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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • It seems there is a link between today's solar flare and Iran's earthquake

    Two quakes in Iran kill 180 and injure 1,500 | Reuters


    Solar flares online — August 11, 2012

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • just a side note :

      when you consider the Yugas ( Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) and apply them to the evolution of words and connotations attached to them ....

      Satya Yuga:- Virtue reigns supreme. Human stature was 21 cubits. Average human lifespan was 100,000 years.
      Treta Yuga: - There was 3 quarter virtue & 1 quarter sin. Normal human stature was 14 cubits. Average human lifespan was 10,000 years.
      Dwapar Yuga: - There was 1 half virtue & 1 half sin. Normal human stature was 7 cubits. Average human lifespan was 1000 years.
      Kali Yuga: - There was 1 quarter virtue & 3 quarter sin. Normal human stature was 3.5 cubits. Average human lifespan will be 100 years. Towards the end of the Yuga this will come down to 20 years.

      for instance :

      Serpent :

      1 Symbolic values frequently assigned to serpents
      1.1 Fertility and rebirth
      1.2 Guardianship

      1.3 Poison and medicine
      1.4 Vengefulness and vindictiveness (today's view)

      let's try another S

      Sex: History of human sexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      India played a significant role in the history of sex, from writing one of the first literature that treated sexual intercourse as a science,

      In the I Ching (The Book of Changes, a Chinese classic text dealing with divination) sexual intercourse is one of two fundamental models used to explain the world. With neither embarrassment nor circumlocution, Heaven is described as having sexual intercourse with Earth.
      In what is often called the world's first novel, the Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji), which dates back to around the eighth century AD, eroticism is treated as a central part of the aesthetic life of the nobility.
      In ancient Greece, the phallus, often in the form of a herma, was an object of worship as a symbol of fertility.
      The citizen's duty to control his body was central to the concept of male sexuality in the Roman Republic.[6]
      etc..... Myth: Erotica is a 20th Century Invention

      until today .... sex has become a commodity like a bushel of wheat .... two ingredients of human society that should not be seen as such

      follow the Money ....
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-12-2012, 04:50 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • a thought for you ,

        many will see the Patterns forming around us as Bad Omen (maybe for some ) but what you have to understand is that the solution to some of the Situation won't be found in Science ( as we know it today ) but within the more Ethereal Fringe Science :

        ie : Orgon / Chi / Prana

        be it to fight drought ( cloud buster ) , to heal (crystals / UV ) , etc....

        you will be forced to face the invisible .... let the blind see and the deaf hear

        on this note time to pdf Print ....if you are using google chrome :

        Quick Tip: Printing to PDF in Google Chrome | Legal Loudspeaker

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Did you know :

          List of gravity hills - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          A gravity or magnetic hill is a place where a slight downhill slope appears to be an uphill slope due to the layout of the surrounding land, creating the optical illusion that water flows uphill or a car left out of gear will roll uphill, among others. Many of these sites have no specific name and are instead often simply referred to as 'Gravity Hill' or 'Magnetic Hill'.
          and they are found all around the World ...with some Legends attached to them :

          Placer County: Highway 20 about 4 miles west of the Interstate 80 junction. A Pacific Gas & Electric company canal crosses under the highway and appears to westbound travelers to flow uphill to the left[59]
          Whittier: Site at cemetery in Whittier, on Workman Mill Rd., near Rio Hondo Community College[60]
          San Diego: The exit ramp in Mira Mesa/Sorrento Valley while going 805-S is a gravity hill. Testers should be cautious, considering it is a freeway exit.[61]
          Santa Cruz, California; at 465 Mystery Spot Road off of Branciforte Dr. near Highway 17 within the redwood forest. A tourist attraction called Mystery Spot is operated at the site.[62][63]
          Petaluma: (Located in Sonoma County) From US 101 Freeway, take Rohnert Park Expressway east to Petaluma Hill Road. Petaluma Hill Road south to Roberts Road. Roberts road east to Lichau Road. At an iron gate with the words, "Gracias San Antonio", is the start of the gravity hill section (on the western slope of *Sonoma Mountain near the Fairfield Osborn Preserve).[61]
          Rome (Lazio) - Between Albano and Nemi lakes, called 'Ariccia's downhill'.[30] Coming from Rocca di Papa (little town near Rome), driving forward Ariccia direction, acrossing "via dei laghi" you'll get on the ss218, after 100 meeters you are on the "magic downhill".
          Downhill near Roccabruna (Piedmont).[31]
          The "mirage" slope in Montagnaga[32]
          Saudi Arabia
          Wadi al Jinn (Valley of Jinns) in Madinah.[45][46][47]

          Contents [hide]
          1 Australia
          2 Brazil
          3 Canada
          4 China
          5 Dominican Republic
          6 Czech Republic
          7 France
          8 Germany
          9 Guatemala
          10 India
          11 Ireland
          12 Isle of Man
          13 Indonesia
          14 Italy
          15 Korea
          16 Lebanon
          17 Malaysia
          18 Mexico
          19 Oman
          20 Philippines
          21 Portugal
          22 Romania
          23 Saudi Arabia
          24 Serbia
          25 South Korea
          26 United Kingdom
          26.1 England
          26.2 Scotland
          26.3 Northern Ireland
          27 United States
          27.1 Alabama
          27.2 Alaska
          27.3 Arkansas
          27.4 California
          27.5 Florida
          27.6 Georgia
          27.7 Kentucky
          27.8 Massachusetts
          27.9 Michigan
          27.10 Missouri
          27.11 New Jersey
          27.12 New York
          27.13 North Carolina
          27.14 Ohio
          27.15 Oklahoma
          27.16 Oregon
          27.17 Pennsylvania
          27.18 South Dakota
          27.19 Texas
          27.20 Utah
          27.21 Washington
          27.22 Wisconsin

          ps: don't forget your Dowsing Rod

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-12-2012, 05:56 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • If you are familiar with Rumi .... what was the Name of his Mystic Teacher and from where

            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            It seems there is a link between today's solar flare and Iran's earthquake

            Two quakes in Iran kill 180 and injure 1,500 | Reuters


            Solar flares online — August 11, 2012

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from :

              from a great Master:

              Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.
              Bruce Lee

              I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine.
              Bruce Lee

              If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
              Bruce Lee

              It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.
              Bruce Lee

              Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
              Bruce Lee

              Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.
              Bruce Lee

              Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.
              Bruce Lee

              Obey the principles without being bound by them.
              Bruce Lee

              Wu Tang Clan - Triumph- Killer Bees - YouTube

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • a bit of food for brain:

                Study finds how stress, depression can shrink the brain

                Major depression or chronic stress can cause the loss of brain volume, a condition that contributes to both emotional and cognitive impairment. Now a team of researchers led by Yale scientists has discovered one reason why this occurs — a single genetic switch that triggers loss of brain connections in humans and depression in animal models.

                Good news: Migraines hurt your head but not your brain

                Migraines currently affect about 20 percent of the female population, and while these headaches are common, there are many unanswered questions surrounding this complex disease. Previous studies have linked this disorder to an increased risk of stroke and structural brain lesions, but it has remained unclear whether migraines had other negative consequences such as dementia or cognitive decline. According to new research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), migraines are not associated with cognitive decline.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • now check this out ..... talking about esoteric :

                  WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Surveillance Cameras Around the Country Are Being Used In a Huge Spy Network Ca, page 1

                  Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it’s the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community
                  haven't we covered the subject of Abraxas Stones .... these dudes seem to truly believe they are GODS ..... .... guess they are in for a surprise .... don't forget all their might is based on electricity

                  ---------------------- from :

                  It is not the first time i meet this word ABRAXAS

                  Abrasax (Gk. ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ, which is far more common in the sources than the variant form Abraxas, ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ) was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the “Great Archon” (Gk., megas archōn), the princeps of the 365 spheres (Gk., ouranoi).[1] In Gnostic cosmology, the 7 letters spelling its name represent each of the 7 classic planets—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.[2]

                  The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration. The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.

                  There are similarities and differences between such figures in reports about Basilides' teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Opinions abound on Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon.[3] The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung wrote a short Gnostic treatise in 1916 called The Seven Sermons to the Dead, which called Abraxas a God higher than the Christian God and Devil, that combines all opposites into one Being.
                  The name occurs in the Refutation of all Heresies (vii. 26) by Hippolytus, who appears in these chapters to have followed the Exegetica of Basilides. After describing the manifestation of the Gospel in the Ogdoad and Hebdomad, he adds that the Basilidians have a long account of the innumerable creations and powers in the several 'stages' of the upper world (diastemata), in which they speak of 365 heavens and say that "their great archon" is Abrasax, because his name contains the number 365, the number of the days in the year; i.e. the sum of the numbers denoted by the Greek letters in ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ according to the rules of isopsephy is 365:

                  Α = 1, Β = 2, Ρ = 100, Α = 1, Σ = 200, Α = 1, Ξ = 60
                  365 = HM 5 = 5 - High Priest

                  Obscure ardens (Burning darkly)
                  Apollo; Helios, Sol; Shamash.
                  1+5 = Love+Father (Water); 3+2 = Family+Father (Fire).
                  1+4+3 = Love+Holy+Male.
                  Greek Letter = Wau (Digamma):
                  Wruomai = to redeem, cure, heal, save, deliver.
                  I:I Name: Li = the Clinging. Image: Fire, Lightning, Sun. The Second Son, associated with giving light, attention and awareness. East in the Earlier Heaven.
                  Some parts at least of the figure above mentioned are solar symbols, and the Basilidian Abrasax is manifestly connected with the sun / Shamash .
                  Abrasax stones

                  A vast number of engraved stones are in existence, to which the name "Abrasax-stones" has long been given. One particularly fine example was included as part of the Thetford treasure from fourth century Norfolk, UK. The subjects are mythological, and chiefly grotesque, with various inscriptions, in which ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ often occurs, alone or with other words. Sometimes the whole space is taken up with the inscription. In certain obscure magical writings of Egyptian origin ἀβραξάς or ἀβρασάξ is found associated with other names which frequently accompany it on gems;[6] it is also found on the Greek metal tesseræ among other mystic words. The meaning of the legends is seldom intelligible: but some of the gems are amulets; and the same may be the case with nearly all.
                  Incantations by mystic names were characteristic of the hybrid Gnosticism planted in Spain and southern Gaul Pyrennee Mountains at the end of the fourth century and at the beginning of the fifth, which Jerome connects with Basilides, and which (according to his Epist., lxxv.) used the name Abrasax. Cathars and Alumbrados
                  The attempts to discover a derivation for the name, Greek, Hebrew, Coptic, or other, have not been entirely successful:
                  a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                  time to learn All is Analogy

                  Sage Francis - Clickety Clack - YouTube

                  Clickety clack, clickety clack
                  Gather my things, and I quickly attack
                  Sword in my sheath, knife in my back
                  Keep enemies closer than where friends are at

                  Rose in my mouth, the petals are black
                  One armored suit, the metal's intact
                  Come fully strapped with a skull wooly hat
                  Just picture that, clickety clack
                  Now I find my location and unfold a map
                  My index inspects it and follows the path
                  My horse is on loan, and I borrowed a staff
                  From some mystical wizard, I will give it back
                  But I'm off to the races, my face has got cracks
                  Worn out and weathered like a red leather mask
                  I've been through the storm, future, present and past
                  Light as a feather, swift as a cat
                  Cold as a rock, you know not what you nicked from my sack
                  Little bastard, you'll get skinned for that
                  And you'll swim with the fishes once I finish this task
                  No strings attached, clickety clack


                  Kicked myself in the ass for not bringing my axe
                  But I've got the flash paper and one single match
                  Light won't escape me, a fire will catch
                  You'll beg and you'll plead, you'll scream and you'll scratch
                  But nothing can save you, you need to relax
                  I'll keep you alive for a while, feed you scraps
                  Love you like you deserve love, with some smacks
                  A kick and a slap, clickety clack
                  It's no longer personal, I'm simply detached
                  From what's hurtful, I need to keep my business exact
                  Separate beings, I can see our differences are vast
                  And I can't bridge the gap, clickety clack
                  Built a rickety raft out of twigs and some grass
                  And I made it to shore just before it collapsed
                  Salute to this mission, take swigs from your flask
                  Tilt your glass, pick your poison, I'm poised to be fast
                  On your scent, picked it up just by sniffin' the tracks
                  Kept my ear to the ground and heard snickers and laughs
                  Adding insult to injury for your criminal acts
                  Now the cost of your freedom is a liberty tax


                  You should have known better than to be mingling with rats
                  Got a lead to your shack from some gypsies in the trash
                  Cryptic interactions, I asked them to stick to facts
                  Made a trade and gave them everything that I packed
                  Now there's a brick through your window, kid, sift through the glass
                  Notice the note in which the brick was wrapped
                  Explaining that I know how you're quick to the dash
                  But it won't be very long before you slip in my trap
                  Like a moth to the flame with its wings in the wax
                  It's hard to escape with your limbs in a cast
                  Your heart will deflate when your wrists both get slashed
                  And gradually I snap these synapses in half
                  Magnificent crescendo, the cymbals all crash
                  You'll pay for your deeds, but we don't accept cash
                  We will mix and match this for that, tit for tat
                  Gonna get it, get it back, gonna getcha getcha back


                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2012, 12:12 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Human the Death Dance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Human the Death Dance is the third studio album by Sage Francis, released on Epitaph Records in 2007.
                    1. Growing Pains
                    2. Underground For Dummies
                    3. Civil Obedience
                    4. Got Up This Morning
                    5. Good Fashion
                    6. Clickety Clack
                    7. Midgets and Giants
                    8. Broccoli Break
                    9. High Step
                    10. Keep Moving
                    11. Water Line
                    12. Black Out On White Night
                    13. Hell Of A Year
                    14. Call Me Francois
                    15. Hoofprints In The Sand
                    16. Going Back To Rehab

                    Sage Francis - Hoofprints in the Sand (2007) - YouTube

                    I've seen a monkey evolve into a man
                    I've seen a man devolve into a monkey
                    I've seen a junkie redeem himself with help
                    I've seen a wealthy man melt into the snow and blow his credit on a decongestant
                    The dyslexics breathe easy
                    The people in the top tax bracket just keep looking for freebies
                    Thumbing their noses at those in need of handouts
                    I'm talkin' panhandlers with secondhand clothes, living hand to mouth
                    Camping out on Capitol Hill
                    The fat cats are still insisting reparations be a jagged little pill
                    Today there's free vaccinations at the walk-in clinic
                    If you're lucky, you won't just be a guinea pig
                    Call me a cynic
                    I find it interesting how certain epidemics spread
                    More specifically – where they don't and who isn't affected
                    Yeah, I'm infected with a curious nature
                    The welcome mat said, "God bless this home," not "God damn thy neighbor"
                    They can repeat history but can't recycle paper
                    They don't see the forest or the trees, just skyscrapers
                    Towels of Babel in a town full of cattle
                    When I question brand loyalty, the crowd is bedazzled
                    But I'll never be hoodwinked, I'm mindful of the footprints
                    The shape of the hoof, the way the path in the wood splits
                    The author of the book, the origin of the crucifix
                    The waitress looking for tips and the place where the cook spits
                    This is where I was when the bomb dropped
                    Hiding from the uninvited onslaught
                    I've seen people who don't believe in sleep count sheep
                    With calculators that double as alarm clocks
                    From Noah's Ark all the way to Rosa Parks
                    To black folk pushing white agendas inside of an office with flow charts
                    Technology ain't ****, we feed off the fruit
                    When I stuff leaves of absence in my briefcase, follow suit
                    Spill the liquid from your double fisted escapade
                    Kill kids with the drunken misfits in your Escalade
                    It's gruel for the food fight and foreign aid
                    Bream ‘em down and build ‘em back up with what you throw away
                    Administering band aids on amputated limbs
                    Kissing ‘em with air raids, and your lips gave ‘em infections
                    Too many closed doors led to back drafts
                    Now the spring edition of fashion catalogues feature gasmasks
                    How becoming on these lanky models
                    They can't look truth in the mirror without a pair of safety goggles
                    Hold the bobble head, insert the feeding tube
                    Even if they stop breathing, make sure they keep eating food
                    Do the Schiavo
                    Mouth opened wide like a perverse psycho circus side show
                    Forgive me not, my patterns stay impartial to apologies
                    Despite a polite side of mine that says, "I'm so sorry"
                    Adding flame infinitum for your eternal fuel tank
                    My higher power doesn't need to be thanked
                    Thanks anyway, that's from him to me to you
                    I don't mind being the middle man, someday I might need one, too

                    I'm at the fire
                    Where are you?
                    I'm at the fire
                    Where the hell are you?

                    I've seen a man devolve into a monkey
                    I've seen a monkey evolve into a man
                    I've seen it all, upside down, in-between, inside out
                    It's neither here nor there, hoofprints in the sand
                    I've fallen head first into the pit of my stomach
                    Taught to trust my gut, got no trust in the gutless
                    Save some hope for the hopeless, but I won't show it
                    Shoot my load in an opus, now it's an open casket
                    Going to Hades in a hand basket
                    Holding onto a dream, but lately we can't grasp it
                    There's been too much murder and not enough martyr
                    Why is it no one else wants to impress Jodie Foster?

                    [Repeat 3x]
                    I'm at the fire
                    We're at the fire
                    Where are you? Where are you?

                    You can't have revolution without evolution, huh?
                    You can't have evolution without velution, huh?
                    You can't have velution without elution, huh?
                    You can't have elution without lution, huh?
                    You can't have lution without ution, huh?
                    You can't have ution without tion, huh?
                    You can't have tion without ion, huh?
                    You can't have ion without on, huh?
                    You can't have on without n, huh?

                    Seriously I know that you pray when the chips are down
                    But act different when there are atheists around
                    Have suspicions that make you think you'll drown
                    All alone in the middle of a crowd
                    I'd be a liar if I said I never had to beg
                    Doubled over with my knees bent touching my head
                    Stuck in a bed, dealing with all of these evil visions
                    Running from the dead in a fetal position
                    Needing assistance from a nurse
                    She said, "Tell me where it hurts"
                    These words are gonna make my belly burst
                    So I mentally revert to all the enemies I've cursed
                    Running through my memories in reverse
                    I said bring that beat back, man, bring that beat back
                    A flash ain't enough time for me to recap
                    I'm a bastard sometimes, don't think I don't see that
                    Laughing at the dumb, blind, the deaf to the knee slaps
                    Cracking punch lines for the sake of some green stacks
                    Passion for the rhyme can be cheapened by feedback
                    I shut my eyes and proceed to go dream catch
                    But a troubled mind can't seem to fall asleep fast
                    I cut my ties like the way that a fiend acts
                    Go into overdrive and get caught in a speed trap
                    let it roll
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Apsara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      An Apsara is a female spirit of the clouds and waters in Hindu and Buddhist mythology.

                      An Apsara (Sanskrit: अप्सराः apsarāḥ, plural अप्सरसः apsarasaḥ, stem apsaras-, a feminine consonant stem, អប្សរា), is also known as Vidhya Dhari or Tep Apsar (ទេព​អប្សរ) in Khmer, Accharā (Pāli) or A Bố Sa La Tư (Vietnamese), Bidadari (Indonesian & Malay), Biraddali (Tausug), Hapsari or Widodari (Javanese) and Apson (Thai: อัปสร). English translations of the word "Apsara" include "nymph," "celestial nymph," and "celestial maiden."

                      Apsaras are beautiful, supernatural female beings. They are youthful and elegant, and superb in the art of dancing. They are often the wives of the Gandharvas, the court musicians of Indra. They dance to the music made by the Gandharvas, usually in the palaces of the gods, entertain and sometimes seduce gods and men. As caretakers of fallen heroes, they may be compared to the valkyries of Norse mythology. As ethereal beings who inhabit the skies, and are often depicted taking flight, or at service of a god, they may be compared to angels.

                      Apsaras are said to be able to change their shape at will, and rule over the fortunes of gaming and gambling. Urvasi, Menaka, Rambha and Tilottama are the most famous among them. Apsaras are sometimes compared to the muses of ancient Greece, with each of the 26 Apsaras at Indra's court representing a distinct aspect of the performing arts. Apsaras are associated with water; thus, they may be compared to the nymphs, dryads and naiads of ancient Greece. They are associated with fertility rites.

                      There are two types of Apsaras; Laukika (worldly), of whom thirty-four are specified, and Daivika (divine), of which there are ten.

                      The Bhagavata Purana also states that the Apsaras were born from Kashyap and Muni.
                      Apsaras in Indonesian and Malay culture

                      The term 'Bidadari' (from sanskrit vidhya dharya; 'the bearer of knowledge') is a Malay-Indonesian word that equates refer Indian concept; as heavenly maidens living in the svargaloka or in celestial palace of Indra, described in Balinese dedari (Bidadari or Apsara) dance. However after the adoption of Islam, bidadari is equated with heavenly maiden mentioned in the Quran, in which God stated that the 'forbidden pearls' of heaven are for those men who have resisted temptation and borne life's trials.
                      The Nymph and the Sage

                      A story type or theme appearing over and over again in the Mahabharata is that of an Apsara sent to distract a sage or spiritual master from his ascetic practices. One story embodying this theme is that recounted by the epic heroine Shakuntala to explain her own parentage.[3] Once upon a time, the sage Viswamitra generated such intense energy by means of his asceticism that Indra himself became fearful. Deciding that the sage would have to be distracted from his penances, he sent the Apsara Menaka to work her charms. Menaka trembled at the thought of angering such a powerful ascetic, but she obeyed the god's order. As she approached Viswamitra, the wind god Vayu tore away her garments. Seeing her thus disrobed, the sage abandoned himself to lust. Nymph and sage engaged in sex for some time, during which Viswamitra's asceticism was put on hold. As a consequence, Menaka gave birth to a daughter, whom she abandoned on the banks of a river. That daughter was Shakuntala herself, the narrator of the story.

                      » Blog Archive » APSARA …. ( p42 of the blog )

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I'm sure Mr Santos Bonacci would not mind

                        Contacted him a few days back with a question about Birth Chart and Health ..... I think the links provided may interest you as well

                        The video below and the links will hep you learn about this science

                        Check out this vid first:

                        Lawful Awakening: Sin and Salvation. Santos Bonacci Part One - YouTube

                        Then: 12_Bio-Chemic_SALTS

                        Cell Salt Chart 1-800 Homeopathy

                        Herbal Remedy Supplements Astrology Herbs

                        Finally, this website gives you good food tips:

                        Astrology - health and diet for all zodiac sun signs - Aries
                        note the Pisces Symbol and compare it with the Berber Symbol on their Flag ( see also )

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2012, 03:11 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                          note the Pisces Symbol and compare it with the Berber Symbol on their Flag ( see also )

                          when you read the following definition doesn't it match the word AMAZIGH

                          Pisces the Fish

                          Pisces is a mutable-water sign. Mutable signs have a longing for movement and extremely restless. Pisces is the most watery sign. It is constantly trying to adapt itself to its ever-changing feelings and to the moods and whims of others.
                          How to recognize Pisces

                          Very few of these people can stand being confined for long in one place. You’ll have better luck if you wander into a spiritual séance, visit an art gallery, walk through a convent or a monastery, attend a concert or catch a floor show in a nightclub. You might check at Authors League meeting, drop backstage after a play or try some sunbathing on a yacht.

                          The chances are you’ll come up with a pretty good catch in any of those streams of life. The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surroundings, the more fish you’ll find.

                          Most of them wouldn’t give a minnow for rank, power of leadership, and wealth holds little attraction. Few Pisces people accumulate money by the bushel, unless they marry it or inherit it.

                          The typical Neptune heart is free of greed. There’s a lack of intensity, almost a carelessness about tomorrow. There’s also an intuitive knowledge of yesterday and a gentle tolerance of today. It’s more common, and it takes less effort, to go with the current wherever it takes them. But to swim upstream is the challenge of Pisces – and the only way she ever finds true peace and happiness. Taking the easy way is a trap for those born under this Sun sign, a glittering bait that entices them, while it hides the dangerous hook and wasted life.

                          He’s indifferent to most limiting restrictions, if they don’t rob him of his freedom to dream and feel his way through life. Very little will excite him to violent action or reaction. The typical Pisces will normally take the path of least resistance, and the cool waters of Neptune continually wash away his anger. To arouse the fish to a display of temper is rather like tossing a pebble into a clear, mirror-smooth lake. You’ll create some ripples, but the surface wil soon be calm again.

                          The fish was born with the desire to see the world through rose-colored spectacles. He knows well enough about the seamy side of humanity, but he prefers to live in his own watery, gentle world, where everyone is beautiful and all actions are lovely. The rejected Pisces is to inclined to face the ugliness of failure by deepening his false hopes, when a determined switch of course or some new, forceful action might shower him with real, instead of imaginary, success.

                          You may have read that the Pisces symbol of two fish, swimming in opposite directions, indicates that the Neptunian is torn by dual desires. It’s not so. The two fish s reversed directions symbolize the choice given Pisces; to swim to the top – or to swim to the bottom and never quite reach his goals. Pisces must learn that he is to serve mankind in some way, and eschew worldly possessions. Piscean Einstein, who swam upstream, formulated a whole new world of relative time. Pisceans who swim downstream serve by washing dishes or shoveling snow.

                          In spite of their natural timidity, they often become some of the finest performers in the theater. But, only if they fight their distaste for the hard work of grueling rehearsals, and the dullness of the dreary, but necessary years of experience. Memorization is never a problem. The Pisces memory is legendary. Neptunians accept most storms with tranquil equilibrium. When Pisces has a feeling something will happen, it usually does.

                          Astrologers who speak of an old soul refer to a soul which has gone through many lives, retaining the wisdom of each. Often, they refer to Pisces, because a life as the fish is either the most difficult obligations a soul can choose – or a choice to reach perfect fulfillment.

                          The Piscean love of music and art, and her highly develop senses and versatility she owes to other signs, but her deep wisdom and compassion belong only to her, culled from the combined knowledge of every human experience.

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • In light of the previous post .......a repost is necessary ...... from:

                            from: Area Wide News: Blog: Edgar Cayce

                            Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained.

                            Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups.

                            By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa.
                            Notes About The Basque People

                            Edgar Cayce predicted that when the last throes of Atlantis finally sank into the sea, its people were spreading to colonies across the world, one group in the Yucatan, some to what we call Morocco, another to the Pyrenees, and more even to what we today call the Carolinas region of North America.

                            Now we know through DNA testing that the NON-indo-european Basques of the Pyrenees, the Berbers of Morrocco, and the Mayans of the Yucatan are almost a perfect match in DNA testing. .
                            here is the sweetener: List of Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Ramses II (Berber: Ramsis Wiss 2) , according to L. Balout, C. Roubet and C. Desroches-Noblecourt, study titled 'La Momie de Ramsès II: Contribution Scientifique à l'Égyptologie (1985).' Balout and Roubet concluded that "the anthropological study and the microscopic analysis" of the pharaoh's hair showed that Ramses II was "a fair-skinned man related to the Prehistoric and Antiquity Mediterranean peoples, or briefly, of the Berbers of Africa."
                            Shoshenq I (Berber: Cicnaq), Egyptian Pharaoh of Libyan origin, founder of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt
                            [edit]Kings of Numidia
                            Masinissa (Berber: Masnsen), King of Numidia, North Africa, present day Algeria and Tunisia
                            Jugurtha (Berber: Yugerten), King of Numidia
                            Juba I
                            I (Berber: Yuba Wiss 2), King of Numidia
                            [edit]Roman Emperors and Generals
                            Macrinus, Roman emperor for 14 months in 217 and 218
                            Clodius Albinus, governor of Britannia
                            Lusius Quietus, governor of Judaea and one of the best Trajan's chief generals
                            Quintus Lollius Urbicus, governor of Britannia from 138 to 144
                            Septimius Severus, Roman emperor from 193 to 211
                            Terence (Berber: Tirines), (Publius Terentius Afer), Roman writer
                            Apuleius (Berber: Afulay), Roman writer ("half-Numidian, half-Gaetulian")
                            Priscian , Latin grammarian of the 5th Century, born in modern Algeria
                            Saint Augustine of Hippo, from Tagaste, was Amazigh
                            Saint Monica of Hippo, Saint Augustine's mother
                            Arius, who proposed the doctrine of Arianism
                            Donatus Magnus, leader of the Donatist schism
                            Tacfarinas (Berber: Takfarin, Takfarinas), who fought the Romans in the Aures Mountains
                            Firmus, who fought the Romans Between 372 and 375
                            Gildo (Berber: Gildu, Gellid), who fought the Romans in 398
                            [edit]In medieval times

                            Adrian of Canterbury, Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury
                            Dihya or al-Kahina
                            Aksil or Kusayla
                            Salih ibn Tarif of the Berghouata
                            Tariq ibn Ziyad, one of the leaders of the Moorish conquest of Iberia in 711.
                            Ibn Tumart, founder of the Almohad dynasty
                            Yusuf ibn Tashfin, founder of the Almoravid dynasty
                            Ibn Battuta (1304–1377), Moroccan traveller and explorer
                            al-Ajurrumi (famous grammarian of Arabic)
                            Fodhil al-Warthilani, traveler and religious scholar of the 18th century
                            Abu Yaqub Yusuf I, who had the Giralda in Seville built.
                            Abu Yaqub Yusuf II, who had the Torre del Oro in Seville built.
                            Ziri ibn Manad founder of the Zirid dynasty
                            Sidi Mahrez Tunisian saint
                            Ibn Al jهzzar famous doctor of Kairouan, 980.
                            Muhammad Awzal (ca. 1680–1749), prolific Sous Berber poet (see also Ocean of Tears)
                            Muhammad al-Jazuli, author of the Dala'il al-Khairat, Sufi
                            Imam Buseiri, poet and author of the famous poem Qasida Burda – lived in Alexandria

                            ps: If you look at the physical traits of certain Berber People , they have an uncanny resemblance to some of the Yucatan Indians .....
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2012, 01:08 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • So Pisces on the Berber Flag


                              Let us Journey into the Land Of the "Sons of Giants"

                              Berber Mythology

                              Berber Mythology: List of Libyan Mythological Goddesses & Gods:

                              Poseidon / Neptune :

                              According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Greeks obtained their knowledge of the Sea-God Poseidon from the Libyans (meaning the Berbers), whose cult was in high repute among the coastwise Libyans, and was especially worshipped about Lake Tritonis; while Plato says Poseidon was the chief God of Atlantis; arguably located near the Atlas Mountain in North Africa. Poseidon's son Triton was also worshipped around the Lake, and, according to Ibid, his female counterpart "Tritonis" bore the Goddess "Athena". Poseidon's wife, Libya, was made the daughter of Zeus's son Epaphus, the divine bull, the Libyan Gurzil.

                              Sources of Documented Berber Mythology:

                              A considerable amount of the traditional lore of the matriarchal Berbers is still based on the worship of the Ancestors and the Dead. Most of the Berbers' ancestral doctrines also form an integral part of the jinn lore. Westermarck had pointed out that many of the Berber religious and mythological principles were practiced mostly by Berber women under the disguise of Tomb Worship, where women regularly visit the tombs and perform various rituals in association with the ancient ancestors and the dead, such as receiving sacred prophecy through dreams obtained by sleeping in tombs of holy ancestors. This current practice, according to Herodotus, goes back to the ancient Libyan Nasamon Berbers, and it may even go back much farther in time since sacred traditions are indeed carried forward from previous generations. The ancient Libyan Nasamons took oath at the graves of persons who were reputed for justice and transparency. In addition to tomb-worship, complete traditions from the Berbers' previous mythology remain alive in various traditions and festivals. Saharan prehistoric art, Berber jewellery, Berber folklore and music have all preserved other fragmented elements of Berber belief and mythology. In addition to that, we also have Egyptian and Greek mythologies as a documented source, in which various references to Libyan mythology were preserved for generations to come, such as the worship of Amon, Ament, Antaeus, Bast, Nit, Poseidon and Shu.
                              List of Berber Mythological Goddesses & Gods:

                              The Berber Pantheon:
                              Afri, Afrika: a Berber goddess of fortune and fertility
                              Ammon: Life-God
                              Ancestors: a relationship similar to that existing between the totem and the worshipper
                              Anzar: Rain-God
                              Ashaman ( A Shaman ): God: among the ancient Berber Canary Islanders
                              Atlas: Libyan Mountain-God
                              Auliswa: worshipped at Pomaria (Tlemcen)
                              Awessu: Sea-God (?)
                              Bacax: (cf. Bacchus: Grape-God): dedications found in a grotto of Taia near Calama (Guelma)
                              Froarangan: Canarian God of men
                              Genius of Africa (genius Africae): a female spirit
                              Guraya: name of a saint in Kabylie
                              Gurzil: Libyan Sun-God, also god of war, in Syrtes (Sirte)
                              Idir: name of a divinity; also found in Baliddir
                              Iguc: god of the rain, among the Berghwata of Morocco (cf. Yakush)
                              Illu: Tuareg god
                              Jnoun: the Jinn
                              Libya: Goddess of Libya
                              Lilu: synonymous with rain water ( sounds like lily )

                              Mastinam: Libyan god associated with Jupiter
                              [Medusa]: Gorgon Sisters: Serpent-goddess
                              Moreyba: Canary Berber goddess of Women
                              Nanna Tala: Nafousah Mountain (Libya) Spring-Goddess
                              [Poseidon]: Libyan Sea-god
                              Shaheded: a Libyan goddess
                              Sinifere: a war god among the Luguata, identified with Mars
                              Suggan (Seggen)
                              Tannit: the Libyan Goddess of Weaving, worshipped by the Phoenicians as Tanit
                              Tiliwa (Tiliva)
                              Yakush: God

                              Afri, Afrika: a Berber goddess of fortune and fertility

                              The Richest Continent yet with the Poorest People .... in a way Logic for a Female Continent in a Male Dominated World

                              .... Kali Yuga
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2012, 06:27 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • A nice Article about Alkaline Food

                                What are The Top Alkaline-Forming Foods ? | Alternative

                                What are The Top Alkaline-Forming Foods ?

                                Your guide to eating alkaline – What are the top alkaline-forming foods?

                                One of the keys to maintaining optimal health is discovering the correct way to eat food in order to maximize your alkaline potential, and in turn prevent chronic disease from developing in your body. But in order to do this, you have to first learn which foods are alkaline-forming, and which are acid-forming, as well as how to eat them in balance.

                                The continuous onslaught of chemicals, additives, and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) throughout the common food supply, not to mention modern society’s heavy reliance on processed, nutrient-stripped foods, is no doubt taking a huge toll on human health. Most people also eat copious amounts of food that promote acidity, which in turn makes them more prone to disease.

                                What most people fail to realize is that their bodies are constantly trying to achieve a state of equilibrium at a pH of about 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. To do this, the body draws from the nutrients you put into it via food, which either acidifies or alkalizes the blood. When there are not enough nutrients to maintain this slightly alkaline state, the body draws from backup nutrient reserves in the bones and other places.

                                When these backups run dry, the body’s internal biological terrain becomes a hotbed for chronic disease, which is right about the time the mainstream medical system begins rolling out the drugs. A much simpler solution; though, at least for most people, is to simply switch up their diets and begin to incorporate more alkaline-forming foods into their everyday meals.
                                you know it ..... pH of about 7.365, = 7 + 3 + 6 + 5 = 21 = HM 3

                                Alkaline-forming foods vs. acid-forming foods list in the Article

                                -------------------------------- a repost from : 13 ...

                                from: Before It's News

                                Change your body from 'Acidic' to 'Alkaline'; according to Cancer specialist Dr. Leonard Coldwell, this alone will stop cancer from growing.
                                Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that every cancer can be cured within 16 weeks. Dr. Coldwell states how that's possible in this video.
                                Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell - YouTube


                                I just wanted to mention this for the curious mind and important ...For most of the research done on medical use of electromagnetic waves; one aspect has been overlooked and that is to obtain optimal results such as in the use of Violet rays....the Antenna / the patient has to have followed an Alkaline Diet...In this research I have found that Alkaline Water and Diet enhances the healing aspect of the body.

                                ---------------------from a previous post

                                According to Marcel:

                                This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity.
                                sorry for the repetition;

                                key word quartz

                                Edgar Cayce often recommended animated ash and ultra-violet light therapy for persons suffering from cancer. The readings stated that the animated ash would increase the oxygen in the body and assist the immune system in fighting the cancer.
                                " Animated ash was a form of bamboo that was reduced to activated charcoal by means of a partial vacuum electrical carbon arc process. The resulting ash (alkaline ) was taken internally

                                Cayce’s dietary recommendations for cancer tended to follow several key themes:

                                • Eat a diet that tends to produce a balanced pH in the system with
                                a tendency towards alkalinity.

                                Imagine a medical tool where you take a UV laser pointer or violet ray and place a healthy cell , like stem cells, contained in a quartz lens and then shoot the UV laser through it, which would carry the healthy information in the beam, to heal sick people .
                                so to increase the UV effect, an Alkaline diet would be recommended

                                Cancer Healing & Spirituality (4): Edgar Cayce on Cancer Causes and Treatment (2)

                                Fact: The miracle water of Lourdes, France had a pH of 9.5.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

