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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Japan National Tourism Organization | Attractions | Festivals & Events | Traditional Annual Events

    Huge pine torches weighing 50 kg are waved about in front of the great sacred falls in the mountains
    Dates: July 14th = 12 = HM 3
    Places: Kumano Nachi-taisha Shrine
    City: Nachisan, Nachi-Katsuura-cho, Wakayama Prefecture

    12 vermilion mikoshi (portable shrines), 6 meters tall, decorated with ogi fans and mirrors, are designed in the image of the Nachi-no-Otaki Falls (the Great Waterfall of Nachi) near the shrine. At the Kumano Nachi-taisha Shrine, the waterfall itself is the object of worship and is regarded as a deity. During the festival, you can enjoy viewing the mystical scene of 12 huge 50-kg pine torches waved around so very close to these portable shrines that it appears as if the portable shrines are about to be scorched. The enormous pine torches represent the 12 deities dwelling in Kumano as well as the 12 months of the year. The portable shrines, which are produced in the image of the sacred falls, are filled with the spirits of the 12 gods, and then purified by the fire of the pine torches; in this manner, vitality is enhanced through these sacred rituals, which is one important objective of this festival.
    Water falls from a height of 133 meters, and looking up at the falls against the background of primeval forests, you will surely sense an air of sacredness
    Kumano Nachi Taisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    33°40′07″N = 33 + 40 +7 = 80 = HM 8

    135°53′26″E = 135 + 53 + 26 = 214 = HM 7

    33°40′07″N 135°53′26″E = HM 8 + HM 7 = 15 = HM 6

    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • U.S. Totally Unprepared For Coming Solar Superstorm ~ + Podcast | Space

      This past week, 153 years ago, the world was set on fire from the Sun. Though there are very few Americans who are aware of this, the historical record is clear: from August 28 until September 2, 1859, several sunspots and solar flares were observed on the sun by the astronomer Richard Carrington. The largest flare took only 17 hours to make it to Earth, which ordinarily takes three to four days. This great geomagnetic storm, known as the solar storm of 1859, the 1859 Solar Superstorm, or the Carrington Event, took the world by storm, no pun intended.
      08/28/59 - 09/02/59 = 95+70 = 165 = 66 = HM 3

      yeah the website is back on ....

      Sun today — solar flares online

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2012, 04:03 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Stellar makeup impacts habitable zone evolution

        The search for potentially habitable planets involves discussion of what is sometimes referred to as the Goldilocks Zone – the relatively thin band in a solar system in which conditions on a planet can support life.

        Astrobiologists and planetary scientists agree that a planet's distance from its parent star is of paramount importance for creating those optimum conditions – like Goldilocks' porridge, it has to be just right.

        A new study by Arizona State University researchers suggests that the host star's chemical makeup also can impact conditions of habitability of planets that orbit them. The team's paper, published in the August issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters, demonstrates that subtle differences in a star's internal chemistry can have huge effects on a planet's chances of long-term habitability.

        see also :

        love the following image (haven't heard the show yet ) .... it says it all

        Clap Clap Riot - Everyone's Asleep (Official) - YouTube


        Everyone's asleep,

        but me,

        And I can't help feel like I'm doing this by myself,

        [Verse #1]

        I took the long road,

        They'd had enough,

        Walking on seashells,

        My feet are cut,

        I'm on another planet now.

        [Verse #2]

        No sign of females,

        I'm out of luck,

        Making up details,

        Don't give a ****,

        And I'm so frustrated now.


        [Verse #3]

        Another morning,

        I'm feeling rough,

        Forget the warning,

        I'm getting up,

        And it's so complicated now

        It's how my mind works baby, oh

        Set off the fireworks baby, no

        [Chorus x2]


        By myself (oooh wee oooh wee oooh wee oooooh)

        Clif High Interview w/AFR (8/16/2012) *UNEDITED* - YouTube

        All is Analogy
        Study demonstrates evolution of stereotypes

        (—Researchers from Scotland suggest that stereotypes form and evolve over time through social transmission of information, similar to the way in which languages evolve.
        bare in mind : Chinese whispers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


        Favorite TV reruns may have restorative powers: researcher

        A new paper that describes two studies by Jaye Derrick, PhD, research scientist at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions, found that watching a rerun of a favorite TV show may help restore the drive to get things done in people who have used up their reserves of willpower or self-control.
        see also
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2012, 04:14 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • just a side note :

          you know what is the mirror image of DOOM


          Online Etymology Dictionary

          mood (1)
          "emotional condition, frame of mind," O.E. mod "heart, frame of mind, spirit; courage , arrogance, pride; power, violence," f rom P.Gmc. *motha- (cf. O.S. mod "mind, courage," O.Fris. mod "intellect, mind, intention," O.N. moπr "wrath, anger," M.Du. moet, Du. moed, O.H.G. muot, Ger. Mut "courage," Goth. moώs "courage, anger"), of unknown origin. A much more vigorous word in Anglo-Saxon than currently, and used widely in compounds (e.g. modcrζftig "intelligent," modful "proud"). To be in the mood "willing (to do something)" is from 1580s. First record of mood swings is from 1942.
          pick your image George Carlin - Saving the Planet - YouTube .... more like save humanity
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2012, 05:10 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Check out the new Google pictogram ......

            Google Doodle celebrates 'Star Trek' | PopWatch |


            Star Trek: Enterprise Theme Song - YouTube

            It's been a long road
            Getting from there to here
            It's been a long time
            But my time is finally near

            And I can feel the change in the wind right now
            Nothings in my way
            And they're not gonna hold me down no more
            No there not gonna hold me down

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            It's been a long night
            Trying to find my way
            Been through the darkness
            Now I finally have my day
            I will see my dream come alive at last
            I will touch the sky
            And they're not gonna hold me down no more
            No there not gonna change my mind

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            I've known a wind so cold and seen the darkest days
            But now the winds I feel are only winds of change
            I've been through the fire and I've been through the rain
            But I'll be fine

            Cause I've got faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            I can do anything
            I've got strength of the soul
            And no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            Faith of the heart
            I'm going where my heart will take me
            I've got faith to believe
            That no one's gonna bend or break me
            I can reach any star
            I've got faith
            I've got faith
            Faith of the heart

            Its been a long road
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-07-2012, 06:37 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • a repost of a series of vid that are amazingly informative and entertaining ( got reminded of it while browsing ATS )


              re reading sometimes bring up some gems that add more light to our discussion....thank you sunspot720

              Originally posted by sunspot720 View Post

              Spirit Science (part 6 of 12)

              I highly recommend the entire series, of which there are 16 (12 is 5 parts) parts, though the link I've shared jumps directly into Sacred Geometry, its relation to the platonic solids and the periodic elements. Namaste.

              and a little 3 6 9 Bonus

              here is a list of episodes

              Spirit Science 1 - Thoughts (Revised)
              Spirit Science 2 - Chakras
              Spirit Science 3 - Channeling (REVISED)

              Spirit Science 4 - Male and Female Energy ( HM 4 = 13 = kybalion CHAPTER XIII GENDER "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion. )

              Spirit Science 5 - Keys of our Past
              Spirit Science 6 - The Flower of Life
              Spirit Science 7 - Dimensions
              Spirit Science 8 - Meditation
              Spirit Science 9 - Astral Projection
              Spirit Science 10 - Math of God
              Spirit Science 11 - Evolution
              Spirit Science 12_1 - Rise of Atlantis
              Spirit Science 12_2 - Atlantean Catastrophe
              Spirit Science 12_3 - The Solution
              Spirit Science 12_4 - The Fall
              Spirit Science 12_5 - The New Beginning
              Spirit Science 12 - The Human History Movie

              Spirit Science 13_1 - Crystals
              Spirit Science 13_2 - Crystal Uses
              Spirit Science 13_3 - Crystal Types
              Spirit Science 13_4 - Crystal Finale

              Spirit Science 13 - The Crystal Movie Spirit Science ~ The Crystal Movie - YouTube
              Spirit Science 14 - Insights of Ascension
              Spirit Science 15 - Power of the Heart
              Spirit Science 17 - Universal Geometry
              Spirit Science 18 - The Four Elements
              Spirit Science 19 - Cosmic Connections

              each episode needs to be viewed with an open mind .... more vids are added

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 01:12 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Spirit Science 13 - The Crystal Movie Spirit Science ~ The Crystal Movie - YouTube

                at 10:45 min there is an experiment that is proposed that can show you the power of crystals ..... but you can't really see the effect .... unless you mash it up with the following experiment :

                Positive Thinking Power - Dr Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment

                then you will have a visual result ... probably even faster results than Dr Masaru Emoto' original rice experiment as you will be adding crystals to the mix

                ps: find your GPS HM 6 for the exp .... can't hurt ... or use your dowsing rod to find the right spot ..... think about 6 and let the rod do its job
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 01:59 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Molybdenum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ........... Group 6

                  crystal structure check out also The Ceremony of Original Innocence - 12 Foundation Circuits from - YouTube , you'll find the cube within ( as in the crop circle )

                  First look at structure of vital molecule

                  ScienceDaily (Sep. 7, 2012) — Molybdenum is an essential metal required in all living beings from bacteria to plants to humans. But as vital as this metal is, no one understood the importance of the structure of a vital molecule that interacts with molybdenum until the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry's Joel Weiner and his team jumped on the case.
                  The distorted form is found in proteins involved in metabolic, respiratory and cardiac diseases. The flat form occurs in a protein required for brain development, and defects in this protein cause death in infancy. Understanding of this flat form could help lead to treatment of this defect.

                  It all started for Weiner and his research group in the Department of Biochemistry about three years ago. Although scientists worldwide had known the overall structure of molybdenum in proteins for many years, no one understood why it is so complicated. It was a summer student, Matthew Solomonson, who noticed that one of the structures holding molybdenum was very flat while the other group was distorted. As curiosity-based research goes, the summer student and Weiner's research team wondered if it was significant. The answer is yes.

                  "When you bring in a new student it's really good because they have a fresh way of looking at things," says Weiner of Solomonson who is now a grad student at the University of British Columbia.

                  42 (forty-two) is the natural number immediately following 41 and directly preceding 43. The number has received considerable attention in popular culture as a result of its central appearance in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything".

                  The atomic number of molybdenum.

                  The angle rounded to whole degrees for which a rainbow appears (the critical angle).


                  The 3 Χ 3 Χ 3 magic cube with rows summing to 42.
                  Given 27 same-size cubes whose nominal values progress from 1 to 27, a 3Χ3Χ3 magic cube can be constructed such that every row, column, and corridor, and every diagonal passing through the center, is composed of 3 cubes whose sum of values is 42
                  Contents [hide]
                  1 Characteristics
                  1.1 Physical properties
                  1.2 Isotopes
                  1.3 Compounds and chemistry
                  2 History
                  3 Occurrence
                  4 Production of the metal
                  5 Applications
                  5.1 Alloys
                  5.2 Other applications as the pure element
                  5.2.1 Compounds (14% of global use)
                  6 Biological role
                  6.1 Biochemistry
                  6.2 Human dietary intake and deficiency
                  6.3 Related diseases
                  6.4 Copper-molybdenum antagonism

                  7 Precautions
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 06:07 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a bit more digging on MOLYBDENUM group 6 resulted in finding some 3d representation (pyramid like ) :

                    An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

                    Annual Review of Plant Biology
                    Vol. 57: 623-647 (Volume publication date June 2006)
                    First published online as a Review in Advance on February 7, 2006
                    DOI: 10.1146/annurev.arplant.57.032905.105437


                    Magnetic Materials

                    Paramagnetic materials have a small, positive susceptibility to magnetic fields. These materials are slightly attracted by a magnetic field and the material does not retain the magnetic properties when the external field is removed. Paramagnetic properties are due to the presence of some unpaired electrons, and from the realignment of the electron paths caused by the external magnetic field . Paramagnetic materials include magnesium, molybdenum, lithium, and tantalum.
                    see also :

                    Tel Aviv University researcher says plants can see, smell, feel, and taste

                    Increasingly, scientists are uncovering surprising biological connections between humans and other forms of life. Now a Tel Aviv University researcher has revealed that plant and human biology is much closer than has ever been understood — and the study of these similarities could uncover the biological basis of diseases like cancer as well as other “animal” behaviors.
                    Phillip S. CALLAHAN -- Paramagnetism & Agriculture

                    Paramagnetism --
                    Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth: How to farm properly as god intended

                    His use of the word granite ( used in all the Ancient Structures we discussed ) implies that he not only knew that good soil is made from eroded stone but also which kind of stone was best suited to a viable agriculture.
                    This word is similar to prepared granite except that the pyramid sign (Septih), for the Dog Star, is replaced by the symbol for a wing (many feathers), a much stronger levitation force than one feather . In other words black granite ( see black pyramid in Alaska ) is a paramagnetic battery for the force. Every Egyptian word for different types of para-magnetic stone, eg. aner-en-rut (sandstone)

                    Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down - YouTube

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 07:01 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Studies on Molybdenum Absorption and Transport in Bean and Rice

                      The patterns of molybdenum (MoO42−) absorption and transport were investigated in intact bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. I.R.8) plants

                      Tel Aviv University researcher says plants can see, smell, feel, and taste = Andy Kim "Rock Me Gently" - YouTube

                      Increasingly, scientists are uncovering surprising biological connections between humans and other forms of life. Now a Tel Aviv University researcher has revealed that plant and human biology is much closer than has ever been understood — and the study of these similarities could uncover the biological basis of diseases like cancer as well as other “animal” behaviors.
                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Spirit Science 13 - The Crystal Movie Spirit Science ~ The Crystal Movie - YouTube

                      at 10:45 min there is an experiment that is proposed that can show you the power of crystals ..... but you can't really see the effect .... unless you mash it up with the following experiment :

                      Positive Thinking Power - Dr Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment

                      then you will have a visual result ... probably even faster results than Dr Masaru Emoto' original rice experiment as you will be adding crystals to the mix

                      ps: find your GPS HM 6 for the exp .... can't hurt ... or use your dowsing rod to find the right spot ..... think about 6 and let the rod do its job
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 07:42 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • The Wanderer-Dion And Belmonts - YouTube

                        Creation of Humans from Clay - WikiIslam

                        Humans from Clay Story in Other Religions

                        Many religions pre-dating (and some post-dating) Islam also carry this 'creation of human beings from clay' story. The earliest are the pre-cursors of the Abrahamic faiths - namely the early Mesopotamian religions.
                        in relations to molybdenum in Biology

                        you know that clay has Magnetite in it and do you know what happens to clay with magnetite when put under heat ie : Red Chakra + Sun

                        Ancient Secrets Of Clay Amphora Vessels - YouTube

                        ps: thank you RedPill

                        Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain.

                        Although the mineral magnetite (Fe3O4) is precipitated biochemically by bacteria, protists, and a variety of animals, it has not been documented previously in human tissue. Using an ultrasensitive superconducting magnetometer in a clean-lab environment, we have detected the presence of ferromagnetic material in a variety of tissues from the human brain. Magnetic particle extracts from solubilized brain tissues examined with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and elemental analyses identify minerals in the magnetite-maghemite family, with many of the crystal morphologies and structures resembling strongly those precipitated by magnetotactic bacteria and fish. These magnetic and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements imply the presence of a minimum of 5 million single-domain crystals per gram for most tissues in the brain and greater than 100 million crystals per gram for pia and dura. Magnetic property data indicate the crystals are in clumps of between 50 and 100 particles. Biogenic magnetite in the human brain may account for high-field saturation effects observed in the T1 and T2 values of magnetic resonance imaging and, perhaps, for a variety of biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields.

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 08:45 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • MARVIN GAYE - TOO BUSY THINKING ABOUT MY BABY (TAMLA) - YouTube

                          Mayan Numbers Symbols

                          13 because there are 13 major joints in the body.

                          Ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and the neck is the 13th.

                          The meanings of the 13 numbers are listed here in their simplest form.

                          1 - The first energy. Initializing and the first gear. Complete.

                          2 - Recognition of choices. Duality.

                          3 - Vibration and communication.

                          4 - Stability.

                          5 - Empowerment.

                          6 - Flow. Movement.

                          7 - Middle of 13. Crest of wave.

                          8 - Highest Male Authority. Infinity.

                          9 - Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

                          10 - Manifestation.

                          11 - Transmutation of knowledge.

                          12 - Awareness of complete picture.

                          13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.

                          The 20 Sacred Day Signs. Descriptions as they apply to people born on the day and the energy of the day.
                          3rd day is Aj. Reed.
                          Body parts: Spine

                          6th day is Ajmak. Condor.
                          Body parts: Genitals.

                          9th day is Kawoq. Turtle.
                          Body parts: heart, nervous system

                          12th day is Iq'. The Air.
                          Body parts: Respiratory system, throat.

                          15th day is Kan. Serpent.
                          Body parts: veins, nervous system. If this person has health problems it could be due to not following the Spiritual Law of the Creator.

                          18th day is Q'anil. Seed.

                          btw : just checked guess what day it is ..... lady sync ..... Eagles - Witchy Woman ( 1972 ) - YouTube

                          Artstrology Date Checker

                          ********The 6th day is Ajmak. Condor.********
                          Day to get in peace with Creator. To recognize our mistakes and offer apologies.
                          We must ask for forgiveness and forgive others to move forward with peace.
                          It is good to be in the company of Condor people when doing ceremony with ancestors.
                          The strong silent type. Friendly but quiet and reserved.
                          Body parts: genitals, ovaries, ovum, semen

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-08-2012, 10:48 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • World's richest woman calls for Australian workers to be paid $2 a day to compete with Africans, page 1

                            The richest woman in the world warned her fellow countrymen they are becoming too expensive to employ.

                            ‘The evidence is unarguable, Australia is indeed becoming too expensive and too uncompetitive to do export-oriented business,’ she said.

                            ‘Furthermore, Africans want to work, and its workers are willing to work for less than $2 per day. Such statistics make me worry for this country's future.’
                            quite a deep Complex those ( Monkeys ) with the"God Complex" have , which in truth is nothing else but

                            from :

                            I wouls like to share a thought with you on an obeservation of a phenomena which occurs often in Forums which explore what some call "Fringe Science"...or simply Unexplained Natural Phenomena...There is a tendency, we often find in while reading some posts made by various users (this is not a generalization...merely an observation )

                            There is this tendency of condescending attitude towards disagreement (it happens to me too...sometimes ) or plain obvious Complex of Superiority towards our fellow other for his or her belief in the accepted truth of today...what you have to realize is that 6 3 9 applies to ourselves too:

                            Superiority complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            "We should not be astonished if in the cases where we see an inferiority [feeling] complex we find a superiority complex more or less hidden. On the other hand, if we inquire into a superiority complex and study its continuity, we can always find a more or less hidden inferiority [feeling] complex
                            Remember this, we were just as ignorant when we if our truth is not is because we did not do a good job at making it so simple so as no one can ignore its beauty for truth is beauty

                            read this page of the Kybalion: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                            let us rejoice when there are people willing to take the time to read us...for there will be more of us

                            ps: Sometimes i tend to forget what was previously mentioned (no one is perfect )...pride you untamed horse
                            George Carlin on Soft Language - YouTube


                            All is Analogy

                            More sophisticated wiring, not just bigger brain, helped humans evolve beyond chimps, geneticists find

                            ScienceDaily (Aug. 22, 2012) — Human and chimp brains look anatomically similar because both evolved from the same ancestor millions of years ago. But where does the chimp brain end and the human brain begin?
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-09-2012, 11:35 AM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • continuing our Journey The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube

                              a repost from :

                              the majority of scholars take to be a survival of the name of the chaos-dragon TIAMAT
                              or Leviathan that is identified closely with KUTULU or Cthulhu within the pages are
                              mentioned independently of each other, indicating that somehow KUTULU is the male
                              counterpart of TIAMAT, similar to ABSU.
                              This monster is well known to cult worship all over the world. In China, however, there
                              is an interesting twist. Far from being considered a completely hostile creature, dedicated
                              to the erasure of mankind from the page of existence, the Dragon is given a place of pre-
                              eminence and one does not hear of a Chinese angel or saint striving to slay the dragon,
                              but rather to cultivate it. The Chinese system of geomancy, feng shui (pronounced fung
                              shway) is the science of understanding the "dragon currents" which exist beneath the
                              earth, these same telluric energies that are distilled in such places as Chartres Cathedral in
                              France, Glastonbury Tor in England, and the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia
                              . In both the
                              European and Chinese cultures, the Dragon or Serpent is said to reside somewhere
                              "below the earth"; it is a powerful force, a magickal force, which is identified with
                              mastery over the created world; it is also a power that can be summoned by the few and
                              not the many. However, in China, there did not seem to be a backlash of fear or
                              resentment against this force as was known in Europe and Palestine, and the symbol of
                              might and kingship in China is still the Dragon. In the West, the conjuration, cultivation,
                              or worship of this Power was strenuously opposes with the advent of the Solar,
                              Monotheistic religions and those who clung to the Old Ways were effectively
                              extinguished. The wholesale slaughter of those called "Witches" during the Inquisition is
                              an example of this, as well as the solemn and twisted - that is to say, purposeless and
                              unenlightened - celibacy that the Church espoused. For the orgone of Wilhelm Reich is
                              just as much Leviathan as the Kundalini of Tantrick adepts, and the Power raised by the
                              Witches. It has always, at least in the past two thousand years, been associated with
                              occultism and essentially with Rites of Evil Magick, or the Forbidden Magick, of the
                              Enemy, and of Satan . . .
                              . . . and the twisting, sacred Spiral formed by the Serpent of the Caduceus, and by the
                              spinning of the galaxies, is also the same Leviathan as the Spiral of the biologists' Code
                              of Life
                              : DNA

                              ------------------------------ found the following today :

                              Glastonbury Tor - A Sacred Ground Since Time Immemorial -

                              Legend has it that what lies deep beneath the surface of the Tor is a hidden labyrinth of tunnels. The most famous is the tunnel between the Tor and Glastonbury Abbey, which is considered the final resting place of King Arthur and Guinevere.

                              Geophysics scans have said the mound is made of profusions of iron ore, and it is for this reason, metal detectors do not work properly in a two mile radius of the Tor. Even so, passages and chambers formed from underground waters and the Chalice well situated at the foot of the Tor, giving a constant 25,000 gallons of water a day whether or not there is a drought.

                              Being one of the most mystical and spiritual places in Britain, Glastonbury Tor still draw people from all over the world. Some believe that the veil between worlds is very thin here, which accounts for the great many paranormal experiences from ghostly encounters and psychic experiences to UFO sightings.
                              Glastonbury has many myths and legends. The most intriguing are perhaps the balls of light seen spiraling around the Tor.

                              In 1970, a police officer reported seeing eight egg shaped objects, deep maroon in colour, hovering in formation over the hill. In 1980, a witness saw several mauve and green lights hovering over the tower, some smaller than others, the size of foot balls and beach balls.

                              There have been many other sightings, and some of those who have seen these lights have said it was almost as if the balls of light were alive.
                              Glastonbury Tor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                              51°8′36″N = 51 + 8 + 36 = 95 = HM 5

                              2°41′57″W = 2 + 41 + 57 = 100 = HM 1

                              51°8′36″N 2°41′57″W = HM 5 + HM 1 = HM 6


                              The Tor has been associated with the name Avalon, and identified with King Arthur, since the alleged discovery of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere's neatly labelled coffins in 1191, recounted by Gerald of Wales.[9] Modern archaeology has revealed several sub-Roman structures.[10]

                              With the 19th-century resurgence of interest in Celtic mythology, the Tor became associated with Gwyn ap Nudd, who was first Lord of the Underworld, and later King of the Fairies. The Tor came to be represented as an entrance to Annwn or Avalon, the land of the fairies.[11]

                              A persistent myth of more modern origin is that of the Glastonbury Zodiac, an astrological zodiac of gargantuan proportions said to have been carved into the land along ancient hedgerows and trackways. The theory was first put forward in 1927 by Katherine Maltwood, an artist with an interest in the occult, who thought the zodiac was constructed approximately 5,000 years ago. However, the vast majority of the land said to be covered by the zodiac was under several feet of water at the proposed time of its construction.

                              Christopher Hodapp asserts in his book The Templar Code For Dummies that Glastonbury Tor is one of the possible locations of the Holy Grail. This is because it is close to the location of the monastery that housed the Nanteos Cup.[12]

                              Another speculation is that the Tor was reshaped into a spiral maze for use in religious ritual, incorporating the myth that the Tor was the location of the underworld king's spiral castle.[11]

                              ps: these past couple days ... have been in the red ..... sleeping in the red ...... waking up with the red .... just an observation
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-09-2012, 12:46 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Spirit Science ~ Universal Geometry - YouTube check it out

                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

