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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
    Are you in tune with your cycle MrM?

    Good to read you S ...... Am I in Tune with my Cycle ..... I think so ... however it gets a little more complicated when you add being tuned to the Moon cycle + Solar Cycle .... It becomes a Monkey Rumble ..... it is Monkey vs Monkey

    Nasio Fontaine - Vain Thoughts - YouTube


    Strange Magic - YouTube

    Strange Magic lyrics
    You're sailing softly through the sun
    in a broken stone age dawn.
    You fly so high.
    I get a strange magic,
    oh, what a strange magic,
    oh, it's a strange magic.
    Got a strange magic,
    got a strange magic.
    You're walking meadows in my mind,
    making waves across my time,
    oh no, oh no.
    I get a strange magic,
    oh, what a strange magic,
    oh, it's a strange magic.
    Got a strange magic,
    got a strange magic.
    Oh, I'm never gonna be the same again,
    now I've seen the way it's got to end,
    sweet dream, sweet dream.
    Strange magic,
    oh, what a strange magic,
    oh, it's a strange magic.

    Got a strange magic,
    got a strange magic.
    It's magic, it's magic, it's magic.
    Strange magic,
    oh, what a strange magic,
    oh, it's a strange magic.
    Got a strange magic.
    Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
    oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
    oh, it's a strange magic.
    Got a strange magic.
    Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
    oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
    oh, it's a strange magic.
    Got a strange magic,
    got a strange magic,
    you know I got a strange magic,
    yeah, I got a strange magic,
    oo-o-o-oo, strange magic. (fade)
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 01:11 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Monkey Dance, Monkey do...

      [QUOTE=MonsieurM;204900]Good to read you S ...... Am I in Tune with my Cycle ..... I think so ... however it gets a little more complicated when you add being tuned to the Moon cycle + Solar Cycle .... It becomes a Monkey Rumble ..... it is Monkey vs Monkey

      LOL MrM, in that case I suggest some dancing, if not physical then mental via creative visualisation during meditation- let the feeling flow between the two, or if you like do the 'The Monkey Tango'


      • Book of Knowledge

        Oahspe is a book written in 1880 by an American dentist named John Ballou Newbrough [1828-1891]. He claimed that it was the result of automatic writing, dictated to him by spirits in a trance. In this trance he wrote the entire book on a very early typewriter (possibly the first such book ever written on a machine!). The spirits were very profilic; Oahspe is about four-fifths the size of the King James Bible, and more than twice the size of the Book of Mormon. Other texts archived at Sacred-texts authored via automatic writing during the 19th century include the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, and Clothed with the Sun.

        Oahspe appeared in the context of the Spiritualist movement, the Victorian predecessor of the "New Age" channelling and past life regressions. It has similarities to Theosophy, and, strangely enough, to the rumored science-fiction Scientology mythology (which, of course, has no relationship whatsoever to Oahspe or its adherents). Oahspe inspired a radically different set of spiritual beliefs, called Faithism which has a small following even today. The Faithists do not consider Oahspe the literal truth; instead they find inspiration in its many ethical and spiritual passages.
        you know it ....... going 369 on it

        Book of Knowledge

        Chapter I 46 ( HM 1 ) verses

        3. In times past Thou hast quickened seers and prophets, and through them lifted up Thy children and proclaimed other worlds! Am I more dumb than those in past ages? All the while myself and forefathers have withstood Thy mighty Presence.

        6. When I was a child I believed as a child, because it was told me; but now that I am grown up, I would know who Thy prophets were, and how they attained their gifts, and wisdom of words.

        9. I have scaled the mountain; Thy myriads of corporeal worlds that travel in the eternal sea of space! I have beholden that all the stars in heaven would not fill the hollow of Thy Hand; yea, that Thy breath moveth the universe! The glory of Thy works hath inspired me with madness to come to Thy Mighty Home!

        12. Kosmon said: Jehovih heard the voice of Tae, and answered him. He said: Let the angels of heaven go down to the earth. My blessed son called to me in wisdom and truth. And the angels of heaven descended to the earth, for it was in the time of danha in the firmament of heaven, and the angels manifested and proved the immortal life of men.

        15. If when I am dead I shall see the place, is not the germ of that sight already in me? How am I made that I see, but see not this? Hear, but hear not this? If I am now dead to that which is to be, will I not then be dead to what is not? Give me light, O Father!

        18. Two kinds of worlds have I made, corporeal and es worlds. He who desireth corpor shall receive from corpor, for he is My son, in whom I am well pleased. He who desireth from es shall receive from es, for she is my daughter in whom I am well pleased.

        21. Hear me, O Jehovih! Am I still a child, and must needs fall back on angels' testimony? Hast thou not given me an inquiring spirit that I must prove things to mine own knowledge? Verily, have I seen an angel's face and stature change to look like another person, even whilst I talked therewith. If these things are thus so subtle, cannot even our own presence mold them to truth or falsehood? Such a witness is of no value. When then, O Jehovih, shall I find growth for mine own members, that I may know the es worlds and the inhabitants thereof? I will not be appeased by merely seeing the spirits of the dead, nor by their testimony. They may call themselves God, Christ, Buddha, Brahma or Confucius, yet I will not rest on them for their word. To Thee, only, O Jehovih, will I put forth my plea. I am Thy son.

        24. Since I have seen the spirits of the dead, I will know their abiding place, how they live, how they travel, their manner of growth, their food and clothes, and how they spend heir time; whether they labor or live idly, and above all how far, and in what manner their corporeal lives had to bear on their spiritual happiness in heaven.

        27. Kosmon said: Hear me, O man, I will speak in wisdom. Follow thou my counsel and be wise. What, then, hast thou learned in all the time of earth? Canst thou tell why the grass is green, or why one rose is red and another white, or the mountains raised up, or the valleys sunken low?

        30. Tae said: I will reason with Thee, Jehovih, for all I know shall be based on science and truth. From Thine own perfection am I inspired to this end, and my talents shall be strengthened by pursuing the exact sciences of all the known truths. neither will I put away mine own judgment, nor accept for truth that which is at variance with Thy established laws.

        33. Something within me maketh me to anticipate the light and glory of what I have not seen; but I must have it tangible and demonstrated--the immaculate truth!

        36. Science is that which the ignorant look up to, but seeth not. Is a ship, science, or a stone arch, or a machine? Verily not. Is the idea of these things, science? Can an idea be science, or a multitude of ideas?

        39. Esfoma said: Hear me further, O man, for this, of all things, should stand high in thy soul. Take now, therefore, the chalk, and write thou ten for me. Tae took the chalk and wrote 10. saying, that is ten.

        42. Yet be not discouraged of the exact sciences, or of finding the truth according to thy judgment. Thou art wise to desire to attain knowledge of thine own self, and not to accept, neither from man nor angels, on belief merely; but, wherein beginneth and endeth thyself?

        45. Wherefore, then, shalt thou expect to know the laws of earth or heaven! Give ear to my words, and be wise in thy proceedings.

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Book of Knowledge

          Chapter II 52 (HM 7 ) verses

          3. Hear me, O Jehovih; I will not go back to the ancients to learn wisdom, nor will I shut up mine eyes against trying to understand. In Thee, only, have I faith. And since all other things in heaven and earth are Thine, there is none else to whom I can come justly. Give me light, O Jehovih! Thou, who gavest me myself shall answer me. What, then, is the true pursuit of man? Shall he be a beggar, and pray for light, and yet not receive it after all?

          6. Know then, thou art, and that thy body is made from the corporeal earth. Jehovih is sufficient, for Jehovih so made thee. To thee he gave the desires of the earth. Is it wise, then, to defer corporeal happiness until thou hast risen in heaven? What mattereth it to thee, whether thou art built up out of wheat and fruits or flesh? Is it not sufficient that thou canst enjoy the building thereof?

          9. Thou talkest of laws, divine and natural, but knowest no law, no divinity, no nature. Is law a thing? Whither does it keep? Thou seeth a tree grow, but puttest Jehovih away, and sayest: Behold it groweth by natural laws! Art thou ashamed of Jehovih, that thou sayest not He groweth it? Is He not sufficient? Wherefore, then, sayest thou law, save but to put Him away? Wherefore sayest thou nature, save but to put Him away and deny His Person.

          12. Thou has wisely asked: How shall a corporean's life affect his life in the next world? Hear me, then, and be wise in thy corporeal judgment. For am not I, Corpor, Jehovih's? Science is great; great learning is great; truth is great; but a greater than all is to know how to be happy. Thou shalt not put me away saying: All the earth is sin. I will not have it. For if thou profitest not in Jehovih's Person, how canst thou attain His spirit? For are not the twain His Person and His Spirit, the All One?

          15. Neither will I boast of science, nor of learning, nor of truth; nor will I deny them. For as Thy spirit is within and over all, what is science and learning, and truth but glimpses of Thy All Light?

          18. If Thou hast filled this world full of darkness and death, of darkness, and sin, and misery, what more can I hope to find in heaven? By Thy Spirit, Majesty, so am I, Thy son inspired. Are they not both the work of Thy hands?

          21. Then answered Jehovih through His son, Uz, saying:

          24. Out of the darkness man is brought forth a blank, and his entity is a spark of Jehovih. His entity will never cease to grow. Yea, from the hour of conception it is a new star in the world, and it magnifieth itself forever.

          27. Is it not unwise to say: O Jehovih, why didst Thou thus, or not thus? All thy questionings will not turn Jehovih or His plans one jot or tittle. Turn thine eyes inward, then, O Tae, and seek to adapt thyself to the Father and His kingdoms, of which this earth is one.

          30. I know that Thou hast sufficiency for all things. Give me wisdom, that I may help myself. Had I been born in darkness, the idols of my forefathers would have sufficed.

          33. I have measured the light and computed the time of its coming, and lo, they also have existed for millions of years.

          36. How, then, shall I say that Thy worlds, which have run millions of years, were created by man born two thousand years ago! Must I stop myself to blaspheme against Thee for sake of swallowing the idols of men in darkness? Forbid Thou this, O Jehovih.

          39. Jehovih heard the voice of Tae, and He answered him through His son, Seffas.

          42. Thou also hast boasted, saying: Behold our ships of war! Behold our engines and railroads, and the telegraphs. How greater and wiser are we than the ancients!

          45. To a man who never saw a hat, without a sign, or image, or symbol or an idol of one, or by one itself, how wilt thou convince him? But, if thou hast none to show him, then wilt thou make something of some corporeal in order to convey to his mind that which is in your mind.

          48. Bethink thee, now thou hast resorted to falsehood in order to convey a truth to thy friend's mind. Was such, a falsehood, if it really succeeded in conveying a truth, nor couldst thou convey the truth to thy friend, save thou wouldst have taken him to the place.

          51. Having taught man of Jehovih through stone and wood, it was necessary, next, to teach him by means of spirit, that Jehovih was disassociated from the earth, otherwise man would not have desire to rise to the heavens in etherea. To this end man was taught that Jehovih's sons had ascended and were sitting at His right hand.

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Book of Knowledge

            Chapter III 44 (HM 8 ) verses

            3. But I had not done a hand's turn with all my inventions and discoveries to better the poor and unlearned. What, then, is the measure of the good I have done more than the ancients?

            6. When I called for light, it was for myself, and was void before Thee. I had raised up my voice against prayer lest I appear as a beggar in Thy presence. What, more, then, is any man, but a living prayer? One desireth riches, one power, one wisdom, one love, one food, and one rest. Henceforth, then, I will pray for nothing, but accept whatever Thou bestoweth. Yet how can I restrain myself? Do I not desire to know Thy heavens in the firmament? To find a way whereby I may come to the spirits of the wise men of olden time?

            9. Kosmon said: And Jehovih touched Tae on the forehead, and his spirit sense was opened. And Esfoma came and brought Tae a lava-stone, saying: Lay this on thy forehead. Tae laid the lava-stone on his forehead, but he saw it not.

            12. Tae said: I will lay it on my forehead, where the light cometh. And when he had done this he read the record without opening it.

            15. Have I not said of old: All things shall be revealed! Think not that a messenger will come, loud speaking, for man would not believe; but I quickened the righteous with Mine own hand, and they will comprehend without belief.

            18. Tae said: Now will I cultivate this talent Jehovih hath given me, for I perceive it lieth closely to the es'ean worlds. Was it not for the cultivation of this sense that Samuel of old founded a college of prophecy? And did not Zarathustra do so also?

            21. Then went Tae forth, that he might comprehend unseen things; and the light of Jehovih went with him, and angels also.

            24. Now, when Tae departed and came to a temple where Buddhans were worshipping, Kosmon said: What beholdest thou? And Tae answered, saying: Even as in the other place, mortals and spirits worshipping, and the same light is upon them both.

            27. Jehovih caused Tae then to go to a place of pollution, and when Tae had beholden all, he said: Alas, that mine eyes have beholden this day! Both peoples are the same! And there came into the place the son of a rich man and the son of a king, and the spirits of darkness went and fondled them, but the young men saw them not. But their flesh was moved upon, for they lived for the flesh's sake, and they fell in sin. And when the young men departed out of the place of evil, lo and behold, many of the spirits of pollution went with them,

            30. Tae said: Thou art just, O Jehovih! The gift of suis has made me strong in righteousness, and filled me with fear also. I perceive how Thou hast measured the lovers of earthly things, and meted to them the companions they have chosen. Herein doth it devolve on me to develop suis in my sons and daughters, and in all children whom I can raise up, and in time to come neither the good or evil that is in any man can escape their observation. Is not this the foundation of prophecy?

            33. Tae said: Now do I perceive, O Jehovih, I must avoid the imprint of evil things in order to attain Thy higher light. Is not this the true course to raise up my sons and daughters? For of what benefit in the world is suis if it remain amidst clouds. Tae withdrew from the world, taking his sons and daughters with him, besides orphans and infants without number. And he built a home in the country, and founded a college of suis, teaching the exercise of both the spiritual senses and the corporeal senses.

            36. Es said: For thy good works thou hast enlisted angels from the second heaven (etherea). Hear me, O Tae, and be wise in thy judgment. Whilst thou wert in the world and with it, thy voice of prayer rose not, but wasted itself amidst familiar spirits and mortals. The impressions of these being around about thee, transcend all other powers in thy soul. But now that thou hast freed thyself from the presence of them who live for earthly things alone, thou art open to receive the Father.

            39. Jehovih giveth to another oratory and music by means of spirit power. Let such a person not fall back on spirit alone, but diligently pursue also corporeal knowledge on oratory and music. This is Kosmon.

            42. To attain to Kosmon is to find the secret of prophecy. Think not that prophecy can be attained without diligence in pursuing knowledge. As thou wouldst from corporeal knowledge foretell an eclipse, so from es knowledge shalt thou fore-tell and past-tell the nations of the earth. Yet all knowledge, corporeal or es'ean, is compatible with general principles, and one may lead to unfolding the other.

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Book of Knowledge

              Chapter IV 40 (HM 4 ) verses

              3. And Tae divided the time of the tablet according to the darkness and the light of the period, and for four hundred years prior, and it was in all, three thousand four hundred years.

              6. Thus did Tae determine that an arc was three thousand years, but that the dan'ha varied from fifty to six hundred years.

              9. Again Tae subdivided the thirty-third year into eleven, and he found the variation one in ninety-nine years. Then sorrow came upon his soul, and he cried out unto the Father.

              12. Tae then cast aside the philosophy of this day, proved the attraction of the corporeal worlds do not exceed seven diameters, each of its own, but many of them less than two. And he measured the satellites and their distances from their central corpor, and he perceived the diameters of the vortices could be determined by the loss or gain in the velocity of the satellites.

              15. And Tae measured the past cycles for twenty-four thousand years, and the sons and daughters of Jehovih were with him, contributing every one a part.

              18. Hak was second born, and then Semu, and they covered the earth abroad with asu, till hotu came, and Jehovih ceased creating new living things; and the second time of the earth was hotu,

              21. It came to pass, that when the earth had entered into the thirty-third year of the arc of Kosmon in the etherean firmament, Jehovih spake out of the midst of heaven, and there were quickened up those whom His holy angels had prepared to hear the Father's voice.

              24. And I will quicken Tae and he shall be as a new race on the earth, practicing holiness by good works, and by associative labor; dwelling in peace and love with one another, abnegating self in all things; for of such are My kingdoms; and Tae shall lay the foundation thereof upon the earth.

              27. For Jehovih had said: In that day shall each and every one be as a covenant with Me, speaking and conversing with Me. They shall be as seers and prophets themselves, making their own sacred books, rites and ceremonies; and these shall stand above all else that have ever been.

              30. So he made plates and tables of the firmament above, for even as they reveal the past, they also become as an index to what will happen on the earth for the next three thousand years, and they unfold the conditions of nations now on the earth and show what will be their places in heaven.

              33. Seek not to disprove Him; seek not to prove that these things cannot be; seek not to deny His Person or Spirit. Of such was my bondage. In bitterness of heart was I bound in darkness. For those who deny, those who try to disprove His voice, are in darkness.

              36. Are there not those who hear and see the spirits of the dead? This is suis. But ethe lieth higher. This is hearing Jehovih, seeing His hand.

              39. This is the secret, O man: This is the attuning of thyself with Him. Seek, then, to make Him thine own holy book. Art thou as a servant coming to a master to read and write letters for thee? Such is not Kosmon.

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • skipping straight to chp VI

                Chapter VI 49 ( 13 / HM 4 ) Verses

                3. As a man liveth on earth, acquiring perfections or imperfections in spirit, so will he enter the es world at death.

                6. A new world is open to him, full of light and splendor, having a fitness to his spirit, even more gloriously real than the corporeal world was to his mortal part.

                9. Spirit existeth within corporea, and by this means are the dead enabled to manifest to the living. However, to such of the living who have no consciousness of their own spirit, the spirits of the dead cannot manifest intelligently.

                12. To the long suffering and to the weary, who are upright of heart, death is a doorway to a world of bliss, of rest, and love.

                15. The rich man entereth the es world at the door of his bank. In the bank he tarrieth all day. At night he wandereth up and down. He meeteth another rich man; they shake hands but speak not. Then he goeth forth. In the morning he is in the door of his bank again, and all day he loitereth around about. He worrieth at the manner of clerks; he feareth his widow will come to want, or that his bank will soon run low. He seeth the glory of the spirit world, but he cannot enter it. The servants that washed his clothes stand fairer than he. Yea, he is abashed for the whiteness of their raiment and the light of their souls; and so he turneth and hideth in his bank again.

                18. And yet the depth is not full. In a stately mansion a woman of high caste is dead. And it was said she was blessed, because since not having borne children, ease and glory were at her command. And now, with curious mirth and some envy, the spirits of other women who were outcasts come to behold the newborn spirit of the leader of fashion. And as they turn about, nurses come with children born from her body and her spirit, by abortion cast into heaven, even in Jehovih's face accursed: A curtain of black death that will not away, choketh her. To the left, the right, or up and down, there is nothing but the wail of sweet babes - Mother, why murderest thou me? Was I not Jehovih's gift? The woman of fashion hides but is not hidden, even the soiled outcasts are white beside her; like a woman that is crushed but cannot die, she squirmeth and writheth in the kingdom she built with her own hands.

                21. What spirit is this that glutteth itself in the slaughter house? He was a gormandizer; he is dead. He goeth from saloon to saloon sniffing the air of roasted viands, and fat meats, and of wines; the smell of the fat man is his delight; and the woman that rejoiceth in sin, rare flesh and fat soups, is as a cushion for him to roll upon. One saith: I never come into this saloon but I recollect him that is dead; he so loved this place: And the other saith: I believe his spirit loitereth here still else why do we so oft think of him. And thereupon they gorge themselves, even whilst the spirit of the dead feedeth on the atmospherean part. This is all the heaven he sought on earth, and Jehovih gave it to him.

                24. The recluse, with a new philosophy and scheme of diet, but aimless and of little producing, to benefit anything under the sun, is dead. The breath of mortals was poison to him, and all human influence to be avoided as poison infecting his most holy spirit. Here again gather nymphs and fairies to see his spirit make its etherean flight. As mortals gather around a pretender that promises to sail a balloon around the world, so gather these jocose and mischief loving spirits in the house of the recluse, to see his promised ascent. He will show them how the higher spheres in heaven are reached; he would not deign even in mortal life to commune with the spirits of the dead. None so low for him! But now he is dead and his spirit limps and trembles in his hovel, still boasting. And as he produced nothing in the corporeal world, so produceth he nothing still; but boasteth and secludeth, secludeth and boasteth; and this is his heaven, day and night.

                27. And Jehovih went far and near swiftly, quickening with a new power, both the living and the dead. And the peoples raised up, and heard His voice from every corner, calling: Come forth! Come forth! O My beloved! And it was not like any sound under the sun, for it reached deep into the souls of men.

                30. Jehovih said: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand! And the dead came forth as if out of their graves, but clothed in the raiment of heaven; and they walked upon the earth; yea, face to face talked with the living, proclaiming the fullness of Jehovih and His everlasting kingdoms.

                33. And yet the voice of Jehovih called: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand.

                36. Jehovih said: Bring forth the legions of earth and heaven! Summon up the dead! Let the living rejoice! My kingdom is at hand!

                39. And still the upraised of earth and heaven, with one voice, cried out: All hail, O Jehovih! Thou art mighty! Thou alone, shall prevail!

                42. But the beast with his countless millions, was cast out from the earth. As a long black cloud, riven and broken, floating, floating, floating, it passed away, and was seen no more! Nor was there more any God known upon the earth. But Jehovih rose supreme in every land; and all people under the sun sang anthems of glory to His name:

                45. For one man worshipped science, and it was his beast; one worshipped riches, and it was his beast; one fashion, and it was her beast; another lust, and it was his; another worshipping nothing, and it was his beast; now all these and of such like order, continued to do the same things after death, for that which they had builded up on earth became as a living entity within them, and they could not put it away. This was the first resurrection, being the birth of unclean man into the spirit world.

                48. These things hast thou witnessed; that the spirits of the first birth discourse on the things of the earth, and of marriage and begetting; not having risen even to the second resurrection. Their hope and belief in heaven is to re-enter wombs and be born again, teaching reincarnation, ministering to the proclivities of lust in mortals; inspiring visions of sexual desires and practices in heaven. For all such spirits have not risen up from the earth, and know no other abode, but to revel and glut themselves in corporeal debauchery. And many of them boastingly, and in darkness teach falsely that spirits in heaven beget sons and daughters, and even that sons and daughters reincarnate themselves in mortal flesh, becoming children of the earth.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                  LOL MrM, in that case I suggest some dancing, if not physical then mental via creative visualisation during meditation- let the feeling flow between the two, or if you like do the 'The Monkey Tango'

                  Lol ... funny you mention that as it is actually one of the methods i use ... to let the vibe flow .... usually not alone when i imagine it / project myself

                  GOTAN PROJECT - SANTA MARIA (Album - La revancha del tango) - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 02:46 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Gotan Project - Whatever Lola Wants (lyrics) - YouTube

                    Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
                    And little man, little Lola wants you
                    Make up your mind to have no regrets
                    Recline yourself, resign yourself, you're through

                    I always get what I aim for
                    And your heart and soul is what I came for

                    Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
                    Take off your coat
                    Don't you know you can't win?

                    You're no exception to the rule
                    I'm irresistible, you fool
                    Give in!

                    Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets

                    I always get what I aim for
                    And your heart and soul is what I came for

                    Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets
                    Take off your coat
                    Don't you know you can't win?

                    You're no exception to the rule
                    I'm irresistible, you fool
                    Give in!
                    Give in!
                    Give in!

                    Tin Hinan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    pay attention to the colrs and placement of the warriors in the background

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 04:16 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Just wanted to let you know a healthy diet ( on the alkaline side : do your homework ) helps increase the effect of the plant on your body

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Here is an interesting find :


                      Agrippa on the Lunar Things

                      so a little search on Agnus Castu, :

                      Vitex agnus-castus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Lunar Influences on the Reproductive Cycle in Women

                      . Agrippa knew this....
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Check this out ....... relate then to Modern events around the World :

                        Agrippa on the Things Ruled by Mars

                        CHAPTER XXXI.
                        How Provinces, and Kingdoms are Distributed to Planets.

                        Mars with Aries governs Brittany, France, Germany, Bastarnia, the lower parts of Syria, Idumea and Judea; with Scorpio he rules Syria, Comagena, Cappadocia, Metagonium, Mauritania and Getulia

                        Mars in Scorpio ~ The Astrology Place

                        CHAPTER XLVII. ( 47 )
                        What Places are Suitable to Every Star

                        To Mars, fiery and bloody places, furnacnes, bakehouses, shambles, places of execution and and places where there have been great battles fought and slaughters made and the like.


                        As Above so Below
                        Things are Martiall, amongst Elements, Fire, together with all adust, and sharp things: Amongst humours, Choller ; also bitter tasts, tart, and burning the tongue, and causing tears:
                        Amongst Metals, Iron, and red Brass; and all fiery, red, and sulphureous things: Amongst Stones the Diamond, Loadstone, the Blood-stone, the Jasper, the stone that consists of divers kinds, and the Amethist.
                        Amongst Plants and Trees, Hellebor, Garlick, Euphorbium, Cartabana, Armoniack, Radish, the Laurell, Wolfs-bane, Scammony, and all such as are poysonous, by reason of too much heat, and those which are beset round about with prickles, or by touching the skin, burn it, prick it, or make it swell, as Cardis, the Nettle, Crow-foot,
                        Aand such as being eaten cause tears, as Onyons, Ascolonia, Leeks, Mustardseed, and all thorny Trees, and the Dog-tree, which is dedicated to Mars.
                        And all such Animals as are warlike, ravenous, bold, and of clear fancy, as the Horse, Mule, Goat, Kid, Wolf, Libard, the wild Ass; Serpents also, and Dragons full of displeasure and poyson; also all such as are offensive to men, as Gnats, Flies, Baboon, by reason of his anger.
                        All such birds, that are ravenous, devour flesh, break bones, as the Eagle, the Faulcon, the Hawk, the Vultur; and those which are called the fatall Birds, as the Horn-Owl, the Scrich-Owl, Castrels, Kites, and such as are hungry, and ravenous, and such as make a noise in their swallowing, as Crows, Daws, the Pie, which above all the rest is dedicated to Mars.
                        And amongst fishes, the Pike, the Barbell, the Fork-fish, the Fish that hath horns like a Ram, the Sturgeon, the Glacus, all which are great devourers, and ravenous.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 06:24 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe - YouTube

                          Lunatic Fringe lyrics
                          Lunatic fringe
                          I know you're out there
                          You're in hiding
                          And you hold your meetings

                          I can hear you coming
                          We know what you're after
                          We're wise to you this time
                          We won't let you kill the laughter

                          Lunatic fringe
                          In the twilight's last gleaming
                          This is open season
                          But you won't get too far

                          'Cause you gotta blame someone
                          For your own confusion
                          But I'm on guard this time
                          Against your final solution

                          We can hear you coming
                          No you're not going to win this time
                          We can hear the footsteps
                          Out along the walkway

                          Lunatic fringe
                          We all know you're out there
                          Can you feel the resistance?
                          Can you feel the thunder?

                          Darkside Blues - YouTube

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 10:07 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from:

                            Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                            Amateur astronomers around the world are monitoring a gigantic filament of magnetism on the sun. If one end of the filament were on Earth, the other end would reach all the way to the Moon. The dimensions of the structure make it an easy target for amateur solar telescopes. Richard Fleet sends this picture from his backyard observatory in Wiltshire, England.

                            This filament is filled with billions of tons of plasma, yet it has remained suspended above the surface of the sun for days. Such a massive structure, buffeted as it is by winds and currents in the sun's atmosphere, is unlikely to remain stable much longer. If the filament collapses, it could crash into the surface of the sun and spark a powerful type of explosion called a Hyder flare. Amateur astronomers are encouraged to monitor developments.

                            Hyder Flare
                            IPS - The Sun and Solar Activity - Hyder Flares

                            wow ....... .... Impressive IndianaBoys

                            hyder ...... hyder

                            Hyderabad | Define Hyderabad at

                            Hai·dar·a·bad   [hahy-der-uh-bahd, -bad, hahy-druh-] Show IPA

                            HAIDAR (حيدر). Arabic name, derived from the vocabulary word haidar/heydar, meaning "lion." (The Vazir of Lankuran: a Persian Play, Haggard- Le Strange, 1882). Haidar Ali Moulwi, of Faizabad, author of the Muntahi-ul-Kalam and several other works. (A Oriental Biographical Dictionary, Beale, 1881). Also spelled Haider and Heydar.

                            Ash-Shams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Surah 91. The Sun
                            HM 1 15 verses HM 6

                            Sūrat al-Shams (Arabic: الشمس‎ aš-Šams, The Sun) is the 91st sura of the Qur'an with 15 ayat. It opens with a series of solemn oaths sworn on various astronomical phenomena, the first of which, "by the sun", gives the sura its name, then on the human soul itself. It then describes the fate of Thamud, a formerly prosperous extinct Arab tribe. The prophet Saleh urged them to worship God alone, and commanded them in God's name to preserve a certain she-camel ; they disobeyed and continued to reject his message, and God destroyed them all except those who had followed Salih.

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 09:59 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • IndianaBoys , is there a way to see if the solar triangle is still visible .... and if so where the filament would be relative to the solar triangle

                              would be curious to see that

                              here is a nice website to find the coordinates (maybe ) of the solar triangle and the solar snake

                              Solar Rotation

                              the regions of the Sun near its equator rotate once every 25 days. The Sun's rotation rate decreases with increasing latitude, so that its rotation rate is slowest near its poles. At its poles the Sun rotates once every 36 days !

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-07-2012, 10:56 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • did you know a william Shakespear helped establish the Al Saud ( as in saudi arabia ) family to power ..... now this is a nice Flunkch


                                Captain William Henry Irvine Shakespear (29 October 1878 - 24 January 1915), was an English civil servant and explorer who mapped uncharted areas of Northern Arabia and made the first official British contact with Ibn Sa'ud, future king of Saudi Arabia. He was the military adviser to Ibn Saud from 1910 to 1915, when he was shot and killed in the Battle of Jarrab by one of Ibn Rashid's men.
                                thanks to the British Empire which belonged to Monkey Boys : the khazars

                                ( when you read the article replace jewish with Khazar )

                                aangirfan: JEWISH CONTROL OF SAUDI ARABIA

                                The Atlantean Conspiracy - 44

                                The Jungle Book - I wanna be like you w/lyrics - YouTube

                                Now I'm the king of the swingers
                                Oh, the jungle VIP
                                I've reached the top and had to stop

                                And that's what botherin' me
                                I wanna be a man, mancub
                                And stroll right into town
                                And be just like the other men
                                I'm tired of monkeyin' around!

                                Oh, oobee doo
                                I wanna be like you
                                I wanna walk like you
                                Talk like you, too
                                You'll see it's true
                                An ape like me
                                Can learn to be humen too

                                Gee, cousin Louie
                                You're doin' real good

                                Now here's your part of the deal, cuz
                                Lay the secret on me of man's red fire

                                But I don't know how to make fire

                                Now don't try to kid me, mancub
                                I made a deal with you
                                What I desire is man's red fire
                                To make my dream come true
                                Give me the secret, mancub
                                Clue me what to do
                                Give me the power of man's red flower
                                So I can be like you

                                I wanna be like you
                                I wanna talk like you
                                Walk like you, too
                                You'll see it's true
                                Someone like me
                                Can learn to be
                                Like someone like me
                                Can learn to be
                                Like someone like you
                                Can learn to be
                                Like someone like me!

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-08-2012, 01:23 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

