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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • The silver river of truth

    (Träd, Gräs och stenar: Sanningens Silverflod)

    Translated from Swedish:

    Through the green meadow
    there is a river running

    We rest at it's shores
    and the water tastes so good

    It tastes so good to drink
    that no-one could be scared

    In the evening in the sand
    it is so warm and silent

    We look across the land
    when the moon rises up


    • have been exploring this thread as it links up with our discussion ... Dowsing / etheric energies :

      Medical Applications - WikiRota

      The universal currents conditioning the movement of worlds, they affect the earth and we must be grateful for without them we would go into the infinite. When there is a lack of accord between them we feel annoying effects; tidal waves, earthquakes and even stranger the appearance of social disturbance. This brings to mind a conversation had between M. Rota, Commandant Lachouque and myself, the first time that the latter took me to Mont-Saint-Aignan.

      We enter, said he, a period from 1936 to 1946 where certain currents in certain places and at certain dates will produce strange effects. For example, I am able, to indicate that there will be the reappearance of events where suddenly an individual considered up to that point normal will massacre anyone using the first instrument of death which is at hand”.
      What are the Universal Currents

      According to M. Rota they are constant in their direction, but variable in their intensity and density, depending on the time and place. They are at the origin of worlds, assuring the mechanism of the universe and dispensers of life and death.

      The characteristic of a current at a given époque ( see our discussion and Harmonic Math ) and in a given place are reproduced with a frequency which it has been possible to determine. The laws which govern them are in effect immutable.

      The Universal Currents create, maintain, modify, remove organic and inorganic life on the earth. The variations of intensity and density which occur are the causes of the actions and reactions which operate the one upon the other according to the place and époque. They give rise to phenomena which can be verified without being able always to explain them ( see also Astrotheology ) .

      It is true that the equinoxes are the period where M. Rota passes his days and nights leaning over his apparatus because certain universal currents at that time reach formidable intensities.

      Solar flares online October 8, 2012 Sun today — solar flares online

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-08-2012, 03:31 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Continuing our exploration of

        Main Page - WikiRota

        3: The Rota Files
        Pictures of the original Documents
        Submarine Document
        Production of an Aircraft Insensible to Gravity and Air Resistance
        Note On Medical Applications
        Miscellaneous Documents
        Medical Applications - WikiRota

        It required years of perseverant research to identify the force, the mysterious “x” in the equation. It would need more time than we have at our disposal to describe the stages which lead M. Rota to discover the existence of the 361 currents which he described as Universal.
        It has taken him many years to educate his ear to recognize the timbre, intensity of the 361 currents that he has identified, using a chronometer to note their delicate variations. If doctors desired to assimilate his methods, it would take them ten or twenty years to acquire enough virtuosity to get practical results.


        Golden ear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        A golden ear is a term in audio circles referring to a person who is thought to possess special talents in hearing.[citation needed] Golden ears claim to be able to discern subtle differences in audio reproduction that most inexperienced and untrained listeners cannot, much like trained wine experts claim to discern differences among wines inexperienced tasters cannot.[citation needed]
        + Golden ears’ on nuclear submarine « Topics of today

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Ringing in the ears/head

          [QUOTE=MonsieurM;210957]Continuing our exploration of

          Main Page - WikiRota

          Medical Applications - WikiRota

          Very interesting MrM. I wonder if you have any opinions regarding the 'ring in the ears' phenomena- is it 'tinitus' or something else? I get it a lot and put it down to sinus related issues, it was worse as a child.



          • [QUOTE=SYDERA;210960]
            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Continuing our exploration of

            Main Page - WikiRota

            Medical Applications - WikiRota

            Very interesting MrM. I wonder if you have any opinions regarding the 'ring in the ears' phenomena- is it 'tinitus' or something else? I get it a lot and put it down to sinus related issues, it was worse as a child.


            I used to get it too ... ringing in the ears ..... but not as much as a while back ..... comes and goes ..... happens rarely now .... call it the whispers .... but it could be health related .... to be honest since it has almost gone ... never really explored it
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Talking about Imagination

              Science Fiction Improves Learning And Should Be Utilized In Teaching!-

              New research shows that science fiction movies, television series and books improve children's' learning abilities and motivate to study science. So if your child enjoys Star Trek, Star Wars, Matrix, Blade Runner, 2001, A Space Odyssey and I Robot, don't be alarmed. On the contrary. Parents should see this as a step in a good direction.

              There is a concern that students are no longer studying science and engineering and this trend is more common amongst females. Science fiction can be useful in awaking the scientific vocation of younger students.

              In a recent study conducted by researcher at the University of Valencia, Spain, indicates science fiction has a positive effect on learning.

              As part of this study, 173 students at four different state and grant-maintained schools in both rural and urban areas received a questionnaire. The aim was to examine the understanding levels of science fiction knowledge and acceptance in schools.
              Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor
              . .... Nikola Tesla


              Of all the frictional resistances, the one that most retards human movement is ignorance, what Buddha called 'the greatest evil in the world.' The friction which results from ignorance ... can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. No effort could be better spent.
              — Nikola Tesla
              'The Problem of Increasing Human Energy', The Century (Jun 1900), 211. Collected in The Century (1900), Vol. 60, 211 ( or HM 4 = 13 13 /6 )

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2012, 01:02 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Thank you for the Louis Rota information!

                Dowsing is fun, anyone new to it but want to try could read this, which I think is good instructions in order to get started:
                Dowsing - Autonopedia

                I use rods like these below, which I think are good for a new beginner too, big tools gives greater force to the movement, it's much easier to detect that something really happens because of the mass momentum, small dowsers are easier to 'excuse' and ignore because of own hand movements etc.

                Set your mind to what you are searching for and let the rods show you the way. Elbows touching the body, thumbs touching the index fingers and off you go! I gave my rods to a rookie at an old abandoned gold mining site, in less than i minute she came up with this:

                Forget everything about earth energetic fields wile using the rods, unless you are actually searching for such fields. The rods, if you want them to, can act just like Jack Sparrow's compass in the movies about the pirates in the carribean. Exactly like that. They will point in the direction to what you desire at the moment.

                Use them to find your lost keys or that book you want to read but can't remember where you put it.

                Use them to find your pet. Follow a moving target.

                When you think of something, a 'psi-track' will manifest starting from your solar plexus and continue to the target of your thought. Read more here:
                Fnysik - Dowsing along the psi track

                This track will remain in 'the air' from your position when you created it and to the target. After manifesting it, you can go and fetch the dowsers and go looking for the 'psi-track' just like searching for a water pipe or electric cable.

                The 'psi-track' can be felt with your hand. To me it feels like a sun ray, not as intense but the same feeling. It goes straight through the flesh and bone of the hand.



                • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                  Thank you for the Louis Rota information!

                  Dowsing is fun, anyone new to it but want to try could read this, which I think is good instructions in order to get started:
                  Dowsing - Autonopedia

                  Thank you Michael C for your insight on Dowsing .... and may i say wow for the rock finding .... see also previous post (somewhere ) on Marcel Vogel and Dowsing

                  on a side note : your Dowsing rod i see 13/6 but instead of 50 cm why not try 39 cm or 42 cm or 45 cm ( so as to have 3 6 9 rule present in the dowsing rod )

                  for instance :

                  85 deg / 15 cm / 45 cm / 3 mm = 13 / 6 / 9 / 3 = 13 = HM 4

                  The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

                  Four is it in qualities,
                  shining in each of the planes of existence,
                  but thirteen in one,
                  the mystical number.

                  Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                  each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                  each shall channels be of the Great One

                  ----------------------- also a form found all over the world

                  The Mystery Of The Labyrinth | Unexplained Phenomena

                  This symbol represents a real mystery: in fact it appears in very different places and times. Its meaning is a mystery. Some researchers believe that it is a “ritual course”, confining it to the religious-mystic field. Other say it may represent a human brain. But nobody of them is able to give an explanation about its so great diffusion in the world and in times so distant among them. Now let’s see a brief list of the places in which the labyrinth was found:
                  Mid-Atlantic Geomancy

                  The oldest positively dated labyrinth is from 1230 BCE (plus/minus). It comes from King Nestor's Palace in Phylos, Greece. Nestor was at Troy with King Priam. There are many Trojan connections with the labyrinth. In Northern Europe, many labyrinths are called 'Walls of Troy' or, in Swedish, 'Trojeborg' (Trojan fort), or in Welsh 'Caerdroia' - the castle or turns of Troy (droia). And while many labyrinth myths speak of a male energy in the labyrinth (Theseus and the Minotaur in Crete, and the Man In The Maze in the South Western USA), there is evidence that the labyrinth's connection with the Earth Mother goes much further back into prehistory.

                  These single-path magical mazes are found around the globe from China to Arizona, USA, from Peru to Sweden
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2012, 11:49 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Mars Rover Curiosity Takes Scoop Of Red Planet's Surface, Detects Bright Object

                    LOS ANGELES -- NASA officials say the Curiosity rover has made its first scoop of the surface of planet Mars and has detected a bright object on the ground.

                    Officials said in a news release Monday that they suspect the object might be a part of the six-wheeled rover, but they won't sample or scoop anymore until they figure out what it is.

                    The Curiosity has already beamed back pictures of bedrock that suggest a fast-moving stream once flowed on the planet.
                    --------------- a thought for you

                    why is there no "Curiosity" on the Moon ..... or is there
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • a Few Interesting Articles :

                      Compassion Meditation and Empathy

                      Compassion meditation may boost neural basis of empathy, study finds PhysOrg - October 4, 2012

                      A compassion-based meditation program can significantly improve a person's ability to read the facial expressions of others, finds a study published by Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. This boost in empathic accuracy was detected through both behavioral testing of the study participants and through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans of their brain activity.

                      "It's an intriguing result, suggesting that a behavioral intervention could enhance a key aspect of empathy," says lead author Jennifer Mascaro, a post-doctoral fellow in anthropology at Emory University. "Previous research has shown that both children and adults who are better at reading the emotional expressions of others have better relationships."

                      The meditation protocol, known as Cognitively-Based Compassion Training, or CBCT, was developed at Emory by study co-author Lobsang Tenzin Negi, director of the Emory-Tibet Partnership. Although derived from ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices, the CBCT program is secular in content and presentation.

                      The research team also included senior author Charles Raison, formerly a psychiatrist at Emory's School of Medicine and currently at the University of Arizona, and Emory anthropologist James Rilling.

                      When most people think of meditation, they think of a style known as "mindfulness," in which practitioners seek to improve their ability to concentrate and to be non-judgmentally aware of their thoughts and feelings. While CBCT includes these mindfulness elements, the practice focuses more specifically on training people to analyze and reinterpret their relationships with others.

                      "The idea is that the feelings we have about people can be trained in optimal ways," Negi explains. "CBCT aims to condition one's mind to recognize how we are all inter-dependent, and that everybody desires to be happy and free from suffering at a deep level." Study participants were healthy adults without prior meditation experience.

                      Thirteen participants randomized to CBCT meditation completed regular weekly training sessions and at-home practice for eight weeks. Eight randomized control subjects did not meditate, but instead completed health discussion classes that covered mind-body subjects like the effects of exercise and stress on well-being.

                      Penis Size Matters in Bed keep in mind Red Chakra

                      The female orgasm

                      Both penis size and female orgasm are hot-button topics. There is still scientific debate about whether vaginal and clitoral orgasms are different phenomena. Different nerves carry signals from the vagina and from the clitoris, Komisaruk said, and stimulation of each activates different brain regions. But some researchers argue that vaginal stimulation is simply activating a different, internal, section of the clitoris. Women report different sensations from vaginal and clitoral orgasms, Komisaruk said, but which one women prefer largely comes down to personal preference.

                      In some cases, female orgasm is even more complex. For example, Beverly Whipple, professor emerita at Rutgers University and one of the discoverers of the G spot, a sensitive area felt through the front wall of the vagina, has found that women with complete spinal cord injuries can sometimes experience orgasm, even though the nerves that carry sensation up the spinal cord from the pelvis have been severed. It's likely that the sensory vagus nerve, which runs in the abdomen but bypasses the spinal cord, is recruited to carry signals to the brain in these cases, Whipple told LiveScience.

                      Other research has found that abdominal exercises induce orgasm in some women, resulting in pleasurable spasms at the gym.
                      Brody holds a different view, pointing to studies finding that the ability to orgasm with vaginal stimulation alone is correlated with better psychological functioning, better relationship quality and greater sexual satisfaction ( know thyself ).

                      The color of attraction? Pink, researchers find

                      (Medical Xpress)—Red-faced men are feeling flush with the revelation that women find rosy cheeks attractive.
                      The new study, by researchers at the University of St Andrews, suggests that women prefer men with a brightly coloured skintone because it indicates a strong alpha-male with dominant genes.

                      However, too much redness can be off-putting as it signals aggression.

                      The research was carried out by Professor David Perrett of the University's Perception Lab in collaboration with colleagues at the universities of Nottingham and Durham.

                      In the study, women were asked to manipulate pictures of men's faces to make them more attractive. In each case, they changed the skin colour to make it redder.

                      The researchers say women display this preference because a rosy glow is a sign of good circulation and therefore an indication of good health in a potential mate.

                      Professor David Perrett, a psychologist at the University of St Andrews, commented, "We have shown that increased redness enhances the appearance of dominance, aggression and attractiveness in men's faces when viewed by women."
                      Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                      CHAPTER XIII


                      "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion.

                      Spiritual But Not Religious

                      September 30, 2012

                      In my 30 years of researching the patterns of those who call themselves spiritual versus religious, this is what I have discovered.

                      The terms spirituality and religion are often used interchangeably, but they are two very different concepts. While it is true that a person can be both religious as well as spiritual, it is also true that a person can be spiritual without being religious or vice-versa.

                      Spirituality is a new name for an old theme - finding the god within and healing one's soul.

                      It is not easy to break from traditional religion, but religious beliefs don't work in today's world and are too controlling.

                      Religion is too structured for many people who seek totally freedom in end times.

                      Everyone has their own way of saying they 'talk to god' ... or a creational source of light who listens.

                      Were gods really ancient aliens ... so it would seem ... including Jesus himself. It was all just a myth.

                      Religion and Myth are the same.

                      Religion traps souls in the grids of creation.

                      Healing and awareness brings people to a place where they believe in love and light (god), but not as a religious figure who will one day return to save them.

                      Spirituality helps people connect with higher consciousness - no matter how it is achieved - though sometimes taken to extreme with chemical abuse.

                      I find that people who believe in false gods are just as lost and dysfunctional as those who put too much faith in spirituality, for in truth they are the same and merely tools to help people heal and connect with the collective unconsciousness for greater understanding.

                      Most of what is taught during a spiritual session, often sounds a lot like religious sermons to me and unrealistic.

                      Never worship anything or anyone. The best way to go is anything that is positive in frequency - laughter, creativity, making a difference - all of which are popular themes in the consciousness grids today .

                      read on ... an interesting Perspective
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2012, 04:44 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Thanks for the input re: the length of the rod, I just took it as it came out of the box of gas welding rods, giving it a close to 3:1 shape as someone recommended, and the ~85 degree angle as this give it a better grip to hold, but it makes great sense to tune it in other aspects as well.

                        The 'Trojan fort' are by Swedish folklore (or mainly archeologists?) regarded as having to do with fortune and fertility, but it's such far gone legends that it must be regarded as a 'fair guess' more than anything more substantial. They can be found at coastal areas and shores. Someone have suggested they have to do with navigation, that a quartz crystal can 'search' for the labyrinth and guide a ship to the right shore, the safe way through reefs and other problems.

                        However, they also have some interesting aspects in connection to Hartmann/Curry/Ley lines. I borrow this picture from a book:

                        The 'original' line is the horizontal blue line. The opening to the labyrinth are facing west. The other lines are originating out from the cross section. The one who walks the labyrinth will experience + - + - + - + - fields through the passage from entrance to the labyrinth center. The writers of this book suggests a training ground for dowsers, but maybe a parallell to other kinds of spiritual/esotheric introduction/initiation could be worth considering too.


                        • I also must compliment you, dear Monsieur M, for your ability to tune in and 'read my mind'. When we interact in this thread, you often manage to reply in a way that is almost a blueprint of some of my thoughts of the day, or in some other way that is relevant for me personally.
                          Proof of accuracy to the name of this thread

                          My thought today was conciousness and perception. If we leave every other subjects out, it's only when those two remain it's possible to understand how dowsing works, for instance. There's lots of metaphores building up from that stance, all the way up to our perception of 'physical reality' which should also be seen as a metaphore giving room for experience but the core seems to be those two things. It's not contradictory to spirituality or even religion. I consider our current technocracy as a religion too. Different ideas grinded through human mind.

                          You cannot have a perception of your own conciousness viewed from the outside, so that's the real great mystery, often diminished through religion. It's a greater mystery than levitation, para-this-and-that, which is all perception-based experiences. But let's have fun with those, while we wait for the final answer!


                          • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                            I also must compliment you, dear Monsieur M, for your ability to tune in and 'read my mind'. When we interact in this thread, you often manage to reply in a way that is almost a blueprint of some of my thoughts of the day, or in some other way that is relevant for me personally.
                            Proof of accuracy to the name of this thread
                            Thank you for the Compliment .... But I am merely going with the Flow

                            we live under the same Sun

                            My thought today was conciousness and perception. If we leave every other subjects out, it's only when those two remain it's possible to understand how dowsing works, for instance. There's lots of metaphores building up from that stance, all the way up to our perception of 'physical reality' which should also be seen as a metaphore giving room for experience but the core seems to be those two things. It's not contradictory to spirituality or even religion. I consider our current technocracy as a religion too. Different ideas grinded through human mind.

                            You cannot have a perception of your own conciousness viewed from the outside, so that's the real great mystery, often diminished through religion. It's a greater mystery than levitation, para-this-and-that, which is all perception-based experiences. But let's have fun with those, while we wait for the final answer!
                            Let's keep on Hacking

                            All is Analogy
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                              Thanks for the input re: the length of the rod, I just took it as it came out of the box of gas welding rods, giving it a close to 3:1 shape as someone recommended, and the ~85 degree angle as this give it a better grip to hold, but it makes great sense to tune it in other aspects as well.

                              The 'Trojan fort' are by Swedish folklore (or mainly archeologists?) regarded as having to do with fortune and fertility, but it's such far gone legends that it must be regarded as a 'fair guess' more than anything more substantial. They can be found at coastal areas and shores. Someone have suggested they have to do with navigation, that a quartz crystal can 'search' for the labyrinth and guide a ship to the right shore, the safe way through reefs and other problems.


                              This is very interesting in light of the Vogel Crystal ..... Alpha Quartz ( left Chiral ) has the same shape as your DNA within your body when Dowsing ......

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2012, 06:43 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Just recieved this:

                                I was into rune magic a bit earlier, but put the 'terror helmet' on hold for some reason. Now i know why, it's an 'almost' terror helmet in the cross of the labyrinth! A clue to the labyrinth itself perhaps?

