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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Magic Square of Mercury :

    8 13 14 5 4 8 9 1

    13 6 5 7 8 2 1 11

    5 5 4 8 9 10 9 12

    5 7 8 11 10 11 12 7

    4 8 9 10 9 3 4 6

    8 11 10 2 3 7 6 6

    9 10 9 3 4 6 5 7

    10 2 3 7 6 6 7 12

    one more reduction

    8 4 5 5 4 8 9 1 = 44 = HM 8

    4 6 5 7 8 2 1 2 = 35 = HM 8

    5 5 4 8 9 1 9 3 = 44 = HM 8

    5 7 8 2 1 2 3 7 = 35 = HM 8

    4 8 9 1 9 3 4 6

    8 2 1 2 3 7 6 6

    9 1 9 3 4 6 5 7

    1 2 3 7 6 6 7 3

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-20-2012, 11:48 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • A little Space Weather update

      Solar flares today
      Today, 3 solar flares were observed:
      Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT

      Flare of class C1.8 1598 14:29:00 14:48:00 15:03:00

      Flare of class C2.4 1598 17:18:00 17:37:00 17:46:00

      Flare of class M9.0 1598 18:05:00 18:14:00 18:19:00
      Solar flares online — October 20, 2012
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Linking Patterns :

        The Hyper-dimensional ambassador

        McKenna mapped the history of drug usage, specifically of DMT and psilocybin, arguing that both drugs had been used throughout the ages in Mankind’s effort to enter that dimension and speak with these otherworldly creatures.

        Psilocybin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Molecular formula C12H17N2O4P = 12 17 2 4 1 = 3 8 2 4 1 = 3 9 6 = HM 9

        Phosphorus : Group 15
        Oxygen : Group 8

        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        An Interesting Fact :

        Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Formula C12H16N2 = 12 16 2 = 3 7 2 = 3 9 = 12 = HM 3

        one more thing :

        Carbon : Group 14
        Hydrogen : Group 1
        Nitrogen : Group 15

        14 1 15 = 30 = HM 3

        Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 1)

        ps: don't know much about psychedelic .... except users tend to see fractals ..... see Dr Lsd and free energy Alfred M. Hubbard: Coil Generator

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-21-2012, 02:06 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Heliopolis: Egypt’s radiance

          Heliopolis: Egypt’s radiance

          Heliopolis was ancient Egypt’s most magnificent temple. Today, nothing remains, its stones dispersed over various buildings of medieval Cairo. Equally, its true importance lies scattered in various ancient accounts, from Diodorus Siculus, Plato, and many others.
          But when “Cleopatra’s Needle” was erected in Heliopolis on the orders of Thutmose III around 1450 BC, it was already late in the life of the town. As with so many temples of ancient Egypt, when Heliopolis was born will remain forever shrouded in the mists of time, but we know it existed from the very first Dynasties, with likely origins in Predynastic Egypt.
          Heliopolis, however, was the name the Greeks gave it, and is its most modern name. The city’s Egyptian name was Iunu, “place of pillars”, which in biblical Hebrew was corrupted as On. The site – roughly near Cairo Airport – is now known to the Arabs as Ain Shams, “the well of the sun”. The ancient city walls of crude brick are still to be seen in the fields, giving us an idea of the city’s dimensions and shape: a trapezium of about 1200 meters west to east, and 1000 meters north to south. The funerary stela of Djedatumiufankh states that the thickness of the walls was 15.6 meters. In comparison, the outer walls of the Temple of Amun at Karnak measure 480 by 550 meters, and are less than twelve meters thick.
          Though only fragments of Heliopolis’ city walls remain, they were easily discernable at the time of the French Expedition, and even in 1898, portions of these walls stood ten to twelve meters high. Today, of the temple complex itself, only a sole obelisk remains (one of a pair set up by Senusret I, the second king of the 12th Dynasty), as well as a few granite blocks bearing the name of Ramesses II. Preservation work on the obelisk occurred in the 1950s, when the Antiquity Department gave some attention to Heliopolis. Efforts in the 1970s were done to improve accessibility, but only under Zahi Hawass has Heliopolis been tackled with the respect it is due. Alas, most of the discoveries that have been made date from the Saite period – very late in the history of the temple.

          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          Linking Patterns

          so for the birth Chart area i picked Heliopolis egypt ( city of of the sun ) ...........check out the result ..... might surprise some


          Coordinates: 30°07′46.3″N 31°17′20″E

          30+7+46+3 = 86
          31+17+20 = 68

          86+68= 154 = HM 1

          ps: 03/13/12 or 6 / 13
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-21-2012, 01:52 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • linking a few other Patterns :

            People See Odd Numbers as Male, Even as Female | Grammatical Gender | Psychology & Abstract Concepts | Male & Female Objects | LiveScience

            Daisy Grewal, Scientific American
            Date: 31 August 2011

            People See Odd Numbers as Male, Even as Female


            Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy. Book II. (part 1)

            Chapter viii. Of the Number Five, and the Scale thereof.

            The number five is of no small force, for it consists of the first even, and the first odd, as of a Female, and Male; For an odd number is the Male, and the even the Female. Whence Arithmeticians call that the Father, and this the Mother. Therefore the number five is of no small perfection, or vertue, which proceeds from the mixtion of these numbers: It is also the just midle [middle] of the universal number, viz. ten. For if you divide the number ten, there will be nine and one, or eight and two, or seven and three, or six and four, and every collection makes the number ten, and the exact midle [middle] alwaies is the number five, and its equidistant; and therefore it is called by the Pythagoreans the number of Wedlock, as also of justice, because it divides the number ten in an even Scale. There be five senses in man, sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling: five powers in the soul, Vegetative, Sensitive, Concupiscible, Irascible, Rationall: five fingers on the hand: five wandering Planets in the heavens, according to which there are five-fold terms in every sign. In Elements there are five kinds of mixt [mixed] bodies, viz. Stones, Metals, Plants, Plant-Animals, Animals, and so many kinds of Animals, as men, four-footed beasts, creeping, swimming, flying. And there are five kinds by which all things are rnade of God, viz. Essence, the same, another, sense, motion. The Swallow brings forth but five young, which she feeds with equity, beginning with the eldest, and so the rest, according to their age. Also this number hath great power in expiations: For in holy things it drives away Divels [devils]. In naturall things, it expels poysons [poisons]. It is also called the number of fortunateness, and favour, and it is the Seale of the Holy Ghost, and a bond that binds all things, and the number of the cross, yea eminent with the principall wounds of Christ, whereof he vouchsafed to keep the scars in his glorifyed body. The heathen Philosophers did dedicate it as sacred to Mercury, esteeming the vertue of it to be so much more excellent then the number four, by how much a living thing is more excellent then a thing without life. For in this number the Father Noah found favour with God, and was preserved in the floud [flood] of waters. In the vertue of this number Abraham, being an hundred years old, begat a Son of Sarah, being ninety years old, and a barren Woman, and past child bearing, and grew up to be a great people. Hence in time of grace the name of divine omnipotency is called upon with five letters. For in time of nature the name of God was called upon with three letters. éãù Sadai: in time of the Law, the ineffable name of God was expressed with four letters äåäé insteed of which the Hebrews express éðãà Adonai: in time of grace the ineffable name of God was with five letters äåùäé Ihesu, which is called upon with no less mysterie then that of three letters åùé.

            -------------------------- one more thing :

            65 > 11 > 2 - 65 - 65 = 5x13
            --- (71); supreme Lord; The Lord (divinity). (G D 6+5=11: the formula of completion of the Great Work).

            Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

            = 56 / 65

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2012, 10:26 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Hello. I'm behind with reading due to some work. Thank you MonsieurM, it is always good to read you. There is something I would like to share and hope you don't mind -

              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • blackchisel97 , It is quite alright ...... good to read you too


                one of my fav website posted an interesting article : Rex Research: suppressed, dormant,emerging unconventional alternative technologies: Free energy, Over-Unity, Antigravity, Inventions, Alchemy, Transmutation, Cannabis Hemp Marijuana, Magnet motors, Alternative Therapies"

                Marcel VIOLET -- Substance Activator ( GB82733 )

                In 1961, Marcel Violet, engineer of arts and professions and recognised inventor and scientist of his time, gave the only public lecture of his life during which he revealed his discovery of vitalised water.

                This revelation was later published as a book: "The Secret of the Patriarchs: Essay on the Nature of Biological Energy - Perspective on its Use in the Field of Self-Defense and as a Factor of Rejuvenation". In regards to his work, and after successful experiments
                He discovered that beeswax, properly prepared, is a selective filter of cosmic radiation, all of which is explained in detail in the conference. The Magnetic Fountain integrates this discovery, while incorporating the resonant frequency of the Cosmic C, which constitutes an additional vital information. How to check this, is explained in two minutes. We owe the magnetic resonance characteristics found in the Magnetic Fountain to the works of the great and underrated Nikola Tesla.
                here is the interesting part :

                At the Time of Tesla .... they often used Beeswax

                The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                To make a more heavy duty coil, impregnate the coil in a 1:1 ratio of molten beeswax and rosin, melted by induction
                stove or a double boiler (NEVER over direct heat, it will cause a flash fire!). It helps to increase the size of the coil
                to prevent over-stressing the insulation. For example, a 2-3" diameter coil will operate easily for extended periods
                of time. At any rate, apply a small amount of current to the coil while the wax mixture is cooling. This procedure
                also works well with condensers. By stressing the components while the insulation is cooling, minute air bubbles
                are forced out of the interstices by the mechanical actions of the currents flowing through the devices. It is important
                to keep the current low as not to over stress the insulation while it is cooling.
                Schematics Illustrated

                Nikola Tesla exhausted his coils and capacitors for insulating purposes in a pressure tank while melting the beeswax and paraffin mixture with steam permeating the mix into the smallest spaces to force out all gas bubbles, which was the reason his equipment was capable to stand these high electrical pressures and extremely rapid potentials.

                The Magnetic Fountain also contains a magnetic vortex, a sort of swirling magnetic field, which rotates the water molecules. All serious chemists know that the water molecule is electrically asymmetrical, so it aligns with magnetic fields. The Magnetic Fountain's vortex is made based on the work of Schauberger. A short film on the La Fontaine Magnétique website helps us understand the presence and effect of the vortex due to its spinning top. Another film which shows and explains the water vortex is also available for free.
                La Fontaine Magnétique - Fontaine Magnétique

                The "Magnetic Fountain" has a cylindrical shape, in which anisotropic ceramics are incorporated. This device accelerates the vibratory rate, and therefore increases the energy levels of the processed substances. The results is a significant increase of the wave of life, or increased vitality. Drinks and food are to be magnetized in / or on the receptacle provided for that purpose, and are instantly revitalized with a rotation of the levitating ring by the hand of the user. The "Magnetic Fountain" is very simple to use.

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2012, 05:30 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Yi LU, et al. DNA-Gold Nanoparticle Geometry

                  DNA holds the genetic code for all sorts of biological molecules and traits. But University of Illinois researchers have found that DNA's code can similarly shape metallic structures.

                  The team found that DNA segments can direct the shape of gold nanoparticles -- tiny gold crystals that have many applications in medicine, electronics and catalysis. Led by Yi Lu, the Schenck Professor of Chemistry at the U. of I., the team published its surprising findings in the journal Angewandte Chemie.
                  salt solution deposits onto the seeds. Lu's group incubated the gold seeds with short segments of DNA before adding the salt solution, causing the particles to grow into various shapes determined by the genetic code of the DNA.

                  The DNA alphabet comprises four letters: A, T, G and C. The term genetic code refers to the sequence of these letters, called bases. The four bases and their combinations can bind differently with facets of gold nanoseeds and direct the nanoseeds' growth pathways, resulting in different shapes.

                  In their experiments, the researchers found that strands of repeating A's produced rough, round gold particles; T's, stars; C's, round, flat discs; G's, hexagons. Then the group tested DNA strands that were a combination of two bases, for example, 10 T's and 20 A's. They found that many of the bases compete with each other resulting in intermediate shapes, although A dominates over T.

                  Next, the researchers plan to investigate exactly how DNA codes direct nanoparticle growth. They also plan to apply their method to synthesize other types of nanomaterials with novel applications.

                  --------------------- let's keep on linking Patterns :

                  Marcel Pages -- The Challenge of AntiGravity -- English translation

                  AntiGravity Propulsion Experiments

                  Dr. Marcel Pages

                  In 1959, Dr. Marcel Pages proposed a theory at the International Congress of Satellites and Missiles, wherein gravity is not caused by the attraction of the Earth, but is caused by the repulsion of the Cosmos. Accordingly, the force which we call gravitation, he called 'sheer concentrated protonic energy'.

                  He supported his theory with a design of an antigravity machine which liberated itself from the force of gravity by an electric field rotating at the speed of light around the vehicle. This rotating field also suppressed mass inertia!

                  His design principle was tested successfully on small pieces of mica.

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2012, 05:53 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Can your body sense future events without any external clue?

                    Wouldn't it be amazing if our bodies prepared us for future events ( like a solar flare ) that could be very important to us, even if there's no clue about what those events will be?
                    Presentiment without any external clues may, in fact, exist, according to new Northwestern University research that analyzes the results of 26 studies published between 1978 and 2010.

                    Researchers already know that our subconscious minds sometimes know more than our conscious minds. Physiological measures of subconscious arousal, for instance, tend to show up before conscious awareness that a deck of cards is stacked against us.

                    "What hasn't been clear is whether humans have the ability to predict future important events even without any clues as to what might happen," said Julia Mossbridge, lead author of the study and research associate in the Visual Perception, Cognition and Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern.

                    A person playing a video game at work while wearing headphones, for example, can't hear when his or her boss is coming around the corner.

                    "But our analysis suggests that if you were tuned into your body, you might be able to detect these anticipatory changes between two and 10 seconds beforehand and close your video game," Mossbridge said. "You might even have a chance to open that spreadsheet you were supposed to be working on. And if you were lucky, you could do all this before your boss entered the room."

                    This phenomenon is sometimes called "presentiment," as in "sensing the future," but Mossbridge said she and other researchers are not sure whether people are really sensing the future.
                    more ..... in the link


                    Ninja's have a similar mystical approach

                    Ninja Mind Control


                    Introduction 3

                    The Warrior-Mystic: Levels of Training 5

                    The Nei Ching 10

                    Chi Kung: Breathing Exercises 13

                    Kuji-Kiri: The Nine Levels of Power 15

                    The Five Elements 22

                    Nei Kung : Internal Strength 27

                    Mental Powers 30

                    Mi Lu Kata: The Lost Track Form 36

                    The Hidden Masters: Spirit Helpers 66

                    Postscript 69
                    "There are no extraordinary men, only ordinary men in extraordinary situations.

                    Those who have purchased this volume with the idea of employing mind control to further
                    their own selfish motives will be sadly disappointed. Indeed, such manipulations would be con-
                    sidered by some to be "black magic," and thus "evil." Such attempts will almost certainly bring
                    about the self-inflicted downfall of the perpetrator.
                    What we shall teach is far more valuable: You shall learn how to control your own mind. You
                    are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery
                    that reach from the inner sanctum of the mind to the outer limits of reality.
                    These pages contain the most profound and ancient exercises ever recorded. Do not begin
                    them lightly, or without proper respect, for they are powerful in the extreme and will almost
                    certainly change your life for the better. Once begun, there can be no going back to the past, or
                    leaping forward into the future. There is only the reality of now.
                    These movements will balance the flow of energy in the body, thereby healing old wounds
                    and filling the self with vitality. That is their first benefit. It is often said, "What good are all
                    the treasures of the earth, if one does not have health?" These exercises will give you health.
                    This will not happen immediately, of course. The effects of all yogic postures, like those of
                    meditation, are cumulative. One simply starts, and before long, one notices that some ache or
                    pain, which was obvious at the outset, now seems much improved or has vanished altogether.
                    Surely these rewards of daily exercise, the maintenance and well being of the body, are worth a
                    few minutes of time. Surely you did not expect to read one chapter and have instant mind con-
                    trol over the masses. Whatever effort would have been expended toward that goal can much
                    better be spent on the improvement of oneself; that is a far nobler mission, to be certain.
                    The second benefit of these techniques is the gradual development of the ability to direct, or
                    conversely, to act in accordance with, the flow of energy within the physical body. With this
                    power, one transcends the lower levels of consciousness that impede progress toward the reali-
                    zation of one's true nature and place in the universe.
                    Once we have acquired self-knowledge and understand the way of Nature, it is clearly evident
                    that no one can control the actions of another. In fact, if we can learn to control our own wants
                    and needs, let alone our fears and desires, we shall have accomplished a great deal. When that
                    is achieved, we shall no longer seek to control others, or even to interfere in their lives by giv-
                    ing advice. We shall glow with the vitality and energy of inner peace.
                    Seeking only to improve ourselves, we shall be seen as good examples to follow; and divest-
                    ing ourselves of petty ambition in order to pursue this great goal, we-shall be known as follow-
                    ers of peace. Because we know our inner strength cannot be threatened, we are unlikely to feel
                    the need for power over others. In this way, the true power can be achieved, because others,
                    motivated by self-interest, will want to know how we can do the things we shall learn herein.
                    And when they ask, we must tell them freely, and share all that we have, so that they, too, can
                    find the Way.


                    want to try an experience to see how the power of music works

                    well tried it a while back (before this discussion) ..... did mention that i used to play Call of Duty multiplayer ( when they had private servers ) .... Actually kind of reach a certain level of proficiency that the game got a little boring ( tried all the weapons until i got good at them .... then reached a wall where things were not all that challenging ( still got my A** kicked a few times but the thrill was gone ) .......Until Discovered playing Call Of Duty with Music Only no sound from the Game .............. a whole new Dimension opened

                    ...... then reality became much much much more interesting .... ie our discussion

                    Tinariwen - Tenere Taqhim Tossam (Official Video) - YouTube
                    Kamui no Ken OST 11. Go_kaku no ****ou - YouTube

                    Ninja Cats

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2012, 06:34 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • a little solar update :

                      Solar flares today
                      Today, 2 solar flares were observed:
                      Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT
                      Flare of class X1.8 1598 03:13:00 03:17:00 03:21:00

                      Flare of class C1.6 0 06:03:00 06:10:00 06:15:00

                      Solar flares yesterday
                      Yesterday, 5 solar flares were observed:
                      Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT

                      Flare of class C3.4 1598 00:21:00 00:26:00 00:36:00

                      Flare of class C1.6 1598 01:37:00 01:40:00 01:42:00

                      Flare of class C6.3 1593 15:52:00 16:03:00 16:10:00

                      Flare of class M5.0 1598 18:38:00 18:51:00 19:01:00

                      Flare of class C1.3 1593 22:35:00 22:39:00 22:44:00
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Just found this website ...... quite informative and nice sense of humor

                        6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can't Explain |

                        5 Real Life Soldiers Who Make Rambo Look Like a Pussy |

                        6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened |

                        6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly |

                        5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible |

                        The 9 Most Badass Bible Verses |

                        8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think |

                        It's a well-worn symbol of America's struggle with racism--the broken promise by the U.S. government to issue freed African slaves each 40 acres of land and a mule after the Civil War. The idea is that 150 years after the end of slavery, African Americans are still waiting for that goddamn mule.
                        more articles to explore 6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America |

                        originally found here : 6 Ridiculous Lies You Believe About the Founding of America | Science and Technology
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-23-2012, 12:02 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • In light of our discussion ... the brain ......

                          the following totally makes sense :

                          7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art |

                          we have discussed the Artist previously

                          #7. The Floating Brain God or Mind

                          Michelangelo's ode to the Book of Genesis, The Creation of Adam, has endured not only as the most famous of the Sistine Chapel panels, but also one of the single most iconic images of humanity.

                          Wait, What the Hell?

                          Look closely. It turns out that the figures of God, His angels and even the soon-to-be-created Eve under His arm form a nearly perfect cross-section of the human brain.While some might dismiss this as a coincidence, experts suggest that it would be harder to explain that this was not Michelangelo's intention. Even complex components within the brain, such as the cerebellum, optic chiasm and pituitary gland can all be found in the picture. As for that sassy green sash running down the pons/spinal column/dude-holding-God-up, it follows the path of the vertebral artery perfectly.

                          Along with drawing, painting, sculpting, St. Peter's Basilica building and generally being among the universe's top bananas, Michelangelo counted cadaver dissecting as a favorite way to pass the time. He was so mad about corpse-cutting, in fact, that a friend once presented him with a perfectly formed dead Moor as a gift.
                          considering the Pine Cone found in the Vatican ( ie: Pineal Gland )

                          .... you learn everyday
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Bees

                            here is the interesting part :

                            At the Time of Tesla .... they often used Beeswax

                            The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum Tesla Library

                            Schematics Illustrated


                            La Fontaine Magnétique - Fontaine Magnétique



                            Thanks MrM, re beeswax- It put me in mind of the Vedic culture as well as Rosslyn Chapel, Edinburgh. There is a theory put forward that Rosslyn Chapel was a giant resonating chamber. It was powered by heat in order to resonate to the 432 hz frequency, with the addition of sound through chant the music this would push the brain further towards the same frequency, leading to a unity of consciousness. The temperature required to gestate a beehive is 33.72 C or 93.7 F- the same temperature was required to power up the chapel/chamber at Rosslyn. There is a beehive on the top of the chapel just to remind us of their importance- if you care to look up.
                            This process was employed to enable the spirit of the dead body to ascend to a new dimension, and possibly for other healing work.

                            Perhaps the scientists need to play music to their creations in order to bring them to life?



                            • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                              here is the interesting part :

                              Thanks MrM, re beeswax- It put me in mind of the Vedic culture as well as Rosslyn Chapel, Edinburgh. There is a theory put forward that Rosslyn Chapel was a giant resonating chamber. It was powered by heat in order to resonate to the 432 hz frequency, with the addition of sound through chant the music this would push the brain further towards the same frequency, leading to a unity of consciousness. The temperature required to gestate a beehive is 33.72 C or 93.7 F- the same temperature was required to power up the chapel/chamber at Rosslyn. There is a beehive on the top of the chapel just to remind us of their importance- if you care to look up.
                              This process was employed to enable the spirit of the dead body to ascend to a new dimension, and possibly for other healing work.

                              Excellent Pattern Linking , S ..... as expected

                              Perhaps the scientists need to play music to their creations in order to bring them to life?

                              and yes they should .....


                              There is a theory put forward that Rosslyn Chapel was a giant resonating chamber. It was powered by heat in order to resonate to the 432 hz frequency
                              432 hz is your carrier wave .... see method used by Dr Rife .... in his rife machine

                              once inside .... one will resonate to this heat and vibration ( same thing )


                              rife considered cancer as a virus ..... check this out :

                              Oncovirus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              nowhere you will see his name as a ref ...... the destiny of true discoverers
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-24-2012, 03:03 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • 432

                                432 hz is your carrier wave .... see method used by Dr Rife .... in his rife machine

                                once inside .... one will resonate to this heat and vibration ( same thing )

                                Yes. We can do this through music (listening, playing, responding), changing/charging the ambient frequencies, all the technology is inside of us as you say. With a few well places crystals (bees wax candles) and good intention we can help ourselves to heal at a cellular level. We know that musicians brains are different from brains with less musical exposure. It would be interesting to see the orthodox medical profession engage with the ideas of Rife et al ...

