kundalini, which goes up to the different Chakras and returns again and again.. While she will reach to the Sahasrara, still she will be at her home at the Muladhara Chakra.

              let them resonate together .....

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Crop Circle at Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. Reported 1st August 2012.

                Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. Reported 1st August

                Crop Circle at Avebury Stone Circle, Wiltshire. Reported 1st August 2012.

                August 1, 2012 is the day of Tijax. Flint, obsidian mirror, electrical discharge, union

                As Jackal is the 13th decan which runs from approx July 23 – Aug 2, this formation is showing the day of Tijax aligning with the first day of the 14th decan which is Hunter. The decans are approximate but usually run ten days. This formation is telling us that Hunter begins today and not tomorrow. Depending on the mixture of coinciding energies, the decans can be shortened or lengthened by 1 or 2 days depending. The count of days does not change. The 20 days is the foundation.

                Hunter and Tijax each have a common symbol. It is the pointed oval shape leading the streams.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • linking a few Patterns


                  Twilight Zone Feeling to it [/B]

                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  here is an interesting find :


                  SON OF THE SUN
                  by Orfeo Angelucci

                  DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers
                  516 WEST NINTH STREET Los
                  A NGELES 15
                  , CALIFORNIA

                  this book has more a feel of an Alchemical Book to it than a UFO encounter ( imho ) ..... been engrossed in this book since we discussed it .... would recommend it as a good read for it has many beautiful truth within it


                  Messaggio di Eugenio Siragusa: I pargoletti del Sole

                  The little children of the sun

                  As I said, times are shortened and the Signs Celestial known. I recommend you take care, especially of little children of the Sun that have been entrusted. Do not fail for any reason, the intense and close relationship with their spirits, increasing the harmony of the Supreme Heavenly Will. Days of collection are approximate and purification of the Earth has become inevitable.
                  You always hope in Providence and in need, because it is true that the good will of the Father Glorioso will suit your needs right.
                  We still recommend, be pure as doves and wise as serpents . Do not underestimate the subtle and insidious art of the devil. Have insight also on the things that may seem insignificant and unimportant. I urge you, with all the anxiety that arouses my love for you, waiting to be called. I kiss on the hearts of them leaving the Light of My Father and yours. Eugenio Siragusa Nicolosi, 16/8/1989
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • the following was written in 1977 ... and yet valid today more than ever ....

                    The monstrous brain that govern the World

                    supervisors or programmers painful events of your criminal and political, economic, scientific and war know very well who they are and where they are.
                    Tensions and violence are raised by precise calculations arising from brain supervisors or programmers have of the two major powers of your planet.
                    From these institutes start corrupting forces that involve men and peoples to enable them to produce a strategy whose effects have been foreseen in advance. Corruption is the common denominator that develops the value of the force required to achieve a desired goal.
                    We can observe very closely the plans of these institutions with absolute power and unlimited availability of resources. The achievement or otherwise of a political, economic or scientific approval depends on whether or not these supervisors or programmers. A revolution or a war that is hot or cold, these will be planned, developed and fermented.
                    Their power of corruption is devilishly corroborated by a massive supply of money or concessions inside of force and domination.
                    men are corruptible their best employees to which grant assistance, protection and security of movements in each direction.
                    If the programmer decides the killing of a head of state, this can not happen.
                    on your planet is customary to say: The end justifies the means . "The supervisors already know the end when they decide to ask the programmer the means by which you must act to achieve the goal, the goal you have set.
                    elements and we know enough to act in the right moment and undermine the foundations of this pernicious evil.
                    As we have said many times, our forces are brigade.
                    We are waiting for a certain process develops according to the plans of Divine Masters who guide us and sustain us in this Work of Love and Universal Justice.
                    Our operators on Earth are many and faithful to their mission.
                    Try to Provide for because no one will be given to know the date and time of our intervention. The truth is that this will most certainly be safe and liberation.
                    Peace to all. Woodok From Cristal Bell- Nicolosi, 20 April 1977 hours 10.55

                    it seems interesting

                    now unto what was revealed to Eugenio Siragusa


                    The prestige of science prevails over the life of men? - July 5, 1971
                    The Face of yesterday is not the face of today - May 1973
                    If I cry when I leave for dead - in May 1973
                    Knowing that forever - 14 May 1973
                    Times new swamp the old days - July 11, 1974
                    I still have many things to say to you, but you can not now carry - July 12, 1974
                    Days fraught with the most spectacular events await you - 25 December 1974 - January 1, 1975
                    because I had to be and not because I wanted to be - March 19, 1976
                    If I were not as they are I could never serve My Lord - March 19, 1976
                    I marked the twelve tribes - April 6, 1976
                    "Europe will suffer a rift" - May 26, 1976
                    Your Homeland is Heaven - June 4, 1976
                    "Fifth Dimension" - June 12, 1976
                    Moses contactee - December 1976
                    I will expand the Holy Spirit ... - January 9, 1977
                    What are the "CLOUDS" - January 13, 1978
                    The imperious demands of the domain and the power - May 11, 1978
                    He has been reborn in Time - May 26, 1978
                    in relation to photographs sent by the Hubble telescope - June 1978 (The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a Space Shuttle in 1990 )
                    The Sign of Ummo - June 7, 1978
                    Letter - August 18, 1978
                    The bloodthirsty beast - October 15, 1978
                    to the renegades - 25 October 1978
                    It has been said and written "prophet in Patria Nemo" - October 27, 1978
                    Have you tried to the breaking up - March 16, 1979
                    Many are in danger of falling into the deception - March 16, 1979
                    To Whom I have brought trouble? - March 18, 1979
                    the conspirators - March 22, 1979
                    Soldier of God - June 25, 1979
                    Twelve Apostles and all males! Why? - July 1, 1979
                    Excessive tangible - November 12, 1979
                    Those of you who knew? - November 13, 1979
                    Absolute Power Thirst - November 29, 1979
                    "I returned, as I had promised" - November 29, 1979
                    We know that, We can tell you - February 9, 1980
                    "Legends" - May 4, 1980
                    It's true that ... - May 6, 1980
                    "The Ego and the Ego Lower Upper" - August 25, 1980


                    POLITICAL WORLD:

                    Dangerous place in World Politics - December 6, 1977 The Violence - April 8, 1978 Injustice arouses violence - April 19, 1978 Power and Dominion Psychological - February 11, 1982 new! For Future generations of knowledge - no date new!



                    More War - August 26, 1975 Conflict with vehicles or unmanned drone - January 26, 1978 Menace from Space - January 26, 1978

                    don't forget the perspective of the "seer" when reading
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • shall we : Kat Mandu - The Break ( 12" ). - YouTube

                      El Aguila de Oro - Capitulo III - Lecciones de Conciencia Cósmica: Preguntas de estudio

                      of cosmic consciousness III

                      "There Light At the heart
                      if the heart of life
                      burns with Love and Wisdom! "
                      as they are four the basic consciousness of the material dimension, and precisely: A) Mineral Consciousness - B) Vegetal - C) Animal - D) Humana is true that the expression of that evolutionary data, mentioned above, is accompanied by a consciousness and a psycho inherent physical-basic level. In the figure of the pyramid is, in practice, the secret documents concerning the evolution of each individual consciousness with respect to time, and movement of elements, which are the main effects of constitution dimensional material. - Mineral Consciousness develops in Plant Consciousness. - Plant Consciousness develops in Animal Awareness. - Animal Consciousness develops in Human Consciousness. A + B + C = D. A formula can not be reversed!. It is, instead, D may manifest with a particular influence of A or B, or C, not replaced, by this, the basic human consciousness is just the expression cycle maximum dimension quaternary material on the outer plane psychophysical.

                      from: the emerald tablets:

                      Three are the natures of Mind,
                      carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
                      Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
                      Thus is formed the threefold being,
                      directed from above by the power of four.
                      Four is it in qualities,
                      shining in each of the planes of existence,
                      but thirteen in one ) ,
                      the mystical number.
                      Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                      each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                      each shall channels be of the Great One.

                      It comes to me as a teacher, a yellow-faced man, who then becomes normal. I bless him three times asking who is, he is calm and sweet seriousness begins to explain:
                      "There are different types of relationship of nature to man (the man with nature), different types of relationship between matter and astral , different types of sleep, deep sleep and dream astral. " In the heart and mind of each one of us, entering the orbit of an interior illumination means not only acquiring a serenity of conscience, but to start relentlessly asking questions, as at the beginning of a series of studies strongly beyond human rationality. This series of stimuli of knowledge has always been serviced by Eugenio, even though unappreciated by who was considered close, no real answers for deepening and implementation. In the early 70's, as they could gather written and oral teachings of the various meetings, it was painfully pushed to make diagrams and synthesis.

                      SUMMARY OF THE DIMENSIONS
                      1 to Mineral Matter + = elemental psyche.
                      2 to Plant = (1) a + dynamic biopsychic vegetable growth and reproduction.
                      3 to Animal = (1) to + (2) to + animism psychic dynamics of collective, instinctive.
                      MAN FIRST = (1) to + (2) a + (3) to + Intelligence individual (Ego Sum), or Spirit.

                      Evolutionary synthesis of man into 4 parts:

                      In the cosmic sense, the dimensional changes can be represented:

                      Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe - YouTube

                      Lunatic Fringe lyrics
                      Lunatic fringe
                      I know you're out there
                      You're in hiding
                      And you hold your meetings

                      I can hear you coming
                      We know what you're after
                      We're wise to you this time
                      We won't let you kill the laughter

                      Lunatic fringe
                      In the twilight's last gleaming
                      This is open season
                      But you won't get too far

                      'Cause you gotta blame someone
                      For your own confusion
                      But I'm on guard this time
                      Against your final solution

                      We can hear you coming
                      No you're not going to win this time
                      We can hear the footsteps
                      Out along the walkway

                      Lunatic fringe
                      We all know you're out there
                      Can you feel the resistance?
                      Can you feel the thunder?
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Agrippa
                        Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

                        .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube

                        shocking the Monkey :heartbeat:

                        Gorillaz - ... Melancholy Hill (Official Video) - YouTube

                        "On Melancholy Hill"

                        Up on melancholy hill
                        There's a plastic tree
                        Are you here with me?
                        Just looking out on the day
                        Of another dream

                        Well you can't get what you want
                        But you can get me
                        So let's set up and see
                        'Cause you are my medicine
                        When you're close to me
                        When you're close to me

                        So call in the submarine
                        'round the world we'll go
                        Does anybody know
                        If we're looking out on the day
                        Of another dream?

                        If you can't get what you want
                        Then you come with me

                        Up on melancholy hill
                        A manatee?
                        Just looking out on the day
                        When you're close to me
                        When you're close to me

                        When you're close to me
                        On Melancholy Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        "On Melancholy Hill" is the third single from British alternative group Gorillaz' third studio album, Plastic Beach. The single was released on 26 July 2010.[1]

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-01-2012, 11:25 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • The monstrous brain that govern the World

                          How Will the 99% Deal with the Psychopaths in the 1%? | Alternet

                          A lot of the world's misery can be traced to people who lack the wiring for empathy. What can we do to contain the damage they cause?
                          July 26, 2012 |

                          Did you know that roughly one person in a hundred is clinically a psychopath? These individuals are either born with an emotional deficiency that keeps them from feeling bad about hurting others, or they are traumatized early in life in a manner that causes them to become this way. With more than 7 billion people on the planet that means there are as many as 70,000,000 psychopaths alive today. These people are more likely to be risk takers, opportunists motivated by self-interest and greed, and inclined to dominate or subjugate those around them through manipulative means.

                          ~ Love Gururu ~ » You Give Love A Bad Name

                          The global economy we have today is built on a deep history of top-down hierarchies that promote domination and control . There have been plenty of feudal lords, warrior chieftains, and violent dictators throughout the last 6000 years of burgeoning civilization. The modern era saw the ascension of “ corporate personhood ” as an amoral entity enshrined into law by an 1886 ruling of the US Supreme Court. This provided a new mechanism for mobilizing capital by the moneyed elites to deploy their wealth into the realm of public policy and civil society — creating the dysfunctional economic system we must now contend with as we struggle to address global challenges.

                          Chomsky: The Most Powerful Country in History Is Destroying the Earth and Human Rights as We Know Them | Alternet

                          Controlling the Desire for Democracy

                          That was 150 years ago -- in England earlier. Huge efforts have been devoted since to inculcating the New Spirit of the Age. Major industries are devoted to the task: public relations, advertising, marketing generally, all of which add up to a very large component of the Gross Domestic Product. They are dedicated to what the great political economist Thorstein Veblen called “fabricating wants.” In the words of business leaders themselves, the task is to direct people to “the superficial things” of life, like “fashionable consumption.” That way people can be atomized, separated from one another, seeking personal gain alone, diverted from dangerous efforts to think for themselves and challenge authority.
                          The process of shaping opinion, attitudes, and perceptions was termed the “engineering of consent” by one of the founders of the modern public relations industry, Edward Bernays. He was a respected Wilson-Roosevelt-Kennedy progressive, much like his contemporary, journalist Walter Lippmann, the most prominent public intellectual of twentieth century America, who praised “the manufacture of consent” as a “new art” in the practice of democracy.
                          Both recognized that the public must be “put in its place,” marginalized and controlled -- for their own interests of course. They were too “stupid and ignorant” to be allowed to run their own affairs. That task was to be left to the “intelligent minority,” who must be protected from “the trampling and the roar of [the] bewildered herd,” the “ignorant and meddlesome outsiders” -- the “rascal multitude” as they were termed by their seventeenth century predecessors. The role of the general population was to be “spectators,” not “participants in action,” in a properly functioning democratic society.
                          “rascal multitude” as in old french called them:

                          Geuzen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Geuzen (French: Les Gueux, English: the Beggars)
                          Geuzen (French: Les Gueux, English: the Beggars) was a name assumed by the confederacy of Calvinist Dutch nobles and other malcontents, who from 1566 opposed Spanish rule in the Netherlands. The most successful group of them operated at sea, and so were called Watergeuzen (French: Gueux de mer, English: Sea Beggars). In the Eighty Years' War, the Capture of Brielle by the Watergeuzen in 1572 provided the first foothold on land for the rebels, who would conquer the northern Netherlands and establish an independent Dutch Republic. They can be considered either as privateers or pirates, depending on the circumstances or motivations.[1][2]

                          Geuzen medal, cast silver
                          note the Hebrew Letters

                          All is Analogy ; Water Geuzens in this sea of Informations

                          3 Big Lies Perpetuated By the Rich | Alternet

                          And one fading illusion: People in the highest class are people of high class.

                          Scientific American and Psychological Science have both reported that wealthier people are more focused on self, and have less empathy for people unlike themselves.

                          This sense of self-interest, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and other sources , promotes wrongdoing and unethical behavior.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2012, 02:36 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Enjoy from the guys who brought you the Matrix

                            Almost Six Minute Trailer For Cloud Atlas By The Wachowskis And Tom Tykwer | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors

                            Cloud Atlas Extended Trailer #1 (2012) - Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Wachowski Movie HD - YouTube


                            Cloud Atlas is a 2004 novel, the third book by British author David Mitchell. It won the British Book Awards Literary Fiction Award and the Richard & Judy Book of the Year award, and was short-listed for the 2004 Booker Prize, Nebula Award, Arthur C. Clarke Award, and other awards.
                            The novel consists of six nested stories that take the reader from the remote South Pacific in the nineteenth century to a distant, post-apocalyptic future

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2012, 02:22 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • just a reminder

                              Solar cycle 24 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Solar Cycle 24 is the 24th solar cycle since 1755, when recording of solar sunspot activity began.[1][2] It is the current solar cycle, and began on 8 January 2008, but there was minimal activity through early 2009.[3]

                              Solar Cycle 24 = HM 6


                              out of curiosity ....

                              have you noticed how couples ( male pole / female pole ) are having quite a bit of a rough time lately .... as if they can no longer understand each other ......

                              just an observation
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2012, 07:24 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Early relationships, not brainpower, key to adult happiness

                                Positive social relationships in childhood and adolescence are key to adult well-being, according to Associate Professor Craig Olsson from Deakin University and the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Australia, and his colleagues. In contrast, academic achievement appears to have little effect on adult well-being. The exploratory work, looking at the child and adolescent origins of well-being in adulthood, is published online in Springer's Journal of Happiness Studies.

                                ------------------------ Bob Marley - Natural Mystic - YouTube

                                Rapper Snoop Dogg becomes reggae's Snoop Lion - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News

                                Snoop Dogg wants you to know that he's tired of hip-hop, is Bob Marley reincarnated and is embracing reggae instead of the culture of guns he once rapped about.

                                Also, he's got a new name: Snoop Lion.

                                The artist said at a news conference Monday in New York that he was "born again" during a visit to Jamaica in February and is ready to make music that his "kids and grandparents can listen to."

                                The former gangster rapper is releasing a reggae album called Reincarnated in the fall. He said that in Jamaica, he connected with Bob Marley's spirit and is now "Bob Marley reincarnated."

                                Bob Marley's son Rohan attended the conference and gave Snoop his blessing.

                                "I feel like I've always been Rastafarian," Snoop said of the spiritual Jamaican movement. While there, he said, he visited a temple, was renamed Snoop Lion and was also given the Ethiopian name Berhane, meaning "light of the world."

                                Snoop didn't explain why he was switching from "Dogg" to "Lion," but it's likely a reference to the Lion of Judah, a religious symbol popular in Rastafarian and Ethiopian culture.
                                5 Things About Cannabis The Media Doesnt Want You To Know | Health

                                John Lennon Recounts His UFO Sighting (Video) | Unexplained Phenomena

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-02-2012, 11:44 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

